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Dane Wigington

"Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: 'There’s nowhere left untouched' ", a new report from The Guardian. "Microplastics Invade Human Brains, Researchers Call For Global Emergency" and "The global use of plastic has led to severe environmental contamination, with microplastics now found in air, water, soil, food, and human organs" (from NDTV). "Nanoplastics ‘hijack’ their way into the brain" and "plastics with ties to cancer", both quotes are from CNN. Is microplastic (a.k.a polymer) an element named in climate engineering patents? The short answer is yes. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

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16 Responses

  1. Freeze – Fry… Freeze – Fry! California is set to bake all over again starting on Memorial day, and we are too here in South Dakota beginning the middle of next week. What better way to make people sick and cull the elderly population with the sprayed Flu, Covid, and Bird Flu pathogens at the same time. The hot/cold/hot flips will also see a sharp rise in pneumonia cases too. So many people here are already complaining of a soar throat and they are coughing/sneezing more and more with each passing day from these toxic aerosol dust showers. Don't even need a powerful beam of light to see them at night right now. They are spraying our skies 24/7.

  2. Australia sees hottest winter temperature on record, a brutal 107 degrees Farenheight. Is America next? Who's to say that everyone in this country isn't on track to see a 100 degree Christmas day within the next three to five years? That's when you know it's time to turn out the lights, cause the party is definitely over at that point.

  3. Here we go yet again. This one comes from the Daily Digest: "Global Cooling? Scientists can't explain why this is happening to the Atlantic." They claim that between May and August, water temperatures in parts of the Atlantic Ocean have been dropping at a mysteriously fast rate.

    Well, I scoured through the water surface temperature maps and charts for Copernicus, but only in the Atlantic, and found NOTHING. Except for a brief drop in temperatures with Hurricane Ernesto as Dane pointed out (a little bit with Debbie as well). But there is no global cooling taking place in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Evidently, THEY are getting extremely desperate in their attempts to fool the world into believing their Global Cooling or "Coming Ice Age" Fantasies. Because we must be in for some seriously hot days ahead, and if I had to guess, Im willing to venture that America sees its first ever mass casualty event in July or August of 2025… due to extreme heat. Then, the collapse of the entire power grid? Martial Law and Mad Max, here we come. America will be another Haiti on steroids.

  4. This is sad but true. I will turn 65 in December and as things sit right now, I still have my whole life ahead of me. But someone who is only 20 years old, they are facing an oh so slightly prolonged death sentence. Just to make sense of a headline Dane mentioned in this week's broadcast. Think about it for a second and it will come to you. Because me and the 20 year old will likely die at close to the same time, if we can't turn things around.

  5. New study out today finds that the Earth has added an average of 26 extra days a year of extreme heat, and 80% of the world's population experienced at least 31 days of record setting hotter temperatures. Regions of South America and Africa saw up to 120 (EXTRA) days of extreme heat. But a shift to a La Nina pattern may bring cooler temperatures.

    What? So, why is NOAA saying that this winter is likely to be the warmest in history here in America? If we go by the numbers above, the Earth will be so hot by 2035 that everywhere but the polar caps will be too hostile for humans and most wildlife to exist. But yet, I just read today that the IPCC predicts that the planet will likely surpass the 2.5C mark by the end of the century. That's what you call the delirium of denial.


  6. Was LJB's "weather satellite" ever developed, I wonder?

    Re: heavy metals and graphene, I have some information about how to detoxify from those. Does anybody here know how to detoxify from microplastics? 

    I stopped by Little's Nursery in Greenville yesterday. They are very much in support of this broadcast and make the scannable business cards available at their checkout desk to their customers. I talked to the owner yesterday. All their cards were gone. Their customers are eager to take one home to see what The documentary is about. I gave them more cards to make available to their customers. 

    In Search Of Is an old TV series made approximately 45 to 50 years ago. Leonard Nimoy was the host. The series discusses many different subjects that are not often addressed by television shows today. One thing I find fascinating about the series is that so many of the episodes feature scientists that were prominent researchers at the time in various fields of study. Is best I can tell. Watching these old shows, the scientists were truly interested in learning new things and exploring new possibilities, and they were not apparently owned by big industrial businesses such as the pharmaceutical industry. It is so refreshing to see them and their optimism for the future that they had back then. In my mind, I'm always comparing Dane's comments about the deliberately and willfully ignorant scientists today, with real scientists half a century ago. 

