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Geoengineered Mass Distraction, “Winter Storm Jonas”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The total desperation of the the global power structure and the geoengineers is manifesting into ever higher levels. There is no question that global climate engineering is a weapon mass destruction, but it must be considered (and remembered) that weather/modification (AKA weather warfare) is also a weapon of mass distraction. What are those in power trying so desperately to hide? Much more than the public wants to know or is willing to accept (on many fronts). The massive corporate media hype about "winter storm Jonas" started immediately before the global release of headlines like the one below from The Washington Post. It's Official: 2015 "Smashed" Global Temperature Records, It Wasn't Even Close Let's rewind almost exactly one year from the headline above, and move to a previous headline (also from The Washington Post) that is a near mirror image of this year's headlines. It's Official, 2014 Was The Hottest Year In Recorded History What were the weather-makers up to after this headline was released around the globe from countless media sources a year ago? The same thing they are doing right now with "winter storm Jonas". They were doing their best to completely eclipse dire news stories by manufacturing "winter storm Juno" in January of 2015. How parallel can these two scenarios be? What else is the massive media hype about "winter storm Jonas" helping to hide? The global economy is crashing and it's not coming back. This is not a bump in the road for industrialized society, it is the descent to the end of the road. The delusion is shattering, perpetual expansion on a finite planet with finite resources was never sustainable and it is reaching its breaking point. Global shipping is skidding to a halt, economies around the globe will follow. There are many other headlines those in power would like to hide including the poising of the population in Flint, Michigan and the rapidly worsening gas leak disaster in Southern California. And then of course there is the ongoing Fukushima cataclysm which continues to worsen and which those in power wish to obscure with headlines of mass distraction. Back to "winter storm Jonas", how engineered is it? Completely. If you don't believe winter storms can be engineered, think again. The power structure controlled "Weather Channel" has been tasked with hyping the manufactured winter weather to the maximum degree possible. One of the ways The Weather Channel accomplishes this is by assigning theatrical names to the engineered winter weather. The 2015-2016 list of "winter storm" names is below. The beginning of "winter storm Jonas" is documented in the map below. On the so called "warm side" of the "winter storm" there were temperatures in the 70s with a threat of tornados and thunderstorms. Then, heading further into the chemically ice nucleated "winter storm", there is a transition zone where the chemically nucleated materials reach the ground before freezing. These "ice storm" zones have now become the norm due to the constant engineering of "winter weather" events. Still farther into the chemically nucleated "snow storm", a layer of cooler dense air builds in depth (from the cooling endothermic reaction of the nucleating materials), the generally large flakes of "heavy wet snow" begin to form and fall. Thundersnow" is related to the chemical nucleation of warmer convective rain bands that would not have produced frozen precipitation without the artificial/chemical nucleation process. Those that don't believe jet aircraft are spraying in our skies, (as part of the ongoing global climate engineering programs) have simply not objectively investigated. Though the western powers continue to completely deny the ongoing climate engineering, China has openly admitted to engineering snowstorms in the past, though they have since also gone covert with their operations. The low pressure center and moisture feed for "winter storm Jonas" (shown in the map below) is feeding directly off of record warm oceans. The Weather Channel actors that masquerade as meteorologists are having an ever more difficult time covering the tracks of the geeoengineers. Watching them try to explain away the "warm side" of the "winter storm" (complete with thunderstorms and tornados) is troubling. Weather systems are being chemically ice nucleated all over the globe. As "Jonas" is migrated north toward its target area, the chemically nucleated "ice storm" zones will expand and likely do significant damage as reflected in the graphic below. The next forecast map below shows "Jonas" hitting home Saturday morning. With the warm flow of moisture coming off the Atlantic the temperatures along the coast are far above freezing. As outlined earlier, there is an "ice storm" transition zone where the chemical nucleation materials are still reaching the ground before freezing. Further into the "winter storm" (as the chemical nucleating materials are sprayed over the precipitation cells), some cooler air accumulates from the chemically reacting materials and thus facilitates the formation of the "heavy wet snow". The headlines of mass distraction sought by the power structure and the geoengineers are thus achieved. The "snow line" within the engineered winter storms now has little to do with elevation, rather, it is related to a particular side of the "winter storm"(the "warm" or the "cold" side). A word of caution about the chemically nucleated frozen precipitation, don't eat it. Main stream media sources have already sent out a warning against eating the snow, though they won't admit to the most significant source of contamination in the snow, climate engineering fallout. What is the final result of this massive climate engineering effort? The most populated urban centers of the most populated zones in the country are hit the hardest with the completely engineered winter weather. The desired headlines are thus created, maximum public distraction and political impact is achieved. Conveniently, Washington DC and Baltimore are at the center of the "Jonas" bullseye. What is the latest and most compelling update on the actual overall state of the global climate? The just released 30 second animation below is a stark and shocking glimpse of a reality that much of the public still does not know, understand, or believe. While the climate engineers manufacture weather in major US population centers, the Arctic continues into meltdown. The "departure from

