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Graphene Rain, Scientist Sounds Alarm

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Graphene rain, are climate engineering operations the source? What aren't we being told? A highly credentialed scientist provides extensive analysis, this is a must watch report. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​ For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.           Follow us:         

Nanoparticle Contamination Cover-Up: Answers From A Scientist

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org A must view report from a top scientist covering the climate engineering nanoparticle pollution of our air, water, soils and food supply. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​ For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.          

Climate Engineering Contamination, Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How does one retain some semblance of health while existing in a world that has become alarmingly toxic and incompatible to life as a whole? Though there are countless sources of contamination, the climate engineering fallout is the most pervasive of all. I am not a physician, but I have made an effort to understand and pursue fitness and health since I was about 14 years of age. To some degree I have avoided previously penning this post because it is not my primary area of study. This being said, I have had many requests to outline what my personal health protocol is, so I'll do exactly that. I am not giving medical advice, I am not suggesting or directing anyone to practice the health/fitness regime that I follow, I am simply sharing it. The Basics Abundant Clean And Mineral Balanced Drinking Water Acquiring this most essential element is no simple task in our now completely contaminated world. I have intentionally located in an extensive wilderness area for many reasons, one of them is the access to exceptional ground water. I, of course, realize that such a source of water is not available to many or most, so other options must be found. The quest for clean water is a complex question and not within the scope or this article, but the point is simply this, water is the most essential foundation of our health. Exercise, Resistance And Aerobic Training For me, this is first and foremost. If an individual is physically able to engage in consistent cardiovascular and resistance weight training, there is no substitute for the benefits. "Use it or lose it", how many times have we all heard this simple mantra, yet, how few put it to practice? Physical exercise triggers countless beneficial processes in the body, including the cleansing effect of perspiration. Coupled with the constant consumption of clean and mineral balanced water, great benefits can be realized. It is the consistency that matters when it comes to exercise. With few exceptions, I try to train every day. Avoiding Further Contamination While Training Unless the outside air is relatively clear, I do not do workout outside. Many choose to ignore the obvious negative effect of heavy outdoor exercise (and thus heavy respiration) in polluted air, this is a big mistake. The harder one breaths in particulate laden air, the more deeply those contaminants penetrate into the lungs. I grew up in unimaginably smoggy conditions in Upland, California. Only when I retreated to the mountains (which I did constantly as I lived right at the base of them) could I escape the polluted air. Even as a boy I was instinctually careful not to exercise heavily while outdoors on a smoggy day. I feel I am still reaping the benefit even today from the caution I practiced so long ago. Adequate Rest Is Absolutely Essential Consistently following a protocol of sleep hygiene is imperative. No regime of fitness and health can approach its full potential without the rejuvenation process of adequate rest. Many in today's reality do not take this fact into account and thus neglect this extremely important aspect of sound health. It is essential to consider that the time you choose to go to bed can have a big impact on the rejuvenation that is realized from your sleep. Rest in the earlier hours of the night are generally more beneficial for most. Sleep Aids Because sleep is so important, and because there are so many factors in the current paradigm that interfere with our natural sleep cycles, I choose to utilize various supplements to assist with my sleep hygiene. The amino acid "Gaba" is one supplement that I regularly take. Gaba has natural calming effects and can also help the body to produce HGH during rest. Melatonin is also a regular supplement for me. There are multiple benefits from Melatonin as well, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile and Valerian Root are two more options. I rotate supplements, this is important. Constantly taking the same supplement without any break can and does cause the body to build a tolerance and thus the effectiveness is diminished or lost. Diet This is, of course, a very complex subject with countless points of view. Again, the point of this article is to share my own protocol and practices, not to push others to follow any particular practice. What we eat matters immensely. The pros and cons of particular practices and protocols regarding foods and food groups can vary greatly from individual to individual. Blood types are medically shown to be a very significant factor that should be considered (due to different genetic makeup). I had an extensive lab blood test done for food lectin intolerance to confirm the foods that were most compatible for my blood type and genetics. Investigating and understanding what foods are most beneficial to our individual systems is imperative. So many live out their entire lives without knowing or understanding that their systems are intolerant to specific foods. Over time, this intolerance has a grinding down effect on our overall health. I try to consistently consume organic, non-GMO foods that are most compatible with my system. When To Eat, And When Not To First, focus on foods that provide the most nutritional value for the given amount of calories they contain (avoid non-nutritional empty calories). Part of my family is from Lithuania, and there is a saying there, "breakfast you keep for yourself, lunch you share with a friend, dinner you give to your enemy". What I consider from this proverb is this, piling up on calories late at night before bed is very counterproductive in many ways and is especially detrimental to sound rest. If your body is struggling to digest while trying also to rejuvenate and cleanse (especially in regard to the brain), these are opposing forces. Avoiding heavy protein meals late in the day and evening is also essential to better sleep at night. Light meals or serotonin producing foods are best for late day and evening meals in order to assist with more restful sleep.  Supplements This subject is also very complex and must be tailored to the individual.

