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Dane Wigington

"Scientists Study This Very Scary Climate Strategy" (from Mother Jones Journal). "Introducing particles like sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere could create a plethora of new and unpredictable problems. Possible negative impacts may include changing regional weather patterns—creating or shifting areas of drought or regions that receive extreme precipitation—or altering tropospheric chemistry and ocean circulation patterns. Partially blocking the sun’s rays could interfere with normal plant processes and reduce agricultural yields. Adding sulfate aerosols to the stratosphere would degrade the ozone layer (thereby increasing global cancer rates) and increase acid rain. The potential effects of solar radiation management are so large and wide-ranging as to implicate almost every aspect of life on the planet."

To those that are still trying to convince themselves that climate engineering operations are just a proposal, please look up. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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48 Responses

    1. The whole idea is to use "weather" as a weapon to put farmers out of business and create famine.  That's what your "powers that be boys" want.

  1. Blessings Ongoing Dane and Thank You Again Jonathan, Eden, and All Invaluable Amazing Contributors Here! From Central North Carolina ~ Finally a 'Debbie Day" of actual moisture (desiccants and All) following a week of awful humidity, gradual cooling, etc. And Still – an entire season with few insects seen anywhere around town! Even few birds! And no one notices. The Predator Class has definitely figured it out! Too uneducated and poor, too programmed, or too insignificant- to be a threat (ie. a small faction of the growing ET-focused). What They can't stop is Self-Knowledge that WE are All part of Source/God-Mind Consciousness! 😊 KOKO

    1. I think, based on the beautiful water crystal pictures taken years ago by Dr. Masaru Emoto during his days of energy, that he would agree with you, Randyl.

      He was acutely aware of the balance and order of Life. You (everyone) can read up on his studies, and it will give you a renewed motivation to do everything you can to stop the madness being directed at all Life from so many directions. 

      I met the owner of a bookstore at the Raleigh North Carolina flea market last summer. We talked about Dane's work, and I gave him some scannable business cards. I later mailed him some more materials, as he had agreed to take them available to his customers. He called me this afternoon. And he is almost out of those, so I just went to the post office and mailed him some more cards and double-sided flyers. His customers really like this information and have been enjoying learning more. He's a valuable Ally in this fight.

    2. As the indigenous peoples of the world have always known, semantics aside, we are all expressions of our Creator, our Source. 

      I bless you all.

      Many people here understand that it takes an emotional and a physical toll on a person to keep sharing information when so many people seem to be willfully blind. Take a short break, catch your breath, re-energize and then get back to it. Always be encouraged. 

      We will never know the full scope wof what we can accomplish without giving it our best.

  2. Approximately 55,000 people have now lost their lives during the past decade due to wildfires raging across California, according to recent figures.

    Not making this up. These statistics just came out today, and the government suppressed them for years!

    They take into account those who died from the lasting effects of the smoke and suicides from losing everything, including their livelihoods  in the massive California fires. Not just fire Mortalities that the government has consistently posted.

    I would imagine that the death toll in nature has now risen into the millions or possibly even billions. Like the numbers from the Australian fires down under.

    All of this has become even more heartbreaking than ever before, and someone needs to speak for those who have perished at the hands of climate engineering. They deserve a memorial tribute of some kind, somewhere in California.

  3. Well ! to address action and inaction in dealing with Weather Warfare : First of all most likely i am known as the “Fool On The Hill” among friends and relations. This is because i take a stand against most of what is wrong in my scope of vision that has occurred into our lives and how far we have not come yet toward peace among ourselves. Here; by your witnessing my writings, i am even more vociferous in public in calling out atrocities. Yes that includes issues raised on this site concerning weather warfare. The evidence i  have found here from  all of You, i readily share with contacts around me family and close friends. Being of good nature and overall compassion they put up with me. I point out the centrals  among them  when i see them and ask them to pay attention to them. Then explain how long they are or how they skip without and return in the same line and how they remain long after the aircraft has disappeared. I show or tell them to watch the spray trails slowly spread our into feathery clouds. I explain how HAARP controls them as best i can. Mostly the conversation is steered into another direction as if  it has not even taken place. To my delight some pay attention and ask questions. I refer them to this site whenever their interest is spawned. Also i have written my state Representatives and sent info and links to this site and other factual backup. One Rep. actually wrote me back positively. This all must seem  I, I, I, from me now but word of mouth is what i find to be a natural starting point. There are so many other world issues that affect me all day long; war, genocide, child sex trafficking, pollution, and so much more. There seems no end to my woes that drain me daily. Speaking out against atrocities we are facing and attempting to inspire toward soul healing, come natural to me. I am far from perfect, holy or otherwise better than anyone else who would strive toward these ends. Merely i am deeply concerned of how far we have strayed from goodness and peacefulness. Marching in God’s army is all I strive for. Here we share much in common while we have our own personal journey taking place.

