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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act", George Orwell's words ring more true now than at any other point in human history. The vast majority of the masses have so far remained willfully blind to the countless injustices and atrocities that are closing in on us all from every direction. Climate engineering, nuclear contamination, dumping of highly toxic materials into our rivers and seas, the destruction of our forests, all are manifesting into a global die-off of life on an unimaginable scale.


One of the Juvenile male sperm whales that washed up on the shore of eastern England last month. Photo: ZSL CSIP

No matter how great the challenges we face, no matter how deep the current denial of the masses, the unyielding efforts of the few that are truly committed to the greater good can yet make a profound difference even at this late hour. Never give up. The latest installment of Global Alert News update is below. 
Dane Wigington

118 Responses

  1. The Nahanni National Park. Huge amount of Negative Ion's there.
    Although when I watched TVO broadcasting it before hand they were sure to show the SRM there.
    A bit messy in the Sky, but there was more blue there because of the Fall's there generating the Negative Ion's

  2. I'm pretty sick of getting pelted each and every day with the Aerial Bombardment. It astonishes me to no end that people don't see what is so obvious in front of their face. What do people think? That all these planes and jets are in training and trying to protect your area. No they are poisoning you and that is it. Nothing more to be said. Start reading all of this on Geoengineerig Watch and find out what Dane is trying to tell us all, before Osama Bin Obama takes another huge step to take away more of your rights.

  3. If you do watch TV it is important to read the difference between truth and lies. The TV is very coercive tool indeed. It is designed to deceive the public while entertaining people at the same time. I watch TV myself, but I am very careful what to believe and not to believe. As far as getting upset about what is happening each and every day, I have learned that this does not help anyone. I do realize that is easy to say though. Taking an approach of realizing it is happening and trying to make a solution is difficult. A lot of it is Fear Mongering and at the same time a deliberate attempt to dumb the public down and make them hostage within the system. I yet, have found anyone that seems to care about the ongoing Catastrophe. Most say to me when I tell them. Oh well! What can you do about it? People just don't care about much anymore. We have been programmed to think and feel that way. 

  4. If you are in you mid twenties or older you can remember sky's with out lines. but our children don't know what sky's with out lines are its not fair. For that reason i speak out on this issue. I live were the Florida everglades meet the Florida keys and now the spraying has cause the sound of birds to becomes almost gone, fishing cycles alter ect.. but most of all every time the lines are in the sky it is our job to teach our children and any other person willing to listen that can touch other children with this message because this fight has just started. thank you! for your hard work…i hope we can survive this insanity, but from what we see out in the woods and oceans and just from the sound of the animals sounds. it getting quieter and its not a good sound… keep up your hard work!!!.

  5. Sam, Im in south jersey too and I noticed the geese seem to have no clue which way to go during the last couple storms. As it started to snow last night I noticed that instead of fluffy white stuff falling it was tiny shiny flecks of metallic looking material mixed in. It reminds me of fiberglass floating in the air. This is obviously a little heavier but it reflected like it.

    Thanks for this website . I just found it recenty and as disturbed as I am by just how bad things really are Im glad I found it.

    1. i live at the Illinois-Indiana border and have seen it as well. As of last fall i seen it. My neighbor even mentioned how strangely 'luminous' it was. It is getting bad, what our government and corporations and the socialpaths controlling them are getting. 


    1. OMG! This is beyond BAD. Those who have allowed this to happen must be rounded up and ..??.. WHAT?!  😮

  6. You guys who say you, “only watch a little bit of TeeVee” while thinking, ‘that’s not bad’ might want to look up the rest of this article:

    Television, Football and Politics: Gaming Spectacles Designed to Keep the Police State in Power
    By John W. Whitehead – February 2, 2016

    “Televised entertainment, no matter what is being broadcast, has become the nation’s new drug high. Researchers found that “almost immediately after turning on the TV, subjects reported feeling more relaxed, and because this occurs so quickly and the tension returns so rapidly after the TV is turned off, people are conditioned to associate TV viewing with a lack of tension.” […]

    television and other screen viewing not only helps to subdue people but, as Levine concludes, it also zombifies and pacifies us and subverts democracy. […]

    Television viewing, no matter what we’re collectively watching—whether it’s American Idol, the presidential debates or the Super Bowl—is a group activity that immobilizes us and mesmerizes us with collective programming. In fact, research also shows that regardless of the programming, viewers’ brain waves slow down, thus transforming them into a more passive, nonresistant state.

    As such, television watching today results in passive group compliance in much the same way that marching was used by past regimes to create group indoctrination.”

    1. Hello Clark, yes, the media is a primary tool of those in power to condition and control perceptions. This being said, if one is fully aware of this, there is a utility in viewing the array of media stations in order to gain a better perspective of the propaganda being fed to populations. By gaining this understanding, one can more effectively combat the disinformation machine.

    2. Mike TeeVee is a character from a children's book titled Charlie and the Chocolate Family.  If you read it, you'd know what happened to him.  Anything else you think about the name is purely whatever you think. 

      Thanks again, clark– you rock

    3. Thanks Clark…many of us understand what you've shared. Mission accomplished from the early days of "tv program broadcasts" which were intended to indoctrinate the viewers mind or to "program" them. Just think, this programming has gone on for well over 60 years, infecting at least 4-5 generations.

      We now return you to your regularly scheduled program!

  7. Dear Audrey,

    Polio didn’t go away, it’s still around. Geo-Engineering (other than decreasing our immune system)has nothing to do with polio:

    World Without Polio Impossible Because Modern Medicine Turns A Blind Eye At Nutrition
    By Bill Sardi – March 12, 2014

    “… total eradication of polio eludes modern medicine because it ignores nutritional medicine.
    How did modern medicine almost totally eradicate polio but at the same time doom any possibility of abolishing it? Vaccines as primary source of the disease”

    Why I Don’t And Won’t Vaccinate My Child
    By Bill Sardi – January 12, 2015

    “In India, where public hygiene is horrible […] and nutrition is abysmal, polio is stubbornly persistent despite mass vaccination. […] It isn’t vaccination that keeps polio from rearing its ugly head in America once again, it is clean drinking water, foods fortified with vitamins, in particular vitamin C, and hygienic ways to disposing of human waste. Polio is still on the prowl in the USA. […] Health authorities continue to report zero cases of polio in the US despite the fact immigrants must be carrying the virus with them as they enter the country […]

    the eradication of polio in the U.S. coincided with chlorination of water supplies and the polio vaccine had little to do with this. [The Engineering of Pandemics- True Ott PhD, Aug 23, 2009]”

    The Forgotten History of Vaccinations You Need to Be Aware Of
    By Joseph Mercola – January 19, 2015

    “In my research, I was startled [to realize] that what I found was completely counter to what I have been told and taught my entire life. I now don’t believe that smallpox vaccines eradicated smallpox. I now don’t believe that polio vaccines eradicated polio.

    The stories are very twisted, long, and complicated, and the vaccines have changed over time. It’s really easy to kind of throw up smokescreens here and there and make whatever argument one might want to, because people are so ignorant and because the story is so complicated. […]

    “As noted by Dr. Humphries, it’s very easy to defeat the polio vaccine argument, as most incidences of polio disappeared because the disease was redefined—not because there was an actual change in disease prevalence. In fact, it could be argued that the vaccine did more harm than good, since some versions caused polio, and others propagated new mutated strains of the virus. […]

    Polio Epidemic Historically Related to Increase in Sugar Consumption […] Dr. Benjamin Sandler wrote an entire book about this”

    1.  Dear Clark,

      I agree with everything in your reply.  It's complex, just like "climate change".  You can't point to one thing as the cause.  Vaccines at least do nothing, and at worst cause the very condition they purport to prevent.  Children in India are becoming paralyzed despite receiving up to FIVE doses of vaccine.  And isn't it interesting that DDT is still being used there.

