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If we want to have the most accurate conclusions possible, we must all take the time to examine the “bigger picture”.

Dane Wigington, geoengineeringwatch.org

Earth’s climate system is past the “tipping point”, our planet is “broken”. Accurate information is tough to find and requires each of us to abandon our biases and ideologies in order to examine the wider picture. We must all learn to “take the baby from the bathwater” so to speak. Academia and main stream media deny the all too obvious climate engineering. Many if not most anti-geoengineering activists deny that there are any other problems with the climate other than geoengineering, both groups are wrong.

What we face is not a “this OR that” equation, it is a “this AND that” challenge. All must learn to dump their mental filters in order to examine all the facts clearly. Anthropogenic activity has decimated planet Earth in too many ways to count or quantify. Though available data indicates the ongoing climate engineering is the single greatest source of overall decimation to our biosphere, it is by no means the only source. The human race consumes over 4,000,000,000 gallons of hydrocarbon fuels every single day, this does not even take into account other forms of fossil fuels. Forests are being defoliated, oceans poisoned, natural lands paved over, etc.Those that do not take this into account are in denial, period. On the other side, the whole of the science community and main stream media is in complete denial and/or lying about the all too obvious and lethal climate engineering programs which are tearing Earth’s life support systems apart by the day. Both groups need to open their eyes to reality and very quickly if life on Earth is to have any chance of even near term survival.

THE COLLAPSE OF INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION, THE CURRENT PERMIAN EXTINCTION: http://collapseofindustrialcivilization.com//?s=current+permian+extinction&search=Go

9 Responses

  1. There have been Romanian gamers in the intercontinental
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    the mid-1930s in El Salvador.

  2. Dane’s presentation of the facts is accurate and detailed and beyond denial, “period” (as Dane often says and writes). His quest to wake up and enlighten as many people as is possible will, undoubtedly produce fruit.

    What kind of fruit will this be?

    Most people who subscribe to all of these ideas trust in the reporting of scientists and the science that they publish through various forms of media. These same people, by and large, reject the pronouncements of “common” media – since it is obviously a tool for the spreading of propaganda – being vehicles that are owned by monolithic corporate entities who have demonstrated, openly, their motives, both locally and globally.

    The point of making this distinction is that this audience has made the choice to trust and believe the reporting of one category of human being over the reporting of another category of human being. One having more integrity and representing more truth than the other one. At any rate, trust is intrinsically involved in this decision.

    Dane and others have openly stated that scientists often twist and misrepresent the truth regarding the state of things, and publish scientific articles which are patently false or misleading – even having been produced with the intent of manipulating public opinion and public action or non-action. Dane has also stated that such people often do this for selfish and even monetary motives.

    But not all of them are tainted, according to Dane and others.

    What determines the trustworthiness of one category of human being over another – even among those employed to discover and reveal “truth” – publishing their findings for the purpose of shaping and motivating the general and scientific “public”? How do we determine who is speaking the truth, when both kinds of publishers have distinct and openly stated agendas?

    Furthermore, what is the goal of either of these categories of human being – as it relates to enlightening and motivating people to act? In other words, what kind of action and result are either or both of these representatives of “truth” attempting and laboring to produce?

    I would also venture to say that most subscribers to the views represented on this site and other sites believe that mankind is capable of shaping his own destiny – and has the means to alter it in any direction he conceives. That, given the state and virtue of his intelligence and superiority over other less capable animals, he alone has the power to determine the destiny of this planet.

    And, how does he work to shape his own destiny and the destiny of the planet, itself? Through organization of the thoughts and actions of the many – holding sway over those of the few. By forming alliances powerful enough to dominate those holding “inferior” views and positions. Through the formation of governments, legal entities and entities of financial power. Through the construction of nations and empires and regimes and reigning individuals.

    This is the outcome of mankind working to shape his own destiny – if we are to believe the reports of historians and the history that they have published. Men who work in these ways always produce the same kind of fruit – from the labor they have given to preserve what they believe to be inalterable truth. However the quality or quantity of truth can be measured – the actions of human beings fighting for this truth always manifest their intent in predictable fashion.

    Individual human beings uniting to form the alliances which take the shape of political and legal and financial bodies – bent on seeing their visions of truth manifested upon this earth. It is an invariable fact, period.

    Greg Smith

  3. 2thomas: The article says 4 billion PER DAY, not year. What the article fails to talk about (and neither will anyone else) are the natural cycles, which also influences activities on Earth (volcanoes, weather, earthquakes, sun activity, etc.). One large volcanic eruption emits more CO2 and chemicals into the air than man does in a year. We currently have about a dozen active volcanoes…that have erupted more than once in the past 12 months. Think about it.

  4. Ms. Fox’s comment above, perhaps unintentionally, contains a phrase that encapsulates the domesticated Human conceit about their supposedly privileged place in Earth’s Living Arrangement. She talks about the effects of what she may not recognize as the world-wasting disease process called “civilization,” on “our planet.”

    The Natural Fact is Earth is NOT “our planet.” It does not belong to Humanity. We Humans, rather,, belong to Her. 12,000 years of laboring under that grotesque misapprehension, and holding to it so stubbornly still, is no small part of what has our tame Sisters and Brothers facing the possibly extinguishing conditions prevalent today.

  5. Dane, You so perfectly analyze,and explain with great clarity and insight this dreadful situation. This should be Sci Fi and it most certainly is not. The impact on our planet has been immense. It is UNDENIABLE. We have witnessed in plain sight alarming increase in activities designed for purposes no one would want to believe. So they don’t Follow the money trail to find the rest. We are all sickening and ailing more than ever from a barrage of programs designed to poison our air, water, food and all fowl and fauna. DONE. We are being terminated with GeoEngineering, HAARP, exotic biological weapons,toxins,nanotech, smart dust and our system turns a blind eye. That’s because its not working for the people. Deception, lies, cover-ups are the norm. This is all done to protect corporate elitists and their bed fellows. This is facilitated by the revolving door between administration and big business.
    Thank You DANE for ELUCIDATING what should be OBVIOUS. We are in a fight to save what is left. People are already affected by what we are breathing and eating daily..we are all compromised by now, both mentally/physically to some extent, whether we believe or not.
    I sincerely applaud your efforts Dane. You speak with such candor,intelligence, sincerity and utmost concern. Thank You

  6. just a little note on the amount of gasoline consumed, As i did search it. and what I found was for 2012 the us went through 133 billion gallons.which is way more than the 4 billion stated here.

  7. I’ve ‘clamored’ on climate control and geoengineering with articles and post on weather modification. These are intentional alterations to the environment. The inadvertent alterations are what we each do daily that contribute to global pollution such as vehicle emissions, packaging waste, human bio-waste, and general energy consumption. Being aware that the intentional AND inadvertent “corrupting” of earth’s environment is going on is the basis for finding solutions to both problems.

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