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Dane Wigington

The siege of planet Earth and the web of life continues on all fronts. All the while the delusion of perpetual growth on a finite planet with finite resources is alive and well. Many populations around the globe remain completely oblivious to implosion of the biosphere, this is especially true in the US. From the South Seas to the Pacific Northwest, dead marine life is washing up in unimaginable quantities. A weekly  parade of completely engineered Eastern US snow storms  carries on, the latest is "winter storm Petros". Between these chemically ice nucleated creations the record high temperatures return. Earth is warming at least 50 times faster than when it has previously come out of ice ages. Climate engineering is fueling the overall warming, not mitigating it. How can all this be hidden in plain sight? Mainstream media and the "meteorologists" that represent them are a primary tool of total deception for those in power. If you have had enough of life threatening lies, publicly (and peacefully) confront our news and weather personnel that claim to represent the public's interests (but instead have completely betrayed the public). The attached broadcast is a case in point.

What remains as the greatest and most immediate threat to the web of life on Earth? It can be seen over our heads every single day. What is the real story? We must all keep connecting the dots, we must all make our voices heard in the fight for the greater good.

116 Responses

  1. I was surprised to hear the word ‘chemtrails’ used on the season finale of the FOX television show ‘X-Files’. They even had a photo in the background as they described it. I imagine it helped to open the eyes of quite a few people. However; I imagine it helped to marginalize things a bit, too, in some respects.

    Things DO seem to be changing in regards to this subject.

    1. Besides calling solar radiation management 'chemtrails', Joel McHale's character in the show did a pretty good job using the 2-3 minutes the Fox riders were allowed to cover the subject of the global elite controlling us using weather warfare with HAARP. I thought it was awesome, if only he had mentioned the California drought. 21 million people watched that episode, and I'm sure the ones that torrents it were much more keen to what he was talking about.


  2. Hi, Dane. What's the story w/ the recent massive carbon monoxide release on the west coast? Is that fallout from the recent heavy aerosol spraying, Fukushima, the SoCal gas leak, or is it a surface release that indicates a coming quake? 

    1. Hello Mike, we are investigating as diligently as we can from an inside source. NASA has already issued a “damage control” statement. Should we believe it? I think not. What we can be sure of from NASA is that they are a primary part of the cancerous cabal that currently runs the planet. Again, I believe the statement below is damage control from NASA. http://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/news/geos_system_news/2016/incorrect_CO_concentrations.php

  3. Whoa!  It never ceases to amaze me….if I don't come here every day, I miss some truly amazing news regarding Geoengineering. Thank you, Dane. And may blessings be upon you and your family. AND …..it really meant a lot to this gal when you said, "I remain at my post." What a terrific guy! Sharing with Russ Tanner, Orbis Vitae.  PRESS ON!

  4. I just listened to your Speech Dane. That was incredible! 

    I like at the end about being Rebels. I consider everybody that has made their voice heard here as being a Rebel. 

    It looks like the Engineers have a surprise for Central Ontario tomorrow. 

    Looks like they are going to do some Huge Aerosol Dumping to create more Havoc here.

    Keep up the great work at Geoengineering Watch Organization.

    I had a look at a site from years back. It was about a lady who called herself "The Goat Lady"

    She lived on an island, I believe along with her husband raising Goats. She talked about how all of her animals fell ill, along with herself and husband from the assault from above.

    Not a wonder why there are so many species dying off.

    Very Disturbing.

    Have a good day if you will. 

  5. I see evidence of geoengineering virtually every day that I go outside, but yesterday really amazed me.  Around 10 AM there were many HUGE Xs in the sky.  I don't think I'd ever seen that many Xs at once.  Also some stop-and-start trails, and I wondered if all the glaringly obvious Xs caused ANYBODY to awaken to the realization that geoengineering is going on.  A bit later the whole area in front of the sun was covered as if by a rug.  Same-old same-old.  I usually make a point of staring at the sky and even tut-tutting (tsk-tsking? lol) sometimes hoping someone will look up and notice what's going on.  (My cell phone is old & the camera doesn't work so I can't take photos like I used to.)  But no one ever seems to look up.

  6. Yesterday


    I watched 4 huge tanker jets go one after another within 15 minutes. They were going from east to west. That was just those ones in the same flight. There were numerous others all over the sky. 

    I watched the drone video mentioned. One comment was that they spray the bacteria and fungus over you. I agree with that. Mike says in the video that they are making it more obvious to make it look normal. Well he is right there. This is a normal occurring each and every day. Just like it is normal that people are getting very sick and dying each and everyday because of the spraying. I believe that George Bush Sr. was right when he said that they are creating a NWO and will succeed. It sure looks like that to me.

    Bombing the Crap out of the Middle East while spraying the piss out of everyone in the United Nations.

    What a real screwed up mess this is. 

  7. My nose have been giving me fits.  Is anyone else having sneezing fits? And the inside itches and feels stuffy. I hate to be clinical but it's driving me crazy and has been going on for several weeks and is not a cold.  And my lungs too feel clogged causing me to cough more than seems normal.  

    1. Hi BaneB….two suggestions that may help…1. Gaia herbs olive leaf organic capsules…work on cellular level and taken regularly will prevent viruses, fungal and bacterial infections. 2. NAC… excellent for lungs. You can read about these first online to see if they may be right for you. 
      Best wishes….

    2. Hey, Bane:  Dennie here.  I was up in Mendo County most of last week– yes, it was HORRIBLE pretty much all over.  I was staying over in El Dorado, east side Russian River, Ukiah, and it really felt like I was suffocating Friday night into Saturday for all the particulates.  My lungs kept filling fast with the particulates and this was in a house from the 70s.  It really depends on how well your windows and doors seal the crap out– just got done doing a few hundred bucks more on getting my front door to close very tightly and so glad I did.  Glad also I had that will drawn up back in 2010.  We just don't know when the homicidal psychopaths are gonna decide we all need some biological agent added to the mix to thin the "herd," as if we're a bunch of "dumb animals," (though too many behave like it)– HUMANS ARE NOT HERD ANIMALS, we DON'T get "HERD IMMUNITY" and WE ARE NOT A "CANCER" ON THE PLANET–!!! 

      Continues to be pretty bad due to the RAMPED-UP spraying.  At about 1:00- 2 a.m. this morning there was a very strange, low VAPOR that came up out of the tidal areas near the Marin County Civic Center, possibly Lucas Valley area– a very eerie low tule fog, and very cold– it was all whited-out when I looked out the east window in the Rafael Meadows digs– then bright as hell and blue skies, with the ubiquitous streaks, of course, by 10 a.m. 

