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Extinction Rate Rivals That of Dinosaurs, 2014 Likely Hottest Year Ever

Source: Truthout Recent studies show that current animal extinction rates from anthropogenic climate disruption now rival the extinction that annihilated the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Once again, this month’s survey of the planet shows how climate disruption is continuing to intensify. “The supreme reality of our time is … the vulnerability of our planet.” – John F. Kennedy Recent studies show that current animal extinction rates from anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD) now rival the extinction that annihilated the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Warm Water Rising From the Depths: Much of Antarctica Now Under Threat of Melt

Source: Robert Scribbler Antarctica. A seemingly impregnable fortress of cold. Ice mountains rising 2,100 meters high. Circumpolar winds raging out from this mass of chill frost walling the warm air out. And a curtain of sea ice insulating the surface air and mainland ice sheets from an increasingly warm world. A world that is now on track to experience one of its hottest years on record.

Ocean Heat Drives Surge to Global Warming Record

Source: Truthdig LONDON—It’s official, even though it won’t be conclusive for a few months yet: if present trends continue, 2014 will be one of the hottest years on record—and quite possibly the hottest of them all.

Warm Arctic Winds Rip Polar Vortex in Half, Blast East Face of Greenland Ice Sheet

Source: Robert Scribbler Last night, at around 9 PM Eastern Time, a broad region just south of the North Pole was undergoing an extraordinary warm-up. Temperatures along the 37 W Longitude line just 80 miles south of the pole had surged to 33 degrees Fahrenheit. A reading warmer than a region of central Michigan thousands of miles to the south but running over an area of sea ice more accustomed to -5 F or lower temperatures during the great dark of the December night.

Andes glaciers, ailing giants hit by climate change

Source: Times of India ANTISANA VOLCANO: Like ailing giants, the tropical glaciers of the Andes Mountains are melting at worrying speed, raising scientists’ fears that many will disappear before anything can be done to save them.

Viewing Climate Engineering Through A Clear Lens

Many that claim to be in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering are forcefully and slanderously pushing the exact narrative given to them by the very power structure which is itself behind the geoengineering. Those that are pushing the well funded disinformation also spend much of their time slandering any who dare to dispute their unsupportable and incorrect conclusions. Posting inaccurate and false data does much harm in the fight against geoengineering. It costs our cause much credibility and creates much division. This being said, the more of us there are who do look at solid and verifiable data from proven sources, and post the same, the better we can advance the credibility of the anti-climate engineering movement. Some recent and important links to understand and share are below. I realize many are still struggling with their disdain for Gore and those like him (Gore is a hypocrite and is himself a part of the global power structure), but we must all get past that. Reality has nothing to do with such bias. Who would want us all to think that looting, pillaging, and plundering the planet has no negative effect or consequence? Who would want us to think that all the cool-downs are natural? Who wants to keep “business as usual”? Who would want to hide the magnitude of what is unfolding till the last moment? Bias and preconception is tough to get rid of, but we must all keep polishing the lenses through which we see the world. We MUST NOT throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sharing credible data with qualifying commentary is important for all of us to do as our time permits. The planet is not just warming, it’s in meltdown. Huge and well funded special interests are doing their best to hide this fact and the climate engineers are part of this effort, as is mainstream media. Global climate engineering is making an already bad situation far worse and poisoning all life in the process, let’s all do our best to sound the alarm with credible facts and data. The links below are important to consider in this effort, these links are the point of this post. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/11/141129075729.htm http://mediamatters.org/blog/2012/11/28/meet-the-climate-denial-machine/191545 http://www.skepticalscience.com/Mercury-Rising-2014-Likely-to-Surpass-2010-as-Warmest-Year-on-Record.html http://www.livescience.com/26618-climate-change-denial-koch-donors-trust.html http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/feb/14/funding-climate-change-denial-thinktanks-network http://www.durangobill.com/Swindle_Swindle.html

What Does The Union Of Concerned Scientists Say About Sea Level Rise?

Why is the power structure and the mainstream media they control, trying so hard to confuse the population on the reality of sea level rise? Because if the population truly understood the gravity and immediacy of what is unfolding it would cause an immediate paradigm shift. Those in power are doing their best to delay public awakening as long as possible while they prepare for total collapse. Sea level rise alone will radically alter coastlines around the globe with catastrophic impacts on dozens of major cities located at sea level (this is not to mention all the other impacts from the warming). Mainstream media and special interest organizations have successfully confused many on the warming/cooling issue. The climate engineering insanity has further completely confused the population with highly toxic engineered “cool-downs” which are making the overall warming worse still.  What does the largest independent body of scientists in the world say about sea level rise? It’s happening rapidly and all available data fully supports this fact. Can sea levels rise on a “cooling” planet? No. can formally frozen methane deposits thaw and release on a “cooling” planet? No. Would forests burn to the ground around the globe at a rate many times normal if the planet was cooling? No, again. If the anti-climate engineering community is to gain the credibility necessary to expose and stop geoengineering, we must know the facts so we are standing on solid ground. Climate engineering has been skewing the Earth’s life support systems for over 60 years. The damage from climate engineering has added greatly to the overall damage done to the planet from many forms of human activity. All of us must abandon ideology and stand on facts from the most credible and verifiable sources. Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org

Record Warm Oceans And Eco System Collapse

The climate engineers are confusing some of the population with their jet stream manipulated chemical ice nucleated engineered temporary “cool-downs”, but the bottom line for the temperatures on our planet are the oceans. A cubic meter of sea water can carry 4000 times the thermal energy of a cubic meter of air. Global ocean temperatures are shattering high temperature records month after month (GLOBAL land temperatures are also being shattered). All of this is happening even without an “el nino” event which will sooner or later make the whole situation much worse still. The climate engineers have been actively trying to push back the el-nino by holding the “ridiculously resilient ridge” of high pressure over California. This alters the trade winds which helps to hold in the heat the Pacific Ocean is trying to release. Those that want the truth about the actual state of the climate will examine breaking information with actual statistics and facts from the ground instead of fabricated headlines from people and special interest groups with agendas. In the meantime, the mercury is continuing to rise on planet Earth. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is making an already critical climate situation exponentially worse overall. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering, Freezing The Eastern US While The Planet Fries

The criminal power brokers will continue to do all they can to hide the greatest crime in the history of the human race, global climate engineering. Once a critical mass of the population becomes aware of the ecocide and genocide being fueled by the climate engineering insanity, the wheels of the global elite will grind to a halt as our collective reality overturns. Those in power will do anything and everything they can to keep the public from waking up to what has been done to them, but the lump is getting too big to hide for much longer. The climate is unravelling by the day and geoengineering is speeding up this process dramatically. The engineered “cool-downs” in a few regions come at the cost of a far worsened warming overall. This is not even to mention the decimated ozone layer and a planet that is now completely contaminated even in the most remote areas. The climate engineers are doing their absolute best to keep the toxic engineered winter storms going in the Eastern US. This perpetuates the confusion and division with populations. Radical fluctuations in temperatures and weather conditions are going to continue increasing. How much longer can the bigger picture reality be hidden? Likely not much longer, our planet is descending into meltdown. If enough people get off the bench and help with the effort to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity, and if the planet is then allowed to respond on its own, there may yet be a dim light at the end of the tunnel. Lets all make our voices heard. The article below is only one of many that are now being published by the day. As always, climate engineering is not mentioned, but the reality on the ground still should not be ignored. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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