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Dane Wigington

"Scientists have spotted unexpected X and C-shaped structures in the atmosphere. They are struggling to explain them" (from AccuWeather). Question, what else is taking place in our atmosphere on a day to day basis that the so called experts don't even try to explain? Other than telling us we are not really seeing what we are seeing. "Researchers reveal origins of climate-controlling particles" (from Science Daily). The report continues with this subheading "climate-controlling clouds". Are the atrocities in our skies now becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight? And from MSN, "Earth systems critical to all life are on the verge of total collapse". Have we reached the end of the line? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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32 Responses

  1. I’ve been joining discussion blogs across the country, and I start topics on the subject of climate anomalies. Then I post links to this website and the Dimming when I get enough responses that talk about how they believe the weather is being manipulated or controlled, and recently I have been talking to folks in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi. Where many of them are completely baffled as to why their weather stations say one thing and the weather apps for their specific location say something completely different.

    Most are saying that there is a serious discrepancy with their station readings of the relative humidity and what the apps are reporting. Of course, many also say that the temperature readings are anywhere from 5 to 15 degrees off to the downside with the apps, and they do not live in urban concrete jungles either. So, there should be very little difference in the two temperature readings. But the apps consistently document them to the downside.

    Now, none of this is new to any of us here at Geoengineering Watch, but to finally get affirmations of our suspicions on the various blogs is somewhat satisfying.

    However, the most concerning thing in all of this is the heat and humidity contradictions by the weather apps.

    I’ve had discussions with so many people who are saying that when Debbie came close to their state, it raised their humidity to staggering levels and it has yet to settle down, even though it finally moved away.

    Their weather stations are still reading from 62% to as high as 83% and the higher numbers are always at night. While the daytime high temperatures are creating excessive heat warnings to be issued, as they are reaching upwards of 108 to 115 degrees!

    But the weather apps are reporting temps only between 103 and 109 degrees, with humidity levels anywhere from 23% to 32%. Thus, the heat advisory warnings and reports of heat index (real feel) temperature values between 113 and 119 degrees.

    Everyone I had discussions with about the difference between their stations and the apps are beginning to get extremely frustrated and upset, because they know that both the heat and humidity are higher than what they say.

    AND when I tell them that according to the official NOAA and NWS heat index chart, they are really experiencing heat index values that are literally off the chart, and it only goes up to a heat index value of 183 degrees.

    They tell me that they totally believe what I say, because they have never experienced heat like that at any other time in their life. And the oppressive heat dome that is now parked directly over those four states is expected to intensify over the next ten days or so. And even the longer-range forecast shows no relief in sight any time soon. There will be many heat related deaths in those states even after Fall officially begins in September.

    If the majority of the population knew the truth that so many of their fellow Americans are having to endure such deadly heat index temperatures, I'm certain that they would be moved to take some sort of action against the government, and force them to admit what is really going on across this country. They need to be held accountable for hiding such a deadly threat to all of us, who pay their salaries out of our own pockets. We pay them to protect us and THEY DON"T CARE!

  2. First off, a shout out and hello to Michael Diamond, Protester, Bryan Paul and E J Canary!

    Shortly after Dane posted my comments there have been almost a dozen more reports by news and media outlets covering the Mars Terraforming studies, and most of them mention that Elon Musk is the driving force behind the project. In fact, two of them are now claiming that by using the existing iron and aluminum that’s found in the Martian dust, they could use them for geoengineering an even much faster climate change than previously thought. They go on to say that according to their computer modeling algorithms they should be able to go from an average temperature of minus 89 degrees Fahrenheit to a plus 89 degrees F. In just six to ten short months if they are to stay consistent with injecting iron and aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere.

    That’s a 178-degree swing in average temperatures all by simply spraying climate engineering aerosols into the Martian atmosphere. Plus, the wording as to how they plan to engineer the aluminum into more efficient surface warming aerosols is identical to the wording in existing geoengineering patents that are meant to be used in solar radiation management applications.

    So, without even knowing it, they have just opened Pandora’s Box by admitting that aluminum aerosols meant to cool the Erath’s surface through solar radiation management will do the exact opposite of their intended applications in Earth’s atmosphere. And I guarantee you that the Patent Office has no scientists in their employment that could verify the claims of those that applied for the patents. Meaning that Raytheon lied to the world and the Patent Office, but nobody has been, or is even willing to expose them for deceiving everyone about their intentions of using aluminum aerosols to warm the planet at a much faster rate than greenhouse gases alone.

    And the following should be more than enough to drive that point home.

