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Dane Wigington

Weather cataclysms are wreaking havoc all over the world. We are led to believe these are all "natural disasters", but what aren't we being told? Climate engineering operations continue to be denied by all official sources and the whole of academia. Nature is saddled with the blame for events that are anything but natural. The cascading collapse of Earth's natural systems is crushing crops, creating famine and societal panic. What happens now? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Scottish Rite Center, Sacramento, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

43 Responses

  1. I am so glad I found this site.  I live in Western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains near the Great Smokey Mountains.  Our forest is dying at a rapid pace, wildlife is on the decline.  The pines are going down fast, the trees are dying from the inside out, they are twisted and some just fall over from the ground.  Oak trees do not have acorns, some are extremely small and not formed.  Deer are declining and look malnourished.  No insects, worms are going and very few bees.  Chem trails have slowed down to the eye.  Rivers and streams look lifeless, full of sediment.  Just wanted to share my observations, it has taken a strong toll on my mind.  This is heartbreaking to watch the decline of our forests.



  2. "All my instincts ~ they return ~ and 'the Grand Facade/illusion ~ so soon WILL BURN' ~ without a voice ~ without my pride ~ I reach out ~ from the INSIDE…..in your eyes ~ the light the heat ~ your eyes ~ I am complete ~"     P Gabriel

       Thank you Dane, during your broadcast you struck a memory of mine ~ details previously noted above ~ perhaps they were you own ~ as you very nearly said !        Highest Regards to One  and All    Such MONSTROUS conduct !                        'Arey Ram, Ram!         Victory to the Supreme, LORD         WD

  3. As I sit here in our small modest travel trailer parked on an old military site converted into an RV park south of Sun River I wonder if there are "forever chemicals" in the ground water which is pumped up to supply water to those who stay here?  Does anyone know or care?  I'd bet few do!  I went and bought some purified water just in case.  Outside around our parking spot there are some pine trees.  Some are dead.  Some are dying.  Some are surviving, but they are not very full and healthy looking.  Very few small birds.  Very few insects.  A few mosquitos, flies, other small bugs and 1 small grasshopper!  After the heavy rain there were a few small frogs that appeared hopping on the gravel road.  Saw one small lizard creeping on a rock.  There are some prairie dogs out in a field by the entrance.to the RV park I saw when I was out riding my bike.  A small river runs by the park.  Its quite low.  Very few fish, if any, in the river.  Outside the RV park on the county road leading to Sun River saw several stands of pine trees that were brown and dead.  Saw other stands of pine trees that looked okay.  After 10am the UV level goes up to at least 8 or higher and stays that way until around 5pm.  Heat from the suns rays stings the skin.  Can't stay out in direct sunlight for long.  This has to be affecting the trees as well.  Signs of life, as we knew it, are dying.  This is reality, but most don't understand.  Instead they carry on, eating, drinking, and marrying just as was foretold they would do until the end.      

    1. Thanks, Lance, for relaying your impressions and observations.  There seems to be a "subdued mood in Nature" in our own surroundings outside of Abilene Texas  Good luck to you on your journey!

    2. Thank you for the heartfelt report Lance. At least there was some life there still. Is Sun River in Idaho? Just wondering where you are. This is all so heartbreaking for those of us with eyes to see. Keep safe friend.

  4. From ILF Science:  Earth's Days Are Getting Longer and No One Really Knows Why (but I'd bet the proverbial farm that the geoengineers know why…)

    Even though the Earth recently had the shortest day/night period, on average the Earth’s days have recently become longer, but the mechanism remains somewhat puzzling.

    The rate at which Earth spins is not perfectly constant, being influenced by the Moon and planet’s mass distribution. This means days can be microseconds longer or shorter than 24 hours. Recently, the shortening of our days has reversed, without a clear explanation of why.

    The news the days are getting longer appears to be contradicted by the fact that June 29 this year was the shortest day since atomic clocks and pulsars gave us the capacity to measure their length precisely.

    On average, however, our days were getting shorter until 2020, and have been getting longer since – June 29 was an aberration. 

    This is puzzling to planetary scientists, because the change is the fastest in the 50 years since we have had the capacity to measure Earth’s spin so precisely, and we don’t know why.

