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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 13, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The sand in the hourglass is rapidly running out while the majority of the human race remains locked into the paradigm of power structure programmed denial. From the verifiable vaccination dangers, to the clearly visible climate engineering assault, to the maneuvering toward WWlll, so many have completely abandoned their sense of deductive reasoning in exchange for the official narrative. Will unfolding global cataclysms on every front force the masses to wake from their slumber in time to salvage what is left of Earth's life support systems? The August 13th installment of Global Alert News is below. The challenges we collectively face are not out on the horizon somewhere, they are already here. All our voices are essential in the fight for the greater good, we are out of time. DW

Exclusive: Chuck Norris Sees Signs Of ‘Geo-Engineering Government Cover-Up’

Internationally known celebrity Chuck Norris continues to show exceptional courage by yet again publicly addressing the critical climate engineering issue in an extremely direct, articulate, and forceful manner. Mr. Norris has previously addressed the geoengineering issue and the power structure's attempt to silence anti-geoengineering researches and informational sites. Now, in the article below, he continues his examination of global geoengineering, and publicly states his warnings on this extremely dire issue. Let's hope that other well known personalities take a much needed example from Chuck Norris's unyielding moral fortitude. I wish to extend my deepest regard and respect to Mr. Norris for his steadfast and courageous effort to take a critically needed stand for the greater good and for recommending GeoengineeringWatch.org as a reference site. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org CIA DIRECTOR CONFESSES STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOL INJECTION Exclusive: Chuck Norris sees signs of 'geo-engineering government cover-up' Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris The smoking gun is definitely still smoking. CIA Director John Brennan shot another round of evidence in the proof that our government is involved in climate intervention or weather warfare. In June, CIA director John Brennan gave a historical speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, confessing something few thought they would ever hear. To set the context, Brennan’s speech addressed threats to national and global security, cyber attacks, hacking, as well as biological warfare and other potential threats. But what caught listening ears and raised eyebrows was Brennan’s lengthy discussion about geo-engineering – intentional climate intervention via operations like atmospheric aerosol spraying or injections. Liberals defended Brennan’s big government speech by explaining that he didn’t actually say the feds were presently engaging in geo-engineering. The truth is, he would have been foolish to do so because, as you’ll learn, many eminent scientists have warned Washington about the extreme dangers of climate intervention, not to mention the public outcry would be massive. Brennan spoke at length about the future use of geo-engineering. And if you listen carefully to his words, you can even hear innuendos of a government that has already tested its effectiveness. How else could he be so confident of its utility? Brennan explained: Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI: a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do. An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures, and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive. The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly. As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community. On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations. Others might seize on SAI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI and other geoengineering initiatives. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus What is striking but not surprising is the missing link in Brennan’s “challenges”: namely, climate intervention’s threat to humans and other life on earth. Outside of the many adverse and consequential environmental affects of seeding the stratosphere, which we will hear about from renowned scientists in my next column, there is the toxic fallout of particles upon human life. Or does the Obama administration really think that injecting sulfate aerosol precursors and designed nanoparticles into the stratosphere will not result in grave health effects when they literally rain down upon us? The U.S. government’s National Center for Biotechnology Information, or NCBI, just released a report in January 2016 regarding “Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols.” In the report, it describes “the potential direct occupational and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM [Solar Radiation Management], including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols.” The NCBI concluded: “Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols. Little is known about the toxicity of some likely candidate aerosols, and there is no consensus regarding acceptable levels for public exposure to these materials. There is also little infrastructure in place to evaluate potential public health impacts in the event that stratospheric aerosols are deployed for solar radiation management.” Did anyone pass this health report to CIA Director John Brennan? Let’s be clear about at least one thing: Despite that those on the right and the left (including our president) have denied the government’s use of stratospheric aerosol spraying in the past, chemtrailing just collapsed as conspiracy. The climate cat is now out of the bag! But President Obama already told us this was coming, or has come. Back in February 2013, Obama warned Capitol Hill: “If Congress won’t act soon [on climate change] to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future. …” In January 2015, he repeated his threat: “If we do not act forcefully, we’ll continue to see rising oceans, longer, hotter heat waves, dangerous droughts and floods, and massive disruptions that can trigger greater migration, conflict, and hunger around the globe. The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security. We should act like it.” No wonder Obama said about himself, “Call me the rainmaker.” But no one ever told us that

