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In spite of extensive “official daily high temperature” readings to the DOWN side, April 2014 still comes in as the second warmest on record for planet Earth.  The colored map in the article below is compiled from ground temperature readings around the globe. In the continental US, every location we have monitored routinely reports “official” readings that are 3, 4, and even 5 degrees or more LOWER than the ACTUAL high temperature for the day as recorded by others. What does this mean? It means that the biosphere is much hotter than even maps like this NASA GISS map indicates. In this map, as in earlier GISS maps I have posted during the last six months, it is very clear where the climate engineers are focusing their “cool down” efforts, the eastern side of the North American Continent. Why? Because this provides repeated “cold” headlines and other related weather disasters (also the unprecedented drought and heat in California), which keeps much of the American public mired in weather catastrophes. What is the point of this? It keeps the population occupied, confused, less capable of protesting the unbridled tyranny of their “government”. It controls food supplies, and of course the cold headlines help to sell climate engineering to corrupt leaders around the globe.

Climate engineering/geoengineering is completely disabling the Earth’s ability to respond to the damage that has been done from a long list of anthropogenic activities, especially including the decimation from the climate engineering/weather warfare itself. These same atmospheric spraying programs are disabling our life support systems. Our collective reality is getting more dire by the day, all are needed to join the fight to expose and stop geoengineeing.

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

NASA GISS Shows April 2014 was Second Hottest on Record Amidst Epic Siberian Heatwave, Wildfires

Extraordinary ocean surface temperature anomalies that spiked into the range of + 1.4 C above 1880s values and a continued progression of the Pacific toward El Nino began to take its toll in April. NASA GISS shows that global temperature anomalies hit 0.73 C above the 1951-1980 average last month, the second hottest in the record and just behind 2010′s +0.80 C reading.

2010 was an El Nino year and the most recent record-holder for hottest year in the NASA measure. So it appears all it takes is just a slight tilt toward El Nino, as we saw in April, to challenge previous highs.

NASA April 2nd Hottest

(Temperature anomalies for April of 2014 vs the 1951-1980 average. Image source: NASA GISS.)

The global hotspot for the month again centered on the Yakutia region of Siberia stretching south into Mongolia and Northern China and north into the East Siberian and Beaufort Seas. Positive anomaly values hit as high as 7.9 degrees C above average for the entire month in this hot zone. This was the same region that experienced anomalously intense wildfires throughout much of April and into early May with some fires burning along gargantuan fronts stretching 20 to 100 miles.

Alaska, Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Queensland and West Antarctica also displayed very warm readings in the range of 2-4 C above average for the month. Meanwhile, positive sea surface temperature anomalies advanced into the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during April, a clear sign that ocean heat was beginning to transfer back to the atmosphere.

Negative temperature anomalies were confined primarily to the Hudson Bay region and to the High Arctic above 80 North in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Ocean adjacent to Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere. These cool zones were both small and isolated as most of the world experienced above average to well above average readings.

Zonal anomalies April 2014 NASA

(Temperature anomalies by Latitudinal zone. Image source: NASA GISS.)

High latitude zonal anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere fell off with the arrival of Spring bringing down high temperature anomalies that occur as a result of polar amplification due to human-caused warming and ramp up during late Autumn and early-to-mid Winter. Cold air again retreated toward the pole where it will fight a battle with Summer heat over a diminishing ice cover. Warmth followed the cold retreat into high latitude regions, though, pushing heat anomaly values up to an extreme +2.7 in the region around 70 degrees North Latitude signalling the location of the warm-cold battle line for the onset of late Spring and early Summer. It is a line well north. One that includes sections of the Arctic Ocean now experiencing early melt and/or sea ice break-up.

With the onset of austral fall, polar amplification ramped up for the Southern Hemisphere with extreme low latitude Antarctica experiencing +1.45 C above average temperatures for the month.

Following March’s +0.70 above average reading, April showed continued progress toward warming. And with May seeing further advancement toward El Nino in the first and second week, we can expect global temperature values are likely to keep rising.

Source: Robert Scribbler


5 Responses

  1. Time to put our faith in our maker, not in man like so many have. Bible states Jesus returns to destroy those who would destroy the earth. Amazing how bible predicted what we would see today! Come soon Lord Jesus

  2. I noticed for the past several months that the temperature is actually colder then they say it will be. by 10 degrees or more. if they say it will be 40 it was actually 30. last night we got frost which killed all the new blooms. it doesn’t typically get that cold here this late in the year.when the fruit trees were in bloom they sprayed heavy and the blooms froze and blew off the tree….chemical winds always follow heavy spraying..now they did it again with the food crops. is there goal mass starvation? if so, they are doing a good job of creating it.

  3. Obama Takes Bold Step to Geoengineer Climate Change, Huffington Post 4/1/2014. Check it out..he calls himself “The Rainmaker” let the worldwide dialogue begin!

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