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CBS News Covers Climate Engineering

Though Northern California's ABC station (KQMS Channel 7) and Northern California's primary newspaper (Record Searchlight) blacklisted any coverage of the recent major climate engineering awareness event in Redding California. CBS (to their credit) came all the way from Sacramento to cover the event. Corporate media, of course, does their best to spin and marginalize the geoengineering reality (as they are paid and told to do), the story is still getting out and that is what matters. A 6 minute video and article from CBS news is below. My comments on their article coverage are highlighted in red and placed within the context of the written transcript. I have also listed 4 contact links at the very bottom of this article, which I hope all will utilize in order to express their views on the biased coverage (or lack of coverage) given to the critical climate engineering issue. Two of these links are for the two media outlets that boycotted the important Northern California anti-geoengineering awareness event with 1000 in attendance. The CBS Sacramento link is also included, as is the direct contact for the "scientist" CBS interviewed who did what he is paid to do, lie about and marginalize a completely science based issue. If you choose to message those on the contact list, a non-threatening and articulate manner will best serve our cause. Making our voices heard by those on this list is essential. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Disinformation, Battling Climate Engineering Deniers On National Radio

The more ground we gain in the fight to expose the dire issue of climate engineering, the more disinformation people there will be in this equation. They will aggressively try to slow down our progress and to cast doubt in any way they can. Debating a "double-team" of disinformation characters on a major radio station can make for some interesting conversation. After standing ground with solid information against the ideologue "head in the sand" disinfo host on an earlier show, he invited me back for another session. The second show was to be with his hand picked "expert" who teamed up with the host in an effort to discredit and marginalize the geoengineering reality. The two of them did their best to "debunk" hard geoengineering data, I will leave it up to the viewer to decide the outcome of this "debate". Though the interview was scheduled for a full hour, it seemed the disinformation "tag team" decided to throw in the towel at just over halfway through, when they apparently felt they were losing ground. The host even cuts off one of his own listeners who calls in to agree with the facts I had presented. We should all keep this in mind, deniers want to argue, create dispute, division, and cast doubt. They thrive on this. It is also important to remember that if such ideologues were really looking for the truth, they would have found it long ago. Generally speaking, disputes with people like those described above go nowhere. The best approach with willfully obstinate people is to pass them information and walk away. If they are truly interested in honest investigation they will look, if not, then you will only waste your time and energy in dialog with them. To engage in such disputes only feeds their idiocy. "You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep", as the saying goes. On the occasions when standing ground and debating is worth the time and effort, it is my hope that the national radio show debate in the video below might be of assistance to activists that inevitably find themselves in such exchanges. My most sincere gratitude to Karen Ball for assembling this entire video. Her help is greatly appreciated in this battle. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 19, 2015

The power structure continues to connect the dots of their agenda. After a quick recap of last week's show, this episode will cover a new report from MIT which further confirms the fact that global climate engineering will only make an already bad climate scenario far worse. From catastrophic wildfires to the collapse of the world's forests (over 3 trillion trees have already been lost), the weather related destruction continues. Climate engineering is being used as a weapon of war all over the globe and the Middle East has been a primary battleground. When we consider the "Grand Chessboard" agenda of the global elite, the pieces of the puzzle are more clearly put into place. From the weather warfare used to cause catastrophic drought in a long list of countries (that were then destabilized and toppled), to the rapidly unfolding refugee crisis (that was well planned by those in power), all are pieces to the rapidly unfolding bigger picture. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault, Live Presentation

Governments around the world have long since fully deployed global climate engineering on a scale that cannot truly be comprehended. They decided (without public knowledge or consent) that they had the right to use the atmosphere of our planet to serve their own agendas which amount to nothing less than weather and biological warfare. On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting the global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. The video below is the primary PowerPoint informational presentation given at the event, "Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault". This presentation was given by Dane Wigington, lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault, Live Presentation

Governments around the world have long since fully deployed global climate engineering on a scale that cannot truly be comprehended. They decided (without public knowledge or consent) that they had the right to use the atmosphere of our planet to serve their own agendas which amount to nothing less than weather and biological warfare. On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting the global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. The video below is the primary PowerPoint informational presentation given at the event, "Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault". This presentation was given by Dane Wigington, lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Caught On Film, George H. W. Bush And Monsanto Collaborate On GMO Assault

Our government is nothing more than a state sponsored crime syndicate. Those who lead the cabal of power, and those they serve, exist only to perpetuate their own agendas. The common good is never a consideration for them. From wars of aggression, to global geoengineering, to the creation and forced distribution of genetically modified "Frankenfoods", the power structure does whatever they want because they can. How has the cabal been immune to any repercussions for their actions for so long? Because the general population has so far been unwilling to prioritize the protection of their children's future above their own personal pursuit of pleasure. Now that the walls are closing in from every side, denial and delusion regarding the common threats we face are no longer a refuge from reality. Global geoengineering programs have forced us all to live and breath under toxic skies. The complete contamination of our food supply with genetically modified organisms has forced us all to consume what is not fit to eat. The article and 2 minute film clip below capture the collusion between George H. W. Bush and Monsanto that fully kicked off the ongoing GMO nightmare. This is a stellar example of "business as usual" between the criminals that currently run the world. Educate yourself and help to sound the alarm. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Denial, “Our Government Would Not Do This To Us”