US EPA Scientist Fired For Trying To Tell The Truth About Climate Engineering And Fluoridated Water

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The public has been trained and conditioned to believe that federal agencies like the EPA exist to watch over them and warn them of any potential dangers. This notion could not be further from the truth. Though there are honest and caring people within these agencies (like the scientist who has drafted the statement below), the institutions as a whole exist to hide threats from the population, not to disclose them. The majority of the public continues to convince themselves that if there was really anything they should be concerned about, someone, somewhere, in some federal public protection agency would tell them. The statement below should be a sobering wake-up call for us all. It is yet another confirmation of all that has been stated above. From global geoengineering, to Fukushima, to toxic fluoridated water and lethal vaccinations, the public health and the health of our biosphere is being decimated. Where are the official warnings from official agencies? The truth continues to be hidden by the government agencies that are tasked with hiding it. Michael Davis is now a former EPA scientist who is working with GeoengineeringWatch.org in an effort to get the truth out, his full resume is at the bottom of this article. Michael was recently terminated from the EPA for daring to tell the truth about two extremely dire public dangers, the highly toxic fallout from climate engineering, and the willful contamination of the public water supply with industrial waste. I had the pleasure and honor of working with Michael for over a year, he has participated in conference calls directly with the Geoengineering Watch legal team. Upon being terminated from the EPA, I asked Mr. Davis if he would draft a statement for GeoengineeringWatch.org, that statement is below. A Statement For GeoengineeringWatch.org From Scientist Michael Davis My name is Michael Davis, I was employed as an Environmental Engineer for nearly 16 years in the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Programs Branch of the Water Division in Region 5, Chicago of the USEPA. I was terminated as a public servant performing a public service for raising the issues of anthropogenic deposition of aluminum due to atmospheric geoengineering.  Geoengineered skies, Woodland, Michigan. Photo credit: Kacy Blair In addition, I brought up the industrial hazardous waste byproduct of fluoride known as HFSA (being sold primarily by the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum industries) to drinking water utilities for disposal into the nation's drinking water systems. This does not include pollutants that are discharged from wastewater reclamation facilities into receiving waters. The issue regarding anthropogenic deposition of aluminum due to atmospheric geoengineering came up in May 2013 when a colleague in the NPDES Programs Branch sent a general email to everyone regarding "NPDES and Climate Change". I sent a six (6) bullet point one – sentence response to my colleague. Nearly six (6) weeks later my supervisor (at the time) set up a conference call to inform me that I would be receiving a Letter of Reprimand for making false, malicious and unfounded statements against colleagues, supervisors, management and elected public servants. Furthermore, my then supervisor claimed that my statements damaged the integrity and reputation of the agency. In April, 2014, my last supervisor assigned me to the Beloit, Wisconsin wastewater reclamation facility DRAFT permit review. I asked the permit writer why fluoride (a poison) was be disposed of in Beloit's drinking water supply?  She could not provide an explanation.  Approximately two (2) weeks later my supervisor placed a "gag order" on me barring me from having any communication written or verbal with anyone unless he approved ahead of time and was present on all conference calls. It was claimed by my supervisor (and management) that the "gag order" would remain in place to prevent me from making statements that would further damage the  integrity and reputation of the agency.   Furthermore, my supervisor kept giving me assignments like Beloit, Wisconsin where fluoride, along with other pollutants knowing that I would describe the adverse human, animal health effects along with adverse environmental effects of them in my DRAFT Permit review reports. The adverse human, animal and environmental effects were completely ignored by my supervisor.  This was even more profound when it came to the issue of fluoride as HFSA being deposited into the drinking water system. This is in violation of (1) EPA's Policy on Scientific Integrity, (2) The Precautionary Principle, (3) 5 U.S.C. §2302(b)(8) and (4) Informed Consent.  My supervisor informed me that the EPA does not regulate fluoride in the drinking water systems under either the Clean Water Act (CWA) or the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). However, FDA under Health and Human Services (HHS) regulated fluoride in the drinking water systems. I eventually crafted a general description of the adverse human and animal health effects in an email to my supervisor and upper level management.  Initially was ignored by all of them. I had to send the original descriptive email several times over about a six (6) month period of time before I received a reply from the water division director who just parroted the corporate agenda pertaining to fluoride disposal into the nation's drinking water systems. The label in the photo above should be shocking to any that are even slightly awake. Highly toxic industrial waste that is officially labeled as a "drinking water additive". In doing my own research into the issue of anthropogenic deposition of aluminum from atmospheric geoengineering (as well as fluoride and other pollutants) in an attempt to determine why there was strong opposition from my supervisor and the EPA in general it this (factual reports on the issues). It is because the EPA wants to continue their cover-up, collusion, and criminality pertaining to pollution and contamination being perpetrated by their puppet masters, the multinational corporations. The EPA (like the FDA, CDC, etc) is a complete sham. Because the "P" in EPA stands for protection of corporate profits and not for protecting human, animal and environmental (or biosphere) health. The EPA like other governmental regulatory agencies are corrupt to the core, completely dysfunctional and have been completely hijacked by the multinational corporations.

