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This week on Global Alert News, yet more blatant censorship from Northern California's "Record Searchlight" newspaper. The planetary burn-down continues as does the global stock market propping up, it is all a grand illusion on Wall Street. As the biosphere implodes, the global economic house of cards will follow. Mainstream media downplays the severity of what we face while the climate engineers continue suppressing Atlantic hurricanes. Did you know there has not been a major hurricane landfall in the US for a record shattering 10 years? Sea levels already up a foot and rising 10 times faster than previously predicted, where was mainstream media's coverage of that one? Time for the masses to wake, we are through the guardrail and heading to the bottom of the canyon.
Dane Wigington


56 Responses

  1. Geoengineered windstorm? Phoenix residents who experienced this storm are invited to chime up and comment.
    Storms slam Phoenix area: 55,000 without power, roads closed
    Weldon B. Johnson and Nicole C Praga | The Arizona Republic
    Sep 1, 2015

    1. Generally speaking, tropical systems lasting over 3 weeks are very rare. If Typhoon Kilo persists on its forecasted path, it might become such a rare occurrence. Typhoon Kilo has so far broken a record from 1997, when it became a third tropical cyclone that crossed the International Dateline in 2015, according to Dr. Phil Klotzbach, a Colorado State University expert. http://bit.ly/1JNhiIB

  2. Dane, Thanks again for all that you & your organization does. I have something to report that I personally witnessed concerning the outbreak of wildfires in NE Washington State that occurred on August 13th. At approx. 10:30pm in Hunters WA, during thunderstorm activity throughout the area, I witnessed at least 3 powerful laser beams shoot across the sky toward the very direction of the Carpenter Road Fire complex as it was beginning. I have two other witnesses that will corroborate my story. after doing some research, I now know that not only does the technology exist for laser- controlled rain & lightning guidance, the scientific community is actively utilizing it! Pleas email me for more details.  

  3. In the upper midwest the smoke filled sky has become epidemic and the sheep have just accepted this as the norm. What they have not noticed is the heavy geoengineering  that has been taking place during the same period. Look up into the hazy sky and you will see the checker board pattern of geoengineering. 

  4. Earth Angel

    I could have written the same story.  For 50 years I nurtured my trees on my farm and landscape.  Their death and dying breaks my heart…


  5. Watching international jets fly over, Rankin Inlet, Canada (using FlightRadar24), I have found commercial jets (Airbus A330-243 and Boeing 777-381) flying out of New York, JFK airport, do leave a contrail growing extremely fast in width, then becoming very large clouds lasting for hours or all day.

    While other contrails (chemtrails) move over time, (upper winds, earth rotation?) for some reason these out of JFK, can stay in the same location, just spreading wider and wider. Also when others jets pass above, around same time and altitude, instead you'll see a contrail then gone within seconds.
    Other noticeable things happening here on west coast of Hudson Bay:
    -Sundogs happening at least once a month and sometimes 2 – 4 or more in a month. Spring and Summer. Morning, noon or afternoon. Cool, warm or hot days.
    -Rainbow halos around the sun (and or over sun)(different then sundogs) happen at least every week. (If not cloudy and cool, which has been lots this summer.)
    -Full, very bright moon tonight and you can see rainbow colours around it.
    -Strange cloud formation and lots of high altitude feather, wispy clouds replacing lower altitude white fluffy clouds.
    -Fog – very dense then suddenly, poof within minute totally gone. Very different from past. (Could this be playing with PolarDARN, located here?)
    -For the past 12 -16 year's, winter (and spring/fall) winds are regularly out of the East, when long held normal was out of the north. (Drifting snow direction, used for 100's of years for Inuit navigation to easily know where north was, is now messed up.) Before if winter blizzard came out of east it wasn't much now it is intense.
    Last, it would be interesting and mind growing if Dane, you could interview Harald Kautz-Vella, physicist, geologist and author living in Germany. His scientific findings on chemtrails and Morgellon's Syndrome popped my eyes out with frightening awareness. Turning the saying… Look up, Wake Up… to becoming… what the F is falling from sky – Directly to inside of you? Harald authors second part in book called Dangerous Imagination and Silent Assimilation.

    Thanks Dane. Much appreciated.

