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Global Temperatures Smash September Record By Widest Margin In History

Source: Seemorerocks, article by Eric Holthaus Powered by a huge El Niño and decades of fossil fuel burning, last month’s global temperatures were truly exceptional, according to new data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. September 2015 broke the monthly global temperature record by the widest marginof any month since 1880, when records begin. The magnitude of this month’s record, combined with the fact that seven months so far this year are now the hottest in history—including the last five in a row—means 2015 is now virtually certain to wind up as Earth’s hottest year ever measured. Stories on these broken records increasingly sound like—wait for it—a broken record, so we’re writing fewer of them at Slate unless something truly exceptional happens. This month definitely qualifies. El Niños like this one have the ability to shift weather patterns on a global basis and in general send a surge of extra heat into the atmosphere from the warmer-than-normal tropical Pacific Ocean. So far, the 2015 El Niño has been neck and neck with the all-time strongest event ever measured, back in 1997. One of my weather textbooks in college was titled The Climate Event of the Century in reference to that El Niño. It’s something you don’t really expect to see again in your lifetime. There’s good reason to believe this year’s El Niño will keep strengthening, at least in the near term, with a litany of impacts worldwide. Several notable effects have already been recorded, in addition to the unprecedented spike in global temperatures: So far this year there have been 21 tropical cyclones of category 4 or 5 strength north of the equator—a new all-time record. Twenty of these have been in the Pacific, where El Niño tends to create exceptionally favorable conditions. TheWashington Post’s Jason Samenow described it as “the most extreme tropical cyclone season on record in the Northern Hemisphere.” Last week, a torrential rainstorm the National Weather Service described as a thousand-year rainfall event created a horrific mudslide that buried California highways, trapping hundreds of cars. Those near the scene described it as a “wall of mud.” No one was seriously hurt. Earlier this month, much of Australia dealt with a brutal spring heat wave that likely reduced farmers’ yields. Australia is typically one of the countries hit hardest by El Niño. In Indonesia, a huge burst of peatland wildfires has blanketed cities across the region with dense smoke for weeks, producing more daily carbon dioxide emissions than the entire United States. Also, new research shows a spike in dengue fever outbreaks in Southeast Asia during particularly strong El Niño years. A rare and venomous yellow-bellied sea snake was recently spotted on a beach in California, the furthest north sighting ever recorded, thanks to the warm water. But don’t worry, it’s probably nothing. On the bright side, the wild weather could be a ratings boon for the flagging Weather Channel. Whatever happens, there’s a very good chance that 2016 could top 2015 as the warmest year in history. Since it takes several months for all the oceanic heat to be released into the atmosphere, the year after an El Niño is usually the hotter of the two. Earlier this year, I wrote that a perfect storm of the current mega–El Niño combined with a medium-term shift in Pacific Ocean temperatures and the long-term climate change trend means that we’re likely at the start of a profoundly new era of the global climate. Source: Seemorerocks, article by Eric Holthaus

Canada’s Frozen North Feels Financial Burn Of Global Warming

Source: Reuters YELLOWKNIFE, Northwest Territories, Canada, Oct 16 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – C limate change is taking a heavy economic toll on Canada's far north, with buildings collapsing as melting permafrost destroys foundations, rivers running low and wildfires all a drain on the region's limited finances, senior government officials said. A sprawling area spanning the Arctic Circle with a population of less than 50,000, Canada's Northwest Territories has spent more than $140 million in the last two years responding to problems linked to global warming, the territory's finance minister said. "Our budgets are getting squeezed dramatically from climate change," Finance and Environment Minister J. Michael Miltenberger told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "The roads are constantly moving as the permafrost is melting… massive shore erosion is putting buildings at risk. We have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in the past few years and the tie to climate change is more and more evident." In this windswept territory, which already relies on central government subsidies, responding to global warming is crucial for its financial survival. A major U.N. conference in Paris in December will aim to create a new global deal to curb climate change to take effect from 2020. Scientists want to keep international temperature rises below 2 degrees compared with pre-industrial levels, while providing poor countries with money for adaptation. But in parts of the Northwest Territories, average temperatures have already risen more than three degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels, government officials said. Rapidly thawing permafrost is causing countless roadways to become all but impassible. "In Paris, we are hoping for whatever it takes to turn this (climate change) around," politician Bob Bromley told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in the territorial capital, Yellowknife. "It's going to require all hands on deck, and willing hands." Diesel Dependence The delicate ecosystem of the wide-skied territory, home to the indigenous Dene people, and where wolves, caribou and bison roam, has been plunged into a environmental vicious cycle. Climate change has been linked to decreased water levels in the territory's major rivers, partly due to greater evaporation, causing a sharp contraction in hydro electric power generation. As a result, the government has had to import more diesel, borrowing about $30 million this year alone to make up for the electricity shortfall, hurting its budget and increasing climate-warming emissions in a catastrophic feedback loop. "It's not sustainable," said Miltenberger, the finance and environment minister. He called on Canada's national government to provide more financial help for climate change mitigation, particularly in renewable power, to reduce the costs of importing diesel. With a small population, and high operating costs due to its size and climate, the territory's main employers are diamond mining and the public sector. The region's indigenous people rely on the hunting of caribou as a key food source, but herds are declining, with climate change likely a significant driver. Northwest Territories receives financial transfer payments of about $1.3 billion, or about $29,000 per resident, from Canada's national government to run public services. Craig Scott, executive director of Ecology North, a Yellowknife-based environmental group, believes the government should have invested earlier in renewable energy. Fuel trucks hauling diesel along gravel roads to small rural communities are a common site across the territory. Generators have been working around the clock following the decline in hydro power, Scott said, and new holding tanks had to be imported to store the diesel. "Renewable energies (including) micro hydro, solar and biomass have high capital costs in the short-term," Scott told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "But they are sustainable versus the long-term pain of diesel." Source: Reuters

