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Climate Engineering, Runaway Climate Collapse, Dead Judges, And The Push Toward WWlll, What’s The Connection

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Connecting the dots involves standing back far enough to examine the bigger picture, all are a part of the picture. End games are being played out on many fronts as the walls close in from every direction. The quest for total control (including the weather), pursuing remaining resources, and the collapsing climate system, all are intertwined. Western power centers and their allies are rapidly running out of options and are now pushing toward WWlll with the proxy war in Syria. The Turkish offensive against the Kurds (the most effective force fighting ISIS) is the most recent and glaring example of increasingly naked NATO aggression. Why would a NATO power attack the very force that is most effectively fighting ISIS? Why would a NATO country shoot down a Russian Fighter Jet that was engaged in bombing ISIS? Because Turkey is (and has been) actively doing business with ISIS. Because ISIS being used as a tool for Western governments (and their allies) who are trying desperately to overthrow Assad in order to continue the advance of their Eurasia conquest before the biosphere completely collapses. The "Grand Chessboard" is being played out. Is there a connection between the most recent abrupt act of total aggression on the part of NATO powers and collapsing Arctic sea ice? The timing of these events almost directly coincides. Arctic ice is now at record low levels) and plunging further lower by the day)? Is there any connection between the recent unexpected (and suspicious) death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and the unfolding events already mentioned? Is it just another coincidence that Scalia's death will likely completely alter the outcome of the proposed Obama Climate change agenda that was just struck down by the Supreme  Court only days before Scalia's death? Was a further ramping up of the ongoing geoengineering assault a part of the administrations plans behind the scenes? Why are Arctic sea ice levels so critically important? As the Arctic ice extent implodes massive methane hydrate deposits are thawing and releasing into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane levels are at record high levels and growing by the day. The Arctic ice methane release feedback loop has very real and very immediate ramifications for the human race and all life on Earth. Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas (over a ten year time horizon) than Co2. The atmospheric methane is expanding and covering the planet like a heat trapping layer of glass.  In addition to the methane buildup, atmospheric levels of Co2 are also exploding. This is especially true throughout the northern hemisphere. The ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is not only NOT HELPING to mitigate the unfolding climate disintegration (as the proponents of geoengineering programs would have us believe), it is making an already bad climate scenario exponentially worse (2014 was a record warm year, 2015 broke that record, 2016 will break the record again). Rapidly worsening weather whiplash is battering the biosphere. All available data makes clear that climate engineering is only adding fuel to the overall planetary meltdown. Why would this be any surprise? But what about the record cold temperatures that just occurred in parts of the Eastern US? The corporate mainstream media weapons of mass distraction will do their best to trumpet the very brief chemically nucleated cool-down, but where are we going from here in regard to US temperatures? Right back to record shattering warmth for much of the country. Overall global temperatures escalations are accelerating rapidly. The constant engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US have been used to manipulate the perception of the population in regard to the true state of the climate damage already done. Climate engineering/weather warfare is the greatest and most immediate threat faced by the human race (and all life) short of nuclear cataclysm. The unimaginably destructive and highly toxic geoengineering atmospheric spraying programs can be directly linked to the rapidly unfolding conflict and chaos that is occurring and escalating around the globe. The environmental and human health impacts from the climate engineering assault are already far beyond catastrophic. These impacts are completely connected to unfolding global conflict.  We all have a responsibility to examine the facts, and to sound the alarm. Make your voice heard.  DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineered Mass Distraction, “Winter Storm Jonas”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The total desperation of the the global power structure and the geoengineers is manifesting into ever higher levels. There is no question that global climate engineering is a weapon mass destruction, but it must be considered (and remembered) that weather/modification (AKA weather warfare) is also a weapon of mass distraction. What are those in power trying so desperately to hide? Much more than the public wants to know or is willing to accept (on many fronts). The massive corporate media hype about "winter storm Jonas" started immediately before the global release of headlines like the one below from The Washington Post. It's Official: 2015 "Smashed" Global Temperature Records, It Wasn't Even Close Let's rewind almost exactly one year from the headline above, and move to a previous headline (also from The Washington Post) that is a near mirror image of this year's headlines. It's Official, 2014 Was The Hottest Year In Recorded History What were the weather-makers up to after this headline was released around the globe from countless media sources a year ago? The same thing they are doing right now with "winter storm Jonas". They were doing their best to completely eclipse dire news stories by manufacturing "winter storm Juno" in January of 2015. How parallel can these two scenarios be? What else is the massive media hype about "winter storm Jonas" helping to hide? The global economy is crashing and it's not coming back. This is not a bump in the road for industrialized society, it is the descent to the end of the road. The delusion is shattering, perpetual expansion on a finite planet with finite resources was never sustainable and it is reaching its breaking point. Global shipping is skidding to a halt, economies around the globe will follow. There are many other headlines those in power would like to hide including the poising of the population in Flint, Michigan and the rapidly worsening gas leak disaster in Southern California. And then of course there is the ongoing Fukushima cataclysm which continues to worsen and which those in power wish to obscure with headlines of mass distraction. Back to "winter storm Jonas", how engineered is it? Completely. If you don't believe winter storms can be engineered, think again. The power structure controlled "Weather Channel" has been tasked with hyping the manufactured winter weather to the maximum degree possible. One of the ways The Weather Channel accomplishes this is by assigning theatrical names to the engineered winter weather. The 2015-2016 list of "winter storm" names is below. The beginning of "winter storm Jonas" is documented in the map below. On the so called "warm side" of the "winter storm" there were temperatures in the 70s with a threat of tornados and thunderstorms. Then, heading further into the chemically ice nucleated "winter storm", there is a transition zone where the chemically nucleated materials reach the ground before freezing. These "ice storm" zones have now become the norm due to the constant engineering of "winter weather" events. Still farther into the chemically nucleated "snow storm", a layer of cooler dense air builds in depth (from the cooling endothermic reaction of the nucleating materials), the generally large flakes of "heavy wet snow" begin to form and fall. Thundersnow" is related to the chemical nucleation of warmer convective rain bands that would not have produced frozen precipitation without the artificial/chemical nucleation process. Those that don't believe jet aircraft are spraying in our skies, (as part of the ongoing global climate engineering programs) have simply not objectively investigated. Though the western powers continue to completely deny the ongoing climate engineering, China has openly admitted to engineering snowstorms in the past, though they have since also gone covert with their operations. The low pressure center and moisture feed for "winter storm Jonas" (shown in the map below) is feeding directly off of record warm oceans. The Weather Channel actors that masquerade as meteorologists are having an ever more difficult time covering the tracks of the geeoengineers. Watching them try to explain away the "warm side" of the "winter storm" (complete with thunderstorms and tornados) is troubling. Weather systems are being chemically ice nucleated all over the globe. As "Jonas" is migrated north toward its target area, the chemically nucleated "ice storm" zones will expand and likely do significant damage as reflected in the graphic below. The next forecast map below shows "Jonas" hitting home Saturday morning. With the warm flow of moisture coming off the Atlantic the temperatures along the coast are far above freezing. As outlined earlier, there is an "ice storm" transition zone where the chemical nucleation materials are still reaching the ground before freezing. Further into the "winter storm" (as the chemical nucleating materials are sprayed over the precipitation cells), some cooler air accumulates from the chemically reacting materials and thus facilitates the formation of the "heavy wet snow". The headlines of mass distraction sought by the power structure and the geoengineers are thus achieved. The "snow line" within the engineered winter storms now has little to do with elevation, rather, it is related to a particular side of the "winter storm"(the "warm" or the "cold" side). A word of caution about the chemically nucleated frozen precipitation, don't eat it. Main stream media sources have already sent out a warning against eating the snow, though they won't admit to the most significant source of contamination in the snow, climate engineering fallout. What is the final result of this massive climate engineering effort? The most populated urban centers of the most populated zones in the country are hit the hardest with the completely engineered winter weather. The desired headlines are thus created, maximum public distraction and political impact is achieved. Conveniently, Washington DC and Baltimore are at the center of the "Jonas" bullseye. What is the latest and most compelling update on the actual overall state of the global climate? The just released 30 second animation below is a stark and shocking glimpse of a reality that much of the public still does not know, understand, or believe. While the climate engineers manufacture weather in major US population centers, the Arctic continues into meltdown. The "departure from

