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Credibility Is Crucial In The Fight To Expose Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Does the power structure and the military industrial complex want populations around the globe to know they are part of an ongoing massive, devastating, and deadly experiment? Or rather has the global governing cabal and their media puppets gone to every imaginable extent to hide this fact from unsuspecting populations?  Toxic skies over New York from aircraft sprayed geoengineering atmospheric aerosols Available documentation proves beyond any doubt that worldwide weather/climate modification has been going on for over 65 years on an unimaginable scale without public awareness. Point proven, those in power do not want the public to know. If those claiming to be in the fight to expose climate engineering are actually helping to hide it by a complete lack of acknowledgment of its effects, how can this help with the cause at hand? If completely  false conclusions are held and pushed in regard to overall conditions on the ground, how can this help credibility?  How can this help in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering? Answer, it can't, and it won't.  “Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking…”  ― Leo Tolstoy An effective battle cannot be fought from a platform that is not solid. If a boat has a gapping hole in the bottom, it will not float for long nor will it reach its desired destination. If we are to gain ground in the fight to expose and halt the ongoing geoengineering insanity, we must stand firmly on solid ground in regard to our facts and conclusions. To do otherwise is to betray the battle one claims to be fighting. Are people like Al Gore making money from global warming? Yes. Are carbon credits a scam? Yes. Is this a reason to conclude global warming is false? Of course not. There will always be disaster capitalist criminals like Al Gore, but to form conclusions simply out of disdain for people like Gore is not reasonable. How many are there in the military industrial complex making money from wars and global conflict? Does this mean these issues are not real? How many in mainstream medicine are there making fortunes from pain and suffering? Does this mean pain and suffering is not real? Global geoengineering is making an already bad climate disintegration far worse still. What exactly are the facts? Lie: "Global warming is just a natural cycle". Reality: All available science makes clear there is nothing natural about the damage done to planet Earth (which of course includes geoengineering at the top of the list). Lie: "Global warming stopped 18 years ago". Reality: The rate of warming never slowed and is in fact accelerating. Lie: "31,000 say global warming is a hoax". Reality: This "petition" had no legitimacy whatsoever. Lie: "30,000 scientists suing Al Gore for global warming fraud". Reality: There is no such lawsuit, there never has been. Lie: "The whole solar system is warming". Reality: Other planets in our solar system are not warming. Lie: The sun is causing the current global warming. Reality: The sun is not causing the current planetary warming. Lie: "Earth is entering another ice age". Reality: Global warming is speeding up. Again, geoengineering is helping to fuel the fire overall. 14 of the 15 warmest years ever recorded have occurred since 2000. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded on our planet. The first 9 months of 2015 shattered global high temperature records. 2015 is already all but certain to break last years record and 2016 will likely break the record again. Earth has just recorded its 367th consecutive month of above average global temperatures. This is over 30 years in a row of above normal global temperatures. October of 2015 has just been recorded as the hottest month ever recorded on planet Earth. The 15 second animation above documents global temperature changes since 1900 But what about people like John Coleman (co-founder of the Weather Channel) who says global warming is a hoax? He is a climate scientist, right? Doesn't he know what he is talking about? John Coleman was trained in journalism, not meteorology. In addition, Coleman aggressively denies the climate engineering reality, why would anyone claiming to be a part of the fight to expose climate engineering quote John Coleman for anything? How about "Lord Monckton" (often cited as a credible source to dispute the global warming reality). Is Monckton a reliable source? Think again, Monckton is just another geoengineering denier, why would anyone claiming to be in the fight against geoengineering quote Monckton as a credible source of information? Then there is Tim Ball, also cited by many as a source to prove the planet isn't warming. The same fossil fuel funded Tim Ball that denies climate engineering and who refused a major radio announcers invitation to debate the issue with me on the air. Why would any claiming to fight geoengineering use Ball as a source? Tim Ball can't even tell the truth about his own resume. How can we know what data is accurate and what is propaganda and lies? We don't need to listen to any particular source whatsoever, rather, we must look at the front line data, what is happening on the ground. If you want to see undeniable film footage of ice retreating around the globe, watch "Chasing Ice", an award winning documentary. The melting of the Arctic is happening so fast that the maps must constantly be redrawn. 2015 was the lowest Arctic ice maximum ever recorded. The 2015 Arctic ice minimum was the 4th lowest ever recorded.  But how can the recent cold temperatures in the Eastern US be explained? First, the Eastern US is only just over 0.5% of the Earth's surface area. Next, and most importantly, the Eastern US has been a completely engineered cool zone in an otherwise record warm world. The constant recent cooling of this highly populated region of the US has been highly beneficial

