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Dane Wigington

The Park Fire, one of the largest and most fierce in California's history, is right on my doorstep, time to prepare. This is the latest in a long and growing list of unprecedented firestorms. Will the record fires all over the world finally wake the masses? Breaking dire headlines about the rapidly deteriorating state of the environment are pouring in from so many directions that it is impossible to cover all the incoming reports. The heat, fires and constant smoke canopy in Northern California are relentless. The Park Fire is only one of dozens burning in the Western US, in many parts of the world the firestorm situation is the same. Without enough functional habitat the human race will not survive, how long can the current trend continue? What will be the response of global governments to all that is unfolding? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

In the coming weeks and months, headlines of our imploding biosphere will accelerate rapidly.  Now is the time when we will see what we are made of, now is the time when we must all take a stand for the greater good. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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62 Responses

  1. Thank you Dane for another broadcast with weather news from around the world. Every week it reminds me that the climate really is collapsing and I need to prepare to survive, at least for a little while. Hearing about the heat at your home in Northern CA makes me appreciate being kept cooler (for now) where I live, near Houston. But hearing about the polar ice melting is just plain scary!

    My favorite part was your discussion of normalcy bias, denial and cognitive dissonance. At times I can identify each of those operating as I go about my day to day activities. This proves to me that I need each week's broadcast to stay focused on the "wider horizon". It's what's most important!


  2. Weather that was forecast for Oregon did not happen! Upper level water vapor thinned out and any buildups just faded away. Desiccated? You decide.  

  3. Super Desiccant – Graphene Oxide

    "The super desiccant is based on graphene – an extremely thin form of carbon – and is made of layers of graphene oxide. The researchers showed the material's extraordinary adsorption and desorption rates were due to the high capillary pressure in the laminates and tunnel-like wrinkles on their surfaces – processes which had not previously been understood."

    Imagine spaying this into the atmosphere using aircraft to dry it out. Oh, wait, they already do! This "stuff" is not new!

    1. Many things that the predator class deploys have multiple functions. Graphene also inhibits the production of glutathione by the liver, thus weakening the immune system. How convenient for them…

    2. Graphene is very dangerous because of its size. It can make micro cuts in our arteries, veins and any organs it migrates into. Thank you for information about it being a desiccant, too, but it's clear from the scene in The Dimming, when they show the spike on the screen of the lab tests, that there is much more aluminum than anything else being tested for. I think it must be much more responsible for the drying out, plus it accelerates the burning of forest fires. It may not be as small, only 1 molecule thick for graphene, but nano sized particles of aluminum are implicated in Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases, as well as other diseases.

  4. Weather forecast for today on ventusky.com showed thunderstorms forming all up and down the Cascade Range! DID NOT HAPPEN! Why? Weather images in different wavelengths of light show aerosol "trails" being let out west and north of Lake Tahoe earlier today. Did they release "desiccants" to dry out the air mass so that they wouldn't form? Sure looks that way to me! Upper level water vapor became thinner and thinner as it moved north toward Oregon. Mid and lower level water vapor images show air masses are very dry. Only small cumulus clouds formed that were scattered all over eastern Oregon. That's it!  

  5. Two big fires NE of Roseburg in the Cascade Range been burning for weeks. Letting them burn? Toxic smoke at higher altitudes has now dropped down to ground level over all of Douglas County and some of the surrounding counties. Heat Warning in place in many areas. High expected to be 100 to 105 in many places, Roseburg included. 68F this morning at 6am. Didn't cool down much. Quite humid too. Will this heat be enough to cause the formation of thunderstorm cells? Hasn't yet, but its possible this afternoon. Watching. 

  6. Everyone here has something unique and individual to contribute, and I am grateful. There's so many people here who are willing to take their time to share their scientific knowledge of the weather patterns as well as their observations of things that are happening with the weather in their locations. 

    I believe that my main contributions are to share encouragement in our awareness-raising efforts, to share the idea that it is love that undergirds all those efforts, and to emphasize the importance of bearing in mind the Divine Order with which all life on this planet, and the universe itself, was designed. 

