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Geoengineered Winter Weather, The Chemical Ice Nucleation Factor

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The climate engineers have the power to chemically cool-down surface temperatures when enough atmospheric moisture is available to them. The more heavily and extensively the geoengineers utilize chemical ice nucleating materials, the more extreme the surface cooling that they can create. This is not speculation, but verifiable fact proven by patented processes. One example is below. Click the image to view highlighted patent Mainstream media covered the fact that Chinese scientists are engineering snowstorms, are we to believe that the US government and others aren't doing the same? The US military is as large as the next 10 largest militaries combined, thus they have the ability to carry out climate engineering (weather warfare) operations on the largest scale by far. Not only have US military commanders stated that the disintegrating climate is the greatest national security threat, they have long since stated their objective of "owning the weather". Are we to believe that our government would ask our permission before deploying climate engineering operations? In fact, our government's own documents prove climate engineering has been ongoing for decades. The “departure from normal high temperature” map below (from Dec 29, 2017) clearly revealed where surface temperatures were cold, and where they were not. The arc of below normal surface temperatures began at the Hawaiian islands and rotated clockwise up and over the “ridiculously resilient ridge” of drought creating a geoengineered high pressure zone that was created over the US West (from ionosphere heater installations like HAARP), then descends back down to the eastern US. This freeze / fry scenario has been ongoing in recent years In order to engineer an end of year cool-down for parts of the US and Canada, the flow of moisture from the Pacific (that was until recently directed completely around California) was chemically nucleated by the climate engineers. What happens when these endothermic reacting materials rain down on far above freezing bodies of water like Lake Michigan? (the majority of Lake Michigan is still at nearly 45 degrees F)  Perfectly spherical ice balls form and start washing up on shorelines. The chemical nucleating elements form a nucleus around which ice continues to form. How about all that temporary ice along the US East Coast which the media did their best to sensationalize?  Did anyone bother to check the ocean temperatures?  Sea ice floats in Boston Harbor, Jan. 3, 2018, in Boston. Photo credit: AP Why is so much ice forming on ocean waters that are 40 degrees F or higher? This fact should also be remembered and considered, sea water does not freeze until it reaches 28.4 degrees F. “Slush Waves” were also recorded along the coast near Boston, why are no official sources questioning this? Why are no official sources offering any reasonable explanations for such a phenomenon when ocean temperatures are 40 degrees F or higher? The answer is because they are not allowed to tell the truth. The illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service (NWS) and all National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) employees should be a glaring red flag. Surface ice storms are also now a constant threat due to the chemical ice nucleating elements reaching the surface before solidifying. Photo credit: Jonathan Nimerfroh How warm is the East Coast scheduled to get after the engineered weather whiplash cool-down passes? The “departure from normal high temperature” map below paints a shocking picture of East Coast warmth (in close proximity to a chemically nucleated cold zone in the center of the US) that was scheduled to follow on the heals of the media hyped (and completely engineered) “winter storms”. Will the geoengineers be able to alter the outcome of this "forecast" with yet another engineered cooldown? Winter storm “Hunter” is the next theatrically named creation of the climate engineers that will follow the temporary weather whiplash warm-up. The top 3 superpowers (USA, China, and Russia) have the largest militaries, and thus the greatest ability to effect the climate with their ongoing chemical ice nucleation cool-down operations. It is important to remember and consider that the majority of nations are either actively or passively participating in the global climate intervention programs. Comparing the more recent scheduled temperature anomaly forecast map below with the map shown earlier in this post reveals a number of profound weather whiplash changes occurring in the space of only a few days. Greenland has  gone from far below normal surface temperatures back to far above normal temperatures, the eastern US has done the same. Conversely, portions of Russia and China have done the opposite, going from far above normal to below normal. The geoengineered winter weather whiplash scenarios will continue to worsen rapidly, patented chemical ice nucleation processes are a primary factor. It must be remembered and considered that all "predictions" (scheduled weather) are in a state of constant flux. So much depends on what the climate engineers choose to do (or not to do) at any given window of time. Headlines from Siberia reveal an incident of uniformly spherical "ice boulders" suddenly washing up on the shores of Nyda, Russia. Are we to believe this is only an "act of nature" as "official sources" have told us? Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh Why would the "ice boulders" occur with Arctic sea ice at record low levels? Why would perfectly spherical "ice balls" occur at all?  2012 was the previous record Arctic ice low for this time of year, 2016 has shattered that former record. 2017 has brought yet another new record low level of Arctic sea ice. Why would such formations occur from the record warm Arctic Ocean? Sea temperatures in some zones of the Arctic Ocean have been as much as 25 degrees above the 30 year average. This average was taken from 1981-2011, when the ocean temperatures were already warmer than the pre-industrial era. Why are governments and media doing all they can to hide the reality of the record warm Arctic from the public? There are many reasons, none of them are benevolent. Temperatures and ice melt in the polar regions are going completely off the charts as the "departure from normal temperature" map below makes clear.  Siberia is undergoing massive engineered cooling assaults, but the extremely rapid warming of the planet is undeniable and climate engineering is helping to fuel the