Doubling Down On Geoengineering, Upcoming Conference To Discuss Microwaving The Atmosphere

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The layers of insanity continue to grow, each heaped on top of another. The programmed human delusional mindset of the "techno fix" will very soon lead us to the total extermination of all life on Earth if it is not stopped. Methane is rapidly saturating the atmosphere of our planet. There have been countless triggers and causal factors to the unfolding cataclysm occurring over our heads, but the single greatest component of biosphere decimation is climate engineering. Geoengineered skies in Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo credit: Regimantas Mimas The front line Arctic scientists are in a justifiable panic about the blanket of methane that is rapidly covering the planet. They are urgently proposing the immediate deployment of mobile RF (radio frequency) transmitters to microwave the atmosphere with opposing frequencies. This proposal is a last ditch effort of total desperation to try and degrade the atmospheric methane buildup. There will be a presentation to address this "proposal" at the American Meteorological Society's 18th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, January 10-14, 2016, in New Orleans.  Unfortunately, these same Arctic scientists are either completely disconnected from reality or lying about the fact that geoengineering has already been going on for 65 years or more. The microwaving of the atmosphere to attempt degrading of methane (check project LUCY and Alamo) has also likely already been fully deployed long ago and is furthering the overall decimation of the climate system. Project "LUCY" and "ALAMO" The atmospheric methane acts like a layer of glass, thermal energy comes in, but cannot effectively escape. The continuing expansion of geoengineering is nothing more than an escalation of the already catastrophic destruction inflicted by these programs. Climate engineering is the "cure" that is even worse than the crisis it claims to mitigate. Microwaving the atmosphere will only further exacerbate already unimaginable environmental destruction. The latest NOAA "forecast" map below is alarming to say the least. It is nothing more than the scheduled weather from private defense contractor Raytheon. All the weather modeling for the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (both organizations now have federal "gag orders" placed on them) is done by Raytheon, who is also heavily involved in climate engineering. The radical imbalance reflected in the NOAA map below will worsen as the climate engineers continue to chemically cool selected regions on a rapidly warming planet. Each color shade above reflects a 2-3 degree "departure from normal temperatures". If this NOAA map does not alarm you, it should. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the largest scientific panel ever created in human history on any subject. Contrary to what many would like to believe about the IPCC, they are not exaggerating the severity of global warming, but radically underreporting it. Thawing methane deposits (the most threatening climate factor of all) is not even considered in IPCC climate models. The buildup of thermal energy on our planet is already skyrocketing beyond comprehension (the equivalent heat energy of 400,000 Hiroshima bombs per day). El nino continues to build as sea surface temperatures go off the charts. Ocean temperatures are going off the charts The bottom line is this, we are in completely uncharted waters. The ever increasing layers of climate engineering insanity are exponentially increasing the severity of what we collectively face. The January 2016 meeting of the American Meteorological Society in New Orleans is an important event that should be attended by as many anti-geoengineering activists as possible. Any activists that do attend should arm themselves with credible informational flyers to distribute. It is up to all of us to send the following message: it is not OK for societies and scientists to participate in the lethal climate engineering programs in pursuit of their paychecks and pensions. We must send the message that the public will soon enough hold them legally and morally accountable for their criminal actions. All of us are needed to assists in this critical fight for the common good. DW

Hurricane Patricia, Weather Warfare, Power Structure Desperation, And Climate Disintegration