    I sincerely hope that these things are helpful to people. To that end, I was studying the design of owl feathers. For those who do not know this, most owls are nocturnal hunters. Most of them hunt small prey such as mice and voles, and to do so effectively, they must be very quiet and very fast. I've had them fly by, one time right over my head, and they are completely silent when flying. When flying. If one did not see it, one might only know something passed by because of the wind from its flapping wings. I have been studying these Wing feathers and other feathers of owls off and on since childhood. Recently a great horned owl apparently got struck and killed on a local road. I collected its body yesterday and buried it with reverence and prayer at the back of the property. I blessed its spirit and honored it. In looking carefully at those feathers, particularly the wing feathers and the tail feathers, it turns out that the underside of the feathers is the scratchy side, to where if you were to rub two of these sides of the feathers together, they would make a scratchy sound. However, the tops of the wing and tail feathers have very specialized fuzzy design, almost like felt or velvet. Completely different from the underside of the feathers. Therefore, when the owl is flying, the underside of one feather sits on top and slides against the top fuzzy side of the next feather, so they are completely silent. Many years ago a great horned owl flew right over my head one day, maybe a foot or two over my head, and while I saw it, it made no sound at all. It's really quite amazing and again points to a highly ordered and in fact perfect design. The Divine order of the design of all living things, just like with the order of natural weather systems, points to a very deliberate and planned creation. This is but one of countless examples that to my mind, quietly testifies to the miracle of Life. It is the miraculous life and the miraculous balance of weather systems, temperature, wind, rain, sun light, etc.,  with which the world was created, that made it possible for life to flourish here. That balance of nature, that harmony, is what we were seeking to re-establish through our efforts to inform others about the weather warfare programs, with the hope of doing our best to be a part of re-establishing the balance of life. If only the predator class would get out of the way and stop the deliberate poisoning of our skies…

    There is not a very strong direct connection here with geoengineering awareness, other than emphasize that every part of the balance of life, all the way down to the physical and even physiological design of living things points to a highly ordered world, the balance of which is being severely disrupted.

    I had already been out last night to feed the little ones. Shortly afterwards I went to bed, only to be woken up by my German Shepherd, who has different barks for different purposes. She made one of her very loud fox barks. In spite of all the food I put out daily for them, there was a fox in the side yard, and while very beautiful, as they all are, it was so very thin. 

    I like to buy extra uncured beef hot dogs for such times as these. So I quietly went out on the back porch and threw the hot dogs one at a time towards the base of a tree under which the fox was looking for food. It was so happy to see these hot dogs apparently raining down from the sky. It started jumping up and down. It grabbed a hot dog and ran off to go eat it. A few minutes later, it came back and got another one and then took off to eat it. And so on and so forth. 

    We do not have a lot of toads here anymore, apparently. We do however have one large toad that has been with us for a while. Early in the morning it is usually still out on the deck hunting for insects, attracted by the porch lights that I keep on just for that purpose, to attract insects for the few toads and tree frogs that still live around the house. 

    We still have quite a few beetles, and I usually will take one each morning and put it on the deck near the toad for its breakfast.

    Be encouraged in your awareness raising efforts. No good thing is done in vain. This week, I sent yet another group email to members of my state legislature. I shall continue doing this as long as I'm able. The answer, the reply, from the state legislature- crickets. They still have yet to find their courage. This will not keep me from doing my best. However. I'm grateful for others in this audience who are contacting their elected representatives.

    Be encouraged…

  7. Based on the reports I'm seeing the situation in the Middle East between the State of Israel and the Islamic nations is about to erupt into a major full scale regional war. Could be why there is talk about instituting another "lockdown" like the one that happened in 2020. Yeah, that's what it really was. They could do this by declaring a "climate emergency" which is also being talked about. By the way, when does a simulated "exercise" become a live "exercise"? 

  8. Satellite images of the smoke caused by the "fires" on the COD and NASA websites are being "filtered"! The smoke is much worse than they are showing and covers large areas!

  9. Dense toxic smoke now all over the Roseburg area and surrounding areas. Causing congestion, irritated throat, and stings the eyes. Am staying inside yet this is happen? Went through this when the Caldor Fire exploded when living in South Lake Tahoe. Visibility less than a mile here for sure. Can't see the mountain located about 2 miles south of here. Pollen count is a joke as well as air quality readings. Fires in the mountains east of here are causing this. Anyone with breathing problems and the elderly will not do well. Some are suggesting using N95 masks but this will do nothing to stop inhaling toxic nanoparticles in the smoke. The insanity continues. 

  10. Making a geoengineering wrap less awkward & how to overcome it: 

    It helps to plan an 'ice breaker' topic.  I wore the new- white 'Stop Climate Engineering' t-shirt.  I had three awareness booklets in my car.  I drove to and from a natural health dentist (tooth problem) & dropped off one booklet there.  Ice breaker?  Since you remove toxic metals- btw toxic metals are in global cloud seeding ops.

    Next stop, a big suburban city center.  Plan: ice breaker topic of parks & recreation (my college minor), and former legislator of this suburb who co-authored Minnesota's permanent Conservation funding/land set-aside bill.  

    Long ago I took part in helping to pass that bill.  The clerk at city center desk just happened to be a next door neighbor of former co-author John Rose to whom a local park is dedicated.  Bingo!  Instant rapport then a following wrap.  The clerk was eager to investigate this awareness booklet.   

    We can do this!  And remember, even the greatest athletes in the world can get the 'twisties' but Simone Biles is a jumping exclamation point of the triumph of will.  I will write up to a three sentence summary of this on YouTube.  Then, back to house chores.

