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Introducing Geoengineering / Climate Engineering to the Uninformed

By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org 1. It is imperative to actually take constructive steps toward raising critical awarness of the climate engineering issue.  2. Pass on credible information without overloading those that are not yet aware of the climate engineering insanity. The link below can be a primary tool for email efforts to sound the alarm. "A Climate Engineering Introduction To Media And The Uninformed" The most critical step in regard to helping in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering ( and thus helping in the fight for the greater good) is making the decision to get involved with the cause at hand. There is only one way forward in this battle, we MUST reach a critical mass of awareness, this effort will take all of us. The human race faces countless challenges, so one must prioritize. One must decide what the most critical priority battle is. Global geoengineering/weather warfare/biological warfare programs are the greatest and most immediate threat currently faced by the human race short of nuclear cataclysm (a threat that climate engineering is also exacerbating by making Earth more vulnerable to solar flares, electric grid shutdown, and thus nuclear meltdown). The ongoing weather warfare assault is completely derailing the planet's climate systems, completely contaminating our air (all precipitation), our soils and waters. Geoengineering is also shredding the ozone layer. No ozone layer, no terrestrial life on Earth. From countless directions climate engineering is pushing the human race and all life on Earth toward mathematically certain near term total extinction. The greatest single leap we could take toward changing our current course of biosphere implosion is to expose and halt the geoengineering insanity. 2. Spend Some Time Getting at Least Somewhat "Up to Speed" On the Issue Yourself It is important to be able to field at least some basic questions about this most dire issue if you are to gain credibility with others. People (of any political stripe) do not want to be test subjects in an ongoing lethal experiment. Most are at least partially aware that the weather is now very different from what it was historically speaking. Many are aware that chronic respiratory diseases and countless other related diseases are going off the charts. There is a general awareness that weather modification (at least in some form) is real.  A conversation can often be initiated by simply asking someone if they have noticed the weather is unusual or changing? Are they aware of the fact that there are massive global weather modification programs that are not being reported by media? The geoengineering or climate engineering terms are important in any conversation on this issue. If a person googles "geoengineering" or "climate engineering", they will find volumes of science articles and reporting. If only the word "chemtrails" is used, disinformation and debunking sites and definitions will be the first thing they come to. Again, know the basics. Geoengineering is shredding the ozone layer, altering the weather patterns, polluting our air, waters and soils. It is also very important to have some idea of who you are speaking with and what aspect of the geoengineering issue they will be most interested in and affected by. Going too far into the "rabbit hole" is almost always counterproductive, stick to the basic straightforward facts. DON'T discredit the subject at hand by wandering into other issues that are not science based and that do not belong in this discussion. 3. Have Credible Data to Pass On To Others This is not expensive or difficult. There are a number of tools that can and should be used for this purpose. Multiple informational power point presentations are available on the home page of GeoengineerignWatch.org. "Geoengineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault" is one example. Video presentations from geoengineeringwatch.org can be freely burned to DVD's and distributed, so long as they are given away and not sold. The data on our site is for one purpose, to raise public awareness of the critical climate engineering issue. When passing on a DVD, it is much more effective to include an information flyer with it. For only 10 to 20 cents a copy, more or less, very important and compelling data can be passed on. Such a flyer will make it much more likely the DVD will actually get viewed. Flyer examples can be found and downloaded for free at  “geoengineeringwatch.org/ads“ (or can be purchased from the home page of Geoengineering Watch for our approximate cost of large scale printing and shipping.  Sharing critical verifiable facts, coupled with shocking and compelling photo images, is the most effective method of awakening others to dire and unpleasant (but essential to face) realities. GeoengineeringWatch.org has just assembled a very comprehensive 20 page full color 6 x 9 booklet that contains the most hard hitting and undeniable climate engineering facts and photos available. This critical awareness raising tool is printed on full glossy 100lb heavy paper to make it more durable. Geoengineering Watch has made the decision to offer the new informational booklets to the public for the approximate cost of printing, handling, and shipping. Because we will have a substantial quantity printed, the cost will be exponentially lower than individuals printing their own. Click image to order 4. Don't Point to the Sky and Go Into a Rant, That Only Puts Up Defenses If people are made uncomfortable, they will only tune out all that you are saying and focus their attention on how to end the conversation. Again, more often than not, lengthy conversations are not productive. As stated above, it only leads to uncomfortable situations for all concerned. A simple (and short) mention of the issue and its major consequences, and the passing on of a flyer with a DVD, can often be the most effective approach. It's also helpful to mention that the government is not disclosing these programs and mainstream media is not covering the story. If people who are being introduced remain comfortable, they are most likely to examine the information being passed on when they have time in their own home or office. 5. Very Important Contacts Can and Should Be