    We here at the farm have taken it upon ourselves to perform a little experiment and by chance it happens to be exactly what is needed to verify the warming effects of climate engineering aerosols. (aluminum nano particles in particular)

    On July 1st, we asked everyone we could on this reservation and even people living in other indigenous communities to please pay close attention to the times that they are outside when the sun is high above them. We wanted them to write down when the sun felt the hottest to them according to three different criteria. (Or record what they felt on their phones if that was easier for them.). Did they feel that the sun’s rays were the hottest when it was shining brightly, and no clouds were obstructing the rays? On those days where there were no planes spraying aerosols into the atmosphere, and those days when they were spraying. Or did it feel the hottest to them when the sun was directly above the artificial cirrus clouds being formed by those very same sprayed aerosols?

    We collected all their observations on Sunday August 11th, just before our gathering and feast, and these were the results:

    It was unanimous and everyone said that the sun felt excruciatingly hot when it was directly above the artificial cirrus clouds. So hot in fact, that they could not stand more than just a few minutes in the sun. It also felt extremely hot on those days when aerosols were being sprayed quite heavily. But felt much less hot on the days when they hadn’t sprayed the skies for at least two to three days.

    (I personally am in total agreement with these results, as I too feel that the sun is hottest during those observations specified by the people involved in our experiment. Plus, it has never felt as hot when they did not spray the skies for days on end. I had also planned to post the results of our experiment before I even found the Mars Terraforming studies report. But by sheer chance, they now tie in together seamlessly.)

    So, from firsthand experience by over four dozen individuals, the sun was way hotter when climate engineering planes were spraying their toxic mixture of aluminum and other harmful elements into the atmosphere. But please don’t take our word for it…

    Try this same experiment for yourselves and see if you don’t come to the same conclusions.

    Note: It almost appears as though the climate engineered aerosol/cirrus clouds act like a magnifying glass during the day and a thermal blanket at night. Because even when I lived in Texas, the sun made it feel like I was literally standing in an oven. When it was shining through their feathery thin artificial cirrus clouds. And the overnight lows never dropped below 90 degrees when the sky was covered from horizon to horizon with those same fake cirrus clouds.

    Also… Why an average temperature of 86 to 89 degrees on Mars? (another one says -85 to +86 degrees) 

    Because as of September 20th, 2023, Earth’s average global surface temperature was estimated to be just 59 degrees Fahrenheit. I thought they were trying to make Mars habitable for human colonization. Not another Living Hell like the way that they have terraformed Earth. Why are there no other climatologists pointing these anomalous numbers out regarding the Mars Terraforming research? If their goal is to first, make it rain on mars? Then they only need to reach an average surface temperature of 45 degrees. At 80 degrees or warmer the planet reverts to large scale sustained droughts and heat waves that would kill most life forms. Are Climate Engineers NOT HUMAN?

  3. Southern CA Update

    Aircraft Spraying ops continue across the area Monday morning. No Marine Layer influence overnight.  Hot and clear conditions continue.

    BUT THEN a M4.4 earthquake just reported near South Pasadena.

    YET ANOTHER quake ASSOCIATED WITH nearby Geoengineering ops. I'll use the term "associated with" rather than INDUCED BY here.

    But I KNOW whats going on.

  4. Scientists are considering terraforming Mars with the use of geoengineering to warm the planet by 50 degrees F not C, and they say it would only take months to achieve that goal if just 30 million tons of nanoparticles were sprayed into the atmosphere.

    The scientists involved with the terraforming research say that aluminum is already there on the surface of Mars, and they plan to transform it into aerosol form, rather than ship it from Earth. (Which is very strange because it is pure form aluminum metal, and that is not found in nature. So, how did it get there to begin with?)

    However, the biggest takeaway from the report is their confirmation that you can literally warm a planet by 50 degrees, simply by spraying 30 million tons of aluminum aerosols into the atmosphere. Granted Mars is smaller than the Earth. So, you might need a hundred million tons of aluminum aerosols to achieve the same results here on Earth. AND how many hundreds of millions of tons have they already sprayed into our atmosphere?

    From what they are saying, aluminum nano particles sprayed in aerosol form into the atmosphere, do not reflect any significant amount of the sun’s heat back into space. But they do reflect a huge amount of heat coming back up from the surface, and the artificial cirrus clouds that they produce do the exact same thing! Both act like thermal blankets and not some form of cooling air conditioners or evaporative coolers.

    Which means that even Dr. David Keith is lying through his teeth when he says that aluminum is the perfect choice to reflect sunlight and heat back into space. And he knows that it does the exact opposite!