  11. Here in the Roseburg, OR area in Douglas County the toxic smoke from fires burning east of here on the north side of the North Umpqua River has returned after being blown to the east the last couple of days by a not-so-cold front that moved down from the NW Pacific Ocean. A group of 4 fires burning just north of the Calapooya Divide have merged into one big fire. Flight tracker showed at least 2 large aircraft flying back and forth from the Redmond airport dropping fire retardant (which is toxic) on the east side of the now quite large fire. Total acres burned is approx. 15,000. This mornings satellite images shows this fire continuing to get bigger. As I mentioned in another comment an upper level band of water vapor rotating counter-clockwise is moving north out over the Pacific along the CA coast that will setup off the OR/CA border. RGB satellite images show "dust" is present in this water vapor (not normal dust either). The I-5 corridor of OR is now under a "heat advisory" and there are some "fire weather warnings" in other areas now showing on the maps. As this upper level water vapor moves in the possibility of thunderstorms on 8/1 and especially 8/2 over OR will increase. High temp today in the mid 90s rising to 100 or 105 by the weekend. Looking for "Red Flag Warnings" to be posted soon. Parts of northern CA may be impacted too. As usual standing by, waiting and watching, which is really all that one can do.       

    1. Smoke that was at higher elevations is now down at ground level here in the Roseburg and surrounding areas. East wind causing this. Air quality is not good and not because of pollen! One of the staff at the apartment complex we're living in came by this morning and put a notice on the door. Its says they're going to conduct a fire sprinkler test and a back check of the water system tomorrow, Aug. 1st. The check will be conducted whether we're home or not starting at 9am. Water will be shutoff for a short time. Interesting timing considering the possibility of dry lightning storms forming in the afternoon of the 1st and specifically on the 2nd. Just a precaution, I'm sure.  

  12. This is a nice story. I just went out to pick figs a few minutes ago. I left approximately half of the figs on the trees for the animals. They were also large congregations of green June beetles eating the figs. I was so grateful to see them and to see that they had food this year. I did not mess with them at all of course. I rinsed the figs off when I got inside and was slicing them to put them in the dehydrator when I found a lone June beetle that I had mistakenly kidnapped. So I took it back out to the fig trees and set it gently down on one of the clumps of figs where the other beetles were congregated having dinner. That way it could join its kind. 

    These seemingly small things in life, such as even having fruit on your trees. Seeing insects, are so very meaningful. We may not always have that. I made sure that I gave thanks for the fruit and was reminded of the way indigenous people would harvest things from nature, only taking what they needed and always leaving some for others such as the little ones. 

    Blessings to you all

    1. Jonathan you are amazing. It is a blessing to have you on this Earth at this time ,as is the case with our GeoWatch family! Love you for your kindness and attention to the smallest of details.  I know our Creator feels the same way.  : )

    2. Dear Earth Angel, thank you so much for the kind words. I am honored to be counted among you all.

      Interestingly, this morning at the supermarket, I found a very large beetle, I'm not sure what it's called, almost 2 in Long. It is a brownish green with spots. It was on its back with its legs twitching in vain. I picked it up and put it in my shirt pocket while I went inside to get a few things and then took it home. It seemed to be poorly able to balance, I'll that one point it seemed to relax while I was holding it on the drive home. It seems to have a hard time staying upright. I don't know if it was the victim of some sort of pesticide or if it was dehydrated or too hot or perhaps a victim of aluminum in the air or perhaps nearing the end of its earthly life. I took the beetle home and gave it several drops of hummingbird food and water through the course of the day with a toothpick. It is inside out of the heat In a large bowl with several lightly moistened paper towels to cover it. I said a prayer for it and am monitoring it. I hope it will be better in the morning.

  13. I have a question for everybody. Dane, I would appreciate your thoughts on this as well. Where does everybody think that the predator class thinks that they will live after they incinerate all the forests, pollute the air, the soil and the water, fry the Earth with ultraviolet radiation, and suffocate everything under heat domes around the world? Is the movie, Elysium, predictive programming?

    1.     Brother Jonathan: my thoughts about this are based on some things i have read. The elites, many of them have access to personal transportation private aircraft. Many have underground facilities, and i don’t mean just fallout shelters but fully staffed residences that are off grid well stocked with security in place. Also because of being privy to many of the dangers they have created for us, they possibly are located in places of lesser impact from their malicious projects. In my own way of thinking, they assume that the injured, warring and starving masses will self destruct as to achieve their population reduction goals.They most likely believe that they will be the ultimately survivors and rulers of the remnants left for them to fully control. At that point maybe their plan is to clean things up and restore our planet to health. Well!  this will be a dead end foiled project. Ultimately because of their competitive nature they will ultimately destroy each other as rivals often do. So to answer Your question to the point Jonathan; they are arrogant,selfish, misguided beings without remorse and they do not take the time to consider their own failures morphing from one failed project into the next.



    I find it incredible how you present your heartfelt reality week after week and always seem to up your game. And now with fire at your doorsstep, it is even more amazing.

