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Dane Wigington

Is climate engineering real? What does a former US Air Force 2 star major general have to say about this most critical issue? This interview was conducted exclusively for GeoengineeringWatch.org, any re-uploading of any part of this interview is expressly forbidden at the request of the interviewee.

Waking US citizens and US military members up to the dire climate engineering threat is the great imperative of our time. All who are already awake are needed to help sound the alarm in this critical effort to raise awareness. Sharing credible data from a credible source is key, make your voice heard.


Retired February 01, 2000    

Major General Richard H. Roellig is commander of the Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah. The center is one of five Air Force logistics centers in the country. It has worldwide responsibilities for the engineering and logistics support of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The center also manages the entire force of Minuteman and Peacekeeper intercontinental ballistic missiles. The center is responsible for supporting many commodities, such as aircraft landing gear for the entire Air Force and 70 percent for the Department of Defense, airborne photographic and reconnaissance equipment, training devices and conventional munitions. 

The general received his commission through the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program in 1966 as a distinguished graduate of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. He has held a variety of positions in acquisition and contracting, as well as command positions at the base, test center and system program office levels.

1966 Bachelor of science degree in management, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 
1970 Master of business administration degree in government contracting, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 
1977 Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. 
1977 Defense Systems Management College, Fort Belvoir, Va. 
1978 Master of science degree in systems management, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 
1981 Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C.

1. June 1966 – February 1968, supply officer, Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. 
2. February 1968 – August 1969, program management officer, Guided Bomb System Program Office, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 
3. August 1969 – September 1970, master of business administration program, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 
4. September 1970 – August 1972, deputy base contracting officer, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. 
5. August 1972 – September 1973, Air Staff training officer, Air Force Procurement Policy Office, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 
6. September 1973 – November 1974, administrative contracting officer, DCAS – Litton, Los Angeles 
7. November 1974 – December 1976, officer in charge, Teledyne Ryan Plant, DCAS – San Diego 
8. December 1976 – June 1977, student, Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. 
9. June 1977 – December 1977, student, Defense Systems Management College, Fort Belvoir, Va. 
10. December 1977 – August 1980, weapon system acquisition staff officer, Headquarters Air Force Systems Command, Andrews Air Force Base, Md. 
11. August 1980 – June 1981, student, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C. 
12. July 1981 – June 1982, executive officer, Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. 
13. June 1982 – July 1983, director of personnel, Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. 
14. July 1983 – August 1984, base commander, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. 
15. August 1984 – May 1987, vice commander, Air Force Contract Management Division (Air Force Safety Center), Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. 
16. May 1987 – September 1989, deputy for contracting and manufacturing, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 
17. September 1989 – September 1991, commander, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn. 
18. September 1991 – July 1995, program director for the Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile System Program Office, Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 
19. July 1995 – August 1997, director of contracting, Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 
20. August 1997 – present, commander, Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah

Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster

Second Lieutenant Jul 26, 1966
First Lieutenant Jan 27,1968
Captain Jul 27, 1969
Major Mar 1,1975
Lieutenant Colonel Apr 1,1979
Colonel Oct 1,1983
Brigadier General Jul 2,1992
Major General Feb 1, 1997

Richard Roellig was commissioned through the Reserve Officer Training Corps program in 1966 upon graduation from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He retired in 2000 as a U.S. Air Force Major General.

DURING Peace Time Awards
Service: Air Force
(Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: Major General Richard H. Roellig, United States Air Force, was awarded the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of General Roellig and his dedicated contributions in the service of his country reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
Under the provisions of Department of Defense 1348.33-M, the Secretary of Defense has awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal to Major General Richard H. Roellig, United States Air Force, for exceptionally superior service to the Department of Defense. The distinctive accomplishments of General Roellig reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense.
(Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: Major General Richard H. Roellig, United States Air Force, was awarded the Legion of Merit for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of General Roellig and his dedicated contributions in the service of his country reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
(Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: Major General Richard H. Roellig, United States Air Force, was awarded a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Legion of Merit for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of General Roellig and his dedicated contributions in the service of his country reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
(Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: Major General Richard H. Roellig, United States Air Force, was awarded a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Legion of Merit for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of General Roellig and his dedicated contributions in the service of his country reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

45 Responses

    1. Hello, Mary, investigate the “engineering winter” section on the home page of GeoengineeringWatch.org to learn more about patented processes of “chemical ice nucleation for weather modification” (the core causal factor in the increasingly destructive hail events).