    1. Dear Not Only,

      Thank you for sharing your story and showing by example not only how hard this is, but also showing that you continue to move forward in spite of it. You're enthusiasm is contagious. I think I know just how you feel about being seem to be a lone fool on a hill. I think many of us do. Remember those lines from Mark Twain that Dane has often quoted…. Later on, other people join the cause for then it costs nothing. You are blazing trails And sharing your heartfelt feelings. And yes, so many other problems in this world, including the trafficking as you said.

      I look at it like a block of marble and a sculptor. Let's say the sculptor wants to create the image of a horse. The sculptor has to chip away everything that doesn't look like a horse before polishing it. Each thing that you do like this chips away another part of what does not belong. 

      If only we all got our chisels out to help chip away on that block of marble…

      It can be a very lonely experience. Many here understand that. Each person working to inform others about these programs and other such atrocities Is part of a growing movement of people around the world who are trying their best to do the right thing and point out the evil things in this world that violate the balance in order of this planet and of life. But for most of us, those efforts are done on our own, often with people who look at as funny or think that we are a little off. The interesting thing is that during times like that, when I'm sharing information, so often I feel more connected to the Creator.

  4. I'm sorry but I think that we ARE helpless, that we are frozen in place, that we are stuck in a track. (And, yes, I have passed out thousands of flyers, given speeches, been in parades, manned booths, supported billboards, etc.)

    "And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me." – Isaiah 63:5

    "Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries." – Daniel 11:34


    1. I am in the same boat — have passed out many thousands of  flyers over the years.   

    2. With all respect, I refuse to give in to that sort of negativity. I commend and applaud your efforts to do so much. So many have done far too little. 

      Understand that when you give in to negativity, your subconscious mind, which never sleeps and has no sense of humor, taking things literally, essentially gives its tacit agreement to the negative things you truly believe. We can be far more effective If we do not give in to negativity.

      Question for all- What is the greatest strength you can muster during times of your greatest weakness? 

      I do not want to put words in Dane's mouth; However, there are good reasons why he has quoted from the Lord of the Rings, the stoic philosophers, and Mark Twain. 

      Never give up. 

      If for no other reason, remember the plants, the animals and many people, who have no voice but yours. You are the one to whom so many have called out for, in the secret language of their soul… The precious animals, the precious plants, the very Earth itself, and so many utterly innocent people, to such is these, universal Justice has long bent its ear and quietly listened to the please of their hearts, spoken in the language of their soul. 

      Do not abandon them. So many have no voice but yours. 

      Again and again, it is sad, the predator class are not gods, and we are not helpless.

      Look the storm in the eye. 

      Now is the very time to find out and demonstrate what we are truly made of. 

      For those who have not yet gotten actively involved, I urge you to do so. When you do, when you make yourself available to the flow of the spirit of the Creator, I think you will be shocked how much work there still is left to be done and which will be appointed to you.


  5. Wildfires are getting worse with geoengineering because of the constant spraying which is a  desiccant  (drying) out of the forests worldwide.

    Stay strong Dane and family.

  6. Scientists want ‘doomsday vault’ on moon to protect biodiversity

    Scientists are proposing the creation of a “Doomsday Vault” on the moon, storing seeds and biological samples from critical species.

    An international group of scientists came up with the idea, suggesting that the moon would be ideal for storing seeds and cryopreserved biological samples of plants and animals important to the planet.

    The moon makes an ideal storage environment because the lack of an atmosphere means there would be no threats from weather. There are also craters at the poles where sunlight never shines, and temperatures never get above minus 321°F, plenty cold enough to preserve samples without needing to supply power.

    Biorepositories aren’t a new idea. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault already stores samples of critical food crops that could be used to reestablish species wiped out by drought, disease or other environmental catastrophes.

    But that vault, located in Svalbard, Norway, has faced unexpected risks due to flooding caused by climate change. While scientists were able to prevent any seeds from being damaged, the flooding made it clear there are risks to storing seeds on Earth, even in seemingly safe locations.

    Scientists want ‘doomsday vault’ on moon to protect biodiversity (msn.com)

    1. Brother Joe,

      Interesting find, but as usual the "so-called" experts never really consider every single factor at play in just such a scenario.

      Even if the vault is placed inside a crater that rarely ever sees sunlight (which would cook their specimens to a crisp). The moon is struck on average more than 50,000 times a year by ping pong sized meteoroids or larger. AND there is such a thin atmosphere (almost nonexistent) that they can reach speeds of more than 175,000 mph before impact! (Amateur astronomer here, and what? They can't see all of those fresh craters made just in the last months, weeks and days? Or even hours, minutes and seconds?)

      Which means that the odds of their vault being hit and destroyed or even simply opened up to expose everything to gamma, x-ray and other cosmic radiation is less than the chances of you or I coming down with the common cold.