    I wold like to add my best wishes for the health and safety for you and your loved ones, and all who face the dangers and destruction of the wildfires and other terrors of the geoengineering that you fight. May God protect you and all those  innocent people and other lifeforms of God's creation who are affected by the evils that you work so hard to stop.

    This week I found your discussion of "psychological warfare" especially interesting. Mind control is a serious weapon that has taken place with programs like MK Ultra back when much of contemporary globalism had entered the post WWII period. After hundreds of years of partially bound hands, the controllers are unfortunately bursting at the seams with "scientific achievement." 

    As I have said many times in the past, your dedication and hard work, particularly your "Global Alert News," provides me with an injection that really works each time it's administered.

    You also mentioned how the problem of silence exaggerates our situation. And I definitely agree that we have the obligation to Our Maker to work to preserve the creation that He has loaned to us.

    I believe that a poem from from Dietrich Bonhoeffer somewhat sums up much of what you have said: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."

    God Bless you Dane and all others who have the wherewithal to use the Lord's gifts if intellect and free will to serve Him and His creation.

  15. What should be a "cold front", but its too warm to be considered cold, is moving over the Pacific Northwest states. Some toxic rain falling north of Roseburg, OR, where I now live. Earlier today some individual clouds, not dense but misty looking, moved over the area and toxic moisture was falling out of them but not reaching the ground. Sunday there were a lot of aerosols being released out over the Pacific as the front moved SE toward the coast. Some aerosol lines were clearly visible in some moisture that was moving over OR too. All this is headed east over Idaho and into Montana where thunderstorms are expected to develop later this week. After studying the extended forecasts and simulations it appears that on Aug 1st and 2nd there is good chance for thunderstorms to develop over OR. The 2nd is the day that is showing a very good chance of thunderstorms. A "cut-off" low is shown forming out over the ocean off the southern border of OR/CA, the counter-clockwise spin of which will draw in moisture off the ocean that will feed the development of thunderstorms. No rain shown falling so likely they will be dry-lightning storms. Temps to be in the mid to upper 90s. Could be bad.  

    1. Yep I read where another cold front is expected to make its way into Texas this coming weekend. The temperatures will drop from between 104 and 107, down to only 99 degrees!

      Brrrr! Time to get out the fall sweaters and jackets! But, just three days later it goes up to between 107 to 110 degrees to usher in the beginning of August. What a sick joke, because I'm not laughing… but the forecasters are. I feel so bad for all of my friends in Texas, and I know they are truly hating life right now. Heat indecies are expected to reach between 128 and 134 degrees. But the weather apps and forecast say that the heat index will only reach 118 degrees at its highest, because they always lie about the true humidity numbers. "Still Not Laughing".

    2. Dear Lance and Eden… I do believe there is a chance that we can turn things around through our awareness raising efforts, and thank you for all of the information you make available. If I could make one respectful suggestion, you have so much information to share about your observations,  perhaps you could share some of that information on the YouTube link to each week's broadcast. So many people go to the YouTube link and not this website, so they would benefit from all the information that you guys provide.

  16. SOLAR ACTIVITY IS HIGH: Sunspot complex AR3765-67 is crackling with strong flares–and they're getting stronger. An impulsive X1.5 flare this morning at 0237 UT caused a deep shortwave radio blackout over Japan, southeast Asia and Australia (map). More X-flares are in the offing as the sunspot complex turns directly toward Earth later today. (spaceweather.com)

    Shields are weak that protect the earth according to Dane. Lights could go out in many places! 

  17. Dane I hope you and  your family and neighbors all stay safe and do the best that you can during these difficult extreme heat and fires.

  18. Oct of 2020

    "In the near future the world may need to resort to lockdowns again due to a "climate emergency!"

    (WBCSD – World Business Council for Sustainable Development)


    1. Boy, they're really getting desperate, ain't they?  NOTHING "they" are gonna do will stop this.  They're in complete denial. And I believe that "they" are getting "lone nuts" arsonists to go around setting and sparking these massive fires.  Like the nut job who pushed a burning car downhill into a park near Chico, as if that area hasn't had enough trouble.

  19. Here's one for the absurdity files.

    A new rain tax is coming to all property owners soon, even though it already exists in some states.

    The county tax collector will be authorized to charge property owners a particular amount per square inch of surface that allow the rain to run off and not collect it through ground absorption.

    So, if you have concrete or asphalt driveways and parking areas, concrete sidewalks and even wooden decks. They will be taxed.

    Roofs will also be taxed if you have a gutter system that directs the flow of water to the street, and even pools will be taxed because it wastes fresh water runoff by making it useless for plant growth. Chlorine kills vegetation, but if you have a grass roof then it is exempt.

    These new taxes can easily grow to be ten times what you already pay annually and many homeowners have already been foreclosed on and evicted, because they are unable to pay their extreme rain taxes.