    Some of the forces that alter the length of the day are well understood. The interaction between Earth and the Moon that drives the tides is slowly taking energy out of the system and causing Earth to slow down. When dinosaurs ruled the Earth the days were half an hour shorter and, long-term, this trend will continue. Eventually, our days will be longer than those of Mars (24 hours, 37 minutes, and 22 seconds).

    There are also known shorter-term factors. The University of Tasmania’s Professor Matt King and Dr Christopher Watson explain in The Conversation the Earth operates like an ice skater who spins more rapidly when they pull their hands into their chest. It’s the only way they can maintain their angular momentum. Anyone wishing to experience this process in action without some handy ice can use some weights and a rotating chair – but don’t blame us for the nausea if you go too fast.

    Since the end of the last Ice Age glacial melting has reduced pressure at the poles. This not only has caused an isostatic rebound, visible in the rise of continents no longer carrying so much weight, but it has also caused the mantle to redistribute itself from the equator to the poles. This provides a counteracting force to that of the Moon, causing the planet’s spin to accelerate. Between 1972 and 2020 the average day lost about 3 milliseconds. 

    The distribution of planetary mass can occur in more erratic ways as earthquakes shift mass towards or away from the poles, lengthening or shortening days accordingly. Even the weather has an effect, King and Watson note. Major storms that dump a lot of rain close to the equator slow rotation down. Snow events at higher latitudes have the opposite effect until water returns to the sea.

     “We can see tidal variations in length-of-day records over periods as long as 18.6 years,” King and Watson add

    Yet when all the known effects – those speeding the Earth up and those slowing it down – are added together they do not sum to the recent observations. Something else is going on, but we don’t know what.

    Accelerated polar melting, the effects of the giant Tonga eruption, and extended La Niña events have been proposed, but King and Watson consider each unlikely.

    Whatever the cause, the slowing should be welcomed by big tech companies, which have become increasingly vocal campaigners against leap seconds, which disrupt their timing systems. So far the world has not needed to add a negative leap second, skipping from 23:59:58 straight to midnight, but this could be required if we get a string of sufficiently short days. It is expected these would be even more disruptive, and the recent slowing should delay the need for one.

    1. ah dennie

      "something else is going on but we don't know why"

      hahahaha – well there's a surprise – we can't count it all like science says and get the answer

      hahahaha – they still don't get it

      we don't know what's going on apart from the burgeoning populations of humans and their increasing desires for stuff

      we really have lost our way

      most of the people in this country seem totally unaware of the effect they are having on their surroundings and are demanding that our lives of endless over indulgence continue at the same rate if not faster

      we could all turn the light off and go to bed and get up when the sun comes up

      we could provide habitat and shade by putting back the trees and hedgerows in the landscape, animals back on the fields in rotation, and locals picking the food, especially the young ones who are as daft as they come – with their funny haircuts and cosmetic surgeries

      everyone is sweltering at present in essex – except me

      and the reason is because my third of an acre is covered in trees and bushes – whilst neighbours sweat and moan and can't sleep – i'm alright jack!!

      whenever i read about old civilizations – newest one out of amazon – it seems they have all destroyed their environment by being too greedy – like the middle east that was once covered in trees and houses – and the sahara – that was covered in trees

      what have we done seems to have been inevitable as most people do not seem to be conscious of their freedom and therefore their responsibility to their effect on around them

      no wonder gravestones often had "rest in peace" on them – feel that more and more!

    2. I agree with Penny. The indigenous peoples of the world, of which there are still some remaining, always lived in harmony and balance with nature, never taking more from the planet or from nature then they needed at the time… it was only when civilizations broke out of that pattern of balance that they condemned themselves to destruction. What we're facing nowadays is infinitely worse than what past ruined civilizations faced, because of the nature of the dangerous things we have been playing with such as the weather and nuclear energy… While it would be nice if everyone would go back to the old ways and get back into balance with nature, it is now unlikely that will ever happen… that said, I would encourage everybody to do everything that they can to make a difference while they can, while some difference can still be made. I strongly encourage people to wear the t-shirts and hand out cards and booklets and flyers at every opportunity. I also recommend that they contact their local media Outlets to see if any of them will be willing to start airing the Global Alert News broadcasts so we can expand the Outreach of this message.