Winter Storms With Record Heat, What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org As strong plumes of moisture flow in off of the record warm Pacific ocean, heavy aerosol spraying of chemical ice nucleating materials begin the cool-down that is paving the way for "winter storm Ferus", the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal. The combination satellite radar image below reveals the flow of Pacific moisture over the Western US. It also reveals the extremely long plume of moisture and aerosolized cloud cover spanning from far out into the Eastern Pacific, all the way to Greenland. The brighter the white of the cloud cover, the more aerosolized it is.  The composition of the ever expanding aerosolized cloud canopies are very different than natural cloud formations. Some "streaking" can be seen on the image above from the constant aerosol dispersions. The aerosolization/chemical nucleation process (causing an endothermic reaction) dries up much of the moisture and scatters it over a much broader area. What is the result? A "winter snow storm" from a flow of moisture that originated over record warm ocean temperatures of the Pacific. The climate engineers are looking for "winter" headlines to counter the current record warmth in the Eastern US,  down under in Australia, and even unprecedented winter forest fires in places like Spain. Record forest fires are now occurring during all seasons and all over the planet. Click HERE for a photo gallery of the fires in Spain. In spite of all the global hot spots, (and the increasingly rapid overall planetary warming), the climate engineers are throwing everything they can at "winter storm Ferus". Naming the engineered "winter storms" dramatizes the headlines, the desired effect for the geoengineers and the power structure controlled Weather Channel. Does the scenario in the NOAA map below look in any way "normal"? The current scenario is the exact antithesis of the previous three winters in the US, it is completely engineered. The geoengineers are becoming increasingly blatant and desperate as the unraveling of the climate system continues to pick up momentum. A record warm Christmas is likely in the very locations that had record cold and record snow only last year. How warm will it likely be in the Eastern US? The air temperature map below should be a wake up call. The actual temperatures are likely to be even higher than the "official" forecasts and the "official" daily high readings reported. Underreporting of temperature readings is now becoming the norm as the power structure desperately tries to hide the full gravity of what is unfolding around us all (while making the situation even worse at the same time). What are the long term global temperature trends?  Multiple record graphing sources and an endless flow of frontline data paint a clear picture. Though the flow of disinformation in regard to the true state of the climate is epidemic, people must learn to look behind the headlines and the sources used to make them. Frontline data is the bottom line, those who truly want to get at the truth will take the time to examine such data. The rate of planetary warming is beyond dire, geoengineering is making the situation far worse, not better. Thousands of high temperature records have been set in the US during the last two weeks, many more will fall before the end of 2015. This will be the warmest year on record with temperatures shattering the former record set only last year. 2016 will likely break the record yet again. Even the world's lakes are heating and dying. Massive methane releases may have already pushed the planet into a runaway greenhouse event, climate engineering has also exacerbated the overall methane scenario. It is imperative for populations to wake up and realize the immediacy of the challenge we face. The equation could not be more "non-linear". Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic activity decimating the planet and the climate system, global geoengineering is at the top of the list. The extreme temperature imbalances and climate engineering contamination fallout are wreaking havoc on the biosphere and all life. The temperature extremes reflected in the map above are unprecedented.  The extreme heating of ever larger regions is beyond alarming. Many areas of Eastern North America are likely to be as much as 30 degrees above normal by Christmas eve. The planet's ability to support life is rapidly slipping away, what will you do? What will all of us do? Our challenges are many, but exposing and halting climate engineering should be, must be, our top priority. Make your voice heard by passing on credible information to all those around you, to all those that will listen. It is up to all of us to make every day count in this most critical battle. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Desperation Of The Geoengineers, Documenting An Engineered Cool-Down

