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Dane Wigington

New science studies have conclusively confirmed our rain is toxic, how bad is it? Recent reports reveal our forests are not growing back, what now? Can so called "renewable" energy buy us more time? Or is it just a false panacea? What has been the true cost of so called civilization? If there is a silver lining in the rapidly increasing climate chaos, many are finally beginning to awaken and investigate. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The undercurrent of climate engineering awareness is much greater than is yet evident. As we enter 2020, if we all work together in the critical effort to sound the alarm, we can yet make a quantum leap in the right direction. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our deepest thanks to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booths in the photos below were set up at the Charlotte County Administration Building in Port Charlotte, Florida (12/27/19) and at the Mid County Library in Port Charlotte, Florida (12/28/19).

51 Responses

  1. oh dear

    loved your comments horseman – hahah – made me laugh too ….but…….

    oh dear

    just came back from having a chat(?) with a neighbour!!!!

    oh dear 

    took a little berry juice (mahonia berries in 60% rum) and tiny glasses for the 3 of us to have just a nip

    oh dear hahaha

    i had to walk out with the man shouting at me to open my mind

    oh dear hahahaha​

    slowly, slowly, catchie nothing  – not with this man cos i suddenly realised that he was trying to 'beat me' in a conversation – win points – can't do that, never have wanted to do that, can't compete want to exchange

    so strange how some people call me right wing and others call me a lefty – must be doing something right?

    never got near geoengineering 

    anyone who thinks that modern day is great is barking mad as far as i am concerned – trouble is they don't know they are mad

    what a joy to come back and find all of you wonderful people that give me my belief that humans can rise to incredible heights in their goodness

    dane the incredible, the gifted

    horseman touches my heart and makes me laugh,

    v susan ferguson – formidable ability to see the faults and bring them out into the open

    blue sue, bella fantasia, bane b, joseph – so many wonderful people if i write them all it would be silly

    just wanted you all to know that, to know you are in the world and are out there keeps the light alive in me

    tis well nigh impossible to explain but i think you all know what i mean

    see you all at the pearly gates although my real preference is a melding with the universe – not being sure that consciousness in any way is what i hope for

    i am praying for the native people in australia and also the others who have gone native and live in the bush

    my love to all of you everywhere

  2. When I contacted the Alzheimers Association a while ago and asked if they had commissioned any studies to determine if there might be an environmental cause associated with the spike in the disease, I was shocked to hear the person on the other end of the phone say, "No, we haven't tested for any environmental causation."  

    Here is a brand new article on aluminum's effects on the body.  It focuses on vaccines, but the conclusions are important for everyone who breathes.  


  3. 2020 Vision… US Opens New Year With Act of War
    Jan. 3, 2020
    The double murder of senior Iranian and Iraqi military commanders on the orders of President Trump is an act of war against two nations. It’s hard to imagine a more reckless act of aggression in a region already primed for all-out conflict.
    On early Friday, January 3, a US drone strike reportedly killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis as they were being driven away from the international airport in Baghdad. Several other military officials in the convoy were also killed.
    Soleimani was internationally recognized as the leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force who had been instrumental in helping Syria win its war against foreign-backed terror groups. Al-Muhandis was second in command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) which are an essential part of Iraq’s national army in its campaign to defeat similar terror groups that have plagued Syria.
    The Pentagon blamed Soleimani for orchestrating attacks against US forces in Iraq over recent months, and more recently for the violent protests at the American embassy in Baghdad. Those protests earlier this week came after US air strikes killed at least 25 members of Iranian-backed PMF militia in Iraq and Syria on December 29.
    President Trump on New Year’s Eve threatened that Iran would pay a “very big price” for violence against its embassy and forces in the region. Pentagon chief Mark Esper also warned of “pre-emptive strikes” against Iran.
    What the Americans have done by assassinating two senior Iranian and Iraqi commanders is tantamount to lighting the fuse for war in the Middle East – a war which many have feared has been building steadily since Trump became president and embarked on his “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, most clearly evidenced by his ditching of the international nuclear accord in 2018 and the subsequent ratcheting up of ever-harsher economic sanctions on Tehran.
    … The mayhem being unleashed by the Trump administration needs to be placed in a wider context. The US has been waging illegal wars and all manner of subterfuges in the Middle East for decades. Its military presence in Iraq and Syria is illegal. Its aggression towards Iran is illegal. Yet Washington turns the reality of its lawlessness on its head with absurd self-proclamations of virtue.
    The year ahead is promising to bring clearer focus worldwide on how depraved and destructive the United States has become. It alone stands as the nemesis of world peace. It is a sign of how lawless this state has become when it can be associated with so many potential simultaneous conflicts in every part of the world, not just the Middle East.
    Washington is aggravating dangerous tensions with nuclear powers Russia and China. It is bombing countries from Central Asia to Africa. It openly boasts about overthrowing governments in Latin America. Even supposed European allies are threatened with ruinous economic sanctions if they don’t toe Washington’s dubious line.
    With 2020 vision, US rogue-state conduct is the deplorable common denominator threatening world peace.