  6. Absolutely spectacular broadcast, Dane. Requires a second listening, there is so much material covered. And yes, I concur, the sudden and complete malfunction (2005 on) of the conditions which for eons have produced Atlantic hurricanes, should be a gigantic red flag for even the most jaded of observers. Uh, Hello? How stupid do you dumb-ass geoengineers think we all are? (don't answer that, please) This is unprecedented in the history, probably, of mankind's entire existence in the "new world", otherwise now known as "America". 

    Given the sneaky ways that the disaster capitalists operate, I would have thought that we'd have seen at least "some" hurricanes making landfall either on Florida or the eastern seaboard. I think the conclusion that the bastards don't want the Gulf "stirred up" by any hurricanes is without a doubt accurate. Their sicko-psycho-fuck use of corexit to suppress the emergence of oil slicks has apparently been successful enough to sustain the illusion of "normalcy" and "health" to the Gulf region, as far as the glazed-over eyes of the general public is concerned. I will never ever forget the repulsive photo-op broadcast across the media, not long after the oil leak was supposedly "capped", wherein Obama and family were shown swimming in the Gulf to prove to a concerned public that everything was now "OK". This causes me to harken back to Bush W's huge "Mission Accomplished"  banner hung across the aircraft carrier he was on, to signal to a moronic public that everything was under control in Iraq, when it clearly was not.

    When's the last time anyone who visits this site has seen a storm front move in to their vicinity? I mean, EVERYTHING is different now. The brazenness with which these a**holes have perpetrated their ripping apart of the sacred and ancient weather systems is beyond anything that should ever have arisen on planet Earth. How is this possible? Who wakes up on Monday morning and goes to work intentionally shredding the ozone layer, poisoning oceans, lakes, rivers, soils, animals and people, rips a new asshole through countless delicate and precious ecosystems, mangles the planet's crop growing regions and sprays enough aluminum over Mom and Dad to put them in the Alzheimer's unit next spring? Who the f**k does this kind of thing? If I try to put my own mind into the kind of mind it must take to undertake such monstrous activities, I hit a wall. Who in the name of GOD thinks it's ok to commit such horrific acts against all living beings, AND, against any hope for a future for their own children, once the soils and waters have all become a recipe for illness, deformity and death? I swear to GOD I will never understand how it ever came to be that human beings, many of them perhaps not unlike you and me, have elected to undertake and carry out agendas with such horrific consequences. Is this an expression of some weird kind of death-wish that some echelons of humanity now worship? Are the Bohemian Grovers and the Rothschilds and the other rotting tripe of society, the so-called "Elite", now going for broke in their desperate need for a new stimulating 'high"? Is the omnicide of Earth just a way for these worthless motherf**kers to "get off"?

    1. Marc – my thoughts exactly. WORD.
      You said "If I try to put my own mind into the kind of mind it must take to undertake such monstrous activities, I hit a wall. Who in the name of GOD thinks it's ok to commit such horrific acts against all living beings, AND, against any hope for a future for their own children, once the soils and waters have all become a recipe for illness, deformity and death?"
      There's plenty of historical evidence to strongly implicate the early financiers of the industrial revolution such as the Rockefellers as pure psychopaths who imagined a society totally controlled right down to fertility, from the very start of the first subdivision. They are driven by greed and power – money is just the icing on the cake. Rationale is not necessary. You won't find any Buddhists in this clan.
      From there, corporations were hired to do whatever the hell they wanted or could afford to dream up. Those corporations didn't care what the intention or mission was, all they cared about was money – getting the contract. That has snowballed into what we have today – a military that does what the the money whores want and not what is right – a president put in place by banksters, a media that is owned and controlled and can only report on a second grade level – chemical companies making our food and running our EPA, politicians that ride a desk waiting for their next bribe to come in and never talk to the public – citizens who don't have the slightest clue what is going on and don't care because a new strip mall just went up in their neighborhood and it's loaded with shit to buy. They counted on buying out the caring in basic human beings, and it turned out to be easy as pie.
      This is what we call greed, sloth, pride, lust, gluttony, envy and wrath – the seven deadly sins if you will. I just prefer to call it EVIL.
      Our society is deeply invested in this way of life – this is what we call civilization, although it's not remotely civilized. 
      Evil is our plague. The question remains – will it win?
      I'm sorry to say that I'm not terribly optimistic. Our government is so corrupt that we could not even manage to hold the banksters who defrauded all of America accountable during the 2008 crash. And we had them, right there in our hands. They smugly flew in, in their stolen corporate jets – and flew right back to hell without question.
      Film: What a Way to Go – Life at the End of Empire