      I suppose they could drill down a few hundred feet and place it there, but that defeats the whole purpose of hoping that another species finds it (and is able to easily retrieve it as well) and creates a re-genesis of what used to live on planet Earth. That is if they even have that technology or capability to begin with, and simply don't destroy the samples in the process.

      Evidently these scientists are inclined to believe that we will ultimately destroy the entire planet and not just fade out of existence, while the Earth recovers and becomes covered in life forms all over again, millions of years from now.

      Why can't they put this kind of brain power to use and fix our mistakes? Rather than to simply give up on humanity and the Earth as nothing more than just a lost cause.

      Maybe that's why we are so frustrated at why we can't wake people up to the Omnicidal elephant in sky that is leading us down the path to extinction. Because the ones that are supposed to be smart enough to keep that from happening, are already making it so and are now focused on plans to leave behind breadcrumbs, as we burn up and smolder out of existence.

      Leaving behind clues for other intelligent species that shows how we found a way to split the atom, but we couldn't even think our way out of runaway global warming. So, we thought it best to leave genetic seeds where we believe other species might help us to resurrect humanity, and all those things we killed in our senseless neglect of nature.  

      Personally, I don’t think there is any other intelligent species in this or any other universe that would take samples from that vault. Or even attempt to genetically clone humanity back into existence, as it could spell the doom of their own civilization. But they would likely take the flora and fauna samples and bring them back to life on various planets throughout the universe. Or at least, that is what I hope they might do to try and right our wrongs.                                                                            


    2. dear joe


      us humans – we are funny are we not? – as crazy as we think we are

      what about living in britain – all the blokes are fighting each other – going tribal we are!!!!!

    3. Yes, This seems another totally ridiculous idea to me too. These so called 'scientists' beat all, don't they? Where the hell do they get their diploma's from?.. walmart?!  What's the point of trying to put seed samples on the moon- where nothing can ever grow or thrive? Makes NO sense to me. If they could even get the samples there- and what's the point of wasting the time and money to even try it?- the seeds will just sit there in eternity and never be sprouted!  I agree with Eden, why not spend what time and resources we have left trying to help fix our many mistakes and atrocities against NATURE and GOD on THIS PLANET- the only one we were GIVEN by our Creator. This is the only thing that makes sense to me but what do I know?.. I don't even have a diploma in science from walmart!

  7. I have seen a mini-HAARP station near Longyearbyen, Svalbard; recently. 78°North.

    Literally: a miniature copy (few acres) of HAARP

  8. As I write this Hurricane Debby is about to make landfall in the Big Bend area of Florida most likely as a Category 1 storm. It looks like the big story with Debby is going to be the tremendous rainfall. Up to 30 inches are forecast for the Georgia and South Carolina coasts. This will likely cause severe and potentially historic flash flooding. Here in Western South Carolina we are expecting about ten inches of rain. I should be okay because I am on high ground, but the downtown area here floods after only two inches of rain. 

  9. Who Controls the Controllers?  Regardless of your religious or political beliefs, those in control are evil. 

    1. AbSOULutely John. Evil is as evil does. Anything that goes against the Love and Order of the universe, in my opinion, is evil, AKA the antithesis of all that is good, pure and orderly.

    2. As with Jonathan, I agree 100% John.

      Take this for example. ( I hate politics and try to never even bring up the subject in these discussions, but…)

      Trump has been dead set against electric vehicles from day one and constantly says they are not going to help reduce greenhouse gasses. But overnight he completely reversed his stance and had this to say yesterday:   "How can I not push for laws that will replace every gas powered vehicle with an electric vehicle now? Especially when Elon Musk finally gave his full support to help bring about my re-election as your President."

      This simply shows how evil both men are as Musk controls the controller, Trump. And what they are doing boils down to pure greed for wealth and power, over what's right for the American people.

      Just the mining and production of lithium itself for electric vehicle batteries, pumps as much CO2 into the atmosphere as a billion vehicles that run on gas. Not to mention how much more is released during the production of Tesla vehicles alone. Then you add in the fossil fuels being burned to make the electricity that charges those batteries. etc. There is nothing green at all about EVs.

    3. I sent Mr. Trump All the Geo watch materials. I sent that to his personal address in Florida. I've written him several other letters giving him various kinds of advice. He wrote me back twice. But I have not yet heard any response about geoengineering. It is truly hard to figure out people in the billionaire class. They're hard for me to read. If he is still flip-flopping on things, like he did with RFK Jr in 2017, that I hold out little hope that he's going to make the country great again. I did my part and made sure that he had the materials and urged him to read them to contact Dane and to watch that documentary. The rest is between him and his Creator.