VAXXED Awareness Event Update From Northern California

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On Friday, August 5th, 2016, an all day free public awareness and call to action event was carried out in the Northern California City of Redding. The event covered extreme vaccination dangers, climate engineering, and the unimaginable government tyranny that is inflicted on whistleblowers and the population as a whole. The groundbreaking documentary VAXXED was screened in the afternoon and again in the evening. The film producers (Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey) and the director (Dr. Andrew Wakefield) were present for extensive Q and A sessions after each screening. Dr Sherri Tenpenny joined the very informative VAXXED Q and A panel discussions in addition to carrying out her own hard hitting powerpoint presentation. A climate engineering update presentation on the dire state of the biosphere was presented by myself (Dane Wigington). An exposé on government criminal conduct was delivered from former CIA officer Kevin Shipp. Some of the day's speakers. From left to right: Del Bigtree (Vaxxed producer), Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dane Wigington (geoengineeringwatch.org),  Kevin Shipp (former CIA officer), and Dr. Andrew Wakefield (VAXXED director). The three photos above were taken in the early morning before the doors to all day event were opened. Photo credit: Alan Ernesto Phillips I wish to extend my deepest and most sincere gratitude to all of the extremely dedicated volunteers who worked so hard to make this all day and into the night (9am to 10pm) public awareness event such a success. The photo above only includes a portion of the hard working activists that gave their time and energy to this event.  The Cascade Theater was an exceptional location for this critically important gathering. My most sincere gratitude to the Cascade management and staff for all their help with the event.  Post presentation questions from some attendees that traveled considerable distances to attend. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny gave a powerful presentation on vaccine dangers and the coming mandatory vaccinations for adults. The VAXXED crew arrives at the event. The incredibly dedicated VAXXED team, Dr. Andrew Wakefield (VAXXED director), Polly Tommey (VAXXED producer), and Del Bigtree (VAXXED pruducer) at the entry to the historic Cascade Theatre Backstage with Dr. Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Kevin Shipp, and one of the event videographers, Alan Ernesto Phillips. Dr. Wakefield and one of the VAXXED film crew are shown with Dawn Winkler who tragically lost her daughter due to a vaccine reaction. Dawn was interviewed at the event by the Vaxxed team. Attendees (who came from considerable distances in many cases) gathering free informational materials in the event lobby to help continue raising awareness in their own regions. Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp presenting his powerful testimony to the audience. Activists Lori Bridgeford and Sharon Beckwith worked diligently starting a full six weeks prior to the event and continued their pace right through the event day.  The Redding awareness/call to action event would not have been possible without the tireless work and dedication of numerous activists who are completely and unselfishly committed to the cause. My most sincere gratitude to all the volunteers and activists whose assistance was absolutely essential for the success of this event. I also wish to express my deepest thanks to all the activists in the field who are working tirelessly to help sound the alarm each and every day all over the country and throughout the world. The battle for the greater good is a team effort, all of us are essential to the cause. The entire event was professionally filmed by multiple videographers. We will post individual videos of presentations and interviews conducted backstage at the event as they become available from the production crew. The walls continue to close in from countless directions, we must all make the most of every single day in regard to our efforts to sound the alarm and wake the masses. As expected (and as was the case with last years event) Northern California Media completely blacked out any coverage whatsoever of this event in spite of receiving multiple press releases. Exposing the truth is up to us. DW