    The reason why the new rain taxes go beyond absurdity, is that these are the people who benefit from this new form of revenue (racketeering). Because they own the most fresh water rights in America and they can legally charge anyone who wastes the fresh water that falls from the sky. All of these people and industries are also the ones who dreamed up a rain tax in one of their think tank sessions. 

    Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Goldman Sachs, and Salesforce. The very same people and entities that support or even help to fund geoengineering, and even though it is diabolical, it's also genius. Because what better way to get all American homeowners to pay for the very droughts that they create.

    Instead of building giant storage plants to collect the rain water runoff flowing down streets and roadside ravines, they choose to make us pay for their lack of responsible actions.

    Move along folks. Nothing new to look at here. Just the same old insanity as usual.

    1. Newsflash TO THE racketeers owning the fresh water rights and to the money grubbing politicians imposing these ridiculous new taxes: As Dane points out so frequently, the rainwater falling from the sky is no longer FRESH. Its full of toxic nanoparticulates of metals, plastics and God knows what else… so the point of these taxations are moot. DUH!

    2. Earth Angel,

      And that's what makes this so utterly insane. Because these elites and fortune 500 businesses are going to get even richer by collecting the rain tax revenue, and they know that the rain is no longer fresh. They know it is full of toxic chemicals, and that's why they don't want to build irrigation systems that will collect the runoff from residential areas.

      But because they still call it fresh water and use that "term" as way to legally collect taxes on every single drop that is wasted. It literally makes everyone believe that it is safe to drink and won't kill everyone's backyard gardens, or harm their pets.

      If they spent the money to build collection systems, they would have to treat and filter the water, before it could be sold to water utility companies and farmers. But they know it would be a waste of time, because you cannot treat toxins with even more toxic chemicals, and nothing filters out the nano-sized particulates.

      However, even if they did collect it and store it, they would never treat it or filter it, because that would expose the fact that it is toxic to begin with.

      So, they came up with the perfect solution for all of that in their think tank sessions, and the rain tax was their brainchild.

      What will they dream up next? A Snow Tax charged to all ski resorts for wasting precious fresh water that that can't be used any more. Because the metal and resin form everyone's skis contaminates the snow that would melt into fresh water in the late Spring. 

      Don't eat the snow. It will kill you, but not before you are charged insanely absurd snow taxes first. 

      Did you know that some states won't even allow you to place rain collection barrels under you gutter spouts. it's against the law and they will dump the water out then arrest you for trying to conserve on your water bill. They do that because they know the rain is toxic and it keeps people from having it tested, before using it in their gardens.

  20. Having been an Alan Landsburg fan for nearly 50 years, It appears that many, if not most, ancient civilizations and ancient cultures had astonishingly accurate knowledge of the heavens. Many ancient megalithic sites have been found to precisely correlate with, for example, the solstices and the equinoxes. Presumably, this had importance for many reasons, not the least of which was the timing of agriculture for planting and harvesting.

    This went on for thousands of years. Possibly longer. Think about this. Many ancient cultures built advanced civilizations, and many possessed precise astronomical knowledge. If such knowledge made it possible to accurately determine the proper timing for the sowing of grains and so forth, imagine how stable the weather patterns must have been, at least in general. 

    Anyone who gardens, even on a small scale, like I do, has seen nearly complete chaos in their apparent gardening skills in the last few years. Of course, it's not so much a lack of skill as it is the weather modification programs disrupting the balance and the order upon which our world, and the universe, were founded.

    For an unimaginably long period of time, human civilization and the balance of life on this planet were more or less stable, minus a few hiccups. In approximately 200 years or less, this balance has been almost completely destroyed. This is an extremely grave. Harbinger of what is coming and in fact already upon us. 

    If this does not motivate people, who might have otherwise been on the fence so to speak, To focus time and energy on raising awareness about these programs as far as wide as possible, I don't know what else will.

    1. Yes !  Lance I cannot remember a worse garden as i have this year. Normally if any crop failure i experience is only one or two vegetable species affected usually due to insect infestation, draught or soil chemistry. This year all species are dwarfed yellowing, of poor yield or just plain dying and dead. I attempt to water sufficiently in the evening but before that, at end of the day the plants and soil all dried out. Most likely the water and soil has succumbed to poisoning to Guess What ?

    2. Sorry ! Lance and Jonathan: I answered Your comment Jonathan on gardening issues using Your name Lance. There is no excuse on my part.  There is only my apology.

    3. No worries, brother.

      I was just checking comments before going out to feed the little ones.

  21. I went through some old photo albums this afternoon and took pictures of two photographs that I took in the early 1990s. This was before the geoengineering programs were ramped up by orders of magnitude. 

    In those pictures, the white clouds were so bright as to hurt your eyes to look at them directly. And the sky was a sapphire blue. And that's what it always used to be like. How many remember that? How many even think about it? Go through your old photo albums. You'll be shocked at what you see. In a way, we are fighting for the restoration of White clouds in a sapphire Blue sky, because that would be a marker that we are achieving success in our efforts to inform. It would indicate some return to divine order.