    So, it’s definitely NOT the kind of solar radiation management that we all thought it was supposed to be. There is a completely different agenda here, other than trying to temporarily cool the surface of the Earth.

    Just like for instance, as Dane pointed out that volcanic eruptions are now found to do the opposite of cooling the planet. Have they always known that too? But simply chose to deceive us into thinking that it has a temporary cooling effect.

    Maybe that is why Doctor Keith stuttered and hesitated so much when Dane asked him about the health issues regarding aluminum being sprayed into the atmosphere. Sounds to me like the great doctor Keith is involved in a geoengineering façade that has more to do with a Genocidal Agenda, rather than a beneficial solar radiation management agenda.

    Note: Their report also states that if aerosol particle emissions stopped, the warming would begin to reverse in a matter of years. “And they never stop spraying the skies of planet Earth. I wonder why? Because there are many other elements that could be turned into aerosols that only block the sunlight, just like thick cumulus clouds do on a sunny day. Yes, the aluminum does block a very tiny fraction of sunlight, but it magnifies the heat at the surface a hundred times more than what it sends back into space. So, it all sounds very nefarious to me.

    1. I wonder where Dr. Keith thinks that he and his loved ones will go when the Earth's weather systems have been so damaged and thrown off balance that they can no longer support the lives of him and his loved ones coming out to mention the rest of the human race and all other life on this planet? 

      I wonder if there was at least some predictive programming in the movie, Elysium.

  5. Heavy Aircraft Spraying ops over southern CA today.  By 800 PM wide swaths of aerosols turned from white to PINK color, giving evidence of sub micron particle size.  I suspect Monday morning will be couple degrees cooler due to massive onshore flow of Marine Air overnight.

    Combination of 500,000 acre Park Fire and millions of tourists flying to Olympics just set back carbon reduction efforts by decades.

    Good luck to everyone.

  6. In Elk County, PA there were waterfalls and massive erosion on the slopes of our mountains during the Debbie remnants where there has NEVER been waterfalls and erosion before. Yes Debbie brought us a lot of rain but there were areas washed out that were not washed out during the 1972 stalling of Hurricane Agnes in this area.

    Water seems to be behaving differently  as it is now sliding down the slopes of our steep Central Pennsylvania mountains rather than soaking into the forest floor.

    The forest floor seems to be acting as shingles rather than absorbing the water.

    Something is wrong.

  7.  Hi Bill !

    My grandfather Raised Homing  Pigeons. They traveled great distances to mostly always returned,. He told me that they were the smartest of birds .Well! Thanks Bill for bringing that back to me.

  8. Has solar radiation management taken place in the skies over Tennessee since a state law prohibiting them took effect on July 1, 2024?

    1. Hello, Michael, the short answer to your question is,  yes, most definitely ongoing.

    2. The globalist/military industrial cabal bas*@r&s believe they can operate with total impunity for their criminal actions- and so far we've LET THEM get away with it. Its time for that to CHANGE NOW!!

  9. Dane's description of what is happening to the precious seals off the coast of California highlights how delicate is the balance of Life, how susceptible it is to the weather warfare of the predator class.

    Last week, I found a female Eastern Hercules beetle at the supermarket, on her back, unable to walk or fly. I took her home and for days fed her and kept her out of the awful weather. Was she the victim of some sort of pesticide? Perhaps of aluminum, like with so many other insects? I was unable to save her. And the entomology department at North Carolina State University, to whom I had reached out for help coming did not respond. The last night before she passed on, I held her for a long time in my hand while I was reading. At one point, she seemed to have a burst of energy, which I thought was a breakthrough for her. While I was reading and holding her, at one point, she briefly regained some of her coordination, and she grabbed my fingers and held very tightly. It was like a hug. Every life matters. I buried her by the great horned owl from the week before, which appeared to have been struck by a car and killed. Each of them was buried with reverence and my blessings.