    3. …and then we get articles like this.  Turns out the speed of the atmosphere is a definite part in the equation of how fast Earth rotates:

      Earth is Spinning Too Fast– The Consequences for Timekeeping May Be Unprecedented

      OUR HOME planet is in a hurry. On June 29, 2022, Earth completed the shortest day since scientists started keeping records in the 1960s, pulling off a full rotation 1.59 milliseconds faster than usual.

      Terrestrial haste is a trend. In 2020, the planet recorded the 28 shortest days on record, and it kept spinning rapidly into 2021 and 2022. Before scientists could even verify that record-setting day time of June 29, our world almost outdid itself: It blazed through July 26, 2022, 1.50 milliseconds ahead of schedule.

      We will likely see more record-short days as Earth continues to accelerate, says Judah Levine, a professor at the University of Colorado-Boulder and longtime time expert at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). That Earth’s days are getting shorter is no cause for alarm, he says, because the actual time difference amounts to fractions of a second over the course of a year. But what is weird is that, while scientists know that changes to the Earth’s inner and outer layers, oceans, tides, and climate can affect how fast it spins, they don’t know what’s driving the current haste.

      NOBODY’S PERFECT — not even our planet. On average, Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours, or every 86,400 seconds. But for various reasons, from the planet’s imperfect shape to its complicated interior, every day is not exactly the same length as the day before.

      What’s more, a day lasting exactly 24 hours is merely a standard we’ve come to expect right now. Earth’s rotation is slowing down over the long term thanks to the Moon’s pull on our world. Just a few hundred million years ago, for example, an Earth day was only 22 hours long. In millennia to come, an Earth day will last far longer.

      So what gives with the shorter days of late, which buck the long-term trend? One hypothesis that’s been floated so far has to do with the “Chandler wobble.” Discovered in the 1800s, the phenomenon explains how the not-quite-perfectly-round Earth wobbles ever so slightly, like a spinning top as it slows down. Leonid Zotov told timeanddate.com that the wobble had mysteriously disappeared between 2017 and 2020, which could have helped the Earth finish the day a bit faster.

      Another idea is that climate change might affect the rotational speed of the planet. When glaciers melt into the ocean, the shape of the Earth changes slightly, becoming flatter at the poles and bulging at the equator. But Levine says this effect can’t explain why the planet suddenly would spin faster because melting glaciers should have the opposite effect: The planet’s moment of inertia would increase, which would slow us down.

      For Levine, the likely culprit is more mundane.

      “One of the possibilities is the exchange of momentum between the Earth and the atmosphere,” he says. “The sum of those two is a constant, which means, for example, if the atmosphere slows down, then the Earth speeds up. Or conversely, if the atmosphere speeds up, then the Earth slows down.”

      The same thing can happen deep inside our world: It’s possible for the deep core and the mantle — the large layer that exists between the core and the surface — to move at slightly different speeds. There could be an exchange of angular momentum between the Earth’s deep core and the mantle, he speculates.

      “Both of those effects … can either pump speed into the surface of the Earth, or take speed out of the surface of the earth,” Levine says. But the dynamics of the atmosphere and the Earth’s interior are so complex that it’s impossible, at least right now, to point to one of these factors as the sure cause of the planet’s brisk pace.

      NATURE DOES NOT ALWAYS ADHERE to the rigidity of a clock or a calendar, and planetary timekeepers are accustomed to making a few tweaks. A leap year, for example, exists because we need an extra day every four years to keep the 365-day calendar in sync with the Earth’s revolution around the sun. Because the day is getting longer over time as Earth’s rotational speed slows down, timekeepers toss in a leap second every now and then to keep human time in step with the solar system.

      With Earth accelerating, we face an unprecedented possibility: adding a “negative leap second.” In other words, Levine says, if the planet continues to spin too fast, then by the end of the decade clockmasters may need to delete a full second. For example, they might have the clocks skip from 23:59:58 on Dec. 31, 2029 to 00:00:00 on Jan. 1, 2030.

      “If you had asked me about the negative [leap second] five years ago,” Levine says, “I would have said, ‘Never.’ But over the last year or two, the Earth is definitely speeding up. And now, if that speed-up were to continue — and there’s a big if there — then we could need a negative leap second in about seven years, maybe eight.”

      This has never been done before. Some scientists wonder whether doing so could introduce a troubling hiccup into computer systems. Given the way our world keeps surprising us, though, Levine is not yet convinced that time will come to pass.

