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Dane Wigington

"The Risks of Experimenting with the Sun" (from The New York Times). From the report: "This technology could never “restore” the climate but would further destabilize an already disturbed climate system… leading to unforeseen and irreversible ecological disasters, and severely affecting current and future generations". From ForeignAffairs.com: "The Battle Over Blocking the Sun, Why the World Needs Rules for Solar Geoengineering". The report then states: "policymakers have given little attention to the potential dangers of unilateral SAI" (stratospheric aerosol injection, AKA, jet aircraft sprayed aerosol dispersions in our skies). If we remain on the current course, our days are numbered. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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36 Responses

  1. More Earthquake Weather

    Several significant quakes reported in western NV Fri AM near Walker Lake.  Quick check of NWS satellite images show outer bands of FREAK Cold Core Low Pressure System sweeping directly over that area now.  Snow in August?

    Cold Core Low was ENGINEERED and GUIDED to target.


  2. I just took a quick glance at the Dallas forecast and it is currently 93 degrees with 50% humidity, at exactly 9:00 pm. OK, now these are the actual numbers posted on the Microsoft Weather app. It also indicates that it feels like only 90 degrees, according to their heat index calculator.

    So, no matter what the real temperature and humidity might be, these are the numbers posted for 1.3 million people to see.

    But when you use the official NOAA heat index calculator chart you end up with 102 degrees, and that is officially what it feels like in Dallas, Texas.

    That means there is a full 12 degree difference being reported… To the Downside! And this is happening across the country. But to honestly be able to fool 1.3 million people living in Dallas, and get away with it. That has to be one of the biggest con jobs in the history of  weather app reporting that I have seen to date.

    But they wouldn't possibly do this in the middle of the day, when it is 110 degrees outside, and still close to 50% humidity. Would they?

  3. Habitable to hostile, that phrase keeps repeating itself over and over in my head. Also a mention from one contributor about the difference in the sky from the past. Deep blue skies, beautiful white clouds. Not the white shit soup above these days. I've watched how they've conditioned the populace with chemtrails in TV and movies. Even children's animation. Thank you Eden for your informative contribution. Humanity needs to pull it's collective head out and wake the hell up.

  4. While the summit of Mount Shasta is expected to pick up a foot of chemically ice nucleated snow and the upper NE states are setting record lows for the month of August. Because of the same chemical ice nucleating process of manipulating the jet stream. Most of Texas is sweltering under the Raytheon induced Heat Dome and setting all time record highs that are breaking previous records set in 2023.

    That's what truthful and factual weather reporting looks like, compared to the fairy tales spun by NOAA, the NWS and The Weather Channel.

    BTW- It's starting to cook here in South Dakota now. With Saturday's high expected to reach 100 degrees. Those who print the money pay for those who play their sinister game called: "The Weather God's of the World". Maybe Marvel will pick up on this and name their next movie with that same title.

  5. We do not dig the centralized big.  We dig for lies the centralized rig!  Today begins 'The Great Minnesota Get Together' state fair.  Today begins 'The Great Kennedy Get Together' state fair booth.  What a 'Great' opportunity to distribute (geoengineeringwatch) web-cards.  

    I'm scheduled to be a booth volunteer.  I'll use that opportunity to inform other volunteers of Dane's interview with RFKjr.  Of course, on my own time, I will go to fair exhibits to inform fair goers who come from far and wide to partake in this 12 day event.

    From the land of lakes & loons, I'm anguished by the global ruins.  These cards- a reference for these rhymes, light the path to solve our  crimes.  Weather modification equals weather warfare.  Whether  weather modification, or modification of our human behavior, 1st to halt, 2nd to vault (as in the 'Great' leap/quantum leap forward), courage of will will stop overkill.  Overkill equals human warfare on all life. This culture of conflict has its preachers.

    Though hyper consumption is rampant at the fair, opportunities to investigate and learn there are abundant- a culture in accord with nature needs its teachers.

    As confounding as it is, being caught between a rock and a hard spot, we just need to be creative, to know when to duck, to know when we're in luck.  What we have inside ourselves will be rewarded outside ourselves as in groups that we gather in places such as this 'get together' to face the gathering storm.  

    Have no fear, give your best local twist, to those who cheer for the globalist.   

  6. From BGR and other news source outlets: "No One Can Figure Out Why the Atlantic Ocean is Cooling at Record Speed"

    "The Atlantic Ocean is cooling at an exponential rate, and nobody is sure why. It's been more than a year of record-high global sea temperatures, including being close to the collapse of the AMOC. Despite those troubles, though, the Atlantic is now experiencing something quite baffling-temperatures are cooling, and scientists are scrambling to figure out what's going on."

    Dane continues to mention how desperate they are to hide the reality of a planet spiraling down a path to the "Great Blast Furnace" leading to our extinction.

    And now they are resorting to the most outlandish lies that anyone can possibly imagine. They claim that the 15 month streak of record high global surface temperatures will definitely come to an end, as both the Atlantic and Pacific will create the very first ever "Dual La Nina" cycle, and the experts are so baffled as to how this is happening.

    They are saying that virtually overnight "by some unknown miracle of nature" both oceans began to cool for no logical reason, as if it is some kind of divine intervention.