  7. Living in WNY, there is plenty of spraying activities.  Visiting a friend in Humboldt County, CA last week there were plenty of chemtrails … insect and bird sounds in the woods were absent. There were no bugs or rain for a long spell, just plenty of helicoptors trying to douse the unprecedented fires

    1. We have relatives in CA who continue to be willfully ignorant. They take pictures of dead trees, dead flowers, and remark on how beautiful it is. They wouldn't know the difference between a healthy tree and one with no leaves or bark on it at all. Their hair will literally have to be on fire before they notice anything wrong at all. The frog in the pot scenario. 

  8. can someone link me the recently peer reviewed scientific article admitting to the ongoing climate engineering in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health? I tried searching for it but I can't find it….

    1. Hello Michael, try this https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-science-study-confirms-contamination-from-climate-engineering-assault/

    2. Oh so that was the article you were talking about? I saw that but from the way you described it i was expecting to find climate engineering in the title so I thought that wasn't it, I wanted to be able to tag this along with linking the next speaker clip that was uploaded from the geoengineering exposer event that I’m sharing with my local green mp candidate and the party leader. Thanks….

  9. Just a few of the things I mourn from nature….
    forgetting to remember a whole lifetime of happy, noisy birds waking me up at 5am every morning.
    not seeing a string of songbirds sitting on a power line. 
    not hearing a string of songbirds sitting on a power line chirping to their hearts content.
    not seeing earthworms.
    not seeing Robins eating earthworms after a rain.
    that my children and grandchildren don't even understand this.

  10. So…I put my 2 cents in with the Record Searchlight piece of crap paper.  They wrote me back.  They do not do "conspiracy" stories.  Hee hee.  I had fun with them.  Not worth the time an energy.  I mainly told them I saw no information about a very large event–the conference, which I attended, driving down from Eugene.  They are fear based.  They are not about anything around planetary eyes being opened, and healing.  Stick with the bigger fish which is the EPA and FAA.  My letters, again, go out tomorrow.

  11. I'm certain of this, average folks like us still have heart and soul. We take heart from from Dane and other fine activists in this battle to keep persisting in sending out materials/letters/FB/Tweets and good old talking…FAR & WIDE.

    You just never know when a heart will wake up. Maybe it was that senator's aide who trashed hundreds upon hundreds of letters or circulars informing "their boss" about geoengineering. When that 600th letter arrived, their conscience spoke to them and now they're awake and hopefully informing themselves here at this site.

    Maybe it will cause conversations in their office and maybe a heart will even join the battle against geoengineering!   

  12. how is it we can afford all these planes and manpower to spray but very little to fight these fires that are ruining peoples homes and killing people.When will they wakeup.

    1. Hi Russ:  I've often wondered that– about the resources allocated to the chem-spraying jets and continue sucking down.  Maybe at least some of this is the black-ops budget, but then we learn from Rosalind that we have public utility companies that spray in order to create the kind of weather they hope to get in order to increase precipitation for hydro-electric power, and private citizens with enough money to buy their very own weather– I guess. 

      Also, I've wondered: With no oversight or coordination, how does anyone know with certainty who may be fooling with the weather in any given location at any given time?  Half of Our Lords and Masters of the Universe probably wanted a warm sunny day for picnicking and canoeing while the other half wanted snow for summer skiing fun at Jackson Hole recently– how did that half win out– did they just spin a bottle of Dom Perignon, or would that have been by threat of EMF "targeted individual" weaponry?  

  13. If civilians don't want death and destruction, then why do they allow their banks to keep pumping up military budgets, and allowing their sons and daughters to join in the slaughter? Where do the industrial resources come from? Where do food, clothing, and housing come from? Aiding and abetting slaughter has become a way of life. Who ya' gonna' blame??? 

    Seriously: It's a waste of time trying to "wake up" the public, because the public has been taught the 'nighty, night' ritual of willful obeisance and social depravity. Hollywood totally knows how to screw your perceptions up real good, so buy more movie tickets and video trash, right?