      “You should remember, that requires an extrapolation over six years — and we’ve been burned before about extrapolations. So, I wouldn’t be ready to bet the farm.”


  5. Saw a kid today drenching the pavement with round up . His huge SUV pulling his trailer running the whole time. Meanwhile I'm gasping for air on my bike.

    Got a sister who flew from LA to France 3 times in two months for biz and pleasure.

    How are we to survive.

    The air quality continues to worsen with each passing day.

  6. Thunderstorms all day long here near Bend, OR.  Lots of cloud to ground/ground to cloud lightning.  No fires started due to heavy rain, very heavy rain.  What's in the rain?  The scientists know, don't they!

  7. Hello Dane…  I have never commented on any of your podcasts, but I wanted to say thank you for the work you do.  I look forward to the Saturday episodes.. 

     I did want ask the group a question to see if they have noticed the same thing.  I was in Europe for two weeks and noticed CRAZY amounts of chemtrail activity over Paris.  You could literally play chess on the checkerboard patterns they painted over the city daily.  It was insane..  I just got home from overseas last Wednesday and live here in Portland, OR.  The thing that I am wondering is if folks have noticed that the Chemtrail activity over PDX just stopped.  I haven't seen one in over 7 days and that would have to be some kind of record.  Its never been more than a day or two where you wouldn't see any.  I could have missed them during the time of day I was looking, but you can usually see the evidence linger all day anyway.  Im wondering if what they are doing is done?  Are you guys still seeing high C.T. activity in your areas?    Could be totally coincidental, but NOT seeing the trails is almost more rare than seeing them now a days..  

    1. Dear JP,

      You have a very important question!  Unfortunately, they did not stop.  They have many different types of spraying techniques. 

      Just because the trail isn't visible doesn't mean that they stopped.

      They have formulas that dissipate very quickly.  I have seen this with my own eyes many times in different places and different types.  Also, they can do things very high up that don't show anything from the ground.

      If you look closely into the distance, often you can clearly see the haze in the air.  If you don't smell smoke, then it's probably nano particulates!

      Over time patterns can be observed however there is much happening that is not visible to the naked eye.

      Safe travels JP and thanks for your excellent question!

      -Avid Listener

    2. Hi there!  I think their plans are finally being exposed!  I'm over in N.Y. and I noticed the same thing!  I have seen maybe a couple trails every few days.  I am loving it!  It makes me nervous that they know something is extremely wrong finally.  Over in London their skies are DRENCHED in trails.

    3. yep, trails never stop – am in essex so we get londons stuff too

      have some pretty grimy stuff that lays on top of water in the garden – birds drinking containers – grimy yellow oily stuff that looks like devils brew

      but then we have water supplied by our abingdon water reservoir – you know the one i wrote of before  – right next to the sewage works!!

      what was it that the american chief sealth said in 1854:-

      "…to harm the earth is to heap contempt"……continue to contaminate your bed, and you will one day suffocate in your own waste"

      now seems the time!!


  8. Its no longer a "conspiracy theory" that the atmosphere and rain falling from it is not safe to drink!  An article on interestingengineering.com reports that rain water contains "forever chemicals".  Scientists have known about this for a LONG time!  Efforts to resolve this PROBLEM will never resolve the PROBLEMS this has created!  

    1. Here is a follow up on unsafe rain water world wide.

      Rainwater Everywhere on Earth Unsafe to Drink Due to "Forever Chemicals," Study Warns


      Rainwater just about everywhere on earth is unsafe to drink because it's tainted with high levels of dangerous "forever chemicals," a new study has found. Researchers at the University of Stockholm found PFAS in rainwater nearly everywhere on the globe, including in Antarctica. 

      Rainwater Everywhere on Earth Unsafe to Drink Due to "Forever Chemicals," Study Warns (yahoo.com)

    2. Just read that article as well.  Their science experiment is finally catching up with them.  It's unfortunate we might not have the time needed to truly help our planet heal, but we must all still bring awareness to this, and help expose the truth!


  9. https://www.nps.gov/deva/learn/news/death-valley-experiences-1-000-year-rain-event.htm


    "DEATH VALLEY, CA – Rain this weekend was a historic event, with nearly a year’s worth of rain falling in three hours. The 1.46 inches of rain recorded at Furnace Creek is still preliminary data, and mere drops away from the all-time record of 1.47 inches. The rain caused widespread damage and closure of all park roads. 