    But I scoured through the Copernicus Climate Change Service temperature charts that stopped at midnight last night, and I didn't find one single reading that indicated a cooling down cycle for either the Pacific or Atlantic oceans. Matter of fact, they are still getting hotter by the day.

    So, unless they have scheduled a massive chemical ice nucleation operation for both oceans, to fool the satellites into showing cooling surface temperatures in the coming days. They are not telling the truth, just as they did when The Associated Press claimed that the 13 month streak came to an end in July.

    I literally have no words to describe this new form of matrix insanity that they are now employing to fool the world into believing that all the extreme heat is just a figment of everyone's imagination.

    This is so unreal, just like the freak snow coming to California before the end of August. Chemical Ice Nucleation's short lived toxic cool-downs at the price of an even hotter planet. Yeah, that'll fix the problem. Oh, and don't for get the absurd lies to smooth things over with the masses. Gotta have 'em to curb the panic.

  7. As usual the upper northeastern one-fourth of the U.S. will see a freak cold plunge making that region ‘feel like September’ while southern states fry in ‘record-breaking’ heat.

    The jet stream will sweep southwards ahead of the weekend, delivering an autumnal chill to the east and northeast.

    Temperatures will tumble below average for this time of year, although southern and western regions will continue to bake under an unrelenting heat dome.

    What's new? These chemical ice nucleation operations that are producing the freak cold plunge certainly aren't. Everyone who resides in the engineered pizza oven are being sacrificed to keep the Great Metropolis a reliable walk in cooler.

    1. Eden, here in Western Massachusetts the leaves are turning and over the past several days it has been chilly enough for long johns, knee socks, sweaters, scarves, and hats. Indeed if feels like September, even late September – early October. 

      My backyard birds who ordinarily this time of year feed lightly here in favor of seed harvesting on their own, this year have been feeding considerably more than ever before on store-bought bagged seed, most often black oil sunflower which never goes to waste. 

      Though this may seem off-topic, oddly, over the past few years I've been noticing many commercially produced birdseeds now promote being "vitamin enriched." Since when do our wild birds need vitamin enriched seed?  

      Also, about the ice nucleation, here in Western Massachusetts there have been cloud seeding experiments over Mount Greylock which produce snow and ice storms.

      Over the past few years especially, since our governor's climate "combat" program(s) that include microelectronics, our winter storms which are more and more frequent are brutal in that the snow is mixed with rain depending upon temperature making it terribly difficult to remove. Even the enormous town plows have difficulty. Then, there are the unprecedented ice storms that not uncommonly encrust everything (think of Disney's "Frozen), in half – to an inch- thickness of ice. The trees snapping sound like bombs dropping, and many vulnerable fruit trees are lost each time we are hit with another episode of one of these geoengineering experiments. 

      The other day was one of the first opportunities I had to get out in my garden as we've had a few days of seemingly "normal" sunshine though oddly chilly for this time of year. 

      No sooner did I get out to the garden with my tools but the planes started going over. Within minutes, the clear blue sky with a few cumulus clouds was obliterated and suddenly I found my eyes filled with something that felt like shrapnel. The other observation I am making lately is each time a plane goes over the Internet gets knocked out or connection becomes ridiculously slow. Though I had just fed my birds I noticed they all dispersed and seemed to disappear altogether.

       The cloud mass lasted for about 25 minutes before the sky once again began to clear. Also, for the past few nights we have been able, thankfully, to seen the moon and the stars. 

      However, many of us now feel, each time a plane goes over, not just somewhat — but indeed traumatized by what we see them doing to our world. 

      It is a hell of a way to have to live. The question is: Cui bono? 

  8.  Weird stuff from airplanes: 30 years ago my previous workplace decided to paint their own products. I was hired as a Hazardous Waste manager. This was due to my background knowledge of proper solvent use in mixing paint coatings. Mind You i was only a painter not a chemist. I had undergo certified training, then institute a waste management program and provide Material Safety Data Sheets to employees. Also i had to evaluate our solvents as to their Volatile Organic Compounds, heavy metal ratings and report our usage per pound depending on the paint or coating ingredients. Our used cleaning solvents and paint sludge residue had to be disposed in a legal manner. Our hazardous waste provider cautioned me that some of the companies offering these services were unscrupulous. His company had legitimate certifications that insured that the waste was being legally and properly disposed of. He warned me about using other less expensive competitive services that were not practicing proper disposal practices. Some went so far as to load Haz. Mat. stuff on airplanes, most likely jets and spray / dump it at high altitudes. He said this was legal since it was above the altitude jurisdiction of the ground below. It was the loading of them on the ground for that specific intent purpose that was illegal. He cautioned me that we were responsible, Cradle to Grave what became of these chemicals. So in fact even knowing that these were to be released overhead was an act of complicity that was an illegal act as a Haz. Waste generator. Even if in good faith if we were believing we were doing the right thing. He also told me that unscrupulous waste handlers were known to  run tankers on back roads full of hazardous materials with valves cracked open slowly dispersing / dumping them on the roadway. In those day lots of Hazardous Waste companies were not following regulations but that did not mean the generator was exempt from the illegal practice, even if unknowing.

    My point is: Maybe the generators of these weather modification ingredients if hazardous can be held liable for the end result of their products being used as climate engineering practices especially over a State that has banned them. Food For Thought.