Climate Engineering And The “Coming Ice Age” Narrative

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org When a society has been very successfully polarized by decades of carefully crafted propaganda, beliefs and wishful thinking can (and all too often do) take the place of actual investigation and fact based conclusions. Belief systems and biases can become so powerful that they completely override and block out evident and readily verifiable realities. The "coming ice age" false narrative is an epic example of blatant disinformation that has been pushed by special interest groups with an agenda of creating division and confusion within the population. Confusion and division in regard to the true state of the climate is exactly what the global power structure and the climate engineering cabal want to achieve. What is the real big picture on the front lines of the climate unraveling? Hurricane "Alex"  was an unprecedented January hurricane, and a harbinger of what is to come. Its impact on the Arctic ice was not covered by mainstream media. Hurricane Alex appears to have further fueled the ongoing extreme Greenland ice melt, even in the middle of winter. Geoengineering/solar radiation managment, and the global dimming chemical cloud cover effect it is creating, are also worsening the Greenland melt as recent studies prove. We’ve seen unprecedented above-freezing temperatures at the North Pole coincident with record low daily sea ice extents. We’ve seen global temperatures hitting new, very extreme record highs. We’ve seen climate change related storms raging across the globe — flooding both the UK and the Central US, firing off record hurricanes during January in both the Pacific and the Atlantic — even as other regions swelter under record heat and drought. Now, it appears that Greenland is also experiencing an unprecedented melt during wintertime. Over the past few days, just such a major heat-up has been underway across a large section of Western Greenland. Warm winds flowing off the North Atlantic — driven by hurricane Alex’s merging with powerful lows south of Greenland — have roared up over the southern coastal ranges. Meanwhile, warm, tropical air has infiltrated northward over Baffin Bay. The net result is temperatures approaching 20-40 degrees Fahrenheit above average (16 to 22 C above average) over a broad region of Western Greenland. As the geoengineers orchestrate an early year cool-down in the Eastern US (in order to create the winter weather headlines they desperately need to fuel the climate confusion), the Arctic continues its ongoing meltdown with far above normal temperatures. The corporate controlled media do not show temperature maps that cover the entire planet and which reflect the "departure from normal high temperatures" (like the map above). For this reason most populations continue to be blind to the bigger picture. What about the "coming ice age" headlines that are seen on some news sites? The narrative is as far from reality as it could be. Excerpts from the most recent study on Earth's cycles of glaciation are below. The advent of industrial society has since raised this level to about 400ppm. Add another 1,000 to 1,500 gigatonnes of carbon to the atmosphere, and the next ice age is virtually guaranteed to be postponed by 100,000 years, the Potsdam scientists say. "The bottom line is we are basically skipping a whole glacial cycle, which is unprecedented," Andrey Ganopolski, who led the research team, told the Guardian. "It is mind-boggling that humankind is able to interfere with a mechanism that shaped the world as we know it." The study reinforces the assertion that the Earth has entered a so-called Anthropocene geological age, marked by humanity's impact on the planet. An international scientific panel is working towards formally classifying the new epoch, with the middle of the 20th century suggested as a potential starting point for the new era. What is coming for the US after the current climate engineering cool-down passes? The NOAA "forecast" map above is for the last week of January, 2016 and predicts above normal temperatures for the entire country with far above normal temperatures in many regions. Each color band represents 2-3 degrees above normal. This map is no less than alarming and is a clear reflection of the rapidly warming planet. The intensifying "weather whiplash" is a direct result of the ever more desperate and destructive geoengineering insanity.  How do we effectively fight back against the global climate engineering/weather warfare assault?  We start by learning to recognize blatantly false and theatrically hyped headlines, and completely engineered weather events. To do otherwise is to "toe the line" for the the geoengineers and the power structure they are a part of. Discovering the truth is not about believing anyone, it is about doing some real unbiased investigation from the front lines. Credibility is crucial in the battle to expose and halt global geoengineering, the greatest and most immediate threat faced by the human race short of nuclear cataclysm. The planet heating at blinding speed, geoengineering is helping to fuel the overall fire.  Make your voice heard in this most critical effort for the greater good. DW

