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Scientists Surveyed Unanimously Refuse To Deny Climate Engineering Reality

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On Friday, October 7th, 2016, GeoengineeringWatch.org carried out a simple survey that involved 1518 climate scientists and experts. Below is the very simple and straightforward survey statement sent out to 1518 climate scientists/experts by GeoengineeringWatch. This survey was worded in a specific fashion for a reason. The climate science community has systematically claimed that geoengineering programs are only a "proposal". But what happens when this community is asked to state their denial on the record?

Geoengineers Disrupt Hydrological Cycle In A Desperate Attempt To Mask Planetary Meltdown

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Hiding the severity and immediacy of countless converging catastrophes from populations (until the last possible moment) remains a top priority for the global power structure. The NOAA "departure from normal high temperatures" map below covers the period from October 16th through the 20th. NOAA modeling is done by private defense/geoengineering contractor, Raytheon, thus their "forecasts" amount to the scheduled weather. Every color tier reflects a 2-3 degree "departure from normal" to the high side or low side, depending on the color hue. If the profound imbalance of temperatures shown in this map does not alarm you, it should. While record high temperatures are being set throughout much of the country (and the world as a whole), the US West Coast and parts of Alaska are temporarily (and toxically) cooled off by a massive plume of moisture (snow is even falling in the Western US). Atmospheric aerosol spraying (including chemical ice nucleation elements) are being dispersed by jet aircraft as the ongoing climate engineering operations further derail Earth's weather and life support systems.  Record setting high, summer like, temperatures will continue into the week for much of the US. At the same time that record high temperatures being set in so much of the US, snow is miraculously falling in other parts of the lower 48 states. Snow is occurring (due to chemical ice nucleating elements) in some locations in spite of above freezing temperatures and in spite of warmer flows of moisture off of the record warm Pacific Ocean. Snow (shown in blue on the map below) is cleary showing up across the Western US. As the climate engineers continue to force the climate system to ever greater extremes of temperature imbalances, the biosphere's ability to cope is rapidly breaking down. In addition to the temperature extremes, there is the issue of the highly toxic geoengineering/solar radiation management fallout that is contaminating the entire surface of the planet and every breath we take. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below reflects variances from "normal" temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit. These imbalances are already far beyond extreme and growing worse rapidly. As the moisture flows in from the coast, the air masses below it are cooled by the aerosol/ice nucleating dispersions already mentioned (chemical ice nucleated events are occuring all over the globe). The same aerosols (which are manipulated with radio frequency transmissions) have the effect of scattering the moisture into vast expanses of largely rainless cloud cover. This is the stated goal of solar radiation management (SRM). The sun blocking aerosolized clouds, of course, also trap heat (in addition to countless other negative effects) which further fuels the overall planetary meltdown.  The planet is already warming at a "runaway" pace with nightime low temperatures rising even faster than daytime highs. The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown in the combination satellite radar image shown below, the more aerosolized the cloud cover is. The constant aerosol saturation of the moisture flows, as they approach from the west, continues to rob desperately needed rain from California. The US Drought Monitor map below does not begin to reflect the true severity of the drought and the decimation it is causing. Why are National Weather Service and NOAA employees completely completely mute on the subject of climate engineering? Illegal federal gag orders have ensured their silence. Global climate engineering is weather warfare, and biological warfare, nothing less. Geoengineering is not mitigating the overall planetary warming, it is actually fueling it. In their increasingly desperate attempt to mask the unfolding climate crisis from the public, the climate engineers are tearing Earth's life support systems apart. Our battle for survival is here, and now. Help us with the critical battle to sound the alarm, every day counts. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 15, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The US/NATO quest for total global dominance continues to move forward while it is simultaneously fracturing from within. The US supported ally, Saudi Arabia, has just added to it's growing mountain of dead civilians by slaughtering a funeral gathering in Yemen. Former US allies, like the Philippines, are kicking the US military out of their country. Many other nations are rapidly descending into chaos. The geoengineers are flowing moisture into the Western US but have so far syphoned off much of it with a constant aerosol spraying assault. The atmospheric aerosol saturation (and radio frequency transmissions) broadcasts the moisture out into massive expanses of largely rainless cloud cover. Welcome to solar radiation management which is worsening the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. And for those who have bought into "the more Co2, the better" equation, a new study now proves that trees and plants have long since passed their peak ability to absorb this greenhouse gas. The latest addition of Global Alert News is below. Apathy and angst will not save us, only properly prioritized collective action can yet make a difference. Each and every one of us can have a profound impact for the better on the overall paradigm, we simply need to try. Make your voice heard. DW

CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a recent critical public awareness event in Northern California organized by GeoengineeringWatch.org, Mr. Shipp gave an extremely informative and compelling presentation on numerous horrific ongoing government crimes. The subjects Kevin Shipp addressed included climate engineering and the governments total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny. Mr. Shipp's powerful presentation is below. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny (detailed in Kevin's book "In The company Of Shadows) serves as a stellar example to all of us. We desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin's lead . If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the battle for the greater good. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 8, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Climate engineering is an undeniable reality as recent NASA satellite photos prove. Hurricane Matthew was a well timed engineered distraction that provided a great deal of cover for the now completely out of control power structure that is pushing us perilously close to a nuclear WWlll. Locations off of the US mainland coast (such as Haiti where the decimation suited the agenda of those in power) were slaughtered, while Matthew was kept from making catastrophic damage on US shores. Overhyped Matthew media coverage successfully eclipsed other headlines of imploding global ecosystems, and more lines in the sand being drawn from the global powers that have had enough of the US/NATO aggression. The pharmaceutical industrial complex has decided there is not enough aluminum in the existing Gardasil vaccination so they have decided to double the amount of aluminum in this already lethal injection. The fossil fuel industry has been radically underreporting the amount of methane they are spilling into the atmosphere, but the fountains of methane that are now blowing out in the Arctic completely overshadow it all. The Pentagon is pumping hundreds of millions into fake Al-Qaeda terrorist videos, and the US population is for the most part still asleep at the wheel. The human race remains on a trajectory toward near term extinction. The October 8th installment of Global Alert News is below. Can we still make a difference for the better? If the masses can be awakened in time, possibly. Make your voice heard. DW

