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I have seen some infantile public education productions from the climate science community in the past, but this 5 minute video truly takes the prize. Though the presentation was apparently designed for a “younger” audience, it appears to be fit for the intellect of no more than a 5 year old. This film shows the power structure’s complete contempt for the public’s ability to comprehend even the most basic facts as it pushes global climate engineering in an incredibly blatant and simplistic fashion. The production was done for the “Climate Engineering Conference 2014”  being held in Berlin Germany from August 18 through August 21, 2014. This “educational” video has to be seen to be believed, whatever IQ it was designed for, it is total programming propaganda. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org



Click here for details on the “Climate Engineering Conference 2014”



17 Responses

  1. This video piece is one of the most repulsive and pitiful attempts to “educate” the slobbering masses that I have ever had the misfortune to see. Condescending, cartoonish graphics, all designed to inure a slowly awakening public into accepting the possibility that geoengineering could actually SAVE us, but with the added disclaimers to cover their sorry asses in case the whole agenda careens off into deadly unforeseen territory (which may, in fact, be the agenda after all). Or in laymen’s terms: they actually ARE trying to thin the population, but without mass panic and without a trail that leads directly to the masterminds behind this apocalypse.
    My rage and despair grow arm in arm daily. Some of my friends are receptive, but don’t know enough to feel what I am feeling. Others remain arrogant and pickle themselves in a brine of certitude that guys like me are idiots and are to be pitied and crushed with counter-arguments based upon lies and disinformation and/or just plain bullshit.
    Yet, others do, in fact, GET IT! But at the end of the day, even if there arise mass demonstrations on the esplanade at the U.S. capitol, (which would be ecstatically great) will it have any effect on the goons behind all of this?

  2. M for Mitigation?

    I coulda swore he said MEDICATION.

    Isn’t this what’s really going on? Aren’t we being forcibly medicated?

  3. It was really bad primary grade video. It is dummy down propaganda from the garbage makers themselves. Toxically poisoning the earth and all life is all wrong. Controlling weather gives these evil people the ability and power to control the market of demand and supply and weaken ecosystems food production and the market. These chemicals are toxic and change brain functioning too. Many people know this and are wise enough to see what is really happening. There is better technology out there to end most all fossil fuel use, but they want continue to be wealthy from it and the war industry. Harp and chem spraying will destroy the earth and life for a unknown time. We need to stand up to this insanity.

  4. What if we would simply use less cars, airplanes and spend overall less? Go to job by bike, use public transportation, produce less unusefull iphones, ipades…? Therefore it could be much less greenhouse gasses. They do not represent this idea. They take it as a normal that greenhouse gasses are part of evolution on earth but it is not. It is sick that none of them does even think about self sufficient economies and want to go on with traditional industry. It is all about the industry and keeping it going on the same way as it has been going on until now.

  5. Love it the way they said ‘if the experiment has bad consequences we can just stop it’, YEAH STOP IT WE KNOW HOW BAD IT IS!!!!!

  6. Another video from the conference on the “Termination effect” – what happens when you stop SRM geoengineering, from the purportedly academic “modeling” results… He compares geoengineering to drug use here, saying you can’t just stop using -but need to gradually withdraw, due to side effects. They have a whole series of propaganda …Er, i mean ‘public education’ videos over at YouTube for the conference. it appears this is the agreed upon timing to roll this out and announce the programs as imminent. You watch each of the ‘experts’ speaking …and want to tell them to walk outside and…look up.


    Also I like the repeat of that famous “surgical precision” meme in the cartoony presentation above! Where have we heard that one before? Oh yeah, ask the victims of hellfire missiles about our impressive surgical precision. That’s always a clever, comforting way to reassure people that technology will cause no harm outside of intended targets.

  7. so many things wrong with this video messaging. the target audience this is meant for has an IQ of 10.

    “messing with the food chain can have serious consequences…” “less sunlight means less global warming…” “no one can tell exactly what the consequences would be…” “why shouldn’t we try? if it has bad consequences, we can just stop it” “unclear who should decide…we should think about it very carefully”

    but in the meantime, this is already occurring! drought is messing with our food chain. nano particulates are messing with our oceans (and food chain). monsanto is further messing with our food chain with gmo seeds. nobody is thinking “carefully” about this at all.

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