    1. The murder of Gen. Soleimani is the lowest Trump and his Zionist cronies have gone so far…..and they hit bottom months ago.  I, personally, am so ashamed of this country's brazen acts of criminality in the name of "patriotism" and "self defense" and other self-serving  terms.  Every move Trump has made since his election has been for the benefit of Israel and Zionism and the Chabad prophecies that his son-in-law Kushner and wife have been  peddling.  American interests haven't been anywhere near their radar.  We, American citizens do not count, unless you factor in the enormous taxes we pay to finance the Trump-Israel agenda.   To what end this will all come is the question and it portends no good for the USA and its citizens.  

      General Soleimani was no terrorist and was not responsible for killing 'thousands' of Americans (where is the proof of this?).  He did, however, eliminate ISIS and its ancillary terrorists, and for this we cowardly slaughtered him and his fellow military.  Why?


      Thank you, Susan – as always.

  4. VSF: The Moon of Alabama is a source for military reports that are not so biased as the western mainstream news. The other side? He very often has insight into the complicated Middle East and the world of war from his experience. I do not want this WWIII that the warmongers in DC seem to be pushing. This will benefit Trump's Zionist Israel only and perhaps destroy what remains of freedom in the USA. The article below gives insight into the reason the assassination of this particular man is so deadly, so dangerous, and likely to lead to all out war.
    I know most of you are prepared for earthquakes, blackouts, and that’s good. If there are nuclear events within our country — all supply lines may be quickly cut off. I hope nothing comes of this, but the horizon appears to be darkening. I love my country, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights — but somehow it has all gone so wrong.

    U.S. Will Come To Regret Its Assassination of Qassim Soleimani
    Moon of Alabama / January 03, 2020
    Today the U.S. declared war on Iran and Iraq.
    War is what it will get.

    Earlier today a U.S. drone or helicopter killed Major General Qassim Soleimani, the famous commander of the Iranian Quds ('Jerusalem') force, while he left the airport of Baghdad where he had just arrived. He had planned to attend the funeral of the 31 Iraqi soldiers the U.S. had killed on December 29 at the Syrian-Iraqi border near Al-Qaim.
    The Quds force is the external arm of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. Soleiman was responsible for all relations between Iran and political and militant movements outside of Iran. Hajji Qassim advised the Lebanese Hisbullah during the 2006 war against Israel. His support for Iraqi groups enabled them to kick the U.S. invaders out of Iraq. He was the man responsible for, and successful in, defeating the Islamic State in iraq and Syria. In 2015 Soleimani traveled to Moscow and convinced Russia to intervene in Syria. His support for the Houthi in Yemen enabled them to withstand the Saudi attackers.
    … The U.S. created two martyrs who will now become the models and idols for tens of millions of youth in the Middle East.
    The Houthi in Yemen, Hizbullah in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad in Palestine, the paramilitary forces in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere have all benefited from Soleimani's advice and support. They will all take actions to revenge him.
    … The outright assassination of a commander of Soleimani's weight demands an Iranian reaction of at least a similar size. All U.S. generals or high politicians traveling in the Middle East or elsewhere will now have to watch their back. There will be no safety for them anywhere.
    … killing the enemy is the easy part of a war. The difficulties come after that happened.


  5. Hello, Dane, it seems unavoidable that you talk about Australia tomorrow on the news.  Maybe it needs a separate article.  It is being called an 'blast furnace' with temps 100F, high winds and exploding fires that all too sadly have taken the lives of half a billion animals. I feel ready to resign from this Earthly life knowing that.

    Remember how Christ Church New Zealand was rocked by earthquakes, more than once, and especially when John Kerry left just in time?   What's with the governance there and in Australia to accept geoengineering at this high price?

    One would think that even the dimmest politicians would take pause at annihilation. . . . .

    Also, did Jared and POTUS just start the War Against Iran?

    1. Ultrafines! They came up with a cute name for the nanoparticulates, so we don't have to be concerned. It's insane how many half (or even quarter) truths are in this article. It always comes back to "Haha we don't know, we're just dumb scientists!"

  6. Latest infrared satellite image for the continental U.S.weather from Northern California Weather Blog 2019 (or 2020).  What is interesting about this latest loop is how obvious is the aerosol trails off of the California coast.  These obviously are gigantic.  Why so many spewed into the southern flow of the jet stream?  This is my first notice of aerosol trails in this website’s infrared images.  Usually they seem to be filtered out by some auto processing.  Maybe these are ‘ship tracks?’  Whatever, the certainty is an ill wind blows.  The control bar at the top allows for a seven day review.  When this current loop is replaced one can still access this current loop for seven days for a week in review.


  7. Quake weather update

    New Year's day here in southern CA saw clear skies and warm temps.  USAF tanker fleet spraying overhead.  VERY colorful sunset last night. M4 quake reported 2AM Santa Monica Bay.  Low clouds and moisture noted this morning.

    Dec 19th – Two significant quakes reported in Seattle area.  Record rainfall hit that area later that night.