Geoengineered Incineration Is Pushing The Planet Toward Venus Syndrome

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Yet more forest land is being incinerated by raging, unprecedented, and completely out of control wildfires in the US West.  Flames from the "Butte fire" rise over a pasture in Mountain Ranch California on September 11th. Photo credit: RT TV What will it take for the population to wake up and for "official agencies" and "scientists" start telling the truth about the ongoing "climate engineering"? Geoengineering and solar radiation management are sold as mitigation for global warming, but all available data makes clear the fact that these ongoing programs are making an already bad situation far worse, not better. Recent science studies solidly conclude geoengineering can't work for the stated objective of cooling the planet. Geoengineering is weather and biological warfare, nothing less. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control, especially in regard to rapidly growing global populations. Tanker 60, a DC-7, drops on the Lowell Fire. Photo credit: Matthew Rhodes When will the cowardly denial of global geoengineering by "elected officials" (which is parroted by the entire climate science community) come to an end? When will the criminal denial of the climate science community and official agencies give way to the legal and moral obligations they have to inform the public about the climate engineering juggernaut of insanity? Jet aircraft aerosol dispersion Though countless forms of anthropogenic activity has decimated the planet, geoengineering is the single greatest contributing factor to the epic droughts and unprecedented fires which are occurring all over the planet. Geoengineering is the single greatest factor which is stealing precipitation from where it is needed most. This is not just the case in the US West, but is occurring on multiple continents. Geoengineering is the single largest factor causing crop failures around the world.   Shrinking Colorado River is a growing concern for Yuma farmers and millions of other water users. Photo credit: Irfan Khan/ LA Times As the forests burn, and the crops fail, the dangerous buildup of greenhouse gases will continue to fuel the planet towards record heating, catastrophic sea level rise, and mass methane release. Climate engineering is making all these scenarios worse overall, not better. We are already on track for a scenario called Venus Syndrome. Under this scenario climate feedback loops (which fuel a runaway greenhouse event) heat the planet (once triggered) and continue to spiral out of control until the planet becomes a scorched lifeless orb comparable to Venus. 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded globally. 2015 is on track to shatter that record and 2016 will likely break the record yet again. If we remain on the current course near term total global extinction is not just a possibility but a mathematical certainty.  Record shattering fires of unprecedented  intensity are scorching landscapes around the globe. Though the cessation of climate engineering will trigger what is termed "double catastrophe scenario", this is the only way forward. The planet must be allowed to respond on it's own to the damage done without the hindrance of the ongoing highly toxic climate engineering insanity.  Industrialized society has already decimated the planet beyond any chance of recovery to the formerly thriving biosphere we have known, geoengineering is the largest single factor in this destruction. Joining the effort to expose and halt climate engineering is a responsibility that we must all bear, make your voice heard. DW

