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Dane Wigington on Hagmann and Hagmann – 8-5-2013
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9 Responses

  1. Judy Wood…
    perhaps she has a point, she and the “no-planers”.
    i worked on 9/11 -creating two videos and showing
    videos in the public commons in Ithaca, ny for three
    the issues that these people raise are non-issues.
    these are geek issues. perfect for a super small
    group of geeks.
    at the point i left 9/11 my story was…
    air force remote controlled fuel tankers were substituted from an air force base where the TWO logan airport planes made right angle turns down towards the
    twin towers. i assume the Logan airport planes were landed at the same base which happened to be very close to the area of turn.
    if you ask what happened to the passengers…
    that is so macabre that i dont even attempt to figure it out. some of the phone i calls I ASSUME came from a
    “war room” using the original passengers.
    Todd Beemers call was obviously under durress as he attemped to indicate in his choice of words.
    some other calls were clearly faked. there is zero evidence they could have been made from the planes.
    as far as the towers…
    nano-thermite can be sprayed on like a paint and that
    could be the main incendiary used on the “zipper” like
    demolition of the towers.
    could a tuned microwave beam have ignited this in sequence? it seems like an effective possibility.
    the evidence for explosions at the towers were more than enuf to counter ms. woods if her theory is strictly some scalar beam or something.
    we can all agree the FACT of the infinite anomalies around the official 9/11 story is what is important.
    if “al quseda” didn’t do it, than we have a hell of
    a conspiracy. later, we find that is only the tip of
    the ice berg.

  2. WOW! Dane, Appreciate the info and how you deliver it. How shall we stop their spraying?? even if we bring awareness to the sheeple. The only thing thats probabaly gonna stop them is the catastrophe thats coming for them too

    1. Dane, please do take another look at Dr Woods work. Like Geo-engineering, there are far too many anomalies to say its simply demolishion, or whatever the base theory of the day. She was the only one to notice and bring to light hurricane Erin,and its being nearly unreported, its odd path, its ‘waiting’ off the coast while WTC was shredded, and its ‘U’ turn. A scientist such as you simply cannot read her matierial and not see she is onto something.
      Also, as you well know, the closer you get to the target, in your case, Geo Engineering truth, the more aggressive the perps will get to shut you down, as you expierienced last week trying to post your latest info on this(GE)subject. Dr Wood too is being similarly marginalised. Also, bare in mind, she is the only person that took her evidence all the way to the Supreme Court, suing the NIST contracters for their fraudulant investigation.
      Thanks so much for your passion/knowledge on this subject, I pass it on every chance I get, I agree- if this doesnt stop, nothing else will matter.

    1. Thank you Dane and Hagmans for putting this out, once again it’s start and I hope most of us as humans hear this.

      I would however look deeper into Dr. Wood’s work and premise that explosives were NOT used exclusively in the 911 debacle. If one understands what happened and weapons were really employed and how it all ties in to everything else that’s being done to us it will add to the ability we have to stop it.

      I’m not sure Dane that by your answer to the question about hurricane Erin you really even read her book. Please do as I think all of the factors of our (possible) imminent destruction need to to be exposed. The explosive premise is also part of a cover-up and along with everything else needs to be brought to light.

      In gratitude to all…


  3. Please, please folks…waste not one more day. Heed the call, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN!!! Dane Wigington is a POWERHOUSE of knowledge. He is the one man whose message may just keep you alive. Catch the flaming arrow and run for your life! This cannot wait for tomorrow.

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