    3. Hi Dennie.  I lived in Novato once upon a time.  And watched  progress" destroy ever more of the wetlands.  Vintage oaks is an abomination.  So too is Bel Marin Keys.  Mill Valley is choking on itself.  And this is heading in my direction.  I suppose you have seen the Willits bypass?  Right through to marsh, a viaduct of columns and piled up great walls of soil.  The push is to open up the northern region to everything that has destroyed the environmental quality of life that once was Marin County.  I can't get any more remote than now unless I emigrate to Hudson Bay.  Currently it is raining here…..uh…..a heavy mist.  And forecast is all day and into tomorrow.  Nothing for the south (see my post on Dane's update about 1 pacific redwood UTube site.  If I were younger I WOULD emigrate.  Thanks for your update.


  8. Snowdens confirmation is amazing…His suggestion that if the program stops the climate would spiral out of control in a matter of a year in the north hemisphere. We cannot stop spraying then?

    1. Hello Miles, as I outlined in the broadcast, what Snowed is attributed as saying is what we would expect military documents to say. The reality is this, geoengineering is making an already horrific climate scenario far worse, not better. See the attached link for more details. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/double-catastrophe-scenario-document-paints-bleak-picture/

  9. Forgive me if this has already been discussed but here's another dot – The researchers in Patagonia who worked on finding the reason why the 300+ dead sei whales washed up on shore en masse have completed their research.  They concluded that the whales died at sea, and noted that it was unusual for them to be congregated in such a large group, since they are normally pretty solitary creatures.  They also said that they don't know what killed the whales, but they were sure that man had nothing to do with it.  They will be presenting their conclusions in a journal later this year and will not entertain inquiries until after the journal article is published.  While funding for this particularly study reportedly came from National Geographic, their research base is reportedly supported by the Pew Trusts, an entity that has a multi-billion dollar endowment from the heirs of the Sun Oil Company founder.

  10. Ed Rae, I, to as a fellow christian have been disheartened with the response by many in my congregation, that I have shared this website with. I suspect many can't bring themselves to believe that such evil could be done by our own government. Some family and friends have seen the darkness that we are commanded to fight against ,so some progress. Every time I witness the further desecration of Gods creation, I resolve to not give up or be quiet. Since I've been coming to this site I've not seen one reverend, priest, or spiritual leader contribute to this effort. I plan on sending out a letter this week to our church leadership to challenge to take the words "the people perish for lack of knowledge" seriously and become informed about what's going on around them. To all, please go see the movie, Risen, it's a well done movie, and at least for me as I went in under toxic SRM/SAG skies, it put all in perspective. Never give up! prayers to all, and once again thank you, Dane for all you've done and are doing. 

    1. Hi David ….am sorry to hear your Church has not come to the realization that governments around the world are led by Satan. Did not Satan say to Jesus if you bow down to me "I will give ALL the kingdoms of this world to you". That should tell them from this one statement that evil runs the world. Ask your minister why he is not teaching and explaining the book of Daniel and Revelations that should open their eyes to what is happening today.
      This effort that is being preached by all of us about geo engineering to friends and to family is like telling them that this world will end with Christ returning …..no one wants to hear that because of all the reasons you could think of. They just want to hear that things will go on like this for ever …ITS NOT GOING TO GO ON FOREVER …..just look at what we have done to the earth already …..so the only thing you can do is to keep telling friends about geoengineering and hopefully you will open at least one set of eyes. And if you can only open that one set you did your job.
      I found that if you send them the article that Dane put in the last report about Rhode Island government signing a law on stopping geo engineering that opens their eyes to reality. Because its the Government doing so …..that seems to hit home, they believe only the government so heres a good article for them to read.
      Keep the faith and keep sending and talking ….someone ears and eyes will open ….its happen to me more then just once.

    2. Hello Roger, to clarify, the RI legislation is not signed, but rather still in the examination process. What matters is that it did not get killed in committee and the investigative process will now go much deeper.

  11. Dane, This radio show was so very excellent.  So jam packed with info, coming at us so fast but with your calm well paced voice at its best.  It was very kind of you to read that well written excerpt/tribute you extended to all activists against geo-engineering, from your avionics friend.  Uplifting and heart felt.  I was riveted the whole hour and replayed much.  One of your very best episodes!

    I too found the Milgram experiment.  It was in my in box and referred to the new one, as this time they wanted to see what would cause revolt.  I had not known previously about this experiment and found it horrifying.  In the original, all that seemed to be required for an authority figure was a lab coat.  Plus name designations such as teacher, experimenter.  The students really believed they were inflicting these shocks.  And upped them even when the actor they did not know was an actor said he was feeling heart pains!  If left alone, the group would quibble a bit, but shaped up when the lab coat entered the room.  In the new version, if I recall correctly, it took about 60% of the students to effectively stop the experiment, which does not seem to bode well for us.  It is stunning how many people would so easily give over their scruples to a lab coat. How many willing to give what they thought was real pain to an innocent person for an "experiment".  To me the phrase "order takers" sounds more like a fast food place than say the Armed Services.  But, if extended to that, it may be hopeless.

    In replies, I got a couple of things wrong this past week, which I'd put down to age but it is more of a case of too much info, reading, researching too much too fast.  One was saying Vermont?, and at least I did add the question mark as I did realize I did not remember, when I should have said Rhode Island, in terms of legal action against geo-engineering.  I also totally messed up the name of the man on Bill Maher's show, the "badass"(Bill's term) who worked long time for the CIA in Intel.  His real name is Michael Hayden.  He was on Fareed's show today, and he really does seem like a reasonable person and really does look like a lovable, ticklish grandpa!  He is more or less siding with Apple in the current dispute much to everyone's surprise and he explains why.  He seems to be stumping his book: Playing to the Edge.  Edge of what I wonder?  Reason?  He is not thrilled with droning people to death but finds it better than boots on the ground.  Says the drone operators suffer a great deal of PTSD. I get the feeling that if asked the right questions, he might answer them.  I am of course thinking of geo-engineering.  And obeisance, which term variation was used more than order takers.  When asked if the armed services would do harm to citizens, he said no and he was emphatic.  He said that would be unconstitutional, and that soldiers would refuse en masse, must refuse such an order.  Obligated to refuse.  But how else to interpret what they are doing now?  He no longer holds his position, was with the last administration.  I wonder how he'd answer that question now?  In the new Milgram experiment they let the students be alone without an "authority figure" more and longer and this did have an effect on their willingness to obey.  In the service, it would seem the rank and file are seldom alone, seldom minus an authority figure.  And, possibly, as removed from the nature of these experiments as those students were from theirs, and have much more at stake personally than this very temporary experiment of Milgram's.  Either they have gone rogue, or most of geo-engineering is contracted out.  Still, does not excuse what all the navy is doing.  Hayden says that harming the civilian population is not only against the constitution, but also against international treaties.  Is he sowing seeds of hope?

    1. Oh dear, back to correcting myself again.  Not avionics guy!  Chris Hedges!!!!  God help my brain.  This was so beautifully written, I had to correct self and give credit where due!  Sorry for my scrambled brain.