Geoengineering And Greenhouse Gases, The Toxic Tug Of War

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Our planet and our climate are changing at an unimaginable and alarming pace. Though there are many complexities to what is unfolding, the fundamentals are straightforward and easily comprehended if the appropriate data is considered. There are two primary opposing factors which are the most critical in regard to our rapidly changing biosphere conditions: atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gases. At face value, these two factors occupy opposite ends of the spectrum. Atmospheric aerosols have historically had an overall cooling effect while the rapid buildup of greenhouse gases (primarily Co2 and CH4) have forced the climate to warm. The spraying of reflective aerosols from jet aircraft for "solar radiation management" programs in a highly destructive and highly toxic attempt to mitigate global warming has been going on for decades. Film footage of the spraying is readily available for any that bother to investigate.  Images with geoengineering "proposals" always feature ridiculous and infeasible proposals (like space mirrors) along with the clearly ongoing reality of jet sprayed aerosols. Showing the ridiculous with the actual is of course done to cast doubt on the reality of the aircraft spraying and thus to facilitate the public's denial. Global climate engineering is a major component in the global warming equation on BOTH sides of the scale. Geoengineering is inflicting ever more catastrophic damage to the planet and the climate system in countless ways. The initial cooling effect from aircraft sprayed atmospheric aerosols (solar radiation management programs) going back many decades has since given way to the negative consequences of this activity and the continuing buildup of greenhouse gases. The net long term climate forcing result of the ongoing geoengineering nightmare is now a worsening of the overall planetary warming in exchange for the short term highly toxic cooling of some regions. The short term cooling is used to shape public opinion on the issue of global warming. Click image to enlarge One effect of atmospheric aerosols is to block a percentage of the sun's incoming thermal energy (creating "global dimming"), though, as already stated, there are numerous known negative effects including trapping heat. The jet exhaust from geoengineering aircraft are further loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. These gases have strong heat trapping characteristics, this is especially true in the case of atmospheric methane. The levels of greenhouse gases are escalating off the charts at blinding speed. The graph below reflects changing global temperatures since 1880. If historical data is examined, and the previously discussed factors are considered, the commencement of climate engineering on a significant scale in the late 1940s is very evident on this graph.  During the 1800s and early 1900s  greenhouse gases were building up from the industrialization of civilization, but so were atmospheric aerosols from the burning of fossil fuels and forests. Initially the sun blocking/cooling effect of the aerosols outweighed the buildup of greenhouse gases. This contributed to keeping temperatures down until around 1910 when the greenhouse gas buildup begins to overpower the aerosol effect, the warming of our planet then becomes inarguable. By the mid 1940s profound warming spikes occurred as the graph clearly shows. Many experts had recognized early on that the planet was warming from the greenhouse gas buildup. Historical documents confirm the fact that the US government had long since been heavily involved in climate engineering programs. From the late 1940s to the early 1970s global temperatures seemed to defy the laws of physics unless the fully deployed climate engineering programs are considered and accounted for. Crew members from project "Stormfury" Though some of the early US weather modification programs were officially canceled (like project Stormfury), this appears to have been an effort to make the climate modification activity more covert (though the spraying could not be more obvious to any that bother to look up and question). The statistical leveling out of global temperatures from the late 40s to the mid 70s was perplexing for many in the climate science community (though the majority of climate scientists still predicted the greenhouse gas buildup to overwhelm the temporary aerosol cooling effect from the mid 40s through the mid 70s). Much of the early larger scale climate engineering appears to have taken place over the polar regions (which still holds true today). An "Arctic haze" was observed during the 50s, this phenomenon was well documented. Though, of course, climate engineering was never admitted to in connection with the Arctic haze (and the official narrative for the haze attributed it completely to other sources), it's effects were noted on numerous studies. Geoengineered skies in the polar regions have long since become the a permanent feature.  Heavily aerosolized skies have been the norm in the Arctic for decades The weather makers attempt to preserve polar ice at any cost to the rest of the planet is apparent. The overall consequences of the ongoing solar radiation management programs is clearly irrelevant to the geoengineers. In spite of all their efforts (and in many ways because of their efforts), Arctic ice began this year's melt season at all time record low levels. It was also one of the earliest starts to the melt season ever recorded. Even more important is the mass of the ice (volume) which is also at record low levels. The toxic sun shade that is constantly sprayed into place by the geoengineers has shredded the ozone layer. This then allows immense amounts of UV radiation/energy to penetrate the atmosphere. The climate engineers have also altered wind currents which in turn has altered ocean currents. We now have warm water currents flowing into the arctic which is melting the ice from below in spite of the toxic sun shade above the ice. The rapidly disappearing ice pack is greatly impacting Arctic ecosystems and contributing to catastrophic methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits.  Some 35,000 walrus gather on shore near Point Lay Alaska in September 2014 due to extreme sea ice melting. Photograph: Corey Accardo/AP Those in power have always been willing to inflict unimaginable levels of irreparable damage to the planet and its inhabitants in order to