  1. B"H  One thing troubles me in this talk – it seems this official's feeling about being concerned about the effect on the citizens is that it's a natural concern, not that it is justified, or righteous, as part of the appropriate attitude that should be held by a military man.

    Other things are natural, like needing 8 hours of sleep every night and decent meals, and most military men have times when they do not indulge in such activities, due to the demands of their duties, so the word 'natural' in this context is less than comforting.

    This interview has given me a new perspective on the military.  It seems clear that their objective is not to keep the citizens of our country safe, but to help those who are directly involved in the government and the infrastructure of 'important' corporations in control of the piece of territory called 'the United States' and in control of whatever interests abroad, throughout the whole world, they will determine are important to them.  In other words, serving the country does not mean, de facto, serving the citizens, for those who are in the service.  

    It's kind of disillusioning.  I grew up with a great respect and admiration for the military (except in apparent fiascos like Vietnam and the draft).  I think we are no longer in what i thought America was.

  2. My USAF Father was so Indoctrinated that while in his mid 70's I asked him a very SIMPLE Question..

    What did he see in the SKY with 6000 Hours in Kc97's & Kc135's.

    He only said that he feared for his retirement & refused to TELL ME ANYTHING. I was stunned & still can't imagine he couldn't tell me what Unidentified Objects he may have seen.

    He was 100% true to his Oath to KEEP SILENT.

    I Still wish he had told his last living SON something..


    Don't  EVER DOUBT IT.   Geno in Idaho

    1. Hey Gene Snyder:  Heh, heh.  We don't have to worry about keeping secrets anymore.  Russian intelligence has it covered. >

      "The Russian Defense Ministry reported earlier that Tahrir al-Sham was plotting a chemical attack that would then be misrepresented as another "atrocity" by the "Syrian regime." Eight canisters of chlorine have been delivered to a village near Jisr al-Shughur city, and a specially trained group of militants, prepped by the British security company Olive, also arrived in the area to imitate a rescue operation to save the civilian "victims." Militants plan to use child hostages in the staged incident, according to Antonov.

      Moscow cautioned Washington against falling for this provocation, noting that a massive airstrike targeting Syria's military and civilian infrastructure will constitute another act of "groundless and illegal aggression" against Syria."

      Russia gives US Intel on planned chemical weapons provocation in Syria — RT World News    https://www.rt.com/news/437201-idlib-syria-chemical-provocation-meeting/ 

      I think it's interesting that the Russian ambassador needs to remind the U.S. administration that it's not nice to stage false flag chemical attacks against civilian children in Syria.  How many staged events will it take before Americans demand an end to our involvement in Syrian affairs?

  3. That interview was a major get for credibility.  Wish he could have said more but joining the military is making a deal with the devil.  My brother was in the navy 40 years ago and he's scared to death to talk about still! God knows what he saw or did to keep his mouth shut for that long.

    Sad.  Their work is for the "mission", not what the "mission" does to flesh and blood people!

  4. A Logical Assumption!   Dane, the questions you asked in this interview are Brilliant. You have honed your talent of speaking publicly. You've become a great interviewer & interviewee. I am very impressed with this interview.    I see clearly the cons. I really cannot see the pros! What Pro? I don't get it, never in a Million Years would I  !!! You all (Military)  have an obligation to be HONEST & FORTHRIGHT, PERIOD, to those you state that you will protect & are protecting!  Discloser?  Yes, we sure need it. We already see the outcome of 70 plus years of this weather modification madness.    It's not good!   In less then a hundred years we have killed most living organism's, including us. We just take vitamins & can hide indoors.  I don't think it's at all beneficial. 200 to 300 plants, insects & animals a day?    Thank You for coming forward Major General Richard H. Roellig & your wife for seeing & knowing our sky is, not right. Thank You for taking the time to find this site of Facts & Documented Truth. I Pray more Generals will find their Courage as you & your family have. We need more Morals, more Courage, more Virtue & Love for future generations lives & living the lifestyle of future generations. This ignorance, or blindness, has got to end!       Paul Beckwith … You make me CRAZY!   Got to give you credit for facing Dane again though. Good on you for that.      Please be true to yourself Paul.   Really Research!

