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Dane Wigington

"Millions Of Americans Brace For 'Intense' Tornadoes During Memorial Day Weekend" from Fox News. "Hefty late-season Prairies snow may approach an all-time record" from The Weather Network. "Scorching heat wave to roast Texas, Gulf Coast over Memorial Day weekend" from Reuters. "Giant Hail Is the Weather Threat Keeping Insurers Up at Night" from Bloomberg. Tornadoes, record snow, record heat and giant hail, all in late May. Does this combination of catastrophes make sense? It does when climate intervention operations are considered. How much more interference and damage can the planet's life support systems sustain before they completely collapse? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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58 Responses

  1. i check national weather forecast for the ''general'' scheduled weather. it truly is just that….scheduled. the forecast ALWAYS says ''possible '' rain before 1 am or after 1 pm..and always .10 of an inch ones and zeros computer generated hol0gram masquerading as a forecast. A.I. generated nonsense. talk about scheduled weather! 

    the computer always just pulls a time out of its circuits and says YEAH THAT! and IF…It rains at all it is 3 to 5 inches of rain not .10 to 3/4 of an inch that the machine forecast says. we get a drought and the machine says…yeah you got rain…we said so so you did!! they add it to the rain tally as if it was real and not a computer generated hoax. amazing the lies and how easy it is to see through them.

    1. the 'national weather service' scheduled weather program calls for rain after 8 am and winds from 8 to 10 mph. with .10 an inch. computer generated. the weather makers have 'decreed' our weather. so let it be written…so let it be done! as pharaoh or those who think they are gods intend to make happen. last rain we got was 1.5 inches after 1 am and before 1 pm…amazing we got any. considering the campaign to drought us out. 


      the sky last night was inky oily black and grey streaks and a chemical bow around the sun looks like a brown cloud of pollution around it. the paid liars have their excuse for it. but it is pure poison. 

  2. Big aerosol spraying operations ongoing over OR today! Nighttime microphysics images on COD prove it! Can't deny it! Unknown who's aircraft are doing this but there are many particulate trails visible and they're flowing east.

  3. This is the last post I'm going to make tonight. Too tired to continue and too much going on. Anyway, watching the Mosaic Imagery for the Panhandle Region (Texas) right now. They are getting hit again with severe thunderstorm activity! Its moving into Oklahoma and northeast Texas. Weird stuff going on though! Watched a gust front that radiated out from a radar site that moved southwest. Storm clouds heading east but this curved wave moved away from them. Not normal and not natural. That is all.

  4. Am watching the COD Mosaic Radar Imagery over the central US and there are all kinds of weird radar flashes, strange crosshatched lines, and curved beams coming from the many NEXRAD facilities. It appears these facilities are enhance the storm activity, rather than the opposite. Never seen anything like this and I've been looking at images on COD for years!

  5. So much going on right now I can't keep up! May 30, 2024
    Reykjanes Peninsula
    Volcanic Activity along tectonic plate
    Toxic gas was blown to the area of Reykjavik, the country’s capital, located 25 miles away. Lava fountains reached nearly 165 feet above the ground. Hundreds of earthquakes shook the region (yet no earthquakes registered on earthquake websites that I looked at?).
    Lava now blocks most routes to Grindavik and has reached defense walls around the town. The Reykjanes Peninsula volcanic activity is happening as the two tectonic plates beneath it get pulled apart.

  6. By the time anyone reads this the "event" ongoing in Louisiana will be over. What am I talking about? A massive line of severe thunderstorms and tornadic activity is sweeping through the length Louisiana! Huge rotation visible on Mosaic Radar Imagery for Northern Louisiana as of 8:25pm PST. Could be a very big tornado! But what's on the weather channels? They're talking about preparing for the upcoming severe Atlantic hurricane season soon to target the US! They're telling people to "prepare" for what's coming! By the way, who owns the weather?

  7. Heat wave to build across the West as other parts of the globe smash records (msn.com)

    "The heat wave, which NWS describes as "persistent," will result from a building high pressure area (or heat dome) that is projected to park itself across the West during early-to-mid-June."

    "Some of this heat may be be borrowed, initially flowing north from the heat dome that's repeatedly broken all-time temperature records across Mexico and Central America, bringing severe drought conditions."