  8. So pleased to finally understand "compassionate conservatism."  Well enough to explain it.

    Because don't we wonder ourselves silly as to how the administraive matrix' collective voice is paralyzed?  How there could be such a broad-based conspiracy of silence concerning all these pigs flying in the sky overhead?

    While we haven't entirely finished the late David McGowan's 2004 book Programmed to Kill:  the Politics of Serial Murder (please, activists, read this book), we now understand that serial killers are a myth.  Are figureheads attached to team contract killings.  Vast purges of the truth, slaughtering or threatening witnesses to whatsoever..  Such as the fright put into Texas at the lifemare known as Henry Lucas, serial killer.  The last known glycerin droplet of "compassionate conservatism" gleamed in Texas then-Governor Bush's furtive eyes, welled up in his murky soul and oozed on out the tip of his pen as he signed the only stay of execution ever for those on death row.  Thereby first pulling Lucas from the jaws of death and eventually releasing him despite Lucas casually confessing to torture-killing some 600 people as part of a contract murder team.  Who swore to his interviewers that if released he would indeed kill again (can you imagine the family dialogue:  "Son, he done good werk for the agency…" – ???)  Sure.  Vast campaigns of domestic terrorism to shut up the administrative class.  Lucas murdered lawmakers, law enforcers, business bigwigs, administrators on the list as well as a smattering of prostitute and pool hustlers to make it look a little random.  Now with Sandy Hoax, they've begun just faking murder.  Look Ma fake blood.  Amputee crisis actors in Boston hardly bleeding from their putative injuries (whereas anyone even shot in the finger would have a steady hose of blood shooting forth).  Gone from real murder strongly into the fake.  "Compassionate conservatism" in its glory.  [queue up canned applause…. "Don't sulk, Jebby, you git into the picture too, here, smile, boy…"]

  9. There is another snowstorm timed for the New Hampshire caucus. Here we go again. Can it be any more obvious?? Please report this on your next show Dane. People should hear it and become aware of it.

  10. In reference to TV-watching, I barely watch it anymore.  I do have some shows I like on DVD.  If you're a Fringe fan, how about season 4, show 6, "And Those We've Left Behind"?  The story involves a woman with early-onset Alzheimer's.  At one point, we see a group of teens headed to a concert to see the group Aluminum Rain.  I think there was a lot of truth told in that series.  Maybe why it was cancelled.

  11. Hello to All who come for truth here on this website on Geoengineering of our Climate-Weather Modification Programs. I've been following this topic now for a good 13 years when a friend helped open my eyes on this and much other corruption here in U.S.A. Look into "High Cabal".  "Confessions of A Hit Man" dvd good watch documentary also in ill gains over poor people in other countries. As some people would call Foreign. Out of sight, out of mind one may say. We have been bombarded with SAG/SRM here in Southwest, New Mexico real bad. Yellow sick looking skies with orange mix colors. Last week much heavy spraying over Las Cruces, N.M., this week it's El Paso, Texas, & Juarez, Mexico's turn. These people spraying us have most assuredly sold out their soul for ill gain, and will pay in the Long Run….It is written.   

  12. 2/8/2016, it is 55 degrees here in southeast NJ at 8:30AM and it is snowing!!!!  very strong windgusts, solid pale grey skies.  They chemtrailed us from the break of dawn yesterday, by 8 AM we were in total white out, then HAARP/ELF's way up, and turned the skies completely solid thick white fo the rest of the day.  

    1. Skies trying to clear, had 15 degree temp drop to 40 degrees, but it is bone chilling cold, feels like the teens!  Where the ice nucleated skies are breaking up, you can see the chemtrails being sprayed above.  The ice nucleated "clouds" are vaporizing and falling into the lower atmosphere.  Another round of "clouds"coming from the north and heading south. Trying to use HAARP/ELF's to solidify the cloud coverage again.  The "chemclouds" are a bluish grey, HAARP/ELF wave patterns.  The breaks in the lower ice nucleated  "cloud" coverage is revealing the massive chemtrailing that was going on above, with those cobweb like "clouds", that Dane has been speaking of.  EVIL, EVIL, EVIL .  Spotting more chemtrail planes flying in the breaks, they are out in full force to cover the breaks, until the ice nucleated clouds from the north,flocks of geese are going crazy, flying aimlessly around the neighborhood and very low to our houses, but no seagulls, ducks or what is left of any other birdlife.  Chemtrail planes have done their job, no breaks left in the skies anymore, just thick white, in a matter of a minute.  These totally misinformed, lied to military, with absolutely no common sense left in them, it is Nazi germany all over again!!!  History will not repeat itself!  I withdraw my soveriegn free will consent bestowed upon me by my One true Creator.  This illusionary/delusional "construct" is not of my free will and was not based upon full transparency of fact.  What is "deemed" legal, does not mean it is LAWFUL.  We must no longer accept this legaleeze "designed" implied or tacit consent, it is all mumbo jumbo made up BS wizardy….The so called "great oz" will be exposed.  Just like in the movie, it was the common good for all that broke the spell of the wicked witch, the wizard just used fear as a controller of the people, too afraid to tackle the wicked witch himself.  

  13. [This 20 minute video is so relevant and applicable to what we are doing and endeavoring to understand here at GW. My notes on the amazing brilliant astute Hedges starting @6:00.]
    Chris Hedges – The Pathology of The Super Rich:
    The rich are different…when you have that much money then humans beings become disposable, even friends and family become disposable and are replaced. And when the rich take absolute power, then the citizens become disposable —- which is in essence what’s happened. There is a very callous indifference, the power elite are utterly cut-off. They live in self encased bubbles, they have no real contact with reality and yet they have absolute power — and that becomes very dangerous politically. Because they are so out of touch and able to retreat into their enclaves, they will extract more and more and more because they have no self-imposed limits and no consequences.
    Half of the country now lives in poverty or near poverty. And what is the response? None. The elite is un-plugged out of ignorance until something erupts. The 'cult of the self'. The total immorality of the super-rich. The super rich think of the rest of us as less than human… a kind of racism. They inhabit another world. Public Relations firms and philanthropy hides their true decadence.
    The whole notion of the free market globalization is a very thin rationale for unmitigated greed by a tiny oligarchic elite.  And they have made sure that that ideology is taught in universities across the country and economists who deviate from that ideology get pushed aside. And yet the driving ethos of that ideology is really to justify the hoarding of immense amounts of wealth by very tiny percentage of the upper ruling class.  The whole LIE of GLOBALIZATION perpetuated by people who popularize it by people like Thomas Friedman, has already been exposed — the idea that it’s going to lift all of us up, and create a middle class, and well compensated working class families in the third world has been exposed. The ideology serves the system, the intellectual class serves the system. Those economists who serve the system get tenure, etc. Those who don't have no jobs.
    We don’t live in a free market society. We live in a society where corporations at will loot the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve – and are bailed out by the tax payer. And yet that 'socialism for the corporations' is ignored. A disconnect. Corporations have become predators and we are all going to pay for it because most of this stuff, the bonds they are buying up are garbage — and this is going to blow right up in our face.
    MIRAGES: America is the most illusion society. The airways are awash in lies, they very skillfully know how to mask everything that is being done to the rest of us…Corporations spend millions of dollars to create these mirages to force a false reality on us.  They own & control all systems of information.
    The underclass is now half the country. No way to make change except step outside the system. Create mass movements to put pressure on the elite power.
    The people who are running Wall Street know it’s going to collapse and what they are doing is stealing as much as they can on their way out the door. Deep cynicism. The goal is so self centered. It’s all about amassing little monuments to themselves, little empires – grabbing as much as they can on their way out. Symptomatic of a dying civilization. They know it’s dying. They think they can retreat into their gated compounds and survived longer than the rest of us, but in the end climate change alone is going to get us. They are creating systems of exploitation, not only in terms of us but in terms of the ecosystem that if left unchecked will ensure the extinction of the human species. It may already be too late, of course. Allowing the fossil fuel industry and these corporations to determine our relationship to the environment is a form of collective insanity at this point.