    2. Bill Maher = Court Jester, a.k.a. sycophantic Zionist puppet. 

      I thought Gen. Hayden looked pretty good, then Smart Alec just couldn't resist yet another fit of something that tries to appear iconoclastic and just had to make some potty-mouthed quip in an attempt to derail "whatever," I really couldn't tell– Trump, perhaps?  What a SCHLEMIEL– ughhhh!!!  And we think guys like Maher are Funny–?  Yeah, "funny," uh huh, like a broken leg– no wonder America's in trouble.  Like his illustrious entertainment industry predecessors, the Three Stooges, Maher is a symptom as well as a cause.

  12. "Drones will be dropping metals on us…admission…"
    Drone Cloud Seeding !!  /mike morales / Feb 28, 2016
    RENO, Nev. (Mynews4.com & KRNV) — The Desert Research Institution (DRI) has been cloud seeding in the Tahoe and Ruby Mountain since the early 1960's. Currently ground-based generators are used for enhancing the precipitation in the Tahoe Basin, Truckee Basin and some areas in Colorado. They also operate a piloted aircraft for cloud seeding in the Walker Basin. Cloud seeding by airplane can be a very dangerous process, because pilots have to fly into developing/developed storms. In 1980 and 2000 fatal accidents occurred involved cloud seeding by airplane.

    Sigh…this was a crazy busy day…

    1. No SAG/SAI/SRM for the past three days over Duval County (Jacksonville, Florida), from a record setting 28 tornadoes, to completely clear skies. GeoEngineers/Climate Engineers are producing False Flag Catastrophic Weather Events, to manipulate the minds of the people who are in total denial. Rapid record low temperature cool downs with copious amounts of rain & snow followed by record high temperatures and droughts. How could any of these extreme weather patterns that are occuring go unnoticed? Mike Mangas has the same behaviors & actions like everyone else who is confronted about the GeoEngineering/Climate Modification. Mike Mangas is tucking his tail in between his two legs, & whimpering into his hibernation cave!

  13. Imagine..,eating a bowl of rat poison one morning with some contaminated milk & stumbling around for 7 days wondering if your going to die. That is exactly what happened to me(& I wasn't even drinking!)..Think about this 4 a moment. All these internal combustion engines are not doing this planet any good either.  There are so many of these  cars & trucks out here.I can't breathe anymore. But I'm giving up until dead.

    1. James davis, hello and amazing you managed to keep your sense of humor!  I couldn't help but laugh at the: and I wasn't even drinking!  What was this?  Stomach flu?  And I so very much agree with you about vehicles!  So so many, and wrecks everywhere.  And every kind of vehicle.  Too much, just too much!  I can't breathe either when I'm just going some shortish distance for an appt.  I don't know how come others don't seem to be as overwhelmed by the fumes as I am.  Glad to hear at least someone else feels what I feel about this.  I feel for those on bicycles.  Who do not seem to be bothered, but!  Not to mention babies in strollers or behind a bicycle.

    2. The lack of leadership is appalling.  The system is brittle fossil.  How many decades have the leadership of this planet known about the environmental damage done by burning hydrocarbons in sufficient quantities to enrich the paradigm and destroy our terrarium's beautiful redundant systems.  The science is known, the causes are well established. Yet, there has been no mobilization to replace the inevitable unravelling.  The owners of the economic order are become exceedingly rich , a fabulous treasury founded upon exploitation of the natural world. For a profit!  And we who are trickled upon, we have bought the scam.  And we have wholeheartedly embraced the delusion.  I am up at 3 am having coffee.  Having just been outside to look up at the vault of ceiling there to the northeast and from horizon to as far as can be observed is yet another humungous terrorist jet induced trail morphed into covering 25% of the sky.  That long moonlit haze of lies is our indictment.  There was time to reboot the global paradigm.  Now we are told to accept the sprayed toxins like some sort of medication that will be our salvation.  Otherwise our once beautiful living planet will overheat and die.  Obviously, the global "leadership" has set us up for this entrapment.  They knew better, their scientists knew.  And just how much of the warmup is being created by having turned the entire planet into a increasingly wireless microwave oven.  Have we not been sold on this to our eventual detriment?

  14. 4.3 magnitude earthquake wakes sleeping Christchurch residents
    A police spokeswoman said there was no spike in emergency calls.
    She said the quake hit like "a freight train" – the same descriptor used by many locals who took to social media after being jolted from their beds. "It was a sudden slam into the building," the spokeswoman said. Many locals reported hearing a roar before the earthquake struck.

    Christchurch residents reported hearing booming noises like a canon coming from the Cashmere Hills.
    Every earthquake in Canterbury since 2011

  15. Listening to the discourse on being a rebel for this cause, I cannot help but draw a comparison to my Hero and Ultimate Rebel, Jesus Christ, who put His life on the line for us all. I am grateful for Dane and all my brothers and sisters who visit this site who are shunned and persecuted by family and friends for exposing the ugly truth most people willfully choose to avoid. Being both a Christian and a truth-exposed may not make me popular with the masses, but my soul could not rest doing nothing for the causes that weigh so heavily on my heart. I am encouraged by you all and continue to pray that the truth will, indeed, set us free.

  16.  Another powerful presentation Dane!  Thank you so much for your candor and courage. You are an inspiration as are the many others who visit this site. Together we are making progress in this fight for our lives, planet and future. God Bless us all.

  17. Students at my girls high school watch CNN student news. My daughter came home saying "mom there are planes spraying in the sky to make rain I saw it on the news"! If they can produce rain in places it doesn't rain and if weather modification has been going on for 15+ years as CNN stated then why do people think its crazy to suggest solar radiation management is taking place today to cool a warming earth due to climate change? Billions of dollars being spent on this project must mean things are pretty bad! Exposing the truth would have been the better thing to do but instead people whose eyes have been opened are called "conspiracy theorists". Watch the short video of a pilot cloud seeding and teaching our students how "safe and non toxic"  it is.


    1. Oh Susan, you always have such good news!  Joking of course, BUT!  What the heck was this?  What could cause this?  Were people dropping like flies?  I mean….

    2. I wonder if this has anything to do with the methane catastrophe in LA.  Has it caught on fire underground.  Is there some burning dump somewhere?.  The cloud seems to cover much of California and extends into neighboring states.  It is not from China.  

    3. Susan, you do keep me busy, too busy!  What I've been able to find out about this massive carbon monoxide spill so far is only one remark to the effect that this has been previously associated with a HUGE earth quake about to happen.  Heads up?