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Geoengineering can and does create large scale chemical cool-downs, but at what cost to the overall climate system and life on Earth? If we are to be effective in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, the effects of global geoengineering must be recognized, understood, and taken into consideration in regard to our conclusions. The following maps and radar/satellite images document a massive engineered cool-down of the US West while the Eastern US continues to hit record highs (the exact antithesis of the previous 3 years). The NOAA map below (produced on December 1st, 2015) reflects the predicted US temperatures for the period from December 7th through the 11th (2015). Each color shade represents an increase of 2-3 degrees above average temperatures. While some are still reciting a narrative of "global cooling", what is the real picture? And what major geoengineering impacts are being completely ignored by most? Shortly after the NOAA forecast map above was issued (reflecting an extremely warm US from coast to coast), an engineered cool-down of the Western US was put into motion.  The next map (December 8, 2015) shows profound changes from the original NOAA map above. With extreme amounts of moisture being pushed into the West, the engineered cool-down is underway. Though flooding is occurring in parts of the Pacific Northwest, and will continue to, the overall precipitation in most areas is still far less than what would have been the case without the massive atmospheric aerosol saturation from heavy jet aircraft spraying. When there are too many cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), precipitation is diminished and the moisture is migrated further east. Heavy particle saturation in precipitation can be noted by observing droplet size. Very rapid uniform raindrops (which can be observed in puddles and on windshields) are indicative of the condensation nuclei being dictated by the sprayed particles in the rain. Lab tests have confirmed that this type of precipitation does in fact contain the highest concentration of the heavy metals (such as aluminum and barium) contained in geoengioneering patents. Jet stream manipulation with ionosphere heater installations like HAARP allow the geoengineers to "firehouse" moisture into a given region, in this case the Pacific Northwest.  The stream of moisture aimed at the US Northwest stretches most of the way across the Pacific. What is the goal of solar radiation management (SRM)? To block out as much of the sun as possible. The atmospheric river of moisture streaming off of the record warm Pacific ocean is heavily aerosolized (as described above) which keeps much of the moisture from falling and broadcasts it out into massive regions of rainless (and toxic) cloud cover expanding out over the Western US. The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown on the combination satellite/radar maps above and below, the more heavily aerosolized the cloud cover is. So much of our skies are now covered with various degrees of aerosolized cloud canopy that "blue skies" are largely non existent.  As the heavily sprayed unorganized drifting masses of moisture pour into the West (shown in the satellite image below), the radio frequency signature cloud alignment ripples begin to show up. The radio frequencies help to scatter and disperse the sprayed particulates (and this diminish precipitation). "Global Dimming" is increasing in magnitude all over the globe as the ongoing aerosol assault continues. In the "Climate Reanilizer" departure from average map below, the projected results of the engineered Western cool-down are showing up. As the aerosolized moisture streams in from the West, chemical nucleation drops the cloud temperatures. This creates a cold dense layer of air that descends to the ground and lowers the temperatures, the desired outcome for the geoengineers. The extreme heat anomalies reflected in the reanilizer map above should be alarming to all. Such extremes are meteorologically unprecedented historically speaking. Not only are the climate engineers tearing the planet's life support systems apart, they are contaminating the entire surface of the Earth.  The updated (after the engineered cool-down) NOAA map below reflects the desired outcome for the geoengineers (compare this to the original NOAA map at the top of the page). If there had been too many record shattering temperatures across the entire US, geoengineering becomes a much tougher sell to other nations. There are undoubtedly countless "behind closed doors" meetings being carried out at the Paris Climate Conference at this exact window of time. The current Western cool-down is the exact antithesis of the last three years in the lower 48 states in which the Eastern US have been the recipient of constant engineered cool-downs. Radical temperature extreme imbalances like those shown in the NOAA map above are historically unprecedented. Though the corporate controlled weather forecasting liars will try to explain away the engineered extremes as just "natural variability", it is up to us to see reality for what it is. It is up to all of us to recognize the engineered cool-downs for what they actually are, completely unnatural and highly destructive to the planet. The engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse planetary warming, how much more can the web of life take? So what is the true global average temperature picture for the last three years? The GISS departure from normal high temperature map below is revealing. The heavily geoengineered eastern half of the North American continent is one of the few zones in the world that have not been hovering in record high temperature territory since the beginning of 2013 (though 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the US). The last 5 years were the hottest ever recorded globally. It is imperative for us all to look past short term (highly toxic) engineered cool-downs in order to see the larger ongoing picture. Every day that global climate engineering is allowed to continue, it worsens the overall warming of the planet. Though many cite dubious characters like former Weather Channel founder John Coleman, and "Lord Monckton", as proof that there "is no global warming", such individuals are hardly a credible source of data.  An honest examination