    Over the weekend I was making pear preserves. The unnatural weather had prevented the two trees from bearing mature fruit since they were planted around 10 years ago. They would put their blossoms out every spring around late February to early March, and then late in March we would have a cold spell that would burn the blossoms. This year the trees had their first crop of mature fruit. This turned out to be a blessing for many, because so many many animals have benefited from the fruit. I went out a couple nights ago to pick some additional pears and found to my surprise that the trees were covered with moths of different kinds. To tie this in with the divine order which is being so terribly threatened by the geoengineers, I made a discovery while picking fruit. Some of you may be aware of something called the tapetum lucidum. It is a very reflective layer of tissue behind the retina of the eyes of nocturnal animals. This is responsible for the eye shine. If you shine a flashlight at night and an animal looks back at you and you see the reflection of the light in their eyes. What this does is to allow each photon of light to stimulate the retina twice instead of one once, providing excellent night vision for nocturnal animals. So many animals, from spiders to deer to dogs to foxes to sharks and, as I found out, even moths, have this structure. When we see how the weather warfare programs are damaging the ability of this planet to host life, understand that it is a complete inversion of the natural order of things. Understand how precious, and how precarious, the balance of life is, as the natural order of life and of living things is systematically being assaulted by criminal psychopaths who lack empathy. 

    For sure, unimaginable levels of particulate matter are being sprayed in the air. Look at old photographs from 20 or 30 years ago or beyond and look how blue the sky used to be. Now it is a pale silvery blue to white color. At least in my area, they are spraying not only nanoparticles, as the documentary has pointed out occurring around the world, but also particles that are visible to the naked eye, because when I use a flashlight and go out at night and shine the light beam straight up, it does in fact look like it's snowing. It's a wonder that we can even breathe. So apparently they are spraying particles of different sizes. 

    As for the weather in Eastern North Carolina following the recent controlled weather event, it went right back to unbearable heat and humidity. According to witn.com, at least a few minutes ago when I checked, the heat index is currently 102°. It feels much worse. The humidity is off the scale. And this without any wind. I was out walking the dogs just little while ago and made sure to take an umbrella outside and to keep them in the shade as much as possible under trees. 

    I often ponder what could rightly be called a psychological operation, the use of the term, "climate change." While there is no doubt that the Earth's weather systems are changing radically, so many potentially constructive conversations with other people are often shut down with the use of this term. Sadly, this is commonly seen in the alternative "news" media. Many people are quick to dismiss conversations about what is happening with our weather using the above term. What somebody don't realize is that the weather is indeed changing, yet so many don't understand that the proximate cause of it all is human activity in the past roughly 200 years. I don't pretend to know how long people have been on this planet. That is debated by many people; yet just think of how much has happened in the past 200 years. 

    Question- what if Nikola Tesla's research had been made available to all of humanity? 

    Question-why do places like Martha's Vineyard not usually experience severe weather? 

    Remember the innocent- All plants, all animals, and so many human beings. These have no voice but yours.

    Remember also that hard times, such as those we are going through right now, do not build character. Rather, they reveal character. Look the storm in the eye.


    1. Brother Jonathan

      Nicola Tesla was a brilliant man such as Einstein their discoveries were monumental but seriously dangerous in the wrong hands. Tesla inventions were stolen and patented by Westinghouse. So after suffering this he became very secretive. It is said when he died he had many unfinished experiments in progress. Many of these he deliberately kept in his head without notation or plans. Quite likely he was murdered. Whatever remained of his work was stolen and studied. Much progress in this century is partially due to his discoveries. Those discoveries  may not have been his intention for mankind to use unrestrained.

      Martha’s Vineyard, the Hamptons, other “old money” areas in New England and other wealthy enclaves on the east coast are occupied by some who our detractors and controllers. They are a cloistered lot. I readily admit that here in New England we are spared much of the terrible weather that is happening elsewhere especially the western part of the country. As I see the crosshatched tic tac toe patterns there , they are not as dramatic here. I really do not think they are immune to their own doings. They merely kid themselves while enjoying decadent lifestyles.

  10. Think about this.  Tuesday 8-6-24 Dow drops over 1000 points.  Wednesday 8-7-24 Dow drops over 600 points.  Thursday 8-8-24 Dow drops over 900 points.  The Yen carry trade (research if you don't know what this is) is being unwound with the Bank of Japan increasing interest rates.  Yen being repatriated back to Japan.  7.1 earthquake hits Southern Japan on Thursday 8-8-24.  Japan backs off on its effort to unwind the Yen carry trade on Friday 8-9-24.  Hmm….