  18. Just want to say: its every bit of 60 degrees in central il, with the weather underplaying it as 57deg. and of course were under assult with at least a sprayer or two in view at all times. I really hope people start catching on en mass. Its difficult to enjoy days like this, but i look forward to the days we are GIVEN a break (an insurmountable shame this has to be said and is true) Its such a terrible thing to witness. Since i overstand these programs, even seeing someone "trimming" (my neighbor has cut off multiple branches of a beautiful tree unnecessarily) or cutting grass ect just falls under the category of the human condition, the matrix, epitomy of human insanity; an all encompassing void which has devoured free thought and conscientious behavior down to every task. recently our town destroyed about a mile long twisting path about 20-30 ft wide through woods just so people can use the now paved path and feel as though they are enjoying nature? disgusting. Had i been more awake at the time i would have done what i can to stop it. My hope is deterred often, but until there is truly no hope, i hope everyone does what they can to make others aware so we can do something about this. I recently found a couple articles which may be of interest to some:



    1. Gee Trevor, That bee theft is shocking yet so familiar with Monsanto's mob like mentality.  What a shame.

      The sticky stuff makes me think of what happened here a couple of rains ago except it was not dark.  It glued some of my redwood tree's needles together effectively killing them, and stuck and sparkled on my windshield and windows.

    1. Makes total sense he would testify at a Senate terrorist committee.  After all, these weather warriors are TERRORISTS.  And must be labelled as such, IMO 

    2. Hello again Susan, this video did not give a date I could see.  Again, Dr. Bertell's second book: Planet Earth-The Latest Weapon of War was published in 2,000.  Her work on this began years prior and she was very outspoken, and unassailable-the world's foremost expert on nuclear everything and a nun, she wrote: No Immediate Danger-Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth in 1985.  The woman had vast, vast in person experience and doesn't waste a single word.

  19. Smart dust from chemtrails all going in your lungs…
    Xenia Ioannidou / Jan 9, 2016
    These dry shiny particles are seen after heavy aerosol spraying. This video was taken at about 7:30 AM one block from a grade school, middle school and high school. Everyone is breathing-in these particles. This is geo-engineering of our skies and is poisoning our air.
    Air particulate collection and analysis show extremely high concentration of metals, including aluminum and barium to name only 2 of the metals detected. Speak up against geo-engineering schemes, the health of your family and community is depending on you.

    1. I've been involved in the anti-geoengineering and exposure movement since 2010, when I was hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute barium poisoning.  YOU DO NOT get admitted to the hospital for NOTHING.  Even when you tell people about something like this, they deny it!!

      The Take-Away:  I've found you really should reserve pointing the spraying programs out to the people who you sense have the awareness of what's going on around them and the CAPACITY TO IMAGINE this awful, terrible crap occurring– telling random people on an at-large basis simply because you believe that's what it's going to take to change things and things will change for the better only when each and every last person is informed (yeah, like they will all "get it," some day) will only hurt you in the long run.  If you have even the slightest sense that someone is really not gonna listen, give them a pass and go find people who are open to hearing about and learning the totality of this madness, for goodness' sake– and for the sake of the movement– we do not have time to waste, inviting more strife by throwing ourselves against immovable brick walls.  People will move when THEY decide to and you do not get to decide when that will be for them.  They have free will too, even the freedom NOT to use their own will correctly, as horrible as that may be.

      As in any learning situation you need to have students who are ready to hear the truth.  Otherwise you're just wasting your time and energy.

    2. Dennie, this was a very reasonable statement of yours.  Too true.  Some I know are partially aware, saying things like: It was probably you know what.  ???  Like it can't be named out loud?  Or…on computer?  I have taken a new tact with my neighborhood and close friends.  Instead of HAARPing on geoengineering, I'm focusing on being a good neighbor and being trustworthy as I've always been.  They do know that I am an activist about this.  So, I figure sooner or later they will feel they can ask me questions when they are ready.  I've kind of made my peace with that.  You are right, these guys have free will too and I figure I need to respect that as much as I want them to respect me.  Especially in my own 'hood.  Strangers?  Not so much!

  20. Saw a good film entitled Spotlight, based on a true story depicting how a city (Boston) controlled by power elite (Catholic church) was involved in a huge cover up of pedophilia within the Catholic church. The partial truth was discovered 20 years prior and oppressed yet was not fully investigated until 2001. This ultimately led to full revelation of pedophilia within catholic church worldwide. What does this have to do with climate geoengineering? It is a good study of systemic aspects of power and control, manipulation, order takers, and the fear of retaliation from power elite. This is very relevant to Chris Hedges' statements regarding the rebels the (Boston Globe) "and their courage to face the opposition and stand unyielding" as Dane included in news alert.   Thank you Dane, Chris Hedges and all the good people of this forum for being rebels and truthseekers. The truth can lead to amazing things!

    1. Hey Leslie

      Good 'connection' wrt the power and control. Here's a live feed from the Australian Royal Commission ( highest public enquiry available in UK countries) and its examination of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. Like most covert programs (SRM included), those who have done heinous things skillfully create wall upon wall of barriers to stymie the recovery of truth and exist by using their enormous reach and power to discredit and bury those who may prove a threat

      A chance to 'see' some of the key 'players' sit on the 'hot' seat is very instructive when dealing with those whose careers have been built upon operating within these very dark and dangerous places. It's fair to say that their 'system', abhorrent though it may be, has worked very well and to unwind and overthrow it, requires a courage and resolve and conviction that few humans possess.

      Fortunately and similarly to what's happening in Rome, the followers on this site,  who are being led by an extraordinary  man of commitment, Dane, are precisely what the secret and shrouded societies fear most. In time, our efforts we'll seize their impunity and the 'criminals' ( not to be misnamed as participants) will be brought to justice.


    1. Very good quality photos, Karl Schreiber.  Similar insanity to what we have here in Canada.  Shocking, indeed.

    2. Excellent photographic evidence Karl.  Many of your images EXACTLY  match what I saw in the sky over Southern California today. Das Wetterkrontollers I will call them now.

  21. I just watched that video on US navy offensive biological warfare. I also remember that music music in the background. It makes it sound like they are trying to promote that this a real good thing that they were doing. Anyone of the people who were involved in such despicable acts should be ashamed of themselves for participating in such a Barbaric Act. The Airforce, Navy and Military are designed for one purpose and one purpose only. That is to kill innocent people whether it be their own people or others abroad. Many people involved in these operations must be Lunatics for thinking it is Patriotic. They only want the Paychecks and that is all. People with no consciousness of the devastation they have and are still creating. It utterly makes me sick. When I see any Sticker or Magnet on a vehicle with any of this war stuff and Patriotic crap, I just curse at them. I do not know how they can be proud to wear that Badge of Sht. Very Disgusting. They are Losers.

  22. Hi Dane, Thank you for all you do. Last Wednesday they were spraying in Greenwich Ct. It was a beautiful sunny day. The next day we had a storm like I have never seen in my lifetime. It lasted 6 hours. Literally poured rain pelting the windows , high winds that wouldn't let up. What I'm noticing is we had no warning. Apparently be cause there's no pattern for weather anymore. I live about a 45 minute car ride from La Guardia and JFK and see the planes seem to come from that direction. Not sure if they leave those airports. 