    Finally, let us hope that RFK Will be a positive influence on future politics in this country since he knows Dane and knows all about the geoengineering programs. Remember too that his former campaign manager, Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, was perhaps the only member of Congress to ever introduce legislation to stop geoengineering. The bill was killed in committee, He was run out of Congress, and his brother died under mysterious circumstances in Cleveland. 



  7. I am somewhat encouraged by the big dose of reality that was injected into our grandiose political theater by RFK's recent support of Trump. Now we have two possible rebels working together, at least one of which seems authentic.

  8. The Mental Merry-Go-Round

    It has been said by many wise elders that the human mind is capable of recording and storing and retrieving infinitely more information than we typically utilize. Let’s give it a go!

    The idea of the Mental Merry-Go-Round is to scarf up in one’s daily life – an unbroken succession of information, data, ideas, stories, impressions, recollections, dreams, emotions, and the like – without any judgments, inhibitions, filters, or blockages.

    This includes all life experiences from conception to the present moment. Just gobble it all up and then release it to background processing, the sub-conscious mind, the wisdom of the Cosmos, intuition, curiosity, or whatever miraculous process spins the Mental Merry-Go-Round – and the results will be surprising.

    Suppose that you have a seemingly difficult problem or situation to resolve. Just focus on the pertinent information regarding that problem/situation. And then forget about it – release it to the Mental Merry-Go-Round. And around and around it goes – without any conscious effort on your part – looking for similar data to connect with.

    Sorry – obsessing, worrying, thinking it to death, slows down the rotations. A path will open up, or several paths will open up with possibilities for a viable resolution– and they will pop into your conscious realization. Chill out – the Universe is at work on your behalf and will provide appropriate answers – but perhaps not on your schedule.

    Things that inhibit the Mental Merry-Go-Round – Self-Censorship

    The keyword shutdown – How many times have you simply just mentioned to someone – one word that might somehow question the ‘Official Narrative”. That person does an obvious shutdown – with the “Gatekeeper” – the subconscious mind plunging into action – sensing some threatening information. We see glazed eyes, a panicked expression, and the utterance of incoherent blibber?

    This is highly programmed “Self Censorship” – is one of the most effective control trips ever devised by the Cabal – and is ingrained into the general population over time in a thousand mini-steps. And really throws a monkey wrench into the Mental Merry-Go-Round.

    Fear of what others think and say about you – again ingrained into the general population over time in a thousand ways – and implemented in this cyber era most effectively via “social media”. Again resulting in “Self-Censorship” – again

    Uncritical belief in a particular dogma. This is hard to fathom. Most of these ironclad dogmas are utter twaddle – considered absurd in the real world outside of the “True Believers”. You have to have (blind) “Faith” and “Believe” unquestionably the particular dogma. Once you have been indoctrinated into the “fold” – you will believe anything from any source – regardless of how blazingly absurd it is. More “Self Censorship”. Gotcha.

    This is our first glimpse into the inner workings of the Mental Merry-Go-Round. The Mental Merry-Go-Round goes way beyond just problem solving. This subject matter will be continued in future installments. Hint: Engaging the Mental Merry-Go-Round facilitates thinking for ourselves. Wow! How revolutionary!


  9. the idea that microplastic is invading our brains explains to me the current trend amongst humans to be more than a little barmy – there seems to be no other explanation

    and i wish humans would stop calling "nature"  "she"

    stop making nature female, it is neither one or the other or anything that we can explain with our tiny minds and even smaller hearts  and out of control bodies

    the animal in us seems to have control now

    the eastern people know we cannot explain it and call it qi – their uninterrupted knowledge stretches back thousands of years – ours is lost in the mist of times and stories of gods

    it's their word for energy – cos – that is what everything is

    not male – not female – we put our spin on everything we see and do and look at what we do!

    it is our time to be quiet, to close the mouth and use our minds and hearts for "seeing"

    love to dane and family and all the quiet wise ones

  10. These are the words I say after I have talked to and answered questions from the youth and young adults of the Lakota Sioux Nation. (Ages 12 to 24) I’ve often wondered if the people who control the weather are addicted to the “God Complex”. Where they see themselves as being superior to the rest of society, and by removing a targeted populous with their climate engineering manifestos, it ensures that there is no longer strength in numbers to challenge the controller’s ability to manipulate all aspects of their lives.

