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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 16, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The paradigm shift is well underway and advancing rapidly, how this shift fully unfolds is yet to be determined. Can we still make a difference in the equation? Yes, if we collectively focus on the fight, it is our combined efforts that could yet alter the overall outcome. Total economic collapse is inevitable and likely now very near. I have done my best to make clear many times in the past, financial collapse must follow biosphere collapse. More bad news from the seas, fish populations are crashing and fisheries are being shut down. The global die-off is exploding.  Massive fish die-off on the California Coast Unprecedented emergency financial meetings are taking place that include the attendance of the president of the United States. The endless money printing from central banks has only delayed the implosion that is coming. Ultimately this delay will only make the final impact much more catastrophic as the final remaining resources of the planet are ground up to keep the wheels of industrialized/militarized society moving. The latest installment of GeoengineeringWatch Global Alert News is below. With the horizon darkening rapidly, how do we maintain the motivation to keep marching in the battle for the greater good? What examples has history given us of those who have shown profound strength and courage in the face of unimaginably impossible odds? We have the well known examples of men like Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, and women like Helen Keller, but there are other less known examples that I have found uplifting in times of angst. I have always diligently searched for the inspirational accounts of those who refused to yield in spite of the seemingly insurmountable challenges. Challenges that most truly determine what life is about, and why we are here.  A Native American Olympic runner named Billy Mills ran for his people, not for himself. In one of the longest and most grueling events in the Olympic games, Mills made history in what is considered the greatest Olympic upset of all time. The movie "Running Brave" is the full account of Native American Billy Mills. Another incredibly inspirational account of total commitment to the greater good is portrayed by the film "In Pursuit Of Honor". Faced with an unimaginably defining moment in their lives, 5 US Calvary soldiers unite in an impossible effort to save 400 horses from being machine-gunned by the US military. We would all do well to consider what so many others have faced before us. The sacrifices and relentless tenacity that some have shown in the fight for the greater good. Now, at this moment in history, we all face the most profound challenges ever confronted by the human race and life on Earth. Challenges that have been self inflicted by those in our society who crave total power and control, and the "order followers" that carry out (or cooperate with) the insanity for a paycheck and a pension. Of all the converging catastrophes that are closing in on us, the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare assault is the most dire. "To thine own self be true", "We are the ones we have been waiting for". If we stand together, we can expose climate engineering. If we can expose it, we can stop it. Never give up, never yield to the collective insanity, make your voice heard while there is yet time. DW The constant effort to sound the alarm on the climate engineering insanity continues, the latest geoengineeringwatch.org billboard has gone up in Punta Gorda, FL, on US HWY 17, about 1.5 miles north of I-75, and visible going North towards Arcadia. My most sincere thanks to Maciej Kocialkowski for making this billboard happen. To read more about this billboard and to see more photos, click here.