  23. In the Southwest parts of New Mexico. The lowlifes of Chemtrail spraying SAG/SRM a few days past were pushing their spraying from west to east over El Paso, Texas. On 2-28-16 over Las Cruces, New Mexico and the Mesilla Valley they were in full force spraying to the west of this area. My grandkids don't stay well of their health both being very young from so much spraying. I love them so much and it angers me so that if I could I'd strangle the living …. out of this bad host. God Help us because we are going to need Him however this plays out. Satan is running rampant and has its followers as is obvious. People for most part are blinded….Be well

  24. I wonder if people that lose some one that is very dear to them will investigate some of the things mentioned from the geoengineering watch research and findings.
    I can answer that one myself. If you were to ask that question to some one that just lost a loved one, if they ever looked up at the sky and think it may be caused from those clouds up there?
    Their most likely answer would be this.
    "Now that is just Plain Silly"

    1. yeah the newest solar messiah repackaged in so many country's and cultures that originated from some of the most ancient civilizations and empires cause they made myths about the heavens and the sun being the god that makes life possible the mother earth and the father rain who impregnates the soils so the plants can grow the ancients understood this so while the sun does a "Passover" of the equator and sets its sight on the fragile arctic please drop this tribalism mentality please wipe your slate clean and look at reality through a clear lens we need to worry about this life right now and we are in the most important time in human history

  25. I could use a little help from all of you. We have a local environmental conservation organization here in Alaska called "The Inlet Keeper". I have been sending the Executive Director of The Inlet Keeper, Bob Shavelson,  information on climate engineering for two years now. When I asked him what he thinks of all this he said "Interesting stuff and to be honest, I don't know what to believe".


    The link above is Bob"s bio and his email and phone number are listed. Please contact him and help me rattle his cage. The Inlet Keeper has never touched the climate engineering issue in their reporting. Even more disturbing, not a peep out of them concerning the massive Common Murre die off we experienced over the last few months.Tens of thousands of dead sea birds across the state and our local environmental group is silent. I heard an ad for the Inlet Keeper on the radio the other day touting how much they care for Cook Inlet and it's watershed. At the end of the ad they had one of those quick talkers say, "This advertisement paid for by The United States Environmental Protection Agency". I guess that explains their silence.

    I plan on calling Bob next week to confront him about this. It would be nice if he was bombarded with emails and phone calls before I do.

    http://inletkeeper.org/  Homepage

    Never Give Up!!!

    1. Here in Southern California we have many "Environmental Orgs" which also claim to be solving problems.  Heal the Bay,  Surfrider Foundation, LA Waterkeeper and so on. Especially involved in Santa Monica Bay and Malibu. They focus on water pollution but fail to see the big picture of climate change and the Geoengineering Response.

      The local sea lion and Brown Pelican populations are plummeting.  The extinctions are starting.  I think HAARP is a big part of the problem.

      Good luck trying to convince Sierra Club idiots that aircraft don't make contrails – but understanding that single fact is KEY to understanding everything about Geoengineering!

    2. Thank you Wanda! What would I do without ALL of the sane ones I have meet or made contact with in this fight. Your efforts have brought tears to my eyes. Let me know if I can ever help you somehow. I owe you one.

  26. This quote was taken from latest CounterPunch News:
    Quote of the Day
    John Waters: "You're now heading toward Hollywood, like any normal tourist. Breathe in that smog and feel lucky that only in L.A. will you glimpse a green sun or a brown moon. Forget the propaganda you've heard about clean air; demand oxygen you can see in all its glorious discoloration."

  27. The world has been tasked with extreme situations at a alarming rate. The TRUTH is necessary to keep people aware. Dane Bless you and keep the information going. I would like to rent billboard space in the DC area. Please let me know.

  28. The 'gradualism' of geoengineering is what will allow the goals to be reached by those in power. Because it is undisclosed, because it is built on deception, because it is done in such a way so as not to cause rebellion in the military ranks, it will be successful.

    If, instead of geoengineering, the quelling of the American public was done by other more obvious means, then all could see what is the real intentions of the elite.

    But Geoengineering has been patiently deployed, insidiously slipped under the radar over generations and successfully normalised for most of the globe's populations.

    The military machine, which helps to deploy Geoengineering, is one of the two last hopes between success and failure. The other is the currently unaware populations. Both will need to join together and oust the powers behind the curtain.

    When members of the military start to see their loved ones and friends harmed by these programs then dissent and rebellion will begin. That should be soon. Hopefully there will be a critical mass reached and an effective coup undertaken.

  29. My 103rd email to my email list, titled "Arctic Heat Wave."
    1.  Last week, the Arctic has experienced the most extreme heat wave ever…..and yet somehow the sea ice has grown slightly.  Similar happened last year.
    If the 10/11th Feb Northern hemisphere sea ice extent measurement does prove to be the winter peak, it will be the lowest and earliest recorded, and does not bode well for this summer.
    We are living in a faster than ever recorded extinction event (even faster than the dinosaur extinction), and we have very little time left. 
     2.  On February 20, we had a record high global methane reading of 3096 ppb at 469 mb (about 20,000ft).
    While only a temporary 12 hour reading, it is of interest that a couple of these very high readings have occurred in the last two months.
    3010 ppb of methane was recorded at 586 mb (about 14,384 ft) on 25th Feb above the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic.  I wonder how that is happening if the area is meant to be covered by about 2 meters of sea ice.
    3,000 ppb is same as 3 ppm, but over a short timescale (about 10 years) methane is up to 256 times more powerful than CO2 in trapping the sun's heat (and thus 3 ppm methane is equivalent to 768 ppm CO2) until it oxidises to…….CO2.
    Firstly, CH4 (methane) turns to water vapour and CH3.  Atmospheric water vapour is also worse than CO2. 
    Spraying condensation nuclei (heavy metals etc) into our atmosphere is a really stupid idea.
    This intensive atmospheric spraying is like trying to keep the lid on a pot of boiling water.  Much better to take the lid off to stop it boiling over (i.e stop the spraying).
    3.  Guy McPherson released another informative climate change update on 24th Feb.
    You may find their humour different, but that is their way of handling the situation.
    4.  One of the best phrases in the Christian faith is "There is no room for fear in love".
    5.  Extremely high Carbon Monoxide levels over western USA.

    1. McPherson is a hypocrite. He denies Geoengineering exist but NOW he admits that aerial aerosol spraying is a problem for the climate and he needs to research it more.

    2. .. and the very definition of courage is having fear, feeling afraid but doing the right thing anyhow.  I've noticed how much fear denial there actually is all around, since about 1983. 

      There is one thing I know to be absolutely true about fear and it is this: 

      IF you do NOT face your own fear, if you do not acknowledge your own fear and just keep on denying it and pushing it away because reality is you so hate having to feel your own fear, you will have to face a reflection of your own denied fear.  Because of it's magnetic relation to you.  The greater the denial, the greater the reflection of the denial you will face; it is YOUR fear, you can't just throw it away.  Or "get rid of it."  Not without feeling it and moving it until it evolves into other feelings, first.