  5. I have an Abstract from the Bureau of Reclamation prepared in 2007. It was prepared for the CA Energy Commission as a Final Project Report. here is an excerpt:

    The origins of this work trace to a group of professionals from utility companies, water
    management agencies, and weather modification (WM) scientists. This group was convened in
    2005 at the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission) to discuss the current state of
    WM (cloud seeding) in California and the need to improve that state. WM has been conducted
    in the Sierra Nevada Mountains to increase water from snowpack since the 1950s, to the benefit
    of irrigated agriculture, hydroelectric power, recreation, municipal and industrial water users,
    and water quality. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) conservative
    estimates that the combined state seeding projects generate 300,000 to 400,000 acre-feet of water
    annually. This report examines the current state of winter cloud seeding in general and its
    practice in California in particular, so as to make recommendations for optimization. Included
    are a problem statement, WM history, its current state of advancement and obstacles to
    understanding, benefit/cost ratios achievable versus other water augmentation technologies, and
    its optimization potential using the latest scientific and technical knowledge. Solutions to
    problems are offered and evaluated, and recommendations are made for applied research,
    funding and frameworks toward optimization. The report is intended to inform and provide
    decision assistance to policy makers in energy, water resources, government, agriculture,
    environment, recreation, and other sectors of California.

    If anyone would like the full report, let me know. It specifically speaks of Silver Iodide seeding….I have the official PDF.

    So many agencies are involved your head spins. DOI, MWD, NRC, WMA, SCE, PG&E….no one is left out. Congress passed bills for them HR-2995 and S-517 in 2005 ( RYAN) to allow them to do a Nationwide weather research modification program. "The program in CA has one of the longest operational weather modification programs anywhere in the world".

    This is over 10 years old. Imagine where the "program" is now…


  6. Paul Vonharnish, while you are quite correct in your analysis, the problem seems to be that very few can 'see' the true problem, fewer can 'see' the solution, and only a very, very few have the balls and intestinal fortitude to actually stand in the face of GovCo and whatever 'overwhelming odds' there is an illusion of….lots of people can talk big from their cushy chair, but it is a bit different from being front-line, as Dane is willing to do…more people willing to do 'whatever it takes', on the front-line is what it is going to take; those with your attitude and balls of steel and commitment to their future, their children's future, and the planet's future….may you be incredibly infectious in your passion for following your own conscience…. 

    1. Hello Gara Kawa:  Thank you for your response.  Consider the huge influence that persons such as Mr. Wigington have have on those coming to this site.  Dane has consistently raised the bar in terms of what I expect of myself and my own moral imperatives…

      My hope is that somewhere in the chaos, there are others who understand the intent of Constitutional Law.  Our persistence and tenacity in demanding legal recourse is our only hope for survival.  If we allow ourselves to degenerate into social chaos, the end of life on this planet will be guaranteed by nuclear cataclysm.

      It is up to each civilian; in every Nation, to demand that their governments respect the intended priorities of individual Constitutional enforcement in each and every State and jurisdiction.

      United Nations policy is (and has been) intentionally corrupted and shadowed by trade "arrangements".  Nations and States need to act independently of any alleged treaties or obligations to these parasitic pigs.

      The reason I focused on the Napoleonic Code, is the diversity of governments that have adopted it's intent regarding humane treatment and the inalienable rights of individual sovereignty.  The American Bill of Rights needs to be reestablished as the primary enforcement mechanism of Lawful order within the United States.  Virtually all Amendments following the Tenth Amendment contain shades of treason and disregard for the originating intent of rule by the People.