    The focus has to shift to functional legal methods. Not groveling and cringing about things dying. Of course things are dying. Isn't that what the military is for? America has the most sophisticated legal system in the history of mankind. American judges, attorneys, and those in the LEGAL professions, are the most highly educated persons in the world. Here's someone who might have more clue's than Tom Cruise or Oprah Winfrey… >


    We need to "educate" OUR legal systems. Not a bunch of drones who are so dummied down they can barely read a book or take notice of the weather…

    1. Paul I hear you, but unfortunately we're talking about a rogue government, with a totally infiltrated and corrupted leadership. The EPA IS MONSANTO – the makers of Agent Orange – who could give a rats ass about human beings. They just polluted all of Colorado and half of New Mexico, and finished up by giving the Navajo contaminated water served in a fracked gas container!!!
      Obama just gave the Arctic to Shell !!
      The Rockefellers started their industrial career by sterilizing Puerto Rico!
      There is a list a MILE LONG of corrupt government officials that got canned for taking bribes. But the bribery is still legal! It is going on day in and day out right at the steps of the White House.
      The "legal system" will do what it has ALWAYS DONE. It will give its gavel to the side with the deepest pockets.  
      That said, do fight on! We don't fight fascists because we think we will win. We fight them because they are fascists! 

    2. Right on, Paul!  The good ol' U.S. of A. is Father Warrior Central– "BOOYAH," TOO Ya!!!! 

      While we do need to work with the right side of the brain to process all of our emotions around the destruction and what's allowed it to happen, we need to look at our own denials that let that happen, that allowed it, that allows us to be manipulated by our own guilt into not confronting the fothermuckers and saying to ourselves that we need to continue to make room here on Earth for all of the wicked and destructive Denial and Warrior spirits.  I'VE HAD ENOUGH, and so has the planet.  Working with the left side of our brain we need to understand that we must find and implement new ways to educate our kids differently.  Cuz this ain't workin' here.

      The people that are gonna wake up are already awake, and on at least their fifth or cup of coffee by now.

    3. Citizen enforcement of LAWS are the only remedy, not wishful thinking. > Supreme Law Library : Karma and the Federal Courts http://www.supremelaw.org/authors/mitchell/karmacts.htm
      Excerpted from: 18 U.S. Code § 3231
      ["The district courts of the United States shall have original jurisdiction, exclusive of the courts of the States, of all offenses against the laws of the United States.
      Nothing in this title shall be held to take away or impair the jurisdiction of the courts of the several States under the laws thereof.
      (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 826.)"]
      Complete text:
      Quit cowering…

  14. Mankind is groping in the dark. "All we know is the wind that blows…." ~Henry David Thoreau  

    Our false confidence is based on material progress and technology, which Thoreau calls "improved means to unimproved ends." 

  15. I see over 700 hundred plus likes, how many add a capition about CNN admitting "The 6th Great Mass Extinction" on your Facebook pages? Please, spread the word with this link or any other links and post to Facebook. I incude anything on Danes site or with a Fukushima story posining the Pacific Ocean with dead sea life. True, I don't get many comments, though, it may open some mind in the futher with the disasters of Climate/Geoengineering. It can and will bring others into the fight against the powers that be. Dane, I know your a humble man with purpose and meaning. However, in many of those who look to help you in spreading the word, you are a great man in our hearts and minds. Finaly, be safe and strong for Logic is the enemy and truth a mence to the poer structure. For those who may have heard this saying before it comes from Rod Sterling in "The Obsolete Man"  and I believe this. ' LOGIC IS THE ENEMY AND TRUTH A MENACE".

  16. First I want to say thank you Dane for your relentless  publication of geoenginering material. I read and pass on so that hopefully at least one person will read and wake up. I recently posted one of your articles on a so called environmental Facebook page and told them that I could no longer support them in their "climate change" issues until they began to acknowledge climate engineering. I got a very nasty reply from someone (not the environmental group I presume) telling me "Please focus on what is real. CONTRAILS have been around for as long as planes have had jet engines, and they are primarily water vapor. This is a huge scam!" Still so many, too many are unwilling to see the truth. You do this everyday so I can imagine your frustration as I'm sure you get this kind of response a lot! That being said, please keep it up. We/you have gone too far to stop now!

  17. Not sure what's up with this:


    and this:

    "Amines arise from human activities – primarily animal husbandry such as cattle – and also from natural sources. Amines are responsible for the familiar odours emanating from the decomposition of organic matter that contains proteins. For example, the smell of rotten fish is due to trimethylamine… Amine scrubbing is likely to become the dominant technology to capture carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel power plants." 