    By using special formulas of chemicals, heavy metals and pathogens to suppress their immune systems and cognitive skills, they keep the masses from having the will and drive to question the statis quo or form their own opinions and think for themselves. Keeping them reliant on pharmaceuticals (prescription drugs), alcohol or illegal and recreational drugs of their choice to remain in an altered state of reality that doesn’t bring them out of their comfort zone and place them in any position to buck the system or go against the flow of “Just keep your head down and your eyes on your phone. Don’t ever stray from the official narrative and always allow the matrix to guide you in all the decisions that you make in your life.”. Society has been coerced and manipulated into accepting their Dystopian rulers and in many cases, they even feel a sense of pride or euphoria when they become obsessed with idolizing or worshiping them. Their free will has been replaced with an addiction to the matrix media, professional sports, political soap operas, and all the newest tech toys that fulfill their need to be entertained or distracted from the daily tribulations of life. The word “Nature” meant something to the people who lived before the industrial revolution, and especially our ultra-modern and technically driven society of today. Most people now believe that nature is to blame for everything that causes them grief, torment, anxiety and constant health issues. With the blame of what the climate engineers are doing in our skies and to our oceans, being squarely placed on nature as the culprit for our illnesses and diseases, allergies, weather chaos, societal disruptions, lack of food and safe drinking water, conflicts and wars over resources, record setting wildfires and the alarming extinction rate of wildlife species around the world. They believe that nature has somehow allowed itself to become out of balance with the vast ecosystems of the planet, and transformed itself into a force that constantly harms humans. Rather than strengthening its symbiotic relationship with our species and providing us with everything we need to co-exist in harmony with the environment. The indigenous peoples around the world who still respect and care for nature cannot understand, for the life of them. How and why modern civilizations feel the need to conquer, pillage and plunder nature into a vast nothingness, and then turn around and blame nature for everything that has changed for the worst on this planet. But then again, the “God Complex” always leads to the sacrifice of anything that could vanquish it from our existence, and Nature is exactly what breathed life into humanity. So, it must suffocate that breath of life to maintain its power over humanity, and that will in turn lead to nothingness for all life on planet Earth. Those of us who are seriously committed to our responsibility as stewards of Mother Earth and Father Sky see things as they are and as they will be. Not how those in power want them or will them to be. “The Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” … Chief Seattle These quotes describe how the Earth was a majestic and healthy world in the vastness of the universe; before those in power began to rip the spirit of nature from our very souls. “The Great Spirit is in all things; he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our father, but the Earth is our mother. She nourishes us; that which we put into the ground she returns to us.” … Big Thunder, Wabanaki Algonquin “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more.” … John Burroughs “The trees are our lungs, the rivers our circulation. The air our breathe and the Earth our body.” … Deepak Chopra And finally, these quotes by various people who have indigenous blood coursing through their veins: “Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone and often. The Great Spirit will listen, only if you speak.” “Search for yourself, by yourself. Don’t allow others to create your path for you. It’s your road and yours alone. Others might walk it with you, but nobody can walk it for you.” “Nature is not for us, but a part of us. Animals, plants and every other living creature are all part of our worldly family. Nature should be left to thrive and flourish, not victimized by humanity’s narcissism, insanity, and obsession with conquering all that does not bend to our will. Aka; the God Complex.” Note: To the Lakota, nature is sacred and holds inherent spiritual significance. They perceive the natural world as an embodiment of the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, and believe that all living beings, including plants, trees, animals, and humans possess a spirit of essence. This spiritual connection fosters a deep respect and reverence for the natural world, guiding the Lakota’s interactions with their environment. So, when the wealthiest of the global elites use climate engineering to control the environment and turn the weather into a force that destroys all life on this planet. The Lakota believe that the Great Spirit will bond with those who devote their lives to protecting nature and exposing the destroyers of the environment. Nature is the keeper of the soul to everything that is alive, and this Lakota belief is exactly what drives the spirit of people like Dane, and everyone here to vanquish the destroyers, by somehow finding a way to extinguish the fuse to extinction being lit by the geoengineering insanity in our skies.

