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Dane Wigington

"Apocalyptic 150F heat dome smashes temperature records as the world bakes" (from MSN). "Heat dome settles over West Coast with 112F temps creating deadly conditions for 10 million and sparking wildfire fears" (The Independent). "Extreme heat waves broiling the US in 2024 aren’t normal" (The Conversation U.S.). And from Scientific American: "Geoengineering the climate could pose a new risk to the planet". Question, how bad do conditions need to be before populations wake up and realize we face a fight for life on Earth? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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67 Responses

  1. Still really enjoying the weaponized microwaveable fake weather and weaponized fake forest fire smoke combination here in Wyoming. The fake humidity add on is pleasurable as well for somebody with rheumatoid arthritis which was likely engineered or at least encouraged too. 

    Now sports !!

    And don't forget the extra satanic media with your sports and music at no extra charge except that all the tv dummies are paying for that garbage at this point so yeah..

  2. there is a good book that has all the analogies that a human can ever need

    like – judge not, lest ye be judged

    or – forgive them for they know not what they do

    i do not call the other creatures "little ones" because they are always teaching me of things i know not of

    it is human nature i find the most difficult – the need to feel superior – the need to feel arrogant and "know all"

    the most difficult group i find at the moment are the medics who get money for not seeing what is there in front of their very eyes – clouded in arrogance at their own knowledge

    there is always so much to learn and we can only hope to see such a small part – and most people know themselves better than any medic

    i do not find it necessary to preach to people about the state of the environment – when they look at me they see an environmentalist standing before them – all 74yrs worth of trying to find my "truth" in life and developing that truth has meant it is mostly impossible for me to work within the system because it clouds the view 

    and people talk to me all the time about the state of our environment – i do not need to go to them – i do not need leaflets – they are not stupid – the conscious ones – they meet with me as i move about the world

    who was it said – friends and family build an organisation – when the organisation gets bigger than friends and family – the organisation runs the people – yes it was e e schumacher "small is beautiful"

    but i have survived more by luck than judgment

    i do not respond to bullies but know that i fail the good book

    example – sitting in a car in billericay a young woman approached me and said " i know that i am dirty but i have been living in a tent in the park nearby. could you give me £4 – that's all i need now to get to ipswich where they have a place in a hostel for me."

    i felt….i cannot say…. but reached into my purse and said to her, standing embarrassed to have to ask a stranger for money, "we are here to help each other" and gave her £5 and said – "wait" an turned out all the £1 coins in my purse

    i handed them to her and she looked and said "oooh i can get something to eat too" and walked away

    i sat stunned… and then drove away…sobbed all the way home and felt a failure cos i couldn't follow the good book and take her home with me, share some clothes, share some food, share my life

    i live in a house falling down, i fear when it rains, i fear the cold winter, i fear most things these days. human life seems cruel  and unfeeling and i hold my hands together knowing that i shall not be here one day to keep feeling the pain of being a human

    i have always gone to this site to find the hand of friendship in a crazy world when people do not seem to care or know the real glory in living a moral conscious life- and it seems to have changed – i wonder why

  3. There are hundreds of tons of nanoparticles that have been purposefully released into the troposphere for at least 15 years, according to the estimates Dane has given. The reason they have to keep on releasing them is because they don't remain in the troposphere. They fall to the earth on their own or combine with water vapor to make rain, hail, and snow fall. Due to their extremely small size they become toxic because the get into very very small places they should not be in when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed. These nanoparticles are on everything and when they burn they create toxic smoke that is ingested, inhaled, and absorbed.  Add this to the many radioactive elements that have been released into the earth's environment from all the atomic and nuclear bomb tests, leaving out all the nuclear accidents that have happened, that have been and are still being ingested, inhaled, or absorbed. Add this to all the many toxic manmade chemicals that have been manufactured that have been and are being ingested, inhaled, or absorbed. Based on all this, and there is much more, humans are headed down a path that leads to a dead end and those on this path are many!  

  4. Slept until 6am, which is late for me. Started looking at the weather satellite images of northern CA and the Park Fire has now grown to over 300,000 acres! Have not checked any news reports yet but the fire has blazed past Red Bluff by many miles and is less than 10 miles east of the city. The fire is moving mainly to the north and east but the satellite loop shows an odd burst of wind blowing westward from the eastern CA/Nevada border which is moving a lot of toxic smoke over northern CA reaching to the Sierra's on the coast. It appears the fire may be moving west on the west side of the fire! Just checked the "mainstream" online "news" sources and they are not giving out timely information! There are NO online news reports in the last hour, and all the other reports are anywhere from 7 to 24 hours old! Why is information about whats going on being purposefully delayed? Doesn't Dane live in Shasta County?

  5. Towns are being deliberately burned up here, and then the charitable organizations ask for donations from people to help rebuild those towns. What a way to run a planet!

  6. last repo rt for a while.  Shingletown is now evacuating from the fire.  i'm just out the door.  Wish us all luck and safety.  Love you all.  Stay safe.

    Virginia  Rynearson

    Shingletown, California

    1. Dear Virginia, keeping you in my heart. may you, your dear ones and

      your land be kept safe! let us know how you are doing. appreciate

      so much all your intelligent postings.


      Olga Beatriz

  7. "MAJOR FARSIDE SOLAR FLARE: The biggest flare of Solar Cycle 25 just exploded from the farside of the sun. X-ray detectors on Europe's Solar Orbiter (SolO) spacecraft registered an X14 category blast…"

    "This is something we call an 'Energetic Storm Particle' (ESP) event," explains Ho. "It's when particles are locally accelerated in the CME's shock front [to energies higher than a typical solar radiation storm]. An ESP event around Earth in March 1989 caused the Great Quebec Blackout."


  8. Has anyone ever heard of any 'well-known politician' or presidential candidate, or any other personage running for office in this America give one mention to the enormous and earth ending and on-going program of climate engineering?  I haven't found one instance and certainly not from either of the candidates in the 2024 race for POTUS.   Did I miss someone?  If so, I would welcome your input.  Thanks very much.

    In other news, the Park Fire (Chico, Calif) is roaring with only 3% containment, heading North (my way in Shingletown and Manton).  We pray for all those already stricken and my heart bleeds knowing the tremendous loss of animal life, as well.  This is one horrible, huge, hot fire and hopefully the brave 200 or so firefighters will find safety and courage to continue in their task.  Please, offer your prayers.  Thank you..  V.