The Geoengineers Believe Its Their Right To Control Earth’s Life Support Systems

The picture above is of internationally recognized geoengineer Ken Caldeira from Stanford University. A sidekick of geoengineer David Keith, Caldeira has two very distinct faces. The public face disputes and completely denies any notion that global geoengineering is a reality. Caldeira actually mocks any that attempt to disclose the climate engineering nightmare, so clearly visible in our skies day in and day out. But what sort of conversation does Ken have privately? Take the time to read the email exchange below, which occurred between Caldeira and some of his colleagues. Like Caldeira, the individuals in this exchange apparently feel it is their right to make life and death decisions for populations of the planet. They discuss how to control media in order to limit public awareness and concern over the geoengineering insanity, which is their stock and trade. The men in this exchange thought their conversation was private, but this time, that is not the case. If you are not OK with people like Ken Caldeira deciding your future and that of your children, let him know yourself on the email contact for Ken, which is in the exchange below. If you don’t think people like Caldeira and his colleagues have the right to completely contaminate your air, soils, and waters with the climate engineering fallout, tell them in a personal message. Though Ken Caldeira is just a public disinformation pawn in the overall climate engineering juggernaut of insanity, he is the epitome of the psychotic mentality behind this insanity. Its up to the public to hold people like Caldeira responsible for the crimes of which they are a part. Lets all do our best to expose Ken Caldeira and those like him for what they are. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Why are massive numbers of sea creatures dying along the west coast right now?

Source: Activist Post Never before have we seen so much death along the west coast of North America.  Massive numbers of sea stars, bluefin tuna, sardines, anchovies, herring, oysters, salmon, marine mammals and marine birds are dying, and experts are puzzled.  We are being told that we could even see “local extinctions” of some of these sea creatures.  So are all of these deaths related?  If so, what in the world could be causing this to happen?  What has changed so dramatically that it would cause massive numbers of sea creatures to die along the west coast?

Bye Bye Blue Sky

This is an excellent video that has not yet had the attention it deserves, the link is below. There is indisputable evidence presented in this short documentary including proof that the military is purchasing huge quantities of barium and then trying to cover up this fact.

Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 2

“we are reposting “The snowmen, turning warmth to winter” because it is imperative that people understand the completely engineered nature of the weather events occurring now across the country and around the globe. There is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point , virtually none.” by William Thomas   The anticipated Big Blow came unexpectedly in late October 2012, when a late-season tropical storm picked up enough energy from an unusually warm Atlantic Ocean to maintain hurricane intensity as it tracked north. Blocked from recurving eastwards by the Greenland High, Sandy “did something never observed before in records going back to 1851 – it took a sharp turn to the west and headed toward the most populated area along the eastern seaboard,” scientists said. Invigorated by cold air deflected south from the Arctic, Sandy morphed into “a monster hybrid storm” with “the lowest atmospheric pressures ever recorded” for any storm making landfall north of Cape Hatteras. Instead of snow, Sandy unleashed rain of monsoon intensity.

Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 1

“we are reposting “The Snowmen, Turning Warmth to Winter” because it is imperative that people understand the completely engineered nature of the weather events occurring now across the country and around the globe. There is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point , virtually none.” By William Thomas    Screenheads clicking into Hollywood’s upcoming distractions can anticipate some improbable sci-fi antics this summer. But make believe can’t come close to what’s happening right over their bowed heads. It’s called “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering” and it means exactly what you’d rather not ask.

Civilian Aircrafts Are Involved In Clandestine Geoengineering

Civilian Aircrafts Are Involved In Clandestine Geoengineering. It’s a fact: in the operations of clandestine and illegal geoengineering are also involved civilian airlines (mostly engaged in spraying during tje day) and oil companies. Edward Teller few decades ago suggested to use commercial airplanes to spread nanoparticles into the atmosphere officially in order to block the sunlight and cool the planet. In fact, the infamous “scientist” believed that military planes were not sufficient for the task. His advice was unfortunately followed. Teller believed that commercial aviation could be worked to spread these particles at a cost of 33 cents per liter (The patent Hughs of 1991 confirms that the particles can be spread by means of jet engines).


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