Hurricane Matthew, The Latest Example Of Global Weather Warfare Desperation

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. Is this storm being manipulated by the weather/climate modification programs? Though countless anthropogenic factors have contributed to the rapid warming of our planet, there is no question that global climate engineering/weather warfare is a reality and making an already horrific climate scenario far worse. What agendas might the power structure be carrying out by manipulating and/or exacerbating climate chaos over specific regions and during critical windows of time? Is mass distraction from US/NATO fueled Middle East and European mahem one of the objectives being provided by the climate engineers and hurricane "Matthew"? All available data indecates the geoengineers have been actively suppressing cyclones in the Atlantic basin for at least a decade. Why has "Matthew" been at minumum allowed to strengthen? Was the unexpected 90 degree northward turn of this storm a natural occurance? Or was this course alteration the result of geoengineering, ionosphere heaters, and atmospheric aerosol spraying? What other objectives might also be in the balance? There has been an over 11 year hurricane drought in the US regarding major hurricane landfalls and that drought persists. Though many sources tried to claim that Hurricane "Hermine" ended the anomalous hurricane drought for the US, this is not true, as "Hermine" was barely a category 1 hurricane, and even then only for an extremely short period just prior to landfall. "Hermine" DID NOT end the major hurricane landfall drought in the US. How can the US be spared the record major hurricane impacts that are pounding so many locations in other parts of the world? Because the largest military in the world (the US military) is at the head of massive climate intervention programs that are nothing short of weather warfare. Though some might claim that cyclone suppression for the us (that, again,  has gone on for over 11 years) is beneficial (and therefore should be embraced), this very suppression contributes to even more overall heat buildup in the climate system and thus eventually even more hurricanes of even greater strength. This must also be considered, ALL forms of climate engineering involve the use of highly toxic materials that quickly descend through the breathable air column and are, therefore, inhaled and absorbed by all life forms.  Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are highly visible in skies all over the world. Photo credit: Dirk Poole Again, about hurricane "Matthew", why is it being allowed to strengthen (or possibly even being aumented by the weather makers)  when the climate engineers have patented hurricane suppression technology to suppress this storm? There are likely many agendas being carried out with "Matthew"(including providing a timely distraction from the US push toward WWlll), but as already stated, cyclones provide cooling and ocean mixing for our rapidly warming planet. So long as the weather makers can steer this highly destructive cyclone over regions and populations that are not of interest or concern to the US military powers (or over regions where the destruction might even provide opportunities for US military occupations to be carried out under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"), then the cyclones are allowed to spin up and strengthen. The "moisture pump" effect of this cyclone as it is steered northward (while possibly being prevented from making a landfall on the US east coast and thus the military ports based there) will also provide some temporary cooling for the record warm oceans and for the East Coast. But at what cost does the hurricane manipulatioin come in regard to the planet as a whole? As Matthew approaches the US, the bombardment of aerosol spraying occurring over the storm will likely increase dramatically. The climate engineers will likely try to weaken the storm to create the largest expanse of aerosolized sun blocking cloud canopy possible (SRM operations), and, again, possibly to keep the storm from actually making landfall on the US east coast. This being said, in the end, we can't know the full agenda of those behind the levers of power and thus we cannot say with certainty how they will attempt to manipulate this storm in the coming days. Hurricane Matthew has gone through very anomalous phases where it almost appears to be a twin cyclone on radar images as the core was divided. "Matthew" has even transitioned through phases where there were actually 3 major zones of convection. The forecast map above shows the original projected path of Hurricane Matthew. Hurricane Matthew's new projected path as of 10/3/16, a near 90 degree northerly turn from the original projected path. The photo above was taken on 10-2-16 near the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince (photo: AFP) Haiti is a country of immense struggle and crisis, much of it fueled and excacerbated by outside influences. The Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, how much more anger would they feel if they knew about the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare operations? How many countries around the globe have had to endure engineered climate catastrophes which then led to military occupation under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"? When countries do not cooperate with the agenda of the western power structure, are they then made the victims of weather warfare?   The planet's climate system is aggressively being used as a weapon of war, conquest, and control. As power structure becomes more desperate (due to unfolding global scenarios), they will likely become rapidly more aggressive with weather warfare operations. The global geoengineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. All are needed to help with the most critical battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 1, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Few yet comprehend the degree to which those in power have been engaged in aggressively and intentioinally degrading the health and cognitive function of populations.  Few yet comprehend the severity of damage that has already been inflicted on the planet's life support systems. The desperation of the power structure is rapidly reaching new levels of blatancy as they run out of options. Their attempt to hide all that is unfolding from the population is finally beginning to fail. How will the public respond to the medical community once they fully realize the extent to which so many in the medical field have profited by aggressively pushing undeniably dangerous vaccinations. The cancer that currently controls the world is completely out of control. If we are to have any chance of fully exposing and halting it in time to salvage any semblance of our planet's life support systems (and our health), we must all take a stand together. The latest issue of Global Alert News is below. The clock continues to tick toward midnight, time is not on our side. Make your voice heard in the fight for the greater good while there is still time to make a difference. DW