    Are the Mad Scientists planning on taking geo-engineering to a whole 'nother level?  Are we next to have "geoengineering-on-steroids?"

    Why not just plant more actual trees, then agree to stop destroying the environment so they can actually grow?

  18. I live near Culver, OR, on the side of mountain with a good view of the sky. On a clear day I can see Mt Rainier, WA, south to Mt Bachelor which is a distance of 200 miles. Chemtrail planes now keep the sky gray constantly and sometimes I see several planes at once trying to get full coverage. They fly north to south at high elevation. I have even identified the type of plane and tail number, airline company, speed and altitude with a program called "Plane Finder". Some planes aren't listed with all information and I suspect they might be owned by Evergreen Aviation. They have many bases now. I saw the article about them in Geoengineering Watch.

    It is painful for me to "Look Up" into our gray sky and not even see any of Mother Nature's blue. Also, I'm staying indoors now trying to clear up the blisters on my neck that the doctors can't fix. I'll try horse liniment next.

    I composed a letter that I thought about emailing to all 100 Senators but found out that would be a waste of time because it would trashed and not even read by anyone.

    I am out of new ideas that are sensible and might get the media's attention. I bring up the topic in everyday settings but most people are polite and only smile. Maybe advertising Areosol Spraying with a tanker spraying a cloud cover and dying trees by ucky contaminated water on a tee shirt would draw attention.

    I cry and pray every day.

  19.  Dane,

    Thank you so much for your website.  This has been so helpful during this time in life.  The facts has always shined much more than just news.  You are an asset to the world today!  

  20. I live in Montana and I feel your pain heartbreak!! I see the damage  here. So very heartbreaking.  I have a homemade bummer sticker in my back window — Look up and wake up we are being poisoned then the website. I see folks sometime reading it but they just move on. There are many that are waking up but it needs to be faster and in masses.  Most of all WE ALL OWE A  GREAT DEBT  OF GRATITUDE TO DANE FOR OPENING UP THE SLEEPING CONSCIOUSNESS  OF THE MASSES!!! . Thank you for your vigilant and tirelessness hard work!!!   Big Smile Joy in Montana

    1. Joy,
      I am in Montana also and would like to talk with you. Please email me.
      I often wonder if what the chem trails are composed of is what is keeping people in a dumbed down state?
      I get a deer in headlights response from most people I talk with.

    2. Hello Dane & Everyone, I read two books last year about Climate Change/Global Warming, Species Die Off etc. The first book is:  FIELD NOTES from a Catastrophe, Man Nature & Climate Change by Elizabeth Kolbert. This book outlines everything from Methane gas being released into the atmosphere, from the thawing of the Permafrost (ice sheets) in Greenland and the Arctic region. The second book is: THE SIXTH EXTINCTION An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert. This book discusses the Anthropogenic time that all life and planet earth, are currently in. The dying off of species, like bees, the Panamanian Golden Tree Frog and the migration of species to non-native environments, to escape climate change and the negative consequences that will be caused to the planet. 

  21. Mr. Wigington:  We are all grateful to you for the wonderful job you do in keeping us informed on a regular basis.  So many of us are frustrated that we are unable to make even a tiny dent in attempting to help in spreading the word.  Is there any way that we (all of those who might be interested) could join together to form a coalition where, if we had enough voices and were persistent in following through with ideas and suggestions from the group that we together might make a difference?  I am sure that many of the readers and commenters on this site  would be happy to join.  Thank you for all that you do.  I think that we would all love to help but simply don't have the clout as individuals but as an organized group we might be able to make some kind of progress.  Sincerely, Ezmerelda

    1. Hello Ezmerelda, we need only to put a crack in the dam of silence and secrecy, we don’t need to dismantle it. If we can reach critical mass of awareness, the wheels will then turn on their own. the attached link will give some direction, https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/introducing-geoengineering-climate-engineering-to-the-uninformed/

    2. I have your exact same sentiments, Ezmerelda! We need to form groups and network across the country! Are there any folks in the Burlington, Vt area who would like to form a group?! Please contact me at melindaevt@aol.com.

    3. We have watched the planes leave their trail of destruction here in Nova Scotia. I have contacted a (I thought) responsible CBC tv program called the Fifth Estate suggesting they look into this – no response. Same thing with the Federal Green Party and the Liberal Party. I finally made up a 'broadside with tear off adress for this site and posted it in the post office. The first day only one tear off was taken but how many others saw the large printed LOOK UP?

