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Thanks you for sharing this with us Dave. —DW

2 Responses

  1. There is a doctor in N. Carolina near Brevard who is very knowledgeable about chemtrails; he says his emergency room really fills up after heavy spraying. He keeps people informed about the ingredients found in the chemtrail sprays…sometimes flu viruses, or staph, or shingles virus. The latest is arsenic! I remember when they jailed Rajneesh (Osho) and fed him arsenic in small doses….and basically killed him in prison. If we can’t change this deadly scenario, we may not have much time. “They” seem to be stepping up the assault. I am hoping the galactic federation will step up sooner than planned & replace our “leaders.”

  2. I came to the mainland-Mass and now Maine. I am blown away by the activity of these criminals that goes on in the sky. TRIPPY. and mostly to me and my contacts—unbelievable. I had seen 3 trails in 9 years living on Maui. No joke. Since I have been on the mainland it is a never ending show in the sky. What are they trying to prove and not only, but by the looks of the fanciness of their talents, they must be having a field day up there like a bunch of unruly children down on the ground racing around with their match box toys…. And what an appalling sight. I fear terribly for myself. The masses well it goes without saying, you know. I long for the night where I know longer will be subjected to seeing. But now what is happening to our bodies when the night comes… Murderers at best

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