    1. Bravo Brother Eden You put into words what is carved into my Heart.

      You Know the score: Creation 1 mankind 0

      Mankind Has done NO – thing to improve anything in Nature

      She is our Mother. The best we can do is to live in harmony with Her.

      That will Please Him = Creator Great Spirit

    2. Beautiful and wise sentiments you share with us Eden. I am not of Native American heritage but when I was in my late teens, perhaps early 20's the phrase "Why Kill Nature, Its All We Have Left" came to me. I have pondered this ever since. Its magical to feel a kinship with all life on this magnificent planet- even one as small as an insect to the largest whales in the ocean; trees, wind and all the birds and animals in between. I also ponder if perhaps in a previous incarnation I did belong to a tribe of Native peoples. That would be nice!

  11. This goes out to brother Gary Morrow.

    Gary, the posts regarding heat index values for Dallas, TX are current and real time temperature and humidity readings. I never use the data set that records the highest and lowest humidity readings for any given 24-hour period. I do not use the highest humidity for that day and the highest temperature for the peak heating period in the afternoon and early evening. I use the current temp and humidity as shown on the weather forecast app for any given city.

    What you must understand is that almost the entire state of Texas is effected by what’s termed a “Vapor Dispersion Flow”, and not just the gulf coastline. Everywhere but the Panhandle and far west Texas sees the wind come out of the SE nearly 300 days of the year, and what lies directly to the SE of that state? Yep, the Gulf of Mexico and it’s record high surface temperatures.

    When you have a body of water that has hot water on the surface and much cooler water below, unlike other areas like Chesapeake Bay or San Fransico Bay. Then you add in the AMOC or Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to that equation. You end up with constant and widespread evaporation or heavily latent moisture in the air (saturated water vapor) that gets picked up by the southeasterly winds and they disperse it across the state of Texas.

    If you have never visited or lived in Texas, then you wouldn’t understand exactly how humid it gets, and not just in the overnight hours either. Just like New Orleans or Albany, Georgia and other gulf coast states with predominantly southerly winds.

    It's extremely rare to ever see humidity levels drop below 28% where I lived in Texas, and before I moved here to South Dakota, I experienced temperatures above 110 degrees for nearly the entire months of July and August in 2023. AND the humidity on some of those days stayed above 65% when the temperatures peaked between 4:00 and 7:00 pm. While at night the temperatures remained above 90 degrees, and the humidity shot up to between 75 and 90%.

    So, trust me when I say that I’m not “Taking the high temperature for the day and combining it with the highest humidity reading for the day and calculate a heat index reading from that.” As you mentioned. I use real-time, current readings every time. I’ve lived it and the numbers I post don’t shock me, but they do bring back horrible memories.

    Try to endure just one day where the heat index surpasses 183 degrees, and you would fully understand why I try to expose the truth about why millions of Americans are needlessly being forced into having to survive deadly wet bulb conditions. When there could be emergency systems in place like “Dangerous Heat Weather Amber Alerts” or weather forecasters and weather apps that tell and display the REAL numbers. So, people could prepare for the deadly heat just as they do for tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards and floods.

    Extreme heat kills more people (mostly children, teenagers and the elderly) than tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards and floods combined. But the federal government chooses to cover up the deadly wet bulb conditions across the country and refuses to allow governors to declare a state of emergency during extended periods of extreme heat.

    I’m simply trying to change that the only way I know how. I send all the data from my “heat index” posts to state representatives and governors in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, and South Carolina.

    So far, I have yet to receive a single reply or response to my emails and letters. Even though some of those governors tried to declare a state of emergency and were denied by FEMA. They have evidently been issued gag orders recently, similar to the ones given to meteorologists by Raytheon (again, authorized by FEMA).

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