If you have been involved in the struggle to expose and halt climate engineering for any duration, you have certainly heard the "our government would not do this to us" programmed response of total denial. Even in groups who seem to be very aware of government criminality and tyranny, facing the realization that their own government has made them a part of a lethal global atmospheric spraying experiment for decades is just too much for most to even consider. The more material distractions a population has to entertain them and occupy their attention, the deeper into denial they descend. America is a glaring example of this kind of societal programming. The US population may be the last potential counterbalancing force that could have a chance at stopping the runaway juggernaut of global power which is responsible for the ongoing climate engineering insanity and so much more. We must all work together in the critical fight to awaken the masses, to shatter the delusion and denial. The article below is an excellent exposé of societal conditioning and programing. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineered Incineration Is Pushing The Planet Toward Venus Syndrome

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Yet more forest land is being incinerated by raging, unprecedented, and completely out of control wildfires in the US West.  Flames from the "Butte fire" rise over a pasture in Mountain Ranch California on September 11th. Photo credit: RT TV What will it take for the population to wake up and for "official agencies" and "scientists" start telling the truth about the ongoing "climate engineering"? Geoengineering and solar radiation management are sold as mitigation for global warming, but all available data makes clear the fact that these ongoing programs are making an already bad situation far worse, not better. Recent science studies solidly conclude geoengineering can't work for the stated objective of cooling the planet. Geoengineering is weather and biological warfare, nothing less. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control, especially in regard to rapidly growing global populations. Tanker 60, a DC-7, drops on the Lowell Fire. Photo credit: Matthew Rhodes When will the cowardly denial of global geoengineering by "elected officials" (which is parroted by the entire climate science community) come to an end? When will the criminal denial of the climate science community and official agencies give way to the legal and moral obligations they have to inform the public about the climate engineering juggernaut of insanity? Jet aircraft aerosol dispersion Though countless forms of anthropogenic activity has decimated the planet, geoengineering is the single greatest contributing factor to the epic droughts and unprecedented fires which are occurring all over the planet. Geoengineering is the single greatest factor which is stealing precipitation from where it is needed most. This is not just the case in the US West, but is occurring on multiple continents. Geoengineering is the single largest factor causing crop failures around the world.   Shrinking Colorado River is a growing concern for Yuma farmers and millions of other water users. Photo credit: Irfan Khan/ LA Times As the forests burn, and the crops fail, the dangerous buildup of greenhouse gases will continue to fuel the planet towards record heating, catastrophic sea level rise, and mass methane release. Climate engineering is making all these scenarios worse overall, not better. We are already on track for a scenario called Venus Syndrome. Under this scenario climate feedback loops (which fuel a runaway greenhouse event) heat the planet (once triggered) and continue to spiral out of control until the planet becomes a scorched lifeless orb comparable to Venus. 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded globally. 2015 is on track to shatter that record and 2016 will likely break the record yet again. If we remain on the current course near term total global extinction is not just a possibility but a mathematical certainty.  Record shattering fires of unprecedented  intensity are scorching landscapes around the globe. Though the cessation of climate engineering will trigger what is termed "double catastrophe scenario", this is the only way forward. The planet must be allowed to respond on it's own to the damage done without the hindrance of the ongoing highly toxic climate engineering insanity.  Industrialized society has already decimated the planet beyond any chance of recovery to the formerly thriving biosphere we have known, geoengineering is the largest single factor in this destruction. Joining the effort to expose and halt climate engineering is a responsibility that we must all bear, make your voice heard. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 12, 2015

Global biosphere implosion and geo-economic collapse both continue to unfold on countless fronts while the corporate media spin machine tries furiously to keep the public focus completely distracted from any and all dire realities. The 911 event was certainly carried out by terrorists, but which terrorists? Who was responsible for spawning, funding, and arming groups like Al Qaeda? What about ISIS? What critical questions about 911 have yet to be addressed by the criminal cabal that masquerades as the US government? From the 911 events to the skies above our heads, the crimes of the power structure are being exposed rapidly, what will they do as the walls close in on them? Is the world war lll card going to be played? Don't sit out the fight for the common good, educate yourself and make your voice heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Prominent Northern California Neurologist Shows His Support For Anti-Geoengineering Cause

On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Dr. Hamid Rabiee is a primary neurologist in the Redding area. He has shown great courage by even speaking at this anti-geoengineering event. The western medical system is known for pressuring all their doctors to conform with "the system" and the official narrative. Dr. Rabiee also spoke out with other experts in front of the Shasta County board of supervisors in 2014. My gratitude to Dr. Rabiee for his willingness to address the dangers of aluminum nanoparticles in regard to the blood-brain barrier.  The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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