Geoengineering, Climate Collapse, Dead Leaves, And Defoliants

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Visible signs of biosphere collapse can be seen everywhere, but how many seem to notice? What would our world be like without trees? We would never know, because without trees, we would not be here. In recent years ever larger numbers of deciduous trees can be found fully foliated with stone dead leaves, even in the middle of winter. Why? The term DECIDUOUS means that trees that are categorized as deciduous lose their leaves, usually in the autumn. This is a natural process. The term deciduous means "the dropping of a part that is no longer needed" and the "falling away (of a part) after its purpose is finished". Why are leaves now shriveling up and dying on various species of DECIDUOUS trees (and remaining on the tree) after specific rains in the fall season? Even without the present cold temperatures? Why are leaves (which normally fall off trees) hanging on with many species of deciduous trees all winter long? There is no historical precedent for such a completely unnatural and alarming phenomenon now occurring with many deciduous trees. This phenomenon is taking place both in urban and wilderness settings alike. While some are claiming that trees fully foliated with dead leaves is normal or natural, such a claim does not hold up to objective investigation of the leaf abscission process. Abscission means that a plant will cut away, various parts of its organism. A tree will abscise a part of itself either to discard a member that is no longer necessary, such as a leaf during autumn, or a flower following fertilization, or for the purposes of reproduction. Most deciduous plants / trees drop their leaves by abscission before winter, whereas evergreen plants / trees continuously abscise their leaves. If a leaf is damaged, a plant may also abscise it to conserve water or photosynthetic efficiency, depending on the "costs" to the plant as a whole.  Again, living trees that are covered in dead hanging leaves are a recently recognized phenomenon. Are the dead leaf foliated trees any more "normal" than the "official" false narratives about "condensation trails"?  We know that farmers / orchard growers have been using defoliants for decades in order to force their trees into dormancy. Certainly governments could do this on almost any scale with the massive climate engineering operations.   Why aren’t official agencies doing any investigation or testing? Are the climate engineers utilizing defoliants during fall rains as a part of their ongoing geoengineering operations? Is this a method to force many deciduous trees into dormancy, when the average temperatures are now often far too warm in many locations to create natural dormancy and subsequent leaf drop? Are the climate engineers trying to create the illusion of a season change that is no longer naturally occurring in many regions  due to rapidly rising temperatures? Again we know that chemicals for forcing dormancy in trees have been used by some farmers for decades.  Climate engineering fueled extreme weather whiplash is becoming rapidly worse all over the globe. Nature's former balance has been completely derailed. How far will the geoengineers go to mask the severity of biosphere collapse from the public till the last possible moment? The 11 minute video below documents the completely unnatural (and historically unprecedented) scenario of dead leaves hanging on numerous deciduous tree specimens (liquid amber and sycamore) for the entire winter season.  The phenomenon of many deciduous trees being fully foliated with dead leaves thru the entire winter is not localized, but global. This February, 2018, photo of a deciduous tree (fully foliated with stone dead leaves) was taken in Detroit, Michigan. Photo credit: Dr. Denise Darnell​ We are all a part of a grand and lethal climate engineering experiment which has been forced on us without our knowledge or consent. The masses must be awakened to what is occurring, a critical mass of awareness in the population must be achieved, that is the only way forward. Make your voice heard in this most critical fight to expose the ongoing geoengineering insanity. Sharing credible data from a credible source is the most effective and efficient way to wake others up to what is unfolding, we must all do our part while it can still make a difference. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 24, 2018, #133