    1. I've nothing good to say about politicians or politics, so I'll leave it at that. As far as the Park Fire is concerned there are too many "red flags" with respect to how and why they get started. Don't trust everything the "media" tells and shows you, just as Dane has done for a long time. That aside, this fire is "explosive" and not just because its been very hot and dry. Think about what Dane has discussed concerning the "stuff" in the aerosols that have been released by aircraft, especially over northern CA in the past years. Nanoparticles of aluminum are in this "stuff" and they burn very rapidly and explosively. This "stuff" does not stay airborne, it falls to the earth, is in the water vapor/rain, and covers everything. As far as the action of this fire right now its moving to the north and northeast. Spot fires are ocurring for miles around it and its now an over 200,000 acre fire. Fire whirls and tornadic activity has been seen in this fire. This spreads ash and hot embers for many miles in all directions. Extreme fire behavior has also been noted! Based on the imagery I'm seeing it appears the north end of the fire is not far from Red Bluff, maybe 10 miles or so. Wind is steady at about 10 mph out of the south with gusts up to 20. Anyone anywhere around this fire within 10 miles of it should be watching for small spot fires. Two small fires reported on the east side of Red Bluff one in Tuscan along Hwy 36. Take care out there!

  9. "Near the day of purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."    Hopi prophecy

    From an interesting and informative article presented in State of the Nation.com on July 25th.

    Recommended reading.



    1. The indigenous peoples of the world were, and in some cases, are, in touch with the deeper strains of truth woven through the divine order of the balance of life on this planet. Believe them…

  10. It just dawned on me the other day, why they predicted a very active hurricane season. Because it's all about geoengineering making a Pluto sized cache of wealth for the elites. While most people never even realize what's happening behind the "wilderness of mirrors."

    I know you have seen me use that term a lot recently and I must give credit to Rob Reiner for coming up with that term in his "Who Killed JFK" podcasts. Which basically means "grand deception on a planet sized scale."

    Climate Corp is the brainchild of Monsanto "now owned by Baer" and they offer hurricane insurance to farmers, ranchers, resorts and other various forms of industry. These entities can't afford not to have insurance because of requirements placed upon them by investors and the government. But they don't do residential insurance, because many homeowners truly can't afford the skyrocketing insurance premiums anymore.

    Anyway, their premiums are based on the National Hurricane Center's predictions for each hurricane season, and during those times when little to no activity is predicted the premiums are much lower. But of course, they are much higher when an active season is expected.

    So, if they predict a highly active season like the current one now. Climate Corp "and Baer" rake in huge profits if it turns out to be only a lackluster season. But say if there happens to be a few strong to severe storms late in the season, that merely cuts into their massive profits… and they make sure that climate engineering makes up the difference during the next hurricane season. Because they collect insurance payments from both Atlantic and Pacific hurricane activity.

    PLUS, they make even more gobs of money by hiring contractors to do the repairs at only 35 to 50% of the actual loss estimates and that reduces their payouts in insurer claims dramatically. While Baer simply raises their prices on farming technologies and genetically mutated seeds that impact the GMO farmer's ability to comply with their contracts and when they default. Baer legally takes over ownership of their farm and auctions it off to new GMO farmers.

    Then the entire process starts all over again… and when they can claim a complete loss from things like droughts or wildfires. The government steps in and covers their losses. keeping Climate Corp from having to pay out anything for those non-hurricane losses.

    They use geoengineering to keep food off your dinner table and mine, while putting billions into the pockets of the elites. Everything about the great American Empire is focused on keeping the elites super wealthy and geoengineering is simply one of their tools for doing just that.

    Ain't it so wonderful to know that Geoengineering is a multi-tasking technology that can easily be used behind the Wilderness of Mirrors?


  11. Park Fire east of Chico is just north of where the Paradise Fire happened, but this fire is the Paradise Fire on steroids! Went from 6,500 acres yesterday evening to nearly 50,000 acres over night, and its growing bigger every minute! High winds from the SSE with gust to 35mph blowing this fire NNE. Huge evacuation zones now set up! Many homes have already been destroyed! Haven't heard of any reports of people being caught up in this fire yet. Oregon fires in the NNE part of the state are now "mega fires". Many more new fires showing up in eastern OR and in Idaho where the nanoparticulate laden thunderstorms went through yesterday and that are continuing to move to the ENE. 

    1. I live just north of the Chico fire burning so fiercely and causing such extreme suffering to local inhabitants with the loss of their homes, animals and lives. There is smoke everywhere around us and ashes cover our cars, yards, etc.   It is overcast with smoke and difficult to breathe at times, even though we are still a distance (thank God) from the conflagration.  We here in Northern California with our beautiful forests have had more than our share of these fires and the possibility of even more of them, whether purposely ignited or not is something we live with each day.  This Chico fire was caused by some maniac who ignited a fire in his car and then pushed it down a ravine of brush and dried terrain – that was Wednesday pm according to official reports.   The fire took off rapidly with slight winds and extremely hot weather conditions.  It is a time for all of us to be especially on alert for any suspicious individual or activity in our neighborhoods and respond or report it to authorities.  My prayers to all who are enduring this present catastrophe and to others who have already paid the price.


  12. Big "fire" burning east of Corning and Chico in CA! Flames showing on satellite images covering many miles in the foothills there! Very rapid fire growth to the north and east! Over 45,500 acres burned or burning! Fire discovered on the 24th around 2pm! Evacuations underway! Fire spread is so rapid its possible some people did not get out of its way in time!

  13. The "scientific community" claims that their advances in all kinds of science are for the "…benefit of humanity…". There are many who put their "faith" in them and their advances. The majority of humanity don't think twice about trusting them. Why? Many tell us its because we've been educated and led to think this way. This is true, but there is more to this than they tell us. The human way of thinking was corrupted long ago, in the beginning, by a now fallen "spirit" who led a rebellion against Alighty God. This "Old God" was around at the start of all cosmogenesis. He was "lord of the life-force and the powers of Nature". The testimony about the "Fall of Man" caused by the "serpent" is written in THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES commonly called GENESIS. Humans are born with a hidden invisible psychosis which dominates human nature. Only one "Way" to change this, and this is not accomplished by human scientists and their human inspired scientific advances!    

  14.  Dear Brothers and Sisters Here on this very important site:

    There are many reasons I look forward to Danes updates and Great undertaking to bring awareness to all of us and the world .I do enjoy reading all of Your offerings each and every week. Also thank You for the privilege of giving my own meager thoughts into the mix. Foremost I am a nature and animal lover and have been all of my 74years. It grieves me so to witness their decline. Not to have any favorites but I do also care for Humanity and pray unceasingly for ourselves to evolve (no not from monkeys) but from selfish materialism and barbaric behavior. I do  thank GOD, THE GREAT ONE, THE CREATOR, THE SUSTAINER  for gift the discernment along with my questioning resistant, rebellious nature. I attempt to drive off fears and attempt to expose the authoritative controlling dialogue that has been given to the populace that seriously disturbs my soul. We as mankind face so many obstacles and needless battles. When atrocities are perpetrated upon mankind by those who seem to think themselves smarter and more powerful, it is beyond me to grasp to consider any benevolent nature within their souls. I fight off my inherent disdain as i pray for them and pray for the end of their misdeeds. The Bodhisattva Vow  (not to say that is what i am) Is to remain here and return life after life to Teach, Pray and Help All Souls who remain here until the very last one has come thru the gate into Paradise. It is hard to have compassion for the wicked ones but it is a greater calling than hatred. It my  prayer that they change their evil ways and return into the fold of God's Sheep because truly they have become lost to God. Many things that are WRONG could be resolved with the dominators becoming aware of their actions as to repent, remit them and change their ways. How else may we succeed in our plight here other than to add to our numbers those in remission of their misdeeds by seeking goodness. Far from being perfect or holy in my own nature, I recognize the need to become closer to my creator God and eliminate improper thought and actions. I am also called to do God’s Work  the best I can, in spite of my human weakness and limitations i do possess. To “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” is Good enough for me as to endeavor and also recommend. PEACE BE WITH YOU ALL.

