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Record Heat in Australia Fuels Wildfires, Shuts Down Internet

Source: EcoWatch Australians have good reason to dread the coming of January. It’s the peak of the summer season downunder. In recent years, global warming, driven by climate change, has caused temperatures there to soar to record levels. With temperatures reaching highs of nearly 112 degrees Fahrenheit in some places, wildfires are blazing, hiking trails are being closed, trains are being required to run at slower speeds, and even the Internet is shutting down. It got so hot in Perth—the sixth hottest day on record—that Perth-based Internet provider iiNet went offline Monday, leaving fuming customers across Australia disconnected for six and a half hours. “Due to record breaking temperatures in our Perth data centre earlier today, we shut down our servers as a precautionary measure,” said an iiNet spokesman. “Although redundancy plans ensured over 98 percent of customers remained unaffected, some customers experienced issues reconnecting to the internet. These issues have now been resolved.”

Strong Winds Threaten To Push Sea Ice Out Of Arctic Ocean

Source: Arctic News The lateral viscosity of the thin Arctic sea ice cover continues to lower. In November just one quarter of the high Arctic Ocean basin above 85° north was covered by a thin this winter's ice. This has now doubled, soon covering two quarters. The ice has been pushed away from Russia towards Canada and to the Fram Strait at phenomenal rates. Animation by navy.mil showing 30 days of sea ice thickness, up to January 1, 2015

Year 2014 Pictures Dire Situation

Source: Arctic News The year 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record and the heat is felt most strongly in the polar regions and in the oceans.   Surface Temperatures  

Engineering The Climate To Shape Public Opinion

How does the power structure continue to baffle and confuse the US population as to the true state of the climate? By engineering the weather in a manner that creates the desired headlines at times that will create the most impact in regard to public perception. In the coming week the completely engineered "polar vortex" will return just in time to finish out 2014 and bring in 2015. The timing of this completely engineered event will deliver just the sort of headlines needed to continue the totally orchestrated bigger picture confusion that has been the hallmark of the American population in regard to the true state of the climate. My thanks to Roger Landry for outlining the climate engineering deception that is being used to mask an unfolding global cataclysm while at the same time actually contributing to the very cataclysm itself. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Engineered Winter, The Toxic Deception

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   How long can the climate engineers confuse and divide the US population with completely manipulated "winter storms"? The latest is "winter storm Eris" as named by the power structure owned Weather Channel. Also controlling the flow of climate information to the public is the Rothschilds owned Weather Central. Artificially/chemically nucleated snow is a primary method by which the weather makers create short term toxic cool-downs. Why are they doing this? Because it creates the headlines that the power structure and its media machine need to help hide the fact that our planet is warming at a runaway pace. A "white Christmas" here and there does much to confuse the public as to what is actually unfolding on the bigger climate picture. This is one of the major purposes of global geoengineering. Extreme jet stream manipulation is a major component of the engineered cool-down of the US.      

2014 Will Be The Hottest Year On Record

Source: 'The Guardian' According to data from NOAA, 2014 is sure to set a new temperature record For those of us fixated on whether 2014 will be the hottest year on record, the results are in. At least, we know enough that we can make the call. According the global data from NOAA, 2014 will be the hottest year ever recorded. I can make this pronouncement even before the end of the year because each month, I collect daily global average temperatures. So far, December is running about 0.5°C above the average. The climate and weather models predict that the next week will be about 0.75°C above average. This means, December will come in around 0.6°C above average. Are these daily values accurate? Well the last two months they have been within 0.05°C of the final official results. What does this all mean? Well, when I combine December with the year-to-date as officially reported, I predict the annual temperature anomaly will be 0.674°C. This beats the prior record by 0.024°C. That is a big margin in terms of global temperatures.

Warming Oceans Are Bleaching Coral Reefs, Putting Ecosystems at Risk

Source: Common Dreams Increase in ocean temperatures 'may not seem like a lot but it makes a big difference to corals,' scientists say by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer   Global warming is 'bleaching' coral reefs across the entire northern Pacific, scientists said Monday, warning that the phenomenon—caused in part by warming ocean temperatures—puts entire ecosystems at risk. "The worst coral bleaching event ever recorded for the Marshall Islands has been occurring since mid-September," Karl Fellenius, a Majuro-based marine scientist with the University of Hawaii told AFP. Major bleaching has also been documented near Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, and Kiribati. "When a coral reef bleaches, it's a lot more than just what happens to the individual corals, it's affecting the entire ecosystem present on that reef." —Mark Eakin, NOAA

