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The US Is Pushing Toward WWlll, A Former Reagan Administration Member Speaks Out

The US military/industrial complex has long since been completely out of control. Now, as the biosphere collapse accelerates exponentially, the power structure is more desperate than ever before. The totality and immediacy of what we collectively face cannot be overstated, so few yet grasp the gravity of what is unfolding. The current denial of the US population MUST be broken down. Our brothers and sisters in the US military (who are at this point acting as paid mercenaries for those in power), MUST be woken up to the insanity that they are helping to fuel. The effort to reach a critical mass of broader awareness with the population and the US military is a burden we must all bear. In the article below former Reagan administration official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts examines the long road of US government actions and tyranny that has played a huge part in leading up to this dark hour. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Somnolent Europe, Russia, And China Can the world wake up? Source: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts On September 19, 2000, going on 16 years ago, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraphreported: “Declassified American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement. “The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen. William J. Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.” The documents show that the European Union was a creature of the CIA. As I have previously written, Washington believes that it is easier to control one government, the EU, than to control many separate European governments. As Washington has a long term investment in orchestrating the European Union, Washington is totally opposed to any country exiting the arrangement. That is why President Obama recently went to London to tell his lapdog, the British Prime Minister, that there could be no British exit. Like other European nations, the British people were never allowed to vote on whether they were in favor of their country ceasing to exist and them becoming Europeans. British history would become the history of a bygone people like the Romans and Babylonians.  The oppressive nature of unaccountable EU laws and regulations and the EU requirement to accept massive numbers of third world immigrants have created a popular demand for a British vote on whether to remain a sovereign country or to dissolve and submit to Brussels and its dictatorial edicts. The vote is scheduled for June 23. Washington’s position is that the British people must not be permitted to decide against the EU, because such a decision is not in Washington’s interest. The prime minister’s job is to scare the British people with alleged dire consequences of “going it alone.” The claim is that “little England” cannot stand alone. The British people are being told that isolation will spell their end, and their country will become a backwater bypassed by progress. Everything great will happen elsewhere, and they will be left out.  If the fear campaign does not succeed and the British vote to exit the EU, the open question is whether Washington will permit the British government to accept the democratic outcome. Alternatively, the British government will deceive the British people, as it routinely does, and declare that Britain has negotiated concessions from Brussels that dispose of the problems that concern the British people.  Washington’s position shows that Washington is a firm believer that only Washington’s interests are important. If other peoples wish to retain national sovereignty, they are simply being selfish. Moreover, they are out of compliance with Washington, which means they can be declared a “threat to American national security.” The British people are not to be permitted to make decisions that do not comply with Washington’s interest. My prediction is that the British people will either be deceived or overridden.  It is Washington’s self-centeredness, the self-absorption, the extraordinary hubris and arrogance, that explains the orchestrated “Russian threat.” Russia has not presented herself to the West as a military threat. Yet, Washington is confronting Russia with a US/NATO naval buildup in the Black Sea, a naval, troop and tank buildup in the Baltics and Poland, missile bases on Russia’s borders, and plans to incorporate the former Russian provinces of Georgia and Ukraine in US defense pacts against Russia.  When Washington, its generals and European vassals declare Russia to be a threat, they mean that Russia has an independent foreign policy and acts in her own interest rather than in Washington’s interest. Russia is a threat, because Russia demonstrated the capability of blocking Washington’s intended invasion of Syria and bombing of Iran. Russia blunted one purpose of Washington’s coup in the Ukraine by peacefully and democratically reuniting with Crimera, the site of Russia’s Black Sea naval base and a Russian province for several centuries.  Perhaps you have wondered how it was possible for small countries such as Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yeman, and Venezuela to be threats to the US superpower. On its face Washington’s claim is absurd. Do US presidents, Pentagon officials, national security advisors, and chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff really regard countries of so little capability as military threats to the United States and NATO countries? No, they do not. The countries were declared threats, because they have, or had prior to their destruction, independent foreign and economic policies. Their policy independence means that they do not or did not accept US hegemony. They were attacked in order to bring them under US hegemony. In Washington’s view, any country with an independent policy is outside Washington’s umbrella and, therefore, is a threat.  Venezuela became, in the words of US President Obama, an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 4, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The criminal corporate media and the order followers that fill its ranks continue their campaign of total deception. Though the majority of the population is still committed to their denial on many fronts, there is a rippling of the coming forced awakening. The VAXXED documentary is triggering a justifiable outrage among those who have had the courage to face the truth and view the film. How much more rage will global populations feel when they completely realize the full extent of harm that has been inflicted on them by their governments (who are all participating either passively or actively in the ongoing global climate engineering assault). The death rate in the US has suddenly and unexpectedly spiked. Where is the corporate media coverage of this fact? Societal implosion and chaos continues to unfold in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, and many more. Venezuelan police fire tear gas and plastic bullets at protesters in Altamira, Caracas.  As the global economic house of cards crumbles, the most destructive and dangerous corporations like Bayer and Monsanto will try to merge in an effort to stay afloat. DuPont and Dow Chemical are also merging. Populations around the globe must be awakened to what is coming, starting with the issue of the climate engineering atrocities. From record droughts, to record fires, to record floods, anthropogenic activity and climate engineering are taking their toll on what is left of the planet's life support systems. The most important step in this direction is to efficiently, effectively, and publicly expose all the media personnel, meteorologists and others that are actively or passively toeing the narrative of deception for those in power.  The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Make fighting to expose the whole truth your top priority. Make the fight for the greater good your mission, time is not on our side. DW