  10. It is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE with complicit humanity caught in the cross hairs, we do experience. The Creator is not responsible for they “the fallen ones” who have sought to be greater and willingly cause harm to the remainder of “the Faithful Ones”. We will be tormented  until “the fallen ones” are all destroyed. To Love the Creator and One Another, to live in harmony , to live and fight for the truth is the only way to bring on the end of wicked systems. Here! we do our part in this battle of weather warfare. Yet there are so many more battles to be waged to vanquish the enemies of mankind. To serve them in complicity and not reject them, is to be among them. They who bow to them, when they have become longer useful, will find themselves abandoned by the enemy as if they never were. At that point they may have given up any chances to be redeemed and be restored unto faithfulness. The Universe exists on the principle of order, not the chaos that the enemy has presented to us. 

    1. Perfect. Example of the Creator's Divine order being destroyed… My cousin lives in the hills of Kentucky. Surrounded by countless acres of pristine Forest and farmland. 1500 acres are about to be plowed down to make way for a Toyota EV battery mega site within 3 years. It is heartbreaking to think of all the trees and the homes for all the animals that will be destroyed forever. All for child slave labor mined lithium batteries.

  11. To add a bit more to comments from Eden, here's one of the things that is perplexing to me. And again, I am not being disrespectful to anyone's belief system. That is a personal matter between each person and their Creator. As for those who are more focused on praying for something to happen from some external source, rather than actually doing something practical… For such people, I suppose it is easy to not be concerned about the greater good or the greater whole, even though I personally don't understand that.

    That is to say, is easy to be that way when one is well fed, well rested, showered, clean, well-dressed and sitting in a comfortable pew in an air conditioned building.

    What about those who are miserably uncomfortable? Those who have been in the trenches of life so to speak out there in the world rescuing people, plants, and animals that are being savagely abused by the predator class in a thousand different ways? It is analogous to the difference other student in a comfortable air conditioned classroom and a military college learning about the theories of War compared to someone who's actually been in combat. Totally different situations. As I have said so many times, people need to get out of their comfort zones. Growth, and thus effectiveness in this world in which we live right now, generally occur outside one's comfort zone. 

    There's a lesson here for sure, somewhere…

    1. I agree, Jonathan. There's a lesson there, somewhere. Maybe better for people to pray (if so inclined) AND do the hard work, if they are able? [I pray, myself, AND distribute the materials.] "Faith without works is dead." — a very popular quote from the New Testament. [No offense to anyone of any religion, or no religion.] Love to all.

    2. Yes, Jay Dee… the Book of James speaks loudly to your point. I personally believe, in my experience, the harder and more I work, the more the Creator has to work with. Our own hard work is in so many cases the larger part of the answer to our prayers.

  12. So this Tropical Storm Debby is going to pass across the state of Florida and then make an abrupt left hand turn towards South Carolina? Or so they say. . .nothing to see here! I was blessed to stay one night at Lowkey Hidaway on Cedar Key in April after they had just recovered from the wrath of Geoengineered Idalia. Such a pretty paradise!

    1. A funny thing happened… A friend of mine in Florida sent me a picture of the forecast of the current hurricane a few days ago. The scheduled forecast had the storm moving straight up Florida from its West Coast and then over Northern Florida taking a 90° turn out to see. And now suddenly that has been changed completely to a grinding swath up the East Coast.

  13. Here is the weekly nature update… Yesterday morning at the supermarket I found an enormous beetle almost 2 in Long upside down on the sidewalk in front of the store. I gently scooped it up and put it in my shirt pocket while I went inside to get a few things. I held it and talked to it and prayed for it as I drove back home. It was moving but was having balance issues where it was having a hard time staying upright and was In essence, falling backwards on its back. At one point though, it became very still and apparently at peace. I got home and fixed a large bowl with some slightly moistened paper towels and used a toothpick off and on yesterday and again today to feed it A few drops of water and hummingbird nectar. 

    It is still living, although its balance does not seem to be much better. 

    Do not know what happened to this beetle. However, this morning I went to the North Carolina State University Entomology department website And emailed several people pictures of the beetle and the history and asked if they had any idea what I could do to help it. I am hopeful to hear back soon and perhaps I will be able to get some information that will help me to assist it further. For now it's in the house out of that horrible heat. 

    Something else happened too… I saw on the website that one of the professors in the entomology department focuses on plant pathology and global food security. So naturally, I emailed her a link to the documentary with a comment that I believe these programs are going to affect global foods security and in fact already are. I asked her to let me know what she thinks. There is nothing stopping the other members of this audience from reaching out to people in academia in their respective areas. Most universities have a good deal of information on their websites detailing the specific research interests and contact information of their faculty. 

    Whether it is entomology and plant physiology, or atmospheric science or other subjects, you can probably find many people in academia to whom you can reach out with links from this website. 

    It's a matter of reaching one person at a time and helping them to see the truth. 

    The possibilities are limitless. All you have to do is be willing to think outside the box and reach out to people in every way possible.