    1. Amen brother! My husband and I agree with all said and feel exactly the same way! We are hurt knowing so much damage is being caused and our hearts go out to animals, people and all…

    2. Beautiful contribution WATCHER. Thank you for sharing your very wise sentiments. To those living in the area of the Chico fire we are praying for your safety and grieveing the loss of forest habitat, wildlife and livestock due to this tragic geoengineering created emergency. I pray all humankind escapes to safety as well. We know the decades of spraying nano aluminum accelerants that coat everything below and constant drought creating heat domes forced upon California have set up the tinderbox conditions fueling these apocoliptic fires. God Bless the brave firefighters and keep them safe until evil 'weathermakers' finally allow rainstorms over the area. Even then the destruction from mudslides resulting from drought & deluge scenairios create even more devestation. Praying for Divine Intervention now!

  15. Brother Jonathan Thank You For Your Good Heart.  If I would be able to give You a native name it would be "He who cares for the little ones" You Dear Brother exhibit a full measure of kindness and compassion. Your rescue of God's little ones Animals. is something akin to your medical profession. I am sure in a tribal sense that You would be the medicine man / Healer. This is a precious gift that You possess and are unafraid to employ, In this  alone I applaud You. Here on this site You are tireless in spreading the word orally written to politicians and passing out literature offered by this site. Along with being a healer ,You are a workhorse for this cause. Dane must be so proud to have You in His army.

    1. My brother, I can't tell you how much your kind words mean to me. You also have great insight as well as a heart for all of the Creator's handiwork.

      You did not know this, but yet you did, that I often refer to the wild animals and other animals I care for, as "the little ones."

      Although of course not all of them are little. But that's what I refer to them as often. 

      In a past experience, I was a Native American, based upon visions that I've had. My name was Acono.

      I also accept the name you offered with much gratitude. 

      Your kindness makes my heart soar like a hawk. 

      Together in this to the very end and even beyond this plane of existence. 

      Thank You again dear friend…

  16. Have noticed something interesting with these "fires". Looking at the map on zoom.earth there is a vast checkboard pattern of clear-cuts all up and down the Cascade Range. All the fires, with a few exceptions, have started in areas where little to no logging has been allowed. Some "fires" are burning in stands of small conifer trees that are diseased, dying or dead. Some have suggested that these "fires" be allowed to burn in order to "manage" the forests better. Some have suggested that some of these "fires" have been purposefully set. Some have suggested that those involved in this blame these "fires" on an "act of nature", you know, the "weather". But no one "owns the weather", right? That's just a "conspiracy theory", right?  

    1. Did some more looking at some other satellite images of where all the "fires" are in Cascade Mountain Range east of Roseburg. There are a large number of old clear-cuts and some newer ones visible near the "fires" along the North Umpqua River. There are some older stands of fir and coniferous trees in between a lot of these old logging sites. The big "fire" that burned large areas above Glide along the N. Umpqua River some years ago have been logged off and some areas are being logged off right now. This is how they "manage" the forests. They used to pile up and burn what the loggers called "slash" which is what is left over after the trees are cut down and hauled away. They don't do this like they used to for obvious reasons. Clear cut scars, places where all the timber is cut down and removed, are clearly visible west of Roseburg on the Calahan Ridge. A lot of the forested areas in Douglas County are not "virgin" timber. They consist of replanted genetically modified trees that grow faster. Nothing natural about any of them.  








    Warming Is Getting Worse. So They Just Tested a Way to Deflect the Sun

    Christopher Flavelle reported from a decommissioned aircraft carrier in Alameda, Calif. He spoke with scientists, environmentalists and government officials.

    April 2, 2024


    David Santillo, a senior scientist at Greenpeace International, is deeply skeptical of proposals to modify solar radiation. If marine cloud brightening were used at a scale that could cool the planet, the consequences would be hard to predict, or even to measure, he said.

    “You could well be changing climatic patterns, not just over the sea, but over land as well,” he said. “This is a scary vision of the future that we should try and avoid at all costs.”


    To Slow Global Warming, Scientists Test Solar Geoengineering – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

  18. Toxic smoke from fires in forested lands continues to toxify the environment in Oregon. The flow of wind is out of the SW at higher altitude so most of it is staying on the eastern side of the Cascade Mountain Range. Looking east from my vantage point in Roseburg the toxic smoke looks like a layer of gray clouds as the sun begins to appear over the horizon. Air quality alert in effect, as if we didn't know the air we're breathing is toxic. An old burn that exists along the North Umpqua Hwy is visible on the satellite images of Oregon. Checkerboard pattern caused by logging in forested areas of Oregon is visible from space. Logging of burned over areas has been and is ongoing. Log trucks drive by with loads of logs all day long headed to mills to turn them into wood products. Trains carrying stacks and stacks of the finished products wrapped in plastic on numerous special railcars can be seen leaving several of the local lumber mills here everyday. Some go south, most are headed north. The plundering of resources continues unabated. I'd say natural resources but most of the natural trees used by these mills to create building products were cut down years ago. The trees that exist in the forests today are mainly replanted trees, not naturally occurring ones. The forests of natural trees are all but gone. The natural environment that used to exist will soon be gone too. Who's to blame? Take a look in the mirror! 

  19. Please watch the documentary “Downwind” narrated by Martin Sheen.

    They literally detonated 928 nuclear bombs in the Nevada desert on Native American land, in the air, on the surface and below the ground.

    Those tests exposed the entire population of America to more than double the amount of nuclear radiation fallout than what the Chernobyl’s meltdown, explosion and radioactive clouds have released into the environment to date. Even Fukushima appears tame in comparison.

    The jet streams, westerly winds and polar vortex oscillations that carried the fallout from those 928 thermonuclear explosions also exposed over 60% of the world’s population to cancer causing radiation for years on end. And they are still paying the price for that exposure, just like all of us here in America.