    3. Dennie, Very well said!  I have some phobias.  Agoraphobia is main one in my way.  It is fear based and for good reason.  It is a hard one to kick.  So, these thoughts of yours on fear ring true to me and are helpful too.  Thank you!

  30. dear Dane, thank you so much for all of your hard work in your broadcast I truly appreciate it.I was i the park two days ago when I was talking about the drought and world events and showed people pictures of aircraft spraying and pointing up at the sky in Oakland California. People began to watch and read information and got scared and said it was all lies.because it was not on NPR and then someone said that the lead contamination in flint Michigan was just an engineering mistake and the bombing in the middle east was not destabilizing Europe. Dan these two people are both well educated from top American collages in California who got grants from the rand corporation. Most Americans want to stay asleep they want live in a delusion especially those with PHDS

    1. Yes, 1 Pacific Redwood is a eye opening educational resource.  Especially so because he is in the eye of the war on California's weather.  He resides in Los Angeles and certainly has an incentive to investigate the engineered brought given the terrorists' blockade of rain into that region.  He is now a permanent member of my family of weather and related icons.

  31. GOD BLESS YOU DANE!  There are many of us who know what's going on in our skies, all over the WORLD!  I am so very grateful for you, and the other professionals who are trying so hard to help stop this insanity!  Mike Mangus is ignorant, I was shocked he even wrote back to you.  Kruger is a disappointment to say the least!  Money it must be a lot of money.

    I find it hard to believe that anyone can't look up and see what's going on.  I live in Redding, and EVERYONE I know has a nagging cough. Some days I don't go outside unless it is necessary because of Intense iching eyes and labored breathing.  I know that they are spraying at night.  I go out on my deck at night and see and hear them.  I have also felt the poison fall on my face!  I have done my homework, I have been researching for years.  I know that WE are NOT crazy, and that "Straight Evil" is in charge now.  Yes, people are going to die, and some will not even care.  I care and I will not shut up!  



  32. SKIES IN PACIFICA TODAY WERE TERRIFYING!!!! The precision with which the clouds are ARTIFICIALLY DRIVEN INTO ALL DIFFERENT SHAPES is increasingly frightening, since it is becoming more and more complicated, so obviously that everyone looking on these 'partial diffraction patterns' of all different sizes right now, should immediately ask, what the heck is GOING ON?? Whoever allows himself for doing that is literally slapping us all in the face, with every day..
    A publication expressing the total ecological disaster (related to agriculture) can be found in 
    Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry
    Volume 15, Number 3
    "The sixth mass extinction and chemicals in the environment: our environmental deficit is now beyond nature’s ability to regenerate
    R.A. Mason pp. 160-176

    1. Skies over Marin/Sonoma counties, CA, were weird today as well.  How weird does it have to get, before sheeple notice–??

      There was a lot of coughing and sneezing since Friday, when the spraying got really crazy in the S.F. Bay Area.  It's like a WAR is going on up there around 20-50k feet and higher.  You get the utility companies trying to create rain and snow, then our "brothers and sisters," along with their EVIL STEP-PARENTS who RUN THE MILITARY and call all the shots, strings pulled by the corporations in the interest of "science," (translated: Wall Street) send the kiddies up in planes or whatever to negate whatever insanity the utility companies are doing in their misguided attempt to "create" rain.  Well, I HAVE SOME ADVICE for these two insane groups of weatherf***ers:  GO HOME.  JUST. STOP.  CEASE AND DESIST!!!!  And GO HOME.  Earth is NOT your home planet.  I treat my W.C. better than you military f***kerz are treating this planet– A$$holes.

  33. New photos by me: Chemtrail fallout on the Olympic Peninsula
    Posted on February 27, 2016 by Susan Ferguson
    My neighbors across the street leave for the winter, so I volunteered to check their house. They live up on the hill, higher than me. May be that they would have gotten sprayed before me. By chance I noticed this mess on their deck glass table and railing. Exactly like what I found all over my driveway. Must have been the same day. I took samples for testing. Not yellow pollen, more brownish white and sticky – hard to scrape up. The Growlers got very sloppy that day? Dysfunctional barium-sulfate dispersion?  I’m tired of all of this… …

    1. Hi Susan my friend, thank you for posting the incredible flaky-whatever-the-heck-it-is pictures. Looks like chemical spice from hell to me. That’s what you get when you out-source your geo-eng-particulates to China, I guess.
      Keep up the great work, SOMEBODY has to publicly document this outrage, and it’s damn certain guvmint or mass media are never going to. And, when it all gets to be a bit too much to take, please remember that we can STILL KEEP “Running On Love”. God bless you, and all the Geoengwatchers!

    2. I believe I have identified the material that was spread out all up & down my driveway on Feb. 22, 2016 and that I also found in blobs on my neighbor’s deck. One of the listed ‘materials’ in the Navy Manual is Zinc Sulfide:
      Zinc sulfide (or zinc sulphide) is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula of ZnS. This is the main form of zinc found in nature, where it mainly occurs as the mineral sphalerite. Although this mineral is usually black because of various impurities, the pure material is white, and it is widely used as a pigment. In its dense synthetic form, zinc sulfide can be transparent, and it is used as a window for visible optics and infrared optics. [images here]:

  34. Dane, I applaud you for all the persistant work you have done on geoengineering.  I give your website out to everyone I know.  I watch our skies with the lines and I fear for my children and grandkids, for the world that we leave them  in such  a sad state of affairs. I'm glad in a way that I won't be around to see the culmination of all this desecration.  But, I also feel guilty for the part my generation has inadvertantly played in it. I pray that you will continue to educate our population to see the truth about our country and the lies that we have been told.

  35. Its great to hear the speech "The wages of rebellion",I find it funny,that's been me since birth 🙂 and I don't think I will be changing.

    Your cast just keep getting better,thanks for the spot of light.

  36. Dane: Thank you for the informative presentation and for the fervor you exhibit, not only in your radiocasts but in all of the work you do for the benefit of mankind regarding geoengineering.

    As for the intransigence of Mike Mangas and his inability to realize that it is his own family, his grandchildren who will 'inherit' this earth and all in it which is killing them and us – could he be under a gag order from either the government or a society which would benefit from barring disclosure of this continued and deadly plan to play God?  I say this because it is so difficult to understand his opposition to scientific research that is for the good of all people.  

    I hope and pray that people of his ilk will soon awaken and join those of us who see and speak to the truth.

    Again, thank you.  And thank you for playing John F. Kennedy's speech on secret societies…it is my favorite and one so crucially pertinent to what's going on today.   Until our government publicly admits the truth about his (and RFK and JFK Jr.) murder, it can never heal itself and prevent the degradation  in which it now finds itself.

    Good luck….be safe.

    1. I wonder if anyone ha thought about lobbying the tabacco industry about the health risks of the assualt  On human health they always are getting blamed for. I.e cancer. Bet they would have something to sayy abOut That. Sometimes your foes have common foes.