      I will post this same broadside around the county. Slowly the word will get around. I believe it is an effective method of getting the word out there.

      Thank you Dane for doing an excellent job. You are a modern-day Paul. But your news is not good but necessary!

  22. The radio announcer looked up at the sky and said: "Look at those chemtrails….er…..vapour trails" because he wasn't allowed to mention their real name. They probably would have fired him. Trees in Vancouver BC are dying and our rain forest is in drought from chemtrails. Water level is low and we are on a water regulation protocol while Nestle continues to rob us of our water to sell at a profit. Whenever they streak heavily, I feel sick. Stop the chemtrails.

  23. I too have shed many tears seeing the dying trees and nature in my travels from Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona and Colorado. I feel helpless to make a difference. One good thing the FAA in Seattle told me a month ago that it is military jets not commercial airliners that are flying over us. And then he said that is all that he can say and I said good that at least is a start to stop all the lies I have been told. Seattle Air Quality gave me the run around a year ago when I asked about all of the horrible trails and why my lips and tongue were numb. The scientist there just said it is contrails and you should go to the ER if you feel sick.  All of this is motivating me to tell the truth to all that I meet and try my best to save the planet. I grieve with you. Blessings to you and your land.

    1. Hello Shawna, commercial aircraft are also being used, they have been identified leaving particulate trails turning on and off. There are a number of tracking methods to verify this and it is the case. Keep sounding the alarm share credible data, plant seeds of awareness, never give up.

  24. When are the lawyers going to start ?    Do we donate to them?
    These people should be punished and jailed or worse!!

    1. Hello Felix, the attorneys are working diligently, this is a major undertaking. This being said, they are making progress, I participate in regular conference calls with them, they are moving foward as fast as they can. Yes, those behind the spraying need to be brought to justice in a real court of law. Once the public truly finds out what has been done to them, those in power will have no place to hide.

  25. I have some thing I just stumbled on to while browsing youtube,I thought might be relevant to the criminal assault from Geoengineering,its a video on CERN,"Massive solar plasma cloud inbound/CERN. I see a connection with the aluminum particles being dumped on us,and the reaction CERN has on the sun. I just discovered this CERN topic,I hope you Dane,can find a moment to check it out also,or if you have knowledge,sharing it,please.

    1. Yes, I too recently became aware of what CERN has been doing and it is a VERY scary topic. It is my hope there may be some working there with a brain and a conscience- like a Snowden, who has the knowledge or ability to hack the thing and disable or destroy it. Who the hell finances these kinds of multi-billion dollar projects on their own without knowledge to the majority of the general public until fully decades after the damages are done???!!  Just like the spraying of skies around the world which have now broken our atmosphere- these people need to be arrested and punished harshly.

  26. National Security Decision Memorandum 165
    May 2, 1972 http://agriculturedefensecoalition.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/5A_1972_Weather_Modification_Nixon_Adm._Kissinger_May_2_1972_National_Security_165.pdf
    No one seems to be paying attention…
    28 U.S. Code § 1346 – United States as defendant
    Breaches of duty and remedies
    ["Conduct by a fiduciary may be deemed constructive fraud when it is based on acts, omissions or concealments considered fraudulent and that gives one an advantage against the other because such conduct—though not actually fraudulent, dishonest or deceitful—demands redress for reasons of public policy.[59] Breach of fiduciary duty may occur in insider trading, when an insider or a related party makes trades in a corporation's securities based on material non-public information obtained during the performance of the insider's duties at the corporation. Breach of fiduciary duty by a lawyer with regard to a client, if negligent, may be a form of legal malpractice; if intentional, it may be remedied in equity. Clark v Rowe, 428 Mass. 339, 345 (1998) (dicta).
    Where a principal can establish both a fiduciary duty and a breach of that duty, through violation of the above rules, the court will find that the benefit gained by the fiduciary should be returned to the principal because it would be unconscionable to allow the fiduciary to retain the benefit by employing his strict common law legal rights. This will be the case, unless the fiduciary can show there was full disclosure[60] of the conflict of interest or profit and that the principal fully accepted and freely consented to the fiduciary's course of action.
    Remedies will differ according to the type of damage or benefit. They are usually distinguished between proprietary remedies, dealing with property, and personal remedies, dealing with pecuniary (monetary) compensation. Where concurrent contractual and fiduciary relationships exist, remedies available to the plaintiff beneficiary is dependant upon the duty of care owed by the defendant and the specific breach of duty allowing for remedy/damages. The courts will clearly distinguish the relationship and determine the nature in which the breach occurred: Hill v Van Erp.[61]"]
    Complete text:

  27. We CAN help the earth. Please investigate Miracle II. It will neutralize toxic fall out while restoring the tree. We have solutions but no one knows about them because they keep running to perceived authorities. That is futile as we can all see. It is up to each and every one of us not some clown doing a job and following orders.

