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A walk of four blocks in a small town reveals a pervasive, creeping death… the same scenes are unfolding everywhere on this planet. The trees stand in mute testimony to this global cataclysm that is so quietly occurring. Their barren fingers point accusingly skyward… at their attackers.

As the effects of climate geoengineering via SRM and SAG ravage our planet, our situation becomes more dire with each passing day. Intentionally dispersed aerosols are, in conjunction with pollutants (man caused and otherwise), destroying the natural balance of the biosphere. Ecosystems are collapsing and species are going extinct at a rate not seen since the last great extinction.

Our time on this planet is extremely limited if we do not act… we will not survive to the middle of this century if the climate geoengineering madness is not stopped NOW.

3 Responses

  1. A scary day will come when elderberry trees globally start dying, and especially when the longest living trees:Dragon fruit trees start dying.

  2. the ecosphere is
    holy and must be preserved, protected, venerated and cherished—as a unity: not the life of
    individual men or individual animals but the ecosphere as a single indivisible unitary
    whole; a life-chain then is being destroyed, and not just temporarily but for all time. The
    demonic trinity which Tagore speaks against—and which is wounding and killing him—
    consists of nuclear wastes, nuclear weapons and nuclear power (reactors); they constitute
    the enemy which not only may destroy the ecosphere but already, as toxic wastes, are
    destroying it now.

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