What Scientists Just Discovered In Greenland Could Be Making Sea-Level Rise Even Worse

Source: The Washington Post, Written By Chelsea Harvey This NASA animation shows Greenland's ice mass loss from January 2004 to June 2014. (NASA) Rising global temperatures may be affecting the Greenland ice sheet — and its contribution to sea-level rise — in more serious ways that scientists imagined, a new study finds. Recent changes to the island’s snow and ice cover appear to have affected its ability to store excess water, meaning more melting ice may be running off into the ocean than previously thought.

The 2015 Wildfire Season Set an Ominous Record

Source: Climate Central The U.S. as a whole may finally be feeling winter’s chill, but the newly released 2015 wildfire numbers serve as a reminder of how hot and smoky the past year was. The National Interagency Fire Center’s numbers vividly illustrate how 2015 was a record setter. U.S. wildfires scorched 10.12 million acres. Annual acreage burned by wildfires in the U.S. since 1970 That bests the previous mark of 9.87 million acres set in 2006, and it's the first time wildfire acreage burned has crossed the 10-million acre threshold. The impacts of climate change mean that the threshold will likely be crossed more often in the coming century as wildfire season lasts longer and sparks more large fires.

The Storm That Will Unfreeze the North Pole

Source: The Atlantic It caps off a month—and year—of weird weather. The sun has not risen above the North Pole since mid-September. The sea ice—flat, landlike, windswept, and stretching as far as the eye can see—has been bathed in darkness for months. But later this week, something extraordinary will happen: Air temperatures at the Earth’s most northernly region, in the middle of winter, will rise above freezing for only the second time on record. On Wednesday, the same storm system that last week spun up deadly tornadoes in the American southeast will burst into the far north, centering over Iceland. It will bring strong winds and pressure as low as is typically seen during hurricanes. That low pressure will suck air out of the planet’s middle latitudes and send it rushing to the Arctic. And so on Wednesday, the North Pole will likely see temperatures of about 35 degrees Fahrenheit, or 2 degrees Celsius. That’s 50 degrees hotter than average: It’s usually 20 degrees Fahrenheit below zero there at this time of year.