Engineering 50°F Degree Snowstorms

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Why is it snowing at 50°F? If a day begins at 50°F with sunshine, should it then start snowing at the same temperature? If it does snow at such ridiculously high temperatures, why would the temperature suddenly drop 30 degrees? If you think there is anything natural about our weather, think again. Welcome to "winterstorm Cara". In Reno, Nevada, we have another very bizarre (and totally unnatural) scenario. What could cause the weather to go from rain at 45 degrees to snow at 49 degrees? If you have any knowledge of meteorology, you will recognize the jet stream pattern below as being completely astounding. Clearly, the climate engineers can push and pull the jet stream in almost any configuration they choose (with the use of the ionosphere heaters and RF transmissions) in order to accomplish the engineered cool-downs they desire and thus create the "winter weather" headlines they need to keep the populations climate confusion going strong. What happened to jet streams that went from west to east in the Northern Hemisphere? The climate engineers will continue to "engineer winter" as long as they can. As long as the still sleeping populations are willing to look the other way while their planet's life support systems are torn apart day in and day out by a completely out of control military industrial complex. Take a good look at the "winter storm" impact area in the map below, then compare this map with the other temperature maps further down the page. Does it really look like the US West should be getting so much snow? Even when the temperatures in many of the areas receiving it are considerably above average? How can a "winter storm" unfold with high temperatures in the ranges shown below? The Weather Channel map for Thursday, November 26th (below) is also of interest in numerous ways. Let's start with the extreme contrast in temperatures which are in very close proximity. The geoengineers and their mainstream media puppets just got done creating the following headline in "Chicago Records Snowiest November Storm In Over 100 Years"  Does anyone find it astounding that Chicago is now forecast to have rain at 55 degrees on Thanksgiving day? A full week further into the colder months than their "record snowstorm"? Also note the large area of "ice storm" that separates the warm rain regions and the "winter storm Cara" zone. The "ice storms" are caused due to the chemical ice nucleating materials being sprayed over the warmer rain storms in front of the advancing "winter storm". When the temperatures are too warm for the chemical nucleating materials to freeze the precipitation as it descends through the atmosphere, it then reaches the surface before setting up and forming ice.  Chemical ice nucleation creates a cold dense layer of air that sits on the surface and lowers temperatures. This in turn creates the headlines the climate engineers are desperate for in order for them to continue to fuel the confusion and division on the true state of the global climate (being made far worse overall by the ongoing climate engineering insanity). Power structure owned corporations like "The Weather Channel" will do their best to cover the tracks of the climate engineering criminals. We must all take notice of the details, not just the headlines. The power structure is desperately trying to hide the gravity of what is unfolding on our planet. If they really wanted people to know just how bad the overall picture is, wouldn't the corporate media have mentioned the fact that Arctic ice is at all time record low levels for this time of year? Not a word from the corporate controlled media about this dire breaking news story. Don't toe the line for the power structure and the climate engineers, learn to recognize the completely engineered winter.  DW

Engineered Winter Weather Whiplash

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The completely engineered weather "whack-a-mole" is winding up with "winter storm Ajax"  In recent years, the naming of "winter storms" adds to the geoengineered winter weather theater that is the last ditch effort of the power structure to mask the severity of the rapidly accelerating global meltdown. In order to achieve the jet stream manipulated temporary chemical cool-downs, the overall warming of the planet is further worsened. Even if you know nothing about meteorology, the "temperature departure from average" map below should look anomalous. The radical inconsistencies are historically unprecedented.  Record shattering warmth in the oceans and an extreme band of warmth from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the Arctic, yet, "winter storm Ajax" magically materializes over the western US. The "daily average" temperature map below further clarifies the anomalous chemical cool-down down in the western US while surrounding temperatures are much warmer. The overall area of "cool zones" on our planet are getting rapidly smaller. Extreme jet stream "dips" are a primary component of the engineered winter events."Winter storm Ajax" is no exception. Such massive dips in the jet stream are also utilized to pick up moisture from the very warm Gulf of Mexico. The moisture is then carried north as far as the Arctic where it is also chemically nucleated in the ever more desperate attempt to slow down the shrinking of Arctic ice. How anomalous does the precipitation map below appear? With frozen precipitation as far south as southern New Mexico, it is still raining and relatively warm (with tornados) all the way into south central Canada. What is the role of the  power structure owned and controlled agencies like "The Weather Channel"? To create as much theater and as many headlines as they can from the engineered chemical cool-downs. In the image below, Ari Sarsalari is doing his best to hype up "winter storm Ajax" without much mention of the warm thunderstorms and rain that appear on most of the map behind him. The cast of criminals who purchased "The Weather Channel" for 3.5 billion are able to control the message and the flow of information from top to bottom. When the weather anomalies are too big to cover up, The Weather Channel all too often airs reality shows instead of covering the weather. The latest list of dramatic "winter storm" names from The Weather Channel is below. The Weather Channel theater is conducted with enthusiasm by the paid script readers that masquerade as meteorologists. What is a primary goal for the geoengineers? To blot out the sun. In the combination satellite radar map below (Nov 17, 2015), nearly the entire North American continent is covered with canopy. ​ Any areas of moisture are heavily sprayed with atmospheric aerosols. The excess of cloud condensation nuclei then help to scatter available moisture into vast expanses of rainless and often amorphous cloud canopy (solar radiation management). Radio frequency transmissions are also used to broadcast the electrically conductive particulates into the widest possible pattern. The NOAA "departure from normal high temperatures" map below further highlights the ever more extreme weather whiplash that is going on around the globe. The scenario shown in this NOAA map is the exact antithesis of the constant parade of engineered cool-downs that were carried out over the Eastern US over the last two winters. It is imperative that the completely engineered "winter storms" be recognized for what they are: not natural. Those who use such engineered events as ammunition to claim the planet is not warming are repeating the exact narrative that the power structure wants them to parrot. If we are to be effective in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, our conclusions must be researched, credible, and verifiable. Though the world is full of criminal disaster capitalists like Al Gore, reality is still reality. And what is the current reality in regard to the state of the climate? The planet continues its descent into total meltdown with geoengineering helping to fuel the fire overall. This being said, it is also imperative to understand and acknowledge that there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and climate system. Denial of this fact is no different than denial of climate engineering. Here are the facts, October set heat records around the globe (following September's record shattering heat). The beginning of November was in the same trend. 2015 will be the warmest year yet recorded, breaking the record heat just set in 2014. Record warm oceans are the bottom line, the overall planetary warming is accelerating at blinding speed. The planet cannot respond to the damage already done so long as geoengineering is allowed to continue. If the climate engineering insanity can be exposed and halted, the other sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet must then be dealt with. It's up to us, make your voice heard.   DW