Climate Engineering Contributing To Climate Chaos

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Earth's former energy balance has been completely derailed, we are now in a free-fall state toward an irreparably altered and very inhospitable planet. The majority of populations (especially in industrialized countries) are even now immersed in total denial in regard to the damage that has been inflicted to the environment and climate systems by human activity. Any form of anthropogenic activity that impacts Earth's natural processes must be considered a form of geoengineering. The greatest and most destructive form of biosphere interference is the ongoing highly toxic climate engineering/weather warfare global assault. Burning forests, drought, deluge, volcanic eruptions, nuclear contamination and die-off, are already now the norm and this process will accelerate rapidly. Geoengineering is being ramped up to unimaginable levels as the collapse of the biosphere and social structure unfolds. The 9 minute video compilation below is a revealing recent update that covers numerous climate and environmental catastrophes. Catastrophic flooding has just occurred in Europe, the stunning 45 second video below is yet another example what is unfolding and accelerating around the Globe. France is one of the latest victims of flooding while the torrential downpours in Texas are becoming relentless. Though such disasters are still considered "natural" occurrences, this conclusion should be considered complete deception. The human race has decimated the planet and its life support processes, climate engineering is the epitome of this destruction.  Each of us bears the responsibility of choosing what our priorities are, each of us chooses what we will do with the time we have been given. Make your voice heard in the critical battle for the common good, all are needed in the effort to sound the alarm. The greatest single leap we could make in the right direction is to fully expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Help us to fully expose global geoengineering by forwarding credible information to media sources and those that are uninformed on the issue. Every day counts in this fight to salvage what is yet left of our planet's life support systems. DW

Betrayed – 100 Years Of US Troops As Lab Rats

Willful blindness to the criminal actions of your country is not patriotism, it is tyranny. Any that are living under the delusion that our government is in any way concerned about them, their lives, or the lives of our brothers and sisters in the US military, are unimaginably disconnected from reality. The public has been very successfully programmed by the power structure controlled corporate media to blindly support the actions of the criminal cabal that masquerades as legitimate government. This public programming must be broken down if we are to have any chance of salvaging what remains of Earth's life support systems. The recent video release below from journalist Abby Martin should be a stark wake-up call for truly "patriotic" Americans. As shocking as this 30 minute video is, it does not even cover the greatest of all military industrial complex assaults against the web of life, the global climate engineering/weather warfare/ biological warfare assault occurring every single day in our skies. I have communicated with Abby about the geoengineering issue, she is unfortunately not yet willing to acknowledge the reality of the climate engineering assault, and thus she is not willing to address it. This being said, Abby's coverage of the US government's unimaginably criminal treatment of US military personnel is exceptional. The video below is essential viewing for any that truly claim to care about injustice in any sense of the word. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 28, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org We are all swimming in a sea of lies and the depth of the deception is rising by the day in lockstep with the desperation of those in power. So called "science" sources are still pretending global climate engineering is only a "proposal" while anyone with functional eyes and a still working sense of reason can and should acknowledge the weather warfare assault has long since been an inarguable reality. Take a quick look at the latest NOAA "forecast" (scheduled weather) maps below, if these maps don't shock you, they should. The map above shows "departure from normal high temperatures". Each color shade represents a 2-3 degree "departure" from "normal" toward warmer or cooler than average, depending on the color of the shading (blue are below normal, oranges and reds are above normal). What we see represented in this map is alarming, unnatural, and historically unprecedented. A possible record low bullseye may occur in Texas for the period from June 1st through June 5th, while record warmth will likely occur in many other parts of the country, including Alaska. For the period from June 3rd to June 10th, the engineered cool-down zone will again be focused on the most populated Eastern US, this is no accident and is certainly not a natural phenomenon. The engineered cooling of the US East, while the US West is fried and dried out, this has all too often been the norm in recent years. Half the country is scheduled to bake and burn while the other half will bear the brunt of the latest scheduled geoengineering/solar radiation management assault. The US precipitation "forecast" (schedule) is below. This map covers the same period as the NOAA map above. Note that the "prediction" is for far below normal rainfall in the west and north (the regions that will be frying under record high temperatures), while an excess of moisture continues in the same regions that are to experience below normal temperatures in a record warm world. The geoengineers need the moisture for their toxic chemically engineered cool-downs, when will the sleeping masses awaken to the ongoing weather warfare atrocities? The climate engineers now decide where it will rain, how much, and how toxic the rain will be. About the rest of the headlines, there are many, and they are dire. Global economic collapse continues to progress, the Canadian government is hiding something at the Fort McMurray fire site, Al Qaeda leaders freely visit the US, CIA officers caught commanding Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabian publications are now stating 911 was an inside job, and the US government's war against  the whistleblowers continues to accelerate. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The sand in the hourglass is running out, what will you do to help in the fight for the greater good? And when do you plan to take assertive (but peaceful) action to help expose the truth and wake the masses? No matter how dark the horizon looks, giving up can never be an option, ever. The only way we can know what good we can yet accomplish at this late hour is to fully focus on making a difference for the better each and every day. DW