    1. Brother Jonathan,

      I have reached out to every public and private school, university and special education academy in South Dakota with offers to present a viewing of "The Dimming". Along with a 45 minute lecture followed up with a question and answer session… and offered my help in setting up geoengineering seminars, and or symposiums. 

      The only ones that accepted my offers were the schools and academies on the reservations. Including the boys and girls clubs and youth centers.

      I have spent two days a week for the last three months honoring my commitment to presenting Dane's documentary, the lectures and Q&A sessions in auditoriums, gymnasiums, conference halls, and even outside on football fields. One time I ran over 200 feet of extension cords for my computer, monitor and microphone audio system, so that I could do my thing for a crowd of outdoor park visitors that were there for Native American ceremonies and carnival rides. And believe it or not, I even educated a large group of Square Dancers to the horrors of climate engineering, who were offering dance lessons on a reservation once back in June.

      I did however receive numerous emails from individual teachers and professors that tried to get the school board and administrators to accept my offers. But they were always turned down with responses like: "We don't entertain the idea of having our students being lectured on any subject matter that can be deemed as conspiracy theories, and even if the parents give their approval, we must honor our commitment to preferred and restricted guidelines of what and how we teach our students in accordance with all federal academic mandates."

      So, basically. The Federal government always stepped in to stop my services cold, because they knew that I could expose their pet elephant in the sky.

      AND in some cases even, the security staff on hand would point out to me the government agents that were monitoring my activities at a distance, especially when we took everything off campus or off reservation. They even tried to get past the Reservation Police that guards the entrances to each reservation, but were never allowed to enter upon threats of being arrested for trespassing. My only saving grace in those situations is that reservation Sheriffs and their deputies are sworn to uphold even federal laws, rights, mandates  and authority. So, without a subpoena or warrant they are not allowed to enter upon Native American soil.


  14. NOAA released its long range temperature outlook map covering August through October and the entire country is expected to see much above average temperatures, except for the one-fourth SE region of states where they are expected to see anomalously cooler than average temps. That map includes the entire state of Texas in the cooler than normal region.

    But I just looked up NOAA's long range forecast for Dallas, Texas and it shows the temperatures steadily going up from 99 degrees to 105 degrees and above, starting tomorrow and going all the way through to the end of August. (and into September and October)

    How are they claiming that those temperatures will be anomalously cooler? When the average high temperature in Dallas, Texas for the month of August is 96 degrees!

    I just don't get it. NOAA is allowed to be the most contradictory agency in America when it comes to forecast modeling, yet they also use up the majority of the U.S. federal budget in a fiscal year (other than the DOD). So, you would think that they would be more accurate than this, if the federal government continues to give them a majority of our taxpayer money.

    Unless that money goes to weather modification technologies (diverted to Raytheon and Lockheed) and NOAA simply uses false negatives in their climate propaganda campaign, to keep everyone guessing as to the true nature of our deteriorating weather patterns and often contradicting climate modeling anomalies by their so called expert meteorologists.

    Doesn't take a genius or rocket scientist to see the actual writing on the wall here. Or should I say, their diversionary temperature outlook maps.

    Oh, and by the way. Their winter forecast map shows that only Washington, Oregon and the northern half of California will experience colder than normal temperatures from December through March. With above average snowfall as well. So, I guess you can expect to see temperatures plummet from 110 degrees to only 30 degrees overnight in your neck of the woods Dane… happening sometime in November or December.

    That's how insanely ridiculous all of their forecast modeling circus appears to those who still have any common sense left.

    I just read through the "Project 2025" agenda documents and they make the argument for defunding and dismantling NOAA. Because they are so inept and completely wrong at their forecasting data shared with meteorologists around the country. Plus, the documents calim that they don't deserve to receive the majority of the Federal budget if they continue to be so wrong with their forecasts.

    I seriously don't agree with anything related to politics in general and especially any future Trump agendas, such as the project 2025 documents. But, you have to ask yourself: "Why get rid of NOAA? Unless it is a secret plan to make the public believe it has been disbanded. While they covertly infuse NOAA's entire network of climate modification operations into the fold of Raytheon and Lockheed in 2025.

    Oh, the games they play behind the wilderness of mirrors.

  15. I read an article today that said the polar vortex jet stream is so out of control that it will soon allow bitter cold to flow as far south as the equator. Causing the entire planet to go into an irreversible cooling cycle that ultimately leads to a sudden ice age.

    Those words "Ice Age" are now showing up in so many matrix media outlets and all of it couldn't possibly be farther from the truth. Especially when the Antarctic Polar Vortex just went through an anomalous fifty-degree above average warm up.

    The definition of anomalous: Climate Engineering

  16. Are we not truly living in Hell… at this very moment in time? As Dane said today in his broadcast: “Like living in Hell!”