  8. The temperature in Marathon, Texas, fell more than 50 degrees on Wednesday afternoon as thermometers tumbled from around 105 degrees to the mid-50s in about an hour, Brian Curran, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service Midland, Texas, told ABC News.

    "It was like an air conditioner," Curran said.

    Brad Wilson, chief of the Marathon Fire Department, told ABC News that it was as if conditions turned from summer to winter in an hour.

    "There was about two feet of hail on our main street right in the center of town. It looked like snow," Wilson said. "We went out there with a tape measure last night before the road crews came and plowed the roads."

    Curran said temperature swings like the one in Marathon are common in Texas and can be even more dramatic.

    In February 2022, the temperature in Austin plummeted from 88 to 32 in 24 hours, making it the biggest temperature swing recorded in the Texas capital, according to the National Weather Service.

    The largest temperature swing recorded in the United States occurred Jan. 14-15 in Loma, Montana, when the temperature rose 103 degrees in 24 hours, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    If all this is just nature run a muck. Then RFK Jr. will win the election and become President in November, and Geoengineering will reverse global warming.

    1. Not going to matter who wins any election anywhere for a plethora of reasons already discussed on this website in great detail. Humanity has brought destruction upon themselves. Man, the earth, and the heavens were created by the LORD. Man has polluted the earth, transgressed the God's laws, violated the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant. Those who deny that God exists are fools. 

  9. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/watch-live-explosive-volcano-eruption-underway-in-iceland/ar-BB1nkHGo?ocid=msedgntp&pc=ASTS&cvid=b991259e86384a5293688a47f07082e1&ei=27

    Notice that the volcanic eruption underway is on the plate boundary on the USGS earthquake map!


    Tremendous amount of electrical energy from the sun has been flowing through the earths poles! This is verified and documented by spaceweather.com and by swpc.noaa.com websites! This is heating up the earth's core!

    1. Thank you, Lance, for your reports.  I feel more than a sense of angst and sorrow because of the catastrophic upheavals throughout the international arena.  Whether  by planned climate engineering or by governmental military events, it is time that Americans should expect the "Gaza Treatment" right here in our own hometowns.  It is already happening in some of our States as we all can plainly see.  It would be prudent to prepare for all exigencies…far fetched or not.  I have lived just four years short of a century and can attest to the fact that there are no limits to the 'surprises' being concocted by those in power…and I weep for the young and helpless and for those whose eyes and minds are closed to the possibilities and mayhem being planned.  I pray to the Almighty that I am wrong and just weary from witnessing so much horror and sorrow in this world in my lifetime.  It could be such a beautiful world, if only…

      Blessings to all.  Keep safe, stay alert, and it wouldn't hurt to light a candle now and then with a prayer for the survival of mankind and our world. 

      PS."The measure of honor in man is his ability to tell the truth." (some Roman statesman long forgotten).

  10. Twenty three killed over the long Memorial Day weekend (including children and a baby) and over one-million without power, as the most anomalous storm out break in history swept through Texas and several other states. (it's almost June when storms die down but they are intensifying)

    I watched a special report by a female meteorologist in Texas and she showed radar videos that defied all logic. Those images and loops exposed super cold air building up in the most deadly storms, and she was completely baffled as to where that seriously sub-zero cold air came from. The coldest air is always depicted as pink and purple on the radar images (usually the hail core), but there was light blue and white forming inside of the pink and purple areas.

    Those colors only show up in radar images during blizzards! NEVER in late Spring or early Summer storms!

    Where could that sub-zero freezing nucleated air have possibly come from? I believe that we are swiftly approaching that day when a handful of meteorologists finally break down, from a conscience that cannot deal with the innocent loss of life anymore in these record setting deadly "engineered" storms. And they will shock even the producers of their "live on air" weather broadcasts, by going off script and exposing the climate engineering elephant in the sky.

    You could tell that she "so wanted to do just that", as the answer to that riddle could not be found in Nature. OR Climate Change.  

    1. Texas and all Southwest states are experiments in the ongoing Military Industrial Complex plans for total domination of the Civilians of America…..Free???

  11. When one comes to realize that the situation on earth is not going to change with respect to climate collapse, no matter what anyone, or group, or government does, what then?

