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Modern industrialized society has been incredibly well trained to revere certain circles in our society. Trained to follow their dictates without question. The science and mainstream medical communities have enjoyed this blind societal obedience that the population has given it to its own detriment. We live in a paradigm of injustice and lies which is only possible to maintain because of the "order followers" that continually carry out their assigned tasks without conscious moral evaluation or concern. From endless wars of aggression, to fracking, nuclear power nightmares, and climate engineering, the human race is pushing forward at an ever faster pace toward its own demise. Even as we free fall into  the uncharted territory of a "climate shift", the vast majority are still completely unaware of what is unfolding. Can the combined efforts of those that are aware wake the sleeping masses in time?
Dane Wigington

148 Responses

  1. Slaughter House 5.     That is what it will be. Useless Eaters. The power structure is in command and these people do not like Useless Eaters.

    They want a perfect world where everyone abides by their Rules.

    Can you see that? 

    If you can't then wake up to GW Bush with the NWO. 

    This has been into place for a very long time.

    Unfortunately the complete Ignorant Society does not see it.

    Yes the ones that are in charge rapidly keep decimating the Sheep.

    If you want to stay in a Dozy state of mind, then just stay there.

    I have my doubt's that most will wake up to the Fact.

    We are being slaughtered.

    Just like pigs and cattle.

    That is too bad.

    Not to much time left.

    It will be quite apparent shortly though.

    I talked to another young lady today that is taking pictures.

    The weird thing is that most do not believe it she said.

    They will though when they can't afford to eat and wonder why the weather is like it is.

    Disaster after Disaster.



  2.  Hi Vanessa. You just posted. I know another person that is in a very similar situation that you are in. This person has CIDP. After researching endlessly I found out that it was from heavy metal toxicity. This person is not very far from your area. The spraying is non stop and you only have to look at the the Local Airports in the surrounding areas that surround you.

    This person I am telling about is in the Hospital and will be lucky to get out of there alive.

    My suggestion to you is to stop any more of the medication or what ever you are taking from the Pharmaceutical aspect and get on a cleansing diet.

    Google it. Lots of information out there.

    Doctors only treat the Symptoms and do not go to the root of the problem .

    Google: "Bamboo Delight Company" 

    And see for yourself about Western Medicine.

    Good Luck to you Vanessa

    1. Thank you for all the insightful information.  Thankfully, I am already doing many of the things mentioned and am seeing some improvement.  I will definitely research any of the things you listed that I have not learned about yet.  I appreciate this so much.  Thanks again.

  3. Hi Dane.  Thank you for continuing to share all this valuable information.  I am messaging you from Ontario, Canada today… very frustrated by the amount of spraying that is happening in my town of Waterloo.

    I would like respond to a couple of issues mentioned.  First of all, I am suffering from heavy metal toxicity from vaccines I had while nursing.  I have been trying to recover for 6 years and have almost lost my life a few times.  Aluminum and mercury are deadly.  When we experience a lot of heavy spraying in my area I notice that any progress I make in my healing journey spirals backwards and my symptoms increase again. I am getting so frustrated because I am making so many sacrifices to heal my body but I cannot get away from the toxins.  I ended up in the hospital where I told everyone who cared for me of my vaccine injury and I was worried about heavy metals, and what did they do in my weakened and vulnerable state???  3 times a day they put a medication in my IV that was full of aluminum.  I walked into the hospital and by the time I demanded to be released, I was almost in a wheelchair.  Once I got home and researched the medication I learned it often causes aluminum toxicity and kidney failure so I threw out the prescription I filled.  I was experiencing MS type symptoms from that medication.  I was unable to walk or even lift my feet off the ground.  My kidneys were shutting down and I was so swollen.  It was insanity.  If I continued on those meds another day or two I am certain I would have ended up in a wheelchair.  Within 2 days of stopping the meds I regained about 50% of my mobility.  It's been months since then and I still cannot climb stairs or stand for extended periods but I am ambulatory… thank goodness.  A few days in a row of heavy spraying and my kidneys start failing to work again and I get so swollen and my mobility declines immensely.  I now take 20,000-30,000 mg of Vit C per day, among other interventions, to try and combat the constant assault of toxins and I am slowly improving.  The point of this long winded story is that I am sure the SRM that is going on must contain heavy metals because I am so sensitive to them now that I am like a canary in a coal mine.

    I also have a question that I'm hoping someone can weigh in on… my parents recently moved back to Newfoundland, Canada… for those who don't know, it's an island on the east coast of Canada.  They moved back to our hometown which is a costal fishing town.  I see in pictures they post online that they have SRM happening there as well.  I am worried about them.  I am worried that a rise in sea level or adverse weather effects will put them in danger.  Are my fears justified?

    Thanks again for continuing to soldier on.  


    1. Hello Vanessa, about the SRM dangers, there is no place to hide, the dangers are in some sense uniform. About sea level rise, though it is happening at unprecidented speed, the rise will very visible and predictable over the long run.

    2. Vanessa,

      Buy a Waterwise Water distiller and an Omega Masticating juicer (available through Amazon): distill your own water (easy to do) and make your own juice (orange, grapefruit, apple, carrot are my favorites; some like greens as well. Peel the apples and carrots, cut away "skin" on oranges and grapefruit before juicing).

      Dilute juice with distilled water to taste (so you like the stuff): undiluted is too strong for me: I dilute around 1:1).

      Drink as much juice as you can every day. The juice will provide lots of vitamins and minerals (maximize nutrients), while staying away from processed foods (store bought and restaurant). This will minimize toxicity.

      The distilled water might help wash out the toxic chemicals and metals in your body — at least this is the theory.

      The theory behind "holistic medicine" is that when the body is exposed to too many toxins and doesn't get enough nutrients, things go wrong: doesn't matter what the symptoms, most can be healed by addressing the cause (too much toxicity, too little nutrition), rather than the symptoms, or whatever label modern medicine puts on the symptom complex.

      Also, stay away from dairy (milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese/pizza), flesh (meat, poulty, seafood), salt, sugar, and whites (rice, flour, sugar). Also stay away from all oils other than extra virgin olive oil.

      Take short showers: the water has chlorine in it; also fluorine. Use gloves when washing dishes; if you can afford it, use organic soap for washing your body and your dishes.

      I've been doing this for 3 years: two kinds of cancer went away; also diabetes (and 6" off my waste).

      At 69, I'm having some problem with intention tremors (perhaps would be diagnosed as Parkinson's); the tremors vary in severity from day-to-day, perhaps due to spraying and also my emotional state: sometimes barely noticeable, sometimes quite noticeable.

      I've been treating a mild chronic nasal / sinus infection with a triple anti-biotic ointment I get at Wal-Mart. I try to breathe through my nose and not my mouth (keep my mouth shut most of the time), figuring that if nothing else, the ointment captures some of the stuff that's in the Chemtrails. Don't seem to be developing resistant bacteria as a result of doing this: a dab in each nostril perhaps once a day.


      Max Gerson MD and daughter Charlotte Gerson

      Otto Warburg, MD

      T. Colin Campbell PhD

      Caldwell Esselstyn MD

      Best Wishes


    3. Addendum:

      That would be "waist" and not "waste."

      If you have silver/mercury amalgams in your teeth (dental fillings), consider having them replaced with something less toxic.

      Forgot to mention Russell Blaylock, MD, a neurosurgeon now devoting himself to teaching about the neurotoxicity induced by our environment: food, water, air.

      Thanks to Dane for posting what I've learned about staying healthy; also for this website and his radio show.


    4. Thanks everyone for your responses.  I am already doing many of the things you all mentioned, thankfully, and I am slowly seeing some improvement.  Although I am not out of the woods, I am hopeful for the first time in a while.  

      I just want to send out love and good wishes that we overcome this and pull through in the most resilient way possible.  Good luck everyone.

  4. Ah yes. Waking up to another overcast geo engineered mess in the sky. It's almost like the Drug Trade in Central America. Criminal. Pretty much no sun on a daily basis. I'm listening to the Weather Reporters on the TV feeding everyone a Clue Less weather report. Now the hungry greedy energy companies are jacking their prices up. Natural Gas for one. I guess it was because of the milder winter this year caused by Artificial Global warming from SRM. So these companies didn't sell enough gas. Should go down in price. Then I am watching that Fat thing singing the Hello How Are You song. I think she is on the other side because she sold her sole. Just like many others have done because of greed.

    Have a nice Day. 

  5. California Almonds and Water Shortage. It takes up 10% of your water to keep them trees growing and you have a Bee Shortage there because of the SRM Geoengineering that is going on. It kills the Bees and it gives California drought because of this ongoing Solar Radiation Management program to block the Sun. Thanks to Al Gore with the Fear Mongering Inconvienant Truth Documentary it seems like you are a Rock stuck in a Hard Place.

    But have no fear. They are going to fix that all up by initiating a problem solving plan. They are going to engineer the trees that will solve that problem. 

    It is called Genetically Modified Trees for you. Engineer Monsanto GMO Trees, or who ever else does this to Combat your problem. Just like solving the Government induced 9/11 terrorist problem there. 

    I won't waste my money buying Almonds anymore because when they Modified, the trees there they will certainly not be any good for you. Sure they will be Drought Resistant, Aluminum Resistant and Roundup Resistant.

    But how resistant will your immune system be eating those Almonds?

    All kinds of Bright Ideas just like Ford with Bright Ideas.

    This pile of Crap just keeps getting higher and higher. 

    Burn all those Almond trees down just like they have been burning all your Forests there. Grow grapes and strawberriesinstead, and at at the very least.

    Have water to Drink even if it is contaminated from all the Toxins they are spraying overhead in the Sky.


  6. Thanks for the information Dane:  My next question is this. If the Nucleated snow, sleet, and rain were to stop,  if the SRM program were to cease, then would certain areas have major flooding? I say this because that is what is happening all over the Globe now. I do understand now that I have been reading your information that the SRM can cause drought in areas like California. Which by what I am learning here is intentionally done. The other thing I question is the ingredients that are being expelled from the program are being deemed dangerous to everything on the planet from what I am reading. Does that mean that if this program stops will the Mother Earth be able to heal itself. Take into consideration I am fairly new to all of this so I need to know in your respond, if you will, in Lay Man terms if you can. Thanks C.J.