Obama Authorizes: “Presidential Memorandum – Climate Change And National Security”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The stakes are raising by the day as the Earth's climate and life support systems continue to unravel. The US military has long since acknowledged that the disintegrating climate system is the greatest national security threat of all. What has never been admitted to by our government, the military, mainstream media, and legions of academicians (that are either paid off or threatened into silence), is the ongoing global climate engineering assault. Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are nothing short of weather and biological warfare (due to the highly toxic fallout from the climate engineering programs). The recent "Presidential Memorandum" from President Obama is revealing. Not just because of what it covers, but because of the glaring omission of the climate engineering issue which is only eluded to in the document (excerpts below). Presidential Memorandum — Climate Change and National Security September 21, 2016 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBJECT: Climate Change and National Security By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following: Section 1. Purpose. This memorandum establishes a framework and directs Federal departments and agencies (agencies) to perform certain functions to ensure that climate change-related impacts are fully considered in the development of national security doctrine, policies, and plans. The US military has long since stated its objective to "Own The Weather". Sec. 2. Background. Climate change poses a significant and growing threat to national security, both at home and abroad. Climate change and its associated impacts affect economic prosperity, public health and safety, and international stability. Extended drought, more frequent and severe weather events, heat waves, warming and acidifying ocean waters, catastrophic wildfires, and rising sea levels all have compounding effects on people's health and well-being. Flooding and water scarcity can negatively affect food and energy production. Energy infrastructure, essential for supporting other key sectors, is already vulnerable to extreme weather and may be further compromised. Impacts of a changing climate can create conditions that promote pest outbreaks and the spread of invasive species as well as plant, animal, and human disease, including emerging infectious disease, and these can further undermine economic growth and livelihoods. Impacts can also disrupt transportation service, cutting off vulnerable communities from relief immediately after events and reducing economic output. These conditions, in turn, can stress some countries' ability to provide the conditions necessary for human security. All of these effects can lead to population migration within and across international borders, spur crises, and amplify or accelerate conflict in countries or regions already facing instability and fragility. Climate engineering/weather warfare is a primary means by which countries and populations around the globe have been assaulted and manipulated. Climate change and associated impacts on U.S. military and other national security-related missions and operations could adversely affect readiness, negatively affect military facilities and training, increase demands for Federal support to non-federal civil authorities, and increase response requirements to support international stability and humanitarian assistance needs. The top US military leaders have stated again and again that the disintegrating climate system is the greatest national security threat of all. (a) The Climate and National Security Working Group. The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, or their designees, will chair an interagency working group (Working Group) to coordinate the development of a strategic approach to identify, assess, and share information on current and projected climate-related impacts on national security interests and to inform the development of national security doctrine, policies, and plans. US weather/climate modification programs are a historically verifiable fact. Historical documents (a massive 750 page US Senate document is one) verify that global weather modification/climate engineering programs have been going on for some 70 years. (b) Representation. The Working Group shall include representatives, at the Assistant Secretary or equivalent level, or their designees, from: (i) the Department of State; (ii) the Department of the Treasury; (iii) the Department of Defense; (iv) the Department of Justice; (v) the Department of the Interior; (vi) the Department of Agriculture; (vii) the Department of Commerce; (viii) the Department of Health and Human Services; (ix) the Department of Transportation; (x) the Department of Energy; (xi) the Department of Homeland Security; (xii) the United States Agency for International Development; (xiii) the Environmental Protection Agency; (xiv) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; (xv) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence; (xvi) the U.S. Mission to the United Nations; (xvii) the Office of Management and Budget; (xviii) the Council on Environmental Quality; (xix) the Millennium Challenge Corporation; and (xx) any other agencies or offices as designated by the Co-Chairs. (c) Functions. The Working Group, in close collaboration with the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), shall: (i) identify the U.S. national security priorities that are within the scope of the Working Group's mission; (ii) develop recommendations for requirements for climate and social science data and intelligence analyses, as appropriate, that support national security interests; (iii) catalog climate science data, intelligence analyses, and other products and programs that support or should be considered in the development of national security doctrine, policy, and plans. This catalogue shall include climate and social science data repositories and analytical platforms; climate modeling, simulation, and projection capabilities; and information-sharing tools and resources supporting climate risk analyses and assessments, such as the Climate Data Initiative, the Climate Resilience Toolkit, the Global Change Information System, and the National Climate Assessment; The very same governmental agencies that are named in this new "Obama Climate Change Memorandum" have already been involved in the weather modification/climate engineering arena for over a half century as historical presidential reports prove. (x) in coordination with the NSTC, recommend research guidelines concerning the Federal Government's ability to detect climate intervention activities; The US government (and other major powers around the globe) have been actively and aggressively  engaged in a toxic tug of war with the Earth's climate system since the end of WWll. (xiv) have classified and unclassified capabilities, as required and appropriate, to consolidate and

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 24, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The United States government and the military it controls is in the business of destabilizing and toppling any nation that gets in the way of its hegemonic agenda. Syria was thrust into chaos because its democratically elected leader refused to allow a US backed pipeline to be constructed across his country. There are dozens of other such examples from the last few decades alone. The desperation of the western power structure continues to manifest as it pushes the world ever closer to WWlll. The US government's support of the ISIS terrorists is becoming impossible to hide or deny. The American population will very soon be forced to face the fact that they are not only expendable to those at the top of their own government, but are actually a rapidly increasing liability for the power elite. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. If we have any chance of waking the masses and changing course in time, all of us are needed to join the critical effort to sound the alarm. DW

Sacrificing All For The Fight To Expose And Halt Climate Engineering, The Moving Testimony Of A Now Former Educator