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Hurricane "Patricia" is only the latest glaring example of the power structure's manipulation of Earth's rapidly unraveling climate system. Hurricane manipulation has long since been "business as usual" for the massive global climate engineering infrastructure. Historical documents prove the reality of the ongoing total government involvement with climate engineering, this includes extensive congressional reports. Though early efforts to manipulate hurricanes were disclosed, such programs have long since gone under the radar. Even "gag orders" have now been placed on government weather agencies like NWS and NOAA. Weather warfare is the weapon of choice for the global power brokers, this weapon is used to keep non-submissive countries in line. Hurricane Patricia exploded with an unprecedented increase in intensity that was so rapid computer models could not even follow it, completely "stumping scientists". The military industrial complex and the criminals that control them always have many agendas being carried out at once. In addition to impacting Mexico (perhaps for its ramped up trade and cooperation with Asia and for utilizing currencies other than the US dollar), the moisture from hurricane "Patricia" is being pumped toward the Northeast where it is being heavily aerosolized and chemically ice nucleated in order to cool down portions of the US. This process is used for engineered winter storms if the temperatures are cold enough. When it is too warm, the process simply cools down the temperatures on the ground as the colder air sinks.  Extensive atmospheric moisture is needed in order to produce the engineered cool-downs that have been repeatedly orchestrated over much of the eastern half of the US in recent years. The short term engineered cool-downs come at the cost of a far worsened overall warming. As the planetary meltdown continues to accelerate, the climate engineers are constantly "doubling down" on their climate modification assault of total insanity.  Moisture from "Patricia" will by utilized to cool parts of the US, the consequences are irrelevant to the weather makers. The brighter white cloud cover that shows up in the combination satellite radar image below is indicative of the most heavily aerosolized cloud cover. This bright white expands out in every direction from any core concentrations of atmospheric moisture. This is the the goal of solar radiation management, to create as much cloud canopy as possible, again, the overall consequences are not relevant for the climate engineers as they carry out a multitude of agendas for their own purposes. Flows of moisture into the western US are being completely aerosolized. This creates hazy white featureless skies over vast outlying areas and can greatly reduce or eliminate precipitation altogether in those areas, further fueling the already epic drought in the US West. As mentioned, the moisture from "Patricia" has been and continues to be heavily sprayed (saturated) with aerosols. This creates a temporary (and highly toxic) cool-down for portions of the US. As this moisture migrates over the eastern US in the coming days, the desired temporary cool-down sought by the climate engineers is now forecast to occur as the latest NOAA map below reflects. The latest NOAA winter outlook map is below. In spite of record warm oceans and record warm temperatures predicted for all  regions surrounding the southern US, miraculously, below normal temperatures are predicted for the southern tear of states. Welcome to "engineered winter". Just as the moisture from "Patricia" is being used to temporarily cool regions of the US, the flow of moisture from el nino this winter will be utilized to cool some regions while the rest of the planet descends into meltdown. The GISS "departure from normal high temperature" map below covers a two year period from 2013 to 2015, clearly, the most anomalously below normal temperature zone in the entire world has been the eastern half of the North American continent. This anomaly is a direct result of constant and extremely aggressive climate engineering. In regard to the ongoing climate engineering nightmare, it is imperative to remember many agendas are being carried out at once. "This OR that" dichotomous thinking needs to be abandoned, with one exception, there is NO benevolence in regard to the geoengineering/weather warfare insanity, NONE. Help us to expose and halt climate engineering while we still have any part of a functioning biosphere left to salvage,  make your voice heard in this desperate battle.  DW

Global Temperatures Smash September Record By Widest Margin In History

Source: Seemorerocks, article by Eric Holthaus Powered by a huge El Niño and decades of fossil fuel burning, last month’s global temperatures were truly exceptional, according to new data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. September 2015 broke the monthly global temperature record by the widest marginof any month since 1880, when records begin. The magnitude of this month’s record, combined with the fact that seven months so far this year are now the hottest in history—including the last five in a row—means 2015 is now virtually certain to wind up as Earth’s hottest year ever measured. Stories on these broken records increasingly sound like—wait for it—a broken record, so we’re writing fewer of them at Slate unless something truly exceptional happens. This month definitely qualifies. El Niños like this one have the ability to shift weather patterns on a global basis and in general send a surge of extra heat into the atmosphere from the warmer-than-normal tropical Pacific Ocean. So far, the 2015 El Niño has been neck and neck with the all-time strongest event ever measured, back in 1997. One of my weather textbooks in college was titled The Climate Event of the Century in reference to that El Niño. It’s something you don’t really expect to see again in your lifetime. There’s good reason to believe this year’s El Niño will keep strengthening, at least in the near term, with a litany of impacts worldwide. Several notable effects have already been recorded, in addition to the unprecedented spike in global temperatures: So far this year there have been 21 tropical cyclones of category 4 or 5 strength north of the equator—a new all-time record. Twenty of these have been in the Pacific, where El Niño tends to create exceptionally favorable conditions. TheWashington Post’s Jason Samenow described it as “the most extreme tropical cyclone season on record in the Northern Hemisphere.” Last week, a torrential rainstorm the National Weather Service described as a thousand-year rainfall event created a horrific mudslide that buried California highways, trapping hundreds of cars. Those near the scene described it as a “wall of mud.” No one was seriously hurt. Earlier this month, much of Australia dealt with a brutal spring heat wave that likely reduced farmers’ yields. Australia is typically one of the countries hit hardest by El Niño. In Indonesia, a huge burst of peatland wildfires has blanketed cities across the region with dense smoke for weeks, producing more daily carbon dioxide emissions than the entire United States. Also, new research shows a spike in dengue fever outbreaks in Southeast Asia during particularly strong El Niño years. A rare and venomous yellow-bellied sea snake was recently spotted on a beach in California, the furthest north sighting ever recorded, thanks to the warm water. But don’t worry, it’s probably nothing. On the bright side, the wild weather could be a ratings boon for the flagging Weather Channel. Whatever happens, there’s a very good chance that 2016 could top 2015 as the warmest year in history. Since it takes several months for all the oceanic heat to be released into the atmosphere, the year after an El Niño is usually the hotter of the two. Earlier this year, I wrote that a perfect storm of the current mega–El Niño combined with a medium-term shift in Pacific Ocean temperatures and the long-term climate change trend means that we’re likely at the start of a profoundly new era of the global climate. Source: Seemorerocks, article by Eric Holthaus

