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Climate Engineering, Is It Working?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Is climate engineering cooling down our planet? Overall, absolutely not. If you live in the eastern half of the North American Continent, you may be very skeptical about the fact that our planet is warming at unprecedented speed, but it is important to remember that the eastern half of the lower US 48 states is only 1/2 of 1 % of the Earth’s surface area (.5%). Thats not much, and the world is much bigger. In addition, the massive all out climate engineering assault is radically stratifying the atmosphere which means that the geoengineers only have to create “cool” layer of air that sits on the surface (cold air is much more dense so it settles). Since the atmosphere is not mixing as it historically did, that cold layer creates much confusion and many “cold” headlines which is exactly what the climate engineers and the power structure wants. Completely engineered chemically ice nucleated storms help to create the cold layer just described. The climate engineers are cooling some regions down at the expense of completely contaminating the entire surface of the planet and worsening the overall warming.

The Most Dire Climate Assessment Ever Still Fails To Acknowledge Climate Engineering

Today, November 2nd, the largest scientific panel ever assembled on any subject in human history has issued the most dire warning yet on the state of the climate. This being said, the assessment still falls far short of stating how horrifically the climate is damaged and worse still the report does not say a word about the catastrophic and ongoing climate engineering programs. In our Orwellian world of total denial and omission the population is still completely oblivious to the fact that our biosphere is imploding. The global geoengineering assault is radically accelerating this planetary unraveling. Though the article below totally omits any mention of climate engineering, and is conservative in its still alarming conclusions, the data it does contain should be evaluated and considered. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Hot Or Cold? Unravelling The Confusion

Divided houses don’t stand for long and those in power know it all too well. The video below is a very light, humorous, but accurately assembled presentation on realities that are very spun by the media and thus very misunderstood by the public. In the words of Mark Twain “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”. For those in the anti-climate engineering community, we must be sure our conclusions are grounded in rock solid facts and not in preconceptions and ideology. We cannot ask or expect others to reexamine their reality on issues like climate engineering, if we ourselves don’t constantly examine our own conclusions on the true state of the climate and how it relates to the geoengineering programs. Though the 6 minute video below does not address the ongoing climate engineering and its horrific effects, the information it does present is on target in regard to the current state of the climate system. Understanding the data on this issue is imperative to gaining credibility and traction in the fight against climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Planetary Meltdown Continues

The oceans of the world are the bottom line factor in determining the overall global temperatures. As the oceans heat up, the land masses will follow. It is important to remember that a cubic meter of sea water can hold 4000 times the thermal energy of a cubic meter of air. As the climate engineers and their completely controlled weather agencies like NOAA and NWS try frantically to make it appear that the world is not as hot as it really is, nevertheless the planetary high temperature records continue to be broken. The geoengineers can temporarily and toxically cool down large areas in order to gain a few “cooling” headlines and statistics in order to help sell climate engineering behind closed doors. NOAA and NWS are falsifying statistics TO THE DOWN SIDE  to help hide the true magnitude of the warming. In spite of all these efforts, the warming is so rapid that it cannot be truly hidden from any who do honest and objective investigation. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Last month, Earth’s ocean surfaces tied the previous record for the hottest July during the 130 years the U.S. government has been compiling data.

Engineered “Cool Down” Is Short Lived

The temperature map below shows degrees “ABOVE NORMAL” for this Saturday. Almost the entire country is above normal , much of it 15 and even 20 degrees ABOVE NORMAL. Of course on any given day the climate engineers can change predictions, plans, alter forecasts and the reality on the ground, so any forecast maps are subject to change.

Geoengineering Weather

This essay begins with a question:  is “global warming”, aka “climate change” a diversion from weather modification by geoengineering, including HAARP, chemtrails, and microwave pulses?


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