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In the video below, Billy DeMoss D. C. and myself, discuss the horrific effects and impacts of global climate engineering. Billy is the organizer of the California Jam, which is the “largest event for increased human potential and life sustainability”. The level of caring and engaged people in attendance is also exceptional as Cal Jam is the “fastest growing chiropractic event on the planet”.  This major event will be held in Costa Mesa, California, from March 27th thru the 29th. Event details can be viewed on this link www.californiajam.org for those who want more information or those who wish to attendThere are many well known speakers who can be viewed directly on this linkMy most sincere gratitude for chiropractor Billy DeMoss for his tireless efforts in organizing this ground breaking gathering.
Dane Wigington


Known to his friends as Billy D, in 1996 he founded the Dead Chiropractic Society (DCS), one of the first monthly philosophy meetings, where local DCs and students could immerse themselves regularly in the philosophy, art and science of chiropractic.  Inspired by music and driven by chiropractic, seven years ago Billy D decided he needed to share his vision with a larger audience and a mega line-up of speakers, and thus, California Jam, the chiropractic rock n roll event was born.

Seven years on, Billy D continues to bring his unique vision to the world of chiropractic, which has seen Cal Jam morph into the fastest growing chiropractic event on the planet.  Between putting on Cal Jam and speaking at chiropractic events around the country and abroad, Billy D continues to run one of the most successful practices in Orange County, CA and is known for his no holds barred approach to telling it as it is, particularly when it comes to promoting an inside out approach to health and wellness.

For more information go to:




14 Responses

  1. I wish that someone would post information that those interested in making chemtrails an everyday word on everyone’s tongue could utilize to stay healthy.

  2. Penn, I cant tell you how much I empathize with you. It is so frustrating to know criminal genocidal sociopaths are in control of the Earth. I know in my heart though they only have power because the powers of creation have enabled them to take power of the Earth. We have created imperfect forms of governance which allowed sociopaths to guide our collective futures. Now we see the results. Shrug off the laughs and just remember how awesome it is to be so aware you know the truth. That people would laugh, well I have a feeling no one will be laughing soon enough. I just want to give you a shout and let you know you will be rewarded for your loyalty to the truth. There is a God and this is a test…trust me.

  3. The Cal Jam event will be a fantastic forum to deliver the goods on this atrocity, Dane. Once again I applaud all your efforts to enlighten a slumbering public BEFORE we find there is nothing left to fight for.
    I remain hopeful that every effort made, big and small, serves to strengthen the global hive-mind of reason and compassion and urgency regarding this unfolding nightmare.

  4. I try to explain to some with amazement in peoples faces looking stunned, as if no way. Why would they do that and who would do such thing they say. If I have a copy on me I’ll give them dvd “Why In The World Are They Spraying”. DVD+R blanks are not that expensive to burn and give for free. The proof is in the pudding as the saying goes. I’m sorry to see the floods in Cali. and landslides, but these lowlifes can’t leave well enough alone. Nature and its own ecological system could carry its own course and everyone would get its fair share worth of rain as well as the vegetation. We know aluminum is a big cause for the trees dying and burning so easily with nothing left to hold back the rushing waters with dried out soil. On the upside I’m glad you people out there got some rain. It’s a shame the runoff of water from the L.A. river could not be retained and put to beneficial use instead of flowing out to sea! Out here in Southwest, N.M. as usual the lowlifes are burning our rainclouds with pleas falling on deaf ears in Washington D.C. and state level. EPA knows it all, yeah…