Covering Up Climate Engineering Contamination, “EPA Caught Buying It’s Independent Science Advisors”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A lawsuit has been filed to expose the EPA for awarding $190 million in taxpayer grants to "independent" scientists in order to get the air quality test and research results desired by the EPA. This being said, please consider and remember this next statement very carefully, THERE IS A MUCH MORE CRITICAL CRIME OF CONCEALMENT contained in this EPA scenario than what the authors of the report (or the legal action) alleges. The report in question is from a source that is nothing more than a lobbyist/representative for the fossil fuel industry (EELI, The Energy Environmental Legal Institute). The attorney for EELI is Steve Milloy who is a textbook example of a self-serving and completely honorless fossil fuel industry lobbyist. While Milloy is trying to expose the EPA for their fraud because of the financial damage the EPA has inflicted on the planet plundering fossil fuel industry who pays him, in reality the EPA's paid off scientists are hiding a crime of immensely greater gravity, the highly toxic fallout from the ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare assault.  Geoengineered skies in Los Angeles, California. Photo credit: James Obradovic I have personally attended a high level closed door California EPA meeting at the State Capital in Sacramento in which it was made clear that the air quality testing is completely rigged. This meeting was arranged by a congressman and had 5 high level EPA representatives in attendance. I was informed that the State air quality technicians are TOLD what to test for, combustion particles only, the rest of the test sample is discarded (EPA technicians can't find what they are told NOT to look for). Further, at best the air particulate testing captures particles down to the 2.5 micron size. Nano-particles from the climate engineering fallout are exponentially smaller and thus go completely undetected by air quality equipment that is not in any way designed to find the unimaginably smaller nano-particles in the first place. The smaller the inhaled airborne particle is, the more health damage it does. This holds true for any type of particles, let alone highly toxic heavy metals and other elements that are directly associated with global geoengineering/solar radiation management programs. At the mere cost of $190 million dollars, of taxpayers funds, the Environmental Protection Agency has bought its independent advisers.  That is the amount of payoffs, in the forms of “grants” to its advisers, to assure the results are what the ideologues want from the studies.  In fact, ALL such decisions based on these advisers were bought and paid for—illegal under the law.  This is fraud, embezzlement and corruption.   Believe a government financed “independent” study at your peril, your wallet and your job.  How bad is this corruption—when a UCLA professor, James Engstrom exposed it, UCLA—the beneficiary of the payments and corruption fired him—for the crime of exposing crime.  Think you are proud of UCLA? “A free market legal group is suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for allegedly stacking a scientific advisory panel on air pollution with researchers who had received more than $190 million in grants from the agency. The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (EELI) is suing EPA on behalf of the Western States Trucking Association and Dr. James Enstrom, a retired University of California-Los Angeles epidemiologist who was blacklisted for challenging EPA claims about particulate matter. “The EPA has stacked the panel, which is required by law to be independent and unbiased, with researchers who have received over $190 million in discretionary grants from the EPA,” said Steve Milloy, an attorney with EELI, in a statement. “This clearly violates the law and makes a mockery of the notion of ‘independent’ scientific review,” he said. The EPA relies on a panel of scientific advisers, called the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, to validate the science underlying key clean air regulations pushed by the agency. In this case, EELI is asking the court to prevent the EPA from convening a panel tasked with reviewing the science behind agency regulations on fine particulate matter, or PM2.5. EELI believes the agency has stacked the panel with researchers who will rubber stamp EPA rules regulating PM2.5. EPA also relies on claimed PM2.5 reductions for the majority of health benefits in some of its largest regulations on power plants. Some 24 of the 26 members of EPA’s PM2.5 panel have gotten or are the current recipients of EPA grants. In total, panel members have gotten more than $190 million from the agency, according to EELI. Milloy says this violates the federal laws requiring such scientific advisory panels be “independent.” EELI isn’t alone in pointing out potential problems with using scientific advisers financially reliant on EPA. Earlier this year, Oklahoma Republican pointed out that many science panel members were often peer-reviewing regulations based on their own research, corroding the integrity of the peer-review process. EPA began regulating PM2.5 in in the early 1990s, and today says there’s no safe level of exposure to the air pollutant. PM2.5 is a “mixture of harmful solid and liquid particles” that is 2.5 microns or less, or “1/30th the thickness of a human hair.” These small particles can get into people’s respiratory system and can harm human health and even lead to death after just short-term exposure, In 2011, former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson told Congress that PM2.5 “causes premature death.” “It doesn’t make you sick. It’s directly causal to dying sooner than you should,” she said. “If we could reduce particulate matter to healthy levels it would have the same impact as finding a cure for cancer in our country.” The EPA set PM2.5 primary standards at 15 micrograms per cubic meter of air on an annual average basis. Despite the strong warnings, EPA has tested PM2.5 on humans. EPA exposed dozens of human test subjects to PM levels of 600 micrograms per cubic meter — 40 times what the EPA sets as an acceptable outdoor air standard. EPA not only testes PM2.5 on humans, they also did not fully disclose the risks of death from PM2.5 exposure — a reversal from public

