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Mainstream media decides what we are informed about and what not. A major climate engineering awareness event took place on August 14th in Redding, California. There were approximately 1000 in attendance with people coming from as far away as Ohio and Alaska. There were former government scientists, former defense industry personnel, former military, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. So why didn't the primary newspaper in the area not say a single word about this event? In this episode I also cover the impact the collapsing biosphere is having on global economies, this is the descent into a total paradigm shift. Fires are scorching the planet and methane is thawing and releasing into the atmosphere. We face converging catastrophes from countless directions, the sooner we face reality, the better our odds will be.
Dane Wigington



60 Responses

  1. Anyone in Hamilton Ontario area? Well if you watch CHCH news and listen to B.Wood the weatherman tell everyone about the weather. You will note he tells you about Rain, Fog, and how the Clouds are Named. Well the Media there is totally falsifying what this really is and where it actually comes from. 

    Just get up early in the morning and watch them try to block the Sun with all the Chemical Persistant Trails.

    Its not rocket science to figure that one out.

    Slowly but surely poisoning the planet.

    Forget about Fukushima. These idiots up in those Jets and Planes are spraying you with Tritium most likely. Along with all the other Chemicals they add in the mix.

  2. Rachel, Hau Kola! Or as we say in Abenaki, Kwai Kwai! I wanted to comment to your great post below but couldn't find a Reply button so will post it here. You are right, it depends on the tribe! Abenaki is pretty peaceful – we are into social services here in the Northeast. But it does take a certain stubborn attitude to continue on trying to inform the willfully ignorant – that we can be thankful for! – Nicole

  3. Regarding Mr. Lyons and The Searchlight, it is confirmation the old ways of thinking, and doing, are in denial of the truth.  Corporate-owned printed media, is a dying communication due to its unwillingness to inform its readers, without bias. 

    Rather than focus on their resistance, for whatever reason (rigid thinking, fear of losing one's job, willing instruments in the perpetration of lies) it is best to move forward and leave those (asleep) alone- till they choose to wake up.

    Much work needs to be done.  Check's in the mail.



    1. Hello Nina, though I do agree disinformation trolls are best left alone, a newpaper editor is another matter. People that are controlling the flow of critical information against the intrests of the public should be spotlighted and exposed.

    2. Dane: 
      I resoundingly second the motion! 

      And may I add:
      COINTELPRO-"Lite," i.e., a New-Generation pogrom, er, PROGRAM, of "Kinder, Gentler" trolls who politely and gently remind us that we "need" to take "well-deserved" rests, "step down" (my personal favorite), ignore obvious shills in positions of public discourse and the like, etc., just ain't gonna shut folks like mee up, either.

  4. At approximately 9:45 into this broadcast, Mr. Wigington introduces us to a reply he received from Mr. Silli-ass Lyons of the Record Searchlight:

    It is interesting that Mr. Lyons' entire response is nearly word for word the same response I've heard from other local newspaper editors and alleged "journalists". It is obvious these are canned responses, and that a primary conspiracy of media silence is well under way.

    One of the most disturbing elements I see in all this canned subterfuge, is that these fools seem unaware that they are willfully pounding nails into their own coffins. At 10:24 > 'consequences and grave ethical questions'? A GRAVE question indeed Mr. Lyons. That's where you're headed, along with your political handlers and "editorial" policies. Also at 10:37 > 'present day conspiracies'? Oh please Mr. Lyons! No natural teeth left? Just gum away at the fat? You are an Asshole…

    People can speculate all they wish regarding underground bunkers for the elite, etc. Don't drink the kool-aid. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will survive on an Earth that's gone Venus syndrome.

    With over 400 nuclear reactors world-wide (which take years to safely decommission) it is absolutely certain that these reactors will go thermal if the power grid becomes unstable. Are the "elite" going to duck for cover for the next 4.468 BILLION years?

    Just for fun Mr. Lyons (with no teeth): Let's look at Radionuclide decay rates to half-life values:

    Beta emissions:
    Strontium-90 = 28.5 years
    Thallium-204 = 3.78 years
    Carbon-14 = 5730 years
    Tritium = 12.32 years

    Alpha emission only:
    Polonium-210 = 138.376 days
    Uranium-238 = 4.468 billion years

    Multiple radiation emitters:
    Cesium-137 = 30.1 years
    Americium-241 = 432.2 years

    Maybe the scientists who calculated these values are all "conspiracy theorists", eh?

    1. Paul:
      Re:  Scientists as "conspiracy theorists:"  Yeah, they probably are now– especially in light of the FACT that the Nuclear Ghouls actually RAISED the levels of what was previously thought to be "safe" levels of exposure, meaning you're now perfectly safe getting exposed to even higher levels of ionizing radiation since "they" raised the numbers of what is safe– right before the "earth quake" and tsunami that destroyed the cooling capacity at Fukushima-Daiichi reactors–  Coincidentally, I'm sure, but then again, that would make me a "Coincidence Theorist," now, wouldn't it?

  5. Did hurricane Danny get disintegrated by some form of geoengineering?  It sure seems like it to me.  It seemed like it was because about 4 days ago they had 'predicted' it was going to decrease.  I know it's possible for it to decrease, but it was travelling over open, very warm water.  Seems like it would have grown very large.  And coupled with their odd 'predictions' that it would decrease.  They really won't let another hurricane stir up all that Coerexit still at the bottom of the gulf.  Any thoughts?

    1. Would a hurricane stir up the COREXIT, or at least the oil that spewed forth?  Seems entirely plausible. 

      Where did all that oil go?