Climate Engineering And Climate Reality

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Those in power are using every tool at their disposal to marginalize the dire issue of climate engineering. The mainstream media puppets (the power structure controls) are being used as a tool to try and marginalize any that dare to speak of climate engineering. How do we win this game of chess? By standing on credible conclusions built on verifiable facts.  Geoengineered skies in Phoenix, AZ. Photo credit: Josh Schultz  What harms our efforts to credibly and effectively expose climate engineering? False conclusions based on false headlines put out by those who either don't have any understanding of current front-line realities, or who don't care because they are pursuing other agendas.  Below are a few of the completely false narratives recently pushed by some who claim to be against climate engineering, but who are actually harming the effort by destroying credibility. Why are some helping the geoengineers to sell geoengineering? The criminal cabal that is completely committed to hiding climate engineering is also just as committed to hiding the climate disintegration. Below each completely false narrative are the verifiable front-line facts. The bottom line is this, the planet is warming at an astounding pace, climate engineering can create short term toxic cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming. False: "Global warming stopped 20 years ago" Reality:  Global Warming "Hiatus" Never Happened Global Warming "Pause" Never Happened Much-Touted Global Warming Pause Never Happened False: "The planet has been cooling for the last 6 or 7 years" Reality: Global Warming Is Accelerating Permafrost Meltdown Raises Risk Of Runaway Global Warming The Point Of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here False: "Arctic ice is expanding " Reality: Arctic Sea Ice Extent Breaks Record Low For Winter Another Record Low For Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Winter Extent Arctic Sea Ice Growth Stunted Again False: "Polar bear populations are up 500%" Reality: Polar Bear Population Declining Due To Rising Temperatures Polar Bear Populations Crashing Due To Melting Ice Polar Bears Losing Weight As Arctic Sea Ice Melts Polar Bears Far From 'Strong And Healthy' False: "Ice is growing in Greenland" Reality: Scientists: Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Freakishly Early Summer-Like Temperatures Smash Ice Melt Records For Greenland Heat Wave In Greenland Triggers Record Early Ice Melt False: "Antarctic ice cap is expanding" Reality: Stable Antarctic Ice Is Suddenly Melting Fast Melting Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Heading Towards Irreversible Collapse Antarctic Ice Is Melting So Fast The Whole Continent May Be At Risk By 2100 Scientists Are Watching In Horror As Antarctic Ice Collapses False: "Ice is always increasing and melting" (implying that the rapid ice melt is not from anthropogenic activity) Reality: Human Activity Melting Glaciers Human Activities Linked To Warming And Loss Of Ice Arctic Melting Linked To Human Causes, Long-Term Review Finds False: "snow in the Caribbean" (implying this proves global cooling and not a result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation patented processes) Reality: Record Global Temperatures Are Shocking Scientists Warn Of Perilous Climate Shift Former Global High Temperature Records 'Blown Away" False: "The sun is the only thing that effects the weather" Reality: How Do We Know Humans Are The Major Cause Of Global Warming? (Union of Concerned Scientists) Empirical Evidence That Humans Are Causing Global Warming 97% Of Experts Agree On Human Caused Global Warming False: "The increasing speed of the pole shift has nothing to do with global warming/human activity" (which includes geoengineering/climate engineering) Reality: Earth Is Tipping Because Of Climate Change Climate Change Is Moving North Pole Melting Ice Sheets Changing The Way Earth Wobbles On Its Axis False: "Sea levels are not rising" Reality: Sea Level Rise From Ocean Warming Underestimated, Scientists Say Scientists Predict Huge Sea Level Rise Even If We Limit Climate Change Oceans Will Rise Much More Than Predicted Sea Level Rise Will Be Worse and Come Sooner How Far Sea Levels Could Rise Photo credit: Bald Eagle Bluff/CC BY-SA 2.0 The most recent and most comprehensive study yet done on the cause of the current warming shows a "90-100% agreement" that it is anthropogenic (human caused, which again, includes geoengineering). But what about the 30,000 scientists that said global warming isn't so? Easily debunked, as is every bit of the "global warming is a hoax" military industrial complex false narrative. What about the Paris climate conference, didn't some of the scientists there dispute global warming? A handful did, every one of them connected to the military/industrial/hydrocarbon complex. In fact, there is a long list of professional disinformation actors doing their best to cloud the truth about the unfolding planetary meltdown. What are the odds of the current warming not being a natural cycle and not anthropogenic in nature? New studies conclude with 99.999% certainty that the current warming is due to human activity (which of course includes climate engineering). For those who wish to remain in denial about the true state of the climate and the biosphere, articles with opposing viewpoints can always be found. For those that want reality, honest investigation must be carried out.  The internationally award winning documentary film "Chasing Ice" contains front-line film footage that ends all confusion and argument for any that are truly doing objective investigation. Those that truly care about effectively fighting to expose and halt climate engineering must make the time to check their facts. The planet is spiraling into total meltdown and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire while simultaneously contaminating the the entire planet. The shocking short term chemically nucleated cool-downs (like the recent snow in the Caribbean) are absolutely the result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation. Pretending or claiming such engineered events are "normal" or "natural" only harms the critical effort to expose and halt climate engineering.  To recite the false conclusions already listed is simply toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers. How bad is the unfolding reality that we will all face?  The Stark Realities Of Baked-In Catastrophes In a civilization gone mad with delusions of grandeur, we’re left with tatters of human sociability held together by rancid mythologies. Despite human fossil fuel