    1. Thank you Marge. I have heard Joyce Riley mention it on her Power Hour program. I thought it was a soap for cleaning and laundry- is this the same product? I had not heard of such a use for it. I will investigate this and try some for the trees. I have already invested in spraying beneficial microbes on them and the property. It has helped buy them some time I think, but is expensive to do. If Miracle ll can help remove the toxic fallout that would be great. We need to STOP the spraying however or it is all only a temporary fix. Thank you to all who responded- it DOES help to know there are others out there seeing the same and feeling the same. Somehow sharing the sadness seems to makes it more bearable. Thank you for understanding and caring. I know we all wish NONE of this was happening and our world was a normal healthy one again.

  28.  Today I spent 2 hrs. on the tractor, mowing one of the fields. It was hard not to cry at times as I rode past the magnificent oaks that are all dying and the other hardwood trees. Having cared lovingly for this piece of land for over 22 years I know every inch of it well and every grand tree is a friend. I have lost more than a dozen trees of grand stature in at least that many years. Riding past the deformed and mutated weeds and grasses, some spotted and yellowed, others discolored with a bizarre shade of purple- almost neon or magenta- nothing I have ever seen before in nature I felt almost in a catatonic state. Frustrated and angry with our county agriculture agent; wondering why after 3 years of visits out here to the property, samples and photographs shown to him, given him, and e-mails AD NAUSEUM about climate engineering, geoengineering, global dimming and fukushima radiation he hasn't even written a report on this. Lately his schedule has been too busy to return to the farm here but he does however spend a week at 4H camp every first week in July. Monday I shall try again to get him to come here and see the ongoing loss and damage to the land. I have left special patches of the deformed and discolored weeds and grasses just for him to see. I cannot understand how someone who is supposed to understand agriculture and nature can be so blind to such obvious decline and damage to it. It is very hard not to cry when I hear nature crying out so loudly that it hurts- though it is a beautiful day today, I feel very empty, wishing I could do more to help my friends crying silently as they slowly die.

    1. It is happening so quick in Canada. Fires burning all over British Columbia.  In the Okanagan the air is so bad people will be so sick.

    2. Ever notice how on a bright clear day people just seem happier and more alive? I see an ongoing pattern that coincides with the spraying and turning beautiful blue skies a gross hazy white.  Like some form of depression especially among those of us who are "awake' to the reality of what's happening . I live in a pretty beautiful place at almost 8,000 ft. When I get up in the morning to crystal clear skies and see several jets arive on scene and start cris crossing and ruining the sky, well it's depressing. I have a Had time having a positive attitude after waking up to that.  Yesterday, here in Santa Fe they were spraying for over 14 hours straight. The entire sky was covered in Chemical Cloud cover.  

      Then I read an article yesterday where the air force is procuring 175 new much larger Ariel refueling jets. How on earth could we need so many jets to supposedly to refuel fighter aircraft? Even in a full blown war I couldn't see any more than maybe 10 max?. It's obvious from this news they intend on significantly ramping the destruction of planet earth and doing it with our money! Funding for this madness needs to be cut off. 

    3. Nigel,
      I live in NW UK and have had the same experience as you. I find all this so upsetting and not just for me as I have had nearly 7 decades of good life, but for two sons and three grandchildren under 10. I even wrote to my Member of Parliament (with photographic/video evidence) asking for confirmation of this happening, who is doing it, what right do they have especially if foreign planes, who is paying for it and why does it happen. He replied that he had been informed by The Dept of Transport that they have no knowledge of such activity. Well they would wouldn`t they? Why not The Dept of the Envoronment I wonder? Things are in a mess and it is hard to stay positive, especially when you get ridiculed for your views, but we must continue.

      God Bless Dane. Thanks for all you do.

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