      Where did the COREXIT go??

      How does it break down in real life out in the ocean? 

      Any chemistry professionals out there got an answer here for us?

      Have there been any follow up studies done about this area and how it's faring since the one from U. C. Berkeley came out about the spill?



    2. I have a friend in Louisiana.  He used to live in New Orleans a long time ago and still a favorite place of his.  Says the fish are fine, food is fine, that a little oil just makes it go down better!!!!  Makes me want to tear my hair out and I have a lot of hair.  Clueless about geo-engineering, and apparently about Coerexit!!!??!!??   How can that be?  Full grown man with land and kids, major source of Native literature and a magazine.  "Nature lover"-hopelessly blind I guess.  Guess TPTB want to keep the blindness going.  Guess your guess is right!  And, it is working.  The blind one claims fish are great there, and wildlife too.  WTF??!!  Like being suckered by a magician, i.e.:BP oil-with the "help" of HAARP. 

    3. About oceans of dead fish, and persons who need new suits: >

      More EPA nonfeasance: Nonfeasance =

      n. the failure of an agent (employee) to perform a task he/she has agreed to do for his/her principal (employer), as distinguished from "misfeasance" (performing poorly) or "malfeasance" (performing illegally or wrongly). (See: misfeasance, malfeasance) >

      Environmentalists Sue EPA Over Dead Zone in Gulf of Mexico


      The EPA needs to drown…

  6. As a newbie here I haven't seen happen – and someone please point me to the discussion(s) if I missed it -is to address the fact that the cities are not going to get better.  The cities are unsaveable.  Period.  The agenda will be fulfilled.  It is time to discuss exodus.

    Especially in the eastern part of the nation.You've got the majority of the population perhaps 1,000 miles or more from most food production sources.  There used to be lots of railroads but now all the sustenance comes by truck.  Given a genuine national emergency (ahem) the first thing to go down is individualized transportation.  The trucks will stop rolling when they're told.  I hear all this about stocking up and being prepared.  We're talking about a nation of whom a significant fraction of the population could not make biscuits from scratch for a million dollars.  People who wouldn't know how to dig a cathole if the electricity went out, let alone find their way to any perennial source of water.  Clueless, urbanized, industrialized people who can't even figure out to look up.  No matter how well anyome prepares, if you're surrounded by a couple million deranged, hungry neighbors you're sunk.  The end will be hideous and indeed it is coming.

    Think about the underground military matrix.  It is potential ingress for foreign armies.  Just like in the Bible.  Bam! one day and they come streaming out of the great transcontinental subway invading all towns.  For that matter how do we know pilots are not foreign operatives?  Or ROKs?  North Korean troops are the most ferocious humans known in warfare.  The nation is pledged to a mission to destroy our republic, check it out.  All the posters and propaganda.  They would cheerfully carry out spray orders here.  

    The possibiities are endless.  The point is that the popular paradigm seems to be that Judas-At-The-Helm exercises involve turning our own against us.  They will do that too but troops could transport subterraneously from anywhere in unimagined numbers.  The elite would gladly sic their worldwide assortment of goons and spooks on their own people, count on it. The US trains and arms over 100 armies annually and that's just what we know.  Don't forget, there is a foreign power in charge of the "helm."

    These Judas-at-the-Helm exercises are about securing the vast interior.  The US is less than one percent inhabited by human dwellings in a sort of Potempkin overpopulation where so many get that impression because cities are grossly overpopulated.  However  the continent is mostly devoid of human habitation.  Since stolen from Mexico in 1848 (http://www.maps.com/ref_map.aspx?pid=11374) most of the US west has never been "settled."  It all came without infrastructure save a few WPA works.  Yes there's room for responsible, consciencious settlement for millions but the Fed has made it into their personal zoo.  While pursuing the Bureau of Land Management's claim that they have inadequate pasture for 40,000 mustangs – a tangeantantrum I'll leave for another occasion – I learned that the 11,000+ man agency controls one eighth of the US land mass.  The BLM hatched in 1946 from the defunct the Land Office which sold tracts to immigrants.  Congress, in a vast mass socialization of the nation's land restyled what was a public trust into the BLM in what might perhaps represent the greatest executive reappropriation of resources ever.  The Forest Service (not to be confused with the Park Service which manages choice touristic tidbits) controls another one eighth.  In total the executive branch holds 37% of the nation's lands including "Indian Reservations" which are a miniscule fraction of total holdings (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_land#/media/File:US_federal_land.agencies.svg).  

     It is this area where the reptiles await mass exodus from the cities.   The villains are bracing for it.  There is surely reason why they expect that mass response.

    The executive branch/defense matrix barely knows what's out there   for the most part.  Now they are dispatching troops to get to know it.  They're waiting for the masses.  But having traversed the country north/south several times in the past couple of years I can guarantee they couldn't get a man on all that ground if they had a billion of them (every person on earth would fit into the state of Florida).  It's time for people to get acquainted with the vast interior, 99% governed by coyotes and raptors.  It would be good to demand leased land from the BLM and Forest Service.  They do it for the corporations.  Study the Mexican Revolution of 1927.  Octavio Paz called it the revolution without propaganda.  The ruling class couldn't get it.  What, they want to go do "slave labor" tilling the soil?  But 90% indigenous Mexico loved the land.  No campaigns were necessary.  Give us back the land. And they got it.  Take note.