Former CNN Reporter Greg Hunter Exposes Climate Engineering

Greg Hunter is a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past.  Greg continues to make his voice heard as the producer and creator of USAWatchdog.com. The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on". Unlike those in the corporate media propaganda circles, Greg has the courage to thoroughly  address the most critical issues that most of his peers are afraid to even mention. In the article and video below USAWatchdog helps to shine the light on the extremely dire issue of global climate engineering and the planetary devastation it is causing. The sixteen minute video in Greg Hunter's article below is the latest update from USA Watchdog on the critical climate engineering issue. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 9, 2016

Converging catastrophes are closing in from every direction, this is our reality. Why are the masses still sleeping? Unfortunately the majority still want to sit on the sidelines and blame our ever darkening horizon on anything and everything but their own apathy. Yes, those in power are psychotic criminals who have been wreaking havoc on the planet and all life for countless decades, but how can they carry on like this? Because the majority of the human race has so far chosen to remain completely oblivious and ambivalent to the growing cancer that is consuming the world. The vast majority have not yet remembered their responsibility to the whole and risen to the occasion. How many in our own circles and societies are actually a willing and enabling part of the cancer? Agency officials, elected officials, reporters, government scientists, etc. How many do each and every one of us know or have access to? How many in our own circles and communities can we (and should we) be peacefully but persistently confronting with solid data in an appeal to them to start telling the truth? Such actions must be undertaken. Locate public email contacts for all those that are toeing the line for the collective insanity, post their emails publicly along with a description of their part in hiding the crimes of the power structure. Send credible data to the morally misguided individuals from every sector and openly CC as many concerned members of your community as you can so that the exchanges is observed by all. Put the violating individuals on notice that the public is waking up to crimes like the ongoing geoenigneering assault and that citizens will likely one day soon hold responsible (legally and morally) all those that helped to hide these crimes. How fast are the walls closing in? The latest Global Alert News update is below, let's all do everything in our power to sound the alarm. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Death By Ecocide

Destroying the natural world in the relentless pursuit of power and profit is business as usual for the global elite. The military industrial complex, the energy industry, and the climate engineers, all are a part of the same malignant cancer that is controlling the world and killing our host, planet Earth. The dark and destructive agendas could never have been put into motion without the "order followers" that are so prevalent in the ranks of the human race. All those that are just "doing their jobs" without any moral consideration whatsoever. Even with the cooperation of the "order followers", the onslaught of insanity from every direction could not continue without global societies being completely complacent.  Canada's Fort McKay is a case in point that parallels what is unfolding on the planet as a whole. Wikipedia calls Fort McKay a "hamlet", but those who inhabit this "hamlet" would tell a very different tale. The essay below from Arlene Seegerts is exceptional and revealing. It is an exposé of what we all face on a global scale. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineers Cut Off Critical Rain From Populations Around The Globe