  9. Here is just one headline that should make everyone stop and seriously think about where humanity is heading:

    "One Study Suggested that Heat Contributes to 630,000 Deaths in India Alone Every Year." 

  10. When I first started keeping track of the extended weather forecast for Dallas, Texas it showed that the string of triple digit temperatures would come to an end in four days. The following day it went up to five and the already scheduled triple digit temps increased by two degrees. That pattern continued until I posted my comments Saturday night, where the triple digits were to end on the 28th. But the 88% humidity from hell was going to make up for the end of triple digit temps.

    Today it says the high temperature will be 110 degrees (up from the original 108 but slightly less humid), and the triple digit temps will continue all the way to September 3rd.  With the 28th reaching a high of 105 and 78% humidity! Which only calculates out to be a heat index temperature of 178 degrees! Not the original 200 or more degrees. Boy, that should be a real relief for everyone in Dallas. (Sarcasm of course)

    This exact scenario plays out every year in Texas. The forecast constantly shows relief coming in just a few days, then it shows seven days, then ten, and you get the picture. But every single year the triple digit temps don't really come to an end until mid to late October. Where the average high is 77 degrees, and the low is 53 degrees. So, we are talking a full 30 to 35 degrees above normal for both the daytime highs and overnight lows. Going on eight years straight now.

    It usually doesn't drop below 88 degrees until mid-December, where the average high is 57 degrees, and the low is 34 degrees. Summers in Texas now last almost nine months, and yet everyone keeps saying: "Oh it's just a phase. Don't worry, it will cool off soon."

    Now you know why I moved from Texas to South Dakota. But what truly amazes me is that by simply using the Dallas forecast, I can prove beyond all doubt that NOAA, The NWS, FEMA and the Federal Government are all lying right to everyone's face, when they say that nowhere in the U.S. has it ever gone over a heat index temperature of 138 degrees.

    The numbers are right there for the whole world to see, but they stick to their lies, and nobody ever challenges them on their insane assertions. Not one single statistician, meteorologist, climatologist, climate activist, or even a news advocacy reporter. So, that tells me they are all in on the big lie, and they are paid to keep their mouths shut.

    That should scare the hell out of most people, but even if they saw the numbers for themselves, they would simply blow it off as an error and think it's more than likely just being blown out of proportion by a mentally challenged conspiracy theorist.

    Even when people are dropping like flies from heat stroke across the country. What will it take to get people's attention? 100,000 deaths from heat stroke in a single day in a major city? That day is coming, I guarantee it. And it could even happen by the summer of 2025.

    1. Hi, Eden. I have noticed that several times you have written posts about remarkably high index values of nearly 180 degrees in Texas and other places. For example you state here that Dallas would have a heat index of 178 produced by a temperature of 105 and a humidity of 78 percent. But, that would be true only if both readings were taken AT THE SAME TIME. You can't just take the high temperature for the day and combine it with the highest humidity reading for the day  and calculate a heat index reading from that. It just doesn't work that way. Normally, but not always as temperature readings go up humidity readings come down. So heat index values are changing hourly or as often as the readings are taken. 

  11. I just read where Governor Newsom will be placing a mandate on every property owner in California that states they have five years to install complete solar electric power systems, and the average cost is one-hundred thousand dollars for a single-family house.

    Many global elites are already setting up financial assets in the state to buy all the real estate from property/homeowners who can’t afford the retrofit, for just pennies on the dollar and they stand to make billions from Newsom’s mandate insanity.

    Plus, there is a new law in California that charges an extremely huge fine (which Newsom calls an exit tax) for anyone who leaves the state now, because he is trying to stop the mass exodus of people moving away from California to get away from such an extremely high cost of living.

    He is going to increase the homeless population drastically because all those people who will be forced to sell their properties at a huge loss, and pay his exit tax as well, will have no money left to put down on a new home out of state. Rent and mortgage rates are out of sight too. So, entire families will be living on the streets soon, all thanks to Governor Gavin Newsom.

    And I’m guessing that other states will adopt his “Switch to Green Energy Criminal Agenda” which will devastate middle- and low-income families across America. All in the name of reducing fossil fuel emissions to curb global warming.

    The problem is, there’s no such thing as green energy technologies and going solar won’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions one bit. All it will do is make the elites even that more wealthy.

    BTW- Bezos, Musk, Gates and all the U.S. elites are setting up shop to steal everyone's properties when the mandate becomes law. So, if you ever thought they have our best interests at heart, or you know someone who idolizes them. That makes this story even more hard to swallow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  12. A concern has been voiced that there is no regulation of the spraying in our global atmosphere, presumably by various political entities. Here is some evidence of international regulation. Read the entire article at the link below – it is revealing.

    Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider –  November 6, 2015 

    excerpt from the main article:

    What government agency or agencies control this program? Is it under international control?
    It is an international program. Many nations contribute in different ways. Measures have been taken to insure that what is sprayed over all countries is the same through triple blind deliveries; which include not knowing where a certain canister will end up, not knowing which aircraft a certain canister will be flown, and not even knowing who (in military craft) will be piloting a craft which has the purpose of spraying (Note: in today's world there is usually a mixed crew of different nationalities flying any one military aircraft on a Shield mission). I believe the Media caught Canadians in Iraq recently when Canada's official say on the matter was that Canada was not giving any support to the military might.
    The fact remains that there were Canadian military with the USA forces. Some on aircraft carriers most being pilots. I think you can connect the dots.