    1. Hello CJ, yes, once the spraying is halted the hydrological cycle will be rebound furiously. About a planetary recovery, much of the damage done is irreparable in any short term sense, but we all know how tenacious life is, if only given the chance. Exposing and halting climate engineering is the great imperative.

  7. Hi Derek: I must say that was very well spoken. For certain this Big Ship is going down along with the perpa-traitors involved in the poisoning and destruction caused from it. 

    I came across an Article called:   My chem trail story and observations from Global Skywatch ,revised in 2015. It sounds like most of the information was from 2010. A lot has changed since then, but it is well worth having a look at. Thanks Derek, for your very logical point of view on this. It makes a whole lot more sense then worrying yourself to death over it. Makes more sense to prepare yourself for it.

  8. "With each passing day the human race as a whole is demonstrating it's propensity toward self destruction." — Dane Wigington

    As we careen out of control into the abyss of annihilation, Dane's words echo around the planet. He is the harbinger we all ignore at our own peril. Those of you reading this know that. It is to those of us who think like Dane that I write this:

    We can't win. We can't even come close. Is there no hope? I think there is, but it is different from what a "win" might look like to somebody with a mindset to return to the "days of yesteryear." If we look honestly at the thinking of today's masses, we must realize there can be no turning around the juggernaut of ignorance, greed, and mindless insanity that got us here. Not only are the masses unreceptive to the idea that the earth is doomed, they are not worth it.

    I've pointed this out before, but if we acknowledge it and include it as a factor in our thinking, we may actually have a shot at "success" (as opposed to a "win"). There is no point in "saving" someone who doesn't want to be saved. A person cannot be cured if he doesn't think he is sick. Moreover, what would be the point? What would a "win" look like? Are we salvaging a planet for the majority who not only do not deserve it, they wouldn't know what they had been given nor how to treat it? They would only wreck it yet again. Just leave them to their television, give them enough games to play, provide them with enough anesthetics to keep them comatose — politics, religion, Hollywood. When viewed in a more objective light, we admit we want to hand a usable planet over to our children. But do we envision our descendants coping with the same mentality as we? Even if we could win, what would it look like? Whose descendants would be the beneficiaries of our labors?

    What if we "modify" our objective from a "win" to a "success"? What would "success" look like? A success would be surviving. If we can't hand our children and their children's children a decent planet, maybe we can hand them the skills to survive. Some are going to have to reseed the planet. And we will still need leaders like Dane to point the way.

    I would suggest we will have more success focusing on substance rather than form; on purpose rather than issues; on "how," rather than "what." As Dane has pointed out there are many components making up the geoengineering "problem." What are our chances, realistically, of keeping the Titanic afloat? None. It is going down.

    A surface glance gives the onlooker the impression big money is behind all that is occurring. What if that is not true? What if the misanthropes at the "top" are reacting to "higher" forces just as we are? In the same way we know the office of president is controlled by the IMF (or whatever), what if the IMF is also being directed in its movements? They are not aware of it, of course, they think their movements, thoughts and attitudes are their own. If that's true (it can't be), the laws of cause and effect have been suspended.

    The planet we have now is the outworking of greed. It cannot, could not, be otherwise. We certainly would not be facing this unthinkable situation if our leaders were men of goodwill. Until the heartless, corrupt, willful slaughter we see is no longer the guiding force of our earth, present conditions cannot help but continue. Greed must, in the end, die by its own hand. We (The "Dane's Gang," lol.) cannot defeat it, nor do we want to. Let the spinning wheel spin. Life will triumph.

    There are several things "we" can do to mitigate the horrors that are being perpetrated on us:

    1.  Focus: As anyone who has ever tried to start a fire knows, it is best to focus the starting point in one spot. We will do more good if we pick our battles and focus our energies, rather than shotgun the whole venue. We cannot address fracking; Fukushima; methane; chem trails; political corruption death over the lands, sky, and oceans; etc. all at once. Indeed it is a losing battle on all fronts. I will say it again: We can't win. But we can survive, and when/if we do, we will be the majority. And THEN we will be able to hand our children a planet inhabited by decent people; a planet worth living on and worth reseeding.    

    2.  Timing. How often has any one of us undertaken a project only to have it fall apart for no other reason than timing? If we had undertaken the project a week earlier, or a day later, it would have succeeded. Dane uses the example of crossing a freeway without checking out what's coming. I haven't made any specific moves yet, because I don't know what's coming next. So far my actions are only defensive: protect myself and mine from the onslaught.

    3.  Common Good:  Again — let's gather our forces under "one roof." Let's consider other options. Rather than run out on deck and blow as hard as we can against the storm, how about we let the storm blow, do its work, while we watch the movie from our "fortress" of commonality?

    [I would suggest forgetting about the armed forces entirely. They are of the "mainstream" or they would not be in the military. For the most part, they are the people we do not want inheriting the planet. Also, ultimately, they will very probably wind up being "the enemy of my enemy." With any luck, they will turn on their gatekeepers for us.]

    Enough. I've taken up too much of the reader's time already.

    That's my thinking, Dane.

    Deepest Respect and Gratitude,

  9. When I said its hard to understand it was because I am new to this. Now that I have started looking into it I get it. If the aerosol spraying was to cease would that mean that it would stop snowing or raining? It is very disturbing the composition mentioned in these trails and clouds that the comments stating named numerous ingredients that are in the Atmosphere. I know a little girl that was real sick and vomiting for some time. Her brother was real sick also. He brought up some sort of black stuff and got so severely sick that he was taken to the Hospital and the Doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him. They live in a snow prone area. Could it be that they were severely sick from this Chem Flu that is mentioned? My self I get ringing in my ears quite often and I just got over a bout of real bad coughing. I notice there are quite a bit of others that are sick and taking Antibiotics. After reading more and more on this, it seems more then just coincidental. I believe that the information that is given here sums it up that there is definitely deliberate intervention with weather change and people getting sick. Thanks to everyone.

    1. Hello CJ, in regard to your question on precipitation if the aerosol operations can be stopped. Frozen precipitation (snow, sleet, etc) would radically decrease as most of snow is a result of chemical ice nucleating elements. Overall global precipitation would increase radically, the atmospheric saturation of particulates is currently suppressing the hydrological cycle.

  10. Dane, what was the name of the Supreme Court case you mentioned in the 2/20/16 broadcast that effected climate legislation? I want to find it and read it. Thanks.

    1. Hello Kathy, the court case story is attached. Keep in mind, behind the curtain, the real issue is geoengineering. http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/09/politics/supreme-court-obama-epa-climate-change/

  11. Spent my weekend in southwestern Missouri and was not surprised to see massive aerosolization of the region. Many, many jets defecating over what otherwise would have been a lovely, mountainous area of the Ozark plateau. Sunday morning I emerged from my cabin to witness a "DNA strand" spray trail being released right over my head. You know, the kind where the two lines are separate but then touch eachother and then separate again, over and over, resembling a sort of diabolical, heavenly DNA strand of doom. Really? Any motherf**ker who willingly and knowingly participates in this heinous activity is EVERY BIT AS GUILTY AND CULPABLE AS THE BANKERS, THE POLITICIANS, THE MILITARY BRASS, THE DEFENSE CORPORATION EXECS AND ALL THE REST OF THE ORDER MAKERS AND ORDER FOLLOWERS. One minute to midnight by my clock.

    1. What's hard to understand? across the world, at least the western high deserts to the Eastern Sierras, from the South bays to float north of where mr. Wigington is broadcasting from, there has been a marked increase in periods of high aircraft art activity which is divided in order to lay a blanket of highly-toxic 'reflective' atmospheric aerosols composed of chemicals that can control the local weather.  Would you like me to explain the atmospheric chemistry? (which is gnarly). But if you can't grasp that creating thin, heavy clouds nearby ACTUAL clouds and giving it such a brazenly subliminally deceptive name such as 'cloud-seeding' – because cloud can't be 'made', only made to spread out, then I won't even bother going into that.

  12. Monsanto bought out Beeolgics? Why wouldn't Bee School instructors mention this important CCD info. If Beekeeping organizations don't defend their hobby and love who will? So sad. .   

  13. The stats coming in based on Guy McPherson's essay are worse than predicted.. We are doomed. I wish we weren't, but we are.

    1. Hello Tim, yes, the horizon looks dim from any vantage point, I cannot dispute that. But it would be a mistake to accept all of McPherson’s conclusions at face value. Remember, McPherson agressively lies and denies about the ongoing climate engineering reality. There is much we do not and cannot yet know. What is clear is this,  doing nothing in the critical battle for the greater good will guarantee our failure to survive on any scale. The greatest leap in the right direction we could yet make is to fully expose and stop climate engineering. If we can accomplish that, other challenges can be faced.

    2. I am surprised everyone isn't sick. My family is ill. Maybe a new President will halt this insanity. I know Obama's science advisor was 100% in favor of spraying. Are people blind? I still don't understand how people aren't seeing this.

    3. Hello Tim, unfortunately those behind the spraying are far more more powerful than any president, and the spraying goes back many decades.

  14. thanks again dane for doing this informative radio show , this week i brought a new friend i made to listen to it with , they were already aware of some related things to what you covered were going on in the world , but the information you provided was still very eye opening , we had a great time listening and discussing the varying information…..

  15. Here in Venice, Florida this morning you could see visibly numerous crisscross trails and a few were low and wide trails.

  16. This can only mean they are preparing for war.
    WTI Surges Above $33 Despite IEA 'Glutter'-For-Longer Warnings
    Zero Hedge 02/22/2016
    WTI crude prices are up almost 6% this morning with April (the new front-month) trading above $33.50 – testing post-DOE plunge stops. The irony of the ramp is that it comes amid terrible global PMIs (demand), a report from IEA of oil staying in glut for longer than expected (supply), and warnings from Abu Dhabi's biggest bank that $20 oil is possible. Oh well, we are sure the algos know what they are doing… despite veterans of the 1980s oil glut warning it could take 7 to 10 years to emerge from the current slump.