World-Renowned Doctor Addresses Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org How do we retain our health in an increasingly contaminated environment? Though there are countless forms of contamination from human activities, the climate engineering fallout is the most widespread and unavoidable of all. In the interview below world-renowned physician Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discusses the extreme dangers posed to our health and the health of the planet from the ongoing climate engineering operations. We face a rapidly darkening horizon on countless fronts, but it is not yet too late to make a difference. Geoengineered skies are occurring all over the globe. More and more are complaining about the resulting health effects. Photo credit: Hans van Gulik Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count. DW

The Great Nutrient Collapse

Source: Politico Irakli Loladze is a mathematician by training, but he was in a biology lab when he encountered the puzzle that would change his life. It was in 1998, and Loladze was studying for his Ph.D. at Arizona State University. Against a backdrop of glass containers glowing with bright green algae, a biologist told Loladze and a half-dozen other graduate students that scientists had discovered something mysterious about zooplankton. Zooplankton are microscopic animals that float in the world’s oceans and lakes, and for food they rely on algae, which are essentially tiny plants. Scientists found that they could make algae grow faster by shining more light onto them—increasing the food supply for the zooplankton, which should have flourished. But it didn’t work out that way. When the researchers shined more light on the algae, the algae grew faster, and the tiny animals had lots and lots to eat—but at a certain point they started struggling to survive. This was a paradox. More food should lead to more growth. How could more algae be a problem? Read the full article here: https://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2017/09/13/food-nutrients-carbon-dioxide-000511