    2. Dane passion influenced me, will never stop to expose the biggest crime ever right in our faces. Marek

  7. Sorry for hogging so much room on this site, but I just happened to realize that we do not see very many posts, if any, from those who live outside of the USof A.   I sorely miss hearing from citizens from other countries because their posts were always pertinent and gave so much information that we would not necessarily hear from our media here in the States.  This web site, GeoengineeringWatch.org is not only for us who live in USA, but for everyone who is so very concerned with the health and future of this planet. (.With Dane's permission).  We only have one planet and it is up to all of us, no matter where we live, to fight for its survival.  So, to anyone in Europe, Africa, Asia, wherever you live, please write and tell us of the conditions where you are at – your health, crop failure, aerosol dispersions (some call them chemtrails), what the current weather is where you are at, what you see in "your skies" and anything else that you are concerned about. Even if you wrote the post in your own language, someone who visits this site could translate it for us.  Only by working together can we win this common and very important cause and that is to try to save this world and all in it.  Thank you very much. 
    Ciao to my friends in Italy.  Muchas gracias to my friends in Mexico and Spain.  Salaam and marhaba to my friends in the Near East. And to all others..





    1. Hi Virginia,

      I am from India and I just discovered Geoengineeringwatch a couple of days ago.. since then I have watched all all of the presentations on this site… and have just now sent my request to join the FB group here.. I guess you have to understand that this website is not automatically going to become accessible overnight across the globe.. I had to accidently discover this site a few nights back.. (how that happened is another interesting story .. for another time) have a lot to share and have already started sharing this matter among my friends… Will be more in touch on this site

    2. Hi Virginia I live in Sweden and I say without any doubt; Yes geoengineering is definitely going on, on a regular basis in this country too ( as you may already guess or know). And the result of this is white or white-bluish skies. Often it looks like a white plastic film over the sky. Nasty and depressing.When I first observed this. I became very concerned and thought that perhaps the end of this civilization was coming to an end. But now 10 years later I do try to live my life as if this is not an important issue. What I do on a regular basis, however, is detoxification, in view of chemicals and heavy metal particles that falls down from these programs.

  8. Thought for the day:

    Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinkers.

    Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy.

    Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot' than the

       stigma of conformity.

    And on issues that seem important to you

    Stand up and be counted at any cost.

    —Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956)

    From WhatReallyHappened.com 8/18/18

  9. So what does the Napoleonic code have to do with modern jurisprudence?  Plenty.  When individuals with (alleged) military rank refuse to study the Laws that define social order, there is soon no social order whatsoever.  To ALL military personnel: Take a long hard look at the chaotic political zoo that America has become.

    Excerpted from: Napoleonic Code – Wikipedia

    "The term "Napoleonic Code" is also used to refer to legal codes of other jurisdictions that are influenced by the French Code Napoléon, especially the Civil Code of Lower Canada (replaced in 1994 by the Civil Code of Quebec), mainly derived from the Coutume de Paris, which the British continued to use in Canada following the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Most of the laws in Latin American countries are also heavily based on the Napoleonic Code, e.g. the Chilean Civil Code and the Puerto Rican Civil Code.[19]

    In the United States, whose legal system is largely based on English common law, the state of Louisiana is unique in having a strong influence from Napoleonic Code and Spanish legal traditions on its civil code (Spanish and French colonial forces quarreled over Louisiana during most of the 1700s, with Spain ultimately ceding the territory to France in 1800, which in turn sold the territory to the United States in 1803).[20] Examples of the practical legal differences between Louisiana and the other states include the bar exam and legal standards of practice for attorneys in Louisiana being significantly different from other states; Louisiana being the only American state to practice forced heirship of a deceased person's estate; and some of Louisiana's laws clashing with the Uniform Commercial Code practiced by the other 49 states.[21] [End quote]

    Please refer to the complete text, and at least try to understand the purpose of written documents and oaths of office: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleonic_Code

    Regarding fame:   

    “For over a thousand years Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeteers, musicians and strange animals from conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conquerors rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children robed in white stood with him in the chariot or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror holding a golden crown and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.”

