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Source: The Glen Rose Reporter, article by Lori Smiskol

I am a single mom and reflexologist and health practitioner in Granbury and I have seen unprecedented cases of one respiratory illnesses with my clients. Alzheimer's has increased 10 fold in recent years, allergies has increased significantly with my clients and cancer is in epidemic proportions.

One in three women are now contracting cancer and one in two men are now getting cancer. They have documented evidence that Agent Orange, which was sprayed to eliminate foliage, has caused cancer to all of our veterans. I was just discussing this with Pastor Ray of the Triple Cross Cowboy Church in Granbury today.

He shared with me that in his own congregation that cancer has significantly increased. There is definitely something wrong with this picture. Is anyone alarmed with this?

The reason I am writing is to make more people aware of what is happening to our skies. I grew up as a state representative's daughter in Wisconsin in the 1960s. At that time, my father, Lewis T. Mittness, became a huge environmentalist.

He introduced, along with other assemblymen, the legislation to ban DDT in Wisconsin. DDT was a chemical they used to spray over the crop fields and near our towns and cities.

My dad used to have all kinds of concerned citizens calling him, and I remember this well because they were getting cancer at unprecedented rates, as well as alarmingly high birth defects. My dad fought against big business to end this and when the assembly unanimously passed the ban after much effort it was brought to the senate and they passed it as well.

Wisconsin was the first state to ban the use of this chemical pesticide DDT and then the whole United States followed. I feel now my dad would want me to speak up about what is happening every day to our skies. It is not only across Texas, but apparently the United States and even the world as many concerned citizens from all over the world have reported.

Yet no one listens that can change this and their cries go unnoticed.

This last Thursday and Friday before Easter, my son and I photographed 12 white unmarked jets spraying a chemtrail over us from one end of Granbury to the other. I even pulled a woman out of her car at Brookshires to show her the planes that were literally putting a dome over our Granbury area of this white chemical emission.

Contrails from jets dissipate within a matter of a few minutes. This does not. It only spreads into tiny tentacles that grow into rows across our whole sky but usually directed by the area of the sun.

Once these trails spread out in rows, it blocks the sun which results in cloudy white and grayish sky eliminating most of the blue sky most days lately. It may even be causing our drought as I have researched to see the two states being widely under chem trails at this time is Texas and California.

I just got back from Austin on Monday from a training and was amazed to see they were chemtrailing over our capital city and several cities on my way back home on Highway 281 in the middle of nowhere. They had these same white unmarked jets chemtrailing across the whole horizon and from the ground straight up by the sun. No flight path is vertical from the ground. They continued to loop through the same chemtrail path over and over until several rows are formed which form into the hazy clouds you see today.

Something needs to be done and this is why I can not be silenced any longer. We need to get answers as soon as possible.

Why is this happening to us? It’s up to us as citizens of our communities to start being aware. One way to do this is to look up and be informed. Then you may be inspired to take action in your own communities and with the people you know that can help bring this to media attention. Even though I was told by one of our own newspapers that I was not allowed to give my story on this highly taboo subject.

What has happened to our freedom of speech? It never used to be like this.

I am grateful to speak about this very urgent issue we are all facing. I guarantee you will see these jets and artificial clouds, which is almost every single day lately if you just look up and keep looking up.

I know my dad would not want me to be silenced any longer and to stand up for my basic rights of clean air, water and food – which is all being taken away from us right now. Don't take my word for it do your own research. If it is for our betterment then why can't we understand why this is happening to us? If it is not … and is affecting our health, I want to know why?

I hope you join with me in supporting this effort and talk to your community leaders to get answers so we can fight this just like my dad went up against impossible odds and won. We have a lot more power if we just stick together and I am open to forming a task force to see what we can do in my area of Glen Rose and Granbury. If we all start taking action then maybe we can take our sky back. There is a lot more info on this if you want to Google "Lewis Mittness" or "chemtrails."

There are now several national petitions, one has over 17,000 people that have signed it including myself addressed to our Senator Ted Cruz and other constituents in the state plus it will ultimately go to President Barack Obama against the chemtrail spraying over our communities.