    The heavy rain that caused the devastating flooding at Death Valley was an extremely rare, 1000-year event, says Daniel Berc, meteorologist with the National Weather Service Las Vegas. “A 1000-year event doesn't mean it happens once per 1000 years, rather that there is a 0.1% chance of occurring in any given year." 

    1. Been to the Death Valley National Park, once.  Didn't like the place at all, and won't be going back.  At the south end of that appropriately named valley of death is a large area of desert that is used by the military industrial complex.  This area is heavily contaminated with "forever chemicals" that are so named because they do not break down.  All kinds of information online about the many military bases that are contaminated with these highly toxic "forever chemicals" which are now present everywhere in the environment, specifically the water.  Scientific proof exists which shows that these "forever chemicals" cause all kinds of diseases and disorders.  One is "Grave's Disease" which affects the thyroid gland.  Treatment for this is the surgical removal of this gland which requires the person to take thyroid replacement drugs to regulate the bodily functions the thyroid gland normally controls.  It doesn't take a scientific mindset to understand that without water humans do not survive for long, but now, because the water is contaminated its the same situtation!  Damned if you don't have it, damned if you drink it!      

  10. Boston Heat Waves….   Interesting, NPR-National Party Radio, National Propaganda Radio, recently mentioned, at least twice the word Heat Dome in a recent repot on the extended days of temps, underreported most likely, of 90s- 100s……       Feels like the Powers that be are testing the Heat Dome here in New England, maybe a test run, …Interesting that while this area has the heat dome, areas South of this region are not having these temps….sure seems like a directed Heat Dome circumscribing this region……  anyway, NPR ..Narrative Party Radio continues to downplay, minimize and normalize this situation…. back to work, this has happened before… keeping the crowds distracted… here….effective it is…   

    1. Hi Paul Davis,

      You want to talk HEAT DOME!

      My Uncle in Texas reports that it has been at or above 100 degrees there now, for over 100 days in a row and no rain for as many days too. Plus the humidity has been between 42% and 78%. 

      A high pressure heat dome has been parked directly over his home for what seems like an eternity and every single tree on his property has died. Because his well dried up and water is really hard to find. He tried to purchase a tanker truck full of water in hopes of saving what he can. But they are only delivering to all of the "Housing, Industrial and Apartment Development sites", during the worst drought in recorded history, for that part of the state.

      Go figure. They only provide life saving water to (never ending) construction, while all of Nature shrivels up and turns to dust. The number of days over 100 and 110 has shattered all records by THREE TIMES that of the previous numbers. (Oh, and if you have a pool. They will send a truck to fill that. But Nature be Damned!) Some ranchers have been able to get their cattle stock ponds filled. But it is costing them a FORTUNE and so is the purchases of Hay. From out of state!

      I tell him it is the Venus Syndrome, rearing it's ugly head and he fully understands. He plans to sell and move soon. Just as many Ranchers are also making that tough decision. Brush fires are all around him as well and he says it feels like he is living in HELL.

  11. “We have so-called academia, the so-called science community, completely betraying the human race and the entire web of life. When will they band together, find courage, and stand up in order to tell the truth while it can still make a difference? When will that happen?”

    Dear Dane,

    Thank you!!!

    When I listen to the “bad news broadcast” I feel so much relief! The lies we are being told are overwhelming and it causes such terrible tension within every single day.

    To hear the real truth from someone who has devoted themselves to telling the whole truth regardless of the fallout, is invaluable. Words cannot properly express how fortunate we are to have your research and inspiration!


  12. Darn, I thought the bad ews broadcast this week was going to follow up.on last week's Fauci report with some good news.That is, tbat he was hung out to dry for all of his misdeeds. Wishful thinking – Seems that the further one goes up the scoundrel ladder, the  more damage theyy do, and the least likely the are to pay the price. I sincerely hope I'm wrong on this, but if things don't work out for him, I believe he'll retire with a diamond studded, gold watch, a fat government  pension and accolades from the NY Times.

    Concerning this week's. message of the UN's conspiracyy theory  warnings, I have to give them credit. They're as clever as they are immoral. As Dane says,, the controllers are really pulling l the plugs on desperation. My local newspaper ran an article a few months ago equating so called "conspiracy theorists" with the Easter Bunny – how cute. 

