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7 Responses

  1. Trying to share this on facebook to use facebook for good and spread the message but it not share?

    1. Yes, we’ve had that problem pointed out. Try sharing other posts and write back in. If it is specifically this post only, that is interesting. We have done nothing different with this post.

  2. I can not forward to fb by using the fb icon? I would like to share…………… Have had no problem with other “breaking news” articles…..

  3. I could feel the effects today in Savannah and they just started spraying early this morning. It was weird. I got up at 7:30, went outside to smoke a cigarette (yeah I know, but at least I choose to) and there were HUGE chemtrails all over the sky. I live in Savannah and there have been absolutely NO real clouds for two days and today it was nothing but chemclouds. The weird thing is they didn’t last very long and although they did lighten the sky they didn’t completely white it out. I get the feeling they were deliberately spraying at low altitude because of all the people in town today. There are probably a million people here, and right now we are all being poisoned.

  4. After being intimidated to remove my original video w/nearly 100,000 views in less than a MONTH… people are mirroring AROUND THE WORLD ….I was re-inspired to give this 100% of my efforts… I encourage YOU to copy and share ON YOUR youtube account and facebook or other social media pages… sharing is caring….
    ITS EVERYONE’S RIGHT TO GET ANSWERS… and not be censored or intimidated by anyone.
    -John Massaria

  5. I feel terrible today because of all the aerosols in north texas/Plano yesterday..almost feelsnflulike. I know that everyday they spray heavily this is how I’ll feel the next day! Sure wish this geoengineering would be made to stop!!!!!!!!

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