    1. A few years ago, I heard a discussion of where all these pilots could have come from and how they could accept such a job. It was said that the planes were all on auto pilot, no humans aboard.

    2. The only time I see clear, somewhat blue skies is on weekends when our US Senator, who lives here, is in town. I wonder if she's noticed that, since Spring, the trees have been dying much faster and people's veg gardens and flowering plants are getting yellow, brown and purple discolorations and dying. The colors of the flowers have intensified greatly, from normal to neon versions of themselves. The weeds are doing both; and some, such as goldenrod and queen anne's lace, have been growing to huge sizes.

      It's a big-business (including China) agricultural area growing potatoes and broccoli mostly. They put tons of chemicals on the ground and on the plants, and they still look ok except for little square sections here and there which are yellowed and wilted. Maybe they are test spots of some sort, perhaps lacking the chemical protectants (if that's what some of the chemicals are) everywhere else??

  13. Friends,

    In medicine, primary care involves preventing problems before they happen. Tertiary care, which is what much of the American medical system is based on, involves treating problems only after they have occurred. By being active in helping to illuminate other people about the weather warfare programs, it is akin to primary intervention rather than tertiary intervention. And the people who are running these programs, let me assure you, are playing for keeps. Keeps. There will be no tertiary intervention if these programs are not stopped. Because we would not be here. 

    The other day at my office, I had the privilege of seeing a patient who was a student at NC State University. He is in What are the science curricula. He noticed the Geo watch materials in The treatment room and started talking about pfas chemicals. Not many 20-year-olds know about that. I gave him some materials and am going to mail him one of the 20-page booklets this week. He was receptive to talking about this and learning more. I looked out the window and showed him the silvery pale blue skies full of garbage. I told him that I have pictures at home from about 30 years ago or more that I took in Durham North Carolina where the skies were A deep Sapphire blue, and the cumulus clouds blinding white. The humidity was low and the air was much cleaner. He never saw this. He was born after that time. Reach out however you can whenever you can. Remember, always that if you are but willing to be used by the spirit of the Creator and guided, if you were only willing, you will never be bored. Bored. You will not believe how many opportunities will open up to you. 

    My wife and I adopted that little dog with the broken leg. Quick story. We had been feeding her for months. Whenever she would come up to the house. She sought me out even though it was a very long walk for her with three functional legs, including crossing a rather deep drainage ditch between some of the fields in her two city block walk to get to where we live. She quit coming up at the beginning of last week and after a few days we started to get concerned about where she was and both sensed that she might not be around. We knew that she had had puppies but did not know if she had any still. Or where they were. I called the animal shelter a few days ago and found that she and her eight puppies had been picked up on Monday. I found this out on Wednesday. I went to see them on Thursday after work to let her know, and her name is Sandy, that I had not forgotten her and I was coming back for her. Her. I went back on Friday and formally adopted her and filled out all the legal contract paperwork to be a foster parent for the eight puppies. We have been getting everything set up for them and providing for their needs and anticipate keeping them about 1 month before the shelter takes them back after weaning, when their veterinarian will spay and neuter them and prepare them for being adopted. Adopted not for being euthanized. Again, just be willing to be led by the spirit of the Creator, and you won't believe the opportunity is that will come To your path. And you will never, never be bored. I was at the animal shelter about an hour and a half on Friday. Making all the arrangements and filling out all the forms. I was pleasantly surprised by how many people I saw come and go. Who were there to adopt cats or dogs. I think three or four were adopted while I was there. Another lady came in to pick up one of the dogs. She has an arrangement with the animal shelter where she comes and gets different dogs and then takes him to different places in the county. Apparently on very long walks and then she brings them back. It's all about one thing. LOVE. This is why we in this community do so much work to reach out to others to wake people up about what's really happening. There is no tertiary intervention with these warfare programs. 

    I found it almost funny in a way that the airline industry wants people to think that the contrails are becoming more persistent because of changes in altitude at which the planes are flying. Let us call nonsense by its name. This is a process of desensitizing the population to what they're doing. This is a form of social engineering, and please don't anybody buy that for a second. 

    Most of you probably know that India stopped exporting Rice last year. Again, the predator class are playing for keeps. And therefore, so must we. 

    In the last year or so, I have never had so many, many animals coming here to eat, both night and day. From stray neighborhood animals to wild animals and birds of every kind. I think that it is because, not only are they being led here by the spirit of the Creator, because you know it is a safe place where they will get what they need and be loved and cared for, but it is also because the weather warfare programs have decreased their food supply so severely. Severely. Even the ants are finding the same thing to be true. 

    One more thing about the airline industry lying about the persistent contrails as they call them. I can't hear what they say any more, because their actions are screaming so loudly. 

    Back to the subject of the Divine order of the creation, which is so fragile and so at risk from the predator class and their weather warfare programs. Everybody would do well to look up some of the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. He was well aware of the Divine order upon which all was founded. 

    Regarding scientists… When have scientists collectively ever been so ignorant? A- since they were paid to be. 

    Finally, as a reminder from Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: "The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape, finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."