    1. Another great post horsegirl!  It made me think about what one of the current Hollywood obsessions is….zombies.  What I think is going on with it all, is a desensitization,  a mass hypnosis, yet another 'word magic' illusion of sorts.  I believe what all the shows are displaying to us, is that WE,  the common folk ARE  the zombies, and the heroes are the elite jerks.   It's like they are laughing at us, because many of us believe we are the heroes.  I truly believe the elite class views we 'serfs' as zombies.

    2. Horsegirl, it seems like you already know how this game is gonna play. Taking advice seriously. Stocking up in the woods and prepared to fight. Although I am not delusional. I know we probably won't win. It's like the future is written in stone. Except that your last lines gave me hope. Everyone has to remember in these times we are all indigenous

      Speaking of stone, could you scratch your words in it so that maybe, future survivors will know how we felt at this time.

      Thank you for your knowledge. I love your posts.

    3. Hello horsegirl: Many good points made in your post. But "Survival" reality is much worse than most are willing to comprehend. > The potential for nuclear power plants surging from an unstable grid condition is a nasty beast to consider. The collective hive to manifest a huge shift from these delusional perceptions of the end times. There will more than likely be a major economic and societal collapse, because the sheeple so piously prayed to the gods of Chaos these last 2500 years. I guess they figured the specie may as well plan ahead…

      An economic collapse means total collapse in food distribution, industrial production, and energy disruption. But those conditions do not specify a fatal condition for the planet, even though we (as a specie) will be erased from the future. The real problem is 400+ abandoned nuclear power plants going into thermal runaway. If even half-a-dozen nuclear plants go into China Syndrome, it's game over for the planet. Leaving 400+ nuclear reactors to their own whims is not a good way to leave things, even if we plan on leaving anyway… So. > The primary objective for all humanity at this time should be to systematically shut down and permanently retire all nuclear power plants before our little Armageddon tea party gets the best of us. The dreamy and technically challenged New Age sheeple need to sober up and stop being so pathetic. Nuclear devices need to be shut down, period. Ain't anyone out there coming to bail out our leaky industrial boat.

      Instability in Nuclear Reactors http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CoNP/3instability.html

  7. Hello Dane and Friends,

    We were pounded with this Toxic S–T worse than I've ever seen today 8-23-15, even with all the smoke filled air here in south central Washington state. 

    ;We need to have a gathering and go to these airfields and have a revolution! If we can organize enough people to be in this fight they could not ignore us any longer. I have alerted every outlet I can think of to get this exposed only to feel stonewalled. Local and state government, news centers, weather reporters, you name it, it seems they are all in on this cover up.  It seems people are in a complete fog. I myself am having memory difficulty.

    We are so grateful for the work you do. Thank God for you Dane.

    1. ISI, or ISIS, or ISIL– WHO CARES?  They're all the same– "They" have even been "hinting" very heavily now to your face on National Propaganda Radio (that would be NPR to YOU) that these confusing-sounding-on-purpose legion of names may in fact all the same animal ("..huh? oh, er, uh, we THINK they MIGHT BE!!"), but what's most likely common to all is that they are all powered up by a heady combination of CIA, MI6 and Mossad energies using typical tell-tale Psy-ops and False Flags designed to Move The People around, like little dumb pieces on Zee-Big's Grand Chessboard–  Oh, The Glory of It ALL!!

      Think:  Al-Qaeda, which, FYI, was simply a list of Who We Don't Like Right Now compiled by CIA, essentially a moveable target populated by many organizations whom, amazingly "we," the U.S., trained.  That's why it was called "Al-Cee-Eye-Ae-Duh."  Seriously. 

      Get informed.  Read the definition of PSY-OPS and memorize.  Cuz there's lots of that goin' on all around… you might even step on it..


  8. About the refugees crises in Europe i hear in manistream Media that this massive migration  ,"invasion" or  "exodus" (the terms used) is tactic from ISIL do destabilize western world(they say they are the smugglers that are traficking this people on the boats)).Then i hear some common people saying how dangerous this massive migration can be to bring terrorists inside Europe and other countries. I have two doubts about these 2  opinions :

    first: what kind of  tactic is this that Will put Europeans against  middle East people and probably against any other places of  immigration ?We alreadty have a economical /financial /social crisis in europe and we all know that Europe don´t know how is it possible to deal with so much numbers of refugees ,germany is already giving the first signs of  tensions and this will  "crack" sooner or later .Germany was already dealing with immigration coming from other countries including us from the  the South of Europe (?).This would be a "good" tactic  to  who?

    second: Now no western government (specially british ,french ,german and our friend USA) are afraid of these people entering in European borders witth no control ?No fear of terrosrists among these people anymore?  so many security measures because of IS on airports and so many people arrested as terrorists (everybody were a potential terrorist) and now the police is so scared/cautious  (sometimes kill inocents just for fear ),tough and prepared to find terrorists everywhere  (even among their own populations) and now the way they deal with this migration is like a child`s  play? (police trying to catch them and them running or bringing them ashore).something here makes no sense to me everytime i remenber all the measures about  plane´s security ,about all the suspicious people arrested in several countries or even the Charlie abedoin france and wave of indignation and fear of new attacks everywhere)…Something is very wrong in this western  logical!!!! 

    what can we expect from this Mr. slias ? i guess he must be now the one who decide what is good or bad or important or not important to the community,not you people from the community !  cause he must be an expert on geoegineering ,a climate scientist ,a medical doctor or a  nº1 expert  about environment .He just can be all this to have the power to silence all these people present in this event on 14 th of August in Redding!…he is expecting people to be so ignored that people will give up one of these days -the "good" democracy!(not violent)…did they covered any human testings before or any environmental testings before in history(when they were ocurring)? I don´t think so! …what can we expect from this people that hold certain chief positions  ? just stupidity and ignorance from the minors can be controlled by the bigger ones or  those in power! Sad to hear about the same atitude for the same person/journal  .when he/they will learn to be a "little" more democratic ????I´m with you Dane!