     – George S. Patton Jr. –

    (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945)

  10. Thank you both for your courage. We are seeing history being made, as high officials come forward to speak out about the greatest attrocity ever committed. Thank you again

  11. Great discussion on military involvement in climate engineering.  Astounding that Gen. Roellig was curious enough to do his own research and found G.E.W. on his own initiative.  The implication is that this is a site that would make sense to top military personnel because it sticks to credible evidence, logic and reason and avoids hysterical speculation.  I'm sleeping somewhat better tonight knowing that we have at least some in the military circles who actually are alarmed by the spraying and care enough to talk about it.  

    The general mentions Davis-Montham A.F.B. in Tucson, AZ as being in his area.  Here's a link to a site that shows the amazing number of mothballed aircraft on this base:  https://airplaneboneyards.com/davis-monthan-afb-amarg-airplane-boneyard.htm  It is astounding to me the number of airplanes that are now obsolete and unused, sitting around and stacked like cord wood, waiting to be scrapped.  The planes have evocative names like "Thunderstreak" and "Peacemaker."  What a total joke. What a total waste. And that there are 12,000 Raytheon employees just in Tucson alone.  WAR PIGS, indeed!

    1. Paul Vonharnish at 6:27am post.   Hi, Paul.  First, allow me to thank you for your very well-written posts on this site.  I have learned much from them and can always count on you to amplify the concerns and posts of others. You are a great asset to this site.  Appreciation.

      However, Paul, this Napoleonic Code post is above my pay scale and I have read it twice trying to tie it into the current state of affairs in this torn and divided country and all that this implies..  I understand the evolution of various codes as you describe them, but, inasmuch as this country is following NO codes, (more like the law of the jungle) let alone the Constitution which is but a crude facsimile of the original…as it is practiced today, at least..what difference does it make (ugh, I hate that phrase, thanks to HRClinton) to follow or adhere to any code?   Those who have us by the throats don't give a damn about codes.  We are fighting a dirty war, here in America, and it seems like the only code that is being followed by the "government" is "if you don't like it, tough sh…., kid."

        Time to take the gloves off as time is short.  Waiting for the 'military', whoever that is at the moment, is a pipe dream, in my opinion.  As Burrowes stated in
      his piece which I quoted on the last GEO edition, and I paraphrase:  The powers that be will never allow us, the lowly populace, to win".  If only this country and the military would follow the moral and ethical codes that allow equal justice for all beings, whatever or wherever is their state, we would need no Napoleonic Codes or even British
      Common Law.  Thanks, Paul….hope you will not be offended by my response, as I hold you in deep respect.

  12. Thank both of you gentlemen so much for conducting this Q & A time. I am hopeful that not only a good number of military personnel, as well as meteorologists, will gather up the courage to step forward to tell the TRUTH.  I personally am ashamed at our local, regional, and national meteorologists for hiding the truth about weather modification / geoengineering, wondering how they can report the non-truth, knowing full well that the weather patterns we see on radar are bizarre and totally not natural.  I'm appalled at the number of citizens who spray their yards and their homes with horrendous chemicals, never questioning the toxicity of the products and what implication is has for their own health as well as the entire earth.  Last week, I heard a farmer saying he had to use EIGHT different chemicals on his fields (corn and soybean) to kill the weeds!!  Where is the mentality?  Where has critical thinking gone to?  Enough of my rant.  Again, much gratitude to Dane and General Roellig for making this interview public.  I'm praying for your safety.


  13. General was extremely careful choosing his words. I wish I could be more optimistic, but I can’t see through the haze, the endless divisiveness from political theater, and my naked windshield that was once an insect graveyard after a 300 mile summer drive. 

  14. Dane, I would like to thank and commend Gens. Jones and Roellig for their courage and heroism for stepping forward to discuss this life devastating issue of atmospheric geoengineering or known in some circles as "weather warfare".  I do hope and encourage others both inside and outside of the military framework to do the same as both Gens. Roellig and Jones did because their compartmentalized position will be meaningless when the full and complete destruction of humanity and biosphere are full realized.  By that time, it will be too late.  I believe the rubicon was passed over some time ago.  However, as an Ex-Civil Servant, I will continue to work with Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch and both military and non-military alike to halt this insane assault on humanity and our one and only biosphere.  I am not behind you, I am with you.