    Shale fightback seen lifting U.S. oil output to record high by 2021
    Feb.22, 2016
    "Anybody who believes that we have seen the last of rising LTO production in the United States should think again; by the end of our forecast in 2021, total U.S. liquids production will have increased by a net 1.3 million bpd compared to 2015," the IEA said.

    1. Susan, I very much appreciate your voice on this subject, I've even visited your blog Metaphysical Musings. And because you are a thoughtful writer and amazing researcher,  I thought to appeal to you in particular. I am a regular reader (and supporter) of  'Reader Supported News. com. There is an article that popped up today titled 'Meet the Scientist Connecting the Dots Between Air Pollution and Dementia". Amazingly, there was a commenter who raised the geoengineering issue. I followed this with a comment of my own. The previous comment actually got 7 upvotes, last I looked. The last time I raised the issue in the comment section on this site, I was thoroughly down-voted. I would love to see your valuable insight in the comment section on RSN, before they pull the article!

  17. There is evidence that aerosols may now contain lithium.  Lithium is used in psychotropic medicine and can be very damaging. One of its more insidious though very serious effects is to deplete vitamin D from the body. 

    1. I think it's PREPOSTEROUS that we should have to take ever-more supplements for the ever-greater poisoning of our air, and this is somehow the new "normal." 

    1. i have the same symptoms. i have found large doses of vitamin c help. for me a large dose is 3000 mg. or 3 of the 1000 mg a day. it helps the headache. though i still have the sinus and ringing in my ears. that never ends. gets louder sometimes to the point of being painful. don't believe the ''official '' reasons for it. i am certain it is related to the electromagnetics. cell phones. ipads ect. it is much, much worse near the cities. we live way out in the boon docks. but even then we still get it just not as loud. 

      the chemtrail flu though is particularly bad this year. always the winter sprays that get me the most. 

    2. The HEADACHES are coming on from the air crap because the barium is sucking up the water in your system– ever notice how much thirstier you actually are than "normal," whatever that used to be, I'm getting so I don't remember this is going on soooooo very long now.  So get enough fluids.  Yes, the water is laced with toxic heavy metals– what CAN we DO about this?  The "guardians" of our health and welfare only care about money and don't wanna be whacked if they don't comply with the Money-loving Poisoners of Earth Who Do NOT Care about anything else.

      Too much vitamin C can give you the runs, so at least some of us should take carel when self-medicating.  Personally, massive doses of vitamin C does nothing for me other than give me diarrhea.  I and you and everyone else here need to take the MINERALS that the toxic heavy metals displace in the body, ex:  Potassium for barium, magnesium (?) for aluminum, etc.  The toxic metals go into the receptor areas for the minerals you really should be getting.  On my last blood panel I noticed that my physician wisely added a test for serium potassium, but she won't do one for serum barium any longer, even when I ask for it (!!!??).  People need to brush up on their biochemistry.  Vitamins are catalysts, for example, you need to have enough vitamin D to make calcium bio-available– also an issue with the global dimming that Guy McPherson implies is the "better" of the massive Evil caused by "industrial activity…"  yeah, activity-schmivity, we KNOW it's CHEM TRAILING– SHEEESH!!!!  Let's just call a "spade" a SPADE.

  18. Here's another video showing more of the creepy atmospheric frequency sounds:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox5saU4Xnmc&ebc=ANyPxKrnl210lrIHmy9zFVt_Byk_HMdJc33kTBRCoIPSLwkO5H8cJnwjSreNQlNgUA76EgDGeMRKbylv-9nZpH2MUK_0bHIbnA 

    Can anyone out there help to try to find out what is causing this phenomenon?  I am not superstitious, it most certainly is NOT "angels," or "God," or Evil Spirits; it IS something that CAN be explained logically.  And why wouldn't it be something that the military's now up to–??

    1. Hello Dennie, the use of ionosphere heaters around the globe to microwave the atmosphere is very likely a part of the equation, though there is of course much that we cannot yet know. If our combined efforts can pull back the curtain to expose what is going on in our skies, clarity will come.

    2. Hey, Dane:  Do we know the approximate date when the frequency blasters to zap the methane began?  Wondering if that's what's become audible.  At one point, in one of the videos in the medley, I could actually hear the pitches in the overtone series:  1-3-5-7-8  Exactly the way a brass instrument or a string would produce these sounds.  How does this technology work and does it really "cancel" the methane out?  Interesting, even if it's ineffective.

    3. Hello Dennie, we have no way of knowing when programs to microwave methane in the atmosphere began, the attached link will provide more information. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/microwaving-the-atmosphere-to-mitigate-methane/

  19. Dane, you and I are both 53 and (I think both are owned by Chocolate Labs from photo of your home in magazine around the same age 13 & 12 for mine) awake and mad as hell about all that is despicable how the powers that shouldn't be are literally destroying our collective life support system (the planet). Only when the power of love overcomes http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2015/07/16/519919-why-the-us-fed-gov-just-can-not-say-no-to-war/the love of power can the world have and know peace. Jimi Hendrix said that.  In trying hard to expose the treason, especially in Washington, DECEIT I wrote this and it is also a VERY big problem for US ALL..

    1. Speaking of ISIS & Boko Haram. The U.S. is the most powerful military in the world, but yet these two terrorist gropus continue to linger & spread reeking havoc by torturing and killing people. Michelle Obama held up a sign that read # Bring Back Our Girls, in regards to the Nigerian school girls that were kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria, but yet still nothing has been done about it. What a joke Michelle Obama & her sign was, as if she really cares about those girls! When I was in the Navy deployed in the Persian Gulf, during the War in Iraq, our aircraft landed on the Naval Support Base in Bahrain for fuel, maintenance etc. I took many weather observations & gave briefs on atmospheric conditions to the F-14 Tomcat pilot's and all others during that time! Bahrain was very different than the other countries I was in, during that time!


  20. Thank you Dane for involving your self into the Canadian scene of solar spraying. I would like to think that there is no border when it comes to both our countries in this very, very important issue.
    We are being sprayed by aircraft all day long around the country and we as Canadians need to put on our hockey helmets and charge at this issue head on. We need to email our MPP of Parliament ….send all and anyone in Government along with friends and family members. We not stick handle around this so important issue, we must take these issues all that will or will not listen thats the way we can score and start playing this game so we become the winners in this game of saving this beautiful and wonderest country.
    We are Canadians and I believe in the Great White North to be just that. And I know that all Canadians are very, very proud of this countries beauty and would do what it takes to go ahead in this very important overtime game of survival.
    We need to turn this game around in the last minute to play to show te world that we are what the world says we are ….and that s a country who puts their way of life first and our politics second.
    So as a very, very proud Canadian I will continue in this last minute of this game to keep scoring by sending out emails and documents to all I know …because in the ast second you can always get that goal to tie it up …….and those you send those emails are like pucks that you fire out to score with and some times those pucks turn out to be a goal.
    Ach goal is one that you enlighten and help to open their eyes ….thats the goal.
    Never give up in the last seconds of the game ……because there is a goal to be made.
    Look up.
    We need not stick handle around such issues we need to put the issues right into the net

  21. I want to inspire,remember what do we want global pece what should we eliminate canser all health illnasses what should the government be discussing conspiracy theories,facts how can you live in a society that thinks its normal for people to be starving homeless while others are in a pile of gold cash I don't think I can live in a world like this my conscious my sences tell me this is wrong if you find guilty I encourage you to become an activist im not be trading anyone if you where a bad person before I don't care do the wright thing do it so we can go to a global pece era do it because its correct eta …

  22. Pentagon Just Gave Russia the Location of US Special Forces In Syria / DAHBOO777 / Feb 21, 2016 http://www.undergroundworldnews.com
    After saying US cooperation with Russia in the Syrian conflict doesn’t extend beyond basic flight safety rules, the Pentagon has revealed it gave the Russian military the locations of US special forces in Syria, in the hope Russian aircraft would avoid the area. The disclosure reveals a modest breakthrough in military–to-military communication and cooperation between the US and Russia beyond the very basic “memorandum of understanding” (MOU) signed in October last year which focused on safety protocols for both Russian and American air crews operating in Syrian airspace.

  23. Lots of "trails" going over today here in South Lake Tahoe.  They were laid down west of the crest of the Sierra mountains and moved from the NW to the SE.  I could see them spread out and cover large areas of the sky.  Line after line from about 10am this morning until 3pm.  Got lots of pictures to prove it too.  Also saw two pair of "fast movers" flying side by side from the north to the south at high altitude.  Given what's going on in the world it comes as no surprise. 

  24. Dane,
     Do you have any info on what the hell fell from the sky in Midland, Michigan? It looked like someone took a crap all over everyone in that town. Can you email me a response and I'll check back on this site also. Sincerely concerned, Ron

    1. Hello Ron, sorry I don’t have the particular information you asked about, but we are getting reports of various types of fallout from all over. The experiment continues, we are all the subjects.

  25. Other nations also have HARRP and are fighting each other with it not really understanding the consequences as they only look at the *military* side of it.
    The outcome is NOT going to end well and may be artificially creating global warming causing it to speed up more then if they had not messed with things.

