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Monsanto And The Geoengineers, A Lethal Mix For Humanity

How bad can the insanity get? It’s worse than almost any understand or are willing to face. Finally scientists with honor and moral fortitude are beginning to speak out on the record. Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT is one such heroic scientist and researcher. She has documented the inconceivable continued increase in autism that now calculates out to half of all children born having this ailment in the next 10+ years. The all out assault against life on Earth must be halted and it will take all of us working together to get the job done. Much of our food supply is now laden with Monsanto’s toxic brew of “RoundUp”. When combined with the mountain of aluminum and other heavy metals being sprayed on us by the climate engineers, it is a recipe for severe breakdown of the human organism. To put all this into the overall picture, not only is climate engineering completely disabling the planet’s life support systems, the toxic heavy metal fallout is combining with the Monsanto chemical nightmare to completely disable the human health system. We are all in a fight for life, nothing less. We must all examine our priorities, what should our time be spent on. If we do not immediately deal with the challenges just outlined, very soon, nothing else will matter. It’s up to all of us to help in the dire task of sounding the alarm until we reach critical mass awareness. When this happens, the power structure will begin to crumble. The article below should be shocking to any that are even slightly awake. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org MIT Scientist Exposes Consequence of Monsanto’s Glyphosate & Aluminum Cocktail Source: Natural Society By 2025, half the kids born in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism, according to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She, like many others says autism isn’t just genetic – it is almost surely due to environmental factors. Just a couple of those factors are Monsanto’s RoundUp (glyphosate) and heavy exposure to a cocktail of heavy metals, including aluminum. Dr. Seneff isn’t respected by the ivory towers of the pharmaceutical medicine paradigm or industrial agriculture, but she has something to say about autism. She is a computer scientist who transitioned into biology and toxicology, so people like to attack her credentials, but what Dr. Seneff has to say is key, and many other mainstream researchers have been negligent in reporting these findings. She has been studying autism for over 7 years, along with the environmental factors that lead to the disease. Decreased exposure to sunlight, poor diet, vaccines (specifically aluminum and mercury), as well as glyphosate toxins from RoundUp are causing skyrocketing rates of autism. She explains this in a two-hour presentation given recently at Autism One. Aluminum and Glyphosate Aluminum and glyphosate specifically interrupt the workings of the pineal gland (melatonin sulfate), leading to high rates of autism. She outlines this fact in pinpointing detail in her research, which can be found here. Furthermore, glyphosate chelates manganese. Dr. Seneff believes that just the absence of appropriate amounts of manganese can help to cause autism. Glyphosate also promotes aluminum uptake into our tissues, and interrupts an important path for amino acid uptake called the shikimate pathway, into our guts. “The way glyphosate works is that it interrupts the shikimate pathway, a metabolic function in plants that allows them to create essential amino acids. When this path is interrupted, the plants die. Human cells don’t have a shikimate pathway so scientists and researchers believed that exposure to glyphosate would be harmless.” In fact, industrial claims don’t match the science on RoundUp. It is often used because it is considered one of the ‘safest’ of all herbicides. This claim is touted by Monsanto and other chemical pushers, but it turns out that RoundUp is one of the least safe herbicides on the market. Incidentally, scientists were mistaken about a human shikimate pathway, and we rely upon it for many important functions in our body, including ridding our body of poisons like RoundUp as well as other herbicides and pesticides. “The problem is that bacteria DO have a shikimate pathway and we have millions of good bacteria in our guts – our ‘gut flora.’ These bacteria are essential to our health. Our gut isn’t just responsible for digestion, but also for our immune system. When glyphosate gets in our systems, it wrecks our gut and as a result our immune system.” She says: “The effects are insidious. You won’t notice when you eat a food that contains glyphosate, but over time you will enter an old-age state before you should.” It’s Time for Chemical Reform Though Dr. Seneff’s findings are in the research stages, there are plenty of families that have autistic children who have chosen to drastically change their children’s diets, eliminating all pesticides, herbicides and as many neurotoxins as possible while eating organic food. They often experience some incredible results, seeing improvement in their children’s speech patterns, cognitive abilities, and social skills in weeks, not years. This amounts to circumstantial evidence, but it supports Dr. Seneff’s claims. The rate at which diseases like autism (along with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and others) are growing would be unheard of just 50 years ago. You can’t simply discount this phenomenon as the result of ‘better screening and diagnosis.’ In the past 5 years alone, autism rates have increased from 1/150 to 1/50. This is an environmental epidemic; it isn’t genetic. When you factor in the levels of glyphosate being found in women’s breast milk is ten times that which is allowed in European drinking water, and people in 18 different countries were found to have glyphosate in their blood, you have to question the rise in autism from another perspective, aside from the genetic one, and connect the dots. This leads to glyphosate as a synergistic compound that works with other suggested autism causes – like vaccines (controversial, I know). “Ordinarily the body is quite good about keeping aluminum out. The gut will absorb very little of what’s in the diet…assuming