    Dec 17th – M4.3 quake reported central CA, near San Luis Obispo.  Rain moved shore that area same night.  Particularly unusual because rain hit only that area, not north or south along coast.

    On 3 consecutive Saturdays in Dec, approx M3 quakes were reported ENE my location here in Brea, also associated with arrival of wet weather.

    My belief is that these quakes were induced by Geoengineering ops in upper atmosphere, generating pressure/ gravity waves which impact earth nearby.  All quakes reported were SHALLOW depth, less than 10 km.

  8. Dirty Air and Water Are Killing Us

    Pollution is the world’s leading cause of death, ahead of tobacco use, drug and alcohol use, and even war.


    Trump has acted as “the lapdog of the fossil fuel industry,” Magavern says. “Unfortunately, we have a President who has really made himself the polluter-in-chief and is making our air and water dirtier rather than cleaner.”

    But the pollution epidemic may be even worse than it sounds. The study’s primary data set omits several common toxins: plastics, pesticides, chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors, mercury, and pharmaceutical wastes. Occupational hazards, which are specifically related to the work environment, cause about 800,000 deaths through “occupational carcinogens, second-hand smoke, particulates, gases, and fumes.” 



    1. This one is no different than any of the rest since JFK. They do what they are told to do and that's how it is, if not you get assonated.

    2. Yes, this warning about the dangers of air pollution to human health finally actually made it onto BBC news as heard on NPR yesterday.  And we aren't hearing the half of it– Does anyone in Uhmerukuh actually care?  

  9. To:   Dane and your extended Global Family. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Let's all try to make the next year better than the previous ones.


  10. VSF: Excellent from Hedges! 28 minutes.

    CHRIS HEDGES / On Contact: Afghanistan Papers with Spenser Rapone
    Chris Hedges talks to Spenser Rapone, former combat veteran and US Army officer, about the Washington Post’s series the ‘Afghanistan Papers’. Drawing on thousands of pages of international government documents about the war in Afghanistan, the series exposes the lies, deceit, mismanagement, waste, corruption, fraud, and failed schemes that both Democratic and Republican administrations pursed in Afghanistan, the longest conflict in US history (18 years and counting), which has claimed tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money.


  11. Dear Dane, thank you so much for never wavering in your compassion for the homeless! Seattle used to be known for that kind of compassion, but there is now a strong and concerted effort to villainize the homeless, to paint them all as dangerous thieves and drug addicts who are homeless only because they want to be. After unexpectedly losing our house 15 years ago, we had to live for 2 years in our motorhome, sleeping in a different spot almost every night, constantly worried about where to get fresh water, where to dump waste water, how to keep heat and power, before we got back on our feet and could afford an apartment ("homeless with housing" was the official designation.) It was horrible and I never expected that to happen to me. I will never believe that people willingly choose to have no safe place to shelter. Because of bad health problems I don't get out very much now. I've only had contact with three homeless people over the last few years. In each case I helped the best I could: gave respect, kindness, food, water, clothes, cash. Ironic (but then not really) that the homeless you spoke with were more awake and aware than most affluent people seem to be. 

    1. i have found that knowing too much isolates one from society because human society has become a steamroller and will roll right over


  12. What actions will each of us take on a daily basis in 2020 to stop the pain and adversity, the ignorance, the hunger, the lack of caring and empathy?  What will YOU do each day to do YOUR part?  Because if we truly are the ones we've been waiting for, and if we are to BE the change we want to see, those are the questions we each have to ask, and answer, each and every waking day.  NOTHING ELSE WILL DO.

  13. "New Years Eve"… Ha! Look at all the folks celebrating and bringing in the new year. "What kind of shape are they in on the first day of the said new year?" What do they do on the given first day of the new year?… (It matters).

    To me, what you do on the first day of the new year far outweighs what you did on the last… Unless they are similar, "consistent".  Back when I had my horsey business, if you showed up and were ready to load your horse by 9 AM on new years day, you got a free ride up to the high country so you and your horse could get a good taste of winter. I am proud to say that I was surprised as to which horsey people showed up each new years day. Just lends testimony to the fact that some folks still have some grit. ("New years day wasn't always pleasant as far as the weather").

    Back in the family years, I would take my family out for a sled ride up at Baker Lake. I've got pictures of my kids doing acrobatics off the front of the dog sled. The kids got to stay up til midnight and bang on pots and pans and dad got to bang on pots and pans to wake the kids up to "dad" pancakes and an adventurous day ahead. The more the kids giggled while riding along, the happier the dogs got. Nothing like a "holiday"…

    Lastly here, tomorrow is supposed to be clear and mostly sunny (what ever that means?). I'm going to putter around my yard area and soak in some much needed sun. The first day of the year, "well spent". It was 3 years ago now, that I sat here and visualized what I wanted and how to get the word out about the Geo engineering assault we all see daily. Sometimes it's OK to make your own dreams come true… (Thank you Lord for the folks you have sent my way. I am truly grateful).