    1. In the 1970s I lived in England making documentary films with my director husband. Because he was making movies, we met lots of different people who were attracted to the to the film business. One person was a very aristocratic superbly beautiful young man in his late 20s, who for a moment adopted us. He was an absolutely lovely graceful creature, the product of centuries of breeding — as he himself informed us that his family, the Belleville’s had been enormously wealthy since the 12th century. His dress and impeccable manners hid a sinister deeply boding undercurrent — which eventually appeared to my horror. One night he took us up to his mother’s apartment in some very posh London neighborhood for a drink. On a table was a scrapbook which I opened to find photo of a handsome young boy and his beautiful pony. I asked him if the child was him and he smiled the most evil smile I had ever seen and began to talk about how much he enjoyed beating the pony mercilessly. I was speechless. Later that night he drove us home in his Bentley, racing through the streets of London at 90 miles an hour ignoring stop lights and people. It was as if he knew no matter what he did — there would be no consequences. Finally I started screaming and made him stop. We got out of the car never to see him again. I lost any illusions about Europe’s super rich old blood lines after that. Hedges reminded me of this story.

    2. Susan, have the super-rich bought their way into immortality? I think not. I strongly suspect they will die like the rest of us. Not even vast wealth can vanquish the grim reaper when he comes to extract his due.

  14. For all you people who think Zika is a new epidemic caused by mosquitoes I strongly suggest you read this blog which points out how that’s not the case, the whole story is riddled with holes and the blame for many of the symptoms is likely connected to heavy pesticide use.

    Really, this is a fantastic and well written article which might make you better at articulating to others the dangers and realities of geo-engineering and recognizing when you’re faced with a future con:


    1. Absolutely.  "Polio" epidemic was the same.  Amazingly enough, polio went away the same time DDT was banned in the US.  What a coincidence, eh?

  15. Reading all your comments makes me want to be stronger than ever and makes me want to reach out to all of you not to give up HOPE. Keep helping Dane with his work and spread the word and never, ever give up hoping our lives will be better. Do all that you can to prepare yourselves for the "Future" and keep your mental focus on the "Good" side.

    Love to all,  Bev


    2. Hello Dan, thank you for your support, and thank you even more for your help in this most critical battle. I am just doing my job, playing my part, as you and so many others are playing theirs. I am grateful beyond words for you and every other activist that is showing the courage to face this this challenge head on.

  16. Nothing like Super Bowl distractions! 

    We are totally distracted. Our reality is ignorance is bliss! 

    Our poor environment. All the life that's poisoned! The defenseless life forms being trucked by greed.  

    Make a difference everyone! 




  17. While everyone got themselves ready for the super bowl festivities, the pilots/drones took to the sky with a vengeance and covered our early morning blue sky in no time with a putrid blanket of alumi-numb. What was most alarming was the utter and complete silence. Not a bird song or chirp to be heard anywhere. I thought better of even taking my dogs for a walk, but parents had no problem sending their kids to play in the park under this umbrella of doom! I guess as long as the beer is flowing and the chips are passed, it's all good. Here's to the next 50 years – Ha!!

    I stayed indoors and watched the late Russell Means interview Welcome To The Reservation from 2011 but right on target. 


    1. Not only did they spray the sky but they turned up the heat I am angry and insulted that its 71 degrees on February 8th 2016 and everyone is happy and saying its always like this during February!!!! Someone said it’s summer in winter!!!! I said no it’s not, it’s weather modification period, they did to make money, after all the super rich had to keep warm while watching the big game. These people don't care about anyone but themselves. Thank you everyone and most off all thank you Dane Wigington.

    2. bija, thank you for the video. I watch and look up everything everyone posts here. Thank you All.

  18. No spraying over Sacramento Valley today.  First day off in many, many months.  It also happens to be the Super Bowl in Santa Clara — just a few hours away.  Wouldn't want to spoil the rich and elite's magical day of gladiator glitz.  When are people going to wake up?

    1. Hello MS, spraying was occuring in the northern Sacramento valley, and some reports of other places further south. Look very closely, often on a building high pressure scenario the short bright trails can be seen (still spraying) and there is a faint haze in the air if you look closely enough. “Spray light”.

    2. First beautiful blue sky over Florence, OR in a while. Did go out from work late afternoon and saw some telltale puffs of spray. Still more blue than white for a change.

    3. While my sky was the bluest and clearest day in two months. The first thing this morning around 7 am  one single jet did leave a trail at about twelve o'clock high on the vaulted sky from horizon to horizon.  The line spread out to cover one half of my visible sky view, which is considerable.  It was so huge and stunning that I just had to get a few pics .  I have over 2,000.  The sky monster very slowly moved to the southeast.  That takes it over Lake County and into the Central Valley to the north of Sacramento.  So, you received the grunge.  It was a hideous greasy looking "yellow" color.  Diluted no doubt when it reached your area.  But, from my vantage point it was a huge raft and the atmosphere all the way to the ground was saturated with that whitish haze.  I believe Sacramento area is one of the most chemtrail saturated areas in the state.  It is a marker between north and south.  Rain north.  No rain south.  What is sprayed over me in Central Mendocino is done to impact your region.  What is sprayed out in the eastern Pacific floats over and impacts me and all points east and south.  Just some thoughts.

    4. You're right.  I spoke too soon.  Went out around sunset and saw some planes spraying.  It's never ending.  I just desperately want to see a normal day again.

  19. Thank you Dane.  I share the views of the commentors here.  We are being sprayed like bugs.  At a school in Idaho, many teachers, and students came down with flu.  I think they sprayed these bioweapon down on us.  Make sure you are protected.  We are being murdered each day. Be it the poison from the chemtrail, or their force multiplier weather war fare. 

  20. Two house painter friends of mine came over yesterday to look over the interior of my house for a total paint job. One of these guys mentioned that he keeps a bee hive in his back yard now and has been getting honey for a few years. I pounced on this as an opportunity to discuss the peer reviewed report detailing the appalling aluminum contamination discovered in bee populations connecting bee colony collapse to the biological damage as a direct result of this contamination. And hello? What is the source of this contamination? When I went into my cliff-notes on geoengineering, the two of them went, like, major deer-in-the-headlights on me. Handed out DVD's and flyers and we had a fruitful discussion about it all. However, the takeaway is that as time goes by and I have talked to more and more people about all this, I do witness a spontaneous reaction that appears to reveal that people can't deal with the threat that this knowledge poses to their NORMALCY BUBBLE. So….they either reject that it could really be happening as I so describe, or they will engage in a guarded dialogue but have difficulty accepting the true magnitude of the issue, which is, I suppose, understandable. Of course, all nuances of understanding are out there from total acceptance to sociopathic denial. 

       I confess again, and especially after listening to another sobering and hard-hitting show from Dane, that I am getting increasingly worried that all hell could break loose at any time. I went to the grocery store awhile ago and once again was astounded to see virtually all produce bins full and shelves bursting with food items of all kinds and descriptions. How can this possibly go on? Global dimming  ALONE must account for an alarming contraction in the planet's ability to grow food. Add in all the rest of the nightmare and it's nothing short of f**king miraculous that we are still seeing full shelves in the stores. Surely this entire supply chain is on the verge of breaking. Maybe not next month or the month after, but soon! Talk about all hell breaking loose. When availability of food staples falters due to biosphere collapse, ALL BETS ARE OFF. This will signal the true beginning of the end. 

