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“we are reposting “The snowmen, turning warmth to winter” because it is imperative that people understand the completely engineered nature of the weather events occurring now across the country and around the globe. There is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point , virtually none.”

by William Thomas   The anticipated Big Blow came unexpectedly in late October 2012, when a late-season tropical storm picked up enough energy from an unusually warm Atlantic Ocean to maintain hurricane intensity as it tracked north. Blocked from recurving eastwards by the Greenland High, Sandy “did something never observed before in records going back to 1851 – it took a sharp turn to the west and headed toward the most populated area along the eastern seaboard,” scientists said. Invigorated by cold air deflected south from the Arctic, Sandy morphed into “a monster hybrid storm” with “the lowest atmospheric pressures ever recorded” for any storm making landfall north of Cape Hatteras. Instead of snow, Sandy unleashed rain of monsoon intensity.


“There is increasing evidence,” the scientists wrote in Science, “that the loss of summertime Arctic sea ice due to greenhouse warming stacks the deck in favor of larger amplitude meanders in the jet stream, more frequent invasions of Arctic air masses into the middle latitudes, and more frequent blocking events of the kind that steered Sandy to the west.”[Science Mar 16/13]


Some snow did fall on the continental east coast in November. But then winter seemed to lose interest. In Alpine Meadows, California, December saw just an inch-and-a-half of snow. Instead of the usual 72+ inches. [Climate Central Dec/12; Original Weather Blog Mar 3/13]

“Blame it on the chemtrails.” Bonnie Frisk Dombrowski of National University advised Accuweather. But the company that provides content to TV, radio and newspaper outlets worldwide wasn’t going there. [Accuweather]

Neither is the Weather Channel, which recently sold its majority shares in Weather Central to the Rothschild banking family. Providing weather updates to hundreds of millions of viewers in 21 countries, Weather Central virtually owns weather reporting in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. [Geoengineeringwatch]

Weather broadcasters across the USA rely on the National Weather Service for forecasts. The NWS gets its weather modeling from Raytheon, which is partnered with the American Meteorological Society and the National Science Foundation on the federal Weather Modification Operations and Research Board.

The third-largest US weapons giant also owns General Dynamics, the world’s leading manufacturer of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Researcher Brendan Bombaci reports that weather data is streamed to NOAA and the NWS through Raytheon’s Advanced Weather Information Processing System, which links its supercomputers directly with its weather drones. [Raytheon]

Raytheon also owns the HAARP patent. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program uses a steerable billion-watt transmitter in Gakona, Alaska to heat the ionosphere. Each bulge in Earth’s atmospheric cap acts like a movable pinball bumper off which the jet stream caroms.

It doesn’t take much of a bank shot to upset the weather. Quoting a Scientific American report, End The Lie relates how the HAARP array nudged the jet stream directly overhead. “That tiny movement caused a storm front 4,000 miles away in east Texas and Louisiana to move into central Florida where it triggered a couple of tornadoes.” [Scientific American April-May/00]


Today’s US “forecasts” are really “scheduled” weather, Dane Wigington says. In the days leading up to a scheduled late-December storm, the former Bechtel energy employee, owner/operator of the biggest private solar array in California, and head of Geoengineering Watch laughed without humour as the local TV weathermen tried to explain how it was going to snow after nearby Redding was basking in summer temperatures just a few days before.

The approaching front saw the sky crowded with big jets dispensing aerosol plumes that quickly “covered the entire horizon,” Wigington later reported. In the early morning hours of December 20, 2012 “a sickly coloured light penetrated this toxic canopy.”

Then it started snowing.

At 40+ degrees.

“All we heard was aircraft flying back and forth. They’re low. I would guess them to be not more than 15,000” feet, Wigington later posted. An even more ominous sound tore at his nerves as Canyon Live Oaks historically adapted to handling heavy snow loads cracked and snapped under a weight they could not shed. [Geoengineering Watch]

Cold and soaked through, Wigington stumbled through the darkness trying to beat the stuff off low-hanging branches. It felt like pushing concrete slurry. As the sound of collapsing trees became “almost overwhelming,” Wigington recounted, “the only other sound that broke the silence constantly was the continual parade of jets overhead in the clouds, so close and low during the storm.”