  15. The picture that separates Dane and the General…discloses much more than the interview…is someone making a pun or was that just a romantic moon setting? Nice interview, Dane…SINGLE VISION: A SELF-DEVOURING MONSTROUS HUMAN DEATH…a frozen bulk subject to decay and death. Must be reclaimed by, 'A REVOLUTION OF PERCEPTION'; by the, 'DIVINE ARTS OF IMAGINATION',which reveal,"the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow."  WILLIAM BLAKE

  16. Dane, It is great to see such Honorable men "step up" to address this issue and speak out -full well knowing the dangers and impacts of doing so. Thank You Major General Roellig for you're continued service- even after retirement- to defend Our Country against all enemies, including those we find domestically. I Pray that more Great Men of courage and Honor such as  Major General Roellig will continue to help awaken the public to the threat we face with Geoengineering through working  together to get better traction on these all consuming disasters we are finding ourselves in. Dane, as always Thank You for you're continued leadership and research combined with the help and support of so many other influential people with the credentials as well as integrity to push this movement forward. You are most deeply appreciated. And Thank You To All Those whom are willing to give of themselves -sometimes at great sacrifice to oneself for the" Greater Good" of the Planet as well as Our Nation!  May God Watch Over, Guide and Protect Us All !

  17. May God bless both of you intelligent men in helping to expose this dangerous Geoengineering going on across our Earth. Blessings!


    Thank you both, Major General Richard H Roellig and Dane Wigington for this information, especially along with the questions and answers, as best we can be told.  This Climate Engineering IS destroying planet EARTH. Much proof has been given by Dane regarding the Nuclear Testing.  The fact that you, General Richard Roellig, having contacted Dane regarding all of this information, is a big PLUS for our investigating of Military causing much of this Geoengineering.  We realize that much information can NOT be given, as you are under Military Commands (Classified), therefore not being permitted to reveal much information. Thank you, Sir, for showing such concern for the 'THREAT' of the weather being involved with this most dire situation. May God bless both of you and all the Team that is involved in exposing this Geoengineering Act. Thank you! Thank you! Both of you have shown much integrity in this information for us.  We must PRESS ON!

  19. Quoted from: Swearing In: The Oath of Enlistment and the Oath of Office   [Bold italics are mine]

    The Oath of Enlistment (for enlistees):

    "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

    The Oath of Office (for officers):

    "I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

    There is absolutely no verbiage placing the tenancies of one's "career" or position above that of the Constitution of the United States.  The Uniform Code of Military Justice has very specific verbiage and penalties associated with treason, espionage, sabotage, and arming enemies against a friendly Nation.  Our Constitutional Government is BY and for the people of the United States of America, period.

    Your allegiance is sworn to the United States of America, and all citizens thereof.  Not the Untied Nations.  Not Saudi oil interests.  Not international banking cartels.  And certainly not illegal surveillance operations handed off to quasi-military subcontractors. 


    1. It is abundantly clear that these oaths aren't worth the paper they're printed on. How many examples need we cite to demonstrate the porosity of these oaths, occasional litigations, court-martials, imprisonments etc. notwithstanding. If massive toxic geoengineering of American skies, lethal domestic nuclear testing and biological warfare testing on American citizens is not sufficient to prove my point then nothing will. At this late hour, "National Security" justifications for horrific military and surveillance programs could not possibly be more phony. 

    2. Well, that'll work, but only as long as these guys have actually read the U.S. Constitution, but considering the ongoing dumbing down of the cognitive and critical thinking skills by all the sound-bite electronic amusement toys folks think is just fine to pacify their (not-so-wanted-now-that-they're-here) kids, along with the lack of serious and long (as opposed to short-short story) reading material assignments (full novels, Shakespeare's full plays) that requires and deepens those skills and the attention span needed to learn, we're in very serious trouble.  Even real estate sales agents often do not fill out their own listing and sales contracts because too many who just do sales lack the ability to spell properly.  I have to wonder how many of these guys can even correctly spell allegiance, seriously.

