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Well Known Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering

Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. , is a scientist of considerable notoriety. Marvin contacted me recently to express his growing concerns about the constant toxic aerosol spraying of our planet and the obvious human health and environmental ramifications we all face from this contamination. Dr. Herndon has shown a level of courage that is so very rare in the circles of the science community, he is taking a stand on the aerosol spraying issue and making his voice heard. There are so many in academia who have sheepishly hidden themselves in the shadows while they perform whatever task is asked of them in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. Marvin is the antithesis of this. He has sacrificed much in his life and career in order to stand on his convictions. I solute Dr. Herndon's determination and courage, his recent letter to authorities in his region is below. May his outspokenness be an example to others in the science community. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

5 Big Signs The Global Engine of Deceit, Lies, and Control Are Coming To End

Source: Realities Watch   If you don’t see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities of the world are slowly crumbling right in front of their eyes as the world is awakening. Here are 5 signs that the era of deception and duplicity is coming to an end.  

Documents Show Navy’s Electromagnetic Warfare Training Would Harm Humans and Wildlife

Source: Truthout, article by Dahr Jamail If the US Navy gets its way, it will begin flying Growler supersonic warplanes over Olympic National Forest and wilderness areas of the Western Olympic Peninsula next September in order to conduct electromagnetic warfare training exercises. As Truthout previously reported, this would entail flying 36 jets down to 1,200 feet above ground in some areas, in 2,900 training exercises lasting up to 16 hours per day, 260 days per year, with the war-gaming going on indefinitely into the future. The Navy's plans also include having 15 mobile units on the ground with towers emitting electromagnetic radiation signals for the planes to locate as part of their exercises. The Navy appeared to attempt to slide their plans by the public by choosing not to advertise public comment periods and meetings in the local media of the areas where their war games would be taking place. However, word got out and the Navy has had to extend public comment periods and hold more public meetings. Navy personnel have been met with outrage, anger and a growing concern from the public about the negative health impacts to humans and wildlife in the areas where their war games are planned. The Navy's response has been to point people toward their own so-called environmental assessment (EA), and claim that "no significant impacts" will occur to wildlife or humans from their electromagnetic war games.

Monitoring And Muzzling Scientists, New Legislation Casts A Chill

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org So many people understandably ask the question “if all this was really going on (like climate engineering), why wouldn’t scientists and agencies speak out about it? This question is easily answered if one simply examines the bigger picture facts. NSA can and very likely is monitoring anyone and everyone that speaks out or has the potential to disclose important truths which could or would be damning for the government. This fact should not be a surprise. Legislation which has just been passed now appears to completely legalize the actions of our police state’s surveillance practices. If you wish to know how your congressman voted on this latest draconian legislation, you can do so at this link. The US and Canada are both actively and passively pressuring scientists and agencies to suppress data they do not want released to the public. Such pressure goes right down the line to those in the field. I know a California Fish and Game biologist that is reprimanded if she even tries to bring up the issue of climate engineering or the fact that the streams and waterways in California are flowing with aluminum. I have been in the forest with USDA scientists testing soils and coming up with results that showed horrifically higher PH values than the historical norms. These scientists will not speak out as they know it is a bad career decision or worse. I spoke to a NOAA scientist that said “we know about the climate engineering and are alarmed as hell, but we have no first amendment protection so we don’t know what to do”. This is the world we live in, this is the kind of governments we have. The public believes the appropriate experts and agencies would tell them of any environmental dangers of concern, but this is not reality. The control our government (and others) currently have over the flow of information is nearly total. Our “elected officials” are generally doing the bidding of the power structure. It is up to us, the people, to expose the insanity and criminality of those who currently rule the world. If we all pull together, their days in power will be numbered. DW geoengineeringwatch.org

Monsanto Has Purchased “Climate Corporation” For Nearly A Billion Dollars, Why?

Monsanto purchased "The Climate Corporation" in 2013, why? Because those who are connected to the climate engineering insanity (and the decimation it is causing) need to control the flow of information in order to better capitalize from the ever increasing engineered disasters. Controlling the message makes for better manipulation of the farmers struggling from the geoengineered destruction. The post below is a summary of statements made by Monsanto and the Climate Corporation just prior to the purchase being completed, the message is sickening for those that know the truth of the matter. Monsanto and Climate Corporation state how much they will be able to help the agriculture communities when in reality their goals have long since been clear to any who investigate, to capitalize off the engineered decimation being carried out on our planet. I spoke in front of "The Climate Corporation" headquarters in San Francisco at the request of the "March Against Monsanto" group. At this event I made clear the connection between Monsanto, The Climate Corporation, and climate engineering (the photo above was taken at this event).  Below is a short commentary followed by the carefully crafted public propaganda message from the Monsanto/Climate Corporation merger group. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   The Monsanto/Climate Corporation Machine Of Deception

