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Caught On Film, George H. W. Bush And Monsanto Collaborate On GMO Assault

Our government is nothing more than a state sponsored crime syndicate. Those who lead the cabal of power, and those they serve, exist only to perpetuate their own agendas. The common good is never a consideration for them. From wars of aggression, to global geoengineering, to the creation and forced distribution of genetically modified "Frankenfoods", the power structure does whatever they want because they can. How has the cabal been immune to any repercussions for their actions for so long? Because the general population has so far been unwilling to prioritize the protection of their children's future above their own personal pursuit of pleasure. Now that the walls are closing in from every side, denial and delusion regarding the common threats we face are no longer a refuge from reality. Global geoengineering programs have forced us all to live and breath under toxic skies. The complete contamination of our food supply with genetically modified organisms has forced us all to consume what is not fit to eat. The article and 2 minute film clip below capture the collusion between George H. W. Bush and Monsanto that fully kicked off the ongoing GMO nightmare. This is a stellar example of "business as usual" between the criminals that currently run the world. Educate yourself and help to sound the alarm. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Is Fueling Deadly Epidemic Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Climate engineering is mathematically the greatest single assault against all life ever launched by the human race. The ongoing catastrophic effects of the global atmospheric spraying and radio frequency transmissions related to geoengineering programs are so massive in scope and scale that the overall destruction and death they are inflicting is impossible to quantify. Many deadly effects of the solar radiation management operations are completely overlooked, epidemic vitamin D deficiency is in this category. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a very long and growing list of human degenerative disease. Immune system degeneration, neurological system disorders, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, obesity, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and even reproductive system disorders, the list goes on and on. The paradox is this, though our bodies manufacture vitamin D from sunlight exposure, now we have altered light from the sun due to the light scattering particles that are saturating our atmosphere from solar radiation management. There are no existing studies to address this issue since the ongoing climate engineering insanity is being officially denied. Next, since Earth's protective atmosphere is being torn apart from multiple aspects of climate engineering (sprayed ozone destroying particles and RF heating of the atmosphere), the UV radiation we are all now exposed to is at extremely dangerous levels making exposure to the sun a health threat. In addition, the extremely high UV levels may actually cause the body to shut down vitamin D production. The 12 minute video below has very important and on target data that directly addresses the vitamin D deficiency issue and the role of climate engineering in this equation. It is well worth the time to view. What can we do? Join the fight to expose and halt climate engineer, this is the battle we must win and it will take all of us. DW

Physician Addresses Climate Engineering Dangers At Community Workshop

On June 24th, 2015, Dr. Steven Amato conducted an educational event to raise public awareness on the critical issue of global climate engineering and mainstream media's total lack of coverage on this dire issue. Dr. Amato has already authored an earlier article for geoengineeringwatch.org, our gratitude goes out to him for his continuing efforts to sound the alarm on the human health and environmental dangers posed by global geoengineering programs, Steven is a valuable ally in this battle.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Veteran Health Department Official Speaks Out On Climate Engineering Dangers, Again

Only a few State and Federal agency officials have shown any courage whatsoever in regard to speaking truth to power, especially on the subject of climate engineering. One shining exception is environmental health specialist Gary Attalla. I have had the honor of communicating with Gary for several years. During this time he has tried diligently and consistently to force the critical geoengineering issue to light with his peers and within his agency, the New Jersey Department of Health. In spite of constant resistance from other agency officials and politicians, Gary has pressed on in his battle to raise awareness. The letter below is Gary's latest update report on what the ongoing geoengineering contamination is doing to our health. My most sincere gratitude to him for his ongoing efforts, if there were more in the "system" with Gary's courage, we would not be in such a dark place today. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Internationally Known Doctor Addresses Dire Climate Engineering Issue