Geoengineering Impacts On Gulf Stream Slowdown

Climate Engineering has been increasingly disrupting and derailing Earth's natural systems for over six decades. The scope and scale of the ongoing geoengineering planetary assault is now on a level that defies true comprehension. Climate engineering is creating and fueling radically increasing climate forcing scenarios which are impacting ever aspect of the biosphere's life support processes. To give some perspective to this statement, Atlantic basin hurricanes have been actively suppressed and/or steered away from US coastlines for a decade. Has anyone stopped to wonder why there have been no major hurricane landfalls in the US for over ten years in spite of record warm oceans? Even though there was a record shattering year of US hurricane activity in 2005, and no major landfalls since? Record cyclones are occurring in the Western Pacific, how can the US be exempt from such activity? This is the degree of power the weathermakers have over the climate system. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet, climate engineering is the most impactful of all. Major and dire changes are now unfolding on our planet. The thermohaline circulation is slowing down in the North Atlantic, this comes with dire implications. Is this an objective for the geoengineers? Or simply one more disastrous unintended consequence from the geoengineering juggernaut of total insanity? The author of the article below unfortunately is not willing to address the issue of climate engineering. This being said, the data he covers is real and very relevant. The walls continue to close in, make your voice heard in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineering, El Niño And The Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” For The Coming Winter In The US

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org "Forecasters" are now trumpeting the arrival of a "Godzilla" El Niño event, but somehow they seem to already know that there will be no relief for the epic California drought (which can be directly linked to the ongoing climate engineering insanity). How can such a prediction be made so early on? Ocean temperatures in the Eastern Pacific are at record shattering high levels, why wouldn't this translate into more rain for the now empty reservoirs in Northern California?  The El Niño pattern has been trying to form since 2007 but has been repeatedly suppressed by what meteorologists have coined as "the ridiculously resilient ridge" of constant high pressure over the US west coast. Was this rain starving scenario the result of the climate engineers and their aggressive effort to suppress El Niño formation in a destructive attempt to hold the lid on soaring global temperatures? The Eastern Pacific (off of the US west coast) is constantly the target of massive aerosol spraying operations as shown in the image below. Is "solar radiation management" the only goal of this spraying, or are the known drought causing impacts of atmospheric aerosol saturation and ionosphere heater high pressure zones a desired outcome for the geoengineers? The electrically conductive heavy metals being sprayed enhances the effectiveness of ionosphere heater installations (like HAARP) which would then increase the weather-makers ability to create and maintain consistent zones of high pressure. What does a completely sprayed Eastern Pacific look like on a radar map? The reflective metals show up like precipitation when there is none, the radar image below is a glaring example. Climate engineering is about power and control, and about hiding the severity of climate damage already done (while doing even more damage at the same time) from a population that so far has not wanted to face the truth in the first place. The climate engineers have managed to keep the Eastern US cooler than average for almost three years in spite of a record warm world. Why? To help manipulate the perception of the US population. How anomalous has the Eastern US cool-down been? The map below covers "departure from normal high temperatures" for a two year period from 2013 to 2015, this is clear as it gets. What should the expected impacts should be in the US for a strong El Niño Event? With a potential record El Niño, abundant precipitation should show up in California with overall temperatures pushed from above normal to far above normal throughout the US. Higher temperatures should be especially prevalent given the fact that our planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown. All this being said, how is it some of the latest "forecasts" call for the US West to continue frying into the fall with little to no rain and with wildfires still raging? And with predicted snowfall further inland? Next, given the fact that we have a record warm world, record warm oceans surrounding the US, a record El Niño, and predictions of above normal highs in the Northern US, how can it be possible for winter predictions of a "below average" temperature band to run right through the US from Southern California, to the Gulf Coast, to New York, covering some of the most heavily populated zones of the country? The "forecast map" below should be carefully examined. Other maps (below) use terms like "wintry battle zone" to describe their predictions for the southern states (in spite of the record warm condition of our planet already noted). The map below also states there may be "above normal" snow in spite of warmer temperatures, who is making and running the weather forecast industry? Continuously cooling down heavily populated regions of the US is about engineering public perception for as long as possible. In regard to weather forecasting, with few exceptions, the global power structure owns it all. The Rothschilds own much of the industry where the very defense industry contractors that are heavily involved in the climate engineering insanity actually supply the weather modeling "predictions" for government agencies like The National Weather Service and NOAA. The Weather Channel is owned by multinational corporations that are a core part of the global power cabal. And let's not forget about Monsanto Corporation and their purchase of "Climate Corp" for nearly a billion dollars. Controlling the message also allows them to control public perception. Meteorologists are (with few exceptions)  paid liars who are simply reading scripts. Their job is to convince the population that the completely engineered climate is just "natural weather". Their job is to convince the population that "mostly sunny" predictions that involve the sprayed-out skies we are all subjected to is just normal. Their job is to cover the tracks of the criminal climate engineering insanity. Anyone that contributes to such a cover-up in exchange for a paycheck and a pension should be considered a criminal accomplice to the geoengineering crimes. When the Weather Channel is not busy covering for the geoengineers, they now simply show countless reality shows in order to altogether avoid actually covering the engineered weather. So how about those predicted cold zones which are surrounded by record warm oceans and a record warm world? Welcome to engineered snow storms. The Chinese openly announced their practice of engineering snow storms out of what should have been rain until they did a billion dollars of damage to Beijing, does anyone believe our government does not know how to do the same? With enough atmospheric moisture the geoengineers can produce snowstorms under a wide variety of conditions. The July 2015 snowstorm in Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of many examples. The extra moisture from El Niño will be used for the chemical cool-downs already scheduled for the US this winter. As the planetary meltdown accelerates, the Arctic continues to melt and glaciers continue to disintegrate around the world, the climate engineers are becoming increasingly desperate and blatant in their aggressive planetary assault. It appears that the moisture Northern California needs so badly may be siphoned by the climate engineers for use further east