       And I say to all the big babies who get snarkey because someone had the audacity to give a shit about THEIR health and well-being, as well as that of all living beings, tear yourself away from your cable TV bullcrap and go to geoengineeringwatch.org for a peek into WTF is really going on in this world. Or is that a little too real for you fantasy-junkies?

    1. Right on Marc you tell them like I do these sleepy people need to wake the f ck up and see reality! I think it's too late, though the mind control is too deep and it's on all facets of life in society form and may be too powerful to overcome this human phenomenon! Called Stockholm Syndrome and MKUltra mind control! Look it up, I'm sure you already know though!


  21. No spraying today almost looks like it did ten years ago….amazing…must have a day off to watch the super bowl?

    1. Even in days when it appears there no spray, like superbowl day, they are constantly spraying but without the persistent plumes that leave lines.  In the absence of the visibles, you can see a white haze with a brown tint from the hills above, notice the whitened sky, and feel the UV frying your skin.  The fact is, the ambient spray from the last several days of overt onslaught plus the less visible stuff they are still slamming us with make for a deadly soup.  I can taste it.  I was outside all day cycling (with a mask) and checking out the sky.  Also prevalent are the data-collecting jets, flying grids, low, and slow.  So, nod days off for the purveyors of mass genocide!

  22. My 100th email to my contact list,titled 'Time of Trial':
    1.  The Christian Lord's Prayer contains the phrase: "Lead us not into temptation".
    This is an incorrect translation. It should be: "Take us not to the Time of Trial". 
    This saying is in reference to the terrifying persecution, torture and death that many 1,000s of early christians suffered. The only way to stop the torture was to renounce their religion and beliefs – hence the prayer not to be taken to torture and have to make that awful decision.
    There were also many 1,000s of the general public, elected officials, representatives and military personnel who chose the easy option – to renounce their faith, accept bribes, join the persecution, ignore reality and continue  to accept their pay cheque.
    Some, like Paul, went the other way and stopped being involved in or leading the barbaric persecution.
    We are currently in the throes of our own 'Time of Trial',  with many people, elected officials, representatives, military personnel, news and weather reporters choosing to deny, ignore (and probably accept bribes), in order to hide and provide misinformation about the dire situation we are in and the ongoing atmospheric spraying that is making it considerably worse.  
    There is extensive visual and written evidence (patents, peer reviewed studies, scientific evidence etc) to show that the current global geoengineering programme will force us to try and live on a world and in an atmosphere that has not supported human life before. This will happen between 2016 and 2030.
    If we are to have a chance of averting global disaster, every person needs to take action NOW, TODAY.
    There are many websites that provide accurate information on the global situation. The most proactive is Geoengineeringwatch.com.
    Please forward this email to as many people as you can, discuss it with your friends and family, do your own research and help us inform people.   
    On 4th Feb, CO2 levels peaked at 405.83 ppm, the highest it has been for 20 million years. 
    The 2015 global temperature increase was the largest increase in one year ever, with every month a record high.
    On 6th Feb, Arctic sea ice was 12.340 million sq km, a record low for the time of year. 
    I can not find details of methane levels over the last few days, but it is seriously not good. 

  23. The folks at Save the Olympic Peninsula have asked me to help them with their research. Fortunately I have Dane’s 12 years of brilliant investigative labor at hand. They asked about the 'coal fly ash' used in the chemtrails, so I have sent them this:
    The "International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health" has just published an in depth research report from Dr. Marvin Herndon that directly implicates the use of highly toxic coal fly ash with 99% certainty as base material in the ongoing climate engineering programs. Why would such a material be utilized for climate engineering? Because coal ash is light enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere for extended periods. Additionally, it would give the climate engineers a form of plausible denial in regard to the source of materials raining down on us. Using a refined form of coal ash as a base material for climate engineering would also effectively disposes of the extremely fine coal ash particles in the process which has always been a problem for the industry.
    Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health
    Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, article by Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.
    Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou
    Received: 29 June 2015 / Accepted: 5 August 2015 / Published: 11 August, 2015 /Abstract
    The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health. Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material. The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical. The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.  entire article here:

  24. Great radio show Dane,

    To support your topic of the whales that have washed up on the beaches in Britain. Folks here is a link you can share with your family and friends:http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2016/2/5/sixth-sperm-whale-dies-on-british-beach.html

    Also you can show them a satellite image of United States and ask why is it so hazy over the US and Canada not South America of over in Africa.


    While out driving yesterday in Alexandria, VA my son who is ten years old asked, Dad what are those lines in the sky? They don't look like clouds. I explained to him and my daughter who is thirteen what those lines in the represent. My daughter told me that she learned in school that they are contrails. They are teaching them lies at a early age. Come on folks…Put that damn cell phone DOWN and Look UP in the sky!


    1. Foot Soldier, about 16 years ago, when my daughter was 3, she and I and my wife at that time were all sitting on the couch watching tv. The show that had just started was a documentary about WW2 on PBS. The narrator had used the word "war" several times in the first few minutes and suddenly my daughter turned to me and asked: "Daddy, what's war?" I looked down at her beautiful innocent face and was suddenly consumed with emotion so raw and profound that I could not breath, I could not answer, I was fighting back open sobbing of a kind I cannot easily describe as tears welled up in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. In this one moment my life was forever transformed. How, I ask, how does one explain "war" to a little 3 year old angel? If every one of these heartless filthy subhuman a-holes who are complicit in the murder and contamination of all the biosphere could somehow experience exactly what I experienced in that moment as I looked into my little girl's eyes, I cannot imagine how they could knowingly carry out such agendas as we are seeing. 

  25. Thank you Dane, for this website and more great information. I like to read what others are posting as well and think it's high time this stuff was stopped in order to save humanity. I've had tinnitus in my right ear for quite some time now and am not sure what is causing it. My Dr. said it may just go away someday. I am not saying that atmospheric things are the cause, but it sure does make one wonder. I notice on many summer days, the awful spraying from the planes in the sky. I live where Lockheed Martin is down the road a ways and it is appalling that planes are allowed to fly over my property and spray their junk when I am in my backyard. Keep up the great job of informing people. Hopefully, it will make a huge difference in getting people to wake-up to what is happening around them. So many do not even care ! 

    1. Hi Concerned One, Do you mean Lockheed Martin in Marietta, Ga.? I also from time to time hear a high pitched ringing in my right ear and sometimes my left. Usually only briefly. Have never been bothered by tinnitus previously. I am about 50 miles north and slightly east of Dobbins AFB/ aka Lockheed Martin, Marietta. I just chalk it up to HAARP and wonder if I can hear this how bad is it for birds and other animals with much more sensitive hearing than we humans have- and even plants? I'm very concerned about this too. Thanks once again to Dane for his research and informative weekly Global Alerts. By the way, I'm listening to this report instead of the stuporbowl tonight.

  26. Heavy spraying on Colorado's Front Range yesterday, seems to be picking up recently. It's gotten so bad some days here its affecting my outdoor biking by triggering asthma attacks. Days when I notice much less spraying I don't have the breathing problems when I'm exercising outside.

  27. Instead of just blogging – call the WH and your Congressman as I do and demand that the insanity stop! Stand Up and Speak Up!