Engineering Winter, The Increasing Desperation Of The Weather-Makers

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The climate engineers are increasingly desperate to mask the true extent of planetary meltdown by creating short term extreme chemical cool-downs. In recent winters the geoengineers kept most of their focus on the Eastern US. Boston was the target for headlines in the winter of 2014-2015. The engineered winter in the East was accompanied by engineered drought in the West. The 8 minute video below, "Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought" outlines this scenario. In the next map the sporadic spotting of frozen precipitation is telling. Rain in northern Montana and snow in south central Arizona. Chemical ice nucleating materials sprayed over storm precipitation can and do turn what should have fallen as rain, into snow. The Chinese government has openly disclosed this practice. The nucleation process creates a cold dense layer of air which sinks, builds up on the ground, and eventually lowers the mercury. This is a temporary effect, but it produces the desired headlines and deception in regard to the overall picture. The Nov. 4, 2015, map below shows extensive radio frequency/microwave transmission impacts which are clearly visible in the moisture flows feeding the engineered western winter event. On the evening of November 4th, 2015, corporate media (like the Weather Channel) were trumpeting the big winter storm in the West. Does the next map below reflect true winter snow storm temperatures? There is only one temperature reading on the entire map that is even at the freezing mark, and that is not where the snow is falling. The majority of the map shows record or near record highs for a 6 pm temperature reading for November 4th. More record highs are expected in the East during the coming week and perhaps off and on during the rest of November. Welcome to geoengineered weather whiplash. The Taos New Mexico report below shows possible snow showers for Thursday November 5th at a temperature of 41 degrees. Why would it snow at 41 degrees? Let's go North to Montana where snow showers can apparently occur at 43 degrees after rain at 41 degrees. This is the latest NOAA extended "forecast" (scheduled weather) map. It is important to remember that private defense contractor (and geoengineering entity) Raytheon, does all the weather modeling for NOAA (whose personnel are all under a federal "gag order" along with all NWS employees). This is yet another ridiculously unprecedented scenario showing conditions that are unbelievably out of balance. Record high temperatures in the East are expected to continue in some regions until mid November. What did it look like for most of the last three winters? The exact opposite of what is occurring at this time. The East was put under the big chill while the West was fried. The geoengineers can only cover so much area with their jet stream manipulated chemical cool-downs. The size of those areas is shrinking as the planet continues to warm. The map below is especially astounding and documents a very tragic event that occurred on October 4th, 2013.  Take a good look at the temperatures on the map above, they are as a whole, very high. The small cool section is a huge departure from the rest of the country, but still there are no below freezing temperatures shown. Yet, this map documented a snowstorm in South Dakota that killed up to 100,000 cows, how is that possible when temperatures were almost 90 degrees in regions surrounding the event? I captured the temperature map above before it was taken offline, the map reflects another example of engineered winter. The next map shows the "departure from normal high temperatures" for a 2 year period from 2013 to 2015. The constantly engineered cooling Eastern North America is evident. It has been the most anomalously below normal zone in the entire world since 2013 (2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the US). What happened? The geoengineering assault was ramped up to new highs. Temporary toxic cooling at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system, climate engineering must be considered the top of the list. The ongoing winter weather warfare is not natural in any way. The extreme climate forcing being pushed on planet Earth by the climate engineers is tearing the climate system apart and wreaking havoc on the biosphere as a whole. Few have any idea how extensively the weather and climate is being modified. Even many who are already aware of geoengineering are unfortunately not yet acknowledging the cool-downs for what they are, completely engineered. Accepting the engineered cool-downs as natural is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want, why would we do their bidding? If we are to effectively fight against the climate engineering insanity, it is imperative to understand and recognize all the parts to the puzzle. The engineered deception of the US population is a major goal for the geoengineers, we must all learn to see through it. Make your voice heard in the critical battle to stop the ongoing omnicide being inflicted on our planet by climate engineering. DW

Hurricane Patricia, Weather Warfare, Power Structure Desperation, And Climate Disintegration