    The Native Americans living closest to the tests “called the Downwinders” came down with cancer within five to fifteen years and died, and those few that survived had such horrific DNA damage done to their bodies that they passed on that damage to their children, and most of them died from cancer as well. Now, many of the survivor’s grandchildren are dying from cancer, and most of the children that were initially exposed during the test… they died before even reaching their teens. The majority of all deaths have been children so far. “Not all these stats were in the documentary. I discovered some of them by researching FOI released government documents on the Nevada Nuclear Tests myself.”

    I always wondered why America has the highest cancer rates in the world, and I knew it couldn’t possibly be as simple as diet and lifestyle. This radiation lasts for thousands of years, and we have not only been exposed to it in the air we breathe, but the ground we walk on, and the water we drink as well. Not only that, but we also eat the crops, livestock and fish that have been exposed to that same radiation.

    The Downwind documentary is extremely hard to watch at times, especially when they show recently released government films that show how they used thousands of helpless pigs and pet dogs as test subjects, and their mortality rate was always 100%. Many of them were pinned in, tied in place or stuffed in metal containers, just miles from the explosions. The most cruel and heartless acts of inhumanity I have ever witnessed in my life.

    Not to mention the Native Americans that watched their skin sag, blister or become hard as rock, before eventually falling from their tortured bodies, as they died slow and agonizing deaths.

    They never asked anyone for permission to perform those tests, and they stole that land from the Shoshone tribes but never even relocated the settlements and reservations to protect them from the deadly fallout. It was all part of their clandestine intentions to use them as guinea pigs, and they have been monitored by the government ever since. Those that refused the government’s evictions on the designated test lands were arrested and sent to prison, then their homes and way of life were destroyed. Most have never been paid a single dollar by the government for what they put them through, and to this day the government still denies any wrongdoing.

    This is the exact same military and government that the people whom we try to awaken always tell us… “They would never do any kind of geoengineering operations in the skies and use the public as lab rats, because that is just not who they are. They always have our best interests, safety and welfare placed first and foremost in their doctrines of service to this country and selfless devotion to the people of this great nation.”

    Really? Then why did they explode just as many atomic warheads in America, as what might take place in a real nuclear war? Who in their right mind would ever do something so evil and arrogant as that? Testing just eight nuclear explosions would easily give them the data needed to determine the strength of those weapons. But to explode 920 more right here in the heart of the American population makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Unless you have some seriously evil agendas and a narcissistic addiction to some kind of perverse and torturous mental state of mind that drives you to do such a thing.

    How can any society ever allow this to occur? And simply act like nothing ever happened? What does all of this tell you about the sheeple of this country?

    They aren’t simply asleep at the wheel or in a matrix induced coma. They are all brain-dead walking zombies that are simply performing programmed mindless daily routines, without a care in the world. Because the military industrial complex has made them that way and they don’t even know that their entire life is being controlled by a force that makes Satan look like a harmless little schoolgirl.

    Most of humanity has lost the ability to feel empathy and compassion. And that upsets me more than knowing that all this extreme heat will never end, until one day it puts everyone out of their misery, that they don’t even know they are in to begin with.

    I can truly feel the Earth and all living things slowly dying. Why do I feel so all alone in my awareness of this fact? Yes, I know there are few that share this same awareness. But I can sense that they too, feel so alone and helpless to wake people in time. Because we are coming to realize that you can’t bring life back to someone who willfully chooses to be brain-dead.

    People think and believe that they are living the American dream, and that’s exactly the kind of illusion that the “Wilderness of Mirrors” was intended to create. Establish a mindset and comfort zone that keeps them from questioning anything they see and feel daily. Numb their senses and dull their minds to the true state of reality, while they prepare the slaughterhouses and use extreme heat to lead them in like lambs wearing blinders.

    First, they mutate us from the inside out with their nuclear bomb tests. Then they cook us from the outside in with climate engineering. And here I thought that humanity was supposed to be a highly intelligent species. What on Earth could have possibly led me to be so wrong?

    “The hardest journey is the one you take from your head to your heart. The healing journey is the path found leading back from your heart to your head. Your wellness is found in the continuous flow of honoring both your thoughts and feelings.”

    “I am going to venture that the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, and acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization.” … Chief Luther Standing Bear from the Lakota Sioux.

    “The human civilization of Earth is better than this, and we can do better. No, we must do better if we still choose to call ourselves human.” … Eden Lost to Insanity

    1.  Eden : I have watched this Documentary “Downwind” that You have  recommended and it brought me to tears. Cannon Fodder and Collateral Damage in its truest sense were and are they who were directly affected. Like weather modification, our military and covert operators, have very little concern or compassion for the general populace. Especially they who are native, poor or a otherwise of an expendable lot in life.This stuff sickens me deep down into my soul. The fact is: that we are wholly obsolete when we are not indoctrinated into “The Club”. We are necessary tools, sacrificial lambs, lab rats and other low order expendable beings. There are REAL MONSTERS among us.God Help us.God forgive us for in any way supporting, being complicit with them with our obedience.Our tax dollars have been taken for nefarious purposes without discretion or audit. It is for the just punishment due them and their repentance, remorse and conversion onto goodness i do pray for. Because their destruction has been foretold. This will set mankind free of this curse of wickedness; that has been ever present since mankind's falling away from the only ONE TRUE GOD.  AS for now in these times i am thinking ; Man is not so Kind.                                                                                                                             

    2. Thank you Eden — I watched the movie thanks to your tip.

      Downwind movie should be seen by everyone.

      928 nuclear bombs were dropped on Nevada  for testing and most people probably are unaware of that. 

      I am quoting Eden here.

      This is the exact same military and government that the people whom we try to awaken always tell us… “They would never do any kind of GEOENGINEERING operations in the skies and use the public as lab rats, because that is just not who they are. They always have our best interests, safety and welfare placed first and foremost in their doctrines of service to this country and selfless devotion to the people of this great nation.”


  20. It either rains none stop in the UK or when the  sun comes out even in the late 20°f it feels like a greenhouse.

  21. Maybe this will help others who struggle to convince people that geoengineering has been kept a secret by the government for at least seventy-five years.

    This is exactly what I tell them when they claim that it is literally impossible for the "our" government to keep a secret of that magnitude from the public, and any one who believes that geoengineering is what explains the many airplane condensation trails in the sky, needs to be evaluated by a certified psycho-analyst.

    Trust me, this always makes them rethink how they look at the government from that moment on.

    Everybody knows about the first atomic bomb detonation (nuclear explosive test) in the white sands desert back in 1945. Called the "Trinity Event". Right?