  11. interesting – pigeons not wanting chinese nuts – methinks that the chinese are growing much gm foods – tis difficult to grow beans that i have bought to eat but you can't grow them (grown in china!)

    are they doing it on purpose – nope they are a stupid as the people who run the west – the agriculture and everything else too

    fascinating that sunflowers turn away from the sun- i stay indoors when the sun is at its highest

    i have written to the rspb – royal society for the protection of birds – about how the numbers of birds have dropped this year

    notice about particulates – as we know insects breath through holes in their skin which are obviously being blocked by particulates – so – no insects – no birds – baby birds are fed insects by their parents not sunflower seeds tha t i put out for the adults

    haven't seen any baby birds – grown birds – 1 sparrow, 1 blackbird, 1 robin, couple of blue tits, couple of great tits, 1 warbler, 2 green finch

    that's it and its august

    the numbers have dropped dramatically – tis birds that keep me happy – now am seeing problems getting closer to home – had to come i suppose

    and with the hot weather comes fighting and fornication amongst humans

    riots in the streets with the native men – fed up with the constant stream of refugees(?) and boat people – all running away from the consequences of the actions in their own countries

    destroying their environment and running somewhere else to destroy the somewhere else

    we seem to be bringing about our own downfall by constantly sucking the life out of this old planet

    and all i can do is look on

    and why don't i get out there with leaflets – here's an example why i do not want to mix

    the other night i took my disabled friend home and drove back to find my way barred by traffic trucks (100yds, if that. from my avenue) 9pm

    upon approaching the men i was abused and denied passage and they got into their vehicles and closed the windows to me – i then went around into the next village and came near my home via crossroads and again was denied access (they were putting in "cats eyes") 

    i spoke to the 2 men there and one of them started laughing at me – i am 74 and need my sleep and am not in the best of health – and then when i admonished him he rang the guvner who told me to go back to the first position where i would be allowed access

    i went back (a long way –  long roads) and when i got there they again refused to give me access

    after getting the rude older man to telephone his boss that allowed me access and i arrived home and parked my car and then……

    i was so angry by then i strode out and up the hill into the works site to give the guvner a piece of my mind – everyone shouting at me – you can't go up there – oh can't i, i thought?

    a man working in a lorry with fire on the back jumped out and asked me what was wrong and i told him – to date he is the only one who apologised but then proceeded to tell me about other people who had got the "ump"

    the guvner thought it was funny but told the abuser off – not in front of me and no apology

    i have been abused all my life although i try to go through life in a quiet and friendly way. helping people as i go

    does anyone know the passage that starts "i expect to pass through this world but once"……and i shall finish it…

    "and any good thing, therefore, that i can do or any kindness that i can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it; for i shall not pass this way again"

    that was the philosophy of the culture that i was born into

    a culture that was continuously  taken into wars, not of its doing, losing family and friends and whole parts of cultures

    and it still goes on 

    what in the world are humans for? to cause havoc and mayhem and bad feeling wherever we go

    we don't just kill to eat we kill for all sorts of reasons that i do not understand and we think we are clever

    no wonder i sit under the trees and prefer birds to people

    love to all the lovers of benign nature

    1. Dear Penny,

      Thank you for sharing your story and some of your background. Tis indeed, a shame that so many people are so unkind and so unfeeling. 

      For all those reading this who feel that they are unable to share information such as the handouts and so forth that Dane provides through the website, much good can be done from their computer at home or many cases through their cell phone if it is connected to the Internet and they have email access. People can contact organizations like the one that you contacted, the Royal society for the protection of birds. Whenever people reach out to any organizations, it is always helpful to add a link to the documentary from the website, at the very least. 

      And I totally get what you're saying about passing this way once. Thus, we must do the best that we can and the most good that we can, where we are, while we are here. The Wind in the Willows, has a similar line, "The days pass and never return."

       Carpe diem certainly ties into this as well. Thank you for being sensitive to nature, Penny.

    2. Oh! Sister Penny i feel Your pain.                                                        So many people go about their days in full complicit and cooperative nature to their oppressors who deem themselves in control of them. Everyone of this nature bows to a god who controls their own life's destiny. Individualism in our times is not acceptable save utterly weird ones. Some insist on their looney lives be on the front stage of performers of our times. Deranged lifestyles seem to go unchecked. Yet compassionate, loving, caring and reverent lifestyles ultimately get bulldozed into the dirt. Older ones such as we are deemed obsolete. Ultimately older ones of low economic status are bullied. We do not receive respect as elders. We do not enjoy the status of our forefathers had; as wise older ones who have many years of life learning. So it is, we are marginalized as old fashioned and knowing nothing. Like You Penny i rely on nature to restore me into mental heath, nothing else seems to compare. Now our animal, forest and fauna friends are rapidly becoming extinct. This saddens me beyond my limits. Lot's of people make me utterly crazy and there is very little peace i do receive of most of them. Birds of a feather in our lives and such as You i and most here on this site restore my hope in humanity. Here we have formed a tribe. We may not think or act exactly the same but we have our commonality to overcome our differences. Ultimately, we are called to love one another, take the higher road and be good examples It is not easy to be among those who do readily reject and deny our plight. Hopefully goodness can be infectious to the other lost counterparts in our daily relations. Sympathy, caring and empathy is the essence of love. This is not an easy task by any means. The necessity of good example and right use living is of the utmost importance. Because we are not perfect, our faults will constantly be on the radar and be pointed out by those who do not live with or agree with a benevolent, kind loving lifestyle. So it is we; who are among the few examples of hope as we offer ourselves up. We are the ones the world truly needs and is longing for.