  26. Barium: ATSDR / Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry
    "There is no routine medical test to determine whether you have been exposed to barium. Doctors can measure barium in body tissues and fluids, such as bones, blood, urine, and feces, using very complex instruments. These tests cannot be used to predict the extent of the exposure or potential health effects. This is normally done only for cases of severe barium poisoning and for medical research."
    1.5  How can barium affect my health?
    Barium compounds such as barium acetate, barium chloride, barium hydroxide, barium nitrate, and barium sulfide that dissolve in water can cause harmful health effects. Barium carbonate does not dissolve in water, but does dissolve in the stomach; it can also cause harmful health effects.
    Eating or drinking very large amounts of barium compounds that dissolve in water or in the stomach can cause changes in heart rhythm or paralysis in humans. Some people who did not seek medical treatment soon after eating or drinking a very large amount of barium have died. Some people who eat or drink somewhat smaller amounts of barium for a short period may experience vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, difficulties in breathing, increased or decreased blood pressure, numbness around the face, and muscle weakness. One study showed that people who drank water containing as much as 10 ppm of barium for 4 weeks did not have increased blood pressure or abnormal heart rhythms. The health effects of barium have been studied more often in experimental animals than in humans. Rats that ate or drank barium over short periods had swelling and irritation of the intestines, changes in organ weights, decreased body weight, and increased numbers of deaths. Rats and mice that drank barium over long periods had damage to the kidneys, decreases in body weight, and decreased survival. We have no information about the ability of barium to affect reproduction in humans; a study in experimental animals did not find reproductive effects.
    Some studies of humans and experimental animals exposed to barium in the air have reported damage to the lungs, but other studies have not found these effects. We have no reliable information about the health effects in humans or experimental animals that are exposed to barium by direct skin contact.
    Barium has not been shown to cause cancer in humans or in experimental animals drinking barium in water. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have not classified barium as to its carcinogenicity. The EPA has determined that barium is not likely to be carcinogenic to humans following ingestion and that there is insufficient information to determine whether it will be carcinogenic to humans following inhalation exposure.

    1. I was hospitalized in June of 2010 with a diagnosis of acute barium poisoning.  WHY was I put in the hospital?  Because barium f**ks up your heart's electronics, causing arrhythmia.  WHO CARES–!!!?  I had not one, not two, but THREE subsequent serum barium tests and all came back showing the amount of barium in my blood.  Well, Geoengineer IDIOTS, hear THIS:  There should be NO barium in ANYone's blood. PERIOD.  NOT EVEN YOURS. 

  27. Has anyone seen the path that cyclone Winston took when it hit Fiji? It is looks completely unnatural. The storm made a U-turn and then headed straight towards Fiji. As the article linked below put it:
    "It's not often that a tropical system makes a U-turn and hits an area twice, but that's exactly what happened with this storm." 
    It's as though Fiji was a target or they wanted to prevent the cyclone from crossing the pacific and hitting another region. 

    1. Fiji recently became the first country to ratify the (useless) Paris Climate Change Agreement…

    2. The United States Supreme Court also ratified the (useless) Paris Climate Change Agreement the week before Scalia was murdered.

  28. ran into this list of dead and dying animals, birds and fish. this site is for religious prophecy which i may or may not agree with but they do an excellent job of pulling together all the destruction. 


    man is making the prophecy come about all on his own. by his own two hands. doesn't need a demon or god to help. quite capable of destroying the planet and himself with it by his own choice, his own hand and willingness to do so. 

    1. One might be tempted to postulate that a 'force' knows the human psyche better than we know oursves.  And, of course, we now in our epoch, having our experience with the matrix and the paradigm and its destructive consequences, can appreciate the commentary by 'those' beings who were in observance of the humans building the Tower of Babel.   The commentary is that the tower construction must be stopped.  Why?  Because any thing and everything within the imagination of the human creature could be realized.  It was already perceived the direction and the future outcome and the disaster unleashed by a spiritual renegade.  Our dual nature sealed our fate.  Interesting, the sign of the times is 9-11.  The Tower of Babel is Genesis 9-11 or is it 11-9.  Is it not poetic that the cradle of civilization in its current form is probably going to be civilization's grave.  

  29. I keep hearing about this "abrupt climate shift" but what does that mean, exactly? What will that look like in realistic terms and how imminent is it? Things already seem bad enough with every life support system altered by man. The changes are quickly coming but this "abrupt " term sounds ominous.

    1. Hello Ed, yes, the horizon that we now face is indeed ominous and  imminent (definition of abrupt climate change attached). If we can expose and halt climate engineering (and stop the rest of the industrialized destruction), can the planet still support life? That remains to be seen, but whatever the final outcome, it is our obligation to try. This is why we are here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrupt_climate_change

    2. I believe all of us have read Wikipedia's definitions of chemtrails or contrails. I don't believe anything that Wikipedia says, period.

  30. I find it interesting that some of the comments are negative about peoples attitudes towards seeing the truth of geoengineering awareness.
    There are intelligent people here that are awake now,but remember you too were once ignorant to the reality. I have had to remind myself of this many times. It is surprising how many people will research fact,when caught in a conversation like geoengineering,with out pertinent facts.
    I strongly believe that the world’s problems are like a bad relationship that is unraveling,and the person you thought you were with is just an ellusion.Every one is effected differently,and reacts differently.Some people have to go further into darkness before finding the courage to change there perspective.
    On another note, there is a new sight that will help shed light on this battle @ EPAwatch.org. They are asking for water samples from all over the country for testing heavy metal contamination.This is a private lab Natural News has developed. The owner is very aware of the geoengineering assult. Please check it out.
    As always,much respect to you Dane,and all those in the battle,may our children some day live in a better world.

    1. Hello Jeff, yes, allowance needs to be made for those that are completely ignorant of the climate engineering issue. This being said, I believe most that share their frustration on this site are venting about those who steadfastly choose to remain in total denial in spite of contiuously being given mountains of information. I am attaching an exchange I just had with an ABC news anchor who is a glaring example of this point. About the water testing being offered, and the source that made the offer, I am very cautious as this source has in the past posted articles citing aluminum contamination in the enviroment while failing to even mention geoengineering, not a word. They have also claimed that the sprayed jet trails are only from dirty fuel, which is also patently false. 
      My most recent exchange with ABC news anchor Mike Mangas (KRCR) is below. Mangas exibits exactly the kind of dogmatic denial that activists are so justifiably fed up with. 
      (The ABC news anchor comment below my response should be read first. Any that are so inclined can reach Mike Mangas directly with his email contact which is also attached below. If you do message Mangas, please keep any correspondence articulate, professional, and none threatening)

      Mr, Mangas, with all due respect, do you really believe your response below would hold up in any reasonable forum with a reasonable community of concerned citizens? Which clearly neither you nor Mr. Kruger have the courage to face? You baselessly claim all is “conspiracy” and yet make no acknowledgment of the mountain of climate engineering data to the contrary, including links (copied at the bottom of this message and in all previous messages I sent to you and Mr. Kruger. These links even contain the full text to 750 page US senate report and an 80 page US presidential report, both proving beyond doubt that global climate modification has been going on since the late 1940s. Did you really do any investigation at all Mike? Or do you just rely on the opinions of “people whom you respect”? How about the federal “gag order” on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees? Any explanation for that? Are we to expect government scientists to speak out in spite of a federal “Gag Order”? It is unfortunate that those whom the community relies on for their news are not even willing to address legitimate and extremely dire community concerns about solid science issues like stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management. Unfortunately you have made the decision to distract from the science by plucking out  a meaningless passing statement or two from the MC at the event. Clearly you have done your best to unjustly slander a major community event with 1000 in attendance and many experts including former military and former government scientists. 
      Anyway, Mr. Mangas, thank you for making clear your unwillingness to address critical and legitimate community concerns on verifiable science issues like climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management.  Your comments are now of record ( I can only assume Mr. Kruger is taking the same position). As the climate engineering issue becomes impossible to hide, I can only imagine the community will justifiably feel extremely betrayed by those who in media who did their best to hide and/or marginalize issues of such dire gravity. The issue of global geoengineering will soon enough be exposed and acknowledged as the climate system disintegrates, wait and see. At that time, individuals like you and Mr. Kruger (and other local media representatives) will have a great deal of explaining to do for the citizens you claim to represent, but instead have chosen to blatantly betray.
      Dane Wigington


      On Feb 18, 2016, at 6:20 PM, Mike Mangas wrote:
      Hello Dane-
      I apologize for not responding to your emails. I didn’t see them – to be absolutely honest, I blocked them some time ago.
      Going into the geoengineering debate, I tried to keep an open mind. I listened to you, to your followers, showed up at the seminar you had in the David Marr auditorium, and did online research. I’m not a scientist, and don’t pretend to be, but of the things I could confirm, I have found lies, mistruths, conspiracy theories of all sorts (and not just geoengineering. That forum had a cornucopia of conspiracy theories. Who shot Kennedy, what really happened on 9-11, did we really go to the moon, etc.)
      Reading things like we the media are being paid off by the government to keep things quiet, or to believe humans are capable of intentionally altering the environment on a global scale, for nefarious purposes, or that such an alleged massive operation could be done in complete secrecy, and talking with people in the airline industry whom I have known for years,  whose opinions I respect, who literally laugh at geoengineering conspiracies, led me months ago to come to the conclusion that… I don’t believe it. I do believe geoengineering is being discussed, but not anywhere near being implemented, and certainly not on such a grand scale.
      Everyone is free to believe what they want to believe, and as I’ve said before, I admire your passion, but I’m done with this, and have been for months.
      I just don’t want to spend any more time on it.
      Clearly, I have no interest in being involved in any sort of town hall meeting, nor in covering any such event. (I speak for myself only in that regard.)
      I will not respond to any further correspondence, unless it’s a subject other than geoengineering.
      Mike Mangas
      +Mike Mangas
      KRCR News Channel 7
      (530) 722-6423
      National Weather Service and NOAA Federal “Gag Order”
      Links to numerous film footage clips of jet aircraft spraying

      New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering

      New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering

      Massive Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification

      Historical presidential report documenting ongoing and expanding climate engineering programs

      Extensive list of climate engineering patents

      Solar radiation management governance initiative

    2. It's one thing to be ignorant of certain realities and another to be totally closed minded even with a ton of evidence staring you in your face.  My brother became so defensive, when I told him about the Geoengineering program and how it was affecting my health, he put his fist through our glass coffee table.  All my friends and relatives think I belong in an institution.  I still can't wrap my head around not just the ignorance and not wanting to know, but the sheer evil of these people to ignore my poor health and what's killing me and them.  I commend myself for not having done anything insane after all the attacks I have endured through this whole ordeal. Now I tell people straight to their face what I think about them, if nothing else at least I get it off my chest, as the quote says, "I will not censor myself to accommodate your ignorance".  