Geoengineering Is Fueling Blindingly Rapid Climate Shift

The final week of 2015 may bring temperatures to the North Pole as much as 75 degrees above normal (complete report on this is below). At the same time the completely engineered "cool-downs" continue in the US. How far does the scale need to tilt before people begin to open their eyes? The vast majority of global populations are still completely oblivious to the gravity and immediacy of what is unfolding around us all. Epidemic denial is theme of the day on all sides of the climate issue. The reality is this, the "worst case" predictions of the climate science community fall far short of how severe the climate situation actually is. Some, astoundingly, deny that there is any problem with the climate system at all, even while the planet descends into total meltdown. Others (like most of academia) acknowledge the damaged climate but refuse to admit to the ongoing global geoengineering programs. In May of 2014, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius stated we had "500 days to avoid climate chaos". “And very important issues, issue of climate change, climate chaos. And we have – as I said, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos, and I know that President Obama and John Kerry himself are committed on this subject and I’m sure that with them, with a lot of other friends, we shall be able to reach success on this very important matter,”  the foreign minister said. What did Fabius know that was not disclosed? How could the human race possibly avoid such "climate chaos" given the degree of damage already done to the planet and the climate system from countless sources of anthropogenic activity?  Was Fabius betting on the delusional hope of geoengineering saving the day and helping us to avoid the "climate chaos" he referred to? After 70 years of climate engineering/weather warfare, all available data makes clear the conclusion that geoengineering is wreaking immense havoc on an already decimated climate system. The equation we face is as non-linear as it could be. Unfolding climate cataclysms are already overturning the paradigm we have all formerly known. Man's decades long intentional intervention with the climate system (global geoengineering/solar radiation management programs) are only further fueling the climate destruction. The final week in 2015 will likely bring completely unprecedented and highly destructive conditions to the Arctic (and elswhere). We all have a responsibility to help in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard. Though the report below does not admit to the climate engineering elephant in the room, the front line data is still completely relevant, and absolutely shocking. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Warm Arctic Storm To Hurl Hurricane Force Winds at UK and Iceland, Push Temps to 72+ Degrees (F) Above Normal at North Pole Source: robertscribbler We’ve probably never seen weather like what’s being predicted for a vast region stretching from the North Atlantic to the North Pole and on into the broader Arctic this coming week. But it’s all in the forecast — an Icelandic low that’s stronger than most hurricanes featuring a wind field stretching over hundreds and hundreds of miles. One that taps warm tropical air and hurls it all the way to the North Pole and beyond during Winter time. And it all just reeks of a human-forced warming of the Earth’s climate… Freak North Atlantic Storm Featuring Extremely Low Pressures Today, a powerful, hurricane force low pressure system is in the process of rounding the southern tip of Greenland. This burly 960 mb beast roared out of an increasingly unstable Baffin Bay on Christmas. As it rounded Greenland and entered the North Atlantic, it pulled behind it a thousand-mile-wide gale force wind field even as it lashed the tip of Greenland with Hurricane force gusts. To its east, the storm now links with three other lows. Lows that are, even now, drawing south-to-north winds up from a region just west of Gibraltar, on past the UK, up beyond Iceland, over Svalbard, and into the Arctic Ocean itself. (GFS forecasts predict a storm bombing out between 920 and 930 mb over Iceland by Wednesday. It’s a storm that could rival some of the strongest such systems ever recorded for the North Atlantic. But this storm’s influence is unique in its potential to shove an unprecedented amount of warm air into the Arctic. A warm storm for the Arctic Winter time. Image source: Earth Nullschool.) Over the next few days these three lows are predicted to combine into a storm the likes of which the far North Atlantic rarely ever sees. This storm is expected to center over Iceland. But it will have far-reaching impacts ranging from the UK and on north to the pole itself. As the lows combine, GFS predicts them to bomb out into an unprecedentedly deep low featuring 920 to 930 mb (and possibly lower) minimum central pressures by this coming Wednesday. These pressures are comparable to the very extreme storm systems that raged through the North Atlantic during the Winter of 2013. Systems that featured minimum pressures in the range of 928 to 930 mb. It’s worth noting that the lowest pressure ever recorded for the North Atlantic occurred in the much further southward forming Hurricane Wilma at 882 mb. In the far north, a January 11 1993 storm between Iceland and Scotland featured 913-915 mb pressures. It’s worth noting that the GFS model currently puts the predicted storm within striking distance of setting a new record for the far north. Meanwhile, ECMWF models predict a somewhat less extreme low in the range of 940 mb. By comparison, Hurricane Sandy bottomed out at around 940 mb as well. Regardless of peak strength, the expected storm is predicted to be both very intense and wide-ranging as both model forecasts feature numerous lows linked in chain with a much deeper storm center near Iceland. Among these and further north, two more strong lows in the range of 965 to 975 mb will round out this daisy chain of what is now shaping up to be a truly extreme storm system. The Icelandic