The Toxic Assault Against Our Health And All Life On Earth

How does one hide from contamination in a world that is being systematically poisoned from top to bottom? Who are “the global elite” that are orchestrating the all out assault against life on Earth? When will citizens of the world turn off their iPhones, walk away from the sports games, and take a stand against the unbridled tyranny that is literally killing us all? At every level, those that are responsible for carrying out or helping to hide the programs of decimation, destruction, and death,  need to be fully exposed and held accountable. Activists need to organize with others in their regions in order to publicly challenge those that are “towing the line” for the “collective insanity” that is currently ruling the world. The list of those that are in one form or another accomplices to the insanity by “just doing their jobs” is long indeed. From public agency “officials” who do the bidding of the power structure, to doctors that fill our children’s veins with toxic vaccines, to local meteorologists that lie about the climate engineering reality to protect their paycheck, all need to be exposed. Our “ship” is going down by the day, engaging in the fight for the common good is not an option, it’s a matter of survival. The short video below sheds some light on those that are contaminating our once pristine planet. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t

It’s not easy to retain one’s health in a world that is being constantly bombarded with contamination from too many directions to comprehend. Many people have many different ideas about how to stay healthy, but are such suggested methods down to earth, straight forward and doable protocols? I am familiar with the author of the article below, TC Randal, and believe he is giving some very on target advice. I have followed a similar line of health defense my entire adult life and it has been of immense benefit to me. First and foremost we must strive to expose and eliminate the biggest and most lethal source of global contamination, climate engineering. But as we march forward in this fight, it is essential for us to retain as much of our state of health as possible. Doing so will make us much more effective in the battle to stop climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox…and Heal Source: Green Med Info It’s an industrial world out there. Few pristine places are left on Earth, and even there the winds of industry blow. Luckily we have answers. Obviously sunshine, exercise, a truly healthy diet and a happy mindful kinetic lifestyle are lobby-level, yet illness can begin in the best of us when toxic chemical intake and auto-generated wastes overwhelm the capacity for elimination. In other words the rate of elimination must meet or exceed input…or toxins accumulate.  Amalgam fillings, air and water pollution, smoking, eating fish and processed foods, pesticides, battlefield toxins, radiations and drug residues commonly lead to cancers, heart/artery disease, autism, depression, PTSD, candidiasis, viral infections, autoimmune disorders, etc., etc. These conditions can logically and practically be prevented, improved or reversed by expeditious elimination of the offending molecules. The term “cleanse” usually causes us to think “bowel” cleanse with strong laxatives and dreadful colonics traditionally used to address gross elimination problems. The intestinal tract can become a plumber’s nightmare so consider that vitamin C doses exceeding bowel tolerance leave one clean as a whistle in a few hours. Attention then zooms in on the intestinal floral population, care and feeding of the good guys and starvation of pathogens. This is done by eliminating sugars and processed carbs (gluten/GM grains) and killing yeasts and other bad guys directly with oregano oil or oxygen releasing products. And then focus on healing the cells lining the intestines that otherwise leak toxins, pathogens, emulsified fats and proteins directly into the bloodstream to source allergies and autoimmune disorders.  Cells respond to saturated fats like butter/coconut oil and Omega 3 fats, high fiber leafy greens and green juices w spirulina, intermittent fasting, bone/cartilage soups, raw milks/yogurts, minerals like K, Mn, Se, Zn and Mg, Vitamins C/E and other phyto-antioxidants like curcuminoids, carotenoids, cannabinoids….and regenerate. “Flush” commonly refers to liver and kidney cleansing. They are targeted with various herbal/olive oil flushes. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, silymarin, beets, liver and added baking soda for kidneys help restore function. The GMI database holds a laundry list of regenerative aids for these organs. “Sweating” and sauna raise body temperature, dump wastes and stimulate all biochemical activity, circulation of blood and lymph. Hot baths of epsom salts or dead sea salts and soaking in ocean water draw-out toxins while infusing alkalizing magnesium; all transdermally. Sunbathing raises body temperature when photons, at various wavelengths from infra red to ultra violet, penetrate the skin to not only produce Vitamin D, but entrain body frequencies and energize our predominant water fraction. UV and radiant heat make H2O’s charge, polarity and conductivity stronger so blood, lymph and other body fluids become thinner. This speeds circulation moving oxygen-rich blood in, waste products out. Exercise, massage and quick temperature shifts like a sauna followed by plunging into cold water agitate fluids that had become stagnant during periods of inactivity. Hot peppers are also great for enhancing circulation. Still, in spite of cleanses, flushes and sauna, metals and toxins will remain lodged in body fat, bones, nerve tissues and cell membranes.  A double barreled defense is required. First mobilize them…. then chelate them. Chelation does not occur efficiently without MOBILIZATION… Cellular detoxification is initiated when a flood of electrons (using mega-Vitamin C/baking soda) moves materials out of tissues and organs into the bloodstream and on to the kidneys or the intestines to be snatched by chelators.  This electron-driven liberation of metals is punctuated by electron-stealing bursts of oxidation ( mega-Vit C generated peroxides, hydrogen peroxide, MMS chlorite, ozone) that disassemble organic poisons, pathogens, fibrin overgrowth and cell debris. Oxidative bursts also spark redox signalling to provoke the release of more in-house antioxidants like SOD and glutathione and awaken other dormant genes to produce protective enzymes. “Chelate” really just means “to grab or claw-on to” (toxins). Chelation Therapy generally refers to IV infusions of EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, etc. that rapidly mobilize and attach toxins….and unfortunately vital minerals which must be concurrently resupplied. The practice has been maligned by conventional medicine in apparent ignorance of the disruption minute quantities of toxins wield upon normal physiology at the molecular level, namely acidity, free radical predation, oxidative stress and inflammation. Chelation therapy has been used to treat heavy metal poisoning,  but is not recognized by the FDA for the treatment of disease. The FDA also refuses to admit the connection between mercury, cadmium, aluminum, etc. and a raft of conditions carelessly caused by our politically protected industries.  Fortunately everything you need for personal detoxification is freely available. Chelation can be accomplished without IVs by employing many common substances such as chlorella, clays, charcoal, shilajit/humates, cilantro and zeolites which bind to toxins along with sulfur compounds in R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, garlic, onions, MSM and NAC. Proteolytic enzymes like papain, bromelain or nattokinase can help free metals sequestered beneath fibrin films. The word “DETOX” has long been associated with “drying-out” alcoholics, rehab and addictions. Today it’s all about improving inner charge terrain so that cells can get more oxygen, regain functionality and self heal. A wide variety of supplements,