While Disinformation Sources Rant About The Coming Ice Age, Record Heat Waves Continue To Kill

Ideology, bias, and special interests are blinding both sides of the fence in regard to global warming and the lethal geoengineering reality. In environmental circles there is a clear and correct recognition of the fact that the planet is warming at an astounding pace, yet, there is a perplexing denial of the ongoing climate engineering insanity (which is mathematically the greatest single negative influence on the climate system overall). Available evidence proves beyond any reasonable doubt that geoengineering is a reality, not a proposal, so why the denial from environmentalists?  On the other side of the fence, in the ranks of the anti-geoengineering community, there is also an unfortunate level of denial in regard to the fact that our planet is melting down with climate engineering helping to fuel the fire. If we are to have any chance of exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity we must stand on solid ground in regard to the facts, credibility is essential. It is essential to consistently examine breaking data from the front lines in order to build solid and credible conclusions. The article below contains verifiable breaking information though the author has not yet shown the courage to acknowledge the climate engineering issue (I have tried to communicate with him). Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Hothouse Mass Casualties Strike Egypt, Heat wave Continues To Hospitalize Thousands In Japan Source: Robert Scribbler Back in May, official temperatures soared to 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) as humidity levels spiked in Cairo, Egypt. The early high heat and humidity sparked anxiety among residents worrying over the coming summer. Public complaints about official temperatures being lower than actual measures were widespread among a populace vulnerable to heat exposure in a notoriously hot region of the world suffering the ongoing impacts of human-forced warming. The below video captures some of the sentiment of a few months ago, when concern that record global temperatures in the range of 1 degree Celsius above 1880s averages might result in harm to Egypt’s populace was widespread and growing: Egyptian residents feared the killing heat was coming back in May. Sadly, their concerns have born out as a powerful heatwave in July and August is resulting in tragic loss of life there.  Unfortunately, the early fears appear to have been all-too-valid. For in late July a seasonal flow of hot, humid air from India, Pakistan and the Persian Gulf began to settle over Egypt. The hot air issued from regions where deaths from 2015 heatwaves numbered in the hundreds and thousands, where hospitalizations numbered in the tens of thousands. As the heat dome extended its oppressive tendrils over Egypt, both temperatures and humidity spiked — pushing wet bulb readings into ranges that made it difficult for humans to maintain body temperatures. Official air temperature readings ranged from 35 to 47 degrees Celsius (95 to 116 degrees Fahrenheit) and the added moisture reduced the ability of evaporation to cool the skin. The risk of heat injury rose. And over the past few days this hot air and humidity spike began to prey on Egyptian residents. The result was 42 tragic deaths due to the excess heat over the past two days alone. Scores more were hospitalized as the entire country from north to south sweltered. Weather forecasts, unfortunately, show the hothouse heat continuing to blanket Egypt throughout the coming month. Let’s hope that, somehow, the terrible toll in heat casualties abates. Japan Heatwave Mass Casualty Event Continues Sunset in Tokyo. Photo credit: Ludovic Lubeigt It’s a hotter world we live in now. One in which any of us living on Earth are now four times as likely to experience a heatwave than we were during the 1880s. And at the most extreme end of this spectrum are the heatwave mass casualty events — which this year have been very numerous and widespread. Italy, Egypt, the Persian Gulf, Pakistan, Indiaand Japan have now all experienced mass hospitalizations and deaths due to the excess heat of a world forced to rapidly warm by human fossil fuel emissions. For Japan, which has been experiencing heatwave related deaths and hospitalizations since July, the harm due to excess heat spiked to new extremes this week. There, over the past seven days alone, nearly 12,000 people were hospitalized due to heat stroke. That’s the highest number of heatwave related casualties since tracking of these new events began in 2008. And of the thousands hospitalized, an additional 32 souls were lost. Heat and humidity from a pool of anomalously hot ocean water is still blasting Japan, resulting in the hospitalization of an ever-rising number heatstroke victims. Sea surface temperatures remain in the range of 2-4 degrees Celsius above average as a heat dome high pressure system swelters Japan. Sea surface temperature anomaly map by Earth Nullschool. The new wave of deaths and hospitalizations brings to over 45,000 the total number of heat stroke victims requiring emergency care in Japan during this summer alone. More than a thousand of these victims have required care extending longer than 3 weeks. And, tragically, more than 85 souls have now been lost. During this time, Tokyo shattered its record for longest period of 35 C (95 F) degree or hotter days running. The above 35 C readings extended for a full eight days from July 31 to August 7th. It’s high heat and humidity that resulted in hundreds of hospitalizations for that city alone. And though the heat has somewhat abated, temperatures during recent days have remained in the range of 33 to 34 C (92 to 94 F)– still scorching-hot for a typically much cooler city. Overall, Japan’s oppressive heat dome hasn’t budged. And it will likely remain in place until extremely hot sea surface temperatures surrounding Japan begin to abate. As of today, there was little sign of such relief as the hot waters remained in the range of 2-4 degrees Celsius above average. And so the hot waters continued to pump both heat and moisture into the air around and over Japan, spiking wet bulb readings and creating a dangerous situation for residents not at all used