Weather Warfare Assault, A Physician Speaks Out

The ongoing battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity (by reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue) is now rapidly gaining traction. By sharing credible data with others and networking credible data on every possible form of social media, very important members of society (including medical professionals) are waking up and joining the battle against the highly toxic atmospheric aerosol spraying. All of us are needed in the critical effort to keep the forward momentum going. We must wake the masses to what is going on in our skies. We must wake the masses to the all out weather/biological warfare that is being waged against populations and the entire web of life on planet Earth. My most sincere gratitude to Dr. Inez Maria Pandit for making here voice heard in this most critical fight for the greater good. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Weather Warfare Against Germany By Inez Maria Pandit, MD, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org Once again Germany had been attacked by particularly severe air strikes employing technology from the arsenal of weather weapons. For two weeks in a row there had been daily “thunderstorms” occurring all over Germany in variable patterns. Some regions suffered severe damage from extremely heavy rains causing flooding and mud slides. People were struck by lightning that – in some instances – came suddenly out of nowhere. Hamburg was hit by a 200 km/h tornado!!!! The German National Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst) issued the same forecast day after day: severe weather warnings, heavy rains, thunderstorms, hail… Grotesque! Elbe beach, Hamburg, Germany​ Yes, more and more people are realizing that something is not quite right as far as the weather is concerned but attribute only to climate change. Very few are aware of the magnitude of climate engineering. I myself woke up in 2012 after having noticed strange weather phenomena and cloud formations in Germany ever since 2006, a year after my return from the US where I had lived since 1992. When I found out about weather manipulation and geoengineering I took this very seriously starting my own observations (in Germany, Australia, Belgium, Singapore, Dubai) and research into the matter. I joined an activist group (saubererhimmel.de  and blauerhimmel.info) discussing  various topics related to geoengineering and going out to enlighten others by distributing flyers, stickers and conducting road show like events. There had been mostly positive feedback from fellow citizens and the occasional stupid comment and verbal attack.. Even though more and more are waking up, it is remarkable how many remain oblivious to the truth. Berlin, Germany As a physician, it is my duty to divulge my complete knowledge of all factors affecting health. So how could I not speak of the toxic aerosols sprayed from aircraft and most harmful irradiation with electromagnetic and other frequencies intentionally used to manipulate human physiology and behavior to the point of mental disruption and even death. New illnesses and ailments are emerging in addition to increasing numbers of airway disease, skin and digestive problems, depression, fatigue, dementia, childhood behavior disorders, and nervous system symptoms. Indeed, there is a master plan designed by the global network of psychopathic entities. The Georgia Guidestones and their messages outline the intentions of the “elite” as well as UN Agenda 21 and the secret agreements of the Bilderberg meetings. The goal is genocide on a large scale, to establish the new world order and control the few slaves left on Earth. This is an evil insanity totally beyond comprehension for the mind of most fellow human beings. Fortunately this lack of  suspicion shows that the majority of people on Earth are NOT insane and immoral but fast asleep. Frankfurt, Germany Over decades in medicine I have observed that most of my doctor colleagues are completely unaware, or worse, in denial of what is going on in medicine, not to mention politics and environment. I am convinced that is -in part -the result of “academic” training which is cleverly designed to abolish critical thinking, reason, common sense, and free will. What is my current assessment of the state of health of planet Earth? I think we nearly have reached the point of no return. I am trying to remain optimistic and hopeful, but I must admit that this becomes more and more difficult. If we achieve the necessary critical mass of conscious souls very soon it might be possible to avert a cataclysm of apocalyptic dimension. Yet, there are the many prophecies… Munich, Germany Telling others about the truth is our moral obligation and it is of utmost importance to remember the reality of faith, light, and love. I agree with my colleague  Dr. Rauni Kilde (Finland, who was killed last year), for speaking the truth about mental programming for decades: there is no death. And the most powerful energies we can send out into the (spiritual) world are Love and Light! My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation of his amazing work, courage and dedication to save planet Earth goes to Dane Wigington.  I also greet all friends all over the world in our common quest for spreading the truth. Let's keep going!  Thank you all! Inez Maria Pandit, MD  Allgemeinmedizin and Integrative/Anthroposophic Medicine, Germany  Family Medicine, US  General Practice, UK