Climate Engineering And Polar Meltdown, How Long Has It Been Going On?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org I recently posted a historical copy of "Popular Science" from June of 1958, which contained a feature article warning about the use of "Weather As A Weapon". There were a number of important informational declarations made that warrant critical clarification and investigation. "Control of Earth's weather and temperature is within the realm of practicability now" says Dr. Joseph Kaplan, chairman of the International Geophysical Year. …present knowledge lists seven possible ways of changing weather on a global scale………..All of these methods would regulate the distribution of heat in different parts of the Earth's atmosphere. This is the basis of global weather control. The next excerpt from the Popular Science publication is extremely important to consider. Air Force scientists are already experimenting with sodium vapor , ejected from jet planes, to intercept solar radiation (solar radiation management). Other gases would admit solar radiation but trap heat reflected back from earth. The last half-century, during which we have burned huge amounts of fossil fuels, has shown what an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide can do. The amount spewed from chimneys and automobiles has created a so called "greenhouse effect," which has raised Earth's temperature by an estimated two degrees Fahrenheit—- a significant rise.  Dr. Joseph Kaplan (chairman of the International Geophysical Year) stated the following in the Popular Science article: This so-far accidental result (rapid warming of Earth) is already serious, and we must find a means to counteract it. Melting polar ice will make ocean levels rise at least 40 feet, and inundate vast areas in the next 50 or 60 years unless atmospheric temperatures are controlled. Again, it is important to understand who Kaplan was, the chairman of the "International Geophysical Year", an exceptionally important event that gathered scientists from around the world to discuss the state of the planet. The  global geoengineering card was played many decades ago. The campaign of total deception to hide this fact has been carried out for many decades. The whole of the climate science and meteorological communities can only be put in one of two categories. They are either lying to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended, or they are criminally ignorant to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended. Certainly we must consider that many in the science community are being threatened into silence or into lying, others are being muzzled with federal "gag" orders. Those in power (and the military/industrial complex they control) have long since known the planet was rapidly heating due to anthropogenic activities. Gases that enter the atmosphere stay there, they don't just float off into outer space as some seem to have chosen to believe. The historical photographs below show the already profound early signs of Arctic warming and polar meltdown as far back as 1959. USS "Skate" (SSN-578), surfaced at the North Pole, 17th of March, 1959 (NavSource naval history) Two US submarines surfaced at the North Pole in August, 1962 (NavSource naval history) Greenhouse gases have an impact on Earth's energy balance, there is no other possible outcome. There is (and had been) an ongoing toxic tug of war between atmospheric aerosols and the buildup of greenhouse gases. This fact is scientifically undisputed. The current rate of planetary warming is equal to the thermal energy of 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs per second, or 400,000 a day. In order to keep the military industrial complex juggernaut of insanity rolling forward, and to keep the myth of perpetual expansion on a finite planet going, those in power long ago unleashed the climate engineering insanity without the knowledge or consent of the people. Examine the graph below carefully. Note that the protracted warming of the planet hit a profound peak in the mid 1940s. Unexplainably, it then declined radically and leveled out until the mid 70s. Many sources now admit this cooling was due to atmospheric aerosols, though no mainstream source will admit to geoengineering as the primary source of the aerosols.  The post WWll comencement of climate engineering is clearly visible on global temperature graphs. The power structure deployed the first large scale geoengineering efforts immediately after WWll. Massive historical congressional reports and presidential reports prove climate engineering has been conducted since the mid 1940s. The warming of the planet was temporarily slowed (till the mid 70s) due to the short term cooling effect of injecting of aerosols into the atmosphere (as mentioned earlier in this article). The toxic battle between the buildup of greenhouse gases and the loading of the atmosphere with light scattering particles was underway. Arctic sky, photo credit: Thomas Laupstad The poles were an initial target for heavy spraying, likely for a number of reasons. These remote locations are out of sight and out of mind, and are also the temperature regulators for the planet. An unusual and unexpected "Arctic haze" was first reported as early as the 1950s, though the true primary source of this haze was not admitted to. The cooling of the Arctic was initially profound, until the catastrophic consequences of climate engineering began to manifest. The graph above clearly reflects the anomalous downturn in Arctic temperatures that occurred in the initial three decades after climate engineering was commenced. As the continued greenhouse gas buildup and ozone destruction effects began to overwhelm the cooling effect of the highly toxic geoenginering aerosols, Earth again began to warm rapidly, especially in the Arctic circle. Arctic sea temperatures are now the warmest on record. This factor is causing formerly frozen methane deposits to thaw and release, furthering the buildup of greenhouse gasses (this is one of many unfolding feedback loops that have now been triggered). Arctic ice extent hit record low levels in 2015. The geoengineers have continually increased the scope and scale of the ongoing aerosol spraying in a catastrophic attempt to compensate. The climate engineering creed is to relentlessly "double down" and thus they are plowing forward with their expanding course of planetary decimation to this day. The length the climate engineers are now going to in their attempt to retain what is left of the Arctic sea can only be categorized as unimaginably desperate and completely destructive to the biosphere overall.  Global temperatures have gone exponentially upward. The