In the following 40 minute interview Dr. Ted Broer from "The Power Hour" radio sounds the alarm on the critical threats posed by the ongoing covert global climate engineering programs with Dane Wigington, lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org. Dr. Broer is internationally recognized as a leading health and nutrition expert, with extensive graduate and post graduate studies in the field of nutrition, biochemistry, and naturopathy. His education includes an undergraduate degree in biological science and chemistry from Florida state university. He has also completed a second undergraduate degree from FSU in psychology and exercise physiology, a masters degree in Business Administration from FSU and received a Doctorate from Southeastern University. Ted founded his company Health Masters in 1981. He became a licensed nutritionist in the 80's. He has worked with thousands of clients on a individual basis. The author has had three decades of experience in the health care field. He has appeared as a guest on over 1000 television and radio stations and has been featured regularly on nationally syndicated shows. He is a popular seminar speaker and has regularly shared the platform with such notables as Pastor Rob Parsley, Herman Bailey, TD Jakes, Bill Cosby, Carl Lewis , former President George Bush, Barbara Bush, President Gerald Ford, Paul Harvey, Larry King, Secretary Of State Colin Powell, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Zig Ziglar, Elizabeth Dole, Naomi Judd, Bill Cosby, Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher, Evander Holyfield, Larry Bird, Joe Montana, Lou Holtz and many others. During the past three decades he has been privileged to speak to over one million people at live seminars and millions more via radio and television. My most sincere gratitude to Dr. Broer for his willingness to face the dire issue of global climate engineering.

Monsanto’s Chemical Assault Against The Web Of Life

Of all the companies and corporations that represent twisted greed, corruption, and irreparable destruction to our planet and it's life forms, Monsanto stands out. Not only is Monsanto involved with the total chemical contamination and genetic modification of our food supply at the ground level, but available evidence indicates that Monsanto is intricately connected to the toxic aerosol climate engineering operations in our skies. Why did Monsanto purchase "Climate Corp" for almost a billion dollars? Those that are part of the ongoing weather wars against global populations must control the message in regard to the weather "forecasting". All the major weather forecasting agencies are owned by the power structure complex. There are clear and growing connections between Monsanto and other power structure owned agencies like "The Weather Channel". As the ongoing geoengineering programs continue to contaminate soils with aluminum and the atmospheric spraying shreds the ozone layer, Monsanto is engineering seeds to address these issues. Coincidence? Monsanto has expanded like a cancer in spite of the EPA knowing the dangers of Monsanto's chemicals for decades. The trend of cover-up is breaking down as a growing segment of the population realizes the gravity of what is being done to them. The short article below highlights the steps now being implemented to hold companies like Monsanto accountable. As the curtain is pulled back, there will be ever more exposure on the greatest assault against life ever launched by the human race, global climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Shasta County Update On Heavy Metal Contamination, The Legal Ramifications

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On July 15th, 2014 a group of experts testified environmental heavy metal contamination (likely a direct result of climate engineering) before the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in Northern California. On June 30th, 2015 a group of citizens returned to speak in front of the board in order to confront them about the Board's inaction on the verifiable contamination. In this latest update, Northern California's ABC station, KRCR, has done their best to spin the actual testimony of facts given in 2014 by experts and County representatives. The 2+ minute video below is the latest TV news update. In 2014 Shasta County Air Quality representative Rick Simon admitted in his testimony before the board that the current air quality testing equipment is not capable of detecting any air particles in the range of those in question (nano particles). "We measure for PM-10" , stated Mr. Simon (PM-10 means 10 microns which again are particles exponentially larger than the heavy metal nano particles in question. It is not possible to detect elements that are astronomically smaller than the currently used testing equipment is designed to detect and Simon knows this. The smaller the particle, the more dangerous it is for the environment and the human body because it is then much more bioavailable). So why is KRCR implying that the Shasta County Board of Supervisors has followed through with their responsibilities to investigate and disclose a public health hazard? This is simply not true. Here is the unvarnished reality, Shasta County officials have not done anything to investigate or disclose an indisputable heavy metal contamination (that state certified lab testing proves) which is a public health hazard (REGARDLESS OF THE SOURCE). They claim that this issue is "not in their jurisdiction", again, not true. This governing board has been given test data to prove the presence of the dangerous heavy metal contamination as far back as 2008, they have done virtually nothing to investigate or disclose this critical health threat to Shasta County citizens. There is currently a team of 6 US attorneys and 2 Canadian attorneys (and other qualified professionals) that are focused on this contamination issue. The legal consensus of this group of legal professionals is this, that county public health and safety agencies have a mandated, legal, and moral responsibility to disclose any and all public safety threats. Again, for over 7 years, no investigation and no public disclosure has taken place from Shasta County officials. As the verifiable heavy metal contamination continues to take it's toll, and the reality of this contamination can no longer be hidden, the question of legal liability will certainly be the primary focus of a justifiably outraged population. The 2014 edited testimony of experts is below.  Here is the full original article "Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts".  DW

Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity From Geoengineering, The First Science Publication Goes Live

Now we have another weapon in our arsenal to fight back against the ongoing climate engineering insanity, acknowledgment of the atmospheric spraying in a science publication. Geoengineeringwatch.org has had extensive ongoing communication with Dr. Herndon, he attended the California Jam event in Southern California with me. My gratitude to geoscientist/physicist Marvin Herndon for his courage in directly addressing the issue of geoengineering when the vast majority of climate science community is cowering in the shadows. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Dane Wigington and Dr. Marvin Herndon conversing before Dane's presentation on geoengineering at the "California Jam, 2015" awareness conference

Geoengineering Is Destroying Our Health, A Doctor Sounds The Alarm

The total contamination that has been inflicted on our planet by climate engineering is mathematically greater and more widespread than all other sources of environmental contamination combined. The ongoing toxic spraying of our skies continues to add to the already lethal burden of contamination from climate engineering laid down over 65 years. The environment and our bodies are reaching and surpassing the breaking point. The report below was penned by a health care professional that fully understands the gravity of the damage which has been done to us from the geoengineering fallout. The well researched conclusions of Dr. Amato should be carefully considered. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Could Geoengineering Have Something To Do With My Failing Health? By Dr. Steven Amato, D.C., contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org It is widely suggested by doctors and scientists that all one needs in order to stay healthy is to eat a ‘balanced diet’. This idea is drummed into the public’s consciousness to such an extent as to constitute absolute truth. Fact is nothing could be further from the truth. In today’s overly toxic world, eating a balanced diet is toxic in itself. Consider that our food is grown using inorganic fertilizers which have been shown to precipitate into the walls of your arteries and joints as arteriosclerosis and arthritis… or in your brain as Alzheimer’s; or that pesticide and herbicide residues become trapped in your liver – giving rise to fatty degeneration and subsequent hypertension; or that genetically modified foods have been demonstrated to degrade your cell wall structures. Dangerous radiation is routinely used on vegetables as a decontaminant. American’s swill down high fructose corn syrup, derived from GMO corn by the barrel-full on a yearly basis, and it’s hidden in many condiments as well.  These are just a few of the technological advances science has brought mankind, fueling the healthcare crisis that plagues this country by eroding its gross domestic product. Three unmarked non-commercial, military type jets laid these down directly over my home In order to fully grasp the seriousness of this problem, one need be mindful of the fact chemicals are ubiquitous. There are over 100,000 according to EPA estimates. The newest, most dangerous form of poisoning is happening in our skies – solar radiation management or chemical contrails, harmlessly labeled under the guise of geo-engineering. There is no escaping the grasp of the new religion known as science. The sad fact is that pseudo science today drives policy through consensus, not good science. Just like everything else in the New World Order, science has been monetized to the highest bidder. The most frightening part is that you and I have unwittingly become the scientist’s guinea pigs. The laboratory is planet earth and “science by consensus” is recklessly out of control. It’s no secret within the broader scientific community that “standards” established by establishment-scientific-researchers – the Jason Society – are awarded to the highest bidder. In an outcomes based world, this model is not only flawed, it is ethically and morally corrupt. Whether you believe chemically generated contrails exist or not is irrelevant. They exist, and the people who design and deliver them don’t care what you think…. they’re going to continue spraying these deadly aerosols despite what you say or do; you can be sure, since your taxes are paying for them, and the war on terror will continue long after you have moved on. American’s have become powerless as agents of change. You are faced with a choice, suffer the consequences or become pro-active. For those who disagree, the mantra “proceed at your own risk” and buyer-beware could not be more appropriate. For everyone else, protecting yourself starts now! The two principle ingredients in these aerosols are barium (Ba) and aluminum (Al). Water-soluble barium salts are clearly toxic to human health. Water-soluble barium by far, carries the most risk. The main portals of entry for inhaled barium are the lungs and sinuses. This route allows direct access into the bloodstream, exposing red and white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin and organic iron to the oxidative effects of this dangerous substance. A thorough review on the importance of the blood vascular system is an exhaustive topic. Suffice to say, blood represents the substrate from which body tissues derive their nutrients – like fertile soil that provides the perfect medium for healthy and vibrant plant-life. Noxious chemicals in general, and heavy metals in particular degrade the quality of blood – their drying properties degrading the blood’s moisture content, increasing viscosity and driving up stroke risk.  It’s been reported barium can absorb up to 400 times its own weight in moisture. The particles involved are nano-sized, one-billionth of a meter, one ten-thousandth the diameter of a human strand of hair. This gives you an idea how easy it is for these particles to gain entry into your trillions of cell structures, where they rob your energy, making you feel chronically tired. Once inside, they disrupt mitochondria function – the energy generator inside each cell that provides the power to effect respiration, vitality and alertness.  If you’re wondering what can be done to protect yourself, you’re moving in the right direction. This "cloud" formation is inconceivable based on historic recordings of real clouds both in artist renditions and photographs Aluminum, the second but no less serious toxic nano-particulate is important enough – its effect’s target central nerve system tissues like white brain matter. Al causes what are known as amyloid plaques to form in brain tissue, degrading nerve synapse end points, across which signals need to jump in order to maintain normal memory and problem solving capabilities – cognitive function.  Advanced accumulation of amyloid plaques have been identified in Alzheimer’s, a condition of rapid neurodegenerative cognitive decline. Parkinson’s, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Myesthenia Gravis are similar conditions, together characterized by rapid and advanced decay of nerve tissue – progressive and irreversible. The global pharmaceutical cartels are not for want of recognizing the potential profits, they are busy conducting next generation anti-neurodegenerative drug trials, based on the effects of chronic heavy metal poisoning from the