Climate Unravelling Accelerates

There are those in government agencies and media that would have us believe the threat posed by Earth's damaged life support systems is still far off. There are even those that completely deny there is anything wrong at all with the environment and the climate. Whatever the motive, agenda, or psychological defense behind such denial, it will very soon be impossible to ignore the catastrophic changes already occurring on our planet. These changes are accelerating by the day and will impact each and every one of us to a degree that is as of yet scarcely comprehended by the public as a whole. All forms of human activity that alter the biosphere or its ecosystems are forms of "geoengineering". Much of the public does not yet understand this. Even in the anti-geoengineering community many still do not want to accept the fact that any and all human activities that are destructive and damaging to the planet or the atmosphere are in a sense forms of "geoengineering" ? Of course, to intentionally attempt to engineer Earth's life support systems is the epitome of human insanity, but again, all forms of human caused damage to the planet or the climate systems must and does have extremely harmful effects. Industrialized society propelled by carbon fuel combustion was never sustainable and will  soon collapse. Rather than fearing this, collapse of the current completely destructive paradigm should be seen as a positive for life on Earth. If the current model of ecocide and genocide continues much longer, there will soon be nothing left to salvage. Our highest priority should be to expose and halt all climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare programs. Nuremberg type trials should then commence for all those who were responsible for these crimes of genocide and ecocide. If we can stop the climate engineering assault on our planet, it will be a quantum leap in the right direction. There will still be immense challenges to face, but if Earth is finally allowed to respond on its own to the damage done, we may yet have a chance to sustain life on our once thriving planet. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

On Track To Total Global Extinction

Very few are willing to face the fact that the human race is on a trajectory for total near term extinction. If we stay on the current course, near term extinction is guaranteed. The 10 minute video below is a glimpse into the dire issue of methane release already underway that will determine all of our futures if it continues. Once formerly frozen methane deposits begin to thaw and gas into the atmosphere, a feedback loop is triggered that perpetuates itself. As more methane is released, more atmospheric heating occurs. This in turn thaws yet more methane and thus the cycle spirals out of control. The methane release is an avalanche of greenhouse gas potential on top of all the damage already done to the planet from countless sources of human activity. The current reality is actually even more dire than this film portrays. The ongoing climate engineering programs are not mitigating this problem, but rather making it worse. In the attempt to hide the unfolding climate and environmental cataclysm from the public for as long as possible, the power structure and the geoengineers are actually fueling the fire overall and effectively poisoning the entire planet in the process. If we are to accurately understand what we face, we must do objective research. It's up to all of us to sound the alarm, this battle cannot be won by the few, all must engage. No matter how dark the horizon is, if we could expose and halt the climate engineering, it would be a giant leap in the right direction. Our planet would then be able to respond on its own to the damage already done rather than being encased in the destructive chains of geoengineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Climate Engineering, Pushing Life Past The Point Of No Return

All available data from the ground paints a very dark horizon for life on planet Earth. Mathematically speaking, on the current trajectory we have no chance. The fact that this is so hard to accept for most people does not negate the reality itself. If one is driving straight toward a cliff at high speed it is easy enough to say that if they do not alter their course they will certainly perish. So what are our options? To radically change the course of civilization as we know it or we will all face the consequences of the collective actions (and inactions) of the human race. So many are in total denial. Even within the ranks of movements that claim to be fighting for the common good, denial is epidemic. How is it possible to believe that our species can perpetually expand and consume resources on a finite planet with finite resources? How can all this activity not have an effect on the equilibrium of the planet’s life support systems? The climate balance of the last 7 to 10 millennia (which was unique in the Earth’s history) has been disrupted from countless causes. Again, mathematically speaking, the single greatest cause appears to be the global climate engineering insanity (though, as already mentioned, there are countless other causes). With this in mind, the article below is an important read for those that truly want to understand just how dire our common dilemma is. When reading the article, and viewing the videos contained in it (also important to do) one must focus primarily on the data presented from the front lines. The fact that some of these scientists are calling for climate engineering to be implemented should not taint the data that reveals the unfolding reality on the ground. We MUST separate the baby from the bathwater. It is impossible to know what the underlying motives are for the scientists calling for climate engineering to be immediately deployed (as if it has not already been going on for over 6 decades). Perhaps they have been threatened, perhaps on this point they are also in denial. Climate engineering has made an already bad situation much worse overall and has poisoned all life in the process. Reviewing the data below is critical for those that want to understand more deeply just how dire and immediate our collective situation is. It is important to understand that climate engineering has helped to bring us to this dark corner. Geoengineering is not a cure but a curse that is even worse than the disease itself. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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