Cancer, Heavy Metals and Climate Engineering

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Levine at a conference in Los Angeles. His character and sincerity impressed me deeply in a very short time. Dr. Levine is a cancer survivor and has truly dedicated his life to the common good. His observations and conclusions regarding the dangers posed by the climate engineering heavy metal contamination should be a stark warning for us all. No matter what other challenges we face, if every breath we take is laden with toxic cancer and disease causing heavy metals from the geoengineering fallout, we are all truly in a fight for life. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Dr. Doug Levine Speaks Out About the Cancer Causing Effects of Climate Engineering Contamination By Dr. Doug Levine, Executive Director at Life After Cancer Network and contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org Metals are natural elements that have been extracted from the earth and used in a wide variety of global industries including Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering and Solar Radiation Management (SRM). Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering is the principal term for the ongoing global climate modification programs being conducted by major powers around the world. “Aerosols” is simply a term for a microscopic particle that is being “crop dusted” and suspended in the air. The major component of these Solar Radiation Management programs is to saturate the atmosphere by spraying millions of tons of nanoparticles toxic metal particles (aerosols) from jet aircraft.  As a result, these metals have become worldwide pollutants that imbed themselves in various tissues throughout the human body. They have the potential of being toxic to the body at relatively low levels and have no known use in human physiology. Exposure to these metals can occur in various ways. Metals can be inhaled as dust or fumes, ingested and absorbed in the digestive tract or contact the skin. Once the toxic metals are absorbed, it gets distributed into the tissue and organs of the body. As a result, these toxic metals pose an environmental risk on human health to the point of causing cancer. Cancer is the result of mutations in cellular DNA causing cells to proliferate too rapidly or live longer than necessary. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and the number one cause of death globally. Studies have shown that there is a significant association with lead exposure and developing breast cancer. Arsenic has been shown to cause an increased risk of urinary tract, lung and skin cancers. Mercury is the most toxic substance you can put in your body and has been associated with cancer and neurological disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and Autism. Besides contributing to Alzheimer’s disease, aluminum has been implicated in promoting cancer cell growth and elevating risk of pancreatic cancer. It is imperative that we all work together in facing the challenge of stopping climate engineering.  

Video Proof, The Criminally Insane Experiments Of The US Military

The experiments of the US military (and other power structures) should make it clear that the world is being run by completely psychopathic individuals. The shocking 9 minute historical video below should be an extremely sobering wake up call for us all. The calm and unemotional narrator is telling of the callousness with which such inhuman experiments are conducted. The “nationalistic” music played at the end of the film is an indication of how the US military wants us all to feel gleeful about all the tools of death and destruction they are experimenting with and now control. All of us have long since become a part of a global experiment without our knowledge or consent. Though we are very aware of many toxic climate engineering components being sprayed in our skies, we can only guess at the biological testing which in all likelihood is a major part of the spraying. Researchers at the Carnicom Institute have already identified what they consider to be “engineered pathogens” in air samples after aerosol spraying from jet aircraft. We are all now lab rats in an experiment so colossal that it holds all life on Earth in the balance. Those that care about life and justice will join in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering. The individuals responsible for and participating in the geoengineering programs should be tried in a court of law. Anyone that is sitting this fight out has lost their compass heading, this battle requires the efforts of all. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Heavy Metal Contamination And Radio Frequency Exposure, A Very Bad Mix

