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Is a HAARP Weather Weapon Causing the California Drought?

Video Description: Here’s a look at several events on the West Coast radar that definitely beg the question of whether or not we are all living in a James Bond movie where the weather is no longer a natural occurrence — and the California drought is an engineered disaster.

Continued Climate Control Exposed

The weather makers continue to wreak havoc on the climate system overall. Though a great deal of moisture has moved over Northern California in recent days (and headlines called for significant rain), very little made it to the ground. The goal of SRM (solar radiation management) is to create the largest expanses of cloud cover possible. On Friday October 24th there was generally rainless cloud cover stretching from the Pacific past the great lakes. In recent days, the "scheduled weather" from NOAA (a branch of defense contractor Raytheon) was completely changed. As the West was finally allowed to cool off a bit, parts of the South and the East immediately went into record warm territory.

Glaring Radio Frequency Storm Manipulation Shows Up On Satellite

My thanks to the activist that sent the 1 minute video below. The radar loop it shows glaringly exposes the extreme weather influence of ground based radio frequency transmitters. The global climate system is being torn to shreds from so many directions and sources that there is virtually no natural or unattained weather left at this point. In addition to affecting the weather, the radio frequency transmissions are detrimental to the health of living organisms. Many people do not yet understand that the HAARP facility in Alaska is only one of perhaps 24 or more large ground based ionosphere heater installations. Even if the Alaska transmitter closes, there are so many more. There are also the SBX radar facilities (sea based x-band radar) which are another part of the weather modification arsenal of insanity. All radar images and loops are now normally heavily filtered to screen out visible evidence of the ongoing climate engineering operations, sometimes the filters malfunction and evidence is captured. Again, my sincere gratitude to the activist that captured these images.The scope and scale of environmental modification weapons is immense, its up to all of us to help expose and stop it. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

HAARP Used To Suppress Cyclones

Though "killing" a hurricane may sound like a very beneficial thing for the weather makers to do, is it really helping the planet and humanity overall? Earth is trying desperately to cool herself. When the entire climate system is already being manipulated in a way that is making the overall warming worse, would hurricane "Norbert" even have occurred in the first place if climate engineering were not taking place? And if the geoengineers suppress this particular storm (which again is the planet's attempt to cool itself), won't another cyclone just pop up in its place somewhere else? In addition, crushing the hurricanes is reducing the mixing of the seas which is causing ocean stratification. Hurricane suppression is also reducing atmospheric humidity and thus adding to drought tendencies in various locations. Doesn't anyone wonder why the US has not had major hurricane impacts in recent years while the rest of the planet is getting hammered? Hampering natural life support systems inevitably does nothing but harm. This is true with the human body and it is true with the planet. The power structure is quite literally playing God with the Earth's life support systems, we will all pay the price if they continue. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Was HAARP A Factor In The Fukushima Earthquake?

Compelling evidence exists in regard to the potential use of the global ionosphere heater installations to trigger the devastating Japanese earthquake of 2011. For many, the notion that this kind of power is even possible is beyond what they are willing to believe. Having done substantial research on this issue myself, I would caution against a face value rejection of the potential ionosphere heater involvement in the quake as available data makes clear it's entirely possible if not completely likely. Transmitting 3,500,000,000 watts of ELF power into the planet in a sysmically sensitive zone can have catastrophic effects, available science makes this clear for those that are willing to do the research. Even internationally recognized institution like MIT and their publication "Technology Review" has acknowledged unexplainable atmospheric anomalies right above the quake epicenter just prior to the quake. All of us must challenge our perception of reality when there is compelling enough data to justify it. I wish to mention the following occurrence just for the record. I am certainly not saying this occurrence proves anything, I am simply saying it is a fact, it happened.  I was called by an individual living at sea level on the California coast on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. This person asked me if I was aware of any predicted tsunami in the coming days that could affect her. She stated that she had a call from a relative in US Army intelligence that told her to be away from the coast on Friday (March 11, 2011) as she could be in danger. She knew I was involved with research relating to global climate modification which included the global ionosphere heater facilities. She also knew a bit about the potential for these facilities to trigger seismic activity. All this being said, I did not consider her question a concern, I have heard a lot of things from a lot of people. I was completely shocked to wake up Friday morning, March 11 and find out about the Japanese quake and the tsunami warning for the California coast. I will end with this, the military industrial complex is clearly totally out of control and putting all life on Earth at risk. We must all hold off on coming to conclusions on anything until we have actually examined the facts. If the facts dictate challenging and radical conclusions, we must be willing to look with open eyes.     Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Microwaving Planet Earth

At the bottom of this post, there are several good examples of tall microwave towers , and RADAR stations HEATING THE SKY above the transmitters…. melting snow high in the atmosphere… inducing storms….. even vaporizing  / mitigating storms.

Geoengineering Weather

This essay begins with a question:  is “global warming”, aka “climate change” a diversion from weather modification by geoengineering, including HAARP, chemtrails, and microwave pulses?

Possible HAARP Locations Around The World

Most people never even heard of HAARP, but fact is, HAARP installations exist and are most likely than not, responsible for a lot of foul weather and earthquakes in the past 15 years. Investigate and you will find the facts. Or just stay ignorant and blissful. It’s up to you./p>


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