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Record weather whiplash, record heat, record flooding, record species die-off, record low polar ice, record high military budgets, record quantities of bomb manufacturing, record ammunition purchases by "Homeland Security", and even now the epidemic of public denial and apathy continues with converging catastrophes closing in from every direction. Is there any chance of waking the masses in time to make a difference? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Many have managed to convince themselves that the current industrialized militarized society will somehow magically continue into the future, such a notion is not grounded in reality. The window of time to potentially make a difference is rapidly running out. If the human race is to have any chance of changing course, the masses must be awakened to all that is unfolding. All of those who are already aware are needed to help sound the alarm, sharing and circulating credible data is key. DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 17, 2018, #132

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Carefully crafted social conditioning has convinced the majority of the US population that their government and military is just and benevolent. Does the historical record in any way support such a conclusion? We are all living in a real life version of “The Truman Show”, in which public perceptions are almost completely manipulated by mainstream media weapons of mass deception. Biosphere implosion continues to accelerate by the day, the power structure is preparing for World War lll in response. How much longer till the denial of the majority is shattered? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. So many factors are already far past the breaking point, major links in the chain of our current reality are likely to fall soon. Though the collapse of the paradigm we have formerly known is inevitable and near, the collective efforts of the already awakened could still positively alter the composition of what is unfolding. The sooner the sleeping masses are awakened to the converging catastrophes that are closing in, the better our odds of salvaging some semblance of our formerly thriving planet. Sharing credible information from a credible source is the most effective way to break through the barriers of denial. What will each of us choose to do with the time we have been given?  DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire. Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booth in the photos below was recently set up in Punta Gorda, Florida. Maciej has also translated GeoengineeringWatch.org flyers into Polish and personally distributed them in his homeland of Poland. Our deepest thanks also to anti-geoengineering activist Brian Nibley for yet again setting up the Geoengineering Watch informational table at the Semi Valley library, shown in the photo below.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 10, 2018, #131

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org With each passing day the transformation of our world is accelerating, the human race is pushing our once thriving planet past the point of no return. Though there is still no shortage of enthusiasm for sports spectacles like the “Superbowl”, a sincere interest in salvaging life on Earth is not common. Whether actively or passively ( due to their apathy), so many in our population are actually participating in their own demise, it is not just the criminally insane power-brokers who are to blame. What would any rational individual conclude about the self destructive behavior of humanity? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Some will tell us that our efforts to awaken the masses (to what is unfolding) is futile and pointless, but, in fact, such an effort is the point and purpose of being. Why are we here? If not to fully face the unvarnished truth, if not to fully engage in this epic battle for the greater good, then why? Every single individual that our combined efforts help to awaken matters in ways that none of us can yet fully comprehend. Every single additional awakened individual helps to tilt the scale in the right direction, helps to alter our current course of certain near term demise. Of all the threats we collectively face, climate engineering / weather warfare / biological warfare is the greatest and most immediate (short of nuclear cataclysm). When trying to wake others to this critical issue, sharing credible data from a credible source is the most effective and efficient strategy. All of us are needed to help turn the tide, make your voice heard.  DW Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Mary Hollowell, teacher, and Clayton State University students promoting awareness of aerosol geoengineering. Thanks to Fayette Woman magazine for including this photo in its January 2018 issue on health.

The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie And Climate Engineering Denial, Both Are Breaking Down