Fluoride, Aluminum, And A Global Society That Seems Unable To Wake Up

We all face a world that has become horribly toxic. There is no place to escape the toxic fallout, there is nowhere to hide. The all out climate engineering assault on planet Earth has assured that every living organism is forced to absorb an array of contaminants. All heavy metals are a danger to our health, but when combined, synergistic toxicity makes them much more lethal. In the case of aluminum and mercury, studies exist that suggest overall toxicity can increase as much as 10,000% when these two metals are combined. Ingestion or absorption of fluoride allows aluminum in the the human body to much more effectively cross the blood brain barrier. The power structure has made sure that all global populations were and are exposed to many lethal combinations of metals and chemicals. We are all in a literal fight for life. People around the world must awaken and stand together against the insanity or we will have no chance of survival. On the current trajectory, this is a mathematical fact. Get up, get educated, get involved with the fight for the common good, tomorrow will be too late. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The Ebola Card, Commentary From A Former Government Official

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a former Reagan administration cabinet official who has been an outspoken voice of truth and reason for decades. Dr. Roberts is highly respected and regarded internationally as a source of accurate perspectives and information. So what is Roberts saying about the whole Ebola situation? The article below makes some very important observations that should be considered. Whatever the global powers are up to in regard to the Ebola outbreak, all indications are that our government and others are highly involved with the manipulation of this situation. More and more information is piling up to indicate that the Ebola virus was likely engineered. The power structure is being pushed further into a corner with each passing day, this makes them more dangerous than ever. Even if steps were taken on the ground to curb the spread of the deadly Ebola pathogen, the aerosol spraying programs (geoengineering, SRM, SAG, SAI) could be utilized to distribute engineered pathogens anytime those in power wish. The collective health of the human race has already been horrifically compromised from what we conclusively know they are spraying above our heads (countless lab tests prove this), what might they be spraying that we don’t yet know about? If they are not yet spraying pathogens, what is to stop them from doing this at any point of their choosing? The spraying must be exposed and halted, it’s up to all of us to engage in this battle to expose the truth. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineering, Aluminum, And Alzheimer’s

There is no hiding from the toxic brew of heavy metals and chemicals (from global climate engineering programs) floating down through the atmosphere forcing us all to inhale it with every breath. Aluminum is the primary element named in numerous geoengineering patents. Extreme quantities of this highly toxic heavy metal is showing up in lab tests of precipitation from around the globe. If it’s in the rain, it’s in the air.  Aluminum has been connected to Alzheimer’s disease by peer reviewed studies, how is it that the “Alzheimer’s Association” refuses to acknowledge this fact? Who is pulling the strings in the Alzheimer’s Association? Why do they want to hide the aluminum/Alzheimer’s connection? The article below is a very complete summary of the dangers aluminum poses to the human neurological system and the body as a whole. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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