    1. Hello Ana, Rachel, Nicole, Dennie, and other great commentors: I very much enjoy your comments, and also the way you interact with one another on this site. Reader interaction and attention to comment details, are the only way these dire topics will see the light of day in other public forums. Copy and paste often…

      The melt-down of European culture (due to "immigration") is very much part of a long-term United Nations agenda to destabilize society and cause civil chaos. The United Nations (NATO, etc.) are trade and banking mafia elements, period. ALL players in the UN are war criminals by definition, and they have a track record to prove it. ALL UN "actors" need to be arrested for crimes against humanity and thrown into prison for the rest of their lives…

      The information suggested below is why strong LEGAL actions are the only way out of the morbid mess these bastards have perpetuated since 1947:

      The obvious yet publicly denied Deep State… https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Deep_state

    2. Hello Paul.Thanks for your comment and for the link.i make my words the ones from Irene. This deep State is what rules us in reality ! Many times things are not so simple as it seems in our naive /blind view … but that´s the short view  that is thought to us in our schools/families/society and we are forced to live in a world like this and forced to go in the same direction where all the others go (yet with their minds closed) even when we don´t agree and we want to go in the opposite direction and  all this is very frustrating…I´m thankful  for having Dane and people like you all here in this site. I feel less alone!Thanks again !

    3. Hi Ana, Dennie M. answered this one perfectly.  The total lack of reporting about the Big Event in Redding.  I mean, if it had been a music event, anything that might attract 1,000 people in Redding, that would have been covered.  It is not the news's job to report only what they understand, what they agree with.  Supposedly it is their job to report the news, and this was the local news, big time.  Did not Redding benefit from this influx of people?  I mean money as in hotels/motels, restaurants, gas, etc.  I'm guessing it is not common for Redding to have such an event.  Another case of what you don't see may hurt you. So, this idiot is an idiot, and City Managers may be interested in how lack of news in this case, may affect future monies for Redding.  I mean even a bullshit article would have been better than nothing, would have been expected perhaps.  Nothing equals no money in Redding's future.   You'd think they'd think about that.

      Cripes but I'm getting tired of ISIL's news space, endless ISIL stuff which I just can't help but think a red flag , false flag event of our own invention-not unlike how we armed the Taliban to begin with.  Yup, the US is stirring the pot.  Efforts to destabilize Europe.  To scare everyone into a war, more war, war all my long life now.  Bored!

      I remember when the Berlin wall came down, how cool, how thrilling, millions of Russians wanted their rock n' roll and blue jeans NOW!  Tired of waiting, spoiled by being raised with no men since all-very nearly-killed in WW2.  Did anybody see Paul McCartney play Red Square?  A million people showed up, grandparents, parents and kids, overwhelmed with happiness.  But ever worried Germany freaked over that immigration.  Populations have mixed and migrated in Europe and the Middle East for thousands of years.  Fleeing this, fleeing that.  I mean to the degree that people who thought the earth was flat nonetheless got on boats headed here-Hello Pilgrims.  Perhaps some of this influx will teach Germans how to smile.  Doubt it, but one can hope.  At the least, music and art will benefit-as always.

    4. Today, August 27, Power Hour Radio host Joyce Riley interviewed Texe Marrs during hour #2 to obtain his take on the immigration phenomenon that is impacting European nations as well as the United States and Canada. Marrs shared how DHS and the State Department are working together to allow tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of foreign refugees to resettle in 193 cities across the United States. These refugees are allowed to enter the country without the usual restrictions and requirements of immigrants. Moreover, they are given free housing at their new locations and all sorts of social service assistance. This little known program is radically changing the character of American cities like Kansas City and Minneapolis. With the school year just starting, many teachers are finding that most of their students are foreign-born and speak little or no English. We know that this is all by design and part of the plan to dismantle the long-held idea of a national identify. Fast forward to the 8-minute mark of the link below to listen to the broadcast with Texe Marrs.http://archives2015.gcnlive.com/Archives2015/aug15/PowerHour/0827152.mp3

  9. I like to watch Fareed Zakaria at 10AM Sunday mornings on CNN.  though I've had it with CNN by and large, Fareed seems his own man, to a large degree and the show is informative.  Today I learned that the US ranks 20th in terms of freedom.  20th!  19 other countries are more free than we are.  Almost as bad as our educational system.  Or, say, live birth rates.  Of course we here know this if not the actual computed number, but it is clear.  Fareed said something like so much for Lady Liberty as the camera went to her.  Then mentioned this is due in large part to anti-terrorism.  Hmm.  Which is worse?  Is not our lack of freedom a form of terrorism?

    Dane said in this broadcast while reading the reply he got from his local news about lack of coverage that the guy said they could not support an issue that advocates that the government is purposely trying to harm and or kill us.  Dane then said he has never said any such thing.  Really Dane?  I only bring this up by way of explaining to some degree why people will not accept this information.  It is a lot like going down the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes!  In for a penny, in for a pound.  This scares so many people.  Even though it is, in fact, all true.  Because, as Dane says, it is not just this, it is this, that and the other.  Too true and more than most can swallow.  Why?  Because people fear being ostracized.  Being thought incompetent.  Fear being considered easily lead down down down.  As if given to being easily manipulated owing to some personal flaw or belief system.  And it Is a lot of hard work if one does do the work, as most of us have done.  When the veil is pulled back, what an ugly picture, seemingly hopeless to boot.