    3. Hello Irene, you are exibiting all the hallmark traits of an extremely healthy sane mind and psycological outlook. We all live in a world in which the vast majority have long since abandoned or lost such strengths. Stand strong, we are with you and our #s are growing by the day. Hope to have the filing on the Canadian legal action done next week, announcements will come as soon as possible on that. Many other headlines are coming, the truth cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer. We must NEVER YIELD, we must NEVER GIVE UP, our will belongs to each of us alone. This is in our power and cannot be taken. It is an honor to march with you (and all other truly dedicated activists) in this battle, Irene.  

    4. How do you counter such obvious lying? So blatant and so cavalier. To the ordinary person not versed in most of the issues he cited, he sounds quite reasonable. But this is what he counts on – the ignorance of his listenership.

      The way he says that he is not a scientist! What a ruse. That subservience to the authority of those who call themselves 'scientists'. A scientist is anyone who observes, hypothesises and then rigorously tests those hypotheses to disprove or prove.

      Dane, you make a great point to him: that his comments are of record now and that he will be held accountable once his very own audience learns that he must be helping to cover up these direst of issues.

      In a very real way he has written his own damning testimony to be used in a future court.

    5. the level of denial and delusion in Mike's response to you Dane is truly mind numbing.Have you ever brought up the moon landing?No as Mike would have us believe we are just making this stuff up for fun I guess?These people on arctic weather channel too.They make me sick deceiving and acting like they care about the public as the climate shift advance's right in front of their eyes and they see the moisture being nucleated into a snow storm and there all to happy to beat the winter storm drum all day long.When they see the energy for it coming they tell us a week in advance get ready weapon off mass distraction coming.All this while the most intense hurricane ended last season in the ridiculously warm pacific and another one just hit Fiji to start the season don't be fooled by the cold blob in the Atlantic ocean the freezing water from the arctic and Greenland ice sheets has to go somewhere once the arctic has no more ice almost certainly this's summer.it wont be long for the water to superheat and climate chaos to ensue even more intense then what is occurring now with the fake sky and the fake winter.Fake is the new f word and yes from 9/11 to Your food,money,weather you've been faked and lied too every step of the way.Simple words and phrases like freedom,justice,support our troops means nothing at this point.It's easy to enslave a country that thinks it is free and can pillage every resource on the planet and think at the last moment god will come down and smile upon us.Couldn't be further from the truth.And yes Dane the road is a very sobering look at what kind of challenges we could face in the not so distant future. 

    6. Hello Levi, no, I of course never said a thing about the moon (or Big Foot). The ABC news anchor is just grabbing at straws in his desperate attempt to marginalize the critical climate engineering issue.

    7. Dane, I copied and emailed this post to my local meteorologist – whom I have been emailing various links and information for the last month- I have never received a response.  Thank you. 

    8. This is in reply to Dane's post regarding the News Anchor. What really is puzzling to me is that News Anchors or Journalists are supposed to uncover stories to unearth the "real truth". Here you have Govt documents from 1966 and 1978 both admitting that these programs have been in FULL effect since at least the late 1940's. Then you have a mountain of evidence of US Patents all releating to Geoeingineering. And yet people still don't want to INVESTIGATE to at least see if there is truth behind all the evidence.

      Guy McPherson doesn't EVEN want to go there because it will prove his Paul Beckwith cherry picked data as wrong. The same goes with all those who turn a blind eye towards Geoengineering.

      You can't help but look up at the sky and see that the sky no longer looks normal.

    9. Allow me to share an exact quote from a "friend" of mine relevant to this discussion when we had a little "run-in" on Facebook:

        "Marc, your "research" is simply buying into conspiracy theories that have been thoroughly debunked. You might look up articles in Skeptical Inquirer and articles in Scientific American which appear from time to time to explain the fallacies of this and other conspiracy theories. There is no way what you are talking about can be done and no way it could pass under the radar even if it could be done. It is very difficult to keep secrets in this day and age. I am very alarmed to find a person as intelligent as you getting duped by this kind of nonsense.

      Marc, climate engineering is in the theoretical phase. To actually implement it, either through solar radiation management or carbon dioxide removal would require a huge portion of human resources to be devoted to it. It would indeed be no secret. There is no massive climate engineering in our skies. That is a conspiracy theory, and it is completely baseless. You simply do not understand the basic science nor do you grasp the scale of activity which would be required to carry out what you apparently believe is already being implemented. That is the last comment I am going to make on the subject."

       Well…..whoop de f**king do!!!!  Doesn't he sound so very f**king intelligent and well read on this topic?? Interesting how his final comment resonates so perfectly with that of Mr. Mike Mangas, who in his arrogant certitude will waste no more of his valuable time on the topic. Furthermore, to anyone who may happen to know me through this blog, having read many of my posts here, do I really seem as clueless and "duped" and uninformed about the "basic science" as my lily-livered friend suggests? Do you see how absurd all this bickering is?? While my arrogant "friend" insults me on Facebook, his brain is filling up with aerosolized metals as a direct result of the very spraying he is absolutely certain cannot possibly be going on.

    10. The letter from Mangas is actually quite disturbing to read, in the sense that the level of denial is so very far over the top.  These are the kinds of people whose heads are stuck so very far up a very dark place, all the engineers at M.I.T. couldn't figure out how to get these guys' heads down to someplace even approaching normal again.  Not a good idea to try to change the minds of the mindless.  As Mike Ruppert put it in Crossing the Rubicon, if 4 or 5 pieces of good evidence won't sway a jury, neither will 400 or 500 pieces.  I have taken that statement from the former L.A.P.D. detective to heart.  I won't even so much as make a peep about the weather to the people who don't even notice what's going on right over their heads, literally.

      Marc:  Wondering what would happen if you dared your "friend" to have samples of his own hair tested in a few different labs just to see what kinds of metals show up; should those even BE there?  My acupuncturist in Fairfax, CA had hair samples tested for heavy metals as part of a continuing education class and there was aluminum in his hair– how'd it get there?  SHOULDN'T BE ANY ALUMINUM IN ANYONE'S TISSUES, ANYWHERE. 

    1. Hello Rodster, in the McPherson video you posted, Guy simply states his usual combination of truth and lies. Though he admits to the “global dimming” effect of atmosheric particulates, he will never admit to the geoengineering elephant in the room that is the primary source of the particulates. FYI  about McPherson https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/a-meeting-with-scientist-guy-mcpherson/

    2. Here is McPherson's explanation of global cooling, dimming and the particulates that keep getting put up into the sky every day, from the radio show from the link above: 

      "Because of global dimming, which I hadn't studied in sufficient detail when we last spoke and now I've studied it quite a bit more– because of global dimming, and that's the aerosols and particulates, uh, things like sulfates being put up in the atmosphere to serve as something of an umbrella to protect us from incoming solar radiation– because of that global dimming the planet is actually cooler than it would otherwise be in the absence of industrial activity, so industrial activity puts all these sulfates, puts this umbrella above us, in effect, and those particulates fall out all the time– they're falling out every day but because the industrial machine keeps rolling, the particulates are put up into the sky every day as well.  Well, if the addition ceases and so we're left with just subtraction, just the particulates falling out of the sky, then we lose global dimming, and the consequence could be up to about a 3-degree Celsius temperature rise in a span of days after industrial activity ceases." 

      This is my transcription of Guy McPherson's description of how particulates and sulfates are helping to cool the planet and that these are simply "put up into the sky" on a daily basis as a by-product of "industrial activity."  Never mind the actual, highly-visible planned spraying programs, the documents stating that is The Plan, all the patents and the mountains of water, snow, soil, and biological test evidence we now have that prove this is ongoing and has been for the past seventy years.

  31. BTW…along with this continued morning fog from the industrial plant…we now have a hard core Flash freeze and yet this is straight off this A.M report from KOMO News Weather…..

    Look for clouds to increase tonight as overnight lows fall to the low 40s.

  32. …about the Milgram experiment:  The original experiment allowed the test subjects to administer (what they thought were) shocks up to the "lethal" level.  They were understandably quite shaken afterward, by what they had done.  Replications of that experiment in the US only allow the "shocks" to be about half of lethal, though the actor being "shocked" screams in pain.  That's because the American Psychological Association decided that the original subjects were psychologically damaged by their experience.  However, a BBC documentary (which I can't find any longer on YouTube) showed interviews with some of those subjects, and they claimed that having been involved in that experiment made them more reflective, more willing to question and even defy authority, in later life.  The same effect is not reported when the maximum shock is non-lethal.

    I guess that by APA standards, those earlier subjects were psychologically damaged: they learned to think for themselves.

    1. By the way, in later experiments, most subjects laughed off their willingness to shock people – and women were the worst by quite a margin at doing that.  Something to think about, for those who maintain that having men in power is the problem.

    2. @penny, I would equate that to most women being generally more submissive than men.   Anyway, I agree with the point.   It's not about sex, race, etc, but the type of person they are … and psychopaths tend to crave power, leading us to the position we're in today.

    3. Hi Drew, I agree that women are generally – through socialization – more submissive than men, at least toward men.  I wasn't, however, saying that they were more willing to submit to the orders given to them, but that they were more likely to laugh it off.  One woman in particular took great pride in being so tough on her 'student' – and she was a public school teacher.

      It isn't about sex or race or whatever, but it seems likely to me that women, because they go through this pretense of docility and sweetness, are more likely to lash out when given the opportunity.  I don't know, though; I'm not sweet  🙂

  33. EVERYONE PLEASE if at all possible PAY ATTENTION TO THE INDUSTRIAL PLANTS around you. I reported last week that I have been observing a Plant in the valley  my house overlooks that is ABSOLUTELY admitting some form of mixture that is positively creating this orange/brown fog. It is 5:30 A.M as I type this message. I was up at 4:20.with my usual sinus pressure. My routine is to first look out the window and note what skies crimes took place during the night. THIS A.M the skies were clear with the exception of some drifting chemical clouds. I could see stars(rare). I looked at the valley and there was a LONG trail of vapor streaming as far north and south that I could see from those tall stacks in my Wa valley.

    Last week my husband and I drove around to pinpoint where this is coming from. He thought it most likely was Lake Tapps water company but the distance was farther than what I see when I am up in the ungodly hours of the A.M. I now can confirm that this is coming from smoke stacks that are on or rt next to a LUMBER company. I will drive there today and get the exact name of who is doing this.