All of us are under constant exposure to toxic heavy metals day in and day out from the climate engineering fallout. As our bodies absorb these electrically conductive materials we become more susceptible to the impacts of the vast array of radio frequency signals we are being relentlessly bombarded with. The list of degenerative health impacts from this combination is endless. The short video below outlines one aspect of the damage being inflicted on us, we are all quite literally under attack. These problems will not just  go away, its up to us to expose and stop the insanity. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Renowned Physician Sounds The Alarm On Climate Engineering

“Dr. Hans Kugler, PhD, is one of our most highly recognized researchers in the field of anti-aging medicine; his scientific presentations – supported by impeccable documentation – are eye-openers for professionals and lay-persons alike. As professor of chemistry at Roosevelt University in Chicago, where he also did extensive longevity research, Dr. Kugler not only puts things into perspective, but also provides a complete picture of the anti-aging and regenerative medical sciences that can be applied with successful results.”  -Quote  by Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O. President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)   As the completely out of control global climate modification assault continues to wreak havoc on Earth’s life support systems and the environment, more and more credible members of society are speaking out. Dr. Hans Kugler, who is a president and founder of International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and a director of HK Stem Cell Laboratory at Health Integration Center (as well as a former West-German Air Force officer, pilot and platoon leader), has shown exceptional courage by openly and directly sounding the alarm on the most critical issue that we face, the global climate engineering assault. My most sincere thanks to Dr. Hans Kugler for giving us a very clear assessment of the dangers posed by geoengineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Chemtrail Planes Spraying Megatons of Aluminum, Barium, And Strontium: Sacrificing your Health for Anti-Global-Warming Measures, i.e. Geoengineering By Dr. Hans J. Kugler,  contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org   We – IAAM (International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) – recently called attention to the fact that top Global Warming scientists had issued a doomsday warning, pointing at unusually high Methane levels, caused by the – much faster than expected – melting of Arctic ice which, in turn, warmed permafrost areas and ocean to the point that Methane from now warming permafrost areas, and from deep sea Clathrates – is now being released into the atmosphere at a rate of 50 million tons/year, and threatens global self-destruction if the strongest, immediate, countermeasures are not taken. http://www.expertclick.com/NRWire/Releasedetails.aspx?id=58466 and http://www.worldhealth.net/forum/thread/100041/bogus-anti-climate-change-flair-ups-an/?page=1#post-100041 Methane is 105 times stronger than CO2 in causing Global Warming. Satellites measure what energy comes in and what goes out. Incoming sun energy is equivalent to 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day. 90% of that, previously reflected by Arctic ice, now warms permafrost areas and oceans, causing ever increasing amounts of Methane to be released. http://arcticclimateemergency.com/#/emergency/4558130739 Total Methane, previously safely tugged away in deep cold oceans and permafrost areas, is thousands of Gigatons, and only 1% released into the atmosphere, would be sufficient to change the equilibrium towards an earth-destructing fatality. At that point nothing could be done about it; Goodbye Earth! You