    Well, what everyone doesn't know is that even though thousands of military personnel either witnessed the explosion first hand, or they knew about it from working on the Trinity project itself. Not one of them leaked that test to the public (even after the detonation). And. The thousands of civilians who saw the explosion "claiming it looked like a second sun", and called the police and military bases, to say they just witnessed "and felt" the most incredible thing they have ever experienced in their lives. Were all told that what they saw was an accidental explosion of the largest military munitions plant in America, and it produced a huge fireball that exploded upwards into the shape of a glowing mushroom cloud.

    The government and the military were able to keep an event of the largest magnitude in the world, a complete secret from the public and other governments for as long as they needed. Making it so that Japan had no clue they were getting ready to be attacked with nuclear bombs.

    When Brittain's Military Intelligence Services broke the code to the German Enigma machines, it allowed the allied forces to finally defeat the Nazis and win the Second World War. The scope and magnitude of being victorious in the most brutal war in history was only achieved by the allied governments keeping the Enigma breakthrough a complete secret, and it wasn't even finally revealed until the 1960s.

    Only because it was accidentally mentioned in a book, but otherwise it would still be a secret to this day, and the cloak of mystery that surrounds geoengineering goes back to that same period in history, as the Trinity Test and the Enigma code breakthrough.

    So, if you honestly think that the government can't keep secrets. Think again, and don't forget the Kennedy assassination either. Today over 70% of Americans believe that the government was involved. Geoengineering is being hidden in plain sight just like the Trinity explosion was, and if the military had never dropped those bombs on Japan or conducted so many other tests. The civilian population of Earth would never know that nuclear bombs even exist.

  22. I compared the GOES West Upper Level Water Vapor satellite images to the GOES West RGB Dust satellite images. The patterns and track of both the upper level water vapor and the dust in the troposphere are exactly the same! The nanoparticlulate dust composed of electromagnetically activatable elements in the upper levels of the troposphere is used to direct the upper level water vapor wherever ???? want it to go! Proves the weather is being manipulated! This morning on the vehicles parked outside our apartment rain water was standing in droplets on top of the vehicles. Find "dust" clearly visible after the rainwater droplets evaporated!

    1. Today, an upper level water vapor area is now over northern CA and southern Oregon. It's a large area hundreds of miles across that is visible on the high level water vapor images on GOES West satellite. You will notice there are no thunderstorm cells forming over northern CA and southwestern OR. Why? There are no nanoparticulate "dust" particles in these areas. Oh, but look along the northeastern CA/NV border and there are "tons" of them visible in the T-cells on the upper level troposphere RGB Dust images on GOES West Sat. Funny how this coincides with Thunderstorm development huh.

  23. humans are very stupid

    went to norfolk last 3 days and watched as so many people stripped off and lay in the sun

    i went back to the b and b and stayed indoors cos the sun's heat was frightening – only coming out when to sun was on the way down

    my covered body, but people were walking about with so few clothes on – white skin like an offering to the gods to come and burn

    no rain – just sweltering heat

    humans are very stupid

    can we expect them to "wake up"?

    sorry dane – won't happen – wish i was wrong

    hasn't happened in my lifetime and yet we are meant to be so clever!!

    how about the computer outage – don't even know what that means?

    stupid humans dependent on machines

    we have a speed limit on our roads of 70m.p.h and yet cars are sold in this country that can go 200m.p.h

    i nearly lost my life the other day as i pulled out into the fast lane at 70m.p.h., to overtake a slower driver and suddenly found a mad bloke behind me flashing me and gesticulating cos i wasn't going fast enough!!!!!

    he was nowhere to be seen when i pulled out – how fast was he going??????

    and we expect people to look up and think – what's going on in the skies??

    i think not

    humans are so stupid

    am pleased to be around, when i see so clearly, that i am glad, that one day i shan't be here any more

    love to you all in crazy times


    1. You're quite correct. The vast majority of humanity are ignorant of the reality they live in. They'd rather remain ignorant. Ignorance is not an excuse…in the end. 

    2. Penny and Lance –

      If That there is a chance that we can wake people up, then why are you here?

    3. I find ignorance separate from stupidity or uneducated or just plain dumb. I find ignorant people can be intelligent, educated and informed. The is the most obvious trait of the ignorant is they ignore or choose to ignore what is well known or right in front of their eyes. They delude themselves in thinking it does not exist, does not matter or anything worth paying attention to.  The new buzz-word has become Conspiracy Theory; another excuse to not pay attention or deny something may exist.  It has been said "The mind is  like a parachute and it only works when it is open" We are among the company of  Ignor- ant  closed minds. The mentally handicapped or the on the spectrum challenged portion of our populace are not all necessarily practicing this type of ignorance.

    4. maybe jonathan there are people like the "watcher" who are not so judgemental and do not go on and on but are quite precise in their relationship with words and the rest of the world and how we live in it

    5. Dear Penny,

      I wish I could give you a hug — every time I see your name I remember the delightful year I had spent in East London/Essex some 20+ years ago…

      I concur wholeheartedly with your observations and conclusions.

      Glad to see you were able to take some sort of respite/holiday (you know the saying, "Mad dogs and Englishmen…").

      Take care of yourself, and have a cup of tea for me in Lloyd Park.

    6. dearest kathy

      do i need a hug sometimes!! 

      you lifted my heart from a dark place

      and filled it with light 

      i find human nature exhausting and depleting,except for ones like you, who keep the light shining brightly 

      tis only the light that makes my human life bearable

      the positive energy that shines from the sun – our source of heat and light

      precarious, precious life

      my love to you, and to all who hold the light dear 

      including lance (is that short for lancelot? hahaha)

      i like the idea of knights of the round table – gentlemen one and all

      sooo…. miss my dad (and mum – in the warm arms of ones who love)



  24. Breaking News Everyone!

    This information comes from my friend the Professor’s computer archives.

    I just watched a video by a Theoretical Scientist named Sabine Hossenfelder and she explains how the IPCC has been fooling the world into believing that we have not crossed the 1.5C degree Paris Climate Accord Agreement threshold, and according to their “altered” graph, they don’t expect the world to cross that threshold until around the year 2035. Thus, that is why that specific year is consistently mentioned in their published studies and reports.

    She has been researching this for years now and the evidence for the IPCC’s misinformation campaign has been buried under a ton of science that has also been altered by leading climatologists around the world.

    Here is how they are getting away with it,

    Pre-Industrial Temperature Records kept between 1800 and 1830 are what’s SUPPOSED to be used as a starting point in temperature rise graphs that show how much the Earth has warmed since before the industrial revolution. But that is not what the IPCC is doing and that is also not what so many governments (plural) paid climatologists are doing either. People like Bill Gates, Bill Nye, David Keith, Ken Caldeira and so many others are using the IPCC’s “altered graph” to debate this issue in all their lectures and interviews. Because no one knows any different and the IPCC graph is accepted by all… But not by Miss Hossenfelder and a select few in the science community.