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Until recently official sources have pushed the patently false narrative that Earth's ozone layer was recovering, that blatant lie is now becoming impossible to maintain. Our planet's ozone layer is disintegrating, climate engineering is the single greatest causal factor (though no "official" source is yet willing to admit to the ongoing covert climate engineering atrocities). Ozone layer is NOT recovering over some of Earth's most highly populated areas putting billions at risk of exposure to cancer-causing UV rays… … scientists have now discovered ozone is failing to recover at lower latitudes It is likely not recovering at latitudes between 60°N and 60°S Researchers believe climate change is altering atmospheric circulation (The UK Daily Mail, 2/6/2018) Though some sources still claim there is limited ozone layer recovery over the polar regions, front line data from some of the same sources does not support such a conclusion. How many are even aware of the "Unprecedented Ozone Hole Over (the) Canadian Arctic" (that was first reported in 2011)? In regard to the UK Daily Mail statement that "Researchers believe climate change is altering atmospheric circulations", again, a lie. Geoengineering is the greatest single factor impacting atmospheric circulation patterns. Ozone Layer Not Recovering Over Populated Areas, Scientists Warn … the protective ozone is thinning at the lower latitudes, where the sunlight is stronger and billions of people live (The Guardian, 2/6/2018) Scientists Find That A Vital Part Of Earth’s Ozone Layer Is Not Healing As Expected The rescue of the planet’s protective ozone layer has been hailed as one of the great success stories of modern environmental regulation — but on Monday, an international team of 22 scientists raised doubts about whether ozone is recovering as expected across much of the world. (The Washington Post, 2/6/2018) In May of 2014 GeoengineeringWatch.org reported on the record that geoengineering was destroying the ozone layer. Efforts to “debunk” our data based ozone layer collapse conclusions were again countered by Geoengineering Watch. During the last few years a number of attempts were made by mainstream sources to convince populations that the ozone layer was recovering, Geoengineering Watch again responded on the record that the “ozone recovery” narrative was (and is) completely false.  Mainstream and official sources have long since admitted that geoengineering programs "would" damage the ozone layer "if" geoengineering was deployed (though no official source will admit to the ongoing climate engineering reality). We are being lied to on every level, and to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended. The ozone layer is not recovering, it is collapsing. Though there are countless anthropogenic factors negatively impacting Earth’s vital ozone layer, climate engineering / geoengineeering / solar radiation management is by far the single greatest factor fueling ozone layer collapse. To be clear, if the ozone layer completely collapses, all terrestrial life and most aquatic life will perish. How close could such a state be if we remain on the current course? We are perilously close, perhaps only a few years. The “official denial” of climate engineering is also breaking down, the impacts of the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management assault are becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight.  The horrific environmental and climate decimation being created by climate engineering are far beyond catastrophic. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system, global geoengineering operations are mathematically the most destructive of all. If public apathy regarding the climate engineering assault remains, if academia continues to lie about the climate engineering reality, if climate engineering is allowed to continue, our days are numbered. Again, this is not speculation, theory, conjecture, or hypothesis, rather, it is a mathematical fact. Every single individual that is awake and aware is needed in the critical battle to sound the alarm. Sharing credible data from a credible source is most effective and efficient way to gain traction in this battle. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 3, 2018, #130

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org While the power structures scripted political theater of the absurd distracts much of the US population, the roller-coaster ride toward a lifeless planet continues to accelerate with each passing day. Will the “coldest on record” Superbowl temperatures (conditions created by the climate engineers) help to cover up the record warm temperatures at the North Pole (which are expected to be as much as 40 degrees higher than those at the game)? What other orchestrated weather events are the climate engineers currently manufacturing in order to manipulate the perception of populations? Ocean and atmospheric oxygen levels continue to plummet, shouldn’t being able to breath be our top priority? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The painful moment of forced awakening is coming. The moment when so many will ponder how they could have been so blind to what was unfolding around them. Between now and that moment it is the responsibility of the already awakened to sow seeds of awareness. How? By sharing credible data from a credible source, this is exponentially more effective than pointing at the atrocities in our skies and ranting. Whatever comes, great solace exists in the knowledge that you did everything you could to do your part for the greater good. If we all stand together, who can say what profound good we may yet accomplish even at this late hour. DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the "At the Grounds", Roseville, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire. Geoengineeringwatch.org wishes to express our deepest gratitude to Jeff Wolfley (former publisher of The Las Vegas Magazine) for spearheading the effort to put GeoengineeringWatch.org flyers into the "Star Valley Independent News" in Western Wyoming. Also, the opinion comment addressing geoengineering ("Thoreau"), was posted in the paper on the same day that the flyers were inserted. Click image to enlarge Geoengineeringwatch.org also wishes to express our deepest gratitude to William (from Frazier Park California) for organizing the effort to put Geoengineering Watch flyers into “ The Mountain Enterprise” newspaper in Frazier Park, California (GeoengineeringWatch.org supplied the flyers)