    1. Yogi Greg, Hello and what makes you think we all are just blogging?  I've been doing just what you suggest for very many years now as have most of us.  Has it helped at all?  No.  Except, one hopes, for the sheer numbers of calls and letters, adding up for the government's effort to see if we notice!  And what our reaction is.  Again, like test subjects in a lab.  Which we are.  So thanks for Adding your voice. 

    2. Hello Yogi Greg – thank you so much for what you are doing. And I hope you will continue to share your progress and results with us! Many of us have gone the route of calling, emailing, petitioning, etc. our local and state representatives, on up to the WH. Unfortunately, THEY are the crux of the denial and cover-up!! So…we do the only thing possible, which is to get out there and meet people face to face, hand out cards and flyers, talk to the only people who will make a real difference if enough wake up. This website it our lifeline to factual information and everyone who blogs here is a pollinator of important and useful information that not only educates and informs, but keeps us sane! These are the true activists getting the TRUTH out for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. And then, it is base for a true spiritual family with the will to make a difference. So glad you are on board!

    3. The Weather Channel stated, the Southern half of the U.S. from the West Coast to the East Coast, will have Below Normal, than average precipitation through the month of February! TWC Meteorologist Mike Bettes, said the weather scenario will be more like a La Nina pattern. This is yet another case of confusion & collusion. Currently in Jacksonville Florida, we are experiencing a Gale Warning with sustained Northwest winds of 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph, with an air temperature in the mid 40's, creating a wind chill factor in the mid 30's. This entire week, the Forecast is for high temperatures to be in the 50's and low temperatures to be in the low to mid 30's. This is a temporary cool down, with below average temperatures, as the GeoEngineers stream the cold air mass down to the Southern States. The Low Pressure Center (Winter Storm Kayla) deepened (intensified) as it was moved out over the Atlantic Ocean. The central minimum pressure is 977 millibars, a 24 millibar drop in 24 hours. The Weather Channel is classifying this system as a Bomb, that is going to explode. What a ridiculous statement they used!

    4. I too constantly write to state and federal government EPA, all the environmental groups, etc. and send pictures, articles, proof, etc. Even got a reply from David Keith one time. Believe me, we're all doing our part and loads of behind the scenes work getting the word out.

  28. The "peace and freedom" gambit being fed to the stoopid hopeless kids who join the military is mainly about maintaining AMERICAN "peace," which is the same as mind-controlling everyone to keep their faces glued to distractions such as the teevee set, and out of city hall, and the "freedom" talked about is really the "freedom" to take by force the resources of other nations in order to support the gasoline-fed Couch Potato Lifestyle back home.  Can't these KIDS figure this OUT???  Pat Tillman sure did.

    Back in the 1980s I heard that at least one Indian tribe in South America decided to commit suicide en masse because their seers saw what was coming.  The environmental destruction of the rain forest and the rapacious taking of the rest of the natural resources there, with American PIGS looking for more and more and more and yet more oil, gold and precious metals, destroying the peaceful, harmonious way of life of the native peoples was overwhelming to these people who understood what they would be up against and could see the pictures of the world they'd be treated to as a result.  They are GONE. 

    With the news of the planet now in an irreversible runaway global greenhouse warming process, I can't blame them.  I can barely take care of myself any longer, I have no family and only a few friends; I feel I'm almost there myself.

    1. Hang in there, Dennie!  I feel very isolated, too, with my kids 1000 miles away. Luckily the health is holding out, but when it goes there won't be anyone but the mice to take care of me as they will.  Perhaps you could find an online support network, where you might meet local people?  It's appalling, the way our society has internalized the "every man for himself" mentality.  People won't care for each other unless they're paid to do so, or ordered to do so (can't act without a leader, after all).

      Sorry, not very comforting, am I?  I hope you are doing better.  Maybe you need time alone outdoors or with your music, and some peace and quiet?

    2. Dennie,


      Every single thing that you said is true. I feel exactly as you do and I have a wife and two small children to take care of. I am barely hanging on myself even with that to keep me going. I can't tell you anything that you don't already know nor can I tell you what to do. 

      What I can tell you is that we are your friends and your family. 

      Wishing you peace. 

    3. Hi Dennie, like you on most nights I go to bed and don't want to wake up to this mess.  Then there are days I remember that since I was little I knew my purpose here was much bigger.  In my late twenties I had a spontaneous awakening and felt my vibrational change was serving a much GRANDER vibrational change.  Although these days are excruciating, I know that I have to persevere to the end because we really don't know how many souls we are 'energetically' awakening.  Try to maintain your frequency and vibration and know that, at this time, your LIGHT is all Mother Earth needs. 

    4. Hey Dennie, for some reason, I thought you did have kids.  Maybe references such as making multiple beds and others like that.  But in one paragraph you say "stoopid, hopeless kids but then mention Pat Tillman who was not stupid nor hopeless.  And I don't understand your penchant for mangling words seemingly for effect such as tee vee.  It seems childish and as if you are making vast generalizations which take away, I think, from the very good points you are making.  Heck, obviously Dane has a TV and feels he needs to watch it to find out what is being fed to the public.  I have a TV, I rule it, it does not rule me and I am not a couch potato.  I do realize many are.  But I'm a grown up, I have a TV and I know how to use it!

      For instance, this past Friday I watched Bill Maher's Real Time show and Erin Brokovich was on.  I used to want to see Dane on Bill's show because Bill seems to get it about the environment and he seems genuinely concerned.  For a period of time I tried to contact Erin to gain her help against geo-engineering.  Not one reply.  However I found out a lot of stuff.  A small part of what I found out is that Erin is a hot mess.  She's been on Bill's show before, I thought I was prepared, but her appearance does not generate faith.

      Nonetheless, she was the first person to get involved in a big way with Flint , Michigan's water issue and more than a year ago.  She took it further explaining too quickly for me, but not for the show, that she has more than 1,000 other cases of city water contamination being hidden and went into some detail too quickly and technical about the kinds of contamination, but all at an extremely dangerous level.  All lied about.  Quickly, she rattled off the various states with this issue, California was one of.  Water issues are her specialty, and these all have lawsuits in the works, all actionable.  Undeniable.  She's been compiling all the statistics.  So, besides this huge heads up, which many of us suspected but didn't know the details of or the how or where of, I can sorta see why she did not respond to my emails about geoengeering.

      And then they discussed Porter Ranch and Bill had an infrared? video of the methane that you cannot see well otherwise.  Not only has she been there and gave a description, she has property there!  Which is pissing her off to no end.  Said her home is on top of massive amounts of dangerous chemicals and She had no idea.  There was no time to go into detail about this but it got my attention as many home sites and communities of homes have been built on or right next to very dangerous ground with no warning or info to the buyers.  She made an impassioned-as only she can do-short rant on how all of this is just pure greed for a few dollars more.  How furious it makes her.  Unfortunately, her crazy "affect" detracts from her important work, which is where she really shines.

      Next up was Vice, one newish excellent program that was basically not on all of last year.  Usually two 15 minute segments.  One was on the Zika mosquito and what science it up to in order to off it.  Which, while not saying this was created, sure shows how to.  They are engineering mosquitoes to die, to infect the Zika one using these other mosquitos to off them.  Hmmm.  Often both of these programs can be pulled up on You Tube.

      Somehow I never heard of this tribal suicide in South America.  It would have helped if you could have more precisely stated who and where.  That was-given your date-back when I was reading National Geographic on a regular basis, and I am involved with Native populations and I never heard of this, but would like to know more. To say they are GONE and give no better reference seems irresponsible.  And I have followed various South American tribes such as in Ecuador and what our oil companies did to their lifestyle, leaving them not only with no fish, but no drinkable water.  The singer Sting and his wife have been very involved with this issue and getting clean water to these very tribal peoples.