    She proved that their graph is WRONG by literally using the actual “physical records” kept between 1800 and 1970 herself and formulating the correct graph that should be used by the science community. And according to her graph, we surpassed the 1.5C mark over twenty years ago.

     The IPCC uses a base line of temperatures that begins in 1970, and they tell the world that it is equivalent to the “no significant rise in temperatures” recorded from the pre-industrial period, through to the year 1970. But they are wrong.

    The physical records show a dramatic increase in temperatures beginning around the time of the First World War, but they first began to slowly rise starting around 1850 and have been rising ever since. So, the pre-industrial baseline is nowhere near equivalent to the 1970 baseline, and they know that.

    No baseline temperature graph would correctly show how much the Earth’s average mean temperatures have risen, unless it began around 1800 to 1830. But government scientists argue that there was no way to accurately measure water surface temperatures before 1970 that could be used to extrapolate a baseline graph. That too is a lie, as nearly all commercial and military ships have for hundreds of years monitored water surface temperatures (with various methods that are even more reliant than our current digital devices)  for safety reasons (icebergs, storms, mass seaweed floats, etc.), and engine or sail performance reasons, just to name a few. And they kept logs. Logs that are included in the archive that Sabine Hossenfelder used to make her graph.

    They get away with it by making sure that the “real and true” temperature records from the pre-industrial period are never published by anyone on the internet or added to internet databases on sites like Wikipedia or google search. But even if they do somehow appear on the internet, they become altered immediately thereafter or taken down by site moderators. And or removed by censors and negated by government debunkers.

    Sabine Hossenfelder happens to have access to duplicates of the original physical records in a microfilm library being kept in her country’s national library archives, and they clearly make liars of the IPCC.

    According to her findings we are now past the 3.7C mark and by 2035, her graph shows that we will likely surpass the 5.6C mark or even higher. 2050 on her graph intersects with a baseline that equals approximately 10.2C, and that means complete (98 to 99%) extinction of all life on Earth, according to all paleo studies published in the U.S. alone. Meaning that no formidable life has ever survived a 10C rise in all of Earth’s records of previous eras and epochs. Ever, and just because we are the most intelligent species to date, we still can’t live on a planet that is slowly transforming into another Venus.

    I found her video on a hard drive owned by my friend the professor and in it she addresses him by name. So, they were evidently colleagues or good friends themselves, and she trusted him to keep this information in a safe place, which I inherited upon his recent passing.

    There is no conspiracy by those “independent” climatologists who question the science behind our current level of temperature rise. But it’s most certainly a conspiracy by the UN and their IPCC scientists. Just as much as geoengineering is a conspiracy and they hide its existence in pretty much the same manner. They conspire to hide the truth for reasons and agendas that have yet to be explained, and in the video, Sabine Hossenfelder says she is constantly being harassed or persecuted by government science communities every time that she tries to find those answers.

    They report temps to the downside to keep these lies from being exposed. Plus, all the paleo science records have proven that an increase of just 5.0C equals a mass extinction rate of 75%. We only have ten and one-half years left before we hit the bottom of the ravine (if we are lucky). However, I personally think that her two-year-old graph doesn’t show the “now increased” spikes we are currently seeing in temperature rise, and we may only have three to five years at most before six billion humans begins their decent into extinction obscurity.

    Sabine Hossenfelder is from Germany, and she has written many books on the extent of our turbulent climate resulting from human intervention. The professor that I lived next door to in Texas was from her hometown in Germany as well. She is also a “Theoretical Scientist”, philosopher of science and very well known as a science communicator. Where she posts videos of reported numbers by other scientists all the time that does not make any sense, and she explains how they came about using such insane numbers. She appears to be one of the few who are truly committed to the science of climatology and makes sure to get her numbers right before publishing anything.

    For anyone who is still confused, this is the best way to understand the entire climate temperature rise graph and the baseline numbers. Scientists look at the average low and high global land and sea surface temperatures “being reported” and determine a baseline medium that sits in the middle of those numbers. They then plot a graph line that follows the spikes and dips which gives them that steady upwards curve to be expected as the baseline follows the next set of numbers determined by computer modeling of predictabilities. About 98% of the time the temperatures coming in will follow that predicted baseline on the graph, until the next spike occurs and right now those spikes are happening more frequently. Plus, the spikes are rising more sharply into unknown territory and with exceedingly higher and higher numbers.

    So, the baseline begins at zero at the very beginning of the graph, and that zero mark should begin sometime prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in earnest in the 1830s and 1840s in Brittain. Thus, the term Pre-Industrial is used to determine how much human activity is warming the planet.

    However, when the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) deceives the world by starting their graph beginning with the year 1970, they purposely omit over 140 years of documented temperatures and if you add those to a more accurate graph like the one that Sabine Hossenfelder has come up with. Plus, you figure in the “real numbers” and not the ones that are being reported to the downside, which she knows is happening all too well. The new computer modeling graph more accurately determines that the world has already passed the 1.5C degree Paris Climate Accord Agreement threshold, and it plots a course to over 10C rise by the year 2050. But there could be even higher insane spikes in temperatures much sooner than later that sends the numbers well over the predicted baseline. Meaning that we could hit the 10C mark even sooner than the computer graph predicts.

    And if the entire world became aware of these facts, people around the world would demand that governments stop all fossil fuel emissions as soon as humanly possible, and they would refuse to vote for any politicians that continue to hang out in the pockets of the Big Oil empire of Elites. But for all this to happen, we must first expose geoengineering and the lies perpetrated by the UN’s IPCC. You know that same UN panel who appointed an Oil Sheikh to be president of the most recent Climate Conference Summit in 2023. Surely, they wouldn’t lie about any climate temperature rise graph now, would they?

    1. What treasures you dig up! 'Eden'- thank you for finding your sanity to bring us truth & reality!  Perhaps you can submit a summation of that 3.7 degrees C. Fact on Dane's You Tube.  My home computer rejected a long winded response to your blog- maybe for the better.  At least I saved it.  Would like to share it later,.

  25. Do any of you really believe that the "Global IT Outage" was an "accident" or a "cyberattack"? The "engineers" plans are unfolding right in front of you!

  26. Who are my peers ? Who have walked in my footsteps ? Who has seen what is before my eyes, heard what i have heard ? Who has had all of my feelings and memory ? Who is what i am ? I am not Your peer ! neither are You mine.  I will not become homogenized with my fellows. I will not be silent under persecution or be dominated. I am a unique soul entity as You are, if you seek uniqueness. I am one with all creation as You are, if you believe in creation. I am a spirit being living a human experience. I am timeless. So it is:;  i am not a peer. I am a fellow seer. We cannot legislate thought, although that is what is being planned. We cannot be someone else even if we would wish to. Think of a lottery :  What are your chances among all sentient beings that You have become Your Own Self ? Never have the odds been greater in Your favor = 1 in an infinity. Make a difference. Stand tall. Speak the truth  and above all LOVE One Another. Therein lies PEACE among ourselves.