By dawn, the 20-inch snowdump desecrating Mt. Shasta had stopped. “Countless broken and uprooted trees lay on the forest floor.” Though temperatures in the artificially cooled air mass were still in the upper 30s, the Raytheon/NWS/Weather Central complex was still reporting temperatures “several degrees below the actual temperatures being recorded by independent monitors.” [Geoengineeringwatch Dec 24/12]

Dozens of rain and snow samples from formerly “pristine” Mt. Shasta tested at a state-certified lab were confirmed by former US Forest Service biologist Francis Mangles. All samples showed elevated barium levels. Aluminum contamination reached as high as 61,000 parts per billion. “This level of aluminum in the snow is tens of thousands of times anything that might be considered ‘normal background’ contamination,” Dane declared.

It wasn’t working.


“The calendar may say January, but across much of the U.S., the ground is bare,” Climate Central commented. By January 8, delighted Chicagoans had yet to reach for shovels as Chi-Town entered its 320th day without an inch of snow. Temperatures were forecast in the 50s later in the week. [Climate Central Jan 5/12; NBC News Jan 8/13]

The Weather Force Specialists kept flying. Connie called the weather “quite odd at times.” Like Dane Wigington, she could not recall seeing winter fog prior to snow. “They make the fog to produce the snow,” she emailed him. “Weird snow pellets look like Styrofoam. The skies here in Colorado have been so clear, then come the chemtrails, then the fog then snow.” [Geoengineering Watch]

By late February, the nation’s capitol was wondering where winter went. “Through today, we’re now at 757 days in a row without a 2 inch or greater snowfall in D.C.,” Ian Livingston wrote on the 21st. “The lack of snow has been astounding. The combined snowfall of the last two and three winters could easily finish lowest on record.”  [Washington Post Feb 21/13]

Four days later, Dane called me from his Mt. Shasta home. “It’s snowing at 40 degrees on the slopes of Mt. Shasta,” he said. “It’s 90 in Florida. Snowing in Texas.”


On March 3, a major winter storm system finally tracked from the north-central Plains into the Atlantic region. With winter nearly over, Minneapolis, Chicago and DC/Baltimore finally saw significant snow accumulations. [Original Weather Blog]

But the snowmen’s best efforts fell short.

“Are we in a snow drought?” asked Laura Naranjo at the NSIDC. “In spite of the massive blizzards that have slammed parts of the northeastern United States, much of the country is experiencing a pronounced lack of snow. And where there is snow, it is less than usual. It follows a very low snow year from the previous season, causing people to worry if low snowfall is the new normal.” [NSIDC Mar 5/13]

On Sunday March 13, it “snowed” in Kansas City. The following Friday, KC hit 84°. Montana saw 70°. Redding hit 82. And the “Mile-High City” of Denver, Colorado set a winter record of 76°.

The Weather Channel was still selling donuts.


For millions of addicted viewers, the most riveting Reality TV is the Weather Channel. Heavy-duty weather is killing all kinds of people in all kinds of places, while surprise updates continue to outpace the best computer climate models – which still can’t anticipate daily events.

Who can tear their eyes away from the crack-up of their space colony?

But how many understand what they’re seeing?

The Weather Channel puts up a radar image of the northeastern seaboard of the United States. Glowing green like an infrared scope, it’s showing big rain bands sweeping in off the Atlantic. “Watch this,” says the weather wizard. Presto! – the centre of the rain band detonates into an expanding donut of deeper green we’re told is snow.

But these are not the wispy fluffy flakes the youngest in our care may never get to experience. This stuff comes down in warm temperatures like wet cement that can’t quite set. Because it’s melting as it falls, it sticks to everything, snapping forests like kindling.

If you were Raytheon or the Rothschilds, how would you explain such impossible weather over your weather networks?

First, by rejoicing that since 2005, all National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration contacts with the media must be pre-approved by the Department of Commerce. [Email memo to NOAA and National Weather Service staff Sept 29/05]

Second, by revisiting Orwell…

Weather Channel-speak for a manufactured snow event is a “forecast” calling for another precipitous precipitation “changeover”. That’s when rain suddenly “flashes” into “thunder snow” in above-freezing temperatures for no apparent reason.