    Happy new year? Do you know what it's like to "Break on through to the other side". You are not alone if you do. I sure hope at least someone gets that. Hmph, maybe I have to much time for "my own thoughts". Maybe just enough. It's a choice… "Just sayin(grin)"

  14. Our frustration in speaking/showing others what is happening to our environment is something all of us have experienced.  MLK speaks to this in his speech protesting the VietNam war. Below are some excerpts from that speech.

    "Rationalizations and the incessant search for scapegoats are the psychological cataracts that blind us ……He who lives in untruth lives in spiritual slavery…the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality…

    Silence becomes betrayal.  One of the difficulties in speaking out today grows the fact that there are those who are seeking to equate dissent with disloyalty. ..it isn’t easy to stand up for truth and for justice.  Sometimes it means being frustrated. When you tell the truth and take a stand, sometimes it means that you will walk the streets with a burdened heart.  Some times it means losing a job, being abused and scorned.”

     Martin Luther King…

  15. To Dane, family and all of you beautiful souls, greetings from SW Idaho.  As 2019 comes to an end and the New Year approaches, I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for all of you. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive activist Family.  Please, I’d like to share my morning prayer.


    “Dear Heavenly Creator, please protect us; help us maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit; help us to continue our arduous journey ahead with a warrior’s heart, filled with courage, tenacity and perseverance; may we draw from You and one another’s strength to create a force unlike anything ever imagined; may we continue to enlighten those who sleep; may we help You shine Your brilliant light and energy upon the darkness that is enfolding us.  Thank you for our beautiful Mother Earth and all That Is Good In This World.  Amen.”


    Collectively, we can make a difference.  Planting seeds of thought can and will take root and begin to crack the dam.  We the WATER will seep through the cracks and further break down the barrier until it completely collapses. BE THE GENIUS AND SPIRIT OF WATER, NEVER GIVE UP!!!


    Love, light and strength to you ALL…

    1. That was very nice evening, IdahoAnnie. Thank you. I'm in NC.

      We must never give up.

      Be encouraged, everyone. Share those printed materials at every opportunity.

      Do what you can to keep yourselves strong and healthy, e.g. EMF protection (Blushield, safespaceprotection.com, etc), detoxing some of the aluminum etc from your bodies (kiscience.com ZEOLITE, vitamin C, lots of clean water-fluoride free, trace minerals etc). 

      Try to eat organic foods, limit direct sun exposure (measured UV-C levels from July 2018 to July 2019 were up 43%).

      Another thing for everyone…. If I may… There are many disheartening things going on in the world now. Please don't let it pull you down. Focus on the things you CAN do, like sharing printed materials from the website, and let the other stuff go… Just focus on what you can change.


      Blessings, Jonathan





  16. Dane and ALL, Please may I pose a few random thoughts.

    Dane, thank you for the very personal opening to this weeks broadcast. (Much appreciated, Amigo). I know it's not just me that knows that "things" are happening at an increasing rate "by the day". Being that it's close to "new year", I'll write this again: "when I die and go meet my maker, I will have more questions than things to answer for".

    I once had a customer that was a "criminal attorney". Very cool man. He stated that working for the "DA's" office was boring. He stated that criminal defense was a much greater challenge. In hind sight, "it probably made better money". Them crooks now days have quite a bit of money. Just sayin.

    Had a slight snow fall last night. 3 folks I came across today said that it looked like "fibers". (See Penny, slowly, slowly catch monkey). I've been very intent on teaching folks "what to look for" in any given event. My snow accumulation this year is way below normal. Coarse now I whined about it last year and then I plowed snow for 6 weeks straight. I not going to whine this year, but I'd sure like to have the snow.

    It is unreal as to how much global shift is going on on a commerce level. The petro dollar is in it's last days of prosperity. The empire will fall hard, just like any giant would. Blue Sue, the copy of Crossing the Rubicon you gave me is now in it's 4th set of hands since you sent it. I circulate several books. A fellow market vendor just finished Dane's book, "In 7 days", cover to cover.

    The days are short this time of year in the northern hemisphere. I'm at the 49th parallel. Our friends in the northern latitudes have so little day light each day. I myself have only 8 hours now. I can't imagine anything less. And the day light we do get doesn't amount to much. I feel like getting one of those "happy lights" that simulate the sun.

    My life it seems is one that is focused from the outside looking in. I excelled in the corporate world, yet I felt the need to escape, regularly, after hours. You'd be surprised how grounded you feel after a seriously good run with the sled dogs and later in life, a ride on my Mustangs. The things I learned in the corporate world did not seem to be in the best interests of "the people". I left that world behind and adopted a slogan: I build good things for good people. I thank the Creator for letting me create. It is good to make peoples dreams come true…

    "Imagine"…. Be a part of the change… Can anyone out there live off of "1", 2,000 watt outlet? Can you give up your "smart phone? And actually be able to navigate through a "normal" day?" How many folks can read a map? How many even have one? How many folks have been mislead by their "gps?" Boggles my mind. If I've been to your place and it was 10 years ago and you ask me over, I'll remember how to get there, without assistance. And just for fun here. I do not have 'any' cell phone devise or any digital phone record. Yep, I just need to remember the "numbers". Anyone remember the time when we memorized phone numbers?