    1. We too recently adopted a puppy from our local animal shelter about 4 weeks ago. The shelter said they adopt out on average about 10 dogs a week. Not counting the cats. Its amazing the joy loving animals can bring. You are so right Jonathan, its all about LOVE.. And kindness and generosity. Blessings on you for helping that injured mother dog and her pups and all the wild creatures you provide for. Ellie, our new member of the family, has brought us many smiles already!

    2. Thank you Earth Angel.

      I am grateful your family also found room in their lives and hearts to add a new loved one.

      I have found that LOVE is something one can always give, and no matter how much one gives of LOVE, it never runs out. There is always more LOVE to share. 

      Its supply, our Source, is inexhaustible. 


    3. Bless Your Heart Brother Jonathan again for helping the little ones; mother, pups and all others You care for. I am thinking to even see animals we may have to feed them and gain their confidence as you practice. Now in my golden years i seriously refrain from swatting bugs on my body. If i do so as an impulse i feel bad about it. On my last trip to Vermont for 3 days into rural nature,  i saw no insects, no fish jumping, no birds and literally no wildlife. The trees were as sickly as ours in NH. and OH! Yes the constant milky skies and heat without sunshine. The skylight where i stopped in for provisions was noticeably blackened and opaque with no trees nearby to cause such a stain. Well ! i am surely yet sadly aware what and why, this all happening everywhere i go.

  14. Great work Dane. Your tireless efforts are becoming more recognized, and reported even by the bought and paid for major media. But what's very interesting is the neither major political parties or government representatives, with the exception of of a few, like those from Tennessee, will acknowledge the reality of the  cumulative affect of  the monster that  is biting at our heals and threatens to destroy us. Political theater  that may entertain the masses until the end. Thanks and God bless you and your efforts to preserve humanity and all of God's creation

  15. Efforts to to lessen one's carbon footprint to help save the planet appears to be very dangerous. Recently in Incheon, South Korea, surveillance footage in an underground parking garage showed what appeared to be  a Mercedes EQE  exploding. Smoke was seen coming out of the vehicle before it burst into flames. It was suspected that  it was the latest fire attributed to a lithium – ion battery.

    140 cars around it were damaged. It took 8 hours to put out the fire. 23 people were hospitalized due to smoke inhalation. A prolonged power outage led to 121 people staying at temporary housing.

     Previous research showed that most EV related fires occurred at the charging stations while being charged.  Looks like it can happen anywhere now.  

    Government officials moved quickly to address the issue. They pushed legislation that will increase firefighting resources at….EV charging stations. I guess if your car is going to catch fire, that's the place to be.


    1. Now there's some real logic- (Not!)- Unbelievable MORONS the human race has become in the last 40 odd years. I have to wonder, can they be chemically lobotomizing us with the aerosol spray programs and constant bombardment of unnatural frequencies and radiation? Why the hell do we keep allowing this crap to happen?!   : o

  16. Dane Wigington has been making the case for Solar Geoengineering being nothing more than an act of war (aka Climate Warfare) for over a decade now. But International Conventions discussing the subject of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection are only just now using terms like:

    Treaties and international laws should be adopted/ action to develop new rules and institutions to govern it/ geopolitical strife or warfare is possible/ geoengineering’s interference with food and water security – not to mention national security/ the International Law Regime should place rules on SAI/ the use of force authorized by the UN security council to stop SAI operations by other countries, but only to be used as an act of self-defense in response to an armed attack. And… Guardrails must be put in place before a solar geoengineering experiment or unilateral deployment destabilizes the world’s climate patterns.

    Are all the International Communities and their governments suddenly taking a que from the U.S. Political Circus Arena of Insanity? Saying words that don’t mean squat! And trying to convince the people most effected by SAI operations that they will not tolerate any forbidden use of geoengineering? When the U.S. government has historically taken a dim view of solar geoengineering in international climate talks, all the while secretly weaponizing climate engineering for the last seventy-five years!

    All of this simply sounds like a new strategy by governments around the world to use SAI (aka geoengineering) as an excuse to fuel the Great War Machine Empire that creates infinitely boundless profits for the Global Elites and to desensitizes people to the use of SAI. Because with such strong language regarding governing SAI operations everywhere around the world, seven billion people might not ever think twice about all the aerosol trails in the sky.

    Unless their government suddenly declares that another country has committed acts of war, by spraying aerosols over their sprayed aerosols, and then the people would “without question” support their government and military if they sprayed even more aerosols over the country that committed the offense. As an act of self-defense in response to an armed attack.

    And if war breaks out, so be it. The defense contractors would then make enough money to fund even more geoengineering operations, and the snake continues to swallow its own tail. An endless cycle that keeps us spiraling down the rabbit hole of ultimate Omnicide.

    1. Eden, BINGO! Recently, the U.N. started issuing "warnings" about the potential dangers of geoengineering. All of this can be found online. 

      Funny, months before the U.S.A. election, suddenly the globalists send out alarms about the horrors they've been promoting for the past however many decades, at least since WWII. 

      Here in Massachusetts, our governor is clearly on board with the MIC. Just google Massachusetts climate combat to learn more. Recently I learned that HAARP has a facility in Massachusetts from a poster here. 

      My home is within a mile of the Bryant Hill FAA radar dome that against the resistance of the taxpayers, was installed anyway. The air traffic never ends, morning, noon, and night in spite of this being a very rural community. 