will see some of our greatest minds – Prof. Peter Wadhams, Cambridge U. Arctic expert, John Nissen, AMEG chairman, David Wasdell, director Apollo Gaia project, Dr. Natalia Shakhova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Richard Milne, U. of Edinburgh – confirming/explaining these facts in the quoted URLs. http://www.ameg.me So, what needs to be done? THE SCIENCE IS CLEAR; IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF CO2 begins warming, causes temperature increases in tundra – increased temperature drives water vapor feedback, water vapor feedback accelerates heating, which initiates more heating, etc., etc. Because the extreme CO2 amounts created by burning fossil fuels – more than twice the amounts plants and oceans can handle, 36 billion pounds of CO2 per day in the US alone – CO2 is the # 1 trigger/cause of Global Warming, ocean acidification, death of sea life, shifting ecosystem balance, and much more. Therefore the logical thing must be to aim at reducing CO2 by 80%, not by 2050, but by 2020, possibly earlier. ENERGY CALCULATIONS – TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ALL POSSIBLE WAYS OF CO2 PRODUCTION AND REDUCTION – MAKE IT – 100% – CLEAR THAT GREATLY REDUCING COAL, OIL, AND GAS, AND QUICKLY CHANGING TO NON-CARBON SOURCES OF ENERGY – ESPECIALLY SOLAR AND HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY – IS THE ONLY WAY TO ACHIEVE THIS. SHORT-CUTS AND GIMMICKS TO EXTEND USAGE OF CARBON-BASED FUELS DON’T WORK, WILL ONLY WORSEN THE PROBLEM, AND ONLY GETS US CLOSER TO A NO-RETURN CATASTROPHE QUICKER. DON’T LET THE COAL, OIL, AND FRACKING INDUSTRY, WITH THEIR PLANTED BOGUS ARGUMENTS, PULL THE WOOL OVER YOUR EYES. For some more details see “NUTS! to the Global Warming Denialists” at http://www.DrHansKugler.com WE CERTAINLY HAVE THE CAPACITY TO DO SO!!!!!: as per RMI – the Rocky Mountain Institute – practicing conservation, as done in Europe, could reduce energy needs by 30%, and hydrogen technology, as per Harvard prof. Dan Nocera, could run the entire US with enough solar electricity and water, while moving the US back into a top position in the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTtmU2lD97o This scientifically documented need to GREATLY reduce/eliminate fossil fuel usage, is fought by the carbon industry – coal, oil, fracking – by manipulating our government into OK-eing VooDoo “science” that is not only ineffective, but also douses its people – with total disrespect for their health – with toxic, disease-inducing, chemicals. Thus, the US overall approach towards preventing Global-Warming-induced suicide has become one of extreme stupidity and ignorance. The facts are 100% clear: THIS IS AN EXTREME EMERGENCY! Yet, what are the supposedly responsible branches of our government doing? Besides scientifically flunked Geoengineering VooDoo – under the influence of intentionally planted BOGUS Anti-Global Warming arguments(?) – http://drexel.edu/now/news-media/releases/archive/2013/December/Climate-Change – and pushed by the carbon industry – NOTHING! This even goes as far as utility companies pushing legislation that makes it more difficult for people to install solar (news item August 8, 2014). Could they possibly use their brains and, for example, acknowledge the fact that in always cloudy Germany solar now supplies 50% of electricity demands??? And thats where – AS WE, AND SCIENTISTS UNAFFECTED BY MONEYED INTERESTS, SEE IT – common-sense science is drowned out by politics, and pseudo-scientific lunacy, attempting shortcuts – Geoengineering – that (according to an interview in the CHRONICLE with Edward Snowden) have been going on for years now, has caused climate disasters (decimated the S-Dakota cattle industry by inducing a sub-zero temperature ice storm that killed thousands of cattle), is counterproductive to established anti-climate-change measures already taken