    Revelation 14:10 “He who resides in hell will be tormented with fire and brimstone.” Are we not being tormented with those very same fires and the climate engineering aerosols of brimstone raining down on us from above? Definition of Brimstone: “Archaic- Sulfur”

    Revelation 14:11 “The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and they have no rest day and night.” Again. Does the smoke from all the fires not seem like it is here to stay forever? And. Are most people around the world not able to rest either day or night, because the unrelenting heat even gets worse at night now?

    Mathew 13:50 “Furnace of fire… weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The furnace of fire we’ve covered. But how many of us are weeping for the lives lost and destroyed by the largest fires in human history? How many of us are gnashing “grinding” our teeth in anger at the most causal factor for these fires… climate engineering?

    I could go on for days quoting scripture that proves geoengineering has opened the pits of hell upon all of humanity. But most people who allow religion to determine how they deal with actions that are pure evil, will still not stand from their kneeling and praying to do anything about our dire situation. Because they tell me that God has a plan and if we just have enough faith, all will be put right again, and we shall soon experience the miracle of God’s salvation.

    While the rest of humanity simply believes that if you turn your back to the heat and fires, it will all just magically go away, because if you would only have enough faith in our government and trust them to keep us safe, then we have nothing to fear.

    So, I guess those famous words: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” And: “God only helps those who help themselves.” Mean nothing in a world that is literally on fire and turning into a planet sized furnace.

    If you place a cricket in a pan and turn on the flame beneath it, that cricket will leap out when it gets too hot to remain there. Why then, does humanity just sit there and do nothing? How hot does that pan need to get before everyone finally allows their instincts to kick in, and find a way to turn the flame off? It’s a very simple and basic question, with a rational and logical answer. But evidently the world elites have taken away our ability to carry out any rational or logical reasoning, and they expect us to welcome the pits of hell with open arms. While at the same time, choosing to never even question why we are being sacrificed to insure their continued existence.

    Because evidently, they too like God, have a plan and our torment is just part of that plan. Are they going to boil away seven billion souls, then flip the switch to the furnace as they hide out in their luxurious billion-dollar bunkers and use just enough nuclear bombs to incinerate our corpses and usher in a planet cooling nuclear winter?

    Who truly knows what plans are born of insane minds.

    1. Dear Eden,

      Re:  "I could go on for days quoting scripture that proves geoengineering has opened the pits of hell upon all of humanity. But most people who allow religion to determine how they deal with actions that are pure evil, will still not stand from their kneeling and praying to do anything about our dire situation. Because they tell me that God has a plan and if we just have enough faith, all will be put right again, and we shall soon experience the miracle of God’s salvation."

      I do not intend to criticize people's deeply held personal convictions. However, I have found that such people are one of the groups that are the hardest to reach. Whether people believe in a literal rapture or not is a personal choice and a personal decision. In eastern North Carolina, in fact most of North Carolina, and Randyl can back me up on this, many people believe this is a literal phenomenon that will happen at any moment now, in the twinkling of an eye. 

      I have known people like this for many years and was for 9 years a part of Gideons international. Many people with this belief system, in my humble opinion, based on my observations and conversations with them through many years, truly do not care what happens to the world, the plant or even the future of their children and grandchildren. Grandchildren. They are focused like a laser beam on one thing, which is an imminent rapture. Because of this, they are almost impossible to win over. 

      For the life of me, I cannot understand how people who are devoutly religious can have so little empathy and so little feeling for the suffering of others. People who are devoutly religious should see the hand of God in every blade of grass, every cloud, every living thing…. They should be among the most vocal of all people, because they should, better than anybody else, realize that the poisoning of the air, the water, and the soil, to name a few egregious things are taking place now, is an affront, a collective middle finger if you will, to Almighty God. Instead, the majority of them with whom I have spoken about the weather warfare programs couldn't care less…. I encounter them all the time. Their main points of focus seem to be hammering their rigid dogma into everyone around them, starting with their children; being well-dressed so they can look nice at church on Sunday; and where they're all going out to eat after church on Sunday. 

      Don't get me wrong. I attend an Episcopal Church in Pitt County. When I am able. I also worship with a group of people of the Lakota Faith when I'm able. I also spend much time worshiping the Creator on my own when I am out in nature. 

      One Sunday, I was getting ready to go to church and felt What you could call a flash of intuition. An elderly friend of mine was in a nursing home. One County over. I suddenly had a very strong feeling to not go to church but to go see him instead. It turns out that he passed on a few weeks later, so I am glad that I got to spend time with him. I found a mother, cat and three small kittens living under the shrubbery at the edge of the parking lot of the nursing home. Later that week I made arrangements with my veterinarian and prayed about it and was able to live trap the mother and catch the kittens and take them all together to the vet to have them cared for and adopted out, with the exception of the mother, who was too feral to be in captivity and was released by the veterinarian in a large wooden area by her house. 