      Over the past two years since our Massachusetts governor (who appointed Raytheon as a member of her advisory board) established programs with the MIC to combat the climate, the experiments over my region have become unbearable. The humidity and torrential downpours during the summer, induced by sodium chloride which is rotting clapboards, damaging roofs, foundations, sceptic systems, crops, etc., and then the unprecedented brutal ice storms during the winter that destroy vulnerable fruit trees, has become truly tragic. 

      Ordinarily, we are able to conserve economically over the summer in preparation for winter. Now we find ourselves using more energy to try to control the interior climate than it has traditionally taken to heat our abode during the winter. So much for the exploitation of our carbon footprint. They couldn't care less about that. 

      The other day, after reading many of your wonderful posts, I found a very interesting, short article at Mises Institute about the American MIC which is defined there as the Military Industrial Congressional complex. As Jonathan says in his post above — they are in it "for keeps." No truer words are spoken yet, as you put it, it is "Omnicide." 

      Also, you mention in one of your posts how people are consumed by their devices and how oblivious they are to what is going on around them as they sip their wine and fill their stomachs. I work in the hospitality industry at a prestigious historic inn in the midst of a tony college town. (Like you, I too am a "history buff.") Ask them if they've heard of cloud seeding and they're blinded in the headlights. 

       Rarely do people communicate with each other over dinner; they are more obsessed with scrolling their phones than they are interested in conversation. Even worse, is the immense waste of food that we can not process to feed the homeless because of health code restrictions. Lobster, filet mignon, artisan cheeses, the list goes on, of the incredible waste that I am beginning to wonder might be fashionable for the hoi polloi who for too long have lived in the lap of luxury oblivious to what is happening around them. It is very difficult to sustain a charitable outlook when people are so incredibly hedonistic. This egregious waste reflects the attitude toward our environment though this same faction bleed for global initiatives to sustainably save the climate. Their concern is how our Ndjua (oil of salami) is processed. 

      Like all who come here to share our concerns, I am deeply grateful to Mr. Wigington and all who post so many edifying messages here. Each day when I come here I read so many edifying posts and so often think, if only we could all have coffee together some morning!

      The only way it is possible to keep what is unfolding before our eyes in proper perspective is to stay close to our Creator and realize that this is being allowed for some reason beyond our understanding.

      The other day somewhere here I read a post that mentioned the definition of the Biblical brimstone as sulphur. Well, I guess I'm out of gas at this point.

      As the saying goes, "Keep on keepin' on."

      God help us. 

      P.S. As I send this off, three planes have gone over as the sky tries to clear, though it rains silver bullets and thunder rolls in the northeast, toward Boston. Go figure. 

    2. Sally,

      That's very concerning that your governor appointed Raytheon as a member of her advisory board. Because I know of at least eight other states where their governor has done the same. Including Gavin Newsom, and of course Greg Abbott.

      The National Weather Service has Raytheon meteorologists/consultants/employees working for them and I only know that because I passed by their headquarters in Texas, every time I went to the big city for supplies, and I saw their cars with their logo on them parked in the lot.

      Raytheon always places their logos in bold letters on everything. It must be an Ego or lack of Manliness thing with them.They're just a bunch of Nerds who only know how to create weapons of mass destruction. Including weaponizing the climate.

  17. I am a bit of a history buff and here is something that most people don’t know.

    Under Stalin laws were passed that sent people of privately owned farms to the Gulag (prison), and then government farmers confiscated their land. (Does this sound a bit familiar? GMO farmers.) These farmers were paid incentives to plant fewer and fewer crops, because it was all part of his master plan to reduce the populations in Russia, Ukraine and the rest of Europe. And his plan worked because tens of millions died from starvation. But our current government here in the U.S. is using climate engineering to increase the number of failed crops and they pay the GMO farmers for those crop losses. Which still works out to the government giving them incentives to not plant any more crops to make up for their losses.

    So, when you add in to the coming famine, heat related deaths, the deaths related to toxic climate engineering aerosols, the deaths from UV-C and IR related cancers, deaths from pandemics and or vaccines, the coming deaths from the lack of fresh drinking water, and deaths attributed to wildfires, hurricanes, floods and droughts.

    What do you have? Population control.

    Stalin would be so proud of the U.S. Federal government.

  18. When I tell people that dangerously high UV radiation is making the sun feel hotter than it ever has before. They think I’m really off my rocker. Especially when I claim that we are all now being exposed to UV-C radiation.

    They can’t wrap their heads around the fact that ultraviolet radiation could possibly make anything hotter, because every time they place their hand in the light of a UV lamp, it actually feels cooler. (wrong frequency of UV)

    But I just learned today that as the ozone layers break down, some of the higher levels of UV light that gets through is converted into infrared light radiation as it reaches the surface of the planet, and IR light is used in such applications as cooking food.

    Not only that. People forget that sunscreen lotions are used to block UV light, and that light radiation is what causes your skin to burn, when you end up with a sunburn. So, when it becomes even more magnified with the addition of UV-C and Infrared light. Then there is no doubt that UV and IR radiation is what’s making the sun feel much hotter now.

  19. I know that I’m obsessed with the whole heat index/wet bulb lies by our government. But trust me. When you have lived in a place where you’re constantly forced to endure extreme heat and extreme humidity at the same time, for as many years as I did in Texas. You make it your goal in life to expose the government for covering up how they use geoengineering to place people’s lives in danger, and I have lost so many dear friends and family members to their heat domes from hell.