    1. dear watcher

      love it my friend!

      me, a bundle of swirling energy, in this form until i am not, "use up" the energy or if not all used will join with the energy of the universe

      but my energy has always being dispersed into the universe, as i move through life and the energy pulses outwards

      aahh the primitive streak of energy in the sperm of my dad joined with the cells that were in my mum, in my grandma and i became

      methinks tis a miracle 

      st augustine thought that miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to that which is known to us in nature

      human reality is essentially chaotic and incomprehensible with all rational order deriving from the way in which the human mind focuses its attention on certain aspects of reality and organises the resulting perceptions

      what's in a word

      hahahaha tis crazy to be conscious 

    2. Yes, Brother…

      Exactly. Each Of us is here where a purpose.

      We are not here to WRING our hands in despair and give up, no matter how much we think we may know about human nature. We are eternal Spiritual beings having a temporary earthly experience in this plane and in this particular incarnation. As Dane so often says, The predator class are not gods and we are not helpless. 

      I would also add to what you said that truth is greater than fact. I was looking at some YouTube videos by J. Bonham about the constellations. She goes through all of them. In short videos. You should see some of the pictures of the galaxies that the Hubble telescope has taken. Nowhere in those videos do I see any evidence of disorder. All is orchestrated and balanced according to the highest level of divine order. 

      The entire universe is biased on the side of order. Are we to think that the Creator of that universe, and perhaps others in the heavenly realms, are not going to support us in some way as we seek to inform others about what human beings have done to the balance of life on this planet in approximately 200 years or less? 

      I for one will not stop informing others. No matter how stupid some people think humanity is, and I will admit that some people do seem to be rather obtuse in understanding the bigger picture… But no matter, I'm not going to just give up and write off humanity as a lost cause. Because I am here. And because you are here. And because Dane is here. And because so many others are here who do recognize the obstacles we face while at the same time holds to a firm commitment to keep on working no matter what. 

      Quitters never win. And winners never quit. 

      All the energy, the emotional energy, and the time that people spend complaining about how "stupid" People are and how useless it is to try to win people over with information that will change their perspective… I would encourage such people, and you know who you are, To channel that energy into being constructive and supporting this movement. If nothing else , order the scannable business cards and hand them out to people at restaurants, shops, your local post office, anywhere you go. Stick them in the envelope when you pay a bill.

      As hard as I work to educate people about these programs, and I do this virtually everyday, I grow tired of hearing people whine and complain about how useless it is. If people really believe that, then they should go elsewhere.

  27. The popular California resort Lake San Antonio in Monterey County has been closed. It is an artificial  lake formed by the San Antonio dam in the San Antonio River.

    The reason for the closing is a mass die – off of fish. First, small minnows started dying. Then larger fish, catfish, bass and trout followed. One dead bass spotted was 3 to 4 pounds.

    Bryan Flores, Monterey County chief of parks said that "nobody can recall in their time when we've had such a large – scale multi – species die – off like this." 

    Monterey officials suspected that the current heat wave led to a drop in the oxygen level causing the fish to asphyxiate. Flores said, " we're starting to see these fish that shouldn't be impacted by the heat… that's when we said, wait a minute, something else might be going on." Indeed, something else. That's where we come in, exposing the something else.

    1. Geoengineering is an "industry"? Human "industry" has been the cause of many diseases, illnesses, disorders, etc., etc., etc., that have sickened or killed many humans either directly or indirectly. The examples of this are too many to list here! New forms of human "industry" add to this, but a majority of humans continue to ignore the truth! The blind leading the blind always end up in the ditch!

  28. Why is it so difficult to convince people of weather manipulation?  Why to they default to immediate "conspiracy theory" dismissal?   Its a psychological defense mechanism based on fear.  Fear that an element of the world they live in (the weather) which is supposed to be governed by benevolent nature. I mean come on, isn't this only  "Gods territory" and untouchable by man?  Sure, man can control many things but the weather? God forbid!  This thought is inconceivable to many people.  To think that the very skies above their heads are being dominated in this way and that they are being violated in this way is an unacceptable situation.  I reacted with unbelief the first time I heard about it until I could no longer ignore it.  There's just something about the idea that man has become so powerful as to be able to even control or influence the weather in any way that many just cant accept.  Its too much for them.  It violates their "safe world" assumption of reality.  

  29. As of right now an "engineered" storm is moving into Oregon. Watched the "high altitude" high pressure heat "dome" causing this form off the CA coast. Water vapor containing nanoparticles is being directed to flow into Oregon which is why they NWS issued Fire Watch Warnings and Red Flag Warnings. Look like the lightning "show" is going to start late tonight.

    1. As anticipated the lightning "show" began here in the Roseburg area around midnight. Lots of it too! Don't know of any new fires started yet. Likely even though a little nanoparticle laced rainfall happened. Supposed to get more later today into late Sunday night. Thunderstorrm cells moved rapidly to the NW and are now over the NW area of Oregon with some cells out over the ocean.

    1. Yes ! Lance : It has been prophesied that we will Burn Up. For now how about KIND ENERGY ?  The practice of kindness toward all living things. Wouldn't that be a change in behavior. That could up the ante of our own energy.needs and maybe even fulfill them, while we have the time yet at hand.

    2. Brother Watcher,

      Regarding kind energy, you are absolutely correct. Here is an example. There is a stray dog in my neighborhood with three good legs and one leg that was broken in two places and is only partially functional. Unfortunately she also had puppies recently. I have not met the puppies, but I have been working for several months to get her to trust me. I have been successful in this. She now runs to me when she sees me. She comes up to the house almost everyday to get food and water and love. I talked to her and hold her and pet her. She lets me clip her claws now at times, especially on the paw that's not fully weight bearing where the nails get very long. Yesterday she let me give her a bath, probably the first one she's ever had. She didn't know quite what to think of it at first, but by the time we were done she was so very happy. I promised her that if she decides to stay, I will probably not be able to take her in the house because we have four other dogs, but that I will fix a nice house for her and fill it with fleece blankets and give her a secure warm place That she can call her own. I'm giving her a different vitamins and supplements and different things to help her be healthier. She is looking at feeling so much better. It doesn't matter what the particular instance is. We must see what we can to help all sentient beings, and this includes the plants. Dane is absolutely right about even plants being sentient. Nexus magazine has been talking about this for years with articles about how plants can communicate and experience pain and so forth. People need to take a step back and let go of their self-active mind and their ego and see themselves rather as individualizations of the Creator, through which The Creator is working in this world today. Clearly you understand this my friend. 

      And this is why we never give up on our efforts to inform others. Because it is based on kind energy which I would equate with love.

