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by Amir Alwani, PotentNews.com Mar 4, 2014

The past few months the people of Ukraine, one of the largest countries/farms in Europe, began protesting. The protesters largely bickering about whether or not to join the European Union, a corrupt entity created by an even more corrupt entity known as the Bilderberg Group, were eventually shown to have largely felt the sting of think tanks and questionable organizations like CANVAS, “USAID, NED, Freedom House, George Soros’ Open Society Institute and a host of public-private NGOs”.  There also turned out to be neo-nazi elements involved in the “uprising”.

The destabilization basically turned Ukraine into a war-zone and this reached a crescendo about a week ago and more-so the past couple days as the Ukrainian president was ousted prior to his fleeing to Russia.  Since the new gang took power they’ve threatened to aquire nukes within 6 months.  Events have been rapidly unfolding with changes made to the “official language” of Crimea, defections (1, 2, 3) of key Ukrainian military staff, the prompt rise of local independent militias (1, 2), US suspension of future trade/economic talks with Russia and suspension of joint military engagements these two superpowers previously shared. Gas prices are also soaring as one might expect and there are rallies in support of Ukraine which are reportedly being held in many Russian cities like Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Heated words have also been exchanged as the US media has thrown a hissy fit over minor Russian moves to secure a Russian military base in Crimea.  The Ukranian Junta consequently appealed to NATO to rescue it, the US threatened sanctions against Russia and there were even reports that Russia’s minor moves also resulted in Polish tanks feeling the need to amass along the Ukrainian border.  Chris Carrington has pointed out the warning shots that pro-Russian troops fired just hours ago as the troops attempted to prevent 300 Ukrainian soldiers from approaching Crimea’s Belbek air base in Sevastopol.  He also mentioned, “Moscow has said it may be forced to drop the dollar and has threatened not to repay bank loans to the US if economic sanctions are imposed.”

Coincidentally, this is all happening as we slowly enter a new phase of global economic decline and as the Israel-US-NATO-GCC backed terrorists in Syria have generally lost morale and are being quite successfully driven out of Syria.

Strange neo-nazis aside, for outside observers who aren’t aware of the true purpose of the think tanks and the dirty work these “altruistic” NGOs are doing, they are left to simply get all riled up over yet another seemingly organic revolution happening somewhere in the world while enjoying the excitement of learning an exotic name of a far off land that they never cared about before and probably don’t even really care about now.  They are also meant to just sit, obediently ignoring the five billion dollars the US State Department has stolen via “taxes” from the US population to hammer down regime change in yet another country.  Naked imperialism thinly veiled with hollow words and largely funded by ignorant tax payers is an ugly sight.  It was horrible enough to watch in Libya, Syria, and Mali, but now it’s just getting embarrassing.  Many of these Ukrainian protestors were paid at least $25 a day for protesting, as Webster Tarpley has noted.  What a show!

As Joaquin Flores has pointed out, the neo-nazi element of the right sector is analogous to the religious extremists Syria has been fighting off for the past 3 years.  The shortsightedness of these foolish terrorists is easy to spot a mile away and so these useful idiots are taken advantage of from the get-go.

I’m not the kind of guy that says “you should have waited till an election” and I want to make that clear because I hear a lot of the observers say stuff like that, but I have to admit that only the most air-headed can ignore the brash ways with which these Ukrainian extremists took power.  I’m not saying there isn’t a time for applying force when necessary but if you’re going to do that you better make sure that your movement isn’t corrupted and full of people who take dirty-money.  If the revolution is synthetic it doesn’t work.  If it’s organic it tends to work slightly better.

What we’re seeing in Ukraine is nothing but international organizations aligned with globalist corporations executing their agenda to ensure their bottom line by using a mob to overthrow a country almost overnight, although dark occult forces are surely also at play behind the scenes ensuring that people are obedient enough to swallow the justifications to oblivion and beyond because the ultimate agenda is not just to do with maintain access to pipelines and resources.

This bloodthirsty entanglement serves the interests of international bankers in more ways than one.  Indeed, as Mahdi Nazemroaya has pointed out, a map used by the NATO Defense College and the Pentagon National War Academy as far back as 2006 was called the “The New Middle-East” and it featured not only Syria split up but even Turkey (a member of NATO) had actually also been divided on this map. That is very telling.  Nazemroaya mentioned that this map was the brainchild of Lieutenant colonel Ralph Peters, that the name of the article which accompanied this map was “Blood Borders – How A Better Middle-East Would Look” and he also mentioned it was actually in the official US armed forces journal.