Betrayal, The Climate Engineering Cover-Up By The Media, The US Military, And Academia

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Our society is taught and conditioned to accept the dictates and opinions of the so called "experts" without questioning their conclusions. In so many circles of academia honesty and morality has long since been abandoned in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When one branch or group of the science community completely contradicts another group from the same field of study, shouldn't that be a glaring red flag? Nowhere do we have a more egregious and criminally negligent example than with the climate science community's complete denial of the climate engineering issue and its overall effect on the planetary thermostat. While the vast majority of climatologists/scientists and governments around the globe are either "investigating" or pushing for global geoengineering/solar radiation management to be deployed for global warming "mitigation" (as if geoengineering has not been going on for over 70 years already), other camps in the science community have long since confirmed that jet traffic and "contrails" (sprayed particulate trails) are actually a major contributor to global warming. A dozen sample articles are below which confirm the overall warming effect that is caused from jet aircraft traffic and "contrails". "Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate" (NASA) "Aircraft contrails may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation" (Think Progress) "ScienceShot: Jet Contrails a Big Global Warmer" (Science magazine) "Airplane contrails and their effect on temperatures" (Christian Science Monitor) "The Contrail Effect"  (From NOVA and PBS) "Jet Contrails Actually Do Alter The Weather" ( Discovery Magazine) "Flying Further To Avoid Jet Contrails Might Help With Global Warming" (Popular Science) "Plane Contrails Worse Than C02 Emissions For Global Warming" (Phys-Org) "Airplane Contrails Boost Global Warming" (National Geographic) But are we really witnessing "contrails" in our skies? Can "contrails" be turned on and off? No. ALL commercial jet aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with "high bypass turbofan jet engines", does this type of prolusion system typically produce any "condensation" trails? No again. The grand deception is this, all available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that the trails being used to blot out the sun and alter the weather around the globe are intentionally sprayed (and highly toxic) particulate trails that are the direct result of ongoing covert climate engineering programs. The closest the climate science community has come to telling the truth is to admit that "contrails" may be causing "accidental" geoengineering. How is it possible that we live in a "civilized world" in which such massive, obvious, and unimaginably destructive programs can be carried out in plain sight while the climate science community (and academia as whole) adamantly and criminally denies this verifiable reality? The quote below from climate scientist, Sarah Myhre, sheds some light on the mindset of many in academia (though still, of course, omits the issues of geoengineering/solar radiation management). We scientists are the gatekeepers of the basic information that fuels decision making by nations, businesses and communities. As these public entities are more and more threatened by the advancing impacts of climate warming, from flooding, to water scarcity, to the spread of tropical diseases, our role as objective scientists has to change. We are so skilled at many, many detailed and quantitative tasks, but, as you would expect from a community of introverts, we are not great at shining that brilliant light back on ourselves.   (Sarah Myhre is an ocean and climate scientist with expertise in the marine ecological consequences of abrupt climate warming.) How bad is the true state of the global climate? As dire as the recent article excerpt below may seem, the unfolding reality on the ground is far worse and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire. A so-called “Blue-Ocean Event” — a period during the melt season with less than 1 million square kilometers (a little over 386,100 square miles) of Arctic sea ice — was not expected to occur until 2070 to 2100 by most science modeling projections of the early 21st Century. Recent polar ice observations, however, indicate extreme loss of volume. Daily sea ice loss rates since late April 2016 have averaged about 75,000 square kilometers (about 29,000 square miles) per 24 hours, resulting in continuously record low levels. Many climate scientists now project the first “Blue-Ocean Event” within a decade or less. Some experts speculate it may even occur during the melt season of 2016. The unfolding planetary meltdown is rapidly accelerating with Arctic ice at far beyond record low levels and a record early snow melt. The Arctic meltdown is now being described as a "train wreck" by scientists while global sea level rise continues to rapidly accelerate. All available data indicates 2016 will be yet another year of record shattering heat around the globe. We have already exceeded the point of no return in many respects and even now so many remain completely oblivious to converging catastrophes that are already taking an immense toll. The human race has decimated the planet in countless ways, global climate engineering is the epitome of that decimation. As the biosphere continues to implode, the military/industrial complex (and all those invested in it) have done exactly what they have historically done, further expand the global geoengineering assault in the desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to hide the collapsing climate from the population for as long as possible. Military personnel are being told they are engaged in benevolent programs for the good of their nation, this could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control at the cost of killing the planet, nothing less. The time for our military brothers and sisters to wake up to what they are being used for is long past due. They must remember the meaning of the oaths they have taken to protect the country and The US Constitution from ALL THREATS, both foreign AND DOMESTIC. The time is also long past due for the climate science community and academia to reclaim their virtue and tell the truth, the whole truth. To do

Major UK Publication Covers Climate Engineering

With all of us working together we are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of climate engineering awareness, the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies are now becoming all but impossible to hide. The just published article below from the "Daily Express" is the most recent example of mainstream media addressing the global climate engineering assault. As we should expect, any mainstream source tries to utilize the "chemtrails" term in their ever more futile attempt to marginalize the subject at hand. Those in power desperately want the to enforce the use of the non-science "chemtrail" label. This fact is glaringly revealed in a short interview I did with mainstream media "hitman" David Pakman. Another example is CBS, who also utilized the same tactic in an interview I did with them last year. The author of a recent article in "The Guardian" newspaper (from UK) relied on the constant use of the "conspiracy theory" term to try and marginalize the critical ongoing climate engineering issue. The more consistently we use the science terms to raise awareness (climate engineering, geoengineering, solar radiation management, etc), the more credibility and progress we will gain in this most critical battle. Use of the "chemtrails" term is not helpful to the credibility of our cause. This being said, in spite of the using nonscience terms, and completely incorrectly quoting me in places, the coverage we have now gained in the just published article below is still another leap forward in the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity by bringing the issue to the attention of the masses. Let's all keep sounding the alarm (please take a moment to vote in the poll that is within the article below). Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org CHEMTRAILS: Are jet planes REALLY secretly spraying chemicals to REVERSE climate change? Source: express.co.uk, article by Jon Austin MILLIONS of people are convinced a secret global conspiracy is taking place in front of our eyes on a DAILY basis. PUBLISHED: May 22, 2016