    1. Thanks for the link.  Yes, everything one needs to know that THEY know is in that executive order document.  The one term not included is the word Geoengineering.  Yet, the climate preparedness and resilience mantra says anything goes for these intergovernmental departments and agencies to mitigate climate change.  I don't believe I read a anywhere in this document the phrase 'global warming.'  Just 'climate change.'  My observation is the Geoengineering of our atmosphere has increased greatly over the past two years.  This document is dated November 6, 2013.  One agency that comes to mind that likely is using the Order as a reason for its latest tyranny is the EPA.  That sad operation is making up new rules and regulations to grab water and water rights away from private landowners.  They are claiming dominion over creeks, ponds, and watersheds.  I would guess this Order is the perfect excuse for other agencies to grab for more power and control, such as the BLM, et al.  Reading this says, as you say, the governmental agencies are on board to continue the desecration by reactionary policies.  One would believe the government is clueless about the Geoengineering and weather warfare activities well underway by its own agencies.  

  37. Dane and everybody else,  This will wake the people up.  Go to United States Congresinal Record on March 17, 1993 Vol. 33 page H 1303. The speaker was Republican James Traficant Jr. This is really a excelent explanation as to what happened to our Government.  BIG MIKE  

    1. Leonard: James Trafficant was ultimately pilloried by the members of Congress and the president.  He met his 'demise' in a curious and suspicious  way on a tractor at his farm.  One of the few.

  38. It was known at the time Congress approved the Navy war games, not just in large tracks out in the Pacific and coastal areas, but in the Gulf of Mexico, and off of the Eastern seaboard as well, that millions of marine animal would be sacrificed.  This is a fact.  Their sacrifices to Baal and Moloch are washing up on our beaches as grim testamony to the diabolical testing of weapons we the people are yet to know even exist.  The entire atmosphere, from the highest strata to ground level, is a microwave oven.  And the amount of the intensity of these microwaves is increasing due to more cell towers, more satellites, and more wireless devices classified known, and those yet to be invented.  There will be no slackening of our slow cooking..  One has to wonder what will be the effect  of microwave energy on ever increasing levels of methane.  Here in central Mendocino County there has been no full sunshine for at least the past 3 months.  And the forecast is for "partly" sunny.  The five day forecast is a geoengineered mental depression….either rain or shine but this is a lock-down of some kind.  Regarding Mangas and Kruger, and the Record Searchlight and KACR, these entities are not locally owned and operated.  The Searchlight I believe is owned by Scripps-Howard, and Mangas and Kruger are owned by ABC….owned by a umbrella Wall Street Corporation.  They can ignore whatever issue they so choose.  They will choose to play it safe with their jobs and pensions.  The entire mainstream media is an interlocking coordinated propaganda machine, 90% owned by six mega corporation that themselves are the military-industrial-surveillance-terrorism complex.  Given that Geoengineering is a terror- in-the-sky operation, one hardly can expect the Searchlight and KACR to irritate their employers.  These "local" entities are there in Redding to scoop up advertising dollars, to pretend to be local by reporting on a human interest story, sports events, and assorted window dressing.  But, the main goal is to homogenize the mainstream media feed, a script written in Washington, New York, and Tel Aviv, and insert it like some kind of medical vaccine or pill into every radio and television in Babylon.  It's about group think, group control.  This is locally accomplished thanks to the Krugers and Mangases.

    1. Excellent analysis, BaneB, thank you for your words of wisdom. The Global Beast has indeed hove well into view, and is attempting to sit on ALL of our faces. The corporate whores will reap of their own corrupt sowing one terrible, awesome morning, I fear. And meanwhile we can transmit too, right back onto THEIR heads, by the unconquerable power of the Spirit of Truth given to each one of us!

    2. Thanks for the research and informing us about the local KRCR gang of idiots that we in Redding are stuck with.  I don't think there are many 'local' stations reporting, anymore…all under the thumb of the elite cartels that are in control.  Your post hit it right on the nail.

      It was somewhat evident that Mangas was scared out of his pants when he wrote that response to Dane….and the silence of Kruger is deafening.   Frightened little babies trying to make it in a man's world.

    3. Hi BaneB, glad someone else is looking into ancient history of Baal and Muloch worship/sacrifice.  Sacrifice since the beginning of time, especially young children.  Now, in desperation, the minions are trying to sacrifice any and all living creation, to try and save their own lives rather then pay the price themselves.  In the meantime, raping everything and pillaging everyone in this 3D existence.  Much out there, about religions being created to fear death, then concoct stories of how they can be redeemed at time of death, if they follow "their" rules.  Wars are nothing but huge sacrifice, as Henry Kissinger said (paraphrase) soldiers are nothing but mere cannon fodder.  As the "defense contractors" make and sell their weapons of sacrifice, all over the world.  Parents giving up their children in what they be lie ve, for freedom/democracy for the US and others all over the world.  But as Dane has pointed out many times, it is a false narrative.  This term "democracy" has been pounded into our heads, to mean freedom/freewill.  It is not!!!  It is nothing more than "majority" rule, ie: mob rule. We keep falling into the same traps, over and over again, by changing or "teaching/telling" us what the words mean, without doing the reseach ourselves.  This is how "they" keep the "cycle" going and have the audacity to be lie ve, that humankind is too stupid, to govern themselves.  Because "they" feel, we are too stupid to see thru the lies.  And now that a great majority are seeing thru, now more drastic measures, to put us back in line to keep "their" agenda going.  Since you do more ancient research, I want to throw this out there to you, from some other sites I view, which peaked my interest.  People talk about "The New World" order, but if you go back to the speeches and such, it is not "The" new world order, it is said as "A new" world order..  Do not want this post to be deleted, so will leave it there.  Remember words are constructs, derivatives of many languages, so can be broken down to many meanings.  IMHO, the birth of "legalize".  How can you "contract" with anyone, when "definitions" can be so broadly narrowly "interpretated", especially on a world wide basis.  That is the true web, we have been entrapped in. As Dane often says, our true intentions must remain truth based, not "word" based.  Our testimonies here as well as all our pictorials/videos, are proof!  "their" continued practice of "twisting" words, can never outweigh, the physical proof and testimonies, we bring forth.  Humankind's collective morality and demand for true justice for our planet, can never, ever be undermined, by the so called "written" law.  "written/scribed law", must and can not, over ride Universal Law.  No papal(bull) decree, or so called "royal" decree, our any human "decree/treaty/pact/UN/NATO/ etc, shall ever supersede Universal Law 

    4. Cinnamon, you speak words of wisdom.  I take it to heart.  The Native Subsistence Tribes of this North American continent found out the very early on how much a contract was worth from the perspective of the corporatized "freedom loving" Europeans.  The Native description of these invaders and their words in contract form was and still is…."they speak with forked tongue."  The treaty is signed and broken if required to steal more land and resources.  That which slithers upon the ground has the forked tongue.

  39. Chris Hedges is also aware of the Geoengineering issue.   I heard him mention it in one of the several speeches of his that I have listened to. It would certainly be great to have him on the team. 