    By the by, my landlord is an architect and he informed me that under California's green building code, coal fly ash, along with other stuff is allowed to be 20-25% of cement!!!!  Like methane, it is everywhere.  Evil is clever, eh?  Sneaky clever.  As always, just to find a way to get paid for "getting rid of" a very toxic substance.  But to call it green?  The nerve, the hubris.  Endless hubris.  And no protection from it because, we are not free.

    1. Hello Rachel, I always try to choose my words very carefull. Have I said geoengineering amounts to biological warfare? Yes. Have I said countless times that the entire planet is being contaminated? Yes. Have I ever said that the government is simply trying to poison us? To my knowledge I have not made such a statement. Semantics are very important in this battle. 

    2. Dane, like myself you've got a peaceful Indian spirit in you – and your movement is truth and understanding. I don't think it's any secret at all that is why you are allowed to continue to speak out – because you do chose your words and mission carefully. But I do hope you will continue to allow your audience to speak their minds about the way we see it. I am not afraid to flat out remark that this rogue government is quite intentionally committing omnicide. They know the planet is dying from this spraying campaign. Regardless of how or why it was started, it is clear as day that the spraying is killing life. And since we know they are not stupid, we can only take as fact that they realize they are killing everything that breathes. I came to that conclusion a long time ago. It is intentional. They are culling a population of people, animals, insects, trees, and microbes. And why would we have any trouble believing this to be so when we look all around us and see nothing but nuclear contamination and military occupation? Are they known for their great decision making and goodwill? Absolutely not! 

      I would say that "it's going to take a revolution" but citizens tried that back in the 60's and 70's. It was infiltrated by the FBI as you know – see the COINTELPRO series. This is their objective, to stifle any form of descent – which is why the media is owned by the Rockefellers, why we have the Trilateral Commission and why you will not find mainstream news on geoengineering. 

      I'm not advocating violence. I'm not saying every member of our government is corrupt. But let us get the whole truth out there. This is intentional omnicide, and nothing short of it. 


    3. Hello Nicole, what I have tried to point out is simply this, we are in a grand game of chess, the more effectively we play, the better our outcome will be. The agendas behind climate engineering are many and complex, we must always keep this in mind. All is not going accordig to plan for those in power, they are not an invincible force as so many assume.

  10. Here's how I know how everything is dying.  For thirty four years every summer I suffered severe  allergies to rag weed, last year it was minimal and this year it's even less.  At this point I am not betting on people waking up until they hit rock bottom, unfortunately we humans learn the hard way.  Thank you Dane for your perseverance, please take care of yourself and enjoy as much time as you can with your family, at this point I believe we are in the hands of the higher powers.  Bless you! 

    1. Here's How You can tell everything's dying:  Just by looking.  Actually looking, for God's sake– what an idea!  Trees and plants that look spindly with lots droopy, dull, or yellow and brown, or actually crackly burnt-looking leaves ARE NOT HEALTHY.  Sheesh.  THESE ARE EVERYWHERE– WHERE ON EARTH do people LIVE–???

  11. The incredible cowards, who refuse to speak out and refuse to cover the unfolding geoengineered omnicide, have sealed their own fate and that of their children. The raw inhumanity of those turning their backs on life out of cowardice is so tragic, it makes my stomach sick.

    Thank God in Heaven for you, Dane.

    1. Just wanted to say thank you Paul. I will check out that link. They have taken everything from us but our truth, morals and human decency, and these are things they have never possessed and it appears they never shall. They can't seem to get their hands on it. 

    2. Nichole, Hau Kola!  Thanks for having my back in the above above, and ditto what you said, and ditto on this!  It does appear that we've become a nation of cowards!  What peaceful Indian spirit?  Sorta joking but largely not.  Might depend on the tribe.  Ours, warriors, not far removed from that reality.  My daughter's father a natural born warrior with no war to fight, never fit in.  Was killed 4 years ago.  My daughter goes nuclear in a nano second.  Sure, some peaceful Moments.  I was back there in '75 when all hell broke loose, 2 Feds shot and killed.  Trudell's family burned alive by goons.  It is dangerous to be Indian.  Our rez is not known for peace.  Yet some of my in-laws have done well as things go, others, not so much!  Things are better, slightly.  The poverty is overwhelming.  Main events are funerals.  I'd love to hear more about yours' and how many believe about geo-engineering?  My sister in law claims to never have seen a chemical trail!  Sun Dance is over.  All did well despite high UV ratings-I was concerned about that.  But all went well! And winter coming soon-maybe.  I'd move back in a heart beat, but I'd die.  Still, I love it so.  70 mile round trip to a grocery store!!!!  For years before my man was killed, he kept going on and on about a vision he had.  Said we were all gonna burn, end of the world.  Would not shut up about it.  When he died, we thought, well, end of his world.  Now I am haunted by his vision.  He was a traditional.  Never sold his land, lived in abject poverty, but never gave in-but to alcohol.  His undoing.  R

    3. Hello Rachel Robson: John Trudell is one of the most articulate and inspired persons I've ever encountered. I remembered him well from his interviews on Alcatraz island long ago, then discovered his music and poetry years later. John has the warrior/shaman/story-teller Spirit all rolled into one. That's why the FBI burned down his home, and murdered his entire family. Warriors like John Trudell and Russell Means scare the hell out of stupid ghouls in political suits. The dumb shits are too stupid to bow before superior intellects…

      One of the last true Lakota leaders. Russell Means – Welcome To The Reservation


    4. Hey ya, Paul:  Keep those links to great articles comin' on through!
      Nicole, Rachel:  Hi! 
      Wishing we could all meet up for coffee sometime.  Yes, it's lonely knowing these realities, but it's certainly been a whole heck of a lot less lonely when we have one another here:)
      In so many ways…
      Thank YOU, Dane!!!