Granted, this may reflect the pursuit of the “heartland” which is discussed in this video and which Russia largely seems to currently possess.  While this may be true, as I’ve cautioned before, it’s important to remember that there is no reason for these escapades to be incompatible with the globalist agenda of getting everyone to be the same and equally enslaved/destroyed.   Part of that agenda, is to inflict damage such that the “collateral damage” is maximized and the amount of refugees getting shoved out hence also gets maximized… so that these refugees can then intermix with the rest of the global population and be homogenized as much as possible.  This isn’t a happy accident and Morris is unfortunately one of the only people mentioning this angle.  As Sheik Imran Hosein has pointed out, this is indeed one of the main functions of these wars of aggression – the Zionists and their allies are seeking to replicate their way of life all over the globe “at the cost of indigenous ways of life”.  That they foment and use the ignorance/greed of others in their quest to do that is no surprise.  That’s always the case with these types of things.  “Freeway” Ricky Ross, for example, the man who was largely responsible for getting crack popular in the US thought he was doing a good thing at the time when he was bringing the “finer things in life” to the oppressed black community he found himself in and a part of.  Hindsight is always 20/20, and that will probably/hopefully be the case with those who foment “revolutions” just to get a piece of a pipeline.  Granted, launching an actual war isn’t the same as selling people crack, but you get the idea.  Sometimes subjectivity gets the best of us and we are able to be used as “useful idiots”.

There is simultaneously the obvious attempt to instill the concept of the “global citizen” and to have “the greater good” be pursued to a completely irrational and counter-productive degree.  This is aligned with destroying individuality.  While many of us are concerned about the welfare of those in Ukraine, the western media is involved in gross exaggerations of Russian intention with respect to Ukraine because, after all, we are now in a new Cold War and whenever the western powers can in any way make the Russians look bad they take that opportunity.  In reality, as Alexander Mercouris has pointed out, the only reason we are still even talking about “a Ukraine” at the moment is because of Russia’s recognition of Ukraine’s right to exist.  Many observers have pointed out the hypocrisy that the US stinks of when the US diplomats say almost anything about this ongoing synthetic revolution which they themselves are fomenting.  Just yesterday, the US showed absolutely no concern for the grievances that students in Washington DC felt were necessary to voice.  As usual, protests were squashed.  Regardless of if we agree with these protestors or if we think they are hacking at branches and not getting to root causes of problems, they still have a right to voice their grievances.  Tying yourself to the fence that surrounds a building that is supposed to represent you should not warrant you being arrested and risking having your good name be stained with a criminal record.  The punishment does not fit the crime and there really isn’t a crime there.  Now if the protestors were being paid $25 dollars a day by some foreign entity that didn’t give a crap about them and given instructions on how to make special Molotov cocktails that leave a persistent fire as they rampaged through the cities taking over key infrastructure and government buildings, perhaps that would be a different story and would be closer to a valid reason for arrest.  That sounds more like what the extremists in Ukraine did, only the flames of violence were fomented by the west… so what right does the west have waving the finger? Zero right.

Anyone with a memory would have been able to predict the US regime’s move against those students.  The US is the bully of the world and, in tandem with Israel and much of Europe, has continued to cause so much untold destruction and suffering over the past many decades that only the most deluded and smart-phone-addicted peasant would believe anything they say.  This is one giant machine driven by fear and deception.  As F. William Engdall notes, “On January 11, [2013] after more than a year of behind-the-scenes pressure on the neighboring Algeria to get them entangled in an invasion of its neighbor Mali, Hollande decided to make a direct French military intervention with US backing.” The US is now meddling in Venezuela as well as helping France with their dirty work and violations of sovereignty in the Central African Republic and Africa in general.  Why does AFRICOM even exist?  Has anybody thought about that and what the name actually entails?  How much more naked can this domination get?  Thailand’s people are rising up and even their police and protestors have recently been killed by government thugs during protests but since the US loves Thaksin there’s no finger-waving there.  We can plainly see that US representatives don’t give two flying ducks about the plight of the people of Thailand.  Nor do the US representatives care about Bahrainians, for that matter.  The people of Bahrain have been protesting a lot the past 3 years but you don’t see any Nuland cookies handed out there.

The icing on the World War 3 cake is that the internet is now flooded with people acknowledging the absurdity of John Kerry’s latest blather, “you just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests”.  This entire thing is a joke.  I’ve been searching for a good film recently but I think my search is over. This drama is more entertaining than any Hollywood film… until it spreads to home or until we remember that an entire country just got turned upside down.