    This morning again was so obvious. This vapor that drifts lightly for miles from these stacks and then in minutes mounts up into this very dense fog…rolls over the hills of both sides of the valley, then in minutes the fog clears on the hills and is a white out in the valley( my house would then be above the fog. Its starts all over again and will repeat this mantra for hrs.The sun comes up and ORANGE GLOW from this stuff in the air.

    OH how I wish I had equipment that could film this…..unbelievable that this is happening right before our very own eyes and in our backyards from the skies to "normal business plants"! If people would simply open their eyes and SEE what is literally hidden in PLAIN SIGHT! 

    This would be perfect film footage for direct evidence of the assault crimes being played out by so many involved to make this global atrocity happen!

    1. Kathy,

      I have been reporting and tracking this said same activity here in the Miami Valley of Ohio for years. There can be no argument; these plants emit more material as a base for the intended incoming weather. "They" need all the help they can get with the atmosphere already terribly saturated with noxious chemicals.

      Notice, pay attention to your environment and finally get the people YOU know who work at these plants to take issue and maybe just maybe we can wake up even more folks to our side of the fight we are in.

      I have had a major personal setback in my fight, but I am waist deep in the struggle yet again.

      Anyone can see the state of our natural environment, HORRIBLE!

      Everyone can and must stop feeding the "beast".

      As any perusal of YouTube's conspiracy side will plainly come to the conclusion, "they" are scared to death of the peoples awakening.

      Our greatest weapon, each other. Period.



  34. While humans undoubtedly have inherent pack-animal characteristics, it seems likely that these are exaggerated to an unhealthy extreme by our being too packed in, like rats in a small cage.  The 'order followers' are undoubtedly motivated both by a desire to advance and by a fear of being excluded (knowing how they can be turned on, and how dangerous the human animal really is).  This fear of exclusion is what causes so many to go along with the dominant paradigm.  How do we counter that instinct?  Maybe by pretending to be the dominant paradigm.  By putting the message out there as the one that any reasonable listener accepts already, including the one to whom we're talking.  "Of course you understand that this is a problem.  You're not one of the blind minority."  Using the tactics of the mass media, in other words, against them.  That may strike many people as dishonest, but is it really?  Most people are ready to accept that they are being targeted; most people distrust the government; most people are living in constant fear.  The key to breaking through may be to forget all about the so-called leaders and to communicate directly with Most People as if they are already part of the Awakened Majority.  As if they are natural leaders themselves, and don't need to wait for their congressperson to worry about the spraying and irradiating before they take action.  People are very resistant to being convinced of anything, but if you start with the premise that they are on your side already, they are reluctant to disagree.

    Idle thoughts on a Sunday afternoon, as i watch my planet being irreparably poisoned.

  35. All of these broadcasts are beyond excellent…but for some reason I listened to this one a second (and I might a third) time.  It's all here in a nutshell…along with very concrete suggestions and directives as to how to channel the energy that WANTS TO DO SOMETHING about geoengineering….i.e. WHO TO WRITE….I really really recommend listening a second or even a third time…maybe taking a note or two about the concrete "DO-ING" suggestions.   Thank you guys for caring..and thank you Dane for everything that you do.

  36. My 102nd email to my contact list titled: Two year 'Notice to Quit' the planet.

    1.  It's hotter than you think – check the numbers!


    Global January temps have set another record high.  

    On day 41 (Feb 10th), Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice probably peaked at its maximum extent for this winter (….much earlier than expected!). http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/arctic.sea.ice.interactive.html

    We are now living with the threat of a 2 year 'Notice to Quit' the planet, which will be served on us via a massive methane outpouring.

    2.  James Lovelock was remarkably accurate in 2008: 'What would Lovelock do now, I ask, if he were me? He smiles and says: "Enjoy life while you can. Because if you're lucky it's going to be 20 years before it hits the fan."


    3.  Tanks pouring into Norway caves: 'This deployment is separate from the massive amounts of US and NATO troops being thrown at Eastern Europe, similarly on the Russian border, but seems to be in the same vein, based on the assumption that the alliance is ultimately going to go to war with Russia over something or other.'


    4.  Lean about the supposed Syrian "moderate" opposition that USA, UK, Saudi Arabia and many others support financially, militarily and morally.


    5.  Wildfires are plainly visible from the NASA/MODIS satellite — covering about a 1,400 mile swath stretching from the Ivory Coast, through Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon and on across the Central African Republic, the Congo, and Gabon.

    The intensely burning fires now rage across a region of Africa experiencing both severe heat and drought with temperatures hitting well over 40 C in Nigeria and over 36 C throughout the broader region today.

    More than 20 million people are at risk of hunger across Africa.


  37. The human body has the Natural intelligence and power to push out the poison that has entered by whatever means. It may resemble an illness situation, but go along with what is happening including  internal rest by a short term fast with water only if needed while the body repairs by itself. Nature leads We follow. Break away from the med dispensing business. D.W. mentioned sports watchers but hearing the sound of some sports games from another room resembled a Nazi rally thats not really funny..,,,enough of that. We.Endure to protect the planet that supports our lives and Peace to All.

    1. Speaking of drugs:  Is it not interesting how tobacco and alcohol, once upon a time not long ago. was deemed unfit to be advertised on the mainstream media, television and radio.  This was after these two drugs had been advertised for many years in said manner.  Is it not more interesting that tobacco and alcohol advertising has been replaced with big pharma drugs peddling their wares?  Lots of ads!  And lots of warning at the end of these ads warning one and all inbibers that the advertised drug could easily maim and destroy their bodily functions, and potentially kill. Caveots galore. This situation is a major scandal, all nice and legal.  FDA approved. One can guess the DEA won't be raiding big pharma.

  38. Hi Dane

    I have found that I can get more people to listen to audios than read articles, I guess they can do this while cooking etc. Just thought I would share that. Thanks for everything, especially your courage!

  39. Dane,  Here in my area (S & W of G. Junction, CO) we had only two 4-6 in. snowfalls this Winter.  One before Christmas (21st ) and another in mid Jan.  There was heavy spraying before both.  Now temps are reaching into the high 50's and the snow is melting. Where the snow has melted are patches of what looks like spider webbing.  At first, I thought it was some kind of fungus or mold.  I have never seen anything like this in my 23 years at this home.  Upon closer inspection, these spidery filament type patches are like fine lint.  You can roll them into balls.  They do partially dissolve and disapate upon contact.  I have noticed the ones getting sun for a few days totally disappear.  I took photos and saved a sample (in frig).  Have you or anyone else seen anything like this?  Can you provide the name of a trustworthy lab to send the sample to?  My cats have been out eating the grass and I have shooed them away fearful of what they could be ingesting.  It will be interesting to see if the grass comes out of dormancy healthy in these areas.  Thanks for all you do and any insight you can give me on this nasty stuff.  God Bless.

    1. M.J.  Yes it's been reported of the spider webbing.  Maybe Earthfiles.com Linda Moulton Howe has something on it?  I have found through the years all kinds of odd stuff.  One being a gel like substance in a form of round beads, about pea size all over my property.  I wish I would have kept some for testing. I didn't know of Chemtrails and all back then.  Learned about it in the mid to late 90s.  Scary world we live in!  Where Evil powers that be running this world want us dead!


  40. They really sprayed here today, beginning with a clear blue sky and then painting the chemtrails until that glassy milky haze settled over the Peninsula. Sickening. A little seems to disperse very widely these days. I fought of my anger, took photos, and wondered what the pilots, politicians, and corporate masters were telling themselves, how do they sleep? Are we headed for a Venus like atmosphere? Another disposable planet. Good thing God made many…. There was one very large slow-moving blimpy-looking white plane that left no vapor nothing.
    My photos from today here as Feb.20, 2016: Sky over the Olympic Peninsula, WA 1, 2 & 3:


    1. Steven Chamberlain — Thank you for your kind words. In theory I would love to post other people's chemtrail photos, but I can barely deal with what I am doing now. I'm not so well and still working on my 'rendering' translation of the Rig Veda. So my apologies. God Bless.

    2. No worries Susan, just keep taking photos and posting them on your site. I have it saved in my favorites and will check in regularly. May God Bless You Too and Never Ever Give up!!!

  41. Through my own research, I have confirmed all of the things that Dane has discussed in this program. He is absolutely correct and totally accurate in his reporting. To add to this program, the EPA has passed legislation to take control of streams, ponds and all water sources. Even if it lies on your property! We in this community all know the track record of EPA endeavors, especially in California! This with the gag orders on NOAA and NWS, are we really going to sit back and "change the channel on our TV"?

    why would EPA take water rights from private land owners at a time that they are Fracking? If I have to explain, then we are way further away from the big picture than I thought.

    even further away from the fact that no one can do TESTING for particulates in those waters and publish their findings publicly!!

    Folks, this is getting serious and as Dane said, this is the final hour and it's ninth inning… 

  42. well done again Dane! and using JFK famous speech about secret societies (illuminati) was a fantastic opening. Most of us who spread the truth are classed as crazy and doom dealers even when we do love life and are happy at times. Keep up the great selfless work you do and God bless.

  43. I recently was offered ( I did not apply ) a job with an oil field company. Two weeks was enough.  Watching workers bleed gas off to atmosphere ( which is against the law in British Columbia ) tore part of my heart away.  All to get a well to produce more oil.  I quit as soon as I flew home.  I felt bad enough about accepting a job with that industry, and I know it happens daily, just as the Solar Radiation Management trails do, but don't people care?  How can they partake?  Is everything about money?  I am disgusted with the condition of this delinquent, depraved society.  I want this nightmare to END…  SOON…

  44. I have been informed that thePDF [below] is about Lockheed Martin’s Space Fence:
    Space Fence will replace the existing Air Force Space Surveillance System, or VHF Fence, which has been in service since the early 1960s. The new system’s initial operational capability is scheduled for 2017. With more than 400 operational S-band arrays deployed worldwide, Lockheed Martin is a leader in S-band radar development, production, operation and sustainment. The Lockheed Martin-led team, which includes General Dynamics, AT&T and AMEC, has decades of collective experience in space-related programs including sensors, mission-processing, cataloging, orbital mechanics, net-centric communications and facilities.