    My heart goes out to all of you who are living in the worst of the weather modification ares. Here in The Carleston SC area, it's no picnic, but still livable. Although I'm very concerned about a major hurricane this season. Our population has exploded in recent years, so we are ripe for a major catastrophe. Hopefully we can all make a difference in our struggle.



  13. A friend sent me this:

    The Lords Prayer…translated from Aramaic directly into English rather than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English

    O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration, soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide

    Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission

    Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share  what each being needs to grow and flourish.

    Untie the tangled threads of destiny that binds us, as we release others from entanglement of past mistakes.

    Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

    For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again. And So it is ! 

  14. Watched a report on a local Bend OR TV channel talking about the Pacific Crest Trail.  The report portrayed a happy reality of what its like to hike on this trail, yet in the background in many scenes were dead trees and not just a few either.  The reality they portray on TV in this report isn't reality!  Another report claims that a massive fish die-off in the Klamath River is due to the flooding that hit burn scar areas caused by the McKinney fire, which killed at leas 6 people and burned down at least 50 homes.  Indians claim that oxygen levels in the river dropped due to the muddy run-off which killed the fish.  No mention of toxic nanoparticles IN the run-off water which could have caused the fish to die though.  Something else I've noticed.  Where are all the grasshoppers we used to see in the summer months?  Used to see all kinds of them in summers past!  Not this year.   

    1. Yep no grasshoppers in PDX metro and none sighted in rural western Montana, either. I may have heard the faint chirping of some evening bugs last night in Beaverton. Bees and wasps liking our sweet sappy trees but HOA is coming to murder said trees day after tomorrow. I will miss seeing life… the trees all around metro are sick stressed and dying and I felt so grateful to see life outside my window. Arbor vitae started looking particularly terrible after the chemical ice nucleation in April. They split in half and droop to either side instead of growing skyward. Looks like a war zone.

  15. More news from Bend, OR area.  Weather Service just announced a Fire Weather Warning for most of S central Oregon.  Thunderstorms with frequent lightning predicted to occur through Tuesday night.  Fires are going to be a major concern to say the least.  Unusual low pressure system spinning off the OR coast is drawing moisture up from the S.  In other news, Bill Gates is openly pushing his plans to dim the sun!  Its called Solar Geoengineering!  Scientists have created the world's first synthetic embryo!  Playing God aren't they! 

  16. dear susan

    and we are all doomed! thanks for reminding us! hahahaha!!!

    as i watch everything die around me

    a strange sunday is it not?

  17. My feelings are such I agree with Danes assertion that our earth is an intelligent entity.As is every celestial body in our universe.Take time and contemplate this idea.Feel it with your heart.She's been a good mother to the human race. She deserves our loyalty and admiration.She's responsible for us.We should be willing to lay down our lives for the only woman who has never betrayed us.She will have the final say passed on to us from the creator. Thank you goddess.Blessed are we. Joel.

    1. Joel, what beautiful thoughts.   Mother Earth….will prevail.   Thank you. Blessings.

  18. "Situation Is Really Precarious": World's Largest Rice Exporter Faces Output Decline Amid Heatwave | ZeroHedge

    The effects of elevated food prices have rippled worldwide and forced governments to impose price controls and trade restrictions. Price increases are due to supply constraints driven by several variables, including high energy prices, geopolitics, and weather. Ukraine restarted maritime transport of crops to the rest of the world, forcing grain prices to slip, though the food crisis is far from over.

    We pointed out in April that the next challenge for the global food supply could be a plunge in rice production (read: here). Fast forward months later, and our suspicions appear to be right as India, the world's largest rice exporter, has seen planting areas of the crop decline by 13% due to heatwaves and drought.
    In the last two weeks, prices in India have soared more than 10% in top growing states such as West Bengal, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh due to lack of rainfall and crop output concerns, Mukesh Jain, a director at Sponge Enterprises Pvt., a rice trader, told Bloomberg. He expects export prices to reach $400 a ton by next month from $365 this week.
    Rice feeds half of humanity and is vital for political and economic stability across Asia. Supply disruptions due to potential trade restrictions by India could create shortages and rising prices elsewhere.
    There's still hope crop output could recover as the monsoon season is expected to produce normal rainfall through September. However, some farmers sounded the alarm output is expected to drop significantly.