Former CNN Reporter Greg Hunter Covers Global Climate Engineering Assault

Greg Hunter is a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past. Greg is the producer and creator of USAWatchdog.com, a highly trusted independent news site with a huge following. The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on". Unlike those in the corporate media propaganda circles, Greg has the courage to thoroughly  address the most critical issues that the majority of his media peers are afraid to even mention. In the 26 minute interview below, Hunter continues to make his voice heard in the battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering assault. I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to Greg for helping geoengineeringwatch.org to move the ball forward in this most critical fight for the greater good. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Chemtrails are Greatest Threat to Life on Earth – Dane Wigington Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter Last month, CIA Director John Brennan admitted Chemtrails, or as he put it, “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection,” is established geoengineering science used to fight global warming. Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says if the government is admitting it, the negative effects of spraying are too big to hide much longer. Wigington explains, “When CIA Director Brennan has to address it publicly, clearly it’s getting very difficult for them to hide this elephant in the room and the damage it has done, not only to the environment, but to us. It is irreparable already, and they know the liability already. They know this. They also know the amount of liability that has been created. That’s why they have been so desperate to hide this. To put this into the nutshell, the amount of destruction these programs have caused environmentally, it’s contaminated the entire web of life. This is, mathematically speaking, the greatest and most immediate threat to the web of life on earth, including human health. It is greater than any other threat short of nuclear cataclysm. That’s a mathematical fact.” Wigington is the founder of GeoEngineeringWatch.org and has teamed up with pro bono lawyers to sue the U.S. government to expose and stop the spraying. Wigington contends, “A 60 day notice has been put together by our team of U.S. attorneys to put all those potential defendants (which include Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and many others) on notice that this litigation is pending. They have been notified by certified mail, a 33 page 60 day notice . . . a very comprehensive document that outlines what they are doing, what laws its breaking and why this suit is being filed.” Wigington goes on to say, “This is indisputable fact. What these programs have done, full deployment over 70 years ago, are breaching countless environmental laws and countless laws for protections of populations. This is an unbelievably egregious act and a willful assault on the population. It can’t be called anything else. It’s just been under the radar for so long because our completely controlled corporate media is doing everything they can to try to suppress this most important issue from the public as long as they can.” The high ranking people in the scientific community have also been covering up chemtrails and geoengineering for decades. Wigington told one official via email exchange, “The wake up is real, and we have documentation to back up our accusations. Once the public finds out what’s been done to them, they will hold them responsible. Not just the ones who have done these crimes, but people facilitating these crimes by people helping to hide them like Marcia McNutt (President of the National Academy of Sciences). The public, at some point, would hold Nuremberg type trials. We are talking about ecocide and omnicide (extinction of human species). We are talking about a population that has been irreparably damaged by these programs. The heavy metals build up in our system, and they do immense amounts of harm. You can’t fix that, and once the population knows what’s been done to them, people . . . will be held accountable.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dane Wigington of GeoEngineeringWatch.org. (There is much more in the video interview.) After the Interview: I also asked Wigington about the reports of improving drought conditions in his home state of California. Wigington told me, “The drought in California is worse, and the notion that it is better is an absolute fallacy. Whole forests are being wiped out, and springs are drying up faster than ever before. High temps are being under reported by four or five degrees, and overnight temps are much higher than normal.” If you want to contribute to GeoEngineeringWatch.org, go to the home page and look near the upper right hand side of the page. There’s also a snail mail address. If you want to donate to the Legal Alliance that is paying to sue the government to stop geoengineering or chemtrails, click here. Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 30, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The Major VAXXED screening and geoengineering awareness event in Northern California is almost here, momentum is growing rapidly. Though the denial of the general population on the dire vaccination and geoengineering issues is still deep, it is now breaking down. It is up to all of us to keep that process in motion and expanding. On the wider horizon, there has been another weather warfare slaughter of alpacas in Peru. The chemically engineered winter headline is simply a part of the power structure's ever more desperate attempts to mask the rapidly unfolding planetary meltdown (which climate engineering is exacerbating). Millions of birds are dead and dying from H-5 avian influenza in Iraq, while in the US safe drinking water standards are being all but abandoned by the very agencies tasked with protecting public health. An international report on crimes and criminology implicates females as being every bit as capable of perpetrating atrocities as men, so long as they have the same access to pulling the levers. The Turkish crackdown on their citizens and media is a harbinger of what is coming for us all if the current course is not completely altered. Mass attacks will continue as will the power structure's utilization of these attacks for continuing to lock down on society. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The vast majority are still completely unaware of just how dire and immediate our collective reality is on countless fronts, but such denial will not be sustainable. What is the greatest and most immediate threat? Our planet is losing it's ability to support life with each passing day. There are countless anthropogenic sources of biosphere damage to our environment. This being said, if the population does not focus on the fight to expose and halt climate engineering above all other challenges, and if we do not make a complete course correction, very soon nothing else will matter. Help in the critical effort to sound the alarm while we still have some portion of Earth's life support systems left to salvage, every day counts. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 23, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org More terror attacks, more government lockdowns in response to the terror attacks, and more distractions from the converging catastrophes on the wider horizon. From false flag events, to dangerous vaccines, to weather warfare, the desperation of governments trying to control their populations is spiraling completely out of control. What is the most essential element of life on Earth? Water, and our water-bodies are dying. Skyrocketing temperatures, UV radiation, and toxic contamination, are all playing a part in the death of our seas and our fresh water sources. Though there are countless anthropogenic factors at play, the ongoing climate engineering assault is central component. Massive toxic algae blooms are sweeping the globe and, in many cases, killing everything in their path. The still developing die-off of the Great Barrier Reef is now headed for total ecosystem collapse. Countless other reefs around the globe are experiencing the same level of die-off. If the human race continues to systematically destroy Earth's life support systems while turning the planet into a toxic waste dump, our short term horizon will be total global extinction. The full focus of the people must turn to preserving the planet's ability to sustain life if we are to have any hope of longer term survival. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Those who blindly follow the orchestrated dictates of the power structure because "they are just doing their job" are not innocent. The order followers must find their sense of morality and cease their personal contributions to the juggernaut of insanity that is currently consuming the planet and irreparably harming populations. It is up to the people to hold the order followers legally and morally accountable. It is up to every one of us. Pass on credible data to any and every individual that will accept it. Help us to stoke the fires of awareness that are now growing around the world, every day counts. DW

