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Canada Struggles with Melting Permafrost as Climate Warms

In 2006, reduced thickness of ice roads forced the Diavik Diamond Mine in Northern Canada to fly in fuel rather than try to transport cargo across melted pathways, at an extra cost of $11.25 million. The mountain pine beetle outbreak in British Columbia—fueled by higher winter temperatures that allow insects to survive—expanded in recent years to be 10 times greater than any previously recorded outbreak in the province. Mortality rates of sockeye salmon, meanwhile, have increased because of higher water temperatures in the Fraser River.

The Giant Methane Monster Lurking

There’s something lurking deep under the frozen Arctic Ocean, and if it gets released, it could spell disaster for our planet. That something is methane.

Arctic Ocean Temperatures Continue to Skyrocket

The mercury continues to rice all over the globe, there will be no hiding the meltdown for much longer. In the meantime, the completely insane and out of control climate engineering programs continue to make an already extremely bad situation far worse still Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Greenland Meltdown Is Accelerating Rapidly

The power structure is still confusing much of the American population about the true state of the climate. A massively geoengineered Eastern US has convinced many the planet is cooling. The completely controlled corporate media machine has fortified this totally false conclusion with well orchestrated headlines, falsified data, and complete omissions of facts from the front lines. The epidemic of “normalcy bias” is still blinding the masses. This must change if we are to have any chance at all. We are all standing on the deck of the Titanic and the water is already up to our knees. There is no shortage of denial in many circles. Climate Scientists deny the all too obvious climate engineering and many anti-geoengineering activists deny that the planet is rapidly warming. All must learn to get past their mental filters and look through a clear lens. Yet again the article below incorrectly omits the issue of climate engineering, but the facts from the ground outlined in the article are never the less accurate and on target based on all recognized sources. We must all constantly examine the wider picture in order to correctly connect the dots. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Scientists Continue To Deny Geoengineering Decimation As Planetary Meltdown Accelerates

Though the data from the ground outlined in the article below is valid, it is ever more incomprehensible that the entire climate science community continues to totally omit any mention of the geoengineering elephant in the room. This being said, the rest of the information contained in articles that are giving up to date reports from the front lines is still valid. We must all learn to sift the baby from the bathwater, to connect the appropriate dots. The climate unraveling and meltdown is accelerating by the day, there will be no hiding the gravity of what we face much longer. As the curtain is pulled back, geoengineering will become ever harder to keep from the public view. We must all look at the wider horizon, not just through the lens of already formed conclusions of reality based on headlines and the opinions of our peers. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering And Rains Of Biblical Proportions, Are They Connected?

Catastrophic flooding is occurring in country after country, now China is in the cross hairs. Rain for 41 days in a row has caused the loss of over 9000 homes . Record floods and record droughts are both being fueled by the absolutely constant spraying of our atmosphere from the ongoing climate engineering programs. The hydrological cycle has been completely derailed while the entire surface of the planet is continuously contaminated by the non stop geoengineering. The scenario we all face is extremely non linear, the climate chaos will accelerate ever more rapidly from here. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Indian Heat Wave Claims Hundreds Of Lives

The recent record-breaking heat wave that scorched much of India last week has claimed at least 169 lives in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the southeast of the country. In the state of Odisha to the north, officials announced Monday that the start of the school year would be delayed by at least 5 days in hopes that the current heatwave would break before students were crowded back into sweltering classrooms. The heatwave has, so far, claimed at least 26 lives in the state.


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