    3. Hello marc and Dennie:  There remain several points to be addressed:

      If individuals within society continue to make such assertions as there is no validity in swearing oaths before a collective "God", than were does that lead us as a sentient specie?

      When those we entrust with the weapons of war; fail to honor, respect, and uphold the Laws our forefathers fought and died for, do we still believe our grand children will honor or respect us?

      My allegiance has always been to my own integrity.  I follow no one.  I take no orders that are not my own.  I consistently refuse to be degraded or intimidated by those who choose illiteracy rather than clarification; moral turpitude rather than justice, and indolence rather than significance.

      The world has seen 6500+ years of mass murder, gang rape, looting, and destruction of our finest works of art and literature.  When we dress insecure pigs up in suits, and march them around our village squares as if they are somehow our superlative best, it hardly boasts as a rational understanding of cause and effect…

  20. General—thank you for your service,however as I am a Navy veteran I believe that we have a higher call to protect our country and civilian  population from military gone crazy. I have children and grandchildren as does  everyone else and we owe it to future generations to oppose what we know to be morally wrong.

  21. Dane knows:
    at this moment it's all about saving humanity! The US-military imo, is the only trustable human power we have left on earth … the only ones that could disclose what lies behind the destruction of this planet!!!
    BUT they are told to be quiet and as loyal ppl. they obey —
    We know there are greater powers above (not benevolent to humans) working in secret … telling all governments what they have to do … yes, it's all much more intricate;
    Lets hope and pray intensely that a wonder occurs!!!
    Thank you so much Dane, your questions are awesome! We love you!!! Great interview!

  22. Here's something I got that came from commondefense.us:  

    This is huge news Dennie. The Associated Press just reported that Trump's military parade has been POSTPONED.

    Since February, we've been on the front lines demanding that this egotistical parade be cancelled. Now, after months of public outcry from veterans, military families, and concerned people, our hard work is paying off. But we can't let up the pressure — not even for a second, because Trump won't rest until he fulfills his dream of lining the national mall with tanks and banners in self-aggrandizement.  

    I can’t stress it enough: this is a BIG win. In the last month alone, more than 3,100 Common Defense members including 700 veterans signed up to strategically converge on DC. We’ve been hard at work meeting with allies and planning a powerful response in the streets. Numbers like that are terrifying for petty tyrants like Donald Trump. We showed him — and all his complicit GOP enablers — that our movement is a serious force to be reckoned with.

    We’ll have more to say on this news in the coming days. But right now, we need to send a message that we won’t be satisfied until their postponed parade turns into a cancelled one.

    Thank you for everything Dennie. Vets Against Trump is at the the very core of the Resistance movement and our work continues to only possible because of your continued support, generosity, and dedication. For that, we’re eternally grateful.

    Let's do this!

    Perry O'Brien
    U.S. Army & Afghanistan war veteran
    Organizing Director, Common Defense


    There will be a climate action showcase here in Marin County in the gym at the Marin Junior College on Saturday, Sept. 15th with Climate Action Showcase at 5:30, speakers and programs at 7:00:

    Dear Friends of the Planet: In about one month you get to attend our landmark event:

    WHAT:  "Getting to Paris Without Stopping in Washington". Click on http://www.leadonclimate.org for tickets and information.  

    WHEN: September 15, 2018- 5:30 pm, our spectacular Marin Climate Action Showcase; 

    7:00 pm program of eminent climate leaders. 

    WHERE" Diamond Center Gymnasium, College of Marin, Kentfield

    Speakers Include: Christiana Figueres, architect of the UN Paris Climate Agreement; Matt Rodriquez, California EPA Secretary; Congressman Jared Huffman; Berkeley Professor, Daniel Kammen; Marin County Supervisors Kate Sears and Damon Connolly; Josh Fryday,  Novato Mayor, and Cameron Evans, MSEL student leader. 

    Atttached is a flyer for you to share with your friends and colleagues.  

    The excitement is building so sign up right away to assure seating. We expect a large and diverse audience. This event will be energized by our star climate leader and "stubborn optimist” – Christiana Figueres. 