    Any corporations out there boasting about record x-mas sales and having the stats to back it up?

    Interesting how there are many global money markets immerging that circumvent the petrodollar. Not only that, they are gaining strength. Many of us know that the last card the powers that shouldn't be will play is the W card. "Say good night Gracie". Albert Einstein said that he did not know what ww3 would be fought with, be he stated that ww4 would be fought with sticks and rocks. Lord knows how much I wish 'we' get a "4th" chance. Maybe peace will become a step above "sticks and rocks".

    Love and strength to ALL,  'a' simple horseman


  17. beginning to understand how to come at people

    slowly, slowly catchie monkey

    everything in nature gets skittish if feeling threatened (see hating, fighting, weapons, war, etc

    i am so disappointed that people who shout about the environment don't seem to understand the real close danger we are in!!!

    empty vessels make the most noise

    i don't know how you, dane, can explain so much so coherently in such a short time, consistently over time

    i know that the next calendar year will enlighten more people with your message – how can it be avoided?

    i wish all a safe and healthy new year especially those facing adversity, and a respite for us all from the pain and suffering we endure in such the human world as it is

    1. Penny, my friend half way around the world. As always, thank you for your thoughts. "beginning to understand how to come at people, slowly, slowly catchie monkey". 'That' made me laugh out loud. 3 years in the same spot and I find your statement to be true. Though I approach things from the stand point of a teacher. One does not go from 1rst to 12th grade in one visit.

      "i don't know how you, dane, can explain so much so coherently in such a short time, consistently over time". Well folks, you just follow the path that leads to Carnegie Hall, "practice, practice, practice".

  18. To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations 

    We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5Gs’ from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.

    Complete page: https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal 

    Just more pathetic cowering before the corporate beast.  The letter should be a letter of demand with a clearly stated option of flling criminal charges.

  19. There are ZERO articles available regarding the civilian impacts of African swine fever.  Swine death estimates coming from the Chinese controlled media are heavily padded.  Some estimates quote as many as 500 million pigs either dead from disease or culled.  As usual, western media only notices economic impacts. 

    US pork prices surge as swine fever in China pressures supply – YouTube  Published on Nov 13, 2019


    The federal reserve is now pumping another Two TRILLION dollars of "quantitative easing" into an already inflated ponzi scheme called the "stock market".  None of the dancing digital figures on the screen know how to grow crops, plant trees, or even notice the putrid and sickend sky…

    1. I'd like to know which corporate-ghoul entities worked on patching together this latest genetically-engineered pestilence that threatens to kill economies that rely on pork sales and the people who rely on pork as a cheaper source of high-quality protein.  Hide your pigs– the Ugly Uhmerukuns are coming!!!

  20. How Controlled Explanations Are Achieved

    December 28, 2019 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article


    How Controlled Explanations Are Achieved

    Paul Craig Roberts

    In 2014 Progressive Press published a book by a French author, Laurent Guyenot, titled JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State. The book contains much interesting reporting that shows that the official explanations we are given about even major events, such as the assassination of a President and 9/11, are transparently false. Yet, these transparently false explanations are hard to challenge despite all available evidence being against the explanations. 

    Reviewing such a book is a challenge that I avoided by securing permission to reprint two chapters from the book. One chapter, “Ghost planes,” deals with the mystery of the four allegedly hijacked airliners. No trace of the one that allegedly hit the Pentagon has ever been found, and the many videos of the event remain under lock and key. No trace of the one that allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania has ever been found. Neither has any trace of the two that allegedly hit the two World Trade Center towers ever been found, although an unburnt passpost was allegedly found in the ruins of two massive buildings.

    Readers might remember that I raised the question why we did not hear demands for explanations from the families of the victims of the four destroyed airliners like we did from the families whose relatives were in the twin towers. Guyenot reports that of the alleged casualties of AA77 “only five of these have relatives who received the 9-11 Compensation Fund offered by the State. . . . no family of the victims of Flight UA93 requested compensation.”

    How can this be? 

    The other chapter, “The Art of the Patsy,” shows that the key to the ability of the authorities to control the explanation is to have an explanation of the event ready at hand. No one expected President Kennedy’s assassination or he wouldn’t have been riding in a convertible. Yet it was instantly known that Oswald was the assassin. The explanation for 9/11 was also instantaneous. It was CIA-asset Osama bin Laden, who was dying from renal failure and no longer useful to the CIA.
    If you find Guyenot interesting, you might want to read his book. What Guyenot shows us is that what the CIA has schooled the dumbshit presstitute media to ridicule as “conspiracy theory” is indeed a conspiracy, a real one usually involving the CIA.

    Sorry. The images didn’t transfer.


    1. Juli. to answer your question, How can this be, you might want to read The Betrayal of America, Revisiting the 9/11 Evidence by Elias Davidsson. Especially Chapter 15- How was silence of victims`families bought. The entire book, which demolishes the official narrative is available for free download on the internet.