      Something else came of it, That visit on Sunday. Driving home I came across a raccoon suffering in the terminal stages of rabies. I called the sheriff's department Health department, And every other department I could be begging for someone to help me, and no one would come out and help me. Just then, as I was trying to figure out what to do, a man who lives in that neighborhood stopped his truck as he was driving by and asked what was going on. I told him about the raccoon. He understood and turned his truck around blocking all the traffic both ways and told me to do what needed to be done. I humanely euthanized the poor animal, who was suffering beyond words, to say the least. 

      My point here isthat going to church Is not a once a week thing. It is a state of mind and being led by the spirit of the Creator in every moment of the day. That particular day, the spirit of the Creator led me to not go to a physical building but to roll my sleeves up and do actual work to make this world a better place. 

      All we have to do is be receptive and be open and be willing to be led by the spirit of the Creator and each moment. It's so simple. That's all you have to do. If one is simply willing, you will be shocked. Absolutely shocked at how many opportunities come your way. 

      To bring this back to our awareness raising efforts regarding the weather warfare programs raging in the skies above, and on the earth below, it is a natural extension of a close relationship with the Creator to focus intense energy on helping all those around us, as I say, within our sphere of influence. I would respectfully ask people to consider which state of mind, which approach, is the true religion taught by Jesus as The Way and taught by others…

      A Sunday morning social club? Or getting down in the trenches of life and rolling up one sleeves even if one gets dirty, tired and so forth To be used by the Creator in each moment. And with all respect, I would also suggest to those who are devoutly religious in terms of going to church on Sunday, which is fine in which I'm not criticizing, but I would suggest to them that they read the 8th Psalm and other parts of the Bible that make it crystal clear that mankind was given dominion over the handiwork of God from a biblical standpoint. What does that mean in terms of practical application in our lives? Answer- It means that we are the ones we've been waiting for. And it truly is up to us to do our best. Praying and then passively waiting for someone else to come in and fix the problems is not the answer. Working hard, as if everything depends upon us, while praying is if everything depends on the Creator, I would suggest is a much better approach. Thank you for what you do, Eden.

    2. dear Jonathan,

      I also do not hold one's belief system against them, nor do I judge them for holding the promise of the Rapture so close to their spiritual way of life. I simply can't understand them for not having the desire to help others, such as their family and friends. Or when they literally get angry with me as I try to tell them that we could save some of humanity if we just come together and make a stand against those who are senselessly destroying the Earth and creating a holocaust for all of nature.

      There are those who believe that the Rapture is just that, "God's plan to save some of humanity. aka the "Chosen Ones". Yet, I have never once found the word "Rapture" or even any semblance to such an event, anywhere in the Bible. Old Testament, New Testament or King James version. So, to be honest, I don't even know where they came up with it to begin with. My half-brother was as religious as anyone could possibly be and he never said the word Rapture, ever. But he was a very serious climate activist and he tried so hard to to expose geoengineering before his untimely death, and God Bless him for holding true to his spiritual and ethical convictions.

      Now, there are the "Others" who simply believe that God will stop the insanity that is killing us, and they refuse to do anything to help us fight geoengineering ourselves, because they are so confident that God will do just that, but in his own time of choosing and we simply need to have patience.

      Nothing I say will convince them that there is no time left, and that is so darn frustrating. Even with the entire world burning from heat that is slowly killing every man, woman and child. They still devoutly believe that our saving grace will soon come to be.

      Like those passengers on the Titanic that so adamantly believed the ship was virtually unsinkable. Even as it was slowly sinking beneath the waves.

  17. NOAA and other agencies responsible for climate modifications are now saying that this continental sized heat dome will be with us through at least the month of November! And they have also gone back to their original schedule of making sure that the United States experiences the hottest winter on record.

    Or are they really trying to say? “Ooooops! Our bad. We have now gone too far with our climate engineering insanity, and the Venus Syndrome will inevitably bake the planet into a lifeless space rock, long before we even reach the year 2100”

    I guess that’s why they keep publishing insane reports like how the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is shutting down and will create an Ice Age in all of Europe by 2035. Or how rising temperatures could trigger the eruption of all mega-volcanoes and send so much soot and ash into the atmosphere that it blocks out the sun. Creating yet another Ice Age covering the entire planet within that same time frame.

    A way for the world elites to make everyone believe that the heat will eventually lead to the end result of another ice age. Keeping them oblivious to the reality that our time here on Earth is now quite short. And it certainly won’t have anything to do with freezing to death either.