    Electrostatic Waves Excited During Active Experiments in the Ionosphere  [PDF]
    Paul A. Bernhardt, Craig A. Selcher / 2009 / Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375
    Electrostatic Wave Generation / Fast Hypersonic Chemical Releases – Radar Scatter from ES Waves / High Power Radio Waves / Excited Processes / Radar Scatter /Field Aligned Irregularities / Enhanced Ion Lines / Enhanced Plasma Lines / Stimulate Electromagnetic Emissions / Mode Conversion / Parametric Decay Instabilitie / HAARP [nice winter photo] / F-Region Ionosphere Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions, Radar Backscatter, Enhanced Plasma Waves and Artificial Aurora / Ionospheric Modification with High Power Radio Waves / Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions Measurements Near HAARP with Magnetic Zenith Beam / Artificial Electrostatic Waves in the Ionosphere / Ion Acoustic Waves Generated By Hypersonic Exhaust and High Power Radio Waves When Te >> Ti. / Stimulated Brillouin Scatter (SBS) is the strongest SEE Mode – Sometimes SBS Emissions is Stronger than HF Pump Return / SBS by Overdense High-Power HF in the Ionosphere / Discovered by Norin et al. [PRL, 2009] in February 2008. / This work described by Bernhardt et al., submitted to Annales Geophysicae, 2009. / SBS by Underdense High-Power HF to be Tested in August at HAARP / SBS Produces Extremely Strong SEE Emissions up to 10 dB Below the HF Pump Return / SBS Comes from Both the Reflection Region and the UH Resonance Height / The SBS Ion Acoustic Frequency / Offset from the Pump Frequency / Electron Temperature Measurements from the UH Resonance Region / Validation Possible with ISR Measurements of Te at EISCAT or Arecibo Heating Sites / Stimulated Ion Bernstein Scatter and OTSI Discovery / First SEE Observations at HAARP /Slight Offsets from Ion Cyclotron Frequency Harmonics


  45. Dane and all…I am trying to understand the issue with all of the environmental groups and why they are not working together. I have read that even Greenpeace receives funding from certain sponsors who they obey. This means that they will not touch certain issues for fear of loss of funding?  And that they are also order takers? Amy Goodman, who places strong emphasis on environmental issues on her show, is also "controlled" in the same way? Is this also a competitive issue among environmental groups? It seems that all groups would be more powerful if they supported one another because they share the same goals. Everything boils down to money and power. How has climate geo become such an "untouchable" issue? In a way, it gives it more power.

    1. Hello Leslie, yes, your conclusions are correct. I have met Amy Goodman twice, she has been bought and paid for as have so many others. As the Hopi prophecy has said, “we are the ones we have been waiting for”, exposing the truth is up to us. If we work together, and do not yeild, we may yet accomplish astounding good even at this late hour.

    2. I'll never forgot the only time the truth was posted on BBC in 2012 where they mention that other nations may take the law onto their own hands to tackle *climate change* using secret technology including spraying which may cause side effects such as killing the coral reef and fish life.
      After that article it was never talked about again.

  46. just ran into this article. as if the air isn't poisoned enough. the ground water is filled with waste from nuclear power plants. saint louis has a huge problem with their creeks and springs full of radioactive material from the barrels of the stuff put in their landfill. it is leaking into the water supply.




  47. The unbelievable destruction we've done to beloved earth in the last 300 years, since the industrial holocaust, that took billions of years to evolve is way beyond words.  It's deeply depressing.  Everyone I know is completely in denial, that primitive response to reality associated with early childhood development.  They do not care about anything or anyone but themselves and love wallowing in ignorance.  Thank you, Dane, for all you do.  You are our only hope.

  48. Thank you for your indefatigable and courageous efforts.

    The ignorance of many people is incredible and we'll all pay an unimaginable high price for this ignorance. 

    I'm so tired of living in a society in which people blindly follow even obvious insane orders without responsibility, in which people betray and sell others for personal gain, regardless of the consequences for society, environment or the planet as whole. If we continue this path then mankind has no future in the long run.

    However, meanwhile I think that everything happens for this reason, to find those among the sheep, goats and wolves who have chosen to evolve to be a human being. People who understood how important our individual decisions and choices are for the well being of society and the whole planet. 

  49. Awesome show Dane…so much energy and conviction in this one. I am getting very excited for the legal filings to take place. With the archived emails you have from government personnel this should be an extremely sound case! See you March 12 sir.

  50. We're really lacking a similar watchdog on the other side of the pond!  EISCAT seems to have taken over from HAARP since last year in research contracts and it's been very noticeable with continual high winds, unprecedented warm temperatures bringing huge amounts of precipitation in from the Atlantic and flooding.  My flowers have continued flowering all winter! Never known anything like it.  

    How can these scientists fire SO  much energy up into the ionosphere, on a regular basis and not correlate this with the extreme weather conditions?  The research papers report regularly heating the ionosphere up to 4000K ! And they say the heating has negligable effect on the weather as it dissipates so rapidly- dissipates where? and how when it goes on almost every day?! 

    Aren't meteorologists able to comment and express concern; surely they know this affects weather?

    A concerned citizen.

    1. What's even worse is other countries fighting each other using their own version of HARRP so you got nations not knowing what each other is doing as they slowly destroy the planet.

  51. Though I myself don't believe this to be the answer,  being so many refuse to see the earth dying all around them,  at what point does someone take up arms and do away with the global elites. Factual history tells of these people, their wicked ways, their agenda for at least the past four hundred years. Their rise to power their willingness to murder hundreds of millions of people for their own advancement, power and greed. Even Hitler, as evil a man as he was, was just an order follower. How can so few have such control over so many. Since 1913 they have completely taken control of everything in America including 99% of the citizens. If I had the training, the means, and the right frame of mind I would lead the charge to eliminate this evil group of criminals but sadly I don't. I know though that there are those people out there that do posses the ability to carry out this task. I only wonder why they have not taken action. I continue to pass along the facts provided by your hard work and due diligence Dane but so many are blind deaf and dumb. With time running out I fear that there may be only one way to stop the insanity and that unfortunately may be with more insanity.

  52. Dane:

    Geo-engineering is a world wide event not just occurring in the United States. The clouds. the planes, the spraying are everywhere which means the leaders from every country are allowing this mass destruction of our planet.

    How then can we combat this if every country around the globe is involved, consenting to this crime! Are they accepting that this is a solution to global warming? Is it a chemical assault in an attempt to decrease the population through disease?

    1. Hi Geri. Yes it is a chemical assault to reduce the population. Check out the Georgia Guidestones if you haven't already done so. It clearly states they want to reduce and maintain the world population at 500 million which means 6.5 billion need to die. They are not trying to hide this and from what I have observed from other people posting on this site they are getting very close to achieving it. Allot of my friends and family members are either sick all the time or are dying from cancer, heart attacks, dementia, you name it. I myself don't feel so good anymore. Allot of the animals here, domestic and wildlife look sick with their hair falling out and now their skin looks like it is burned, poor things. We are in serious trouble. Never give up and lets help Dane put a stop to this madness.

    2. Hello Dan, certainly there is no denying the all out chemical assault on populations, but is extremely important to remember the overall picture regarding climate engineering is much much larger and much more complex. It is imperative to always remember and consider the many layers of the issue at hand so as to retain our credibility when we attempt to introduce the critical climate engineering issue to others. FYI https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/introducing-geoengineering-climate-engineering-to-the-uninformed/

    3. Hello Geri, our collective efforts are pulling back the curtain, unfolding circumstances will fuel this process. Yes, it is a chemical assault, but there is much much more to the aerosol operations.

    4. Hi Dan from Idaho, I have a little item that might just help with health problems you and your friends are facing…I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago, had 1 tumor removed surgically. Then, the doctors wanted to remove some MORE lymph nodes…After doing my own research, I said “No thanks” and embarked upon natural/alternative self-treatment. Perhaps you, or any of my brothers and sisters here on Geoengineeringwatch, may find this short explanatory video which I have made, “7 At-Home Anti-Cancer Treatments” interesting and/or informative. After more than 15 months on this program, I feel pretty darn good, and I also feel it is infinitely preferable to “The Big 3″…endless surgery, chemo and radiation. Link:

  53. Ben Carson actually said something brilliant a few days ago. He said the country will get the president it deserves. The interviewer even did a double take. Sadly, it's true. We live on a planet with people who have brought about, and therefore deserve, exactly what is happening. We are the minority. We are being carried on a current we cannot stop or even divert. Our present situation is the result of greed's outworking; the hell with the common good. Conditions cannot change, because the common man no more wants the common good than those at the "top" right now.

    Aristotle Onassis once said that a rich man is just a poor man with money. What good, Dane can we do if the thinking of the species remains focused on baubles of the hour? We labor on behalf of a humanity with no humanity….ouch.

    1. Hello Derek, the battle we are fighting is like no other before it. In this case, the denial of the masses will very soon be shattered by unfolding events, wait and see. In the meantime, it is imperative for us to continue effectively and efficiently sounding the alarm. 

  54. Dane, I think a lot of people who know about these programs must visit this site to get updates on the gravity of the situation they know about, yet when they hear or know about what happens to their colleagues, fear and trepidation grip them to keep quiet. Is there any safe way they can "speak out" that you know about without any retribution. As always prayers for you and everyone else involved in this righteous cause.

    1. Hello Dave, we are working out a method by which potential whistleblowers can reach a member of our attorney team for a completely confidential consultation in order to share any information they may have. More details on this soon.  

  55. Cognitive dissonance is an epidemic condition in the minds of most people who resist the factual evidence being presented to them regarding climate change and chemtrails and many other "conspiracy theories" surrounding the concerns related to the orchestrated assault on our environment in so many ways. I urge anybody who is not familiar with the term to Google it and learn what it means so you can recognize it in people that you try to awaken to the reality of white line clouds persistent high, hazy Sun-dimming cloud cover that results from flyovers daily almost everywhere every day.
    It's very difficult to persuade people who won't or can't wrap their heads around the plainly obvious signs of the attack on our air, water, soils and bodies that is not even seen and noticed by the general public. Weather modification is being hidden by agendas that use dis and mis-information to hide the truth in plain sight.