Canada’s Frozen North Feels Financial Burn Of Global Warming

Source: Reuters YELLOWKNIFE, Northwest Territories, Canada, Oct 16 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – C limate change is taking a heavy economic toll on Canada's far north, with buildings collapsing as melting permafrost destroys foundations, rivers running low and wildfires all a drain on the region's limited finances, senior government officials said. A sprawling area spanning the Arctic Circle with a population of less than 50,000, Canada's Northwest Territories has spent more than $140 million in the last two years responding to problems linked to global warming, the territory's finance minister said. "Our budgets are getting squeezed dramatically from climate change," Finance and Environment Minister J. Michael Miltenberger told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "The roads are constantly moving as the permafrost is melting… massive shore erosion is putting buildings at risk. We have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in the past few years and the tie to climate change is more and more evident." In this windswept territory, which already relies on central government subsidies, responding to global warming is crucial for its financial survival. A major U.N. conference in Paris in December will aim to create a new global deal to curb climate change to take effect from 2020. Scientists want to keep international temperature rises below 2 degrees compared with pre-industrial levels, while providing poor countries with money for adaptation. But in parts of the Northwest Territories, average temperatures have already risen more than three degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels, government officials said. Rapidly thawing permafrost is causing countless roadways to become all but impassible. "In Paris, we are hoping for whatever it takes to turn this (climate change) around," politician Bob Bromley told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in the territorial capital, Yellowknife. "It's going to require all hands on deck, and willing hands." Diesel Dependence The delicate ecosystem of the wide-skied territory, home to the indigenous Dene people, and where wolves, caribou and bison roam, has been plunged into a environmental vicious cycle. Climate change has been linked to decreased water levels in the territory's major rivers, partly due to greater evaporation, causing a sharp contraction in hydro electric power generation. As a result, the government has had to import more diesel, borrowing about $30 million this year alone to make up for the electricity shortfall, hurting its budget and increasing climate-warming emissions in a catastrophic feedback loop. "It's not sustainable," said Miltenberger, the finance and environment minister. He called on Canada's national government to provide more financial help for climate change mitigation, particularly in renewable power, to reduce the costs of importing diesel. With a small population, and high operating costs due to its size and climate, the territory's main employers are diamond mining and the public sector. The region's indigenous people rely on the hunting of caribou as a key food source, but herds are declining, with climate change likely a significant driver. Northwest Territories receives financial transfer payments of about $1.3 billion, or about $29,000 per resident, from Canada's national government to run public services. Craig Scott, executive director of Ecology North, a Yellowknife-based environmental group, believes the government should have invested earlier in renewable energy. Fuel trucks hauling diesel along gravel roads to small rural communities are a common site across the territory. Generators have been working around the clock following the decline in hydro power, Scott said, and new holding tanks had to be imported to store the diesel. "Renewable energies (including) micro hydro, solar and biomass have high capital costs in the short-term," Scott told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "But they are sustainable versus the long-term pain of diesel." Source: Reuters