The resulting “heavy wet snow” is code for a geoengineered snowfall that cannot occur any other way. And that snow can “thunder” when it’s packing warm subtropical moisture picked up from the Gulf of Mexico by a jet stream bent south by melting Arctic ice – and forced into further contortions by self-appointed weather warriors.

This bafflegab sounds like excuses invented to not explain something that can only occur when particular particles are injected into the lower atmosphere – which they are.

“Without the presence of mountains, colliding cold fronts, or freezing temperatures period, this can only be the result of aircraft dispersing ice nucleating chemicals into the cloud tops,” Dane Wigington points out.

Why don’t TV weather persons just come out and say, “This should not be happening!”


“Ah, the first day of spring,” rhapsodised Ed Payne for CNN – before going on to report wind chill of 30 below in North Dakota, and up to 14 inches of snow coming to Maine. In the Northeast and Upper Midwest, residents welcomed a “modified spring” by digging out from 15 inches of snow in temperatures well below zero. [CNN Mar 20/13]

Weather experts insist that this has not been a la Nina nor an el Nino winter. But was this really manufactured weather? (See sidebar)

“There would be no semblance of winter without ice nucleation,” Dane Wigington insists. “The last cold event was set up along [Earth’s] clockwise rotation, pumping this cold air south clear down to the tip of Baja. It stayed there stationary. Then our temperatures shot back up to record warm.”

Viewing satellite photos of “many, many chemtrails” 800 to 900 miles off the Pacific coast – and subsequently seeing “an incredible manifestation” of weather waves roll over the California coast against westbound clouds coming from Texas – meteorologist Scott Stevens is telling YouTube viewers, “They’re engineering this.

“We’re seeing these clouds pushing broadly westbound against the inbound storm. That should not happen,” this veteran weatherman stresses. “These waves defy the explanation of conventional meteorology. It’s really unreal. Surface winds 5 miles-per-hour, 10 miles-per-hour. These waves are propagating so much faster than any surface winds we’re seeing.”

Pointing to a swirl of isobars over Texas, Scott Stevens continues his commentary: “Underneath this ridge of high pressure – this is where the weather engineers like to work, where the air is still, where it’s calm, where they can begin to build their weather.”‘ [YouTube]

“The leading edge of almost all storms are sprayed heavily,” Dane Wigington echoes. “This is the ‘AR’ of the storm. The ‘atmospheric river’ is the area of spraying preferred by the geoengineers themselves.” [Geoengineeringwatch Dec 24/12]

Wigington also points to “the constant spraying of Pacific storm fronts” before they cross the USA. The ‘aerosolizing’ of these storms, he adds, “drastically reduces the rainfall in the West. The moisture that is robbed then migrates in the form of extremely expansive areas of often featureless high cloud cover, which is then utilized further east for engineered events. Stealing moisture from one location and migrating it to another is an expressed goal of weather modification/geoengineering programs and has been for decades as this US government document from 1966 states.” [Geoengineeringwatch]

Watch out! Reflective aerosols diminish wind by scattering solar energy and reducing heat-driven convection currents. Slowing the wind reduces evaporation. And less evaporation means less moisture in air masses, where too many condensation nuclei act like a sponge, soaking up moisture before it can fall as snow or rain. Traders who understand this are making fortunes on US commodities markets.


“The climate is coming apart,” Dane says. As Earth’s Sixth Extinction Event gathers unstoppable momentum, atmospheric scientists and orbiting asronauts are puzzled by ongoing “global dimming” that has reduced photosynthesis as much as 22% while industrial pollution continues to decline.

Professor Alan Robock worked on the dimming dilemma with its discoverer, Prof. Farquhar. Now this Rutgers University professor declares that geoengineering “could create disasters, damaging the ozone layer and potentially altering the stratosphere by eliminating weather patterns such as the annual Asian monsoon rain season, which two-billion people rely upon to water their crops and feed the population.

