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Governor Signs Climate Engineering Ban Legislation Into Law

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has now signed legislation into law that bans any form of climate engineering operations over the State of Tennessee. Courageous Tennessee lawmakers in the Senate and House had previously passed the legislation which put it on the governor's desk, it has now been signed into law. Though other states have tried, Tennessee has succeeded due to their solid, straightforward and simple bill. Now other states can follow suit by utilizing the Tennessee legislation as a template for their own. The following is an excerpt from the legislation that is now the law: "Prohibits the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight." We need every state in America to follow what Tennessee has now successfully accomplished. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​ For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.           Follow us:         

Climate Engineering: Tennessee Senate Is First To Pass Bill To Ban Geoengineering

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The Tennessee State Senate has now passed an anti-geoengineering bill, this needs to serve as an example to all other states and countries around the world.  All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​ For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.           Follow us:         

New Hampshire Bill To Ban Climate Engineering, 90 Second Alert

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org A bill to ban climate engineering has been introduced in New Hampshire. Will it pass? Will it make a difference? Check the 90 second video below. Click the PDF below to view the entire anti-geoengineering bill. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​ For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.           Follow us:         

US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations are the most massive untold story of all. How are such obvious and extensive operations kept from public awareness? How toxic are the climate engineering elements that are being dispersed into our skies? How can the illegal climate intervention operations be fully exposed and halted? All of these issues and more are discussed in this exchange between US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​ For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.           Follow us:         

US EPA Scientist Fired For Trying To Tell The Truth About Climate Engineering And Fluoridated Water

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The public has been trained and conditioned to believe that federal agencies like the EPA exist to watch over them and warn them of any potential dangers. This notion could not be further from the truth. Though there are honest and caring people within these agencies (like the scientist who has drafted the statement below), the institutions as a whole exist to hide threats from the population, not to disclose them. The majority of the public continues to convince themselves that if there was really anything they should be concerned about, someone, somewhere, in some federal public protection agency would tell them. The statement below should be a sobering wake-up call for us all. It is yet another confirmation of all that has been stated above. From global geoengineering, to Fukushima, to toxic fluoridated water and lethal vaccinations, the public health and the health of our biosphere is being decimated. Where are the official warnings from official agencies? The truth continues to be hidden by the government agencies that are tasked with hiding it. Michael Davis is now a former EPA scientist who is working with GeoengineeringWatch.org in an effort to get the truth out, his full resume is at the bottom of this article. Michael was recently terminated from the EPA for daring to tell the truth about two extremely dire public dangers, the highly toxic fallout from climate engineering, and the willful contamination of the public water supply with industrial waste. I had the pleasure and honor of working with Michael for over a year, he has participated in conference calls directly with the Geoengineering Watch legal team. Upon being terminated from the EPA, I asked Mr. Davis if he would draft a statement for GeoengineeringWatch.org, that statement is below. A Statement For GeoengineeringWatch.org From Scientist Michael Davis My name is Michael Davis, I was employed as an Environmental Engineer for nearly 16 years in the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Programs Branch of the Water Division in Region 5, Chicago of the USEPA. I was terminated as a public servant performing a public service for raising the issues of anthropogenic deposition of aluminum due to atmospheric geoengineering.  Geoengineered skies, Woodland, Michigan. Photo credit: Kacy Blair In addition, I brought up the industrial hazardous waste byproduct of fluoride known as HFSA (being sold primarily by the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum industries) to drinking water utilities for disposal into the nation's drinking water systems. This does not include pollutants that are discharged from wastewater reclamation facilities into receiving waters. The issue regarding anthropogenic deposition of aluminum due to atmospheric geoengineering came up in May 2013 when a colleague in the NPDES Programs Branch sent a general email to everyone regarding "NPDES and Climate Change". I sent a six (6) bullet point one – sentence response to my colleague. Nearly six (6) weeks later my supervisor (at the time) set up a conference call to inform me that I would be receiving a Letter of Reprimand for making false, malicious and unfounded statements against colleagues, supervisors, management and elected public servants. Furthermore, my then supervisor claimed that my statements damaged the integrity and reputation of the agency. In April, 2014, my last supervisor assigned me to the Beloit, Wisconsin wastewater reclamation facility DRAFT permit review. I asked the permit writer why fluoride (a poison) was be disposed of in Beloit's drinking water supply?  She could not provide an explanation.  Approximately two (2) weeks later my supervisor placed a "gag order" on me barring me from having any communication written or verbal with anyone unless he approved ahead of time and was present on all conference calls. It was claimed by my supervisor (and management) that the "gag order" would remain in place to prevent me from making statements that would further damage the  integrity and reputation of the agency.   Furthermore, my supervisor kept giving me assignments like Beloit, Wisconsin where fluoride, along with other pollutants knowing that I would describe the adverse human, animal health effects along with adverse environmental effects of them in my DRAFT Permit review reports. The adverse human, animal and environmental effects were completely ignored by my supervisor.  This was even more profound when it came to the issue of fluoride as HFSA being deposited into the drinking water system. This is in violation of (1) EPA's Policy on Scientific Integrity, (2) The Precautionary Principle, (3) 5 U.S.C. §2302(b)(8) and (4) Informed Consent.  My supervisor informed me that the EPA does not regulate fluoride in the drinking water systems under either the Clean Water Act (CWA) or the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). However, FDA under Health and Human Services (HHS) regulated fluoride in the drinking water systems. I eventually crafted a general description of the adverse human and animal health effects in an email to my supervisor and upper level management.  Initially was ignored by all of them. I had to send the original descriptive email several times over about a six (6) month period of time before I received a reply from the water division director who just parroted the corporate agenda pertaining to fluoride disposal into the nation's drinking water systems. The label in the photo above should be shocking to any that are even slightly awake. Highly toxic industrial waste that is officially labeled as a "drinking water additive". In doing my own research into the issue of anthropogenic deposition of aluminum from atmospheric geoengineering (as well as fluoride and other pollutants) in an attempt to determine why there was strong opposition from my supervisor and the EPA in general it this (factual reports on the issues). It is because the EPA wants to continue their cover-up, collusion, and criminality pertaining to pollution and contamination being perpetrated by their puppet masters, the multinational corporations. The EPA (like the FDA, CDC, etc) is a complete sham. Because the "P" in EPA stands for protection of corporate profits and not for protecting human, animal and environmental (or biosphere) health. The EPA like other governmental regulatory agencies are corrupt to the core, completely dysfunctional and have been completely hijacked by the multinational corporations.

