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Climate Engineering Contamination And Aerotoxic Syndrome

The so far unacknowledged geoengineering elephant in the room has morphed into a cataclysm of unimaginable size. The power structure is trying desperately to hide the decades long toxic spraying of our skies, but the highly lethal effect this spraying has had on all life is becoming impossible to hide. People that fly are getting sick fast. Those that fly the most (pilots and flight crews) are of course having the most trouble. "Aerotoxic syndrome" is now epidemic. The air transportation industry is trying to convince us that cabin contamination is just some rare anomaly caused by "leaky seals" in the engines which then contaminate air intake systems (which are located just inside the jet fan intake). This is not a valid or adequate explanation. ALL combustion processes take place DOWNSTREAM from the cabin air intakes, it is not possible for any combustion seal problem that is causing a contamination to move back upwind into the cabin air intake. Clearly contaminated air is entering these intakes from the outside atmosphere. The two minute video below is essential to watch before continuing to the BBC aerotoxic contamination article posted further down, both this video and the BBC article are essential to completing the picture. Military tankers spraying heavy particulate trails and with transponders turned off nearly collide with Fed-X jet As the video above clearly shows, it is impossible for commercial/passenger jet traffic not to fly directly through the toxic heavy metal/chemical particulate and trails being sprayed by other jet aircraft that are participating in the ongoing climate engineering insanity. The contamination concentrations at altitude would logically be much higher than levels that have settled down to the planet's surface. You will see in the article below that the government (or those that run the government) hired a group of "scientists" who determined that breathing contaminated cabin air was not a health risk, they coined the "nocebo" effect which of course insinuates that the symptoms showing up with thousands of passengers and crew are just imagined. Are we to believe that inhaling contaminated cabin air is not a danger? Really? All life on our planet is being irreparably contaminated with the geoengineering fallout. If you fly often, or at all, you should consider what you are breathing at flight altitudes. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Blind To The Skies, The “Normalcy Bias” Dilemma

We are all living our lives under toxic skies that all too often look like something from another planet, yet, how many even notice? Earth is dying by the day and so few seem to care. How can this be? In the last 40 years global wildlife populations have declined over 50%, shouldn't this be cause for alarm? In fact, 200 or more species of plants, animals and insects are going extinct EVERY SINGLE DAY on our planet, where are the headlines on this? Though there are countless sources of human inflicted damage to our planet, the greatest (and most visible) assault of all is global climate engineering. Our skies are blatantly sprayed day in and day out, the sun is being blocked (the primary goal of solar radiation management) and weather patterns totally disrupted. Still the denial of these realities continues. The toxic particulate fallout from the spraying is mathematically the largest contributing factor to the asthma epidemic. All plant life is absorbing the nanoparticles from the spraying, which puts these toxins into the food chain as well. Is it any surprise that allergies are also now at epidemic levels? All a person has to do is look up and use the slightest bit of deductive reasoning to comprehend that we are all being subjected to a grand and lethal experiment. The walls are closing in on us all from countless directions and the majority of the population as of yet has no clue. Why? The "normalcy bias" is a primary factor. The article below is an excellent exposé of this psychological condition that can and does completely blind people to very real and immediate threats. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Is Biological Warfare

When highly toxic materials are sprayed into skies around the globe as part of the ongoing climate engineering assault, these materials must inevitably fall to Earth and be inhaled and/or absorbed by every single living organism. The atmospheric spraying programs must  be considered biological warfare. The primary objective of any such spraying operation is irrelevant to the aforementioned scenario, the end result is still the same.  Global climate engineering is not just shredding the ozone layer and disrupting the entire climate system, climate engineering is also an all out biological assault against the entire planet and all life. Though governments around the globe and the entire climate science community are discussing and debating the  "option" of geoengineering (never admitting to the rationally inarguable fact that geoengineering has been going on for decades), the question of fallout contamination from SRM aerosol spraying is never even mentioned by our so called scientists. The US military has for many decades routinely conducted biological testing on US citizens and our own soldiers without their knowledge or consent. In some experiments soldiers were made aware of the fact that they were being used as lab rats. Decades ago the US military waged biological warfare in Vietnam which is still destroying countless lives today. All of this and more is historical fact which cannot be denied.  Climate engineering is nothing less than biological warfare against civilian populations around the globe. In regard to climate engineering, specific scenarios should be considered and remembered. At minimum we are all being "slow killed" with the toxic materials which lab tests from around the globe prove are raining down on us from the aerosol spraying. If those in power feel they are losing control over populations they could at any point in time could alter the elements being sprayed to something much more lethal. If you don't think this is a very real possibility, if you don't believe your own government would commit such a crime, you are not yet awake. The article below is an exceptional and compelling exposé of the US military waging biological warfare against its own citizens with total impunity.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Prestigious Health Magazine Covers Geoengineering

With each passing day the curtain of secrecy and controversy surrounding the climate engineering issue is being pulled back.  When prestigious and reputable publications are finally willing to publish feature articles that address the ongoing geoengineering insanity head on, we are indeed gaining ground in this battle. Health Freedom News is a hard hitting publication that is dedicated to expositing the truth for the common good. Their editors have shown exceptional courage and commitment to their readers, subscribers, and supporters by printing the article below in their current issue. The magazine article can be read by clicking the individual images to enlarge them. Again, my most sincere gratitude to Health Freedom News magazine for their courage in addressing the critical issue of climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The Dark Cloud Of Monsanto Continues To Expand