  12. Becoming a part of the movement to reduce one's carbon footprint can be hazardous to your health. According to the Korean Times, last week a lithium – ion battery caught fire in an underground  parking lot located in Incheon.

    It took the local fire department 8 hours to put out the fire from the battery of a Mercedes – Benz EQE. 140 cars were damaged and 23 people had to receive hospital treatment  due to smoke inhalation. 121 people were sent to temporary shelters due to a prolonged power outage. 

    Normally these battery fires are at a charging station while being charged. This one wasn't. A group of local lawmakers sprung into action. They said they would propose a bill  to increase more firefighting resources……at charging stations. I guess that is the best place to be if a lithium – ion battery fire breads out.

    In the meantime, Mercedes – Benz expressed "deep regret" for the fire. They vowed  that they would fully cooperate with the investigation into the Incheon battery fire.

    Isaiah 9:16 "Those who are supposed to lead this people led them down blind alleys. And those who followed the leaders ended up lost and confused."

  13. The Associated Press just announced that Earth’s 13-month streak of global high temperature records came to an end in July. But just barely.

    Can anyone tell me what is wrong with that statement? Because I know for a fact that “record numbers of locations around the world” recently reported that July was their hottest on record, and that includes Arctic and Antarctic temperatures as well. Not to mention all sea surface temperatures around the world recorded hotter than July of 2023. Talk about vagrant lies and pure deception of reality. There were over 300 more record high temperatures added to the U.S. list alone for the month of July, compared to last July. Yet somehow, we broke the streak of global high temperature records. That’s exactly how the global elites play the game, because they know that we are on the wrong side of the Wilderness of Mirrors. Their imaginary “Looking Glass” makes it appear as though the world is finally beginning to cool down some. As the reflection that we see is an illusion designed to draw our attention away from the burning Hell all around us!

    They know full well that the streak continues as the extreme heat is scheduled to scorch us all the way through November. But to have everyone lose hope of any relief would open the door for many to finally come to terms with a dying planet, and most of the population might just begin to listen to Dane… and believe everything that he says. When a person who is labeled as a conspiracy theorist correctly predicted everything that is happening now, ten to fifteen years before all the experts could or should have been able to. Who then becomes the real conspiracy theorists?

    1. They think they have most of the public so mind-controlled that they can say it's cooler and the public will say oh yes, thank goodness, as they continue to roast to death.

      Their mention of the X's is strategic: make them but deny it for 15 years, then notice them and explain them as though they have been harmless natural occurrences all that time. Acknowledging them from the beginning would have required inquiry into their cause. Everybody back then would know they were new and assume they were therefore unnatural. But now that we are used to them and haven't all dropped dead yet (most people live in cities and don't know what is happening to all life outside), people will be happy to think they are normal and harmless.

  14. Please remember to visit the homepage even if you receive the Global Alert News reports via email or a share. More visitors to the homepage =  less censorship and more visibility through "the algorithm". Please share the reports with as many as you can. Some will reject them, or ask you to stop sending them. This has happened to me. It's the same with the materials, if you are able to get them. Leave the cards anywhere you can, where someone will at least glance at them. It's worth a try, considering the stakes!!! Just say "FYI" and share the report. SOME will be reached.


    1. I agree 100% Jay Dee.

      Sharing materials should be an everyday part of people's lives. 


    2. Also, people tend to believe the narrative they hear the most. Repeatedly leaving cards everywhere is making the truth heard over and over. But don't leave a lot at once in one place: a denier will toss the whole pile in the trash — a waste. Also bear in mind that you may be on someone's camera when you leave them. Be discreet.

  15. The culture of native peoples is what survives for thousands of years – and is passed on to future generations – long after their houses, roads, temples, stoneworks – have melted back into the earth. Should we as anti-geoengineering activists embrace our own cultural expressions as a tool of increased public awareness?

    Here is one recent cultural expression. Opening Address By Mieshiel Murrray, read at the Taos Community Auditorium, September 10, 2014 – Geoengineering Awareness Public Event -Taos, New Mexico – Clear Sky Zone!