Geoengineering Is Accelerating A Runaway Greenhouse Scenario

Science circles and governments all over the globe are pushing the narrative that "geoengineering could mitigate global warming". This narrative is so astoundingly false from so many directions, the fact such a dialog is even occurring is a true testimony to the willful (paid) blindness and insanity of the "science" community. There can be no rational denial of the fact that climate engineering programs are going on, this reality is inarguably verifiable for anyone that has bothered to look up. If any objective investigation of available data is carried out, there can be no rational denial of the fact that global climate engineering has been going on at a significant scale for at least 70 years. There is a mountain of data to prove this including 750 page senate documents. Geoengineering CAN'T mitigate what is likely already a runaway greenhouse effect, and eventually, Venus syndrome. The climate engineering insanity can only make an already critically bad climate scenario worse, and that is exactly what it is doing. There is NO benevolence in the climate engineering assault, NONE. Geoengineering is ultimately about power and control, period. Short-term toxic chemical cool-downs are carried out at the cost of a far worsened overall warming, a shredded ozone layer, a completely derailed hydrological cycle, and completely contaminated planet. A final fact that is most astounding and perplexing, there are many who claim to be fighting against climate engineering which are actually parroting the preferred propaganda prepared by the power structure itself, that "global warming is a hoax" or even more ridiculous, that the "planet is cooling". The planet is not just warming, it is descending into total meltdown along with industrialized civilization. How hot is it? Even with daily high temperature readings being grossly UNDERREPORTED, former high temperature records are still being completely obliterated. Though the recent article below does not address the geoengineering elephant in the room, the data it does address is dire, but far short of how severe the state of the biosphere actually is. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  We just broke the record for hottest year, nine straight times Source: The Guardian, article by Dana Nuccitelli Earth’s record hottest 12 consecutive months were set in each month ending in September 2015 through May 2016 This image released by NASA’s Earth Observatory Team from data collected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), an instrument on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites, shows the land surface temperature as observed by MODIS in Asia between April 15 to April 23, 2016. Yellow shows the warmest temperatures. Photograph: AP 2014 and 2015 each set the record for hottest calendar year since we began measuring surface temperatures over 150 years ago, and 2016 is almost certain to break the record once again. It will be without precedent: the first time that we’ve seen three consecutive record-breaking hot years. But it’s just happenstance that the calendar year begins in January, and so it’s also informative to compare all yearlong periods. In doing so, it becomes clear that we’re living in astonishingly hot times. June 2015 through May 2016 was the hottest 12-month period on record. That was also true of May 2015 through April 2016, and the 12 months ending in March 2016. In fact, it’s true for every 12 months going all the way back to the period ending in September 2015, according to global surface temperature datacompiled by Kevin Cowtan and Robert Way. We just set the record for hottest year in each of the past 9 months. Running 12-month average global surface temperature using data compiled by Kevin Cowtan and Robert Way. Illustration: Dana Nuccitelli These record temperatures have been assisted by a very strong El Niño event, which brought warm water to the ocean surface, temporarily warming global surface temperatures. But today’s temperatures are only record-setting because the El Niño was superimposed on top of human-caused global warming. For comparison, 1997–1998 saw a very similar monster El Niño event. And similarly, the 12-month hottest temperature record was set in each month from October 1997 through August 1998. That was likewise a case of El Niño and global warming teaming up to shatter previous temperature records.  The difference is that while September 1997–August 1998 was the hottest 12-month period on record at the time; it’s now in 60th place. It’s been surpassed by yearlong periods in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Many of those years weren’t even aided by El Niño events; unassisted global warming made them hotter than 1998.  Global surface temperatures are now more than 0.3°C hotter than they were in 1997–1998. That’s a remarkable rise over just 18 years, in comparison to the 1°C the Earth’s average surface temperatures have risen since the Industrial Revolution began. This has all happened during a time when ‘no significant warming in 18 years’ has been one of the rallying cries of climate denial. In reality, when we compare apples to apples – El Niño years to El Niño years – we’ve seen more than 0.3°C global surface warming over the past 18 years, which is in line with climate model predictions. ‘Climate models are wrong’ has been another now-debunked climate denial rallying cry. Now that the past year’s El Niño event is over, the streak of record-breaking yearlong periods appears to have ended. Nevertheless, 2016 remains on track to break that record for the hottest calendar year, for an unprecedented third consecutive year, following record years in 2010 and 2005 as well. With Apr update, 2016 still > 99% likely to be a new record (assuming historical ytd/ann patterns valid).​ With the Earth warming dangerously rapidly, at a rate 20–50 times faster than the fastest rate of natural global warming, one can’t help but wonder when the influence of the small minority of disproportionately powerful climate denial groups will wane.  195 countries pledged to curb their carbon pollution in the tremendously successful Paris climate negotiations, but climate denial is still predominant in one of America’s two political parties, and may be gaining foothold in other regions of the Anglosphere like the UK and Australia. Fortunately, many other countries like China, India, and Canada seem to be moving in the right direction with