    1. I remember those days. Unfortunately many of our population are likely never to see them.

  22. Dane if they call for your area to evacuate then go! The whole world needs you so as hard as would be to leave, go!

  23. Prayers of safety from west central Wisconsin

    Dane and all in the paths of these absolutely horrible fires 

    Thank you for all you do and have been doing to try to stop this very thing from happening 

    I'm absolutely horrified to see what they are showing 

    So many innocents, so sad 

    Prayers to everyone in this community, you all keep me sane as I try to educate anyone/everyone I can 

    Thank you 

    Stay safe and blessings 






  24. We are all praying I am sure for Dane and his families safety. Wondered how long they would leave him alone.  Perhaps too many people are listening now and they will take away his home?  

    And praying for ALL BEINGS that are affected by this geoengineering and weather warfare on the planet.

    Someone mentioned last week I think that no candidates were discussing any of this but I remember an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr with Dane I believe after he announced he was running for President.  I know Bobby from many years ago and he truly cares obviously about the environment and he has the Childrenshealthdefense.org. So he has fought our govt and corporations numerous times over WiFi/5G, Round up, and against water pollution -water Keepers….

    He is running as an independent and that is by far the largest block of registered voters in our country.  They are refusing to give him secret service protection despite his father being assassinated while he was running for President and his Uncle President Kennedy was also assassinated.  He is being very brave running to try to stop the devastation to the world.

    They are doing everything they can to keep him off the ballot in all the states and wouldn't let him in the debates.  But he is getting on the ballot.  Millions watched him on X during the debate as they aired him before a live audience answering all the debate questions.

    I personally have had no faith in politics for a long long time have not even voted.  I believe if he won he would try to really clean out the swamp but would they let him: 

    Win? Clean out the swamp, overhaul and eliminate all the corruption in the govt agencies?  Stop the geoengineering and weather warfare?I think not.  

    Yet Dane says we must try.  So maybe I will register and vote.  Maybe enough people will that they can overwhelm the system and get him elected.  

    Maybe enough people can wake up and with their support he could actually stop some of the most damaging things to our planet, aid in the survival of something.  I don't' know.  

    If he isn't on the ballot yet in your state maybe you can host somewhere even at a restaurant a signature collection event to get him on the ballot.

    And of course spread the word and hand out materials from this site.

    I believe his voters are more awake…

    Might be worth a shot. But, seriously without the population behind him, I don't think he can succeed even if elected.  

    I don't know what do you think?

    Definitely Prayer and lots of it.


    1. I believe the RFK Jr. Is now on the ballet of all 50 states. He was finally provided his entitled secrect service protection just after the Trump incident.

      I believe tat it would be worthwhile to vote for Kennedy, even if it merely sends a message similar to Tennessee or the Canadian truckers  that I admire.

      In good conscience, I will not vote for a Biden replacement because I believe that the globalist minion, Obama runs the show. I am too skeptical of Trump.because he was let off the hook for his debts by the globalist bankers. I can't amagine them doing such a favor from the goodness of their harts. 



  25. If you would like to see one of countless examples of the precious lives, the sentient life, we are working to save through our efforts to inform, search the following video: 

    "Sperm whale 'asks' a diver to be freed from a fishing hook"


  26. Every time I hear of all the fires in California, I think of you hoping you are not affected.

    God Bless you Dane for all the work you do to inform the world of what the truth is. 

    I am praying for you, and your family, including the animals and plants.  Take care and stay safe!

    1. DITTO Sister Marilyn Bless Your Heart.  May the Angels protect Dane and all those who may become involved in wildfires and their infernal devastation. Natural wildfires have occurred during all of history .However the recent years are over the top in the numbers of occurrences and severity. I truly wonder if in our not so developed past, if there have ever been fires worldwide of this magnitude we are presently experiencing. Prophesy has foretold of our planet turning into flames.

    2. Dittos Marilyn. Praying for the safety of you Dane, your family and your homestead. Mourning the losses of trees, wildlife and undoubtedly numerous people and their homesteads affected by this 360,000 acre demon fire. When will the 'weather reporters' mention the tinderbox conditions prepped for a dozen or more years by HAARP related heat domes held over California be reported on? And there are apparently several other fires burning concurrently with the monster Park Fire. Does the entire State have to go up in flames before these cowards in the media will speak the truth? How can anyone believe these conditions are 'natural'? Answer: Cognitive dissonance. I guess Dane nailed it once again in this broadcast. Please stay safe everybody. Praying the 'weathermakers' will let some major Pacific moisture flow into California to help douse the fires now. This is shocking beyond belief.   : o

  27. Certainly, many of us here find it comforting to connect with like-minded souls, especially in this insane world. And I applaud your kindness, Penny, in giving that lady some money to help her. This world needs more of that kind of selfless love. :+)

    For those who Have the time and the energy, please consider following Randyl's example and put some of your energy into sharing some of your insightful comments and helpful constructive suggestions on the YouTube version of the weekly broadcast. There are many, many people there who don't usually go to the website, but who would benefit from seeing the comments that are offered here.