  12. I just found this opinion editorial from Lyin' Silas, er. SILAS LYONS, in which he goes on and on about his love for the forest, his wanting his own kids to grow up and experience the beauty, then laments thusly:

    "The thing about these fires that gets to you is their damned tenacity. They just keep coming."
    Here's the link to the full article:  http://scripps-cms.endplay.com/web/redd/opinion/columnists/silas-lyons/silas-lyons-an-inferno-of-our-own-making_77384509

    This is beyond "mystifying–" IT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!

    YOU say you "love" the forest, but you REFUSE to acknowledge the ongoing geo-engineering programs and excellent research scientifically proven to show the presence of massive amounts of aluminum particulates in Shasta County snow and rainfall. 
    Lyin' Silas, KNOW THIS FACT:

    1. Heh, heh… Maybe Silas needs a bit o' this shoved up his ass: >

      Some thermite-like mixtures are used as pyrotechnic initiators such as fireworks.
      Thermites with nanosized particles are described through a variety of terms, such as metastable intermolecular composites, super-thermite,[3] nano-thermite,[4] and nanocomposite energetic materials.[5][6]"
      A small 4th of July rocket with a nice green tracer would be lovely…

  13.  I had a revelation awhile back about yet another possible agenda behind geoengineering. And it's not a pretty one, folks. I don't claim to be the only doofus to have ever thought of this but here goes: Between 1946 (end of second war) and 1964 is commonly considered to be the baby boom period. There were 76 million "boomers" born during those years, which is, in and of itself, astounding! Lotta you-know-what going on! Many of us recall George W.'s bright idea to "privatize" social security. Better rate of return on the funds, so they said, to insure longevity of the program, which is allegedly in danger of failing due to the massive boomer numbers soon to be drawing on it. Which, of course, was a thinly veiled attempt to place ALL of the social security treasure in the markets, expose all of us hard-working boomers to the vulnerabilities inherent within the markets, so that the asswipes on Wall Street could scheme a way to steal it, and by doing so, rob the S.S. fund blind and create social havoc on a scale unimaginable. Unbelievably, Jeb Bush has recently said that the next President must try again to privatize. Are you f**king kidding me? Well, since W met with so much bipartisan resistance, and the idea was canned, the issue is still a hotly debated one and likely will be an issue in the '16 race. Oh!!! But wait!!! The Elite asswipes have a solution! Who's most susceptible to infirmity and/or life-threatening health issues? BOOMERS!! How about we (the geoengineers) spray the hell out of them, on the idea that they will be the first to sicken and die and VOILA!!! Just look at how many billions will be saved by eliminating as many boomers as possible from the payroll! I mean, 76 million people coming of age "all at once" and placing massive strain upon the health care industry AND upon the government's ability to fulfill it's obligation to us, is apparently construed as an insurmountable problem. Just spray 'em like roaches, til they go toes up and the Elite guttersnipes will then have plugged the leak in the dam, saving countless billions for other governmental activities such as infrastructure rehabilitation, renewable energy projects, free energy projects, "water" car technology, anti-gravity technology for commercial flight, etc, etc. 
    All kidding aside, I really am convinced that the idea to shave off as many millions of boomers as possible by geoengineering us to death is not as far-fetched as it may sound. Anyone see the Deagal.com report on the USA population estimates for 2025? Could this really be yet ANOTHER AGENDA, another one of the many onion-skins the Elite assholes have wrapped around geoengineering? I wouldn't put anything past the guys behind all this diabolical mayhem.

    1. One last thing. Apparently I created quite a stir when I had the audacity to offer free DVD's and flyers on geoengineering at a recent local contra-dance. (Google it) Many hundreds of people involved in the dance community caught wind of my ploy and as far as I'm concerned, mission accomplished! Yes, some were annoyed, some were interested, some were ambivalent. But it got the topic out in front of hundreds and got many wondering what in the world is Marc doing, involving himself in this stuff. 

    2. I receive Social Security.  I also pay $$200 a month into Medicare.  Many don't realize recipients must pay something for medical coverage. Social Security is a TRUST FUND.  It is not an entitlement program except that those of us who had payroll monies by law removed from our pay checks have a bonofide contract with the Feds to pat out of that fund a small life support pension to keep seniors from starving to death. Baby Bush wanted that fund for his Wall Street constituency.  He said the filing cabinets are stuffed with IOUs.  Yes, those IOUs represent the surplus funds pilfered to finance the Viet Nam castrophe.  Still SS is in reasonably good shape until 2033 as I understand it.  Had Baby Bush gotten his way, the 2008 Wall Street swindle would have wiped out this essential life support for seniors.  Meanwhile the skies above Mendocino  County were blitzkreiged(sp) for a couple hours today.  Never have I seen so many jets spraying from every direction.  They came, they saw, they sprayed, and they disappeared for the day.  No more jets around but weird spidery alien appearing synthetic clouds.  Often, when I reduce the UV glare these clouds have the appearance of strange looking caricatured beings.  Of course they are not.  Still, the fantastic shapes should alert any observant person that the weather is in drought because of these fake creations.