Geoengineering And The Loss Of Photosynthesis

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Global climate engineering is wreaking havoc on crop production all over the world. Geoengineering's devastating effects come in many forms including drought, deluge, extreme UV radiation levels, and the total contamination of the entire planet, but what impact is climate engineering having on photosynthesis and thus our ability to grow food? The most obvious and easily identified factor in regard to photosynthesis is the blocking of direct sunlight, this is the stated goal of solar radiation management (SRM). Reduction of the total solar radiation (sum of direct and diffused) in the photosynthetically active part of the spectrum (0.4-0.7 µ) reduces photosynthesis, which in turn leads to a reduction in productivity. Settling of aerosol particles (e.g., fly ash, black carbon and dust) on the plants can shield the leaves from solar radiation. In addition, aerosol deposition can increase acidity and cause plant damage. The points cited above were taken from peer reviewed scientific study on the effect of atmospheric aerosols on photosynthesis. Toxic light scattering heavy metals like aluminum (a primary element used in SRM programs) are, of course, not mentioned in the study since the scientific community does their best to stay away from any admission of climate engineering due to the effect such an admission would have on their careers or worse. Global Dimming Blocking the sun is the primary purpose of solar radiation management, this effect is called "global dimming". The 6 minute video below on global dimming is important to view and understand. Though the film makers also did not speak directly about the issue of climate engineering for the reasons already cited above, the information presented is still completely relevant and alarming. Does the blanket of sun blocking aerosols used for SRM actually contribute to the overall heating of the planet instead of cooling it as we are told? Does this heating also impact photosynthesis? Yes, and again, yes. Even NASA admits that ever more prolific aircraft trails in our skies are warming the planet overall. Recent studies prove that geoengineering programs CAN'T WORK.  Earth is currently heating at the thermal energy equivalent of 4 Hiroshima Bombs per second. The rapidly warming climate has a profound effect on photosynthesis. Photo credit: Sven Dräger Excessive heat stops all Photosynthesis Photosynthesis stops at 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Few are aware of this fact as the power structure does not want the media and official agencies they control to report on it. 2014 was the warmest  year on record, 2015 is on pace to shatter that record and 2016 will likely break the record yet again. As global temperatures rapidly climb (with geoengineering helping to fuel the warming overall), harvests will continue to sharply decline. The constant spraying of toxic sun blocking SRM aerosols will further magnify the mounting crop loss. Mongolia has just lost 80% of their crops and crop loss in Venezuala has caused the government to order farmers to hand over their produce to the state. These are only two of countless unfolding crop loss catastrophes. The climate engineering juggernaut of destruction is disrupting all the planet's life support systems in too many ways to quantify. All are needed in the battle to expose and halt geoengineering, learn how you can help and join us in this all important fight. DW  