Revealing Data Confirms Geoengineering Is Stealing Rain From The Western US

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org So many forecasts for rain in the US West no longer develop. In recent years this scenario has become the rule, not the exception. The stated purpose for "solar radiation management" (SRM) is to block the sun with light scattering particles and thus to create as much atmospheric haze or cloud cover as possible (no matter how toxic that cloud cover is). Excessive atmospheric particulates cause profound disruptions to precipitation.  All too often in recent years, rain that should have fallen in the US West has consistently been blocked by two primary means, atmospheric aerosol saturation and the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of constant high pressure that has been consistently maintained over the US West. This scenario has been used to keep the Eastern US cooled down at the cost of catastrophic drought and heat in the West. The engineering of the "polar vortex" cool-downs of the Eastern US was repeated again and again during the winter of 2014-2015 The eastern half of the North American continent has been the most anomalously cool zone in the entire world for almost three years. This is not due to natural variability, it is a direct result of climate engineering. Engineered snow storms are an ongoing reality and the Eastern US has been an epicenter of such weather assaults. The Chinese government openly admitted to engineering snowstorms until they did a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing. This GISS global surface temperature map reflects "departure from average high temperatures" for a two year period from 2013 to 2015. The extremely anomalous below average temperatures stand out with glaring clarity in the eastern half of rhe North American continent  When moisture is allowed to flow over the West, it is commonly scattered by the jet aircraft aerosol spraying assault. This spraying creates too many cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). When the quantities of CCN's are too high, moisture droplets cannot combine and fall as rain, thus the moisture just continues to migrate. The images shown are the same, only different filters are used. The public is generally not shown any photos with enhanced infrared imaging as the clearly visible spraying would likely create great concern with the population which the power structure is trying desperately to avoid. Geoengineering is causing catastrophic drought and fire activity. How consistently and aggressively have the climate engineers suppressed desperately needed precipitation from the US West? How much of the moisture that should have fallen in the West was blocked by engineered high pressure  domes and/or migrated over the West to the East by constant and extensive aerosol spraying? The must see 1 minute video animation below clearly illustrates with shocking clarity the effects of the scenarios just described.  Video credit: Grace Raver/ NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio  How catastrophic are the drought conditions in the Western US? The drought monitor map below shows conditions that are already unprecedented and getting worse by the day. The current drought in California is unprecedented in at least the last 1200 years The climate engineering crimes can only be carried out in plain site because of the total cooperation of the so called "experts" that the public relies on to tell them the truth. Weathermen are now little more than paid liars who read the scripts they are given by their paymasters in the power structure. These "forecasters" are simply compensated to cover the tracks of the geoengineers. We are told that climate engineering is for the common good and the good of the planet, this could not be further from the truth. Not only is geoengineering completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, shredding the ozone layer, and completely contaminating the entire surface of the Earth, recent science studies confirm that global geoengineering "CAN'T WORK for the stated objective of an overall planetary cooling. Geoengineering is only making an already bad climate situation far worse overall, not better. Climate engineering is about power and control, period. Make your voice heard in the effort to reach a critical mass of public awareness regarding this most dire issue. DW

What Are The Climate Engineers Doing In The Arctic? Astounding Images, And Dead Scientists