  21. My 297th email, titled: 'Global Climate Chaos within 8 months. 2019 / 3-6-9 we are running out of time'

    In 2019, nearly 500 million animals have died in Australian bush-fires – including a third of all koalas but not including invertebrates. Further heat waves are due there next week. Australia's land heat is described as "apocalyptic", but in the surrounding oceans it is even worse with a huge hot 'blob' off the east coast of New Zealand.

    2019 was a brutal year for American farmers with record flooding, delayed harvests, and a trade war with China. Food prices will soar in 2020 and there may be rationing.

    In 2019, the collective wealth of the 500 richest people in the world increased by 25%. That is a $1.2 trillion increase in wealth in the year.

    The year-to-date Arctic sea ice volume is second lowest. It is likely that the full year 2019 will be second lowest with 2017 remaining the lowest year. If we have an El Nino in 2020, then next year will very likely become lowest Arctic sea ice volume ever recorded. 

    Our functional extinction within the next 4 to 10 years may seem a long way off, but consider this: 

    Most shops keep about 3 days of supplies in their stores; very few households have more than 3 days of food in their cupboards; after 3 days of no food, people get hungry and many will resort to extreme violence. Thus, when the transport system fails, we will have less than 9 days before extreme violence. 

    The ongoing intensive, toxic (and therefore extremely profitable for those companies whose business model relies on disease and ill health) geoengineering and atmospheric spraying may have slowed global heating, but because it is a covert operation, the general public has carried on with 'business as usual' and nothing has been achieved to prevent climate catastrophe and our extinction.

    1. Hi Sunshine, 16 months ago I made my 2 year projection that climate chaos would happen by Sept 2020 – i.e before the Autumn equinox 2020. Unfortunately it seems I will be fairly accurate.

  22. Very good summary for yr in review with Episode # 229 Dane. You must be exhausted from the VOLUME to verify.  Those with OUTDOOR occupations readily see the sky assaults, the roofers, gardeners, and of course the ones trapped in homeless situation (new or chronic) There is zero escape from toxic elements. Many will demonize those harmed by  economic manipulation  (not only the mentally ill, or addicted , or criminal, etc) Exposures must continue, and the data coming in will overwhelm some  so fragile or disconnected. The Holiday gatherings  have & will expose those  who are tilting denial . Great points on the need to LOOk very CLOSELY at all by Government,influence  of Israel.   Watch  doc  "The Iron Wall" 2006 re Israel and Palestine  52:08 . Also Pastor Chuck Baldwin  offers many details on  latest Trump Exec Order ; to sound  the alarm of Zionism  (on Ytube 5 min. )  How is a religion  of Judiasm being designated a nationality?  Why is Trump  (admin) doing this  NOW  ? No coincidence in my op,  while he chums up w/ Netanyahu &  other Deep Agendas in general. Look into that 1% of Power Structure.  Take over.  Terrorize Palestinians.  Must listen to audio of Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview 1976 BEFORE it drops  away! (1:32:32) stunning revelations by Zion, before Rosenthal  murdered for revealing all the horrid manipulation. Serious implications!  Bad enough ecology in shambles, so is faith which many follow , and never question what is really occuring. For ages !  Sending a grateful nod to Dane and teams of activists who help manifest Global Alert News. We know the grid can  suddenly drop , & thus we stress the importance of cramming all we got in each & every week for the greater good !  The Awakening must accelerate.

  23. Dane, last week I predicted the weather makers would whip up some snow just in time, so that there wouldn’t be headlines spotlighting this bizarre absence of snow here – with something like: Anchorage Shoppers Suffer a First-Ever NON-White Christmas!  I don’t watch TV or listen to mainstream news, so I didn’t hear the KTVA report you quoted stating that Anchorage “is having one of the snowiest Christmas Eves on record!”  I have lived in Anchorage or near Anchorage for the past 5o years and I have to say — KTVA is pathetic! They sure twist the truth! Yes, obviously geoengineered small light “flakes” began to fall on Christmas Eve at my house, which is about 50 miles or an hour away from Anchorage.  The overnight snowfall totaled a scant two inches and arrived barely in time to create a white Christmas, for up until the day before, December 23, there was NO SNOW!  Our ground was frozen but snow-free. Never, have I seen NO snow for most all of November and December.  And we have in fact received a geoengineered cool-down that started Thursday creating frigid temps near zero, but with today’s heavily aerosolized sky, the temperature has risen at least 10 degrees and is scheduled to rise another 10 degrees tomorrow.  Oddly, no one around here seems to notice that we have been in a protracted drought here for the past ten years.  One or two light snowfalls each winter, and roads remain so clear and dry that studded snow-tires are hardly needed.  This a tough time of year with only five and half hours of daylight and skies that are mostly a dreary “coal fly ash” brownish-gray.  How I miss our once crystal clear blue skies that were typical in the cold months of December through March. Before geoengineering was really ramped up here in 2010 we got at least 3 to 6 feet of frozen precipitation over the winter.  The past few years, it’s been less than a foot around where I live.  Who knows, we may never again experience another springtime “Break Up” — as our once-upon-a-time slushy, dirty, chunky, wet and sloppy month of thawing is called here in Alaska.  