    1. Arm thyself and take thy boat and survive in the New World Disorder,but,arm thyself now before the New World Order takes control (before January 2025)Good Luck………Thank you Dane for enlightening us here on the North East Coast  of America,…..

    2. When I was a church-going kid, I wondered why the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden was called the Tree of Knowledge. Now that humans have discovered enough about technology to do almost anything, I see the problem with that. They will go ahead and do it just to see if they can (scientists) or because it gives them power over others (politicians and other megalomaniacs). The rest of us — and they themselves, sooner or later — suffer the consequences. The scientists have learned too much about how Nature works, and the politicians/megalomaniacs are intentionally using it to destroy our natural world.

      What then? Follow Dane's example: accept reality, deal with it, and never quit working to improve it.


  12. One must wonder what Thomas Jefferson, et al would say about 'their country' as it stands today? America was lost many years ago, but many are just realizing as to what depth it has fallen.  The history of Rome might be an indicator.   

    1. Jefferson would be appalled at the state of America today. He once said God forbid that we should ever be 20 years without a rebellion. 

    2. Jefferson was a member of the "Grand Masters of the Rosicrucian Order", a fellowship founded by a German-American of Danish heritage named Max Heindel who lived from 1865 to 1919. Heindel was a leading member of the German Theosophical Society. He was an astrologer who introduced astrological symbolism to the Rosicrucian's. He was no Christian in any sense of the word. 

    3. Hi Lance. Thomas Jefferson was not a Rosicrucian and he can not be faulted for the beliefs or actions of someone who was born nearly forty years after his death in 1826. Perhaps you are talking about some other Jefferson. 

  13. Almost a million people without power in northeast TX after a very severe and unusual thunderstorm with 70+ mph straight line winds, hail, heavy rain, and non-stop lightning blew through the northeast part of TX. Lots of "unusual" storms like this happening lately.   

  14. "I have not seen an explosion like this in my 40 years of observing the sun," says Karrer. "So fast, so far out into space! It was gigantic." The observer was commenting on the solar flare that blasted out of sun spot AR3664 on 5/27 that was not earth facing, yet it caused a short wave radio blackout over east Asia. This explosive sun spot will soon be earth facing. 

  15. X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: An X2.8-class solar flare exploded from the farside of the sun today (May 27 @ 1708 UT), just beyond the sun's southeastern limb. It may be old sunspot AR3664, the source of the May 10th superstorm, still active as it turns to face Earth again later this week. (spaceweather.com)

    1. "The flare was probably even stronger than X2.8. The base of the explosion was eclipsed by the edge of the sun, so not all of the X-rays it produced were counted by sensors used to classify the flare." (spaceweather.com update)

      Two very active sunspots are coming around the earth facing side in the coming week. Immense ground current power surges and blackouts possible.

  16. I just discovered this new statistic from the WHO, World Health Organization.

    Roughly 10,000 (9,500) Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer every DAY.

    That translates to around 3,650,000 (new) cases of skin cancer every single year! And those are only the ones that get diagnosed. That number could easily be ten times higher. (What happened to the 100,000 above and beyond reported cases by the CDC? Why did they neglect to report the overall numbers?)

    So, let’s do the math.

    There are 332.29 million people in the United States (not including those who are undocumented). So, 3.65 million equals almost exactly 11% of the total population.

    That number is insane considering that is only the number of (newly) diagnosed (documented) cases of skin cancer each year.

    When you figure in the number of all cancer rates per year, and those deaths attributed to climate emergencies (with heat related deaths at the top of that list). But wait. To be accurate, you need to include a rough estimate of all undocumented or unreported cases to that equation.

    You end up with… over half of all Americans will be diagnosed with cancer or die from extreme heat, over the next ten years alone. Being extremely conservative with those figures.

    But the numbers go up dramatically every year! And what exactly are the WORLD numbers?

    If these numbers do not equate to a covert culling of the Earth's population. Then what does? Who needs a pandemic or a nuclear war? When climate engineering can fulfill the eugenics agenda efficiently and silently.

    1. Great work Eden,

      This would be an excellent message to post on the Substack of Dr. Meryl  Nass. She has a large following of concerned individuals like ourselves, Some of them look up and see what we see.