“If you fiddle with the radiative balance of the planet, you affect all sorts of circulation patterns like monsoons, which would have horrible effects on people,” Dr. Peter Cox at the Hadley Centre Met Office concurs. “So it would be extremely difficult, in fact impossible, to cancel out the greenhouse effect just by carrying on pumping out particles.” [BBC Apr 19/09]

Changes in long-established wind patterns are already being mirrored by changes in closely coupled ocean currents, which are starting to deliver warming waters to regions where Dane Wigington reminds us, “vast undersea methane deposits… hold life on Earth in the balance.

“People have to be made to understand that they are standing at the very end of the plank,” this tireless activist concludes. “The manipulation of Earths natural systems, which support all life, are being manipulated to breaking points. The insanity of global geoengineering must be stopped.” [Geoengineeringwatch]



 First seriously considered by Freeman Dyson and later examined extensively in a National Academy of Science report, spraying a “sunscreen” of sunlight reflecting particles to prevent further atmospheric heating was publically urged by the late Dr. Edward Teller during an International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies in 1997.

Earth and oceans were heating up dramatically when Ken Caldeira performed Teller’s computer simulations at the Lawrence Livermore National laboratory. To his dismay, this leading atmospheric scientist calculated that spreading 10-million tons of aluminum oxide particles in the upper atmosphere would result in no net warming despite an anticipated doubling of CO2 over the coming decades. Caldeira publicly worried that massive aerial spraying “could destroy the ozone layer” by forming ice clouds of CFCs, while poisoning everyone downwind. [Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas]

The technology was well understood. Filed by the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1991, the Hughes Patent for the “Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming” describes “seeding the layer of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere” with oxides of metals spread behind high-flying aircraft to reflect incoming sunlight.

Its inventors admitted that replacing blue skies with murky artificial overcast might prove unpopular. Even worse, megatons of metallic particles would trap heat near the surface, which “could result in net increase in global warming.” [US Patent Office]

If the priorities and presumptions underlying geoengineering sound scary, atmospheric tinkerers prefer the more soothing “Solar Radiation Management”. SRM is even better.

It’s not like they didn’t warn us. In his first interview as President Obama’s science adviser, John Holdren told White House reporters, “Global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth’s air.” Instead of urgent deep reductions of carbon emissions, Holdren said of this “experimental measure… It’s got to be looked at.” [truthout.org Apr 18/09]

President Obama is not alone in condoning “chemtrails”. The National Academy of Science continues to discuss it, while the American Meteorological Society urges governments “to avoid rash deployment” of such massive perturbations to an atmosphere that is already perturbed.


Some say that climate change is being artificially induced and maintained through geoengineering carried out by the US military and complicit civilian scientists and political leaders.

The geoengineers continue to steal blue skies, while masking even more drastic consequences of their meddling by blaming it all on climate change.

And then there really is accelerating climate change. Like a slowly squeezed trigger, the incremental deterioration of atmospheric processes is close to the big bang! of Climate Shift. Ice cores show that this phase-transition into a grimmer, less hospitable world can occur in just a few decades. [Wunderground]

Almost every country on Earth is actively engaged in the weather modification. And so are we, every time we drive to the store for another bag of chips.

Whether it’s:

All of these self-amplifying “atmospheric forcings” are giving repeated heavy kicks to an increasingly wobbly atmosphere, where inputs as small as the distant beat of a butterfly’s wings can trigger a cascade of unpredictable outcomes.

The only way to stop a swing from swinging – or at least slow it down – is to stop pushing it. In this current Methane Emergency, this means shutting down all geoengineering projects from HAARP to the aerial application of various aerosols, while immediately curtailing carbon and nitrogen emissions


Meanwhile, patients continue to crowd Emergency Rooms with acute gastrointestinal, cardiac and respiratory distress following heavy “spray days” of 10-micron particles – so tiny, the EPA deems them “an extreme human health hazard.”