    1. Thank you for confirming that the tiny flakes are manufactured. We had a similar coverage of snow a couple of days before Christmas here in Western Montana. This stuff is so creepy that days later, piles that we shoveled off the sidewalk will not melt, even when temps are in the 40s F. 

    2. Happy New Year, Blue Sue, Anchorage got the moisture for snow (although the weather readers weren't sure it would happen) starting before Christmas and keeping it up for days until there were significant accumulations of nucleated snow here, maybe 10 – 12 inches.  The temps were kept quite cool, around 20 F; that is, until today 12/31.  Last night the temps kept rising and and there was standing water today, with most of the snow gone.  The temps rose to 47 F this afternoon and then started going down.  By 8 pm it was 26 F with sudden wind chills and snow again.  It's 11:36 and snowing at 23 F.  The temps for the rest of the week days are predicted as 19 F New Year's Day, then 5 F, 5 F, 6 F, 3 F, 3 F and 2 F for the rest of the week until next Tuesday.

      Everyone feels sick, including myself and the kitty, with congestion or flu-like symptoms, digestive troubles and headaches or just feeling extremely tired or else unable to sleep.  They doused us with a really toxic formula this time.

      The weather maps they show make no sense.  The weather readers say stupid stuff like the cold is 'filtering down' from the north, while we see that the moisture comes up from the south Pacific and curls counter-clockwise in the Gulf so the nucleated snow comes in from the southeast and Canada.  Then the 'storm' does an clockwise S-curve farther north in your vicinity as a high pressure.  Since summer we have had temperatures that stay stuck around 40 F, except for when weather manipulations are created.  I'm actually afraid that 40 F for Anchorage in the winter might actually be the default temperature.  That's terribly worrisome.

      While the upper 2/3's of the State now show (historic) seasonably cold temperatures, we've seen pictures on the coast of the Beaufort Sea, where there still is NO ice pack, sometimes slush, sometimes just open water.  Poor polar bears along the sandy shore don't know what to eat or feed their cubs.

  24. Hey Dane Great Work mate , if Only the Sheep would stand with you we would put this fire out , fires here in Australia are relentless , they gave a two days of blue skies christmas day and boxing day gotta have a blue sky for the great syd to hobart Elites yacht race , today back to white out sprayed skies , i expect the fires will ramp up again 800 homes australia wide gone , dry lightning climate change they are claiming is the cause , they are so far ahead of the game now with their relentless spraying , and people just dont see it or dont want to , god bless mate its not going to be and easy battle with these bastards running the show turning people against people………..


  25. Although this paper is well written, it can hardly be taken seriously.  They utilize the useless meme of "reducing CO2 emissions" as if that statement is even valid without understanding the realities of implementation.

    None of the "conclusions" introduce the immediate necessity of GROUNDING all military and commercial aircraft.  No discussions of permanent international bans on all military rocketry and missile launches.  No discussions of permanent bans on all forms of pulsed heaters such as HAARP, NEXRAD, and SBX radars.

    No mention of the enormousness amounts of energy expended by illegal surveillance systems and redundant wireless communications. This figure amounts to multiple trillions of watts of 24/7 atmospheric heating for no rational reason.  Let's not talk about the biological effects of these systems either…

    Excerpted from the conclusions section: CIEL – FUEL TO THE FIRE How Geoengineering Threatens to Entrench Fossil Fuels and Accelerate the Climate Crisis



    After a century of early warnings and decades of relative inaction, the global community now faces an ultimatum: Act immediately to reduce global CO2 emissions 45% by 2030 and to net zero by around 2050, or commit humanity and the earth to catastrophic levels of climate change. The window of opportunity is narrow and closing rapidly. Making the necessary reductions will demand an immediate and dramatic transition of our economy away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner, safer forms of energy.


    Complete text: https://www.ciel.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/CIEL_FUEL-TO-THE-FIRE_How-Geoengineering-Threatens-to-Entrench-Fossil-Fuels-and-Accelerate-the-Climate-Crisis_February-2019.pdf