The Monsanto corporation has long since become synonymous with corruption and the irreparable destruction of the natural world. Monsanto is simply a disaster capitalist company that carries out the bidding of the shadow governments that currently run the world. When the western power structure contaminates the entire planet with toxic heavy metals related to the ongoing climate engineering programs, Monsanto is there with GMO aluminum resistant seeds. Now that the ongoing aerosols spraying of our atmosphere has shredded the ozone layer (exposing us all to highly dangerous levels of UV radiation), Monsanto is again ready with UV resistant GMO seeds. And what about the toppling of the former Ukrainian government (which was democratically elected) by the western power structure? Yet again Monsanto's tentacles appear on the scene. Populations around the globe must awaken and stand together if we are to have any chance of exposing and halting the cancer of insanity that is literally taking over the world. The article below is the latest chapter in the ongoing growth of this cancer. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering And Monsanto, The Disaster Capitalists

With any disaster, there will always be the "disaster capitalists" roaming through the wreckage for the purpose of turning a profit from the disaster. We now live in a reality that is so corrupt and twisted that climate cataclysms are actually being fueled by our own governments climate modification programs. At this point our government is nothing more than a criminal cabal that is steered by globalists and the multinational corporations they represent. A primary objective of global climate modification is to mask a completely disintegrating climate system from public view as long as possible. Secondary objectives are likely many, including ongoing weather warfare against opposing powers and even against our own citizens in the attempt to control populations. Criminal corporations like Monsanto are a part of the ongoing climate engineering insanity in a number of ways and for a number of reasons, none of them for the common good. Monsanto purchased "Climate Corp" in 2013 for almost a billion dollars so that they could help control the flow of weather information to the public. Aluminum is a primary element being used in the geoengineering programs, Monsanto is producing aluminum resistant seeds, is this just a coincidence? How many other agendas are being carried out against global populations by criminal governments and criminal corporations like Monsanto? Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

“Aerotoxic Syndrome” Is Affecting Airline Passengers And Crews

Approximately 50% of the air circulated in commercial aircraft interiors is compressed "outside" air. The toxic air that airline passengers and crew members are exposed to is finally being acknowledged. Though there are likely a number of factors contributing to the toxic cabin fumes, is there any reasonable doubt about the contamination posed by the constant atmospheric spraying which is the major component of global geoengineering? All aircraft that fly through the sprayed heavy metal and chemical mixes associated with climate engineering are exposing their crews and passengers to a very serious health threat. Since many of the elements used in the geoengineering programs are bioaccumulative, the damage is now truly starting to show up in regard to human health impacts in those who frequently fly. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Monsanto’s “Roundup” And Aluminum, A Deadly Combination

The more we learn about the toxic soup the power structure has immersed us all in, the more astounding it is that any of us still have even a shred of health left.  "Synergistic toxicity" is what happens when two elements that are already toxic become much more toxic when combined. Studies show this is the case when Monsanto's "Roundup" is combined with aluminum. The ongoing climate engineering programs are raining down huge amounts of aluminum (and other toxic metals and chemicals) on the entire surface of the planet which is being absorbed by all life forms. Now let's add more toxins to the mix, how much of our food supply is being exposed to Monsanto's "Roundup" chemical concoction? Yes, Monsanto has "Roundup ready crops" that are genetically engineered to resist the the toxic Roundup brew. This means farmers can spray all the Roundup they want on crops without harming their harvest, but what about us? A small circle of power brokers are quite literally "slow killing" us all from too many directions to quantify. How can this happen? Because of the abysmal complacency of populations that have so far not taken a stand. Once the masses fully realize their former reality is over, and why, the awakening will commence in earnest. It's up to all of us that are already aware to help awaken others. The article below will shed more light on the Monsanto/aluminum synergistic toxicity.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Love Canal Tragedy Remembered Decades Later As History Repeats Itself In Riverview Florida

By Rebel Siren (Click here for the full article) Love Canal became the subject of national and international attention after it was revealed in the press that the site had formerly been used to bury 22,000 tons of toxic waste by Hooker Chemical Company (now Occidental Petroleum Corporation). The city of Niagara Falls began using the land as a landfill for chemical waste disposal and later the U.S. Army began burying waste from chemical warfare experiments. The Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation acquired the use of the site for private use in 1947 and buried 21,000 tons of toxic waste there over the next five years. After the site was filled, Hooker sold the Love Canal for one dollar to the Niagara Falls School Board in 1953, and the land was approved for residential use. “Thirty-five years after Love Canal became a symbol of the dangers of toxic waste in residential neighborhoods, the legal and medical issues there are still playing out.”

Climate Engineering Connection To Alarming Increase In Serious Illness, A Prominent Scientist Speaks Out

“Dr. Hans Kugler, PhD, is one of our most highly recognized researchers in the field of anti-aging medicine; his scientific presentations – supported by impeccable documentation – are eye-openers for professionals and lay-persons alike. As professor of chemistry at Roosevelt University in Chicago, where he also did extensive longevity research, Dr. Kugler not only puts things into perspective, but also provides a complete picture of the anti-aging and regenerative medical sciences that can be applied with successful results.” -Quote by Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O. President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) As the completely out of control global climate modification assault continues to wreak havoc on Earth’s life support systems and the environment, more and more credible members of society are speaking out. Dr. Hans Kugler, who is a president and founder of International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and a director of HK Stem Cell Laboratory at Health Integration Center (as well as a former West-German Air Force officer, pilot and platoon leader), has shown exceptional courage by openly and directly sounding the alarm on the most critical issue that we face, the global climate engineering assault. My most sincere thanks to Dr. Hans Kugler for giving us a very clear assessment of the dangers posed by geoengineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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