      Just a suggestion,



  17. Studies now show that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.

    Since 2000 there have been 100,000 new cases diagnosed per year above the average, and each year that number increases by 100,000 more, on top of the original increase.

    They give the numbers of cases for those being diagnosed and the number of deaths per year, from 2000 to 1996 and they have gone up dramatically each consecutive year. But they refuse to release the "actual" numbers from 1996 through 2023, and only guess at or estimate those numbers. Considering that millions go un diagnosed every year and never even get reported. Leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths that aren't documented. Unless an autopsy is performed to find the cause of death, and now funeral homes aren't doing autopsies any more (per new government regulations). "Makes you wonder why."

    Yet the government still insists that Americans are not being exposed to deadly UV radiation.

    Tell that to the seven people I know and care about, who have some form of skin cancer right now.

    1. Cancer rates are going off the charts. My colleagues and I see it all the time. And UVC is only one of the reasons. Thank you for the knowledge you bring to the table brother.


  18. Researchers issue warning after data shows record-breaking increase in air pollution levels: 'It's sad what we are doing' (msn.com)

    First off, their speculations regarding CO2 levels that supposedly existed more than 14 million years ago on earth are pure speculations, unless they have access to information from hidden sources of info that we are not allowed to know about. Second, that humans have caused massive pollution on this planet, and continue to do so, is well understood and documented. Third, what's not being discussed is the purposeful injection of carbon based nanoparticles, as well as other types of natural and manmade nanoparticles, from aircraft, or other machines, into the atmosphere! Fourth, technologies to manipulate and control the weather exist in the hands of the "authorities" on this planet. Lastly, the use of these technologies comes with unforeseen consequences that lead to "run-away" environmental situations that cannot be stopped!  

  19. Deep breath…


    Back to work. I just emailed much of the staff of our local news station as well as a number of people in the state legislature for North Carolina asking them to look at This week's global alert news broadcast as well as THE DIMMING. 

    I asked the state legislature members to please do in this state what the state legislature did for Tennessee recently. 

    For those of you who do not have geo watch materials, don't worry. Go to the left hand side of the website and you can find a link that will have pictures of all the Geo watch materials, and you can email the link to those to many people. 

    Think of the principle of synergy. 2 + 2 = 5. If everybody would email this information to a few people that they know and ask them to do the same thing, you would have a tsunami of information reaching around the world. 

    I do want to mention one of the thing, I do not want to step on anybody's toes or come across being offensive to anybody's belief system. I want to share something from my own personal experience over years of working with this organization. 

    I have found that there are certain personality types and certain belief systems that some people have that make them nearly impossible to reach. One of those groups of people is a group of people who believe that at any moment, in the twinkling of an eye, they are going to be whisked away out of this world. This is all well and good for what it is. I just want to remind people who believe that to look at the 8th. Psalm. For those who have a literal interpretation of the Bible, and who therefore may not, therefore feel motivated to roll up their sleeves and help us in the work of informing others about the weather modification programs, please read that carefully. Carefully. You will see that it says very clearly that God gave humans complete dominion over all the works of God's hands, i.e., This world and all that lives in this world. Go back to the book of Genesis that describes one of the creation stories. Look at where God looked at it and said it was good. Also, I read Psalm 82:6. There is a divine spark in the creation and in us. 

    And then go back to the 8th Psalm and please justify, if you can, inaction. 

    As I understand this part of the Bible, it is clear to me that we are stewards, for a season, of this planet and all the life and ecosystems of this planet. Not the Creator. US.

    That, coupled with the idea of a divine spark within each of us, should motivate us like an adrenaline rush, fueled by one thing…. LOVE 

    I therefore, encourage everyone reading this to reach deep down within your soul and find their the motivation and the courage to make a bold commitment to informing others about these weather operation programs. 

    Especially when it seems that all is lost and you may feel discouraged at times, this is when it is most important to remember your purpose, your destiny, your God given potential, and reach down within you to find the inspiration and the motivation to push yourself harder. 

    Life on this plane of existence, right here and right now, is for but a season. The long lasting consequences of what you do now, however, will ripple through the universe, through space and time, forever. 

    For those who have not done so yet, please rethink your purpose and your goal for this time that you have. You are here for a reason. And that is an encouraging thought. 