  26. Privatization Is Resurrecting Feudalism
    Paul Craig Roberts

    What we are experiencing is the return of feudalism. Here’s how the private prison scheme works: The state captures people and incarcerates them in private prisons. The state uses taxpayers’ money to pay private companies to run the prisons. The private prison leases the labor of the prisoners to private companies who then sell it to corporations and government entities for the minimum wage.
    This absolute exploitation of labor has a legal appearance. But it is not different from feudal lords enserfing freemen and appropriating their labor.
     About 96% of the incarcerated did not get a trial. They were forced to self-incriminate by agreeing to a “plea bargain” in order to avoid harsher punishment.
     The remaining 4%, if they got a trial, did not get a fair trial, because a fair trial interferes with maximum conviction rates, and the careers of police, prosecutors, and judges come before justice.
    Today a prison sentence is best understood as enserfment, one more total than in the feudal era. At the beginning of the feudal period there was some reciprocity. Freemen tilling their soil had no protection against maurading raiders—Vikings, Saracens, Magyars—and entered the service of a lord who could provide the protection of a fortress and armored knights. Reciprocity ended with the raids, leaving former freemen enserfed and owing one-third of their labor to the lord. Today’s enserfed owe all of their labor to the private prison.
    Privatization is a siren song of free market libertarians. It needs a closer look than libertarians have given it as in most cases privatizations benefit private interests at the expense of taxpayers. In the case of privatized prisons, taxpayers provide profits to private companies to operate the prisons. The companies make additional money by leasing the prisoners’ labor. Large companies benefit from the low cost of the labor. Perhaps this is a reason the US has not only the highest percentage of its population in prisons but also the highest absolute number of prisoners.
      America has more people in prisons than China, a country whose population if four times greater.
    … Essentially, privatizations of public functions are a way to turn tax payments into profits for favored private interests. The claim that privatization reduces cost is false. By building in layers of private profits, privatization raises costs. In most cases, privatizations are ways of favoring those with inside access.
    Privatizations, in addition to creating income streams for private interests, also create private wealth by transferring public assets into private hands at prices substantially below their value. This was certainly the case in the British and French privatizations of state companies and the British postal service. The privatizations forced on Greece by the EU created wealth for northern Europeans at the expense of the Greek population.
    In a word, privatizations are a method of looting. As opportunities for honest profit-making decline, looting comes into its own. Expect more of it.


    1. Thank you for this information. I knew the prison system was corrupt…but I did not know it was this bad! How in the world did we let this happen? I recently became familiar with the Innocence Project, Amanda Knox etc advocating for the wrongfully convicted. But if the vast majority are wrongfully convicted with the intention of using them as slave labor then much much more needs to be done. I remember Kent Hovind (a victim of the system) saying the Bureau of Prisons could not be reformed; it needed to be completely dismantled replaced with a new, just system. He wrote a short book about his time in prison…"The Kennel".

  27. At Least 61 US Veterans Who Guarded 'Contaminated' Ex-Russian Base Died Or Have Cancer
    At least 61 US special operations forces who were deployed to a former Soviet base just a few hundred miles from the Afghanistan border have either died or have cancer, according to a new report by McClatchy DC's Tara Copp.
    The deployment, which began shortly after the 9/11 attacks, were to a military site in Uzbekistan called Karshi-Khanabad, known as K2. It was leased by the United States from the Uzbek government weeks after the 2001 terrorist incident, as it was in close proximity to al Qaeda and Taliban targets.
    The US troops were greeted by "radiation hazard" warning signs, 'black goo' oozing fro the ground, and pond water that glowed green, according to the report.
    K2 was contaminated with chemical weapons remnants, radioactive processed uranium and other hazards, according to documents obtained by McClatchy.
    At least 61 of the men and women who served at K2 had been diagnosed with cancer or died from the disease, according to a 2015 Army study on the base. But that number may not include the special operations forces deployed to K2, who were likely not counted due to the secrecy of their missions, the study reported. -McClatchy DC
    "Black goo" and other ominous signs
    According to the report, the Defense Department knew K2 was contaminated from the start based on documents obtained by McClatchy which are now being made public (see below). After Uzbek soldiers who prepared the base fell ill in 2001, US Central Command ordered an intelligence review of hazards at the facility.

    Additional assessments revealed pools of solvents around 3 feet underground.
    "Part of this area has already been fenced off by US forces as an expansion area," reads a November 15, 2001 document obtained by McClatchy. "To call this site a landfill is an insult to landfills."

    McClatchy has spoken with several veterans who were stationed at K2, who are now speaking out because of the difficulties faced in having the Department of Veterans Affairs to cover their medical treatment.
    "After returning from combat years later, we are all coming down with various forms of cancer that the [Department of Veterans Affairs] is refusing to acknowledge," according to retired Army Chief Warrant Officer Scott Welsch, a special operations military intelligence officer who deployed to K2 in October 2001, and who now has thyroid cancer which was diagnosed in 2014.
    Eventually warning signs were erected. Outside the berm, a new bright yellow sign went up with black and red letters that said: “Danger Keep Out. Chemical Weapons.”
    Another black and white sign — “Danger. Off Limits. Radiation Hazard.” — was in front of a row of ponds nicknamed “Skittles” after the candy because the water glowed bright green but often had other colors too. The ponds were located just outside the berm.

    Several veterans who served at K2 are preparing a letter to Congress to ask for help.
    "Please come to our aid to assist us in dealing with these illnesses that have forever altered the courses of our lives and the lives of our families," wrote retired Lt. Col. Omar Hamada, flight surgeon for the Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group, which went to K2 in 2002.


    1. Thank you for everything you do….been posting flyers around Sacramento area…wish I could do more… has consideration been given to a march on Washington or other national march?  Something that couldn't be ignored 

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