Covering Up Climate Engineering Contamination, “EPA Caught Buying It’s Independent Science Advisors”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A lawsuit has been filed to expose the EPA for awarding $190 million in taxpayer grants to "independent" scientists in order to get the air quality test and research results desired by the EPA. This being said, please consider and remember this next statement very carefully, THERE IS A MUCH MORE CRITICAL CRIME OF CONCEALMENT contained in this EPA scenario than what the authors of the report (or the legal action) alleges. The report in question is from a source that is nothing more than a lobbyist/representative for the fossil fuel industry (EELI, The Energy Environmental Legal Institute). The attorney for EELI is Steve Milloy who is a textbook example of a self-serving and completely honorless fossil fuel industry lobbyist. While Milloy is trying to expose the EPA for their fraud because of the financial damage the EPA has inflicted on the planet plundering fossil fuel industry who pays him, in reality the EPA's paid off scientists are hiding a crime of immensely greater gravity, the highly toxic fallout from the ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare assault.  Geoengineered skies in Los Angeles, California. Photo credit: James Obradovic I have personally attended a high level closed door California EPA meeting at the State Capital in Sacramento in which it was made clear that the air quality testing is completely rigged. This meeting was arranged by a congressman and had 5 high level EPA representatives in attendance. I was informed that the State air quality technicians are TOLD what to test for, combustion particles only, the rest of the test sample is discarded (EPA technicians can't find what they are told NOT to look for). Further, at best the air particulate testing captures particles down to the 2.5 micron size. Nano-particles from the climate engineering fallout are exponentially smaller and thus go completely undetected by air quality equipment that is not in any way designed to find the unimaginably smaller nano-particles in the first place. The smaller the inhaled airborne particle is, the more health damage it does. This holds true for any type of particles, let alone highly toxic heavy metals and other elements that are directly associated with global geoengineering/solar radiation management programs. At the mere cost of $190 million dollars, of taxpayers funds, the Environmental Protection Agency has bought its independent advisers.  That is the amount of payoffs, in the forms of “grants” to its advisers, to assure the results are what the ideologues want from the studies.  In fact, ALL such decisions based on these advisers were bought and paid for—illegal under the law.  This is fraud, embezzlement and corruption.   Believe a government financed “independent” study at your peril, your wallet and your job.  How bad is this corruption—when a UCLA professor, James Engstrom exposed it, UCLA—the beneficiary of the payments and corruption fired him—for the crime of exposing crime.  Think you are proud of UCLA? “A free market legal group is suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for allegedly stacking a scientific advisory panel on air pollution with researchers who had received more than $190 million in grants from the agency. The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (EELI) is suing EPA on behalf of the Western States Trucking Association and Dr. James Enstrom, a retired University of California-Los Angeles epidemiologist who was blacklisted for challenging EPA claims about particulate matter. “The EPA has stacked the panel, which is required by law to be independent and unbiased, with researchers who have received over $190 million in discretionary grants from the EPA,” said Steve Milloy, an attorney with EELI, in a statement. “This clearly violates the law and makes a mockery of the notion of ‘independent’ scientific review,” he said. The EPA relies on a panel of scientific advisers, called the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, to validate the science underlying key clean air regulations pushed by the agency. In this case, EELI is asking the court to prevent the EPA from convening a panel tasked with reviewing the science behind agency regulations on fine particulate matter, or PM2.5. EELI believes the agency has stacked the panel with researchers who will rubber stamp EPA rules regulating PM2.5. EPA also relies on claimed PM2.5 reductions for the majority of health benefits in some of its largest regulations on power plants. Some 24 of the 26 members of EPA’s PM2.5 panel have gotten or are the current recipients of EPA grants. In total, panel members have gotten more than $190 million from the agency, according to EELI. Milloy says this violates the federal laws requiring such scientific advisory panels be “independent.” EELI isn’t alone in pointing out potential problems with using scientific advisers financially reliant on EPA. Earlier this year, Oklahoma Republican pointed out that many science panel members were often peer-reviewing regulations based on their own research, corroding the integrity of the peer-review process. EPA began regulating PM2.5 in in the early 1990s, and today says there’s no safe level of exposure to the air pollutant. PM2.5 is a “mixture of harmful solid and liquid particles” that is 2.5 microns or less, or “1/30th the thickness of a human hair.” These small particles can get into people’s respiratory system and can harm human health and even lead to death after just short-term exposure, In 2011, former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson told Congress that PM2.5 “causes premature death.” “It doesn’t make you sick. It’s directly causal to dying sooner than you should,” she said. “If we could reduce particulate matter to healthy levels it would have the same impact as finding a cure for cancer in our country.” The EPA set PM2.5 primary standards at 15 micrograms per cubic meter of air on an annual average basis. Despite the strong warnings, EPA has tested PM2.5 on humans. EPA exposed dozens of human test subjects to PM levels of 600 micrograms per cubic meter — 40 times what the EPA sets as an acceptable outdoor air standard. EPA not only testes PM2.5 on humans, they also did not fully disclose the risks of death from PM2.5 exposure — a reversal from public