      I do enjoy your posts Dennie, but sometimes a bridge too far,  offensive to many.  I think your excellent insights would go further minus some of the theatrics.  I sincerely hope this suggestion does not offend You!  Just had to say it.  But I am a fan of your posts and do read them.  Insults and all.

    5. Dennie – I am in complete empathy with you, my friend. I have been dealing with these health issues for nine years now. It may not be much help or consolation, but I find the best remedy for me is colostrum – and Synertek  [  http://synertekcolostrum.com/ ] seems the purest and comes as a power or in an ingestible serum form. Also simple colloidal silver still helps me with clearing the nasal passages, getting some of the particulates out. Most importantly, as I painfully learned over time in NZ, I had to stop ALL forms of sugar. This included cookies, chocolate (death…), wine/alcohol (double death, I'm Scots-Irish), and even fruit juice, dried fruits, corn products and white potatoes. I am now so alkaline I don't even recognize myself! Like viruses, these "thingys" thrive in an acid sugar base. We are all different, meaning our body chemistries are not the same. So what works for one, may not for another. In any case, I will tell you that there have been many days – especially in NZ when I could not sleep or eat – that I simply wished I was dead. In sheer desperation, somehow I got the courage and strength to return to the USA. By chance, through a trusted friend, I connected with Dane and all the wonderful people here at GEW. My life was spent in art and metaphysics, not politics. But at 70, under Dane's gentle wing, I have become an activist. You are obviously highly intelligent, articulate, and courageous. Stay around. We need you.

    6. Dear Rachel Robson,

      Generally, the use of the word ‘TeeVee’ is a sort of reference to the character ‘Mike TeeVee’ in the film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The word speaks volumes to many of us in how it describes people whose lives revolve around watching television. I don’t know if the newer film release portrays Mike TeeVee the same way as the older version starring Gene WIlder. Mike TeeVee is something I’ve never forgotten and I use the word TeeVee myself. Hope that clarifies things for you a bit.

  29. So what do we DO about all of this bad news?  WHAT, EXACTLY????
    TELL US. 
    Tomorrow, most will be sitting on their asses in front of the TeeVee, watching the Stupor Bowl.

    1. I plan on spending Stuper Bowl Sunday slicing and dehydrating potatoes. Now that I have reached the two year stored food supply for my family, why stop there? I have found that my old Bakers Pride brick  pizza ovens double as a food dehydrator. Last Sunday I dried and stored about forty pounds of home grown Sweet Nantees carrots all in one batch. I hope that I never have to use any of my stored food, but it will be there if needed. This thing is coming to a head very soon my friend, prepare now. One thing I know for sure is that THEY won't starve me out, EVER!

  30. Thanks for this, Dane! I don't know if any of you reads the Ecologist or Counterpunch.  This appeared this week about the GM Aedes mosquito.  Apparently, a gene on the male renders the mosquitos sterile, but with unintended consequences: increased lethality of the Zika virus. Here is the article by Ecologist editor Oliver Tickell (The Ecologist), "Pandora's Box: How GM Mosquitos Could Have Caused the Zika Virus Outbreak." I think this is a very important read which never made it to mainstream news.

  31. I did a bit of digging on the Australian Government's environmental website and found a report from 2011.  The way things are written so as not to suggest anything is happening right now – but of the consequences in case it does happen is – is BS.  Wish some people of authority would grow some balls and just spell it out.  However – one of the risks they point out is widespread denial and effective anti-information campaigns. 
    I posted this link on my FB page but I doubt anyone bothered to look at it. 
    This is an excerpt: "The past few years have seen increasing suggestions for large-scale engineering of natural systems as ways to combat climate change and other environmental problems.  Such approaches include the release of particles (e.g. sulfate aerosols) into the stratosphere to scatter sunlight back into space, deployment of large sunshades in space and seeding of the oceans with iron or fertilisers to increase carbon uptake by marine organisms.  Serious concern has been expressed about the possibility of such approaches having unintended and disastrous effects.
    Some of the less likely risks, but ones that have potentially major impacts include:
    – increased availability of genetic engineering technologies used to modify species that can then interact with wild species;
    – wholesale failure of protected areas, due to climate change and associated effects (which would undermine the foundations of Australia's conservation strategies);
    – widespread denial of biodiversity loss, due to the combination of natural human tendencies to deny major problems and effective anti-information campaigns.

  32. Does anyone know what the current satellite views say about Northern California?  It's interesting that we're promised perfect, warm weather for the football game tomorrow.  The Pope's visit last Spring in DC had obvious weather tampering, to make sure he had only the Best.

    1. Maybe this will help……today, Circus Maximus Day, is the first day of "full" sunshine here in Mendocino County, Ca., in over two months.  Granted the grunge is up there, but very disseminated and one not attuned would likely think the sky is clear.  There was a few jets earlier with trails.  And then no more spraying for today.  I am 170 miles north of  San Francisco.  

    1. This is exactly what we should be doing in every city in the USA!!! About being sprayed like bugs. The geoengineering crap that we are all living with. We did this in this country a lot in the 60's and early 70's, to bad we all cannot seem to get it together enough now days to DO IT!!! Writing letters and calling politicians is useless, the MSM is useless, WE NEED TO DO SOME PROTESTING IN THE STREETS!!! 

  33. Partly cloudy, partly sunny, mostly cloudy, who the hell couldn't predict this. All you have to do is step outside and see the level of spraying they are doing. I can predict the weather better than these so called dumbasses meteorologist's can just from the level of severity of the hish sound in my ears and the pattern of their spraying. I wish for once one of them would show the courage to tell the truth, f***ing cowards one and all. Sorry I am feeling so angry again. Today should have been a sunny bright blue sky but no, we can't have that. You all know this song and dance. On the bright side I did manage to wake up one more person. Haven't given up yet

    1. You're amoung Friends. Vent here, if no where else! It sure dosen't take them long to ruin a Beautiful Blue Sky. Some Day's I too shake my fist or even Cry. But I know I've given a Hundred percent for Hundreds of hours & have earned a rant here or there. We will do it Dan from Idaho!

    2. I hear your anger.  I live here and they spray the evil stuffs down heavily each day upon us.  Make sure you are protected.

  34. Spraying today in Tennessee terrible! We got to do something. 
    I’m turning into a minimalist. Buying nothing but what I need! 
    Consuming the minimum. People stop consuming. Stop wasting. Stop polluting! 

  35. Hello,
    Can anyone tell me where I can find evidence of the confirmed hole in the ozone layer above the UK that Dane mentions in this weeks show please? There is a small park near where I live that is bordered by trees,they are all south facing and and are bordering the  coast, they are fully exposed to sunlight as there are no buildings in front of them.The south facing side of the trunks are completely bare, the bark is totally stripped from them all. It's very clear that the damage is where they are most exposed to sunlight, which to my mind is evidence that they are suffering from UV exposure as a result of the geoengineering madness destroying the Ozone layer by the jet spraying. The fir trees are suffering greatly too,many look like discarded Xmas trees although no one seems to notice. The way the trees are situated in the park though make it very difficult to argue against the damage being caused by sunlight so I want to photograph them and demonstrate to people using credible scientific evidence to be able to show them the link between the so called chemtrails, the depleted Ozone layer above and the harm being done to the trees. (not to mention us! ) The physical effects are already present right in front of them. The skies are sprayed daily, often very intensely and have been for a very long time. We can see the results without having to even look up now.

    On a personal note I would like to thank you Dane for doing all that you do. The way you conduct yourself despite the criticism you face is truly an inspiration to me. I very often feel overwhelmed by the sheer size and scale of what we're up against but your courage, determination and commitment helps to give me the strength to continue. God bless you and your family. I pray that you will be kept safe. I'm not a religious man but I really feel that without divine intervention it may be too late, although like you and all the other people that comment here, I won't go quietly into the night either.    