  56. Dane — Thank you! As always a great Global Alert reminding us of all the multiple layers. You are our voice of Truth in the Wilderness. God keep you and your family safe.

    This video has excellent color images of the aerosol spraying: 2-18-2016; High Pressure Zone off Southern California Appears Again Like a Jack-in-The-Box
    Thu. Feb 18; The criminal weather manipulation pattern is back in play off of California as a zone of high pressure has appeared just in time to block the next rain system and cold front. The morning after Southern California Foothills area received 0.94" of rain from the weather controllers, we see heavy aerosol 'chemtrail' spraying in the skies over Southern California all day as high pressure is re-installed to continue blocking North Pacific rain systems – which would end the CA drought in short order!
    excellent color images of aerosol chemtrail spraying

    1. Susan
      great link – please people look at this all important data from SoCal 
      simply unreal – 

  57. Interactive Map Shows Where Monsanto’s Roundup Is Sprayed in New York City
    Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir | February 16, 2016
    New York City residents can now find out if Monsanto’s Roundup is sprayed on their corners, parks, playgrounds and picnic areas.
    The interactive map below will be presented to Mitchell J. Silver, commissioner of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation at a meeting Tuesday by the the Black Institute, Reverend Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir, Stop The Spray and other members of the Coalition Against Poison Parks. The groups will demand an end to the use of Roundup and glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, in New York City and full public disclosure.

    1. Hi Susan. You are not going to believe this. The other day I was engaged in a discussion with a coworker at the local highway dist. I work for. He is our expert weed master with all the qualifications to use these chemicals on the highways. Anyways I was telling him that I quit using chemicals to kill insects, weeds, etc a long time ago because of the negative side effects to the environment and also I learned that all these so called pests have a integral part to a healthy planet. It's only the corporations making and selling this crap that will tell you these pests need to be eliminated. Anyways he recently attended a required class presented by Monsanto and was told that roundup is so safe that you can drink it right from the bottle. At first I thought he was bullshitting me but he was dead serious. So I told him to take a drink and I would rush him to the hospital. Well he didn't do it. Can you believe this?

  58. Mercury Splatters the Central U.S.
    Rainfall in the Rocky Mountains shows a surprisingly high amount of mercury, worrying scientists about what’s to come    
    By Shannon Hall on February 18, 2016
    …Given that it is such a recent phenomenon, scientists cannot be sure what an increase will mean for the environment and public health. “As a general rule, we are very concerned about mercury because it can be present at very dilute levels in the environment, parts per trillion, but in the food chain—in a food that we eat and that other animals eat—it can reach levels that are toxic,” says Peter Weiss-Penzias from the University of California, Santa Cruz, who led the study. Mercury magnifies as it travels up the food chain from minnows to fish to large mammals, including human beings. Pregnant women, for example, are often discouraged from eating fish because the element poses extreme risks to the developing fetus, particularly the central nervous system and brain.
    It is possible that the calculated rise of 2 percent per year will result in a large accumulation in the ecosystem over the coming years, Weiss-Penzias says. “And once an ecosystem is contaminated with mercury, it can take decades for it to become uncontaminated.”

    1. Hmm mercury, isn't that a major contaminant in coal fly ash? I must recheck Dr. Herndon's paper from the August 2015 issue of The International Journal of Environmental and Public Health.. spraying that out all over the skies would be one sure way to contaminate everything FAST!

    2. Ok. With all due respect.  We all know, have known for years now about all of this going on, we hear about all of the stuff we are facing that sounds so awful and none of us want to have wars or be in bondage we all just want to live our lives and have abundance, peace for ALL.  So we can all sit here and email and talk and prophecie, till the cows come home, but that aint' getting anything done, and if there were something we could do about all of this stuff bombarding at us all at once what would it be??  If some body knows lets stop talking and get the thing done NOW we need a leader someone to get this things going.  But what could it be?  It seems like everything is stacked up against us and it will take some kind of a Huge miracle to get us out of this one.  I think we are gonners, I feel it in nature and it hurts me to feel the trees and bushes are dying, drying up right in front of our eyes!!  I am crying

    3. Hello Cindy, we all feel your frustration, you are not alone, but with the exchange of information that takes place when people commited to the common good communicate is imperative. These same people are engaged with sounding the alarm with those around them. We all need to be leaders, we all need to be tips on the spear. When we reach a critical mass of awareness, a shock wave will ripple around the globe. That day is much nearer than most yet realize. Stay strong, we need your voice in this battle. The attached link will give more direction on how to wake others. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/introducing-geoengineering-climate-engineering-to-the-uninformed/

  59. I cannot emphasize enough how grateful my wife and I are for your work. We are in our early 70s, have seen the better days of America — what she was before she became the planetary disgrace she now is. 
    It is a lonely vigil, as you well know. We do what we can to encourage people to recognize what is happening, but your descriptions of the masses are dishearteningly accurate.
    You are an incredibly brave man. I do not know what role, if any, your family plays in your work, but if you have dear ones close to you, surely you must be worried 'bout them…:-(
    You "enjoy" the top position in my list of sources along with Dutch. I don't know what is going on with Ben. He seems to be stumbling around a bit under the weight of his own success. I rarely check in with him anymore, because he puts a price on much of his information. He's just too goddamn important.
    Lady and I listen to your Saturday report religiously.
    We thank you.
    We thank you.

  60. Still sharing your message on TWITTER which means all over the world.
    Soon the POPE and UN will realize they are CAUGHT.
    Thank you from future generations, Dane.
    Lora B

  61. Until this gets widely covered by the mainstream media, the dangers will never get through to the unaware. We can email, chat online and raise all kinds of hell, the military and those in control won't care less and will never miss a beat.

    It is very unfortunate. Yesterday, for example, I was explaining to a group of five guys what was taking place as planes were spraying overhead. One of them was retired from the aircraft industry and stubbornly insisted it was condensation trails, even though they were sprayed "horizon to horizon". The other four understood what I was saying and asked question, but the one "expert" was steadfast in his beliefs.

    In my opinion, these people appear to have two primary issues; 1) unless it is exposed in the mainsteam news media, they will not believe it and 2) even if they were somewhat receptive, because comment number one never happens, they refuse to believe the real dangers we face.

    Unless we can supply proof from those with scientific credentials, warning, in detail, of the impending dangers, we can all "bitch" until the "cows come home" and not make a real dent in stopping these programs!



    1. Hello Mike, though all of us in this battle truly understand and completely relate to your frustration, there are factors that must be remembered and always considered. Sharing critical information is not about complaining, it is about passing on the pieces of the puzzle that people will need to fomm a clear picture what is happening and why, once they are forced to wake up due to the imploding reality around them. The population’s blind submission to the so called “experts” (who are still currently lying about the climate engineering reality) will shatter as coming events unfold at an ever more rapid pace. I hope you will stand fast, that you will continue to sow the seeds of truth regarding the most critical issue of climate engineering. Such seeds will be forced to sprout soon, wait and see.

    2. Yes Mike, It's a very positive sign that 4 out of 5 in the group were receptive to what you had to say! I and many others (Dane perhaps most of all) can remember when almost no one would 'get it'. Keep up the great work sir! This is excellent.  : )

    3. Mike, I'm with you on everything you say. BUT, to suggest that the mainstream media will someday expose the truth is only a dream that will never happen. The media are controlled by the same people who are doing the damage. People like us, who are intelligent enough to realize what this world is all about, can shout out the truth but it will fall on deaf ears until it's too late. Let's look at one of the biggest tragedies that happened in 1963, the assassination of JFK. People saw what happened, the event was caught on film clearly showing JFK's side of the head completely disintegrated, yet, the official report claimed that ONE bullet did all the damage, traveling in a zigzag pattern. The official autopsy had his head all in one piece. Tell me how many people still believe the official Warren report. Also, as time passes, these things tend to be forgotten. That is the reality, it's lies, lies and more lies.

    4. Hello Edward, something to consider, the climate engineering atrocities above our heads are unique to any other previous crime of those in power. In this case, the crime continues to do more damage and become more visible with each passing day. There will soon enough be aspects of this crime that can no longer be hidden in plain sight, the populations will be forced to wake. On that day, a paradigm shift will follow. This will not mean our challenges are over, rather, just beginning, but it will be the quantum leap in the right direction that we have all been fighting for.

    5. Recently I had a discussion with my Landlord who's an attorney. I asked him: "You're an analytical guy, look up at the sky and does the sky look normal to you?"

      He said NO, they're spraying the skies. I asked him if he knew about Geoengineering and climate/weather modification and weather warfare. He said no. So here's a person who's never heard of Geoengineering and yet can tell something is being done to the skies. That's an encouraging sign !

  62. I burst out in tears to hear about the starving bear– that's just one example of what the innocent animals are experiencing. 

    When is this going to STOP??!!! 

    It won't, as long as nearly everyone continues to believe it's somehow okay NOT to pay any attention or exhibit any curiosity whatsoever about the world that's been able to support them and their ancestors, mostly for free, for the past tens of thousands of years. 

    The truth about "the status quo-ers" is that they just want more of what their Money-Master-Models of "Making it" are modeling:  More "power," more money and more stuff, all the time helping themselves and the rest of us to ever more imbalance, more sickness and more DEATH, in a directly proportional relationship to the amounts of "stuff" and "power" and MISUSED money.  The ability to see the relationship between actions and consequences is totally missing, they don't have the consciousness or the ability to imagine how others will feel if they do "X" (most of us recognize that as e-m-p-a-t-h-y), and frankly, it always has been absent within the Great White Male "power" set.  You've seen those kinds of kids when you were much, much younger, everywhere in your public schools' classrooms– always the bullies, always the egotistical, narcissistic Problem Makers who somehow seem able to galvanize the rest of the kids to go along with their self-destructive agenda– it really does start early.  And NO ONE is going to do one f*****g about it, most especially not the brainless people who don't care one whit about the kind of result we'll all be treated to as they continue mindlessly to  insist on breeding with the psychopaths.  And on and on it goes.




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