  19. UK Gas Crisis Set To Plunge British Pound To Historic Lows, UBS Warns | ZeroHedg
    "Huge swathes of the British public aren't going to be able to afford their bills this winter. Average families with two working parents will be in fuel poverty,”

    Authored by Charles Kennedy via OilPrice.com,
    The British pound is expected to plunge to a historically low level versus the U.S. dollar in the fourth quarter of this year, when the energy and gas crisis in the UK will worsen, according to strategists at the private banking unit of UBS Group.
    "We expect GBP/USD to come under pressure this year," Thomas Flury, head of currency research at UBS Wealth Management, and Dean Turner, UK economist at UBS Private Banking, wrote in a note carried by Bloomberg.
    "The euro zone and the UK are both likely to suffer energy supply shortages this winter," the strategists said.

    Energy bills in the UK are set to surge more than expected this winter, with many households struggling to be able to pay them after Russia further slashed gas deliveries to Europe, sending gas and energy prices for the winter and for next year soaring, UK-based consultancy BFY Group said last week.


  20. UK Water Restrictions Go Into Effect As Heatwave Persists | ZeroHedge

    Britain has recorded one of its hottest and driest summers on record. Rivers and reservoirs are drying up as towns in the southern part of the country imposed the first hosepipe ban on Friday.
    The country's record heat in July — above 104 Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) — melted airport runways, buckled train tracks, and shuttered transportation networks, as London's fire brigade said it had one of the busiest days since World War II. The heat dome resulted in dozens of building structure fires and wildfires.

    As of 1700 local time Friday, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight residents will be placed under emergency water restrictions called "temporary use ban." If residents water their gardens, yards, and/or clean their vehicles, they could face a stiff penalty of up to $1,200 (£1,000). A similar ban will go into effect for residents in Kent and Sussex from Aug. 12.
    "Months of sparse rainfall, combined with record-breaking temperatures in July, have left rivers at exceptionally low levels, depleted reservoirs and dried-out soils," British newspaper The Independent wrote.
    London dodged the water restrictions for now as its large reservoirs are at "very comfortable levels," Barnaby Dobson, a research associate on the Community Water Management for a Liveable London project at Imperial College London, told Bloomberg.
    However, water reservoirs in London could slump as the metro area faces levels of drought not seen in a decade.


  21. German Electricity Prices Hit Record High As Heatwave Curbs Power Generation | ZeroHedge

    Above-average temperatures throughout Germany are pushing power prices to new records as utilities reduce electricity output in western Europe amid the worst energy crisis in decades.
    National forecaster Deutscher Wetterdienst predicted a heatwave would persist through mid-August. Weather models show max temperatures will jump to mid-July levels of nearly 95 degrees Fahrenheit by Aug. 14, then slide to the low/mid 70s shortly after.

    Extreme heat and a reduction in power generation come as Europe suffers the worst energy crunch in decades thanks to Western sanctions against Russia, which has reduced the Nord Stream 1 pipeline capacity of natural gas to the continent to only 20%. This has forced some German utilities to switch over NatGas-fired generation to coal and diesel and heating oil generation — causing another crisis this week: Austrian oil and gas firm OMV AG halted crude product deliveries from storage facilities in Germany amid a "run" on supplies.

    A consequence of the energy crisis will only mean electricity bills are set to rise even further.
    Customers of Germany's EnBW will see an average of 31.1% increase in electricity bills from Oct. 1 due to utilities pushing along soaring energy costs to end users, Reuters said.
    Rising energy prices have helped push inflation in Europe's largest economy to 8.5% in July. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has laid out a plan to support low-income households burdened by high power prices.
    … and it's not even winter yet as some believe the power crisis in Germany and across the continent will intensify due to the lack of energy supplies.