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Why are there so many record droughts unfolding around the world? A warmer atmosphere holds much more water vapor (7% more for every degree in centigrade of warming). The laws of physics state it MUST rain more on a rapidly warming planet. So why are record shattering droughts increasing in regions all over the globe? Because geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are completely disrupting Earth's hydrological cycle. Geoengineered skies over Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk By saturating the atmosphere with particulates (aerosols) to produce the "global dimming" effect (which is the stated primary objective of the SRM climate mitigation programs), the geoengineers have totally derailed the planet's primary terrestrial life support system, rain. The climate engineers literally control the global spigot. Controlling precipitation means controlling food supplies and populations all over the world.  The intentional attempt to create a "nuclear winter" is actually fueling the overall warming of the planet in addition to expanding global drought. Record droughts are decimating ecosystems and populations around the globe along with fueling water conflicts. Droughts comparable to the engineered catastrophe in California are happening in countless regions. The headlines below are all recent breaking stories, all are click to open links. "Thailand Hit By Worst Drought In Decades" "Thousands May Die From Drought In Somalia Unless Donors Give More" "Worst Middle East Drought In 900 years" "Climate Change Worsening Colorado River Droughts" "India Facing Worst-Ever Water Crisis" "Uganda: Water Crisis Worsens As Dam Dries Up" "Palau Suffers Worsening Drought, Emergency Declared" "California Drought: Get Used To It, Scientists Say" "Historic Drought In Southeast Asian Countries" "South America: Exceptional Water Deficits Are Forecast To Persist" "Drought In America Threatens Food Production" "Honduras: Drought Emergency Appeal" "Forests Struggle As Drought And Climate Change Bite" "El Nino Falls Short, Leaving California In Drought" "Vietnam's Southern Mekong Delta Faces Worst Drought In History" "Drought-Effected Farmers Block Kidapawan City (Philippines) Highway To Demand Relief" "Amid Climate-Fueled (Drought) Food Crisis, Filipino Forces Open Fire On Starving Farmers" Global geoengineering is not just ecocide, not just genocide, but planetary omnicide. Geoengineering is weather warfare, nothing less. Due to the highly toxic fallout, climate engineering must also be considered biological warfare. The ongoing weather/climate manipulation is not only wreaking havoc on the planet's climate system, geoengineering is also destroying the ozone layer. Without an ozone layer, there would be no terrestrial life on Earth. Though some "official sources" claim the ozone hole is recovering, UV metering from the front lines completely disputes any such conclusion. The ozone destruction will only get worse with every day that the atmospheric spraying is allowed to continue. The heavily damaged ozone layer is allowing dangerous UV radiation levels to reach Earth's surface. Many in the climate science and environmental communities are justifiably criticizing the special interest groups and organizations who are aggressively denying global warming, but what about their own inexcusable criminal denial of the single largest climate disrupting factor of all, global climate engineering? How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without first and foremost addressing the climate engineering atrocities? There can't be. We are now in the "Anthropocene epoch". Any form of anthropogenic activity that alters the biosphere (and thus Earth's natural systems) must be considered a form of geoengineering, This being said, climate engineering and its highly toxic fall-out is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. How do we stop it? Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward, all of us are needed to do our part in this most critical battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 2, 2016

The changes now unfolding on our planet are profound and catastrophic. Though mainstream media sources are finally starting to acknowledge the warning signs emanating from everywhere on the biosphere, there is still precious little truth to be found in regard to the severity and immediacy of what we collectively face. Many have now seen the recent headlines about the unimaginably rapid die-off of the great barrier reef, but few yet understand that this is just the beginning of what continues to unfold  around us all at blinding speed. Below is the April 2nd edition of the Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News Hour. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineering And Regional Weather Modification, Understanding The Difference

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A recent routine publication in a Southern California Newspaper about a localized small scale weather modification program was touted by many as an admission to geoengineering programs, this is not the case. Though any form of weather/climate modification on any scale is harmful to the overall environment and climate system, the small scale localized weather modification programs (which are routinely and openly conducted around the world) are only used as a tool to distract the population from the inconceivably larger and more destructive global climate engineering assault. The small scale programs in question are virtually meaningless against the backdrop of the ongoing global climate engineering assault. Again, such programs are only used as a "red herring". The 3 minute video below is an exposé of this fact. The climate modification assault against the planet MUST be exposed and halted, this effort requires all of us. The geoengineeringwatch.org activist suggestions link gives more input on how you can help, let's make every single day count in this desperate battle. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video.  DW

“Nearly Half Of The Great Barrier Reef To Die In The Next Month”, Abrupt Climate Shift Is Now