  28. Dr. Keith is now at the University of Chicago. This is his email address and is publicly available. 

    Perhaps he should be sent information and links from the website.

    Always be respectful and professional. I was when I wrote to him when he was at Harvard. He wrote me back and denied everything about his involvement about geoengineering, including things that we have on record that he actually said.


  29. <<< The Park Fire, one of the largest and most fierce in California's history, is right on my doorstep, time to prepare >>> 

    Mr. Dane. So sorry. Makes me sick to my stomach to know about above. Been following your report since 2014 and for about Geoengineering, jet spraying, chemtrails, aluminum and so on since 2006.  

  30. A few thoughts to share today…

    There are so many turtles in this part of this state. And this time of year, I am constantly getting them off the road to the best of my ability. I take them to places where they will have relative safety. In spite of all my efforts, so many of them still get run over. The lack of empathy that such people have is incomprehensible to me. Just like with the predator class… So hell-bent on destruction and personal short-term gain, they have no long-term Outlook in terms of the people, plants and animals their wicked actions are affecting. A lack of empathy is one of the principal qualities of psychopaths. 

    As for the fires out West and elsewhere in this world, question- has anybody in this audience ever seen in person what thermite can do? It's unbelievable. Fine powdered aluminum is one of the ingredients. Some of those with a law enforcement or military background will probably be familiar with this. Just think what this might do when it is sprayed throughout desiccated forests over years. 

    Out of curiosity, Dane, how many inches of water is your area of California now lacking in recent years? Last I heard it was over 500 I believe. 

    Dane's geowatch materials have been given to Mr. Trump as well as the North Carolina state legislature. Pray that their eyes may be opened, so that their hearts may be moved to join us and share in our efforts to raise awareness. Please do whatever you can in your area of the country or the world, to reach out to your elected officials, law enforcement, firefighters, clergy, etc., in short- anybody who has a platform where they can influence other people. 

    The indifference of many people to what is happening to the Innocent of this world is beyond comprehension. At least, it is to those who are sensitive to life. In spite of this, please everyone, do not give up on our efforts to raise awareness, and do not allow yourselves to believe that all is lost. We are most certainly here for a reason at this particular time on this planet, in this universe. Your being here is not an accident or the product of random chance, no matter what you may have been taught to think. We must do our best to change as many people's minds as possible. 

    Please do not give up on humanity and write it off as a lost cause. There are many good people out there who simply have never been given the information that they needed to be able to help them to articulate what they already knew in their hearts was wrong in this world. It is a truly beautiful thing to give someone information about things such as the weather warfare programs, and to see the change on the person's face when they realize finally what's going on. I've had them tell me that they knew something wasn't right but they just didn't know what it was. You have the opportunity to help people by sharing the most accurate information on the planet about what's really happening behind the scenes. You may yet open people's eyes to a degree you had not imagined. 

    Please share information everywhere, and pray, and help those within your sphere of influence. Focus on those you are able to reach. 

    In my opinion, I am finding that the scannable business cards are one of the most effective ways that I'm able to reach people. And Dane mentioned on this broadcast that they are never turned down. I agree. I share them at the hospital, at the office, and with people at local businesses in my area of the state at every opportunity. I shared them with the people working at Great Outdoor Provision Company this afternoon. They are inexpensive to order and highly effective. 

    We all probably have stories of people who are completely distracted by politics, sports bars, vacations, fancy cars, other material things, etc. Let us try to instead focus on constructive things that we can do and encourage others to do, to raise awareness. The fate of the Innocent depends upon our ability and our willingness to focus our energy, time and emotion on raising awareness of the weather modification programs. Many people, and all plants, and all animals, have no voice but ours.


    1. Dear Linda, why don't you contact as many people as you possibly can and your state legislature and send them a link to Dan's Saturday broadcast a few months ago when he covered what they did in Tennessee and urge your state legislators to do the same. Everybody should do this in their respective States, please. I did. In my case, the legislature in North Carolina has yet to find its courage.

    2. I sent some of my legislators in South  Carolina the Tennessee message along with Dane's booklet. It's been several weeks with no response. I hope they at least think of this before bedtime.

  31. Message to GeoEngineer Dr. David Keith

    The truth,
           and nothing but
                             the truth –

    The global geoengineering, weather control, and weather warfare industry is slowly being wrenched into the light from the dark cloak of secrecy. Certain advocates are attempting to deny the many geoengineering programs of the last 60 or 70 years, and then to justify and expand these programs indefinitely.

    Statements and interviews from geoengineering advocates like Dr. David Keith stretch the limits of credibility beyond the informed person’s wildest imagination.