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 21, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Nature is unimaginably resilient, but when the breaking point is reached, collapse comes at blinding speed. The human race has already pushed the planet past the point of no return in countless ways, we are truly in uncharted territory. Is there any effort whatsoever on the part of those in power to slow the destruction of the biosphere? None. The race for resources and total control is worse than ever before, lines in the sand are being drawn all over the globe. Canada, India, and other regions around the world continue to incinerate. Oceans, reefs, kelp, and fish, continue to die. Coastal cities are pumping out from rising sea levels with sewage now filling the waters off Miami. Miami is now pumping out rising sea levels on a constant basis, the city is already on borrowed time. Brazil has just joined the list of democratically elected governments that have been ousted by western powers and interests in pursuit of more power and resources. There are yet more front-line signs of the coming crash of industrialized civilization, Caterpillar (the world's largest equipment manufacturer) has just past the 41st consecutive month of declining sales. This is the real economy, the stock market is an illusion that will soon be shattered. Venezuela is still free-falling into total chaos while Americans remain largely asleep at the wheel. Even with the global climate disintegrating, how many are actually taking action? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. What would happen if every single one of us put all our available effort and energy into the fight for the greater good? The most dire and potentially uniting issue on the planet is the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering assault, let's all renew our efforts to sound the alarm.  DW

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down For The US

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org As the global climate system implosion gains momentum, the geoengineers are displaying increasing desperation in their attempt to create temporary toxic cool-downs in a rapidly warming world. Again, and again, and again, the Eastern US has been the focus of massive (and highly toxic) climate engineering cool-downs. Why? To continue feeding the climate confusion amongst the public in the most populated portions of the US while the meltdown of the planet continues into a runaway warming scenario with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire. Where are the only below normal temperature zones in the current "departure from normal high temperature" map shown below? Heavily populated regions of the US and Europe. Why aren't the paid actors on power structure owned propaganda programs like The Weather Channel (who also has ties with Monsanto) even mentioning the continued incineration of Canada, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest,  Australia, India, Asia, the UK,  the Arctic, Siberia, and the rest of the planet as a whole? Because they are paid to pacify the population and to cover the tracks of the climate engineers.  The bright blue regions of record low temperatures that stand out in the Eastern Center of the US are a shocking (and completely engineered) anomaly in a record warm world. A further highlighting of specific temperature "departures from normal" is shown in the next map.  Radical varied localized temperature extremes (that have become the norm in recent years) are historically unprecedented. In order to carry out the chemical ice nucleated cool-down assaults (fueling devastating hail storms), considerable atmospheric moisture is required over the target zones. Note the near 90 degree corner taken out of the precipitation convection zone to the west of Florida. This is an ever more common signature of radio frequency manipulation.  Consider that much of moisture that fueled the record cold and May snow that just fell in the US East originated in a record warm Florida and gulf of Mexico. The morning LOW temperature in Florida on 5/17/2016  (the date the above satellite photo was captured) tied all time record of 78 degrees (again, 78 degrees was the nighttime LOW temperature). The record Florida warmth has also fueled record rain. (A record warm world/atmosphere must produce more precipitation unless the geoengineers choose to create drought as is the case in California and other regions around the globe which is radically impacting populations). How does record warm moisture flow north to create record cold and snow? Welcome to the engineered winter deception carried out with jet stream manipulation and chemical ice nucleation. As the weather makers prepare for the coming radical cool-down in the US West, massive aerosol spraying can be seen in the current satellite image shown below, taken on 5/19/2016 Blanket solar radiation management spraying over the oceans (and over land) is wreaking havoc on the web of life and the climate system as whole. "Ocean fertilization"  with highly toxic materials is another deadly aspect of geoengineering.  So what is the "scheduled weather" for the days following the engineered cool-down of the Eastern US? The NOAA "forecast" map below is yet another shocking illustration of complete manipulation of the climate system.  From record warmth in the US West, to potential record cold. The record cold in the East will flip to possible record highs. Each color shade represents 2-3 degrees of variation from normal, high or low, depending on the hue. What is the bottom line regarding the overall state of the global climate? The planet is already in a runaway warming scenario, April 2016 yet again shattered all former global temperature records.  The gravity of the overall global temperature rise cannot be overstated, climate engineering/solar radiation management is not a form of "mediation" as those in power would have us believe, geoengineering is a weapon of mass deception and war, nothing less.  In the desperate effort to hide reality from the population for as long as possible (and thus to keep business as usual for the military/industrial/corporate complex) the climate engineers continue to create the toxic temporary cool-downs which are only fueling the climate destruction and overall warming of the biosphere. Why aren't employees of the National Weather Service and NOAA sounding the alarm? These government scientists have no first amendment protection and now also have also had an illegal federal gag order placed on them. The anomalous cool-downs are as engineered as the corporate media hype surrounding these weather whiplash events. The fight to expose and halt global climate engineering is nothing less than a fight for life, make you voice heard in this most critical battle. DW


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