  36. Zero Hedge just posted an article that Indian Point NPP Officials falsified records and that there's been a 65,000% spike in reported radioactivity after tritium leaks at Indian Point. And that the tritium contaminated water leaked into the ground water at the nuclear facility in Westchester County.

  37. Supposedly the world dumps over:
    8 million TONS of plastics into the ocean each year.
    180 million tons of garbage each year into the oceans.
    206 million pounds of toxic chemicals into our waterways each year.
    Ya, think we might be treating Planet Earth as one giant Landfill? Isn't industrial civilization, just grand?

  38. I have been suffering from that constant ringing in the ears tinnitus,along with dizzy spells, vertigo, brain fog, and head aches. I know information has been posted here on what to do, chelating and detoxing heavy metals. However could someone help me with what can be done? What is most important? Chelating? Cilantro, Chlorophyll? I'm really tired of feeling worn down its non stop now.  I have always been a healthy and athletic person. Will this ever end!!?

    San Francisco is full of Stuper bowl events this week. People are so caught up in it they don't see the completely engineered sky above. Its been really bad this week. Non stop crap in the sky. I miss the rain and wind at least it blew the shit away.    

    1. Look into EDTA and zeolite. That will help detox you. I was exactly where you are a year ago and now I'm as healthy and normal as I'm going to be. 

  39. I think humanity will struggle to make it into 2025 unscathed.

    I find myself incarnated here on a dying world. For the last 10 years I have always known in the depths of my being that humanity will experience an earthly end in my lifetime. The biosphere of the planet that has given rise to the experience of my life has become degraded to the point where I will in all likelihood not see old age. Before my life reaches what would otherwise be its ordinary and expected natural end, I may be a witness to near term human extinction, the loss of the planetary biosphere and the end of humanity.

    1. We are the witnesses.  The cracks of the collapse were in evidence when I was a small boy.  It puzzled me that automobiles were emitting smoke and fumes into the air I breathed.  I was four years of age.  Funny how kids know.  The vast majority of us tended to accept trust in authority for too long a time without really questioning and fighting back.  We did our thing, and retired.  Now I have all the time in the world to think.  A genuine luxury.  But my energy is depleted, my verve sapped.  What probably keeps my dander up is the sheer illogic of what is going on.  A species deliberately seeking to commit suicide, my race of beings, is utterly fascinating.  Of course its scarey.  We all want to change the trajectory, turn it around, storm the wheelhouse, not so much for those of us 'past it,' but because of the youth who come on board with their innocence which is then raped by the siren call of false values deserve truth.  False is fake.  False is a lie.  The young need to reboot this global mess to save themselves.  


  40. My 16 year old Son wants to be a Marine Biologist.  I try to encourage him to get a college education, I have told him about Fukushima and the millions of gallons of radiation that are gushing daily into the Pacific Ocean. I have also told my children about Geo-engineering and the relentless spraying. I tell them "When I was your age, we had the most beautiful violet blue skies, almost every day and we would lay in the grass and count fluffy white clouds."  I try to give them a sense of what they are missing. And seeing my sadness an despair, they try to comfort me "It's okay Mom, sometimes the sun comes out."  They have no idea of how things used to be. 

    My innocent children are filled with love, excitement and hope for the bright future that I have promised to them their whole lives, how can I tell them that now we are being exterminated? I have tried to speak out to many people in my family and to colleagues. I don't even mind that they scoff at me, or tell me "Your crazy!" their opinion means nothing. I am numb to the carefully worded form letters that I receive in response to the many letters of protest and e-mails I have written to the "elected officials" who were sworn to represent my state and country.

    I have the highest respect for you Dane Wigington, I believe in all the things that you are saying. But, the shrieking, howling madness that has been ringing in my ears,  the rapid acceleration of chaos occurring these last few weeks have convinced me that indeed, all is lost.  When I think of the coming Martial law, police state with hollow point bullets, it chills me to the bone.  All I can think of is "How can I possibly protect my children?"

    I know that the evil forces who subverted and destroyed the US Constitution are counting on me to react this way. But, what can I do?  I have heard rumors that there are inner conflicts within the US government an military and that some courageous people are trying to fight back, but I have no way to confirm this information.  

    We are past the point where political activism could have any impact, what we need is a revolution, and I am so afraid. I am too much of a coward to fight back, all that I can think of is survival for myself and my kids. I just want to live.

    1. Hello Susan, you are making your voice heard, you are fighting back, you are clearly not a coward. Together we are strong, and our #s grow by the day. When we reach a critical mass of awarness, more and more members in the US military will wake and refuse to participate in the insanity. I am already communicating with some. Lets keep our faces to the wind and keep marching, good to have you with us Susan.

  41. Dane,
    Thanks again for your relentless pursuit of getting the truth out there.  Your delivery was impeccable; your inspiration; palpable. Thanks again for all that you do and especially for the person you are!    

  42. It saddens me greatly every day to see the sky coated in disgusting muck. There is no longer such a thing as crisp clean Idaho air here in Idaho Falls Idaho. I know what it is supposed to look like in the sky I remember being able to take a deep breath and have it feel good for the crisp clean air to fill my lungs.  Those days are gone! I am very angry about it! What angers me even more is to see my father fighting for his life in intensive care. This exposure is killing people! It is also diminishing my mothers mental  clarity in a significant way. I can feel the effect in my own body and I can see the effects on my children.

    I am angry that some people really believe the lie that what is coming out of the jets is water vapor! They look at me like I am crazy when I ask them to research it. I hope the planted seeds in their minds  prompts them to look up and wake up to the lie. I did research it on my own and it is much worse then I realized. We have to make this the single most important topic in our lives every day! Call your local government officials, call the lawyers in your area, call the doctors in your area, tell people to look at this website then do their own research. one more thing look into how many of the testing labs that are being purchased and are now giving false results!! Call them out on it!  Its time to stop being afraid of what people will think of you if you tell them the truth. Most of us don’t like being lied to and feel foolish when we find out we've been duped.

    1. You are absolutely right Brittney. I have lived in Idaho all of my 58 yrs and remember the smell of fresh air and the vibrant blue skies. This has all been replaced by madmen who want to own the weather for military purposes. So sorry to hear about your father fighting for his life but at this point we are all fighting for our lives. We are all frogs in the slowly heating water coming to a boil soon.

  43. I can only say thank you for risking your life to disclose this insanity. The masses may already be damaged by the toxic exposure that they have unknowingly received.    The corruption and insanity has infiltrated almost all of modern society.  How can these evil individuals live with themselves knowing they are responsible for enormous suffering (of all species) and death?  They are either very sick or stupid individuals.  The miracle of life as we know it is being pressed into extinction.   This insanity needs to end immediately. Those employed/controlled by the military/industrial complex must cease to carryout these deadly missions/actions before it is too late. Everyone else should no longer support the military/industrial complex by boycotting their sources of income.  Perhaps a day where everyone refuses to work, travel or buy anything will get some notice. I hope we are not too late.

    1. The elite are powerful but not all-powerful. They wish to be all-powerful. The cost does not matter to them. They are completely inebriated with the idea of power. The forcing of whole populations into a market niche is a means to wealth and thus to power. Alternative energy sources do exist that could have been installed and developed to supply our needs. I'm not talking about guzzling down immense amounts of wasted calories like we do with carbon energies, but the intelligent design of societies based on zero net pollution, alternative energies, recycling and minimising consumption to start with (frugality).