    So, every time that I share the link to “the Dimming”, I also tell people how the government, NOAA, and Raytheon are purposely covering up the true “real feel” temperatures across the country. During their brutal summer heat wave campaigns.

    This is the very first time that I have ever seen them put the REAL numbers on their extended forecast for Dallas, Texas (Of course, where I lived in the Hill Country is even much hotter)

    Sunday August 18th… 108 and 82 with 61% humidity. Heat Index 164 degrees

    Monday… 108 and 82 with 53% humidity. HI- 150 degrees

    Tuesday… 108 and 82 with 62% humidity. HI- 165 degrees

    Wednesday… 104 and 79 with 63% humidity. HI- 150 degrees

    Skip forward to Tuesday August 27th… 100 and 79 with 88% humidity. Heat Index- 172 degrees!

    And officials at NOAA have emphatically claimed that no place in the United States has ever gone over a heat index value of 138 degrees. They reaffirmed that claim once again just last week. But even with their doctored numbers I have been able to calculate heat index values over 150 degrees numerous times in Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, and of course, Texas.

    The heat index numbers in the Dallas forecast are not actually posted (I used their own HI chart and placed them there myself), and I guarantee that it will be taken down and replaced with a doctored version sometime this weekend. They may not change the high temperatures, but I know they will change the humidity numbers to reflect nothing higher than a heat index value of 138 degrees. They have done that for at least thirty-five years now. But everyone’s backyard weather stations tell the real story, with the real numbers. The government (federally run NOAA) simply refuses to document what is really happening. Even though they have done so many times by mistake, while I seem to be the only person on the planet who has found their mistakes up to now.

    But of course, I am a driven person when it comes to this subject.

    BTW- Any time that I took a trip to Vegas or Phoenix, their 110-to-115-degree days in the summer felt more like 90 degrees to me. Because I went from similar temps but to much, much lower humidity, and believe me when I say: “You can truly feel the difference between 88% humidity and 14% humidity.” I’ll take the desert over a sauna from hell any day.  

    1. thanks for posting those temperatures, it's amazing how many years they have been lying about all of this. It's no wonder that people get sick or die from bing outside in these kind of temperatures and humidity

  20. I ran across a website that posts pictures of what the extreme heat is doing to, well, everything. And what really caught my attention is not just what the heat is doing to things outside of homes and businesses. But what the sun alone is doing to things it shines on through windows. Which is something you would never have seen just twenty years ago, because we still had enough ozone layers of protection in the atmosphere.

    They post the pictures as a way of finding humor in all the extreme heat waves that are now becoming the norm, but the real tragedy here is that none of these people realize it isn’t just the heat melting and warping things inside of an air-conditioned space. It’s the sun’s deadly UV and IR (infrared) rays doing this to objects inside a structure that they take for granted, is and will continue to protect them from such harmful rays.

    The one picture that I thought took center stage, was of a set of completely melted window blinds in a lavish mansion in Phoenix, Arizona. The homeowner said it only took a matter of days to melt his brand-new set of blinds, and that is very ominous to all of us here. But because he isn’t aware of the rapidly depleting ozone, he thought it was hilarious.

    Other images included tar melting and running down from house roofs (just like what I experienced in Texas). Blacktop steps leading up to a home’s front door had completely melted into a giant inclined mound of black ooze. A motorcycle’s kickstand sank several inches into a melting blacktop driveway (within just seconds). A vinyl record completely melted on a record player from the sun shining down through a skylight. And finally, a Taco Bell sign in Phoenix that melted completely, but only on the south side facing the sun.

    Images like those totally break my heart, as the person with the melted blinds has no idea how dangerous the sun has become to all life on this planet, and in the coming months I believe the cancer statistics and dwindling wildlife numbers will bear that omen out. Same with the outdoor images that prove how dangerous the sun’s rays have become.

    I continue to read reports that say the ozone layer in our atmosphere has almost completely healed itself, and humanity has nothing to worry about when it comes to dangerous UV-C levels. But if that were the case. Then why have we not seen similar images of things melting in Death Valley in the past? Where the temperatures constantly reach what’s being reported in Phoenix, daily, and has been doing so for decades. It’s only been in the last five to seven years that things have begun to melt everywhere, including Death Valley now.

    Yet no one seems to be able to put two and two together, and I was always taught as a child to pay attention to your surroundings. Because at any given moment, things could change for the worse and your life could be placed in danger. Where have those instincts gone and how have we become so complacent? Has humanity’s addiction to techno gadgets and government disinformation campaigns placed blinders over our eyes?

    I honestly never thought that a simple idiom would describe how humanity comes face to face with a possible extinction event in the very near future.

    “People can’t see the forest for the trees.” Because they are dead, turned to ashes and or dying. Just like the fate of most humans, so it seems.

  21. Evidently meteorologists across the country are given specific scripted words to use when the heat becomes deadly to all life under Raytheon’s heat domes. Because I have noticed that every single time the temperature and humidity reach levels that sends the heat index over 128 degrees. They immediately revert to using the word “dewpoint” instead of humidity, and they always, always use this sentence “word for word” in their forecast alerts and warnings.