Geoengineering Is Fueling Superheated Pacific Dead Zones

The Eastern Pacific ocean is superheating, as this process continues, so will marine ecosystem implosion. The climate engineers have aggressively interfered with all of the planet's processes and natural cycles. This includes the El Niño events which the weather makers have actively tried to suppress. Why? It was likely done in order to temporarily hide the escalating planetary meltdown by attempting to bottle up much of the rapidly building heat in the oceans. Even worse, ocean fertilization (another calamitous form of climate engineering) is contributing to the unfolding ecosystem collapse in our seas. All of these processes are fueling stagnant stratified superheated dead zones with exploding blooms of highly toxic algae. The article below is the latest update from the front lines. Though the climate engineering subject is taboo for all mainstream sources of information, the data cited is still accurate and alarming. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Record Algae Bloom Laced With Toxins Is Flourishing In "The Blob" — And Spreading In The North Pacific Source: Discover, article by Tom Yulsman An animation of satellite images showing algae blooming in the waters around Vancouver Island on July 18, 2015. See below for a detailed explanation. (Images: NASA Worldview. Animation: Tom Yulsman) It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska. More about that warm water in a minute. But first, that giant algae bloom: It consists of tiny marine plants known as phytoplankton, and it is “laced with some toxic species that have had far-reaching consequences for sea life and regional and local economies,” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Toxins from the algae are suspected to have contributed to the deaths of at least nine Fin whales near Kodiak Island, Alaska, in June, although a definitive cause has not yet been determined, NOAA says.  There have also been reports of dead and dying whales, gulls, and forage fish in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, possibly connected to the algae. And over the past few months, according to NOAA: . . . extremely high levels of an algal toxin called domoic acid, which is produced by a group of phytoplankton called Pseudo-nitzschia, have led to closures of recreational razor clam harvests in Oregon and Washington, as well as closing of large portions of the Washington state Dungeness crab fishery and some of the sardine and anchovy fisheries in California. You can see evidence of part of the vast algae bloom in the animation above. It consists of satellite views of the waters surrounding Vancouver Island, and off the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. The colorful image consists of data from NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites. The yellow, orange and red colors are indicative of relatively high levels of chlorophyll in the water. Like all plants, phytoplankton use chlorophyll for photosynthesis, the process by which they use sunlight for their energy needs. The other image shows the same scene but in natural color. I have fiddled with the contrast a little to make the greenish and brownish swirls of algae stand out. Average chlorophyll concentrations in milligrams per cubic meter of water for July 2015. The darkest green areas have the highest surface chlorophyll concentrations and the largest amounts of phytoplankton—including both toxic and harmless species. Vancouver Island is circled. (NOAA Climate.gov map based on Suomi NPP satellite data provided by NOAA View.) The map above charts average chlorophyll concentrations during July in the northeast Pacific, from Baja to Alaska. Have a look at Vancouver Island, which I’ve circled. Some of the deepest greens, and therefore highest concentrations of chlorophyll, are found there. But California, Oregon and Washington aren’t far behind! The Blob The abnormally warm water suspected as a culprit in the algae bloom doesn’t quite look blobbish right now — more like two giant patches: Okay, in the map above of sea surface temperature anomalies for today (Aug. 6, 2015), the warm patch off the west coast of British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, does look blobby. The other one, off California and the Baja Peninsula, is more irregular. (There’s also quite a bit of toastiness in between the two.) The warm water has shifted around a bit over the weeks, but it has been a persistent feature for a long time now. In fact, it began forming about two years ago. It also appears to have played a significant role in California’s record-setting drought. You’ll also note that massive spear of warm water extending along the equator from South America across a good portion of the Pacific. That’s, El Niño — and it’s continuing to get stronger. It has, in fact, been called a “Godzilla El Niño… So there you have it — exploding, toxic algae blooms, a Godzilla El Niño, and The Blob. If I weren’t such a weather weenie, I’d be bloody scared… I might add that El Niño and the Blob together like this constitute something that I don’t believe has been seen before.  And so meteorologists and climatologists have been scratching their heads trying to figure out whether The Blob will interfere with a strong El Niño’s typical effects on weather. These include significantly boosted odds for copious winter precipitation in parts of California. Will Godzilla eat the blob? What would that even mean? (And would Godzilla get sick from the toxic algae?!) We’ll have to wait another few months to learn the answers. Source: Discover