Winter Storms With Record Heat, What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org As strong plumes of moisture flow in off of the record warm Pacific ocean, heavy aerosol spraying of chemical ice nucleating materials begin the cool-down that is paving the way for "winter storm Ferus", the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal. The combination satellite radar image below reveals the flow of Pacific moisture over the Western US. It also reveals the extremely long plume of moisture and aerosolized cloud cover spanning from far out into the Eastern Pacific, all the way to Greenland. The brighter the white of the cloud cover, the more aerosolized it is.  The composition of the ever expanding aerosolized cloud canopies are very different than natural cloud formations. Some "streaking" can be seen on the image above from the constant aerosol dispersions. The aerosolization/chemical nucleation process (causing an endothermic reaction) dries up much of the moisture and scatters it over a much broader area. What is the result? A "winter snow storm" from a flow of moisture that originated over record warm ocean temperatures of the Pacific. The climate engineers are looking for "winter" headlines to counter the current record warmth in the Eastern US,  down under in Australia, and even unprecedented winter forest fires in places like Spain. Record forest fires are now occurring during all seasons and all over the planet. Click HERE for a photo gallery of the fires in Spain. In spite of all the global hot spots, (and the increasingly rapid overall planetary warming), the climate engineers are throwing everything they can at "winter storm Ferus". Naming the engineered "winter storms" dramatizes the headlines, the desired effect for the geoengineers and the power structure controlled Weather Channel. Does the scenario in the NOAA map below look in any way "normal"? The current scenario is the exact antithesis of the previous three winters in the US, it is completely engineered. The geoengineers are becoming increasingly blatant and desperate as the unraveling of the climate system continues to pick up momentum. A record warm Christmas is likely in the very locations that had record cold and record snow only last year. How warm will it likely be in the Eastern US? The air temperature map below should be a wake up call. The actual temperatures are likely to be even higher than the "official" forecasts and the "official" daily high readings reported. Underreporting of temperature readings is now becoming the norm as the power structure desperately tries to hide the full gravity of what is unfolding around us all (while making the situation even worse at the same time). What are the long term global temperature trends?  Multiple record graphing sources and an endless flow of frontline data paint a clear picture. Though the flow of disinformation in regard to the true state of the climate is epidemic, people must learn to look behind the headlines and the sources used to make them. Frontline data is the bottom line, those who truly want to get at the truth will take the time to examine such data. The rate of planetary warming is beyond dire, geoengineering is making the situation far worse, not better. Thousands of high temperature records have been set in the US during the last two weeks, many more will fall before the end of 2015. This will be the warmest year on record with temperatures shattering the former record set only last year. 2016 will likely break the record yet again. Even the world's lakes are heating and dying. Massive methane releases may have already pushed the planet into a runaway greenhouse event, climate engineering has also exacerbated the overall methane scenario. It is imperative for populations to wake up and realize the immediacy of the challenge we face. The equation could not be more "non-linear". Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic activity decimating the planet and the climate system, global geoengineering is at the top of the list. The extreme temperature imbalances and climate engineering contamination fallout are wreaking havoc on the biosphere and all life. The temperature extremes reflected in the map above are unprecedented.  The extreme heating of ever larger regions is beyond alarming. Many areas of Eastern North America are likely to be as much as 30 degrees above normal by Christmas eve. The planet's ability to support life is rapidly slipping away, what will you do? What will all of us do? Our challenges are many, but exposing and halting climate engineering should be, must be, our top priority. Make your voice heard by passing on credible information to all those around you, to all those that will listen. It is up to all of us to make every day count in this most critical battle. 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More exceptional warmth on the way for the Eastern U.S. during Christmas week