  30. A few thoughts to share. Although we are getting some rain lightly, we had a terrible high pressure system in recent weeks. The air felt dead and stagnant. My heart goes out to the people plants, and animals who cannot escape that heat. 

    I took my German Shepherd out for a ride in the country today. I stopped to move a beautiful female box turtle well away from the road. So many people out here will run over them. This speaks to the insanity of the human race. Dane often discusses. We must see what we can to help them. 

    At my local supermarket, there are what I think are called Islands, where a few bushes and trees have been planted. I have a whole flock of mostly sparrows that go there to eat everyday, where I put out bird seed for them. Them. Recent weather events have gotten so bad that I have put out a couple of bird baths out there too. No one has said a word to me about doing this. Most people probably don't even notice it. 

    As I was listening to the broadcast earlier this evening, there was a jet spraying a filth trail up above, and the jet spray was clearly being turned on and off in patches. Definitely not water vapor. Definitely not a contrail. 

    We must reach people who are active duty, military. And even people who are retired military, who may still have some contacts within military circles. I find it very difficult to get information across to military people, because so many of them were so heavily programmed. And in other cases, they may have broken out of their programming butter so heavily monitored in terms of what they discuss online. But we must do our best. 

    Speaking of the military, you probably know that aluminum powder is an ingredient in thermite. No wonder aluminum coated forests burn with such intensity. 

    I have very little faith and politics. I am no fan of either side. However, I believe that we must make every effort to share information from this website with our state legislatures, and in the current case, with the candidates in the upcoming presidential election, and it is very easy to mail materials to their attention in DC and in Florida. There's nothing wrong with doing this. You may or may not hear back from them. But we must do what we can to reach out to them. I refuse to completely write off all politicians and throw the bath water out with the baby. Because I don't think we should leave any stone unturned. But believe me, my focus is on reaching people who seem genuinely interested. I just don't want to leave out politicians, even ones who are going to be running for president. Perhaps if enough of them here from citizens about this subject, it may touch their hearts. 

    Because of the rampant use of bioengineered foods, I am finding in the last couple of years that I am thinner than I used to be. Approximately 50% of the foods that I used to enjoy, I no longer eat. That will probably get worse as we go forward.

    1. David, for a while I questioned the collective denial reasoning as you do, that it all stems from fear. Lately, however, making it a duty to bring this critical issue to the attention of others at every opportunity every day, I am noticing a distinctive difference in character between those willing to open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to want to know the Truth v. those who have no interest in Truth, those who deliberately attempt to marginalize the daily obliteration of our sky by trails, the unbearable humidity, torrential downpours, unprecedented flooding, freak electrical storms, extremes in temperatures, and on it goes.

      Only a narcissist has no interest in learning the Truth about anything. The narcissist hates the Truth which comes from God. They are people whose willful ignorance comes from a place of evil, of a heart so hardened to anything that resembles Truth, Love, Goodness, and Beauty, all attributes of God, that even something so critically life-threatening to our existence they deny to empower themselves by their self-invented omniscience. They thrive on misery and inflicting suffering upon others. What a pathetic way to live, yet the academy, government agencies, the political theater, and on it goes, is infested with people like this who are the ones branding anything that exposes the lies they force upon us as fact as "conspiracy." 

      Geoengineering, SAI, SRM, cloud seeding, and all the rest of the diabolical, virulent assault on Nature, is the work of Satan himself. Those who persist in denying the very reality, the evidence of which we witness Satan's signature across our sky every day of our lives now, are cleary Satan's minions celebrating his destruction of our planet.

      God is allowing this for His reason. At times I look at images of Saturn enveloped in its concentric rings and thing to myself, this has all happened before, and again and again until man gets it right, perhaps.

      On a positive note, it seems 7 or 8 out of every 10 people are either aware or open to learn about geoengineering while the narcissists are largely a minority. Let's hope this observation is accurate!



  31. New Graduates from Academia – Alan Savory

    Perhaps some of you agriculturists have read the book “Holistic Management” by Alan Savory and implemented on the ground many of the holistic land restoration practices described in the book. There are written articles, videos, work sheets, planning documents and the like to create and execute a holistic program for any ranch, farm, or even one's own private life.

    From their website holisticmanagement.org  – This is their claim to fame
    35 years – 70,000 people trained  –  100 million acres influenced – 130 countries

    A subscription to their monthly publication “In Practice” is an interesting view to what people on the ground are accomplishing. – Until I realized that even these folks are totally incapable of just looking up and comprehending what is taking place in our skies every day – and its devastating consequences. These people are on the ground daily – restoring degraded land – and their labors and accomplishments ultimately depend on rainfall from the sky.

    I have read Alan Savory’s book and honor and admire the incredible accomplishments of all these people who are thinking and acting “outside of the box”. – And I have incorporated some of their methods and techniques in my small-scale land restoration efforts. But the ongoing weather warfare raging globally in many forms can destroy all of these restoration efforts.

    The Basic Question that nobody will touch – not even the people at “Holistic Management International” will even discuss. –  In a warming climate – according to the laws of physics (and science) – there must be more rain overall around the globe. Where is this “greatly increased rainfall? Why so much global “Drought”? Can we listen, research and act?

    But nonetheless the comments by Alan Savory about those processed by academia ring true.

    Alan Savory –  Zimbabwean ecologist, research biologist, livestock farmer, and president and co-founder of the Savory Institute. He originated the Holistic management of agriculture to fight desertification. Savory also authored numerous book on ecology, including Holistic Management, Third Edition  – and A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment
    Ecologist Allan Savory exposes consensus science

    Ecologist Allan Savory: "People talk glibly about science what is science. People coming out of a university with a master's degree or a Ph.D., you take them into the field and they literally don't believe anything unless it's a peer-reviewed paper. It's the only thing they accept and you say to them 'But let's observe. Let's think. Let's discuss.' They don't do it. It's just, 'Is it in a peer-reviewed paper or not?' That's their view of science. I think it's pathetic.

    Gone into universities as bright young people. They come out of them brain dead, not even knowing what science means. They think it means peer-reviewed papers etc. No that's academia. And if a paper is peer-reviewed it means everybody thought the same therefore they approved it.

    An unintended consequence is that when new knowledge emerges, new scientific insights, they can never ever be peer-reviewed. So we're blocking all new advances in science that are big advances. If you look at the breakthroughs in science almost always they don't come from the center of that profession – they come from the fringe. The finest candle makers in the world couldn't even think of electric lights. They don't come from within – they often come from outside the bricks.  We're going to kill ourselves because of stupidity."


    1. in my twenties i became a local authority gardener and was sent to school where i obtained a distinction in city and guilds horticulture

      shouldn't that be haughtyculture????

      we are so very arrogant and stupid

    2. Man's arrogance and rebellion against the laws of God are the reason why humans won't survive.

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