    And remember what Gandalf told Frodo… Frodo said, "I wish it didn't have happened in my time." "So do I," replied. Gandalf. "But that is not for them to decide. All we need to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

    Make this day, and each day, count. We are stewards here for a season… We each have the divine spark of the Creator. Remember that, and make sure to act like it.


    1. The "rapture" is one of many false teachings upheld by false Christianity. As for man being given dominion over the works of the Lord, and putting all things under his feet, what has man done with this dominion?  "The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant.  Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are scorched, and few men are left." 
      (The Book Of Isaiah, chapter 23, verses 5 and 6, RSV, 1952)

  20. NVIDIA CEO claims that we're now in the 4th industrial revolution! Given the destruction of the natural world's environment caused by 3 past industrial revolutions what makes anyone believe that a 4th one is going to stop this from continuing? Its not. In fact, its accelerating!

  21. Criticism of Dane's delivery on his podcast is a tried and true method of minimizing the message. The complainers simply attack the messenger. Dane finds himself  in good biblical company:

    Jehoshaphat was looking for a prophet that he could inquire whether to go to war or not, [1 Kings 22 : 1 – 8.] Micah was available  but  Ahab didn't want to ask him because Micah never told him what he wanted to hear. I guess Ahab didn't like Micah's early version of a bad news broadcast.

    The great apostle Paul had his attackers: 2 Corinthians 10:10 " For there are men that say his, [Paul's] epistles are weighty and powerful, but his bodily appearance is weak and his speech foolish." 

    I guess to some folk, Paul didn't look the part. He didn't sound the part. Therefore the tremendous message he was delivering wasn't as appealing. 

    Even Jesus Christ had to put up with personal attacks. While teaching in his hometown of Nazareth, the people took a look at his family and that was all they needed to see, [Matthew 13 : 53 – 57.]

    First they noticed  that his father was a carpenter. They knew about Mary but had nothing to say about her. The people mentioned his brothers, then his sisters. They wondered what good can come out of that family! It had a negative impact because Jesus did not perform many miracles in his hometown of Nazareth after that occurred,  [Matthew 13 : 58.]

    I would say that Dane is in good company as the  moaners complain  about his delivery rather than focus on the message itself. Complaining is easy, delivering the message is the tough part.



    1. AbSOULutely brother

      The time for focusing on trivial things is past

      Together, forward

  22. From spaceweather.com

    "RETURN OF A POTENTIALLY-DANGEROUS SUNSPOT: A sunspot emerging over the sun's northeastern limb appears to be old sunspot AR3663 returning after a 2-week trip around the farside of the sun. In early May, this sunspot unleashed multiple X-class solar flares."

    ROCKS AND SOIL ELECTRIFIED BY THE SUPERSTORM: Across the USA on May 10th and 11th, sky watchers marveled at bright displays of aurora borealis during the biggest geomagnetic storm in decades. Little did they know, something was also happening underfoot. Strong electrical currents were surging through rocks and soil. The biggest voltages along the US eastern seaboard and in the Midwest were as much as 10,000 times normal."

    Another news report on solar weather stated there were two "sympathetic" solar flares that erupted from the sun earlier today. One was an X class flare. They release x-ray radiation.



  23. Update on North Carolina legislature: 


    Having emailed virtually the entire legislature, which followed having sent every single member personalized letters with geoengineering materials several years ago, and having recently spoken to my North Carolina district representative and senator, I have concluded that the members of the North Carolina State Legislature have yet to find their courage. 

    I wish everyone else in other states success in their endeavors to make contacts with their elected representatives with the hope of replicating their states, but Tennessee has done and what Louisiana is doing. 

    There will be lots of twists and turns in the coming months and next few years. Take care of yourselves and your families. Take care of others including plants and animals within your sphere of influence. 

    Look the storm in the eye.

    1. Louisiana is doing other governmental things too. The legislature there passed a bill to force schools and colleges that receive public funding to display the Ten Commandments. The Governor hasn't signed it yet. Doesn't matter because their version of the Ten Commandments is not the correct version. Their version leaves out key words and sentences contained in the correct ones. Truth is, most American's don't "keep the commandments" so it doesn't matter which version is displayed. 

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