Source: Washington Post The upper air weather pattern is expected to turn abnormally warm again around Christmas. (weatherbell.com) The Eastern United States is just coming off a December “heat wave” . But don’t get too comfortable in your winter coats — another warm-up is expected to peak in the days around Christmas, and it, too, has the potential to topple records. In the short-term, temperatures across the Eastern United States are forecast to dip to around average over the weekend (December 19-20), and in some places a few degrees below average. The Gulf Coast and Florida will see the “coolest” temperatures of the weekend — 10 to 15 degrees below average for this time in December. But this cool pattern will not last. The (brief) cool-down coming this weekend for the Eastern U.S. (weatherbell.com) Starting Monday, forecast models are predicting the pattern will flip back to what we’ve become so accustomed to this month: a warmer than average East and a cooler than average West. [The calendar says December but these flowers could not care less] “Storm systems are forecast to track towards the Great Lakes region,” said Wes Junker, the Capital Weather Gang’s winter weather expert. “Because the flow around storms is counterclockwise, the deep southerly flow to the east of the storms will deliver warm air with southern origins.” This is the same configuration that delivered record-breaking high temperatures to much of the Eastern United States over the weekend. Temperatures were running 20 to even 30 degrees above average between Friday and Monday. According to the National Climate Data Center, a whopping 1,426 record high temperatures have been broken or tied so far this month, over half of which occurred between Friday and Monday. [November was warmest such month on record by a huge margin] The timing of the next warm-up seems to coincide with the days leading up to and around Christmas. The forecast models are in exceptional agreement that temperatures will run 15 to 20 degrees above average — and in some places closer to 30 degrees above average — starting Dec. 23. Temps will continue to run above average in the days after Christmas, just less so. In fact, models are not predicting this warm pattern to really give way until after the month is over. (NOAA) Given the agreement among models — and added certainty with a very strong El Nino continuing in the Pacific — NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center is forecasting a 90 percent chance that temperatures will be above average in the second to last week of December, with “above average” chances that the warmth will continue through the first week of January. [The December full moon falls on Christmas for the firs time in 38 years] While models were homing in on the Midwest for exceptional warmth in the first half of December, the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast appear to be the targets for the last two weeks of December. Temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic have already been running well above average this month, and the final warm punch could break records for warmest December. 70s on Christmas Eve? It’s possible. (tropicaltidbits.com) “Temperatures could again flirt with records in some locations unless clouds and or fog help to hold them down,” Junker said. Forecast highs in New York City are in the mid to upper 60s in the days around Christmas. In Raleigh, N.C., highs in the mid-70s are possible. At Reagan National Airport, D.C.’s official climate monitoring station, the average temperature through Dec. 14 was 50 degrees, more than eight degrees above average. The record warmest December was 45.6 degrees, which was tied between 1889 and 1984, this month will challenge that record thanks to the very warm head-start and the potentially extreme temperature rebound next week. Temperatures are forecast to run up to 30 degrees above average on Dec. 24 and 25, shown here in degrees Celsius. (weatherbell.com)   Source: Washington Post  


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