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Hurricane "Patricia" is only the latest glaring example of the power structure's manipulation of Earth's rapidly unraveling climate system. Hurricane manipulation has long since been "business as usual" for the massive global climate engineering infrastructure. Historical documents prove the reality of the ongoing total government involvement with climate engineering, this includes extensive congressional reports. Though early efforts to manipulate hurricanes were disclosed, such programs have long since gone under the radar. Even "gag orders" have now been placed on government weather agencies like NWS and NOAA. Weather warfare is the weapon of choice for the global power brokers, this weapon is used to keep non-submissive countries in line. Hurricane Patricia exploded with an unprecedented increase in intensity that was so rapid computer models could not even follow it, completely "stumping scientists". The military industrial complex and the criminals that control them always have many agendas being carried out at once. In addition to impacting Mexico (perhaps for its ramped up trade and cooperation with Asia and for utilizing currencies other than the US dollar), the moisture from hurricane "Patricia" is being pumped toward the Northeast where it is being heavily aerosolized and chemically ice nucleated in order to cool down portions of the US. This process is used for engineered winter storms if the temperatures are cold enough. When it is too warm, the process simply cools down the temperatures on the ground as the colder air sinks.  Extensive atmospheric moisture is needed in order to produce the engineered cool-downs that have been repeatedly orchestrated over much of the eastern half of the US in recent years. The short term engineered cool-downs come at the cost of a far worsened overall warming. As the planetary meltdown continues to accelerate, the climate engineers are constantly "doubling down" on their climate modification assault of total insanity.  Moisture from "Patricia" will by utilized to cool parts of the US, the consequences are irrelevant to the weather makers. The brighter white cloud cover that shows up in the combination satellite radar image below is indicative of the most heavily aerosolized cloud cover. This bright white expands out in every direction from any core concentrations of atmospheric moisture. This is the the goal of solar radiation management, to create as much cloud canopy as possible, again, the overall consequences are not relevant for the climate engineers as they carry out a multitude of agendas for their own purposes. Flows of moisture into the western US are being completely aerosolized. This creates hazy white featureless skies over vast outlying areas and can greatly reduce or eliminate precipitation altogether in those areas, further fueling the already epic drought in the US West. As mentioned, the moisture from "Patricia" has been and continues to be heavily sprayed (saturated) with aerosols. This creates a temporary (and highly toxic) cool-down for portions of the US. As this moisture migrates over the eastern US in the coming days, the desired temporary cool-down sought by the climate engineers is now forecast to occur as the latest NOAA map below reflects. The latest NOAA winter outlook map is below. In spite of record warm oceans and record warm temperatures predicted for all  regions surrounding the southern US, miraculously, below normal temperatures are predicted for the southern tear of states. Welcome to "engineered winter". Just as the moisture from "Patricia" is being used to temporarily cool regions of the US, the flow of moisture from el nino this winter will be utilized to cool some regions while the rest of the planet descends into meltdown. The GISS "departure from normal high temperature" map below covers a two year period from 2013 to 2015, clearly, the most anomalously below normal temperature zone in the entire world has been the eastern half of the North American continent. This anomaly is a direct result of constant and extremely aggressive climate engineering. In regard to the ongoing climate engineering nightmare, it is imperative to remember many agendas are being carried out at once. "This OR that" dichotomous thinking needs to be abandoned, with one exception, there is NO benevolence in regard to the geoengineering/weather warfare insanity, NONE. Help us to expose and halt climate engineering while we still have any part of a functioning biosphere left to salvage,  make your voice heard in this desperate battle.  DW

