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Arctic Sea Ice in Steep Descent

Arctic sea ice area is in steep descent, as illustrated by the image below. Sea ice area was only smaller at this time of the year in 2007, for all years for which satellite data are available.

Climate Change: It’s Even Worse Than We Thought

Five years ago, the last report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change painted a gloomy picture of our planet’s future. As climate scientists gather evidence for the next report, due in 2014, Michael Le Page gives seven reasons why things are looking even grimmer

Microbes Teach Humanity a Few Things About Carbon and Mass Extinctions

There have been five mass extinctions recorded in Earth’s geological record thus far. Some scientists posit that due to human activity and changes to climate and carbon dioxide levels, the Earth and its current inhabitants are in the midst of or at least poised on the brink of a sixth. Because of this possibility, researchers often look to the past to see what caused previous mass extinctions in order to understand what could be in store for life on Earth at this time. The most recent information gleaned from geology tells scientists that microbes, one of the tiniest and earliest life forms on the planet, have a few things to teach humanity about carbon, the environment and mass extinctions.

The Vanishing Arctic Ice Cap

Journalism with real independence and integrity is a rare thing. Truthout relies on reader donations – click here to make a tax-deductible contribution and support our work. An Arctic largely devoid of ice, giant methane outbursts causing tsunamis in the North Atlantic, and global sea levels rising by several meters by mid-century sound like the stuff of science fiction.

Melting Arctic Opens New Frontier, Challenges

In this Saturday, March 22, 2014 photo provided by the U.S. Navy, sailors aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS New Mexico tie mooring lines after the submarine surfaces through the arctic ice at Ice Camp Nautilus, north of Alaska. Cracks in polar sea ice are prompting the Navy to break down the camp that provided support for an exercise involving submarines. (U.S. Navy via AP)

Feedbacks in the Arctic

This is more a climate report than a weather report; yet, the extreme weather that did hit the U.K. recently and that is forecast to hit large parts of North America next week may make more people realize that action is needed now. So, please share!

Nature: Human Warming Now Pushing Entire Greenland Ice Sheet into the Ocean

Picture above: Leading edge of the accelerating Zachariae Ice Stream meets the warming and increasingly ice free ocean on August 20 of 2013. Satellite image source: Lance-Modis. Greenland — a vast store of ice three kilometers tall at its center and the final remnant of the Northern Hemisphere’s great glaciers of the last ice age has now begun what is likely an unstoppable rush to the sea. For according to a new report in Nature Climate Change, the last stable region of glacial ice along the Greenland coastline is now accelerating through one of the ice sheet’s largest and deepest outlets — the Zachariae Ice Stream.

Geoengineering, Falsified Data, And Global Warming

Finally some acknowledgment of the data falsification which has helped to hide the true state of the climate. Many have been convinced that data is being cheated to the upside, however, an objective examination of this notion clearly shows the opposite is true.


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