    Take Back Our Sky!

    It has been hijacked !….

    By lunatics, psychopaths, nano-scientists, and military trans-humanists… One’s who have lost their way, their humanity, and their connection to all things….

    They are our brothers and sisters who have fallen from grace into a mechanized false reality, driven by fear, greed, and an insatiable desire to control their fellow earthlings and the natural world that sustains us.

    What they don’t realize is that in the end they will loose their bid for global domination, and will be held accountable for their actions….

    We too, on the receiving end of the geo-engineering agenda, will be held accountable for our actions, or for our non-actions, if that be the case…

    As planetary citizens, it is our responsibility to co-create change on the highest level and to thwart an ecological meltdown.

    But we must not wait, the Time Is Now!

    Our local, state, and federal environmental protection agencies have failed to do their job as public servants and as good stewards of the environment they have sworn to protect….

    Either from threat, intimidation, or even the promise of career advancement – silence, non-disclosure, and non-transparency is the policy or our government officials and politicians when it comes to the subject of “chemtrails” or geo-engineering.

    So it is up to us, the grassroots pioneers and engineers, activists and educators to chart the reality of the world in which we want to live….

    A world of bright blue sky, clean air and water, and children unafraid to explore the wonders of nature.

    Now is the time to Take It Back!

    Take Back Our Sky!

    It has been hijacked by an artificial layer of chemicals and synthetic fibers. They glaze the atmosphere with iridescent “Sun Bows”, un-natural cloud formations and bizarre weather patterns. So we must come together.

    Let’s Take It Back!

    Our world is changing and not for the better. Hope was an illusion, a diffusion….

    The progressive movement was supposed to save us, but now it enslaves us, so we must Take It Back!...

    Take Back Our Sky!

    It has been hijacked… by the Weather Channel, NOAA, and the mainstream controllers. ..

    GeoEngineering , the biggest story of our time, with all life hanging in the balance and they say nothing…a non-story – a conspiracy theory, the skies have always been dreary…

    You call me a truther and I say I would rather be a truther than a liar. CNN, the Controlled News Network, FAUX News, ABC, NBC, CBS… It’s all B.S.. its all insane and this is the end game.

    Tune in, numb down, dumb down, is the mantra for post 9/11 America…

    What is the new terror threat?…

    I say “Look Up”… to the Sky!.. Over all of Mother Earth, Eco-terrorists at work, they fly over poisoning the sky – now there’s a threat…

    But you will not see that on the nightly news, because it is the truth, and the truth is the opposite of a lie… like planes spraying in the night sky.

    I say “Wake Up! Stand Up! Speak Up!” It’s not too late, but Now is the time. We must Take it Back!… So let’s reclaim our Power, this is the hour, and sooner, not later…

    Let’s make history and deflect the misery that they seek to create, through a police state…

    Let’s declare our humanity and our love of sanity, now is the time we must Take It Back!

    Take Back Our Sky! It’s for our future, if not for us, then for our children, and theirs…

    Let’s Take Back Their Sky!

    For the world we all share, Let us stand for what is right! .. Like Take Back the Night!..

    Take Back Our Sky, for ‘ol Mother Earth…

    Let’s Take Back Her Sky!


  16. Hello everyone hope all is well! At least as well as we can make it with what we are facing. I believe I've stumbled upon something pretty eye opening. If you're reading this please go to the weather channel radar and zoom out as far as it will let you and hit play. Let it run through past present and future radar a few times sometimes it needs to process what you are about to see. I'm gonna try and post some photos 

    1. Is this the radar link to which you were referring? 

      I'm not quite sure for what I am supposed to be looking. 

      I was struck with a realization that Greenland is almost as big as North America and yet we almost never hear about it. Interesting.

  17. Alumacided

    Ever see what happens to tinfoil in a microwave. Sparks. Ever wonder what happens when you put a .5 watt microwave transmitter ie a cell phone next to your brain with some kind of exotic nano-aluminum/barium/who knows what else compounds flowing through your's/mine and everyone's or things brain. Micro-sparks would be a good guess. No worries it'll take awhile to cook the brain at least in humans.

    It's been said that, to see the Messiah become the Messiah, to see Jesus become Jesus. Ideas are bullet proof that's the point. We don't need a physical manifestation to get saved just follow the ideology/ theosophy.

    Every year here in the white mtns az sun flowers always appear in August and line the roads except in the last 2or3 years. Oddly enough the few that do come up now no longer track the sun but are often seen now with their back to the sun? Others have posted this same observation.