  40. What do these people? have against the state of Michigan? A day long assault by seemingly hundreds of toxic spreaders. About 6:30 pm a rake of 7 trails from the east. I have this vision of one of these planes coming down with hundreds of people taking pictures of the sky as it fell and the internet comes alive with awareness, no injuries of course. 

  41. Though I've known this before, the implications of the lies about 9/11 have been made 100% by watching the Four Part Documentary on Hulu (cudos to Hulu by the way) in the last couple of days …the ones called ""9/11  Ten Years of Deception ''     It's worth getting Hulu (around $10 a month) just for this thorough account of the failure of truth about this event and all of the implications thereof.   For me, the certainty of the knowledge that that much …i'll call it evil…exists,and is backed up by the existing power structure…validates that it is a no-brainer that geoengineering…..spraying life-destroying elements into the very air that we breathe….can and does exist.   It's almost unbelievable…it is sooo diabolical.  The broadcast today also brought me to tears.   Thank you to Dane and everyone in this issue…you are part of my family now.

  42. I would add one other thing on those who follow orders to murder the planet and everything on it. this speech by Larken Rose is brilliant. it talks about how take back your life. it talks about what is needed to end wars and i would say it applies equally to those who spray us for a living.

  43. a massive radiation leak is on going in new york as well. they are comparing it to japan and saying it is potentially worse. yet no word from the media. the media cannot be trusted. i never have trusted them. they lie for a living. every news that is important they do their best to cover it up. they are not reporters they are news morticians. they exist to kill information people need to know. they bleed it, gut it and bury it. all they report is useless dribble. they are paid liars. period. 
    as for the military. they are paid to kill. no different then the mob who has paid assassins the military are paid to do the exact same thing. another word for them is mercenary. they take money to murder. paid killers. this quote says it best by Albert Einstein. 
    "He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. " — Albert Einstein
    people programmed to kill will kill their own people as well. they know nothing but murder. little wonder they can be paid to spray their own citizen mindlessly. they will do worse as well when ordered to do so. they will do whatever they are told. mindless machines inside living flesh. they can and will turn on their own. they prove it all the time. domestically or foreign it doesn't matter to those who kill for a living. 

    1. Gee Teri, thanks? for making me hip to this massive leak, and how common such leaks are.  I don't know how I missed this, but when researching things, and trying to keep up other efforts, apparently I miss a lot!  God how I HATE nuclear everything!!!!  Idiots.  Idiots.  Well, this certainly adds to the depression pile.  Which is already sky high!  It is as if we are a sandwich, this on the bottom, geoengineering on the top, and us as the meat in the middle.

      But I do mean to thank you.  Guess I needed to know this.  I think I'm beginning to feel a bit like those I cannot seem to make aware.  As you may or may not know, I prefer not using the term asleep.  Most people I know work very hard, are very active and would be offended and permanently put off by being called asleep.  Awareness is a whole other thing.  For one, it is to a large degree under one's control.  One can choose what to be aware about, what one allows into one's awareness.  And what to block.  It is a kind of immediate survival skill of sorts.  Like defining boundaries.  My cup runneth over!!!!  Like that plant?!

    2. Good catch, Teri.  Gee, I wonder why we are not hearing about Indian Point on something like KPFA–?  And if I said what Albert Einstein said I'd be censored, for sure– sheesh– what the f**k is WRONG with people– sooooo very "niiiiiiice," all of them, nice little sheeepies, any more– NOT!!! 


  44. Dane — A great GW Alert News. The sound of your voice carries the frequencies of Truth we all need to hear. Surely the Snowden revelations will cause more to accept the heinous fact that "National Security has become more important to them than basic humanity.” Your heartfelt reading of Chris Hedges from his "The Wages of Rebellion" brought tears to my eyes. So profound, real. God Bless you and keep you & your family safe. On we go.

  45. INTERNET Feb. 2015 — Edward Snowden spoke out after reports of rapid desertification in Mongolia have shocked millions, saying, “The desertification in Mongolia is an intentional effect created by the DARPA weather modification program that aims to turn the planet into an inhospitable wasteland while preserving perfect conditions for Monsanto products in America.”  NSA leaker Edward Snowden unveils “Desert Planet” endgame for US chemtrailing operations: Only Monsanto approved life will survive.  Four Herders in lower Mongolia were jailed for protesting the Chinese government policy that outlawed grazing in areas threatened with desertification. Protesters say the government’s mining and forestry operations in their former nomadic homelands are to blame for the desertification, not the grazing. Edward Snowden said, “While I stand with these nomads and want to protect their way of life, they should be blaming the US government. Their end game is to turn everything but Monsanto’s farms into a lifeless wasteland, because National Security has become more important to them than basic humanity.”

    1. This is a very important and timely statement from Snowden! If everyone spreads this to their entire social media network it will make a huge impact on two different fronts. Many folks in my circles seem to focus on GMO's and Monsanto to the exclusion of geoengineering, weather modification, and the "US chemtrailing operations". Truth is, they are intimately connected and Monsanto will only prevail when and if this planet is turned into a desert wasteland, which seems a certainty if this does not STOP NOW!

    2. DARPA….is this not Darth Vader?  Everyone ought to do a search on DARPA robots.  Truly weird and frightening.  There is the humabot walking in the snow in the woods .  He joins up with his human companion and they walk down the road together.  Then there are the animabots, dogs and other creature running about, leaping and frolicking.  The advances in robotics is exponentially increasing.  Soon, there will be legions of human and animal robots, like the proliferating drones..  One can be sure these horrendous inventions will be weaponized, as with drones.  The Beast utilizes idealism behind every war plan, and every sick invention. There is the postulated "good" to sell the madness to the gullible.  The Creature creates the dead and artificial.  It annimates itself manifestly as being alive.  IT is the night of the living dead.  Its "spirit" is in the "cloud."  The "life force" is radio frequency microwave wireless technology.  The  masses of people will be redundant.  The elite, and their high tech priests and assorted techno support,  plan to capture the planet.   The brave new world is the NWO.  And it comes straight from Hell.

    3. What would happen if a solar flare struck their Achilles' Heel, their holy satellites?  Wouldn't that kinda put the kibosh to their little "party," huh?  I'm putting out to the "universe" for that to occur but soon!

  46. Yes Dane I do believe we can preserve this Planet by right direction of consciously knowing the difference.. must be met together we can do it!
    So much since the birthing of this Planet has been in ruins but all that has given in to rubble since the earlier days of earthly matters..but we overcame all obstacles again and again
    I believe this is the beginning of something never pulled off before but it is on the rise of a New Planet
    The cleansing of what remains for our children's children will be met full circle..
    Each and everyday we step out onto the paths that once lined in beauty of earth has been either destroyed of rotting right before our eyes ..but this can and will be of the joining of Positive consciousness with everyone on this platform..So be it and it shall be done
    Planet Earth will survive as we will..

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