New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The walls of the power structure are beginning to buckle, those that have served the power brokers are beginning to respond to their own instinct of self survival. The University of Michigan Department of  Environmental Health Sciences has just published a Science study, "Assessing The Direct Occupational And Public Health Impacts Of Solar Radiation Management With Stratospheric Aerosols" (excerpts from this study later in this article). Climate engineering is weather warfare, nothing less. The highly toxic materials being used in the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying programs all settle down through the air column, this makes geoengineering a form of biological warfare as well. Unimaginable and irreparable decimation is being inflicted on the biosphere and the entire web of life by the ongoing climate modification SRM programs. How long can the insanity in our skies continue without the consequences to the Earth and the human race becoming total? Geoengineering programs are wreaking havoc on the planet from every direction, including being the primary driver of the ever increasing record droughts and forest fires. Click photo to enlarge  Šiauliai, Lithuania. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus It must be understood that no peer reviewed science publications that openly admit to the ongoing geoengineering programs will be allowed by the power structure controlled institutions. The tentacles of this control are vast beyond true comprehension, penetrating and permeating every imaginable organization. This being said, many within these organizations (that have gone along with the insanity so far in order to safeguard their own financial interests) are beginning to realize they are also going to go down with the ship. Some are now whispering the truth in the shadows. The excerpts below are from the study in question that was just published on January 19, 2016. Although much is being done to unravel the scientific and technical challenges around geoengineering, there have been few efforts to characterize the potential human health impacts of geoengineering, particularly with regards to SRM approaches involving stratospheric aerosols. This paper explores this information gap. Using available evidence, we describe the potential direct occupational and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols. We speculate on possible health impacts of exposure to one promising SRM material, barium titanate, using knowledge of similar nano materials. Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols. This paper will focus on SRM via stratospheric aerosol injection, and will describe potential direct human health impacts. We explore three knowledge gaps: 1) human exposures, 2) human health impacts, and 3) exposure limits. SRM may be expected to result in ecosystem damage and resulting human health effects through indirect mechanisms such as damage to, or contamination of, agricultural products and wildlife. Sulfates and nanoparticles currently favored for SRM include sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, black carbon, and specially engineered discs composed of metallic aluminum, aluminum oxide and barium titanate. Knoxville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Marla Stair-Wood Population exposures Due to atmospheric circulation and gravitational deposition, large-scale population exposures to atmospherically-injected SRM materials will almost certainly occur after their deployment. Population exposures could also occur through ingestion of food and water contaminated with deposited particles, as well as transdermally. Unlike occupational exposures, there has been virtually no research done to estimate ground-level personal exposures to SRM materials…  No models appear to have estimated the potential global burden of environmental aluminum, alumina or barium titanate that might result from SRM. … population exposures to SRM materials will be continuous and prolonged over months to years… Thus the health effects will be primarily chronic in nature. In humans, and in particular asthmatics, increases in specific airway resistance or decreases in forced expiratory volume or forced expiratory flow are the primary response following acute exposure… Aluminum is never found free in nature, and instead forms metal compounds, complexes, or chelates including aluminum oxide. Aluminum and aluminum oxide do not appear to differ in toxicity. Wheezing, dyspnea, and impaired lung function, as well as pulmonary fibrosis, have been noted… Dilation and hypertrophy of the right side of the heart have been seen in workers exposed to aluminum powder, as have decreased red blood cell hemoglobin and finger clubbing. Helper T-lymphocyte alveolitis and blastic transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in the presence of soluble aluminum compounds in vitro were found in an individual exposed to aluminum dust. In general, exposures to barium salts are associated with respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, metabolic and neurologic effects. For public exposures – which would likely be widespread following SRM efforts – the EPA, European Environmental Agency (EEA), and World Health Organization specify regulatory standards for ambient air quality. Importantly, tables show a very small sampling of air quality standards in use around the world that relate to potential SRM materials, of which the WHO standards may be considered most generalizable globally. Exposure limits differ substantially between these agencies, but, more importantly, there are currently no limits set by any of these agencies for most of the substances that may be used for SRM. The inconsistencies in established exposure limits for both occupational and community settings, combined with the absence of any exposure limits for a number of potential SRM materials, highlight the issues involved in protecting workers and the public from unintended health consequences resulting from SRM deployment. The substantial potential exposures and subsequent health impacts associated with SRM efforts based on stratospheric aerosols must be considered further before any attempts are made at SRM . Since exposures will inherently be global in nature, exposure limits must be harmonized to ensure that individuals around the world are given equal protection from adverse health effects. Global harmonization of standards related to SRM represents an immense but necessary bureaucratic and scientific challenge, and an important step towards establishing a formal governance framework for geoengineering. very little has been done to describe the potential human health impacts of this emerging disruptive technology. Though this study does not openly admit to the fact that global climate engineering has been deployed for decades

Health Magazine Covers Climate Engineering: “Heavy Metal Contamination And Mass Extinction – What’s The Connection?”

As the global climate system continues to unravel at an ever more rapid pace, the effort to sound the alarm is also gaining ground. Health Freedom News magazine has yet again shown the courage to face the climate engineering insanity head on. I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to the personnel and management of Health Freedom News for continuing to cover the critical issue of global geoengineering. The editors of this first rate publication have shown a constant commitment to priority issues and to their readers, HFN has previously published a feature article on geoengineering. The magazine article below can be read by clicking the individual images to enlarge them or by clicking the PDF file icon of the full magazine issue at the bottom. All of us matter in the fight to wake the sleeping masses, make your voice heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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