  5. My heart goes out to Dane and the people of CA, unreal what they are doing and causing in CA. Mother Nature is not in control. Even Time magazine on March 12 of 2012 had an article called “Nature is Over” by Bryan Walsh. You can find the article on line. Here are a few lines from that article. It said and this line was highlighted in orange… It’s no longer us against Nature. Instead it’s we who decide what nature is and what it will be, writes nobel winning chemist Paul Crutzen. Here’s a few lines from the last paragraph of the article ….. We’ll decide whether human beings continue to thrive or flame out, taking the planet down along the way. It may be an unhappy reality, because there’s no guarantee that the Anthropocene-crowded with billions of human beings-will be as conducive to life as the past 12,000 years have been. “We are as Gods writes the environmentalist and futurist Stewart Brand. “And we have to get good at it.” I read this article in my Dentist office, I was so mad I went and bought the magazine right away. It still sits on my computer desk, I read it now and then and it makes me sick! I looked at several issues after this one, NOT ONE comment about this article.
    Today the weather channel is saying the clouds are holding heat close to the earth and we have above normal temps. They keep this aresole over us just about daily where I live and have for months. Mother Nature has not raised our temps where I live, this crap called aresole is! We’ve only seen sun a few days and it only last a few minutes when it does show up. Geoengineering and Haarp has changed the climate and every natural cycle there is, and we are blamed for it all, never a mention of what they are putting in the atmosphere. They keep us covered in aresole and we heat up. They move the jet stream and cool us off. Owning the weather by 2025…..I think they own it now! Yet they will have us paying a carbon tax and convinced we need more geoengineering. Like the article says ” they think they are like Gods”! They have an agenda for sure and we know what it is. I’m sick of this crap!

  6. Has anyone seen the commercial advertising swiffer mops? African American family moved to Washington State the children are out playing in the rain the rain boots the moms mopping the floor she’s not used to all the rain and she’s all done mopping .she actually says “sunshine is over rated!!!!??? Has anyone ever heard that ” sunshine is over rated? they are systematically brainwashing masses of people subliminally . and has anyone noticed on lots of the news channels even Fox News you have lighting in the background that emulate chemtrails to brainwash are minds to get used to seeing them it’s so obvious!!!

  7. Very good interview.I think some of my doubts were answered.I saw somewhere in internet that a nuclear winter could be our “salvation” ,they even gave the type of bomb that would not be much worst than Nagasaki .If this is true i think mankind is totally nuts !They want so much to cover the sun that they want to fight something essential to our planet (the sun) with the most powerful and deadliest weapons?…
    The vídeos of the UN climate change Conference on your post of december 11st are not there anymore.I think this AMEG will have to deal with pressure for telling the truth(or part of ) .I hope not but for certain their information released in the conference were not seen with good eyes from Power/Elites. Business as usual ,i guess!…but i remenber to hear one of this scientists saying that we can not afford to burn all the fossil fuels we already have(stored i guess!i think he meant that the planet can´t stand with more pollution) but our “civilization” continues to severely depleting all the natural resources (til the last rock or drop)and i think they don´t intend to stop it !i guess they want the “Alarmists” and “conspiracy theorics” out of the picture cause their words must be inconvenient to them cause their words might be an “eye opening” for the masses…Business as usual again!Economics and profit as usual.I don´t believe this people who rules us want a change !Thanks Dane and thanks Billy! you in the US have the worst and the best of people!God bless the good ones!

  8. In SE Pa I see anywhere from four to maybe a dozen trails almost every morning. They always seem to be heading southwest. By afternoon, the skies become metal gray. My frustration level is high. People either shake their heads like I’m crazy, shrug their shoulders or outright laugh. Is it because people don’t want to know, or are too brainwashed to care or have we as a society suffered a catastrophic drop in intelligence levels? This is pure evil at work.

  9. Another great video Dane!
    The message is getting out. A big thanks to Billy D for helping the cause. I wish you would contact PrisonPlanet.com Anthony seems very concerned about our planet. When I make comments on Infowars and PrisonPlanet I mention your name and website frequently.

    Keep up the passion and energy!!!

  10. Lauri, The first thing you can do is send a link to this website to All of your contacts and tell them to pass it on to All of their contacts. Use the flaming arrow package. Then print some flyers and give them to everyone you meet. I own a pizza place in Nikiski, Alaska. I have made a commitment to put this website or a flyer that directs people to this site on every pizza that leaves Charlie’s pizza. I won’t stop until the spraying stops! Try to find a creative way that works for you to help spread the word everyday. Thank you for wanting to help stop this.

  11. It’s not easy trying to tell people about weather control ( geoengineering ) they think it’s impossible to control the weather. Dane you are doing a first class job thank you very much

    1. Hello Lauri, all of us are doing our best from whatever location we find ourselves in, and with whatever skills we have. The more “spot fires” of awareness each of us starts, the faster we will reach critical mass. Check the “flaming arrows” link, and the “activist suggestions” link on the home page of geoengineeringwatch.org. We must all keep sounding the alarm.

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