    3. Hi Marc – I always love reading your comments, you sound a lot like me!  I have researched and studied all these topics we have mentioned here and there for decades.  I believe the eugenics idea you are talking about truly does exist.  Eugenics is real, many leaders at the top have admitted it, and are not ashamed at saying most of us need to die so they can live in a golden age.   One thing that scares the heck out of me is this whole "divine right" bullcrap that the elites truly believe.  That whole bloodline BS.  We common folk think its stupid, but the elite of the elite 100% do believe in it, and use their means to keep it.  People have to understand that these psychopaths truly want most of us dead.  We must remain positive in this fight, for what does evil want?  Good people to do nothing.  Thats just fine by them.  And that is exactly why there are SO many distractions.  Its why there are so many people, SO brainwashed into not believing that ANY conspiracies exist.  It blasts them out of their comfy worldview.  And it scares them.  Fear.  Its all about Fear.  What is SO evil about this whole mental state most are in, is that they are the ones defending their own mental/emotional/spiritual jail cells.  And they defend it with conviction.  Ever noticed that?  The Matrix movie really is a great metaphor as to what is going on in our world.

    4. Hello Marc and interested persons: If you refer to the Dunn & Bradstreet numbers on this document, at least you'll know which corporation to sue. >
      US Corp. and some Agencies Duns Numbers used to impersonate the lawful government of the American people. | Scanned Retina – A Resource for the People

    5. Cull the excess human herd or as a former secretary of state refers to as " useless eaters ", Whatever term is used, you have pretty much nailed the added bonus to the Elites Plan .

    6. Hello Nathan, as I mentioned to Marc, there is much more to what is unfolding in our skies, not just “this or that”, rather, all the above.

    7. Hello Marc,yes, there are indeed many layers to the insanity. Though the euginics factor cannot be denied, there are numerous other primary elements to what is going on. The desperate and highly destructive attempt so address mass methane release is major part of the issue as well ( the geoengineers are making a bad situation far worse overall). It is important that we avoid trying to put the climate engineerig insanity into any single catagory, there are many. Those in power know the ship is going down, and on the current course they will go with us.

  14. The Anti-GeoEngineerng movement suffers as a result of "willful blindness," as do many movements of Truth and issues the Controlled Media does not wish to address.

    Willful Blindness is a legal term that can and will be used against those in government, the scientific community, academia and media that have been complicit in the cover-up of GeoEngineering and the associated crimes against humanity.

    1. Hello Ralph Ely: It's been an honor to read your comments, and good to see you in support of the 8-15-2015 efforts. Here's a bit of U.S. Code regarding criminal focus: >
      18 U.S. Code § 2 – Aiding and Abetting – Principals
      (a)Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.
      (b)Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal.
      Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2

  15. Thanks Dane, Thanks geoengineeringwatch.org , 

    Our situation is so incredibly devastatingly shocking  , but we can and shall stop this.
    Sound the alarm everywhere you can with irrefusable scientific evidence. Never be afraid to be ridiculed people, for every 9 people who simply wont be awakened there will be one that will enter the fight, I just send out a study on  aluminium being related to alzheimers raging statistics to the dutch alzheimers research foundation (with geoengineering explaination, if needed, included).
    Keep doing what you are doing people!!! , and to dane , I respect you immensely and You give me and tens of thousands of people the courage to stand up to the powerstructure, thousands will become millions eventually if we just keep our heads up !!  

    1. I appreciate your sentiment Mike and I too want this to stop with every fiber in my being. I spend a lot of my time educating those around me about geoengineering and pleading with others to speak out. But when questioned in depth, I will tell you what my heart feels on this matter. We clearly have corruption in every sector of this government who is spraying us. They have done it in the past and they have gotten away with it. They will continue to get away with it and the only thing that can stop this is if the pilots themselves stand down – and with drones being the new evil tactic even then it may not stop. As long as this evil wishes to persist, it will – and nothing short of God will prevent it. I've quoted Chris Hedges before and will again – "We don't fight fascists because we expect to win. We fight them because they are fascists". We live our lives upright, truthful and moral because it is the right way to live and to die. We will all be judged for what we have done, and I don't want my spirit to be demolished because of the evil that has taken over this planet.

      Speak out.

      Hold tight to your families – and may God have mercy on us all.

    2. Nicole, about the substance we formerly knew as "Air":  It's beyond baddass-BAAAD everywhere you go now.  It actually has a TEXTURE and a FLAVOR to it– mm-mmm-GOOD! Crunchy AIR, again today!!!

      The S.F. Bay Area was wearing Blue 'n' White Plaid all day long yesterday and again today, and tonight we have NO fog, no cool breezes, and it's getting hot-hot-HOT again, "They" gotta keep on pushin' that damned jet stream NORTH, ya know– the Ridiculously Resistant Ridge of high pressure– I just wanna toss my cookies whenever I hear THAT!

      I honestly think a lot of the tanker jets left spraying us are doing so via remote controlled flight– these Bad Boys don't even have real pilots doing the flyin', naaah, just a bunch of little kiddies playin' video games, off in a nice air-conditioned control room somewhere out in the "Vast Interior," no doubt… you know, the one we're all supposed to go soon.. hmmm.. like, YEE-AAAAHHH, man!