Engineering “1000 Year” Weather Catastrophes, The Reality Of Weather Warfare

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A "1000 year" flood has just occurred on the East Coast and a "1200 year" drought continues to worsen rapidly on the West Coast. In fact record shattering floods and droughts are rapidly accelerating all around the globe. "Official sources", of course, tell the American public that unprecedented weather events are just "natural" and the vast majority unfortunately accept this lie without so much as a second thought. Though countless anthropogenic (human) activities have done immense damage to the climate system, the ongoing global climate engineering (weather warfare) insanity is the greatest single disrupting factor of all. "100 year" disasters are now occurring every 100 days or less. Photo credit: Cieliazzurri The images below should be carefully examined. The flow of moisture from hurricane Joaquin was manipulated between a clockwise spinning high pressure zone to the north of Joaquin and a counterclockwise spinning low pressure zone to the west of Joaquin. There were at least 8 meteorological factors that all had to come together in order to create the fire hose effect that just devastated South Carolina. Even more astounding consideration is that these factors generally remained in place for three consecutive days. The spinning vortex from Joaquin helped the climate engineers cover the Northeast with heavily aerosolized SRM cloud canopy. Hurricane Joaquin was essentially a water pump for the geoengineers and the immense moisture from this source was profoundly focused on a specific region, South Carolina. Does this precipitation map look "natural" to you? The combination of factors required to create such a concentrated flow of moisture over such a distance was completely unprecedented. This image and the scenario it records is nothing short of shocking. Precipitation modeling image credit: James Spann In a rapidly warming world deluge events would be expected to increase. But it is the intentional manipulation of the climate system that is making some events so concentrated and deadly.  Record breaking rains inundated South Carolina Hurricane Joaquin was initially forecasted to make US landfall, in fact, it initially showed many similarities to the initial stages of hurricane "Sandy".  Then, literally overnight, all the "forecasts" changed. Meteorologists stated on the record that hurricane Joaquin was very hard to predict. How can the weather be predicted when the climate is being completely manipulated by multiple global powers? Yet, the geoengineering elephant in the room remains a tabu subject in the meteorological and mainstream media communities. Meteorologists are paid to explain away the completely engineered weather as "natural", they are covering the tracks for the geoengineers. As of October 5, 2015, the path of "Joaquin" was being heavily sprayed with aerosols by jet aircraft as the satellite photos below clearly show.  Massive aerosol spraying is clearly visible across the North Atlantic (top center of above image) directly in the path of Joaquin. Joaquin is heading toward (being steered?) the extremely anomalous cold "blob" in the North Atlantic which has scientists "puzzled". Excessive atmospheric moisture is a necessary component of the chemically nucleated short term cool-downs being carried out around the globe. Could the geoengineers have an agenda to direct this major moisture producing storm to this region? Many scientists are already concerned about the effect the "cold blob" is having on the thermohaline circulation (Gulf Stream), could the climate engineers be attempting to actually manipulate this critical ocean current? On the opposite side of the US the "forecasts" (scheduled weather) for continued record heat, drought, and fires, are still worsening.  The map above is a NOAA "departure from normal high temperature graphic. Each color coded band represents 2-3 degrees above "normal" temperatures. If this "forecast" map does not look alarming to you, it should. For the record, private defense industry contractor "Raytheon" does the weather "modeling" for NOAA and NWS (The National Weather Service). Raytheon is involved in the climate engineering industry. The engineered Western US meltdown continues as the geoengineers attempt to keep the Eastern US cooled down. Though weather "whiplash" of up and down hot and cold events is occurring in the US East, overall cooler temps in the eastern half of the US lower 48 are so anomalous that scientists (who refuse to acknowledge climate engineering) can't figure it out. Even Major University scientists have questioned how the Eastern US can be anomalously cool in a record warm world. How is it possible that the Eastern US has remained cooler overall during the last 3 years? This is in spite of the fact that high temperature records continue to be shattered all over the globe? The graphic above is an NOAA "departure from normal precipitation" map. Along with the record heat, far below normal rainfall is also forecasted (scheduled) for the already drought devastated California. The contradictions of precipitation reflected in this "forecast" map are a further reflection of the ongoing total manipulation of the climate system. As 2014 ended the California drought was considered the worse in at least 1200 years and it has gotten much worse since. If all available data is taken into account, the particular case of the California drought must be considered a direct consequence of the ongoing geoengineering/solar radiation management programs. Climate engineering is weather warfare, nothing less. Record shattering rainfall and record shattering drought are rapidly increasing around the globe. The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing jet aircraft aerosol spraying means that climate engineering must also be considered biological warfare. I receive many communications from people around the world asking "where can I move to in order to escape these programs"? Answer, there is no place to hide. We have only one choice, to unite in our efforts to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Make your voice heard in this most critical battle while there is yet any part of Earth's life support systems left to salvage.  DW

Climate Engineering Seeds Deadly Hail Storms

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Artificial/chemical ice nucleation and highly destructive hail storms, what's the connection? The 2 minute video gives a brief, but very impressive glimpse of astoundingly large hail stones striking a body of water near Naples, Italy, on September 5, 2015. This next 90 second video documents a devastating and and unprecedented hail storm that recently occurred in Mexico, which actually caused multiple mortalities.  Our climate system is spinning out of control. Though there are countless causal factors and countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system, a great many  roads in this equation lead straight to the ongoing global climate modification programs. Artificial/chemical ice nucleation is now constantly used in the covert weather modification programs. The use of these materials cools down the clouds and thus the air mass below the clouds. But what happens when these unnatural elements cause ice formation at far above usual temperatures, in far greater concentrations, and far sooner than the process would have otherwise occurred during the progression of a storm? Much more frequent hail storms and exceptionally large hail stones are the expected result. This is in spite of the fact that the jet sprayed canopy of aerosols above the storm systems (solar radiation management programs) are actually limiting cloud convection in many or most cases. Even passenger jets are being pounded by the rapidly worsening conditions. Do records show an increase in the damage being done by unusually large and frequent hail storms? Yes, there has been an 84% increase in hail storm damage from 2010 to 2012 and that increase is still rising.  Are there other recent examples of unprecedented "ice balls" created by massive artificial/chemical spraying of nucleating elements? Yes, again. Ice boulders on the Great Lakes never before seen until the last few years. Do you believe the explanations given for all the unprecedented oddities by the mainstream media "experts" who are paid to say whatever their told to say? Global climate modification is a totally out of control juggernaut of complete insanity. There is no truly natural weather at this point, none. All is tainted by the all out geoengineering assault that has been unleashed on planet Earth. The climate engineers will continue to create ever more extreme conditions. Artificially/chemically nucleated storms with more frequency and intensity is a part of this scenario. In order to create the illusion of cold on a rapidly warming world the engineering of snow storms will also continue to wreak havoc around the globe. The constant engineered cool-downs in the Eastern US during recent years is a glaring example.  All of us must work together in order to bring the climate engineering insanity to light and to a halt. There is no silver bullet, there is no easy way forward in this battle, but we are indeed making progress. When a critical mass of awareness is reached regarding the geoengineering reality, and global populations wake to what has been done to them, there will be a paradigm shift. DW