    What if Mother Nature Is on the Ballot in 2020?

    Democrats could have a strong issue to run on if the extreme weather persists and President Trump continues to dismiss climate change.

    By Thomas L. Friedman

    What if all the extreme weather this year — linked to climate change — gets even worse and more costly? What if the big 2020 issue is not left-right — but hot-cold or wet-dry? What if the big 2020 issue is not “Who lost Russia?” or “Who lost North Korea?” but “Who lost planet Earth?”

    https://www.nytimes.com/2018/0 8/14/opinion/2020-election-cli mate-change-trump.html

    Organizing for Action, Marin Team



    I believe I remember reading there'll be about 500 people there.  You can sign up and get a ticket for the event.  $20 per includes complementary eats, 5:30-7:00:  https://leadonclimate.org

    My plan is to take glossy G.E.W. awareness flyers and leaflet the place.  Anyone?

    1. Thank you.

      Following the Marin Climate Action link, I found several environmental groups, I haven't asked yet to address ongoing climate engineering projects.

    2. @Heidi:  I've written to this group about ongoing climate engineering and they don't respond.  The best thing they do is to have gatherings where there are quite a few people so you can go and pass out the glossy fliers. 

  23. Wow. What an impactful interview from General Roellig. So grateful for his courage and high moral standards. Clearly a fine human being. Also kudos to the other General whom you quoted during this interview Dane. Let's hope more and more honorable folks from the military, science, and defense industry contractors decide to step up and join in on bringing us credible information on this critical issue. On behalf of ALL of Earth's magificently diverse life forms and creatures- Thank you again Dane and General Roellig.   : )

  24. Thank you, Major General Richard H. Roellig, sir.  God Bless and keep you & your family safe. And thank you, Dane. As always, your courage is a light on this sad planet.

    1. My sentiments exactly, V. Susan Ferguson,

      Thank you, Major General Richard H Roellig and Dane. May God bless and keep you and your families safe and your information is much appreciated and NEEDED!  Blessings, Abigail


  25. Thank you General Roellig for your service to our country and your integrity and courage in being open minded towards the climate engineering issue.

    As a 64 yr old long time resident of coastal N. California and a 12 yr long sky watcher it is abundantly obvious climate engineering operations are in full swing and our environment is suffering as a result .. drought, out of control wildfires that burn like none others in recent history, I am deeply concerned that these climate engineering programs are causing huge problems for our environment and the health of our citizens.

    I deeply appreciate your being concerned and questioning what you and your wife see with your own eyes.

    Sincerely ,

    Eric Paulsen

    Kneeland, Ca

  26. Careful, guarded, but an important clarification (and validation of what was presumed) of the military perspective. Thanks Dane. 

  27. We very much appreciate hearing from retired Air Force General Richard H. Roellig.  He lends tremendous credibility to those of us here (and to others around the world) who have been saying these programs exist and that they are being tested or used over the heads of American citizens. If these are weapons programs, everyone deserves to know. If so, the implications should be obvious: we should not be test subjects, and we are not the enemy.  We understand the General's need to use carefully measured words, which we support whole heartedly. It can be dangerous to publicly speak about clandestine subjects and hard to give details, so many of which are highly classified.

    Allow me to add, if what we suspect is true, no thoughtful person would support in good conscience testing on any population anywhere, and no enemy is such a threat that it deserves to be targeted by such weapons. I would extend that statement to the use of both chemical and nuclear weapons.

    1. Also, if those in high places in the military who know that this abuse would also harm themselves and their families and the world populations would get together and come out and tell the truth, even though they would risk their jobs, pensions, etc., still what else could be more of an emergency than extinction??? It seems to me that would take precedence over everything else. As Dane says, pensions and salaries will mean nothing if all life on earth is extinguished. COME ON! How much of a no brainer is this? AND every person who flies these planes that are polluting us should have the knowledge of what they are doing and the integrity to STOP, and stop right now! I mean, the same analogy could be used for soldiers worldwide — stop being part of the military and refuse to fight wars. Guess what? Wars would stop. Seems like a pretty easy concept to understand.

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