“Microscopic motes – composed of metals, carbon and other ingredients – are able to infiltrate the tiniest compartments in the lungs and pass readily into the bloodstream,” the LA Times reports. “After they reach the heart, the particles are thought to cause a stress reaction in cells, producing inflammation that contributes to heart disease. The particles also may cause blood clots” leading to death. [EPA press release Apr 134/01; New Scientist Aug 5/00]

These same electrolytes are also conducting steadily rising levels of electrosmog from a torrent of wireless gadgets and their ubiquitous relay transmitters deep into our tissues. “Saturate the body with electrically sensitive particulates. If you’re being exposed to barium and exposed to any of these frequencies, you’re in a lot more trouble than you were before you took that breath,” Wigington warns.

Yet, during a three-and-a-half hour symposium led by geoengineer David Keith, “there was no mention of human respiratory effects, environmental toxicity and water pollution from aerosol geoengineering spraying,” Dane noticed.

One reader commented, “As an EMT, I have seen the effects on people here in northeastern North Carolina. The amount of transports for respiratory and cardiac problems has almost doubled in the past year. Along with sinus infections. Not to mention the flu and a strange pneumonia, with milky thick white sputum. Stop this madness.” [Geoengineering Watch]

12 Responses

  1. weather reporting is no longer a time lapse process showing “fronts” moving in.
    It is a static picture..the radar now is down to a few hours..reduced to a minute.
    But since it is owned by the 1%..that is what you get now.
    We fell asleep at the wheel as a people since world war 2..and it’s gonna take a lot of effort to get our country and world back.
    Garbage warrior video is a pretty good start..I think we are going to have to abandon the cities..which makes us to vulnerable anyways.
    How to clean up the skies..I hope american ingenuity can start working on this.
    Problem re all those neat new nano inventions..and air inoculations..who is going to prevent this from falling into the wrong hands..by people who want to do harm? With all this secret..d a r p a etc..it is not reassuring that good will prevail

  2. Really so you think Sandy took this Quote never seen before Hard left turn that Hurricane Sandy took was because of some silly Greenland High pressure “dome” REALLY ? And I guess the TTA RF or the Nexrad and HAARP had ZERO to do with it ? Played NO part in the odd “never seen before” direction it took ? The Network TV NEWS Bullshit Build up already told us in advance they knew exactly where it was going to make land fall they were Mapping the Destructive force of the Newly acquired 180 antenna array @ 3600Kv the EXACT same way they leveled Joplin Missouri with an “Never been seen” before F5 twice in two days ..

  3. Its lije you read my mind! Yoou seem too know a lot about this, like you wrot the book
    in it or something. I think that you could ddo with soje
    pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is
    magnificent blog. A great read. I’ll definitely bbe back.

  4. My partner… We are… Well it doesn’t matter… My partner got the vaccine this year. Got real sick. I said no. Last time I took a vaccine I thought I was going to Croak. A lot of people are fooled and blindsided fairly easy.

  5. You are darn right people are Dumb. What do you expect when the crap they are spraying is Dumbing people down. I mean serious. I have a friend and the mother has the Parkinson’s or Alzeimer’s. I told this person on numerous occasions to investigate this Geo Agenda and actually pointed out the jets above leaving the trails. Their remark was this… Oh they are contrails. Could not talk sense into the person. I am from Canada and we are getting hit just as hard. It is OK when the sky is clear and then you don’t hear too many Fire Trucks and ambulances. I suspect that when it is Murky overcast blanket it affects people’s breathing and their mental stability. My best suggestion is to look at ways to Get Rid of this Garbage in the sky. Google it using Key Words. Not much other hope. The people behind this must be paid very well and do not give a care about you, or your family. It’s just business to them. I have been making a point of Eating the best I can. That seems to be hard to do sometimes. I know a lot of people that have succomed to this and a huge amount that are sick also. You can lead a horse to water bit, you cannot make the horse drink it. It seems like that with the people you tell. Out of the numerous people I have tried to tell I can honestly say only two people were only remotely interested and really it didn’t seem to fizz on them either. It is a real unfortunate situation that this is the case. Just look after Número UNO. Piss on them if they don’t want to know the truth. A lot of people try to avoid the truth and even if some know they don’t want to believe it. Just like Denial. If you are going to do anything look after yourself first.

    I don’t know what else to say other then this is the Pitts when the sun is constantly blocked and we have to suck this stuff back.