Climate Engineering, El Niño And The Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” For The Coming Winter In The US

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org "Forecasters" are now trumpeting the arrival of a "Godzilla" El Niño event, but somehow they seem to already know that there will be no relief for the epic California drought (which can be directly linked to the ongoing climate engineering insanity). How can such a prediction be made so early on? Ocean temperatures in the Eastern Pacific are at record shattering high levels, why wouldn't this translate into more rain for the now empty reservoirs in Northern California?  The El Niño pattern has been trying to form since 2007 but has been repeatedly suppressed by what meteorologists have coined as "the ridiculously resilient ridge" of constant high pressure over the US west coast. Was this rain starving scenario the result of the climate engineers and their aggressive effort to suppress El Niño formation in a destructive attempt to hold the lid on soaring global temperatures? The Eastern Pacific (off of the US west coast) is constantly the target of massive aerosol spraying operations as shown in the image below. Is "solar radiation management" the only goal of this spraying, or are the known drought causing impacts of atmospheric aerosol saturation and ionosphere heater high pressure zones a desired outcome for the geoengineers? The electrically conductive heavy metals being sprayed enhances the effectiveness of ionosphere heater installations (like HAARP) which would then increase the weather-makers ability to create and maintain consistent zones of high pressure. What does a completely sprayed Eastern Pacific look like on a radar map? The reflective metals show up like precipitation when there is none, the radar image below is a glaring example. Climate engineering is about power and control, and about hiding the severity of climate damage already done (while doing even more damage at the same time) from a population that so far has not wanted to face the truth in the first place. The climate engineers have managed to keep the Eastern US cooler than average for almost three years in spite of a record warm world. Why? To help manipulate the perception of the US population. How anomalous has the Eastern US cool-down been? The map below covers "departure from normal high temperatures" for a two year period from 2013 to 2015, this is clear as it gets. What should the expected impacts should be in the US for a strong El Niño Event? With a potential record El Niño, abundant precipitation should show up in California with overall temperatures pushed from above normal to far above normal throughout the US. Higher temperatures should be especially prevalent given the fact that our planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown. All this being said, how is it some of the latest "forecasts" call for the US West to continue frying into the fall with little to no rain and with wildfires still raging? And with predicted snowfall further inland? Next, given the fact that we have a record warm world, record warm oceans surrounding the US, a record El Niño, and predictions of above normal highs in the Northern US, how can it be possible for winter predictions of a "below average" temperature band to run right through the US from Southern California, to the Gulf Coast, to New York, covering some of the most heavily populated zones of the country? The "forecast map" below should be carefully examined. Other maps (below) use terms like "wintry battle zone" to describe their predictions for the southern states (in spite of the record warm condition of our planet already noted). The map below also states there may be "above normal" snow in spite of warmer temperatures, who is making and running the weather forecast industry? Continuously cooling down heavily populated regions of the US is about engineering public perception for as long as possible. In regard to weather forecasting, with few exceptions, the global power structure owns it all. The Rothschilds own much of the industry where the very defense industry contractors that are heavily involved in the climate engineering insanity actually supply the weather modeling "predictions" for government agencies like The National Weather Service and NOAA. The Weather Channel is owned by multinational corporations that are a core part of the global power cabal. And let's not forget about Monsanto Corporation and their purchase of "Climate Corp" for nearly a billion dollars. Controlling the message also allows them to control public perception. Meteorologists are (with few exceptions)  paid liars who are simply reading scripts. Their job is to convince the population that the completely engineered climate is just "natural weather". Their job is to convince the population that "mostly sunny" predictions that involve the sprayed-out skies we are all subjected to is just normal. Their job is to cover the tracks of the criminal climate engineering insanity. Anyone that contributes to such a cover-up in exchange for a paycheck and a pension should be considered a criminal accomplice to the geoengineering crimes. When the Weather Channel is not busy covering for the geoengineers, they now simply show countless reality shows in order to altogether avoid actually covering the engineered weather. So how about those predicted cold zones which are surrounded by record warm oceans and a record warm world? Welcome to engineered snow storms. The Chinese openly announced their practice of engineering snow storms out of what should have been rain until they did a billion dollars of damage to Beijing, does anyone believe our government does not know how to do the same? With enough atmospheric moisture the geoengineers can produce snowstorms under a wide variety of conditions. The July 2015 snowstorm in Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of many examples. The extra moisture from El Niño will be used for the chemical cool-downs already scheduled for the US this winter. As the planetary meltdown accelerates, the Arctic continues to melt and glaciers continue to disintegrate around the world, the climate engineers are becoming increasingly desperate and blatant in their aggressive planetary assault. It appears that the moisture Northern California needs so badly may be siphoned by the climate engineers for use further east


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