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 27, 2018, #129

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The “Doomsday Clock” has yet again been moved closer to midnight by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Though this signal should be a dire red flag warning for us all, the bleak assessment from this scientific organization does not even take into account the immediate threat from our imploding biosphere and climate engineering (which must also be considered weather and biological warfare). Our government continues to radically ramp up its all out assault on the environment and thus on civilian populations. How much longer till the breaking point of total collapse? The US military still holds the #1 spot as the world's largest single source polluter, how many flag waving Americans even care. Does our government view the biosphere implosion as a very temporary engine of economic growth and job creation? Is the majority of the US population looking through the same tainted lens? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The power structure's attempt to control the masses will accelerate as the converging catastrophes we collectively face can no longer be hidden in plain sight. All those who feel a sense of responsibility to stand against this insanity must help with the critical effort to sound the alarm. Sharing factual and compelling data from a credible source is critical, make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.  DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Washington County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire. Our deepest thanks to Larry and Kathy Burns who spearheaded a critical climate engineering awareness raising effort in Washington State. On January 19th, 2018, over 53,000 Geoengineering Watch color glossy 2 sided informational flyers were placed into 53,000 copies of the "Federal Way Mirror" newspaper, GeoengineeringWatch.org assisted with the funding of this effort. GeoengineeringWatch.org wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to activist Brian Nibley for his awareness raising efforts at the Simi Valley Library, Simi Valley, California.

CNN’s “Beme” News Comes To California To Cover Climate Engineering Issue

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Mainstream media’s near total failure to tell the truth on any subject is a primary reason populations are still so completely disconnected from reality on countless issues with climate engineering at the top of the list. The short on-air morning news interview below covering the climate engineering / geoengineering issue was recently recorded in Northern California at the KQMS radio station. Present at this brief interview were a reporter and her videographer who work for a startup branch of CNN News. The pair from CNN were in Northern California to investigate the critical issue of climate engineering (though the questions posed by the CNN employee near the end of the short interview indicated a bias toward the official narrative of geoengineering denial). All available data conclusively confirms that climate engineering programs have long since been fully deployed. Legitimate investigation is an obligation for any who claim to care about the future of our children and the web of life. The 12 minute video below documents the geoengineering discussion and debate that occurred on the Northern California live news broadcast. After the radio broadcast exchange, the CNN interviewer and videographer spent the whole day with me to continue their “investigation” of the geoengineering issue. The expected "official geoengineering denial" bias of the CNN reporter was evident at many points of questioning during the day. Due to this factor, a member of the anti-geoengineering legal team (working with GeoengineeringWatch.org) requested reasonable assurance from CNN that my responses to their questions would not be edited out. The CNN group refused to offer any assurance of objectivity in their film release agreement. For this reason, I have refused to sign the release. Given the rapidly increasing desperation of the power structure to falsely discredit any who dare to speak out about the climate engineering atrocities, we will have to wait and see what they do now. Reaching a critical mass of climate engineering awareness with the population is absolutely essential, this is the only way forward in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. This effort will take all of our efforts, it will take all of us working together. Sharing credible data from a credible source is the most effective and efficient way to wake others to the geoengineering assault. Help us to sound the alarm, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 20, 2018, #128

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Countless forms of environmental contamination are taking their toll on the health and cognitive function of populations. But is this actually the primary factor behind the perplexing and willful blindness of the masses? As the ancient saying goes, "Nero fiddled while Rome burned”, overall human nature has not changed. The flow of dire headlines is coming in from every direction, in the coming weeks and months this trend will accelerate rapidly. As the planet’s once abundant resources rapidly run out, and ecosystems implode, what are military industrial societies doing? The same thing they have done since their inception, consuming all they can while manufacturing yet more weapons. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Programmed political bias continues to be fueled by power structure orchestrated theater, when will the majority of populations see through the smoke and mirrors? The great unraveling of all we have known is not somewhere on the horizon, it is already unfolding. True solace exists in fully facing the gathering storm, it exists in doing ones part for the greater good, no matter what comes. DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Marin Center/Exhibit Hall, San Rafael, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


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