    1. The North Carolina department of transportation plants sunflowers occasionally in certain areas along the highways. Some of the farmers in this area also raise sunflowers. Primarily this year, I have noticed that the sunflowers are not tracking the Sun In many cases.

    2. Brother Jonathan,

      It's a bit alarming about what you said regarding the sunflowers. Because most of our crops here on the farm are beginning to also "Not Track the Sun" Matter of fact, it honestly appears as though they are purposely turning away from the sun!

      But in our blacked out greenhouses where we use only grow lights that mimic the sun's path from horizon to horizon. They still follow the lights.

      That can't possibly be a good sign for any life form on planet Earth, when plants turn away from the main source of what gives them life to begin with, and shun the sun.

      But even when they turn away, our losses average about 35% and it has nothing to do with what we are doing as farmers.

      Next season there will be temporary camo netting canopies to help reduce some of the exposure to the crops, and that figure of 35% is how much of the sun will be blocked. Starting a few weeks after everything sprouts up from the soil. If the farm can't adapt then it will go out of business, and the last thing that anyone could possibly imagine, is that it would be harmful sunlight causing catastrophic crop failure. Not droughts, floods, frost or the heat.

  18. One Brilliant Pigeon

    Pigeons everywhere in the city – flopping around, roosting, squabbling, crapping – keeping the organic and littered about garbage levels in check. And we become rather contemptuous of them – at our own loss.

    A good friend has (alas, had) a pet pigeon – a personal and cherished pet – who demonstrated its astounding talent for instantly reading energy levels in food.

    The demonstration: A dozen or more pine nuts – supposedly “organic” imported from China – to which was added just three pine nuts (Piñon nuts to be exact) harvested from the local Piñon trees.

    The nuts – all mixed up – were placed on the ground near the pigeon – The pigeon waddled up to the nuts – and instantly went peck, peck, peck – scarfing up the three local nuts – forever ignoring the remaining “organic” nuts from China.

    So what can we learn from this obviously Brilliant Pigeon? Is “organic” really all that it is cracked up to be – especially when it is imported (and possibly fumigated as required by import laws) ?

    Does wholesome food radiate wholesome energy?  – Is this wholesome energy instantly recognized by our Brilliant Pigeon – and also by many animals. Or is the pigeon – an infamous “garbage hound” – reading the negative energy of toxic substances – and simply avoiding such substances? Should we be taking our pet pigeon to the grocery store to warn us of unwholesome foods – or to choose healthy foods?

    Can we humanoids read the energy content of the food placed before us – say at a restaurant?  Those in the restaurant business say that “we eat with our eyes”. So the platter that is served with a flourish must look really good. Everything is perfectly arranged – appetizing – with the obligatory sprig of parsley tucked into the upper right corner.  We like what we see and the food tastes great.

    Over the ages people have willingly accepted blemished food items – cut out the funky part – and relied on taste to determine the wholesomeness of the remainder. .

    Most restaurants are facing rapidly rising fixed costs and minimal profits – so they “economize” on food costs. So enter the food service companies who supply most of the food served by the restaurants – frozen “portion controlled” blobs of “food” – void of nutrition – thrown into the microwave and served up quickly. Tasteless? – No problem! Enter “natural flavors”.  Scores, perhaps hundreds of different chemical concoctions for different types of foods – like beef or seafood for example – are added not only to restaurant foods – but  also to hundreds of packaged, canned and bottled foods – and even to pricy “energy bars”. These “natural flavors” give the “food” a bold and pleasing flavor, impart good texture, feel good in the mouth, mask any unpleasant tastes and/or smells, and tend to be habit forming. Especially great for the fast food industry. So we are being deceived. – The “food” just ain’t what it tastes like – thanks to “natural flavors”.

    Since we humanoids demand good looking food at a restaurant – even though it may be unwholesome – do we demand a good looking sky? Can we perceive the difference between a bright blue sky with white puffy clouds – versus a filthy chem laden sky – with flattened out – broken up and scattered cumulus clouds – with no hope of precipitation? The sky in most parts of the globe looks like putrid filth. And yet there is almost no realization by the general population that something is profoundly and obviously amiss in the sky.

    At the slightest mention of anything that strays from the “official narrative” – why do most people shutdown almost at the speed of light? This is when I used to be profoundly perplexed. But no more: “The Gatekeeper – Is Mind Control Possible”. Stay tuned for the next installment of this undoubtedly ponderous saga.

    And the world muddles onward through the smog and haze – with the Brilliant Pigeon leading the way..…


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