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The far north is out of site and out of mind for the vast majority of the population, but the importance of this region to the overall survival of life on Earth cannot be overestimated. The global power structure has long since believed they have the right to experiment with our planet's life support systems. They have always felt they had the right to permanently pollute and poison any region in the biosphere they wish in the pursuit of their agendas. Chemical ice nucleation is a primary tool for the geoengineers. It is a major weapon in their arsenal of insane, toxic, and destructive technologies. Geoengineered snow storms are wreaking havoc around the globe.  This image is from a record breaking ice storm in Slovenia in 2014. I personally communicated with contact in Slovenia who stated their citizens feel the country was the target of NATO climate modification programs because they were not complying with global power structure mandates and policy. Chemical ice nucleation is a reality, lab tests prove this beyond any doubt. The 5 shocking satellite photographs below were taken in the Arctic Ocean on September 15th, 2015. What these images show is extremely anomalous ice formation in open water, far from any existing remaining ice. They also show extensive geoengineering aerosol cloud cover with very clear radio frequency signature patterns (my sincere thanks to anti-geoengineering activist Cori Gunnels for locating these alarming Arctic Ocean NASA satellite images). NASA satellite images taken September 15, 2015 On the same day that the disturbing images above were taken, the power structure controlled National Snow And Ice Data Center (NSIDC) confidently made the statement below. "sea ice extent dropped to 4.41 million square kilometers (1.70 million square miles), the fourth lowest minimum in the satellite record. ………… ice extent will now climb through autumn and winter". "Ice extent" is very different from the ice mass (volume), which is at record shattering low levels as the latest satellite imagery below clearly shows.  Click image to enlarge Arctic ice volume graphing The graph between the two images is a gauge for Arctic ice thickness in meters. As the 2015 imagery shows, the thick multi-year Arctic ice is almost gone. Is the surface of the Arctic ocean being chemically ice nucleated with the same process that has created the unprecedented "ice boulders" on Lake Michigan in recent years? Even when water temperatures were far above freezing? Unprecedented "Ice boulders" have appeared in Lake Michigan during recent years even at far above freezing lake temperatures The following questions should be considered:  How can a very thin layer of sea surface ice statistically remain over large areas of ocean when such astonishing decreases in ice volume (mass) occurring at the exact same time? How can the ice "extent" statistically increase in early September (ahead of the normal "minimum" melt date) when we have record shattering global ocean temperatures? When we have just logged the hottest 12 month period globally, the hottest start to any year ever, the warmest summer ever, and the warmest August ever? And finally, when we consider that the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world? What is really going on in the Arctic? Is there a connection between what the climate engineers are doing in the Arctic and the recent untimely deaths of three scientists that were investigating Arctic sea ice? How far will power structures go to hide climate engineering operations from populations? Click image to enlarge NSIDC shows a very anonymous upturn in Arctic ice "extent" near the middle of September Though the ice extent (surface area) for 2015 was in an alarmingly downward trajectory as rapid melting took its toll, it suddenly turns statistically upward during the same window of time when the anomalous photos (shown earlier in this article) were taken. The power structure and the geoengineers do not want any headlines from the Arctic that would reveal the true extent of damage already done to the planet. They do not want any headlines that would potentially expose the climate engineering crimes that have been going on for well over a half century. Those in power will do everything they can to hide reality (from a population that is so far all too willing to stay uninformed) until the last possible moment. Climate engineering can create large scale temporary cooling, but at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming. What is really going on in the Arctic? We must all examine the evidence and decide for ourselves. Geoengineering is not about the common good, it is about power and control at any price to the planet and the population. We must all do our part to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. DW

“The Guardian” Addresses Geoengineering And The California Drought

The avalanche of awakening to the climate engineering insanity is beginning, all of us are needed to continue fueling the fire. By working together we have elevated the geoengineering issue to the point that it is becoming too big to hide. More and more mainstream sources are now compelled to address the issue in the attempt to do damage control. Such attempts will only have the effect of triggering an even more rapidly growing awareness and that is exactly what is happening. The new article below from The Guardian is yet another leap forward in the battle to fully expose climate engineering to the masses. At this critical crossroad it is imperative for all of us involved in this fight to help sound the alarm by sticking to the hard science data and terms. Credibility must be maintained in order for us to continue gaining the traction we desperately need in this all important battle. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

INFOWARS Exposes Global Weather Warfare Assault

My most sincere gratitude to Alex Jones and INFOWARS for throwing their full weight into the critical battle to expose the toxic aerosol spraying in skies all over the world. The global climate engineering assault is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm, this is the most important untold story on the planet. The ongoing lethal geoengineering programs hold life in the balance, these programs must be exposed and halted. In the 30 minute video below Alex Jones and I cover the many lethal effects that are being inflicted on the biosphere and humanity from the geoengineering weapon of mass destruction. Help us to bring this dire issue to the light of day. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

CBS News Covers Climate Engineering

Though Northern California's ABC station (KQMS Channel 7) and Northern California's primary newspaper (Record Searchlight) blacklisted any coverage of the recent major climate engineering awareness event in Redding California. CBS (to their credit) came all the way from Sacramento to cover the event. Corporate media, of course, does their best to spin and marginalize the geoengineering reality (as they are paid and told to do), the story is still getting out and that is what matters. A 6 minute video and article from CBS news is below. My comments on their article coverage are highlighted in red and placed within the context of the written transcript. I have also listed 4 contact links at the very bottom of this article, which I hope all will utilize in order to express their views on the biased coverage (or lack of coverage) given to the critical climate engineering issue. Two of these links are for the two media outlets that boycotted the important Northern California anti-geoengineering awareness event with 1000 in attendance. The CBS Sacramento link is also included, as is the direct contact for the "scientist" CBS interviewed who did what he is paid to do, lie about and marginalize a completely science based issue. If you choose to message those on the contact list, a non-threatening and articulate manner will best serve our cause. Making our voices heard by those on this list is essential. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  


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