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity has been incredibly arduous for all that have truly committed themselves to this monumental and dire task. Some have made immense sacrifices in this fight, their testimonies should be an inspiration to us all. A former elementary school teacher, Laura Kozicki, is a stellar example of an individual's total dedication to the greater good. Laura's story, in her own words, is below. The recent newspaper ad she paid for with her own hard earned funds is posted after Laura's testimony.  When I first learned about geoengineering in 2011 after watching a program about geoengineering, I had already felt distrustful of our government. A close relative of mine had been diagnosed with autism and ADHD about 5 years earlier. I’d learned about the thimerosol in childrens' vaccinations and mercury in dental fillings. And sure enough, genetic testing showed that her body probably wouldn’t be making sufficient amounts of glutathione. Glutathione is abundant naturally in the body and is used by the body to eliminate toxins, including metals. Intravenous glutathione helped remove many of the toxins her body wasn’t able to get rid of on its own. The roughly $30,000 spent out of pocket on alternative methods for healing could have sent her to college this fall. From learning about the health risks of vaccines, I concluded that the government had been reckless and irresponsible with people’s health and well-being. It hadn’t occurred to me at the time when I was learning all this information about vaccines, toxicity, damage to the digestive tract, and autism that some individuals or organizations might have been intentionally causing harm. When I came to understand what geoengineering is and how it clearly will end life on this planet if it’s not stopped, then I realized that there actually may be an intent to cause harm. The quick read "Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism" by Joel Andreas was another dot connector for me. After watching the episode about geoengineering, I asked aloud, Why would they do a thing like this? The words ‘Book of Revelation’ flashed into my mind. I went through a period of depression where I lost my appetite and felt hopeless and helpless. After about a month I realized that regardless of how I feel about the situation, I have a responsibility in trying to warn others about this. I began trying to talk with colleagues at the elementary school where I was teaching about geoengineering. Some colleagues were a little interested, but some were frightened, and others didn’t want to hear about it. I had felt a responsibility, and still feel a responsibility in at least trying to offer the information to people. How would I feel about myself years down the road if I hadn’t tried to warn them? When it comes right down to it, all of our lives depend on alerting each other so that together humanity can put an end to geoengineering. It’s like if we see someone crossing a street and they’re not aware that they’re about to be hit by a speeding semi, wouldn’t it be the right thing to do to warn them? If we don’t let each other know about geoengineering, it’s going to kill us all. I was warned from the school district administration after I started trying to talk to co-workers about this topic. I don’t know if there is a way that an employer would see it as being appropriate for an employee to try to talk to co-workers on the job about geoengineering, the appearance of the sky, or any other politically sensitive topic. Maybe it comes down to “Don’t try to warn your co-workers if there’s something you see as a danger” and “Stay within the boundaries if you want to keep your job”. Near the end of April this year, I was notified that my teaching contract wouldn’t be renewed. To be fair to the district in the decision they had made, I cannot state for certain what their reasons were. I had stopped reciting the Pledge of Allegiance some years earlier, but my second grade students must have thought that they were required or at least expected to do so. It seems like if kids are asked to recite an oath that isn’t required of them by law, they should at least be told that it’s optional, but I don’t think anybody ever did tell them.  I’ll probably always wonder if my talking about geoengineering to colleagues was part of the decision not to renew my teaching contract. After the shock of losing my job and the immediate worries about maybe having to sell the house eventually to make ends meet (I had seen that this may be coming for a while and had been saving money), I began to realize that losing my teaching job has actually been a blessing and an opportunity.         For the past 5 years or so I had tried to let others know about the dangers of geoengineering, but whatever I did, like airing a geoengineering documentary film on the Milwaukee area public access TV station, I did so wondering whether someone from my school district would see it with my name as the volunteer who prepared the program to be aired, and if there would be repercussions if someone connected to my job would see that I was responsible for a film about geoengineering going on public access TV. There was always the tug of war between “do the right thing” and “paycheck and pension”. I finally told God a few years ago that if he wanted me to speak openly and boldly then he should remove me from my teaching job so that I could stop worrying about trying to keep it.  After my teaching contract ended permanently this June, I found a part time job working at a gas station. It’s helping me make ends meet and not have to dip into savings as much. The food


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