    Here are a half-dozen principles for an open and honest advocacy for geoengineering, weather control, and weather warfare.*

    1. The basis for all successful advocacy is the truth.

    2. The key to credibility is accurate information.

    3. An advocate cannot afford to make mistakes.

    4. It is the understatement that succeeds best.

    5. The message must be credible to your critics and the public – not to yourselves.

    6. The successful advocate is the person who seeks to educate.

    * These principles are a formulation by the late David Comey, based on a lecture by R.H.S. Crossman, senior British officer in charge of Allied propaganda during World War II.

    The first three principles are so self-evident that they barely deserve comment, except to note that the public, once properly informed, develops long-term attitudes of disbelief toward media and advocates who feed them mis-information.

    One mistake can undercut years of credible advocacy. Making sure that the public and critics get the whole story, including the opposing side of it, is the best way to become a credible source.

    We are now in an age of universal surveillance, with every detail of our daily and business lives recorded, correlated, and archived by numerous government organizations, including the NSA. Geoengineers – you are not exempt from this data collection. Your secrecy, falsehoods, cover-ups, and organized dis-information programs are recorded in detail and will be revealed – by forces not yet known – timed to maximize their impact upon you.

    Principle 4 is a reminder to claim nothing that you cannot prove. When people discover you can prove more than you claim, they will grant you more credibility than you deserve.

    Concerning principle 5, the geoengineering industry advocates appear unconcerned about the credibility of their message to their critics. Their apparent goal is to convey a very simple and disingenuous message to the public via the mainstream media.

    Principle 6, “to educate”, is a pariah for the geoengineers, as evidenced by the wall of secrecy surrounding global geoengineering.

    If you, Dr. David Keith, and your geoengineering associates wish to become credible, you ought to start telling the truth. You should:

    Admit that geoengineering programs have been in full deployment since the late 1940’s and have been repeatedly ramped up to a variety of  diverse global programs involving many governments, military forces, industries and corporations, many civilian airlines, and employs tens of thousands of people worldwide.

    Confess that nano-sized particles of aluminum, strontium, barium, plus numerous other elements are extremely toxic to life, cumulative in the human body, and sprayed into our common global atmosphere from jet aircraft flying overhead 24/7.

    Acknowledge that geoengineering has completely disrupted natural weather cycles and systems, causing severe drought, flooding, and storms – both in winter and summer.

    Confess that geoengineering (weather warfare) causes drought, destroys the ozone layer resulting in extreme UV radiation on earth, and that toxic metal fallout is killing trees and causing massive wildland fires worldwide.

    Admit that that there is an alarming increase in Autism, Alzheimer’ disease, honeybee die-off, and that as many as 200 species of plants and animals go extinct every day, due in large part to geoengineering.

    Confess that, as a consequence of geoengineering, the volume of snow and sea ice in the Arctic is the lowest in recorded history, and as a result, massive releases of methane are occurring. Acknowledge that methane is many times a greater contributor to global warming than is carbon dioxide, and that the Earth is literally burning up.

    Openly discuss the veracity, ethics, and morality of all of the above.

    The truth and nothing but the truth – summed up by Solzhenitsyn’s question in the “Gulag Archipelago”:

    If the first tiny droplet of truth has exploded
    like a psychological bomb, what will happen
    in our country when the waterfalls of truth come
    crashing down?

    If a full and frank discussion of these issues results in the termination of all geoengineering programs, so be it. Then perhaps the global climate will somehow recover from its present rapid descent into total catastrophe.

    This essay was adapted from a work (Advice to the Nuclear Power Industry) by the late David Comey, a reasoned critic of the nuclear power industry, and a being who Diogenes would surely recognize.


    1. Very nice he done, and thank you for doing this. When he was still at Harvard. I wrote to him a few years ago and I think my email caught him by surprise. He wrote me back and denied everything. In writing!

  32. Professor David Keith  Interview – Solar Radiation Management – Heavy Metal Toxicity


    Informal interview – Apr 28, 2015  – Climate Interview Series hosted by Nick Breeze – Climate Genn –   in an auditorium after some panel discussion – location and event not stated.   http://envisionation.co.uk/index.php/
    Nick Breeze – from his website: “Over the last decade or so I have been interviewing many climate scientists and related experts in an attempt to understand what is happening to the Earth and how we might address the risks posed by severe climate change.”

    Breeze Question: Do you have a particulate that you regard as most suitable for deploying for Solar Radiation Management (SRM)?  (0:26)

    Keith answer: ….(0:36) …”and I truly don’t have a strong opinion as to what the right answer is” …..

    (1:34) “you want things that are Earth abundant, have a high index of refraction, and are infrared transmissive and don’t absorb … and seem to have good biological – limited toxicity”.…

    (2:00) “….and if you found that some heavy metal was a good geoengineering compound we would not even think about it because of the health impacts….”

    Editor’s note: Aluminum is an Earth abundant heavy metal and in human refined nano-particulate form is toxic to living organisms and sprayed massively into Earth’s global atmosphere for the alleged purpose of Solar Radiation Management (SRM).


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