911 Flooded With Difficulty Breathing Calls After Heavy Spraying

The degree of human health impact already caused by the decades long atmospheric spraying could never be quantified. Respiratory mortality is off the charts around the globe along with every other ailment associated with fine particulate exposure. Virtually every disease that is known to be connected to heavy metal contamination has also skyrocketed off the charts. The ongoing climate engineering is contaminating the entire web of life.  Its up to each and every one of us to help with the fight to bring climate engineering to light. No matter how difficult, no matter how uncomfortable, no matter how challenging, we must all engage in this battle. My thanks to the author of the article below. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org 911 Flooded With Difficulty Breathing Calls After Heavy Spraying Source: TruthWeather.com About two months ago I woke up one morning in New Hampshire and thought I was in Los Angeles. They sprayed all night long and you could literally see the fallout cascading through the rays of sun desperately trying to break through the man made haze. All of the bad memories I had from having to visit that area of southern California rushed back from recessed areas of my consciousness reserved for hard to handle experiences. If you’ve never seen it in person it’s hard to describe. In Los Angeles you can actually see the air. When it’s bad you can hardly see farther than a few hundred yards. It’s perhaps the most disgusting city in America because of this and people willingly pay huge sums of money to live there and subject themselves and their children to these conditions. This is beyond my comprehension. Los Angeles On A Good Day People generally need to be pushed before they will act and do something. That morning I had been pushed. I was mad and was determined to take action in a way previously unexplored. After brainstorming for a little while I concluded the best way to spread awareness about geoengineering/climate engineering would be to illustrate a connection between what we are being sprayed with and the real time human health effects manifesting on the ground. Curiousity forced me to look into something I had always tried to avoid. When you know something’s going to be bad you tend to not look because you’ll be proven right and you will find the situation is far worse than you thought. Well guess what? As it turns out when you peel back just a tiny little layer of the  chemtrail onion you start to find really nasty human health implications. So how does a regular citizen prove this? You start listening to your local fire/ems/ambulance dispatchers. So I went to my storage unit and unboxed a thirty year old analog police scanner and programmed it with frequencies that covered my area. In central New Hampshire (Lakes Region) all of the towns are very small and spread out. As a result a central control apparatus was esablished to handle all of the hamlets emergency fire amd medical needs. By funneling all of the 911 calls to a central location towns could forgo the expense of maintaining their own dispatch centers and use the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid dispatch center. I began listening and recording transmissions after heavy spray days and was immediately shocked by the number of emergency calls coming from people that couldn’t breathe. As it turns out it has become so common that the dispatchers have a term or a code for it. It’s called “difficulty breathing”. After about a week of collating data it was clear I was on to something big. Below is a quick video I put together documenting these calls. I have already accumultaed hundreds of these difficulty breathing calls. HUNDREDS. I have only been doing this for a little while and I will have to stop because it’s taking too much time to keep track of it all. Please keep in mind I live in a very sparsely populated area in a state that only has one million permanent residents. Now use your imagination. What are the larger metropolitan areas and cities sounding like in their 911 call centers? Another thing to consider. My state is 85% forested. This is some of the most prestine land in the country with some of the best water in the country. Why are so many people having such a hard time breathing? Are we witnessing the beginning of the affects of mass oxygen deprivation in humans as a result of the huge plankton die off ocurring that is primarily due to geoengineering? Are we witnessing the affects of decreasing oxygen output by forests because the trees are dying and under extreme stress from the spraying? Are we witnessing the adverse human health effects of breathing unspeakable quantities of nano particulate of aluminum and whatever else they decide to spray on us? If you were looking for some concrete data that shows a direct connection between the spraying that’s taking place over our heads and the harmful health effects that are being realized on the ground I think we’ve found it. This is a public health emergency. People are literally dropping like flies. Climate engineering is negatively impacting every living organism on our planet. You must become a super activist, disregarding fears of ridicule, and push this information out to everyone you know. When facing opposition your argument should sound something like this: “Who is crazier? Someone who recognizes the dire consequences of geoengineering and wants to do something about it or someone who refuses to recognize the blatantly obvious weather modification, continues to live in denial, and refuses to act even to save their own kids?” Source: TruthWeather.com

Farmed Fish, The Most Toxic Food In The World

Think fish are good for you? In many cases, this could not be further from the truth. The three minute video below gives a glimpse into the highly toxic world of farmed fish. Our entire food supply is becoming ever more contaminated. Most media sources are absolutely not disclosing the significant health hazards associated with the unnaturally grown fish flesh filling markets around the globe. What is really in that fish sandwich? Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

25 Critical Facts About This Ebola Outbreak That Every American Needs To Know

  What would a global pandemic look like for a disease that has no cure and that kills more than half of the people that it infects?  Let’s hope that we don’t get to find out, but what we do know is that more than 100 health workers that were on the front lines of fighting this disease have ended up getting it themselves.  The top health officials in the entire world are sounding the alarm and the phrase “out of control” is constantly being thrown around by professionals with decades of experience.  So should average Americans be concerned about Ebola?  If so, how bad could an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. potentially become?  The following are 25 critical facts about this Ebola outbreak that every American needs to know…

Ebola fears hit close to home

Source: CNN Patrick Sawyer had one stop to make before heading home to Minnesota to celebrate his daughters’ birthdays: a conference in Lagos, Nigeria. But when he landed in Lagos, Sawyer, 40, collapsed getting off the plane. He had been infected with Ebola in Liberia, where he worked as a top government official in the Liberian Ministry of Finance.


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