The “Tucson Weekly” Covers Climate Reality

We live in a world of smoke, mirrors, paid deception, and total denial. In the article below it would be more accurate to say that the Tucson Weekly covered part of the climate reality (though they left out the largest single factor to the equation, climate engineering). As conditions get rapidly worse on countless fronts, the denial grows greater from so many directions. Such behavior is a human defense mechanism that paradoxically will lead us to certain extinction if this behavior is not overcome. Scientists like Guy McPherson only tell half truths, half the equation. When I met personally with Guy, his denial of the geoengineering elephant in the room was nothing short of fanatical and aggressive. With this in mind, no matter how dire predictions are under the current course of our species, the most major consideration of all is being completely omitted from the equation, what would occur if there was a complete cessation of the climate engineering juggernaut of destruction? To simply expose the geoengineering assault against the planet and all life would shatter the foundations of the global power structure. Populations around the world would take to the streets in a shock wave of justifiable outrage. Our military brothers and sisters would then be forced to awaken to the fact that they are being used as a mechanism of their own demise. We could then have a real chance to halt climate engineering and let the planet respond on its own to the damage done. We could then inhale air that is not laden with a toxic soup of heavy metals and chemicals which are raining down from the ongoing geoengineering atmospheric spraying. We would have a chance. The article below from the Tucson Weekly is an important read and contains dire data that is for the most part on target (the climate engineering factor is of course omitted by all parties quoted in the article including Rockefeller funded environmental group 350.org).  If we just go on about our lives without making the fight to expose geoangineering a priority, we will have no chance. If we face reality head-on, and make our voices heard, we may yet accomplish astounding good, even at this late hour. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Should We Fear Near-Term Human Extinction? Source: Tucson Weekly, article by Ted Taylor Most of us have figured out by now that we are toast: Humanity will be wiped out by an asteroid, supernova, massive volcanic eruptions, global axis shift, some untreatable virus, nuclear war or climate change. Our sun is going supernova. We've seen the disaster movies, read the books and laughed at the cartoons.  But how quickly? University of Arizona emeritus natural resources professor Guy McPherson, author of Extinction Dialogs: How to Live with Death in Mind, which he co-authored with Carolyn Baker, recently spoke at a Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene, Oregon, offering dire, even shocking predictions. In his talk, McPherson figures the sixth extinction in Earth's geologic history is already under way. We could see massive die-offs of humans and other species in as little as 18 months, and humanity has at best 10 to 20 years. "I could be wrong," he admits. McPherson accuses climate scientists of "malpractice" for not being candid with the public about "our 99 percent certainty of death." "There is no expiration date stamped on us, but we have triggered events that will lead to our extinction in the not-too-distant future," he says.  "Near-term human extinction" even has an acronym, NTHE, and McPherson is certainly not the first scientist or science writer to say we've damaged our ecosystem too much to fix it. The perfect storm of overpopulation, industrialization, pollution, deforestation, monocrops and pesticides, invasive species, urban sprawl, overfishing, warfare, reliance on fossil fuels, ignorance and corruption (and accompanying bad public policy) have had scientists waving distress flags for decades, even before Rachel Carson's Silent Spring of 1960. The warnings have been ignored or ridiculed at the international, national, state and even local level, thanks in part to a well-funded, right-wing campaign representing the short-term interests of heavy industry, mining and fossil fuel corporations. A growing number of Americans, a record 40 percent, think the dangers of climate change are exaggerated, according to Gallup polling in recent years.  President Obama has helped Democrats wake up to the seriousness of climate change, but 68 percent of Republicans believe the threat is non-existent or overblown. Science is playing second fiddle to politics. McPherson is correct that few climate scientists are talking about imminent human extinction, but is it a matter of professional "malpractice" or is the scientific community simply less inclined to radical extrapolation for fear of losing credibility (and grants)? Although McPherson is a scientist, he's not a climate scientist doing field research. Phil Mote, director of the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute at Oregon State University, is skeptical of McPherson's predictions: "I've been connected to national and international assessments of the state of the science of climate change, and although my colleagues and I are generally very concerned about what challenges climate change is bringing to humankind, no expert that I have read has used language like 'extinction of the human race.' I refer of course to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, U.S. National Climate Assessment and various U.S. National Academy of Sciences reports."  Mote is involved with the IPCC, which won the Nobel Prize in 2007 along with Al Gore for their "efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change." Elizabeth Kolbert, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Sixth Extinction, says, "What is clear, and what is beyond dispute, is that we are living in a time of very, very elevated extinction rates, on the order that you would see in a mass extinction, though a mass extinction might take many thousands of years to play out." What do local climate change activists think about McPherson and his predictions? "I can appreciate the sledgehammer—especially when people with


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