Climate Engineering, Heavy Metal Contamination, And Cover-up

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org From whales, to insects, to us, the entire planet has now been completely contaminated with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals directly connected to the ongoing solar radiation management (SRM) programs. Peer reviewed studies on nearly 1000 whales from around the globe showed "jaw dropping" levels of aluminum had been absorbed in their bodies. New studies now also show the same results for the collapsing bee populations around the globe. In fact, all invertebrates are in sharp decline. What about human exposure? The results are the same. Those in power have already committed the greatest and most deadly crime in the history of the human race, and that crime is ongoing. The criminal cabals that masquerade as governments are not about to stop, in fact, they are doubling down and further ramping up the deadly atmospheric spraying. There is virtually no place to hide from the lethal fallout and the deadly effects are erupting throughout the web of life. In the 4 minute video below the global heavy metal contamination and the health implications are discussed on the "Buzzsaw" TV show with Sean Stone, son of film director Oliver Stone. Many believe that our "elected officials" would do something about the situation if they only knew, but is this reality? Sadly, our government and all those in it are completely bought and paid for by the power structure, I know this first hand after twelve years in this battle. I have been in senator Barbara Boxer's office presenting hard science data on geoneingineering, I have had high level meetings with California EPA officials, spoken in front of the entire California Air Resources Board, presented in front of the California Energy Commission, and had a private meeting with the lieutenant governor of California, Gavin Newsom and his top aid at the State Capital, etc, all were complete dead ends no matter how much credible science data they were presented with. In the next 4 minute video below, I publicly confronted US congressman Doug LaMalfa with water testing data from Cal. EPA which proved aluminum was flowing through California rivers and streams. What did congressman LaMalfa and his staff do with the data presented from California EPA? Their final response was this, they did not recognize the EPA information as being valid. LaMalfa, along with all those already mentioned, continue to completely stonewall the critical climate engineering issue. This is what they are all paid to do. Can we be absolutely sure that aerosol spraying is occurring in our skies? We have indisputable film footage to prove it as is shown in the 2 minute video below. The decimation and mortality already caused by over six decades of geoengineering is already so immense, it is far beyond any possible quantification, if these programs continue, the consequences to life on Earth will soon be total. The burden of exposing the climate engineering insanity lies on us, the people. Disclosure will NEVER come from those who are paid or otherwise pressured to lie. We must all prioritize the battle to expose and halt climate engineering as if our lives depend on it, because they do. DW


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