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 16, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Another terrible tragedy (the most recent attack in France) conveniently gives cover for the power structure as they continue to put their chess pieces in place in preparation for biosphere and societal collapse. The US stock market has been pumped to new all time record highs by the completely out of control fiat financial system that is (and has been) nothing more than a snake eating its own tail. The US and NATO are being ever more aggressive in their push for global conflict, they will stop at nothing to retain their grip on power. Venezuela is still descending into starvation and chaos, their government is now controlling food distribution. Back on the home front, the masses are waking up to the very real vaccination dangers thanks to the VAXXED documentary and all those that are a part of it. In Northern California the media is already starting a campaign of disinformation against VAXXED and Dr. Andrew Wakefield in what appears to be an attempt to slow the momentum that is rapidly building for the major public awareness event that will occur on August 5th, in Redding, California. All the while, the planet is continuing into total meltdown with climate engineering further pushing the process. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Where do we go from here? What will our part be in this unfolding convergence of catastrophes? Can we still make a difference for the better? That choice belongs to each of us, and all of us together. Let's make every day count. DW

Netherlands Department Of The Environment Officer Is Confronted About Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org In the 12 minute video below, a very revealing and damning confrontation unfolds between a Dutch investigator/photographer (who wishes to remain anonymous) and a representative from the Netherlands Department of The Environment. The environmental officer actually admits to the geoengineering reality, stating the following: Yes, but I will not deny that geoengineeing is taking place, that is clearly known. The environmental officer then adamantly denies the true scale of the climate engineering assault. We assume that this is taking place on a very limited scale. The governmental representative goes on to say this: Uh… and there is no major impact on health and the environment. The systematic denial and/or confirmation bias that is rampant throughout the whole of academia, governmental agencies, and society in general, is truly beyond rational comprehension. Though it is simple enough to identify the self-serving motives of such behavior, one wonders how these individuals face their own image in the mirror. The effort to fully expose the criminal conduct of official representatives like the one in this recording is a responsibility that must be carried forward by us all, make your voice heard. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 9, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On countless fronts the wake-up is accelerating. Though the majority of the population is still doing their best to screen out unpleasant truths, for an ever increasing number of individuals the denial option is no longer working. The power structure is running out of ways to plug the holes in their sinking ship. They also know that on the current course their days are now numbered. Every imaginable means of mass distraction will continue to be utilized by the criminal power brokers. False flags events, divide and conquer tactics, and now the very real push toward WWlll by the US and other western powers. Conflict has always been business as usual for the US controllers. This moment in time in human history is like no other. Now the stakes are total, there is no going back. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. How much longer can life on Earth survive the onslaught of the human race? How much longer will the majority of global populations stay on the sidelines while the few wage the all important battle to expose the truth for the benefit of the whole and the greater good? This equation must change, it is changing, but every single one of us is indispensable on the frontline. Reaching a critical mass of overall awareness is the great imperative, this is especially true in regard to the ranks of the US military and law enforcement. We must all continue to sound the alarm by sharing credible data wherever and whenever possible, time is not on our side. DW


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