    “The elevated dewpoint levels can always make it feel much warmer than it really is outside.”

    They use the word “elevated” instead of terms like “dangerously high” or even “moderately to high” dewpoint levels. Plus, they never use the word “hotter”. Instead, they make sure to only say “warmer” regarding the actual feels like temperatures. To keep the viewers from becoming too alarmed.

    They only say dewpoint levels in the 60s and 70s as well, instead of giving the current or forecasted relative humidity. But the irony is that they never give numbers higher than the 70s, no matter how high the dewpoint reaches. Even when moisture “dew” forms on the inside of your windows when the best you can do on extremely hot days, is to keep it just above 80 degrees in your house.

    I wonder why they follow their Raytheon script to the letter. Could that be to keep people with the most common sense from being able to look up the heat index chart on google, and discover what the real heat index value is or will be for themselves?

    People who see those scripted numbers of 60s and 70s when referring to the dewpoint also Psychologically see that as a sign of coolness, rather than excessively hot. But what they don’t understand is that those numbers simply clarify at what temperatures dew forms on elevated surfaces. They do not give the full picture of what the humidity can do in an excessively hot environment. You know, like on those days when a brief rain shower in the deep south or gulf coast regions suddenly brought the humidity up to a stifling 88 to 95%. Then the sun comes out and the temperatures soar to well above one hundred degrees.

    What is the heat index value then? I guarantee you it is well above 160 degrees!

    1. One of their major dictats is "believe what we tell you, not your five senses or your memories or your reason".

      So it's "not really hot" no matter what melts.

  22. Depending on exactly where you live, but if your central air conditioning system or window units go from being an option that can maintain your comfort level. To an absolute necessity that is required to keep you alive. Then wouldn’t you understand that the world is no longer the same as when you were born? Or shouldn’t you even try to figure out why your life is suddenly at risk, in a world that went from habitable to hostile in pretty much the blink of an eye?

    How is it that such unimaginable changes seem to have no effect on so many people? (Other than forcing them to move to someplace cooler, rather than becoming an active member of society who educates themselves on the possibility that geoengineering of heat domes could be responsible.)

    To me, that is the equivalent of sitting in a crowded restaurant and suddenly everything around me catches fire. But I am the only one that tries to escape the blaze, and everyone else just sits there completely un-phased by the heat and smoke. No matter how much I scream for them to get up and follow me to safety. Nothing happens and I feel so frustrated as they just simply keep on eating and sipping from their wine glasses, like they have nothing to be worried about whatsoever.

    That’s exactly how I feel when it comes to trying to save as many as I can from the atrocities of geoengineering, and when the Earth’s air conditioning climate systems fail, I again tell everyone that there are no more resources left to fix the cooling system. But they insist on calling me a fool, because my instincts tell me to panic, while they carry on mindlessly and begin to drop like flies when heat stroke finally starts to take its toll on the whole of society.

    I understand how and why we compare the situation we are in, to that of the people aboard the Titanic. But I honestly believe that we should adopt a new approach to that analogy and emphasize that there are no ice bergs or cold water in a world that is truly on fire now. We are facing a catastrophe that is more like that of a planet called “The Hindenburg”.

    And the only reason I use that comparison is because the greatest Airship ever built became totally engulfed in flames at such an incredible rate of speed, and that is exactly what’s happening to this planet. The difference being of course that the people of that era weren’t mentally crippled by addiction to cell phones and technology. They began to slide down the ropes to safety and run away, before the whole world that was on fire above them, came crashing down on top of them.

    In this day and age people are too distracted by the matrix media circus and all the newest tech gadgets that turn their brains into Jello. They’ve lost all their natural and basic instincts, that is until a family brings home a newborn baby and their senses are immediately reawakened when the air conditioner goes out in their home. They instantly panic and try to get someone out to fix it as soon as possible.

    But it blows my mind when the entire world is literally on fire and those same parents don’t even think about how that could cause their air conditioner to stop working permanently. Their regard for the safety of that baby is in serious jeopardy when they are incapable of seeing the bigger picture.

    And that’s where we come in. We try to show them that bigger picture when we point out the elephant in the sky. But because the matrix media and the government say it doesn’t even exist. They slam their door closed right in our face and we never get the chance to help them save their baby, as we are immediately thrown into that category of the Lunatic Fringe.

  23. On the National Weather Service/NOAA website, there is a program titled "Be a Force of Nature." This page explains how NOAA is recruiting community members (stakeholders?) to prepare for imminent weather disasters. 

    "The first step to becoming weather-ready is to understand the type of hazardous weather that can affect where you live and work, and how the weather could impact you and your family."

    The FIRST STEP to prepare for weather disaster is to declare an immediate moratorium on all weather engineering programs. ALL of them.

    The only way to "understand" the hazardous weather is to expose what is causing it in the first place.

    A force of nature? Is HAARP a "force of nature?" SAI? SRM? Cloud seeding? All forces of nature?                 

    Perhaps this program could be an opportunity to challenge and hold accountable those responsible for the unfathomable devastation they are deliberately inflicting upon our world through their artificial manipulation of our weather. 

    Today someone from Ohio reported they are experiencing unprecedented high heat with suffocating humidity there.

    Yet oddly, on the other hand, some people seem completely oblivious to what is happening around them. 


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