    Eventually it will be too late for the majority of people that don’t want to listen.

    Too bad for them.

    Keep trying though because you might get lucky and get a taker that wants to listen.

  6. I have spent all week posting info, websites and pictures on my Facebook profile, but no one seems to even notice! I live in the northeast in Massachusetts, and I watched a recent snowstorm. What really bothered me was that these weren’t normal snowflakes coming down..they looked like dustbunnies! Clumps of ‘snow’, not individual flakes. What hope for the survival of humanity or any other form of life is there anymore?

  7. Whoa. Nice. Thanks for publishing what I have been trying to make people notice here for years. Are people so dumb they no longer notice the sky is the wrong colors? That snow USED to fall when it was 32℉ or BELOW? And when the water tasted like water and didn’t smell like BLEACH!!! WTF!? DON’T THESE SHEEPLE SEE THEY ARE DUMBING US DOWN AND KILLING THEM OFF!!!

  8. This is a most horrific problem which I was just made aware of last summer while in N Calif. Planes in the sky over Mt Shasta emitting long trails of white stuff. What on Gods earth do they think (they) the big money mongers, are doing?. They are poisoning themselves as well.

  9. $85,000,000,000,000,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That’s what’s missing from the budget ???? – but they (the powers that be) got that money from YOU (I’m Australian).
    All of us keep asking what can we DO as individuals ???
    EASY – if we all stopped paying our taxes, our mortgages, our bank loans, ALL OF WHICH (as you know) ARE CRIMINALLY FRAUDULENT this mass action would not only be about the most effective way of stopping them – but we could repossess the monies they stole from us & put it to far better use.
    Check out the ‘getoutofdebtfree’ sites in which individuals who have researched these ‘debt free’ matters point out that ‘all’ that is required is that you tell your bank that you agree to pay them whatever you lawfully owe them. As modern bank loans are not lawful contracts they cannot possibly demonstrate the lawfulness of any of their loans.
    Therefore you stop repaying to them what you do not nor ever did lawfully ‘owe’ them.
    It takes a while to understand the absolutely fraudulent nature of the manner in which banks currently operate, but among other unlawful practices they ‘sell’ off your loan agreement ‘higher’ up the financial food chain the very second they get your signature, at which point your bank will have already recoup ‘your’ debt, indeed, by that time your bank will have received (many more times) double what you allegedly owe them.
    And that’s just tip of the ice berg.

  10. It is high time that we realise that these things do not take place for our good, but that there are most evil parties who think that the earth is theirs. And more than that: they think that they can kill half of the planet just because that is what they like. Although unbelievable: it is as simple as that.
    Chemtrails are just one aspect, but there are so many mishaps taking place on virtually every terrain. Look at the financial world, the false flag operations in so many countries, the NSA, 9/11, the defense industry, the FEMA camps etc.
    The people in this world must awake now and reveal the evil parties. That is not as difficult as it seems: you only have to make their deeds and names public. Everywhere where you can. Shine your light on them is enough to disarm those evil stealth characters. We are with many and they are a very very small minority. This world belongs to the people, not to a few crooks.

  11. People need to wake up & realize that if we do not change the way things are done immediately, we do not have a chance at saving OUR everyone’s, everything’s, home or Earth as it is called. We are all animals on this planet & since we are a species that were able to create all of these problems, we need to be the ones who fix it. Im sick & tired of being lied to by everyone because they are bought by the Rothschilds, Kochs & the few others that own 90% of all the worlds assets. Profiting off of the fallout (no pun intended) of the negative effects that they knew would be coming do to whatever evil things they feel like doing, fluoride in the water, chem trails (barium, aluminium & god knows what else), tainted vaccines & flu shots, medicating children so they are tranquilized & can then be endoctrinated with horrible crap. The list is never ending & this is just the US I’m talking about. Even though I know a lot of these same things are going on in most countries. We live in a Police state where they could inforce Marshall Law whenever they felt like it. If we the people do not stand up for our country now I don’t know what would make us stand up. I know I’m by far not the only one who wants change yesterday. I needed to vent, but more importantly I need to act as we all do.

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