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the "7 wonders of the world", nearly half of it is expected to die in the next month. Why? The 2 minute video below is a breaking news update from the front lines. The oceans are superheating, along with the rest of the planet. If the oceans die, we die. Recent studies indicate that half of the barrier reef has already been lost in the previous 3 decades. Now, in the next 30 days, half of what is left will be lost. Some want to primarily blame Fukushima for the dying seas, but there is much more to the equation.  In the early 90s I participated in 2 private extended dive excursions on the Barrier reef, such a loss is unimaginable to me. Is anthropogenic (human) activity to blame for the explosion of environmental cataclysms on our planet? With absolute mathematical certainty the answer is YES. The human race and the military industrial complex has decimated the planet in countless ways, the ongoing climate engineering insanity is at the top of the list of destruction. The toxic heavy metal fall out from climate engineering is further fueling the global die off. The destruction of the ozone layer (most directly linked to the ongoing geoengineering assault) is also a massive contributing factor in regard to coral bleaching and the global die-off in general.  Earth and its life support systems are in virtual collapse, and even now the vast majority of populations are completely oblivious to what is unfolding around them at absolutely blinding speed. Even now there are countless groups, organizations, and individuals that are still clinging to carefully crafted power structure propaganda and lies of "global cooling", "global warming is a hoax", or "we can't tell if the planet is warming or cooling". How can there be such an incomprehensible disconnect? Because the majority are still tragically choosing to form their conclusions from ideology and not front line facts. Because the majority choose not do do any objective research from credible and verifiable sources on an ongoing basis. The chasm of willful confusion is vast and there is plenty of blame to go around. The environmental/climate science/global warming communities and groups are immersed in inexcusable denial in regard to the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies. How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without even mentioning the single largest climate disrupting and damaging factor of all, geoengineering/weather warfare, and SRM programs? Answer? There can't be. On the other side of the fence there are many who recognize the reality of climate engineering, but unfortunately are in total denial in regard to the unfolding planetary meltdown (that is being made exponentially worse overall by climate intervention programs). The weather makers can create large scale short term chemical cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Arctic ice is yet again at record breaking low levels as the ongoing atmospheric spraying continues. Antarctica is also in trouble. The 2 minute video below makes inarguably clear that geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are reality. Industrialized/militarized civilization is destroying the planet and any chance of a future for any of us. Global geoengineering programs are the absolute epitome of this destruction. If we are to have any chance whatsoever of altering the current course of certain near term total extinction on our planet we must start marching in the same direction. If we are to have any chance of turning the current tide in time to salvage any part of Earth's life support systems, the fight for life must be our top priority. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is the greatest single leap forward we could collectively make. Reaching a critical mass of awareness with the public on the climate engineering issue is the only way forward. There is no silver bullet solution, no magic petition, no political remedy. Exposing and halting the tidal wave of insanity is up to us, each of us, all of us. Those who claim to truly love their children have an absolute obligation to help in the battle to sound the alarm each and every day. Those who claim to care about the fate of the world need to take action now, not later, the sand in the hourglass is nearly gone. Who will  join us in this imperative fight for the greater good? Who will help us to credibly and effective expose global geoengineering? The single greatest assault ever launched against the web of life by the human race. Make your voice heard while you can. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 26, 2016

The maneuvering of the power structure is becoming rapidly more desperate and destructive. From the positioning of military assets around the globe, to the strategically timed terror attacks that are utilized for maximum impact on the mindset of the population, the wheels of many agendas are turning. FOX news and the NRA are pushing propaganda (as are other mainstream sources). But will stocking up on guns and ammunition save the survivalists if the biosphere collapses to a point where it will no longer support life? Such a conclusion is not wild speculation, but rather a mathematical near term certainty if we do not have an immediate and complete course correction for the human race. How can it be that whose who call themselves "patriots" are completely silent about what happened to Pat Tillman and the entire Navy Seal team that was involved with the Osama bin Laden staged assassination drama? How can it be that so many who claim to be patriots are completely silent about the ongoing toxic atmospheric spraying assault occurring over our collective heads each and every day? It is one thing to claim we care about the future of our children, it is another issue entirely to show we care by our priorities and actions.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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