I really hope you look into this in your own communities, where we all can make a difference just like my dad once did. I am so proud that he was my dad and I hope I can make him proud one day.

Lori Smiskol
Granbury, TX

10 Responses

  1. Thank you for what you are doing! you guys need to make bumper stickers, it will really help spread the word! i live in Big Sky Country and people are wondering why our skies haven't been as beautiful in resent years. 


    1. Thank you Jessica, that is a great idea!!  I hope you implement it.  We actually got on the docket at our City Counsil meeting in Granbury Texas  and got the attention of the City Manager.  He agreed after several of us spoke that night including a retired Airline pilot that he would test our rain water and send our rain water samples to a lab of his choice.  Unfortunately after the results came back the chemicals of strontium, barium and aluminum were in the safe level.  My question to him was when is any chemicals in our rain water in a safe level???  They tested parts per million not parts per billion which it is.  That is as far as our work together went.  The City Manager then said to me unless you can prove people are getting sick from the spraying there is nothing more that I can do.  Even though he admitted he knew we were being sprayed on a daily basis even he had seen it when I pointed out our skies were no longer normal.  Thanks for your support Jessica!!  Wish you the best in the big Sky Country.  Maybe you will have better luck up there with your city listening.  That is where this movement starts.

      My best,


  2. Hi Diana, I so wanted to acknowledge your incredible words to me and had written out a rather long response to you and then it wouldn't go through.  So I lost my whole message to you and didn't have the energy that night to respond after that but I wanted you to know I was very moved by your message to me.

    I too am very familiar with Rachel Carson's work and how JFK was affected by her book because the media woulnt listen which shifted our environmental movement and brought in some very important legislation to ban DDT and began an era of strong protection of our environment which was the beginning of the EPA.  

    Now all of that seems reversed and its why I feel my Dads spirit wanted me to get involved even though i have known about this from the late 90's but never knew how critical it was.  When I was writing my novel about growing up as a small state politicians daughter I realized that my passion was being fueled by what my father went through.  

    When I found out there was another politicians daughter which was Gov Nelsons daughter who is around my age now and became a huge environmental activist since 2005 and now she was being shut down from ever talking about geoengineering and climate control I knew then I was to take up her work she could no longer do.

    I realized this is my work to do to help wake people up not only spiritually as I thought but also physically and how our lives are being threatened now.  This is what my novel is all about.  I wrote a screen play which flowed right out of me called "Aztlan, the Awakening and it is the story about how once Atlantis because of power destroyed its civilization. Now you can just look around you to see it is happening again but this time we are to miraculously succeed with God and spirits help.  That is why I answered the call and now many of you are.  

    I am so honored and proud to fight along side of all of you.  We truly can make the difference after all we are the ones we have been waiting for to change our world for the betterment of humanity.  I just ask that we all hold this vision even in the midst of our fight to end geoengineering forever.  See it already done and that we are all living in peace with our brothers and sisters on this planet.  We must trust that God has our back and follow what your heart is calling you to do no matter how uncomfortable it is. I had no idea I would sign up for this assignment as I am a peacemaker and only want to see the best as many of my friends do but cant look at reality.  I understand how they feel but when I knew how really critical this is then I knew there was no turning back for me and for many of you. 

    If we just reach out to those activists we know that are in the peace movement which I know several and those in our government from the city level up.  If we get involved in the city level with worthy causes to help your cities then they will be more apt to listen when they see we are concerned for our cities.  

    On monday I got on a bus to go speak infront of the Brazos River Committee against Dow Chemical who has been draining our water from our lake and rivers.  We had a huge showing and guess who miraculously was placed across from me in the bus…  Our City Counselman who I had already had a meeting with to make him aware of this urgent situation.  I even pointed out the aerosal trails on the way down because they were blocking our sun the whole day.  The counsel woman next to him his friend even took a picture of it.  On the way home after many officials stood up and private citizens did we found out it was the first time they actually appeared to listen to us.  I even pulled the man in charge of the water board and made him aware the drought was causing our lack of water in our lake.  I plan to go down next time in July as I have planted the seed to bring up geoengineering and how this is causing our lack of rain.  