How much longer can we sit idly by and watch country after country get destroyed? Sure, the entire world isn’t our responsibility but is it not clear what the underlying confusion is which leads to the conditions whereby people give up their rights and love their slavery?  Will the globalists get their “global citizen”?  Do they already have that?  Is that one reason these unjust acts of war and destabilization keep being overlooked and why the whitewash works so effectively time after time?  When these acts are finally seen for what they are, what is the proper punishment for such ruthless behavior?  Is this international conflict between the major powers merely theater as one might think when viewing the world after reading  the novel 1984 or is it more real than that?  In that novel there are only 3 countries and only some land gets taken over at a time but each party has an interest in eternal conflict as a means of distracting the sheep. That said, this doesn’t seem to be theater for the murdered Gaddafi or the hung Hussein, since they were killed, although some say it wasn’t Gaddafi in that video… Regardless, these are all questions we need to keep our minds as we move through what is starting to look like a new phase in the economic decline of the world.  War has often been a great distraction from all sorts of horrible things.  War itself is one of the most horrible things that exists.  There is absolutely no reason to believe that the global economy is going to get better anytime soon.  It is one giant bubble being held up by fake notes which are about to be seen for how worthless they actually are.  This is all happening as the people who comprise/influence the “elite” driving this agenda ensure we are corrupted enough to celebrate yet a new world bloodbath like good little slaves.  One thing is for sure, true change always comes from within.  If the egg is broken from within, you get life.  If the egg is broken from outside you get death.  Ukraine is very near dead right now and the same fate is staring every other human-farm on this globe until we embrace this hollow notion of a “global citizen” for what it is, a shallow excuse to overlook the evil we’re swimming in and are largely consenting to with our ignorance and cowardice while we give men with bombs and planes the green light to continue the global onslaught.

If the Syrians were that convinced that their priorities were simply getting rid of Assad, they would have been able to oust him much more efficiently.  Now what has happened?  I hate Bashar just as much as Bashar’s next victim but there would have been a higher chance of him leaving if the Syrian people were left alone and not infected with outside “help” and a drastically overarching media campaign of deception waged by the western powers.  Just take a step back, for a moment, and look at how much more Iraqis were dependent on Saddam between the two Gulf Wars.  The US bombed Iraqis and suddenly then the dictator they lived under, Saddam, who never hurt them nearly as badly doesn’t look so bad anymore because he’s handing out rations to the destitute and even further impoverished Iraqi civilians.  He’s still a ruthless tyrant like the authors of the US’s National Defense Authorization Act of 2012… but now he’s seen as the savior.  The same dynamic is repeating itself in Syria.  I’m not happy when I see Bashar’s face on the flags of those celebrating the “liberation” of Syria, but I know that it is just one indication of the genuine progress that has happened in Syria as those brave people have recently endured the grave terrorist acts that were waged by thousands of militants from “over 70 countries”.  It is now that much harder to see Assad’s evil for what it is, simply because now the majority of Syria sees him as the only force that stood between them and their deaths at the hands of bloodthirsty foreign savages.

Hopefully as more people see statism for what it is they can then align with truth and Natural Law (1, 2) so that we can steer clear of divide and conquer tactics while averting the incessant mass of evil that constantly emanates from the fallacious ideologies of those in power.  It is true that the truth about events and people is attacked and undermined from all sides but the reality is worse – the very concept of truth and objectivity is currently under attack.  The new-age movement/religion, as Mark Passio points out, is one method used to attack the mind.  This religion is quite good at de-emphasizing knowledge. However, in reality we indeed have an obligation to be able to compute information efficiently and to not be lazy/imbalanced.  Knowledge is key and 2+2 does not equal 5.  “Easy” solutions are what got us in this global mess in the first place.  There’s nothing easy about speaking the truth when most people around you have their heads in the sand.  We got to this disgusting situation by ignoring the truth, not by embracing it.  We only think it’s easier to be worshiping this imaginary line which we think represents our comfort-zone.  Actually facing reality, rising up and as Mark Passio specifically mentions, “aligning our thoughts with our feelings and our actions in order to properly function and more readily rid the world of wrong-doing, deception, and slavery honestly seems like an “easier” and more productive option in the long-run.  Solving our dilemma is a lot more simple than it appears.

Amir Alwani is a musician and the founding editor of PotentNews.com.  Feel free to donate via paypal to support his work.

2 Responses


    March 14, 2014

    News Media Contact:

    NTIA, Office of Public Affairs, (202) 482-7002, press@ntia.doc.gov

    WASHINGTON – To support and enhance the multistakeholder model of Internet policymaking and governance, the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) today announces its intent to transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multistakeholder community. As the first step, NTIA is asking the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to convene global stakeholders to develop a proposal to transition the current role played by NTIA in the coordination of the Internet’s domain name system (DNS).