Scientists Surveyed Unanimously Refuse To Deny Climate Engineering Reality

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On Friday, October 7th, 2016, GeoengineeringWatch.org carried out a simple survey that involved 1518 climate scientists and experts. Below is the very simple and straightforward survey statement sent out to 1518 climate scientists/experts by GeoengineeringWatch. This survey was worded in a specific fashion for a reason. The climate science community has systematically claimed that geoengineering programs are only a "proposal". But what happens when this community is asked to state their denial on the record?

Shasta County Update On Heavy Metal Contamination, The Legal Ramifications

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On July 15th, 2014 a group of experts testified environmental heavy metal contamination (likely a direct result of climate engineering) before the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in Northern California. On June 30th, 2015 a group of citizens returned to speak in front of the board in order to confront them about the Board's inaction on the verifiable contamination. In this latest update, Northern California's ABC station, KRCR, has done their best to spin the actual testimony of facts given in 2014 by experts and County representatives. The 2+ minute video below is the latest TV news update. In 2014 Shasta County Air Quality representative Rick Simon admitted in his testimony before the board that the current air quality testing equipment is not capable of detecting any air particles in the range of those in question (nano particles). "We measure for PM-10" , stated Mr. Simon (PM-10 means 10 microns which again are particles exponentially larger than the heavy metal nano particles in question. It is not possible to detect elements that are astronomically smaller than the currently used testing equipment is designed to detect and Simon knows this. The smaller the particle, the more dangerous it is for the environment and the human body because it is then much more bioavailable). So why is KRCR implying that the Shasta County Board of Supervisors has followed through with their responsibilities to investigate and disclose a public health hazard? This is simply not true. Here is the unvarnished reality, Shasta County officials have not done anything to investigate or disclose an indisputable heavy metal contamination (that state certified lab testing proves) which is a public health hazard (REGARDLESS OF THE SOURCE). They claim that this issue is "not in their jurisdiction", again, not true. This governing board has been given test data to prove the presence of the dangerous heavy metal contamination as far back as 2008, they have done virtually nothing to investigate or disclose this critical health threat to Shasta County citizens. There is currently a team of 6 US attorneys and 2 Canadian attorneys (and other qualified professionals) that are focused on this contamination issue. The legal consensus of this group of legal professionals is this, that county public health and safety agencies have a mandated, legal, and moral responsibility to disclose any and all public safety threats. Again, for over 7 years, no investigation and no public disclosure has taken place from Shasta County officials. As the verifiable heavy metal contamination continues to take it's toll, and the reality of this contamination can no longer be hidden, the question of legal liability will certainly be the primary focus of a justifiably outraged population. The 2014 edited testimony of experts is below.  Here is the full original article "Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts".  DW

Climatologist Files Suit Against Secret and Illegal Military Weather Modification Using Chemical Aerosols

After graduating from the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium in Bonn (1992), Brandt founded www.donnerwetter.de and is one of the first private weather service sites in Germany.  After studying business administration at the University of Hagen (Diploma in Business Administration, 2001) as well as the history, politics and economics (Master’s degree, 2004)  In 2007 Brandt  earned a PhD in Climatology at the University of Duisburg-Essen.  In his writings, Brandt challenges Global Warming as a  failed climate policy.  He argues that solar activity, ocean currents and other features play a far greater role in changing the climate compared to CO2.


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