  22. "Unprecedented" Flash Flooding Traps 1,000 People In Death Valley, Closing All Roads And Swallowing Cars | ZeroHedge

    Authored by Katie Hutton via TheMindUnleashed.com,
    Due to catastrophic rainfall and record flash flooding on Friday (August 5), Death Valley National Park was forced to shut down entirely, trapping roughly 1,000 individuals (500 visitors and 500 staff members) inside.
    The park experienced “unprecedented amounts of rainfall” of 1.46 inches, which caused substantial flooding that swept away cars, leaving at least 60 vehicles buried in mud and debris.
    That amount of rainfall represents nearly 75% of a year’s worth of total rain for the area, which sees an average precipitation of 2 inches per year.
    “Entire trees and boulders were washing down,” said John Sirlin, a photographer.
    Sirlin shared videos and pictures on social media that showed swiftly moving water, uprooted palm trees, and cars wedged in a pile of debris.
    "It was more extreme than anything I’ve seen there,” said Sirlin.
    “I’ve never seen it to the point where entire trees and boulders were washing down. The noise from some of the rocks coming down the mountain was just incredible,” he said during a phone interview.
    “There were at least two dozen cars that got smashed and stuck in there,” Sirlin explained.
    During the storm, the “flood waters pushed dumpster containers into parked cars, which caused cars to collide into one another. Additionally, many facilities are flooded including hotel rooms and business offices,” according to the park statement.
    Park officials said that most of the cars damaged were in a parking lot.
    It marks the second major flash flood event to hit Death Valley National Park this week.
    Luckily, there have been no reports of injuries.
    The flooding on Friday at Death Valley National Park came a week after monsoonal downpours flooded the Las Vegas Strip, a typically dry area, submerging casino floors and uprooting countless trees.


  23. Toxic Nanomaterials Have Poisoned The Food Supply, Our Bodies, And The Planet

    1. Introduction
    Nanotechnology is widely applied in our everyday life and is changing the entire society. It has begun marching into the agriculture and food industry since 2003 when United States Department of Agriculture published the first roadmap in September 9, 2003 [1]. Research on this topic has skyrocketed over the last decade. It almost covers every aspect in the food and agriculture industry, including agriculture, irrigation/water filtration, food processing and packaging, animal feed, and aquiculture [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].

    The food and beverage sector is a global multi trillion dollar industry [7]. A recent estimate of the global economical impact of nanotechnology is projected to be at least $3 trillion by 2020, which may employee 6 million labors in the rising nanotechnology industries worldwide [8]. This is very attractive and has driven many food enterprises involved in development and marketing of novel nanomaterial based products, and improving production efficiency, food characteristics, taste and safety. Incredibly, there are hundreds of products that have already been marketed and used in the food business over the past decade.

    Majority of these products are designed “out-of-food” but “inside” food industry, i.e. food contacting materials but not directly consumed by people. No novel nanomaterials containing products have been directly put into human food yet, except titanium dioxide and iron oxide that have been used as food pigment and colorant respectively already. The fundamental reason is that regulation and legislation is very limited regarding nano food, especially due to complexity of nanomaterials and case-by-case legislating procedures [9], [10], [11].

    A deeper cause for the limited regulation is the poor knowledge of toxicity and risk which novel nanomaterials could bring [5], [12], [13], [14]. Many studies focus on in vitro toxicity of nanomaterials while very little in vivo toxicity data is available, not to mention chronic effect of nanomaterials (especially metal nanoparticles, NPs) [15]. At least several gaps have to be filled: toxicity of nanomaterial to mammal cells, tissues/organs and chronic effect to human body; migration of nanomaterials to food; degradation or environmental fate of nanomaterials; bioaccumulation of nanomaterials and their impact on ecosystems.

    The rapid development of nanotechnology has been facilitating the transformations of traditional food and agriculture sectors, particularly the invention of smart and active packaging, nanosensors, nanopesticides and nanofertilizers. Numerous novel nanomaterials have been developed for improving food quality and safety, crop growth, and monitoring environmental conditions. In this review the most recent trends in nanotechnology are discussed and the most challenging tasks and promising opportunities in the food and agriculture sectors from selected recent studies are addressed. The toxicological fundamentals and risk assessment of nanomaterials in these new food and agriculture products are also discussed. We highlighted the potential application of bio-synthesized and bio-inspired nanomaterial for sustainable development. However, fundamental questions with regard to high performance, low toxic nanomaterials need to be addressed to fuel active development and application of nanotechnology. Regulation and legislation are also paramount to regulating the manufacturing, processing, application, as well as disposal of nanomaterials. Efforts are still needed to strengthen public awareness and acceptance of the novel nano-enabled food and agriculture products. We conclude that nanotechnology offers a plethora of opportunities, by providing a novel and sustainable alternative in the food and agriculture sectors.


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