    2. Yes, we all need to come together. Max Igan's Full Crcle Project is a way to connect with other like minded people close to our location so we can protest as a group against a common cause. Also check out Ken O'Keefe, he is spearheading an effective solution, his website is www.worldcitizen.solutions and listen to him on Youtube. Thanks to Dane and every one else who single mindedly are kindling a change for a better world.

    3. Okay, now THAT means TAKING YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE TOO-BIG-TO-FAIL banks.  You can do this NOW.  SAY GOODBYE to B of A, Chase, Wells-Fargo, etc.  Put your money in a local credit union.  Those are NOT traded on Wall Street.  Decentralize the banks and that IS something that EVERY ONE OF US can do NOW.

  44. Running Out Of Fish? Global Catch Significantly Underreported, Study Finds [also from Dane's talk]
    By Jim Algar, Tech Times | January 20, 2016
    The world's fishing industry has taken twice as much fish from the globe's oceans in the last 60 years than has been officially reported, a new study says. Numbers reported to the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization, which tracks statistics on fishing worldwide, are tens of millions of tons less than what is actually being taken, say fisheries researchers Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller of the University of British Columbia.
    … globally, 53 percent more fish were taken from oceans than official figures suggest, the researchers report in the journal Nature Communication. They say their estimates of the global catch in just one year, 2010, was 109 million tons, around 30 percent greater than the official report of 77 million tons reported to the U.N.'s FAO by more than 200 countries around the world. Every year, they estimate, fish that are caught but go unreported total around 32 tons, more than the weight of the entire human population of the United States.

  45. They have been doing this since 2010!!!
    Navy tests off West Coast to endanger whales, environmentalists fear
    Originally published December 26, 2010
    Environmentalists worry that plans to expand Navy testing off the Washington, Oregon and California coasts will pose a danger for whales.
    A proposal for increased sailor training and weapons testing, as well as underwater minefield training for submarines in the Navy’s Northwest Training Range, has been approved by the Obama administration. The area — 122,400 nautical square miles of space, equal roughly to the size of California — has been used for Navy training since before World War II.
    Opponents fear that missile and sonar testing and the dumping of depleted uranium could hurt the whales. The Natural Resources Defense Council worries the Navy will release hazardous materials into coastal waters, including “thousands of rounds of spent ammunition and unexploded ordnance containing chromium, chromium compounds, depleted uranium” and more. The council also believes the midfrequency sonar used to detect submarines and underwater objects interferes with whales’ ability to navigate and communicate, and that the chronic noise can interfere with whales’ brain development and depress reproductive rates.

    1. If it's any comfort, there are no more whales, or won't be within the year.  Fukushima has seen to that.  Amazing, the number of people who call themselves environmentalists, and yet fail to see what's happening in the environment all around them.

    2. Hello Penny, yes, Fukushima is an immense problem. It is important to remember that there are countless factors impacting the oceans and the whales, the assault is coming from many directions.

  46. Like the Navy here on the Olympic Peninsula? The pilots don’t know what they are doing? How toxic the spray is…  [from Dane's talk]: EYEWASH
    Senior CIA officials have for years intentionally deceived parts of the agency workforce by transmitting internal memos that contain false information about operations and sources overseas, according to current and former U.S. officials who said the practice is known by the term “eyewash.”
    Agency veterans described the tactic as an infrequent but important security measure, a means of protecting vital secrets by inserting fake communications into routine cable traffic while using separate channels to convey accurate information to cleared recipients.
    But others cited a significant potential for abuse. Beyond the internal distrust implied by the practice, officials said there is no clear mechanism for labeling eyewash cables or distinguishing them from legitimate records being examined by the CIA’s inspector general, turned over to Congress or declassified for historians.
    Senate investigators uncovered apparent cases of eyewashing as part of a multi-year probe of the CIA’s interrogation program, according to officials who said that the Senate Intelligence Committee found glaring inconsistencies in CIA communications about classified operations, including drone strikes.

  47. Thank you, Dane. You are our North Star! God Bless and protect you & your precious family. I have learned so much from you in the three months I have been connected with your brilliant Geoengineering Watch website. Even though I was researching this layered evil for some 30 years, your intelligent gentle clarity, comprehension and understanding put it all together for me. Yes, connecting all the dots, the layers of mendacity and greed leading to the collapse of the biosphere blankets and circumvents everything. I am beginning to work with the Save the Olympic Peninsula folks. I have referred them to many of your links and especially the awesome Documents page for their legal team. Thank you.

    1. You Go Susan!!.. We MUST stop the Navy from killing any more innocent creatures of the earth and sea- and us too.

  48. Thanx Dane for your dedication to the truth. Watchmen are frustrated with the denial of the masses yet we must continue to do what little each and every one of us can do to get the message out in hopes of waking up America and the world to what is to come. God Bless….

  49. They spray constantly and consistently in Southern Minnesota!! Our skies are full of crisscross fly-over patterns, then a few hours after or the next day our skies are filled with thick, sick-looking white cloud cover. I am sure they will add to the mess tomorrow during the Super Bowl — as they have done in years past — because no body will be watching!! More and more I think they spray at night, early in the morning or late in the evening so we don't notice — and then some days they are as blatant as they can be! They don't care who sees, or comments, or doesn't agree!

  50. Today dear friends and concerned members, I would like to also address the SoCalGasLeak disaster with critical information regarding the toxicity of the chemical Methyl Mercaptan, which has very obviously been withheld from the residents of the areas concerned, but is also being withheld by those that are within the working circle of the industry itself.  Please avail yourselves and then pass the information on to break this silence.
    First, Google :
    Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services >>>>>>Jan 1988/2000 nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/documents/fs/1275.pdf
    and also  Methyl Mercaptan Hazard Summary
    then google:      Acute Exposure Guidelines for selected airborne chemicals Vol 15 (2013)    and see>
    Chapter: 2 Methyl Mercaptan Acute Exposure Guideline Levels  (per The National Academics Press)


  52. I can confirm spraying all day today- lots of it in the Philadelphia area- the whole sky for miles and miles as far as my eyes can see. Planes everywhere.  Makes sense if they preparing for new storm-   I feel like I am in a science fiction reality movie.  Scary and depressing.  Sunny but very dim.  Global dimming for sure. 

    Three things a fraudulent new source will NEVER report on OR debate on live national television
    1. The Rothschild’s involvement, role and "Going on's" lol…in the continuing development of the U.S.A.
    2. The official story of 9/11/2001
    3. Geoengineering or solar radiation management
    When they won’t talk about this stuff…You know their full of shit….it all needs to be on the table…No such thing as half truth…It’s either the truth…or its not…

    1. I'm in deep despair over what our species has done in 300 years to the beloved earth which took billions of years to evolve.  No one wants to hear or learn the truth. As soon as a little blue sky poked through the white poisons today (outside Philly), the sprayers came back out and obliterated it. Thank you, Dane, for your courageous fight.  And please take care of yourself; we know what happens to many whistle-blowers.   

    2. Right on, Kevin. TV has become total mind-control. I threw mine out 10 years ago, even though I had worked in TV for 25 years. I retired and pulled the plug shortly thereafter.
      I still dream up homegrown music vids, though….and anti-geoengineering posters which I post anywhere I can! But, you forgot a 4th topic they will never tell the truth about on TV corporate news: Fukushima. The inter-reaction of the radioactive particles from Fuku AND the toxic aerosol geoengineering particles is probably the stuff that ELE nightmares are made of. God help us all. Background Radiation my butt.
      May God strengthen and shield Dane, and ALL the great people who contribute to this site, you are beacons of sanity and truth to me, here on this dear, once-beautiful, now-afflicted, chem-smeared, hot-particled planet.
      But, as Dane says, we must march on, spread the word, and no matter what…Don’t Let Them Boil That Frog!

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