    NTIA’s responsibility includes the procedural role of administering changes to the authoritative root zone file – the database containing the lists of names and addresses of all top-level domains – as well as serving as the historic steward of the DNS. NTIA currently contracts with ICANN to carry out the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions and has a Cooperative Agreement with Verisign under which it performs related root zone management functions. Transitioning NTIA out of its role marks the final phase of the privatization of the DNS as outlined by the U.S. Government in 1997.

    “The timing is right to start the transition process,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information Lawrence E. Strickling. “We look forward to ICANN convening stakeholders across the global Internet community to craft an appropriate transition plan.”

    ICANN is uniquely positioned, as both the current IANA functions contractor and the global coordinator for the DNS, as the appropriate party to convene the multistakeholder process to develop the transition plan. NTIA has informed ICANN that it expects that in the development of the proposal, ICANN will work collaboratively with the directly affected parties, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), the Internet Society (ISOC), the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), top level domain name operators, VeriSign, and other interested global stakeholders.

    NTIA has communicated to ICANN that the transition proposal must have broad community support and address the following four principles:
    Support and enhance the multistakeholder model;
    Maintain the security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet DNS;
    Meet the needs and expectation of the global customers and partners of the IANA services; and,
    Maintain the openness of the Internet.

    Consistent with the clear policy expressed in bipartisan resolutions of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives (S.Con.Res.50 and H.Con.Res.127), which affirmed the United States support for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance, NTIA will not accept a proposal that replaces the NTIA role with a government-led or an inter-governmental organization solution.

    From the inception of ICANN, the U.S. Government and Internet stakeholders envisioned that the U.S. role in the IANA functions would be temporary. The Commerce Department’s June 10, 1998 Statement of Policy stated that the U.S. Government “is committed to a transition that will allow the private sector to take leadership for DNS management.” ICANN as an organization has matured and taken steps in recent years to improve its accountability and transparency and its technical competence. At the same time, international support continues to grow for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance as evidenced by the continued success of the Internet Governance Forum and the resilient stewardship of the various Internet institutions.

    While stakeholders work through the ICANN-convened process to develop a transition proposal, NTIA’s current role will remain unchanged. The current IANA functions contract expires September 30, 2015.

    For further information see: IANA Functions and Related Root Zone Management Transition Questions and Answers

    About NTIA

    NTIA is the Executive Branch agency that advises the President on telecommunications and information policy issues. NTIA’s programs and policymaking focus largely on expanding broadband Internet access and adoption in America, expanding the use of spectrum by all users, and ensuring that the Internet remains an engine for continued innovation and economic growth. To find out more about NTIA, visit http://www.ntia.doc.gov.

    National Telecommunications and Information Administration

  2. US Hands Internet Control to NWO

    I’m not sure how much traction this story will get, but it’s a big one. Finances are already controlled by centralized global banks. Now information is being handed to the same centralized global authority. It’s very cleverly wrapped as a response to the NSA scandal and assumes the US had as much control as they imply in this article, but really it’s simply a disguised handover with some fancy dressing to make it palatable.
    Strap in, and find your alternate information lines quickly. Just imagine the manipulative World Bank or extorting IMF controlling the internet. That’s the world they are creating.
    It’s all by increments.
    U.S. aims to give up control over Internet administration
    U.S. officials announced plans Friday to relinquish federal government control over the administration of the Internet, a move likely to please international critics but alarm some business leaders and others who rely on smooth functioning of the Web.
    Pressure to let go of the final vestiges of U.S. authority over the system of Web addresses and domain names that organize the Internet has been building for more than a decade and was supercharged by the backlash to revelations about National Security Agency surveillance last year.
    “The timing is right to start the transition process,” said Lawrence E. Strickling, assistant secretary of commerce for communications and information. “We look forward to ICANN convening stakeholders across the global Internet community to craft an appropriate transition plan.”
    The practical consequences of the decision were not immediately clear, but it could alleviate rising global complaints that the United States essentially controls the Web and takes advantage of its oversight role to help spy on the rest of the world. more>>
    What More Do We Need To See?
    It’s here. The US has officially sold out and been handed over. What more proof could anyone need? UN troops in the street? Don’t worry, they’re already stationed somewhere near you. And have you noticed American troops now sport blue themed camouflage outfits instead of khaki earth colors?
    Take a strong hint. The takeover’s in play.
    Keep your eyes peeled and heart awake and ready.
    Love, Zen

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