    If we all get involved and do what we are being called to do amazing things can and will happen.  We just need to keep the faith first and our vision of a clean and purposeful world.  I wish you all my best and my thanks!  Thank you Diana for your lovely message to me which I cherish your words to me and all you are doing in your city and state.

    Thank you my friends for doing your part,

    Lori Smiskol

  3. Hi Bella, thank you for your support and sharing that very important tip to contact Robert Kennedy Jr. I had no idea thanks for educating me on this much appreciated. My best to you to. Together we can wake up the world.

  4. Hi, Lori:  Thank you so much for sharing your story  I am sure that your father had to overcome some very high hurdles to accomplish what he did and I imagine there were times when his job appeared to be somewhat hopeless, but he didn't give up.  I hate to think where we would be now if DDT had continued to be used.  The powers to be are so blatantly obtuse when it comes to their own private interests that the health and welfare of those being affected by powerful polluting substances isn't at all a priority for them.  I am sure almost everyone has known of someone  who was exposed to Agent Orange and the agonizing health  problems they experienced not to mention the devastating affects on the citizens of countries where it was used the most.  It took years for the chemical industry to acknowledge that they were responsible for the deaths of thousands.  The US has a long history of using devastating materials and then not being held accountable.  Dow Chemical, one of the manufacturers of Agent Orange is now joining Monsanto and using the same chemicals in their joint venture in GMOs.

    You, Lori, will be our new Rachael Carson and your book can be a follow up to her Silent Spring, only this time it will be the Silent Seasons.  You certainly have an enormous job a head of you and I am sure you will find similar hurdles just as your father did.  But, know this: we will all be here behind you, supporting you in any way that we can and I know for sure that your father is extremely proud of you for what you are doing by following in his footsteps.

    PS.  You might also try  contacting Dennis Kucinich and his wife Elizabeth.  I know he attempted to bring awareness to Congress about the pitfalls of GMOs and I recently watched a video about GMOs that was produced by Elizabeth.  Perhaps they may be of  some help to you as I know they are both involved in environmental issues.  Sincerely, Diana Moss,Altavista VA.

  5. Thank you for your supportive comment. Yeah I sometimes forget how instrumental my dad was then. He was extremely passionate about this same issue we are again facing. Now I know where I get all my passion. I feel him right here with me and funny enough I felt like HD was with the kennedy brothers since I had no idea how important it was then. We even ate at the Senators dining room when I was around 10 around 1968, and I just remember how nice Edward kennedy was to me as a child. He asked me my opinions. My dad was meeting with Senator Promise then while we were eating together and then they had meetings after. Who knows what huge things they were talking about then, I’m sure it had to be about environmental legislation to ban DDT and clean up our water systems which they did. I just found out from dad’s senator friend my dad’s nickname then was Clear Water Lew. I had no idea and I am so humbled and honored what a great man I had for a father even though his life was very busy and he didn’t have alot of time for us as children because he was fighting monumental issues I had no clue about then. Now I do so u honor him by standing up now. I have come full circle in my life. Thank you my dear friend for wanting to help.

    First thing you can do to effect critical mass of 10 percent is tell everyone to look up and keep looking up. Remind then how their skies used to look as a child. In Texas We Have Very Little Blue SKIES left. Write letters to the editor and yell your personal stories and if one paper says no go to the next one because they just might want your story because you were turned down. That is what happened to me. Now they both put my Earth day event on their calanders. What are the odds of that? Meet with your city officials and sign petitions. There is do much we can do it we just get started have courage and do it. We have nothing to lose at this point. Dame is right. I an so thankful he continues to fight for us but now he needs us to stand up to the plate. Let’s do it for Dane and all of the other activists out there. That’s how we can thank them. They are giving up their lives for us. Don’t you think it’s time we do our part in our own communities. There is ko more waiting. We must effect environmental protection laws before they change them by the end of the year possibly. Let’s sound this urgent call for all.
    Thank you all for waking up buy now it’s time to act and do our part. It’s going to take every single one of us.
    God Bless all.

