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Source: Roger Landry (The Liberty Beacon)

Let us discuss catastrophe beyond anything except a full scale, all out, nuclear exchange … but just as deadly and final … And one that may have already been triggered to the ultimate detriment of all humanity!

There seems to be less and less normal, or naturally occurring, weather as we progress these days. All one need do is look up on any given day and see the absolute mess our once beautiful skies have become.

What we are witnessing is increasing ecological and biological damage so severe that alarm bells are sounding across the planet. From the constant raining down of heavy (toxic) metals to the massive release of methane from the warming ocean depths … humanity is now under constant, and what could soon be fatal attack.

The scariest part of all this is the experts who blatantly deny this is even happening. Even more dangerous are those who only tell half truths (half truths are by default … Lies). These learned individuals by their omissions do more damage, or present more danger to the truth than any corporate shill possibly could.

Please listen as I discuss this most dire topic in detail with one of the most active researchers, and concerned activists, known to TLB … Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch. This is a discussion (recorded) you must hear if you truly love your children and wish them to inherit a viable planet … YES this is that dire !!!

Click on the image below to hear the show

Source: Roger Landry (The Liberty Beacon)


3 Responses

  1. Another excellent and very informative interview Dane.

    Regarding Guy McPherson, in an interview he did from January (a very good interview actually with Andrew Harvey) when he asked Guy about how he came to the conclusion back in 2002 of the near term human extinction reality due to abrupt climate change, Guy's response was that at the time he used "intuition" and that it was "a little embarrassing" for him to admit as "a left brained uber scientist". The irony, or discrepancy, is that his intuition guided him to know this dire reality but it doesn't give him a bad hunch about the blatant sky altering plumes? What Guy has done by now openly discounting these programs is to reinforce a sense of validation for those in the anti-geoengineering movement, who are on the global cooling bandwagon, when a renowned global warming scientist like Guy denies geoengineering. 

    What also sucks is that I did actually appreciate his work on nte and discussion of planetary hospice, which for me is basically non-compliance and removing oneself from the system we all hate but have a co-dependent relationship with, taking time to be more in harmony with and or grieve nature and make fighting for it a priority, even facing our own mortality – there's nothing wrong with that. But I now realize that Guy is, among other things, a pacifist. Even though he says he does not preach inaction, he's also not being 100% honest so that people understand the whole picture and can ACT accordingly. You have to wonder just why and what is his agenda. One can choose to live their life in a state of hospice, in fact I think that has the potential to save us if the majority of the world did so, but not surrender the planets life to the destruction and pillaging of man and science, this must be fought to the very end. 

    A little while ago I asked Guy on his facebook if he would consider having Dane on his radio show and he 'liked' this question. Why not just tell me that he doesn't believe these programs have been implemented so no point in doing a show with someone who believes in the "spaghetti monster" or, just disregard my question altogether? But of course Guy doesn't want to lose followers, some of whom do acknowledge these programs are happening. The truth is there's just no way he can't know what's really going on, which basically makes him a criminal. By suppressing the truth he is perpetuating this catastrophe; a failure to the planet he claims to care about. Guy should take a page from his late friend Michael Ruppert on being a true lover and steward of Mother Earth.

  2. Does people have the slicest clue of how dire the situation is? i don´t think so ,all they worry about is the "normal" things as they call it while our voices are not heard and we are nothing to them but "abnormalities".Yes ,we are sick and tired of "half truths " or "half truthers" ,when people want to lie in a way they  think  they  can collect more credibility (disinformation) or when they are trying to hide the  dificult /terrible part or the truth from the others they usualy use half truths to confuse us .Omissions are the  best  "words" (not)  used by liars !

    I still see people telling me to wake up for the reality(their reality) cause they say my reality about geoengeneering doesn´t exist and they just get worried about bankrupts ,unemployment,terrorist groups,health assistence ,taxes or travels or vacations ;they are so worried about these things that they are not getting the bigger picture so their world is an independent world from the natural world ,they can´t see the connection anymore between the reality made by man and the reality that is Nature and all the depending on Nature living things on Earth…

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