  16. If four or five pieces of good evidence won't sway a jury, neither will 400 or 500 pieces.  This is what former LAPD detective Michael C. Ruppert wrote early on in his 2004 magnum opus, Crossing the Rubicon:  The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, which enjoyed a top spot on the NY Times Best-Seller list for quite a long number of weeks and a copy of which is in the business library at Harvard University.  Check it out.  Good folks (and bad, too):  FYI:  AD HOMINEM "argumentation" still is not admissible "evidence" in any court of law, anywhere– Sheesh– how far down the Stoopid Index will Uhmeruhkunz go–??
    Looking out my front window here on Sunday, August 23rd we clearly see whispy chemically-induced mare's tail clouds and the ubiquitous Tic-Tac-Toe of Blue 'n' White PLAID skies.  I'd like to put a live web cam on the sky over Marin County to show time-lapse Chem-Sky-Writing Theater prominently and brazenly framing Mt. Tamalpais, but the sheeple really do not even think to notice.  No one sees the distressed trees and nobody's paying attention to the increasing number of cars with burnt paint.  Both of my vintage Volvos have had the clear coat scorched off, nobody has the intellectual curiosity to ask "why," and all of those who've bought into the Status Quo and are thus heavily invested in the Infinite Economic Growth Paradigm, just judge you to be Poor (your Skin Color here) Trash when they see this, on your car. They are sooo incurious.  NOT ONE PERSON has asked what could be causing this, most just remark about how much it is going to cost to repaint.
    It's chilling that there are so many in positions of public trust who show such an egregious lack of moral, intestinal (and testicular) fortitude to come out with the truth about these massive covert, yet highly visible, ongoing programs.  These people are lying right through their teeth, WE know it, and THEY KNOW WE KNOW IT. 
    At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution Adam Smith wrote that the Wealth of Nations is their natural resources.  Yet we have stooopid little people like Mark Sucker-berg of FaceCrook saying that the economy is no longer based on natural resources– weeeeell, OHH-kay, Mister smartee-pants, HOW DID YOU GET TO WORK the day you said that, huhh?? Would that have been by flying carpet, or telekinesis– ??? YOU tell ME.
    And I say to the Shilling, The trolling, The Money-Worshipping and General Idiots-in-Denial:  CONNECT THE DOTS. While you still can.
    I can only wonder:  WHY would so many "intelligent" people WANT to be on The Wrong Side of History?? WHAT IS IN IT FOR YOU????

    1. Dennie M., Whoa!  What a way with words you have!  Though the topic is so serious, I can't help but laugh, too clever by half!

    2. Hiya, Rachel: 

      Hoping you saw my Wicked Witch of the West Chem-Trail/Sky-Writing skit that appeared in the commentary from last week's radio show– gotta say, that one was but good– in which I artfully skewered what I identified as, well, apparently, a not-so-sneaky shill/troll/copywriting, Empire-worshipping propagandist toady.  Like my Magical Powers of being able to smell, feel and taste our lovely Chemical Trail Stew– I just looove it when "They" are ice-nucleating, it's just so, well, COOOL!,  I also have been blessed with Magical Powers of being able to spot these idiots coming from at least 180,000,000 light years away, they are so Effing up-front-stoopid and their Bosses are so desperate any more.  If it wasn't so pervasive I'd really just cry– what a waste of intelligence, effort and resources, to try to "fix" the planet in this way; these people are pathetic, truly pathetic.  And on and on we go, back and forth, from rage to terror to grief, until it is All Worked Out.

      I was a double major at Dominican College, music and English, now nearing the end of my useful days playing symphonic music, now trying to figure out how to make some "real" money, so I can do some remodeling here that will keep the air crap out of this house– got invaded in 2010 when the particulate spraying really ramped up, a bad experience that ultimately led to my hospitalization with a diagnosis of ventricular arrhythmia secondary to ACUTE BARIUM POISONING– how'dya like them apples? Still I do not know why the air crap is almost always bad in here– Tarrant houses have small rooms, and I have 20 windows (?!), all new, but still, 20… OY! Hoping I can get my R.E. sales license, make some money, then start to get this solved/reconfigure/super-weatherstrip here? and get back in full-time.  I am a geoengineering-programs REFUGEE.  So for me, this is really REALLY PERSONAL!  The futhermockers have pushed me out of my own house, and I want it, and my planet, BACK. NOW!

      We'll meet up for coffee in Berkeley sometime, Rachel.  I can make a lot of folks laugh if I don't make them feel insanely mad– hell, folks, FEEL SOMETHING!  The REASON that "They" keep on doing this crazy-a**ed stuff is because "THEY" DON'T FEEL ANYTHING!!!!

  17. Hello Dane, My humble gratitude to you for the tireless and most unselfish work you do and have done. I find myself not being able to think of anything else these days. I am so sad and angry at the same time, I don't know which is worse. The despair I feel is overwhelming. I live in south central Washington state and we are pounded constantly with these ugly milky silver looking TOXIC fake clouds, I counted 14 of them Friday 8-20-15 within 2 hours that blanketed our city. This INSANITY is like I'm having a terrorizing nightmare. Seeing our once beautiful earth burning up right before our eyes and these lunatics are in charge of doing this. Those responsible for this unimaginable crime need to be found and I wont say what should be done to them.

    Again my humble appreciation does not even express the gratitude I feel,
    Peace be with you and your family and may God help us all!

    1. Hello Susan, facing reality head-on is the healthiest and most productive course we can take. The more solidly we stand together in facing our challenges, the better our odds of altering the outcome for the better. No fear, only determination to stand against the collective insanity, determination to sound the alarm, determination to work toward the greater good.

    2. FEEL your feelings until they move and change– they WILL but you gotta do your homework.

  18. Dane, I really appreciate this new radio format. The amount of material you cover, all current information pertinent to what we are experiencing as a result of the climate engineering programs, helps all of us to sharpen our arrows in activism. Many thanks.

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