    1. Lori,

      Thank you for your activism and for your dear father's undoubted influence. 

      Here is where you can email Robert Kennedy, Jr.  If you ever want to find out things like this, just google "contact ________".  It usually does the trick : )


      Wishing you Love and Perseverance in this, the most important endeavor.

  6. Lori,

    I was so moved by your letter and applaud you for writing it.  I am quite certain your dad would be so very proud of you for taking a strong stance on such an important, life altering issue.  Those of us that do not have our heads in the sand & have become aware & educated on how much in peril we & our planet truly are, find it hard to stay silent – nor should we.  I am starting to post items on FB & talk about it.  Living in California where the drought is so severe, hopefully it will be easier to get folks' attention.  We shall see!  Denial is such a powerful thing & it is so mind blowing to think all this has been & is being done with no care or concern by our government – much less accepting that fact that they are the culprit!   Lori, good luck with your efforts there in Texas.  (My in laws live in the New Braunfels area.).  I believe your dad is with you in spirit as you fight this fight.



    1. Lynn, I was so touched by your comments to me. Yes you are right we all must be called to act now in our own communities. That is how I began to on Facebook and even talked about it in my marketing group since I am a natural healer. Afterwards a bus friend came up to me to let me know when I shared that we were being sprayed every day over our childrens schools and cities we live in most of their eyes glazed over. I knew I was risking my reputation and building my career but I couldnt sit back any longer. I realized our world and making people aware was even more important than my own career right now. In fact I feel like God and my dad’s spirit wanted me to write my first memoir growing up in the 60’s as a politicians daughter and how it led me to where I am now. My life has always been like Eat, Pray, Love x 10. When I started talking about how my dad was a huge environmentalist then and he helped ban DDT then I had such a huge energy rush and I knew then I was to take up my dad’s work. There was no more denying this. So u prayed for 3 confirmations snd one was my clients literally dried up. 2. I found out Wisc is being silenced to talk about geoengineering with the Sec of State that I called and becuz he knew my dad he picked up. 3. Tia Nelson the Governors daughter from the 60s has now become a huge environmentalist who has now taken up her dad’s legacy and just 1 week ago I found out she and the Sec of State are now being banned to ever talk about environmental protection. They were not allowed to tell me anything even though I asked for their help but thanked me for continuing the fight whuch my dad would have wanted me to do. I am so clear that his spirit is with me and I am being guided now to help no matter what happens with my career. They wished me the best but both said I was on my own. Now I am trying to get a hold of Robert Kennedy Jr if anyone can help I would appreciate it. Our dad’s worked together on banning DDT and my dad campaigned for Robert Kennedy in Wisc.

      What I have finally learned is we must change the environmental legislation against our rights to have cleanair, water and soil. It is imperative that we all speak up. I went to my City Counsel man and he literally felt like he was waking up from the Matrix. We really are… it feels like that more than I can imagine. So I encourage everyone to do their part in their own communities because by Dec 15th I have found it is on the books to shut down our city rights to environmental protection and we will be silenced to never be able to protest again just like Wisc.has been and Florida. I know because I talked to both of then on the Public land board and they both are now banned to protect wisc citizens. Whst has happened to the principles our country was formed on. I encourage you to reach out to all the activists that work on our behalf for the common good of all. We owe them so much! I’m thankful I woke now to help them rejuvenate and have hope again because many are leaving and tired of fighting. We have passion and new blood to help them see it was worth never giving up. I an so thankful for Dane and his tireless efforts and Robert Kennedy and others I so not know yet. Let’s do our part for them. Thank you for all of you waking up now. My best to you all. Awareness is the first step. Keep telling everyone to look up. What do you have to lose? Do it for your children and family. Thank you so much for your acknowledgement. You help confirm to me we must keep doing this no matter what

  7. Lori,

    I do not think I remember you telling me your dad was an environmentalist that helped to ban DDT. Wow. Of course I totally see why you feel the need to step in and take the reins in this huge issue. Lets talk soon. I wonder how I can help alongside everything else I am doing at the present. I am very concerned about this and grateful for your service in this area …. as well as your friendship.


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