  18. I saw a video yesterday of firefighters recording the largest fire tornado ever seen before, and it was in that huge California “Park” fire. The base of circulation was three times the size of the four-lane road it passed over, and it looked exactly like a typical thunderstorm tornado. But of course, that fire is so big now that it is making its own weather. Including the creation of towering pyro-cumulus thunderheads that trigger hundreds of dry lightning strikes, as the rain simply boils from the heat and goes back up as water vapor. Building even bigger and taller thunderheads as the fire grows even more massive. Can you imagine an EF-5 tornado spawned in the middle of the largest fire in human history? Not rain wrapped either, but encircled by boiling water vapor that makes the burning trees sizzle so loud, it can be heard all the way into Nebraska! Like the sound of a billion human voices screaming at the top of their lungs! Hell has come to humanity, and we are the fuel for its growing fires.

  19. Harvard’s David Keith Defines Solar Geoengineering
    April 24, 2019  –   7257 views

    Intelligence2 (squared) – Debates hosted by John Donvan – panel discussion partial clip –

    Featuring David Keith – Harvard and founder of Carbon Engineering

    Donvan: “I would just like to get a concrete picture of what it is we are talking about when putting aerosols into the atmosphere. I did a radio interview and somebody’s question to me was ‘is it going to smell? – is the sky going to look different? – how will those thing get there?’  And I thought these are practical questions for the lay person.”

    Keith: There are many ways that it might be done, but if it was aerosols in the stratosphere it would likely be put there by airplanes – a number of – sort of 20 or 30 airplanes by mid-century –  operating from a few air fields – that’s one way it could be done –

    Donvan: “and they would go up every day and do this?”

    Keith: “They’d be flying continuously putting up aerosols – and the aerosols naturally spread evenly in the stratosphere – it’s actually very hard  – so you can’t get them in one place to block weather – that’s actually impossible if you wanted to do so – so the stratosphere things spread pretty evenly – so you’d be bringing aerosols up there and they’d be spreading over the stratosphere.”

    Donvan: “And what’s the chemical being discussed?”

    Keith: “ So the most best understood chemical is sulfates or sulfuric acid – so it’s the same thing that is naturally in the stratosphere – both from volcanoes and natural emissions –  but there is a bunch of other ideas.”

    Editor’s Notes: Gads! – “20 to 30 aircraft by mid-century” Really?  According to an estimate by GeoEngineeringWatch.org – between 40 million and 60 million tons of aerosols are sprayed into Earth’s atmosphere annually by the current global Solar Radiation Management (SRM)/ Weather Warfare programs. So to get an order of magnitude calculation – let’s use 50 million tons. And let’s assume that this tonnage of aerosols are delivered by KC-135, KC-10, C-17 Globemaster type jet tankers that carry 100 tons of material per flight. So how many flights are we talking about?

    50,000,000 tons/100 tons = 500,000 flights/year – Done by only 20 or 30 aircraft?  Really?  And how much CO2 is being dumped into Earth’s atmosphere annually by this activity?

    The sheer insanity of lies of commission – and lies of omission – by those spouting the mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” is beyond comprehension.


  20. Rules for Climate Scientists – This is part of your mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !

    Rule # 1  – Always insist that all described Climate Engineering actions are simply proposals – but proclaim that we may need to implement these proposed actions in the very near future. Never ever ever ever confess to – or acknowledge in any way – the massive and obvious ongoing Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare actions raging in our skies around the globe.

    Rule # 2 – Minimize the proposed amount of material needed for Solar Radiation Management (SRM) activities –  and also minimize the proposed number of aircraft required to deliver the material to the stratosphere. “Just a little bit of material is needed – and only a few aircraft are required”.

    Rule # 3 – Never clearly describe the aircraft or specific delivery mechanisms that are able to deliver SRM nano-particulates to the stratosphere – which is too high for normal aircraft with 100 ton payloads.

    Rule # 4 – Repeatedly mention that CO2 is gradually building up in Earth’s atmosphere (which is true) – but completely ignore the fact that plants during daylight hours take in CO2 – break apart the CO2 molecule – use the carbon for their roots and aerial structures – and release the O2 back into the atmosphere. This is what has kept the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in a delicate balance with other atmospheric gasses for millions of years – until the past 150 years, especially for the past 75 years.

    Rule # 5– Never engage in any written or spoken interaction that describes the toxicity to all life on Earth – of the materials used in Climate Engineering/SRM /Weather Warfare programs..

    Rule # 6 – Never enumerate the number of aircraft currently flying 24/7 around the globe spraying nano-particles in the sky – and never mention the total amount of CO2 emitted by these aircraft while flying 24/7.

    Rule # 7 – Engage in Machiavellianism*. Propose outlandish means of solving the “Climate Change Crisis” – such as placing giant mirrors into space to reflect incoming solar radiation – or covering the Arctic with tarps to prevent ice melt – or constructing giant undersea walls to prop up Antarctic ice masses. And there are many other absurd proposals by the climate science community – all of which make spraying sun reflecting aerosols into the atmosphere seem quite reasonable and thus acceptable to the general public,

    * from Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary c 1974 – Machiavellianism – the view that politics is amoral and that any means however unscrupulous can justifiably be used in achieving political power.


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